R/politics mods remove rising story of Hillary Clinton's IT guy asking Reddit for help in changing email files

4263  2016-09-19 by _Alvin_Row_

It had over a +1,000 score, 75% upvoted. Here's a link to the story (new link!): http://redstatewatcher.com/article.asp?id=38414



They banned me for that. Mods are also ctr scabs

Well thats some bullshit man. Fuck those guys.

to be clear, 5/8 of the top posts on /r/politics is about the it guy right now

Yes, now they are, but this morning, when I made my OP, they were deleting everything.

Its like trying to fight a rising tide. They tried to do it with the bombings also.

There trying to wrestle the reigns back but the internet is kinda unwieldy

These people are mental, trying to bury info like they starred in Yentl.

Think about how many "we did it, Reddit" snafu's there have been so far. Even if /r/politics didn't resemble the DC beltway right now, it would still do some good to keep this away from there. It needs to be validated and Gowdy'd, before Clinton can rebut it.

Unsubscribe. When r/conspiracy is more reliable than r/news and r/politics, we have major problems. Seriously, I can't believe how biased they are.

I only resubbed /r/politics when Hillary stole the primary, due to all of the crap I was hearing on smaller subs.

Edit: I changed a word from won to stole, based on downstream suggestion. Lay off the guy, he's alright.



edit: Thanks for the downvotes, considering my FTFY was merged upstream.

Won by cheating? I don't get what you're saying

Check out the election justice USA report. She "won" by fabricating caucus results, eliminating polling stations in poor areas, illegally changing party affiliations for Bernie supporters, effectively running closed primaries even in open primary states (especially California, which is yuuuuuge), and last but not least, by having the electronic voting machines cheat in her favor.

To be clear.. I don't think she masterminded all this. She's little more than a bankster / globalist puppet.. and she's definitely expendable.

...so she won by cheating? Or do you think she is absolved because it was the DNC? Who have been proven to have been coordinating with her?

The entire DNC machine was mobilized to coordinate her coronation. What do you mean absolved? Absolved by whom?

So what was the point of your original post? I totally agree with you. The DNC is a bunch of corrupt cowards. But "cheated" is a far more applicable term than "won".

/u/luvs2spooge187's original comment actually said won, but was then updated in response to my snarky scare quotes.

Fact. I responded to his snark with snark of my own, but didn't change the record to reflect.

All hail the snark.

Noted, thank you.

I'm with you- she will go down in history with an asterisk by her name. I also don't think I need to even bother voting, because I am certain she rigged the next election too.

don't forget r/The_Donald

The Donald is a mixed bag-saying things like they are and putting out the news that no one will cover (...unless it is a prison union strike or evil oil company laying a pipeline on Native American lands). Mostly just really focused on making sure everyone knows how in trouble America is.


You get banned just for calling CTR shills out on that sub. Hillary has completely bought r/politics.

In other news: water wet. More at 11.

(Dips finger in water...) He's right!

100% accurate, as soon as she got the nomination it was a downhill battle against her army of paid shills, and the shill mods enabling that BS.

I got banned simply for calling someone a shill. One day, but still. I also got banned from the_Donald for being a "terrorist apologist/supporter", so I mean, take it for what it's worth. Individual subs are gonna regulate how they see fit, whether we like it or not

OR both candidates are bought and sold. That's a very solid option.

I thought that was sort of implied

Becoming a Mod means you have achieved "Gaining Full Control"


Link is the CTR play book, 6 steps for trolling a 'forum'.

What... the....... fuck...........

Do you have the rest of the play book?

Damn. Hadn't seen that one yet, although it's pretty much what I expected given what I've seen in various threads. The source is solid though, right? I mean, I could feasibly see this also being made up.

Christ it's hard to tell sometimes.

I believe the picture was from either from our or Israels government for shilling online, not Hillary. It's most likely the same tactics they are using though.

wtf did I just read?

