With the Paul Combetta news being prominently featured on /r/conspiracy, prepare yourself for an influx of disinfo posts intended to make the sub look bad. I'm talking Flat Earth, UFO's, classic JTRIG techniques, please remember to visit the new page & upvote & downvote accordingly.

1081  2016-09-19 by [deleted]



This is where reddit shines. Yes good point we can all help out.

This has made me like reddit again for about 10 min.

I'm up to about 12 minutes. Pushing a new personal record. :)

I really really liked it when Hillary had her little episode on 9/11. The CTR shills didn't have talking points, so they stayed silent for the whole day. It went back to the old reddit immediately.

An r/politics post has sent it to the top of r/all for awhile now. It's out of the "foil hat" arena.

Was our community the one that did the research to figure all this out?

I don't think so. But it helped promote the story.

This needs to be stickied to the top for a few days.

EDIT