Me too. Thanks

price of food must be going up. only bernie can save us now. we need to get on our knees and beg the old man to step in for poor sickly hillary she did nothing wrong shes just sick, now let him take over and dismantle trump. and damn hes got the new york accent right now he would pick him apart.

but i also dont to consider that it could be a fucking triple cross! no thats just too much.

plug for /r/FreePolDiscussion, politics without censorship/CTR controlled mods

Unfortunately, the reality is that no subreddit will ever take over r/politics as the sub for political discussion. We are, for the time being, stuck with the absolutely horrible moderation there.

These dumbasses need to remember they are not dictators, they are janitors. Get off your fucking high horse and let people have an actual open discussion.

They probably get paid more than janitors.

And they probably are in a constant risk of getting decapitated while shaving or their car spontaneously exploding while driving if they stopped doing this kind of shit.

Implying they shave or even leave their basement.

No way. They do it because their way is "right" and everybody else is evil. They think they're slaying dragons and protecting the free world from Hitler.

They believe that, you are right. Unfortunately they are hand delivering it to Stalin. Or as they like to say it, Literally Stalin.

This is the attitude that will prevent any change. It's the same reason our political system is so fucked up.

"My contribution is meaningless, so I shouldn't bother."

I completely agree that attitude is the reason our system is in such bad shape.

My intent with the above was that we cannot move the conversation to another sub, we must fight to change the conversation on the popular subreddit.

I dunno.. it's near impossible to fight them on their turf. It's like going into a battle with swords vs. machine guns. A la The Last Samurai.

It's 5k now, how does a post dorp this many upvotes?

The new algorithm! Oh yeah it's so good!

Funny how they changed it to try and shut down /r/The_Donald but they still manage to hit the front page with the high energy shitposting.

Dank memes melt algorithms

From what I remember, they had an algorithm in place for a while that would drop the total points for a post after a certain number of votes and after a certain time.

4.7k now

What is going on? Are they trying to downvote this out of people's view instead of deleting it?


How do the total number of votes decrease?


This post has a score of 23k and vote total of 24k.

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i wonder if a certain subreddit is mass downvoting it ....

The votes you see are not the actual votes on reddit. Votes on popular posts are estimated using current voting velocity, not based on absolute vote counts. This is to allow quickly rising posts a chance to appear on the front page of reddit, even if their servers are slow. When you upvote, that has to be mirrored across each of their servers to actually be considered, and when large amounts of votes are coming in, this is going to be inaccurate. It's really cool how reddit's algorithms work.

I've never seen a post be dorped so quickly before.

Indeed it was there a couple mins ago. Thought it was weird they'd let that kind of article through. Now we're here.

It's actually the #1 post on voat: http://voat.co/v/politics

Since when did voat matter

Ever since reddit was obviously censoring shit. Like not sub mobs but actual admins.. systematic.. that kinda th i ng.

But hey, keep doing you.


Since day 1? Yeah youre thinking I'm the idiot here.

And I'm on both, but thanks, I guess?

Voat's a piece of shit.

It is, yet it isn't censoring news to aid someone either. /shrug

What's bad about it? It just looks like a direct clone of reddit. I haven't used it, am I missing something? just curious.

Google the word voat and /v/fatpeoplehate and /v/youngladies pops up. Second which is or pedos. Meaning those are the subs with the most traffic. Used to also be /v/niggers.

Sorry this is really late as a response, been somewhat busy lately. VOAT is basically populated by the droves of people the took offense to VERY offensive subreddits being banned. A LOT of people were up in arms after all that drama took place and were threatening to all leave for VOAT. Now, while I'm sure the majority of them ended up staying and changing their minds, I'd be willing to bet a good number of some of the worst actually did leave and since gotten many more people like them to join/stay.

I could just be talking out of my ass though, just a hunch and some things I've heard. /shrug

They do censor people though

I'll take an honest moron over a intelligent crook

No, that's a piece of shit site with piece of shit people. It's 4chan lite without any of the irony or the charm.


Yeah, that was on purpose. Voat has less than that.

nobody gives a shit what you think or like. It has freedom which is what the users there value

As long as you don't disagree we with the racist hive mind.

You are so fake. Stop already.

you're fucking retarded.

Yeah clearly I am the retard. Go back to your candlelit 4chan.

What is your reason for thinking that?

It's 4chan lite without any of the irony but it's worse because its just as big of an echo chamber as Reddit and they try to hide it under the pretense of "race realism." You basically can't have a contrary opinion without being downvoted into oblivion, which prevents you from commenting even further, ironically censoring anybody not in with the groupthink.

At one point is was great, I'd joined like 2 years ago, way before Coontown and FPH when you could actually have a disagreement with someone without it turning into a flamewar. Now everybody's on offensive.

Thanks for the reply.

Since when did reddit matter?

"Since when did Reddit matter" -Some Guy on Digg

Some guy on reddit actually

As of right now, it's the #6 and #15 story on reddit.com/r/all. #6 links from /r/the_donald. #15 links from r/conspiracy.

Accidentally linked wrong thing: http://redstatewatcher.com/article.asp?id=38414

you should be able to edit the text in the self-post, yes?

Was on mobile and not able to edit, but just hopped on my computer and switched it up

Get the Relay app. Works for editing.


Yeah they removed the original one 9 hours before this one. The mods explained why they removed it in the current one. So you're actually a dumbass

Well, you linked to Eddie Lacy's twitter, which doesn't contain anything of value.

To be fair, after yesterday's injuries there probably is an NFL conspiracy

There has absolutely been a global conspiracy against my fantasy team after drafting Keenan Allen in the third round, then trading for Doug Martin. We should solve this one next.

hope you're a waiver master

Last year I was. I need Tyrell Williams to keep having all of his teammates snap their ACLs until he's the only one left to throw to.

God damn you, Woodhead's ACL is snapped. You're like 2/5th's of the way there.

Got my eyes on you, Benjamin!!!

Lol will fix in a second.


send it to drudge, zerohedge, breitbart

Already been sent

Have you ever considered it was removed because it goes against site wide rules about Doxxing reddit accounts? They Donald had to remove it too for the same reason.

Why is this comment downvoted? Seems like a normal question.

Because it goes against the circlejerk. There always has to be a insidious reason.

Isn't the account his own name? I believe he also included his first name in some of his posts.

I mean, if I reveal the true "secret identity" of /u/governorschwarzenegger/ ... will I be banned for doxxing?

No the username is not his real name.

No his account name was a named after a WoW item it's not even close to what his real name is.

I mean, if I reveal the true "secret identity" of /u/governorschwarzenegger/ ... will I be banned for doxxing?

No because he already a public figure who has done public AMA's. not the same thing.

So if you've done nothing to expose your true identity on Reddit, but somebody figures out who you are, that is doxxing?

That's like, the definition of doxxing.

So what if a police officer contacts you via reddit personally? Is that illegal?

They would a) likely have no way to prove that it's you, and b) not be making your personal information public like the previously mentioned post was.

But they know anyway? And it ok if they don't release the info? That's a pretty cool loophole


It's because it was a blog post and they don't allow it. It only allows from news sites.

Really wish people would stop bitching about /r/politics "censoring" when really it's just them enforcing their fairly strict, but reasonable rules.

99% of the time it's removed for one of the following rules:

  1. Title isn't the title of the article (which is reasonable to prevent people from taking articles out of context or misinterpreting it)
  2. The article source is either a junk news site with little-to-no evidence supporting their claims or non-news sources such as blogs or random links to archives, posts, or OP's findings.
  3. The article is making accusations or assertions of important information before an official statement has verified it. (Typically referring to live breaking news about a major event)
  4. The article contains private information or encourages doxxing of a non-public figure based on non-official evidence. (Such as the case today)
  5. Similar post already exists on the subreddit's front page and doesn't add enough to justify a new post.

Every time people accuse them of "censoring" posts, it's usually on frontpage shortly after once a post emerges that follows the above rules.

The problem is when it's the far and away most trafficked posts that are getting deleted....sometimes it matters less who posted first and matters more where people are gravitating. That's social media 101...

First one with traction is typically how mods do it, unless at the time of removal another one has significantly more traction... otherwise, people will just keep retrying until they have one with even more traction and cry foul if it's removed.

I just saw it with 7000+ votes on my front page....it looks like its still up...its at the top of r/politics now with 7717 up votes....not sure whats going on

It was first submitted about 9 hours ago. The mods responded in the top of the r/politics thread.

The story is #1 on r/politics now. Daily Caller version is mod-proof. USN&WR just picked up the story too. Snowballing.

Silly how we are hung up on this. The solution is easy. . . Don't vote for Hillary or Trump.

Amen brotha.

Trump would at least bring back democracy. He's not a part of the cult.

You got that half right...

Donald Trump is a gross manipulative shit head. Fuck the donald and fuck pol.


Basement dweller confirmed

Nope. In college and getting ready to go to Law School. Sorry to ruin your misconceptions.

I'd jump out of that boat real quick. Unless you have the connections. Ew

Oh I won't deny the problems in that field of work. There are a lot of people that try to take advantage of the innocent.

plug for /r/FreePolDiscussion, politics without censorship/CTR controlled mods

ofcourse they would sold out shillly sold out sub just like all the mains on today's reddit.

What's the significance of email address stripping? If she wanted her email address removed, what would she be covering up?

Would be the equivalent of deleting all your comments on reddit. Basically trying to disassociate with any communication done from that account.

If he was looking to do it, theres obviously a reason why. It would be interesting to look into what was in the emails 2 years ago that triggered the "oh shit we need to do this" response.

If the reason is obvious then what is it? No one here can even say what he was trying to achieve and why it was an issue. Total bunk story.

This is what's important - the scrubbing attempt was made after she was told to hand them over. They got deleted instead - that was the nuclear option.

She was cleared of wrong-doing due to a lack of "intent" to conceal the e-mails. This proves there WAS intent. Deleting was done after one of her guys tried to scrub her address from the e-mails. It's clear wrong-doing. Someone lied to the feds.

Except this is from 2014 and prior to the FBI investigation. Not that this would even hinder the FBI, they aren't going to wonder who was sending all those emails signed HB with the email blanked.

Pretty sure this is just a guy trying to stop his bosses email from entering the public domain before things get sent to the senate like he says. But whatever, I'm sure reddit detectives > actual journalists, as always /s

I don't know who you're trying to convince...like it or not, it's a big deal.

It's not just reddit anymore. Sorry.


This was during the Benghazi investigation - arguably a much bigger deal.

And now the House is stepping up to bat. Reddit journos > reddit lawyers, so far.


Or it's because when the FBI was searching her email address would be hidden.

From what I know, the system the lawyers used to crawl through those thousands of emails was based on the header information... Editing that would be basically trying to obscure emails from the people searching them.

Well, this was well before her use of a private email server was considered an issue.

This happened in July 2014, around the time a FOIA requests were made in regards to Benghazi and was one of several FOIA requests brought forward at the time. Upon that request, they released 8 emails that showed her use of a private email for the first time.

It could be that they wanted to change the addresses of those emails to deter from the fact that she was using a private email address, but I wouldn't say that's definitive, although, suspect.

However, this is before the "private email server" scandal came about. So suggesting this has to do with the use of a private email server investigation wouldn't be necessarily correct unless it was done very preemptively.

It wasn't until October that State Dept. sends letters to Clinton and her three predecessors as secretary of state seeking work emails related to personal accounts.

Her private email server wasn't subpoena until March 4th, 2015.

So based on this timeline, this means either they didn't end up replacing her email addresses in the end (effectively nullifying any allegations of ill-intent), or related to something else (which doesn't necessarily indicate ill-intent, but might suggest it), or was done very preemptively (requiring extreme foresight of the issue).


Destruction of evidence is a felony.

They say a picture is worth 1000 words : http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v248/lipris/shred-thumb.jpg

But what's the motivation to remove the email address? Dude wouldn't bother if there weren't a good reason.

because it gives Hillary plausible deniability to claim that she wasn't directly involved in the emails. Easier to blame others and throw them under the bus if there's no evidence that you yourself sent/received the documents or emails.

Who would know now that Hillary used her own email server if the emails she released had that address stripped?


Opposite. Sanitizing it to prevent public release.

Why would he bother removing the email addresses from the emails he was deleting anyway?

I think Clinton is a crook, and I love a good conspiracy as much as the next guy, but there's nothing shady about this.

No, this is important. He couldn't scrub them, and he was ordered to hand them over, so they had to be deleted.

That triggered an investigation, which found that Hillary didn't have "intent" to hide the e-mails.

This proves that, yes, she did. Deleting the e-mails was the nuclear option. This isn't even a conspiracy any more - this is the proof that something extremely shady was going on regarding hiding the e-mails.

Because going through the program they can make it look as if the emails were from someone else. So there were emails to and from her that are hidden in plain sight under a false name and address.

sooooo many bitches

It's literally the top post there right now...the problem was all those old posts were from really shitty and editorialized sources, not that DailyCaller is really really shitty but whatever.

What is it about you guys and abject stupidity?

Edit: now its literally #1 on /r/all ! Fucking shit for brains lol


It's strange. I went to the front page about 10 minutes ago (maybe more) and the /r/politics post was at the top. So I came back here to try to figure out what post they deleted. Then I went back to the front page and the post was gone (again, apparently). Such bullshit shenanigans from reddit admins and mods.

I see 4 different post about it on the front page of the sub.

It's like r/conspiracy and r/the_donald are merging. I smell a conspiracy.

I smell ctr.

I'm here for the gangbang

Devils advocate: there isn't enough evidence there

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I think they finally let one stay up now.


This thread and a thread about the email guy are next to eachother in my feed.

Yea, now. When this was posted at 9 that wasn't the case. It had been deleted multiple times

This is the shit I love about our sub!! We can focus in on the real stuff when the time is ready

Not surprised. I come here and to the_donald for political news discussion now. R/politic is also good.

Yes, now. The original went up around 9 a.m. EST. One finally broke through 7 hours later.

My apologies. I didn't realize how old this post was when I commented on it.

CTR is out in full force on /r/politics. I am amazed that it is being reported on there at all!

I don't know why, but for the longest time I had this psychological block, believing that Reddit was somehow unique in social media and resilient to censorship. This is obviously untrue, unless enough people move quickly enough and it blows up before the moderators can catch up and silence the issue. Reddit is just another company that will try to corall ideas like any other major news network.

It's unfortunate, but I like to hang out more on forums and IRC these days since it seems that it's not as cost-effective to infiltrate many small forums as opposed to large meta-forums like Facebook, Myspace and Reddit.

Why are they allowed to do that???

They also removed the one on /r/technology which was #1 on all for a bit

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It's not just /r/politics. It's also /r/technology


Their excuse for deleting it was an editorialization by OP. He/she failed to add a question mark to his post title.

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If the mods removed it because of the content, that's one of the most un-American things they could possibly do.

Unless you're going by day-and-age, because speaking contemporarily, I guess it is very American.

The only one they allow is so unrelated to Hillary as possible.

Really, that's gone? I saw it. It was unclear to me how to fully corroborate that story. If Reddit cleans up the post and the user is deleted... Done.

Seems like that post is still up... was it put back?

Then why do I still see it there?

Uhh. What?


The irony.

Holy fuck look at what time things were posted. The original was posted at 9 a.m. and deleted.

I get that. I was just finding it funny that the posts were next to each other on my feed.



You're obviously a sexist racist

Oh fuck me drunk. I really need a sarc tag you bunch of utter flats?

Lol I thought your joke was clear

That's not nice. You don't even know them.

So /r/politics won't validate every ridiculous conspiracy theory that Drumpf cucks can invent? Boo hoo. Fuck you.

I loathe Trump first off, secondly the only conspiracy here is the one Hillary's involved in.

Drumpf cucks

Are you 12, or just have the mind of one?

It is what Trumps minions call people with whom they don't agree. Total projection. He/she is most likely making fun of them.

No, he's just mad.

Amen brotha.

It's 5k now, how does a post dorp this many upvotes?

You got that half right...

Trump would at least bring back democracy. He's not a part of the cult.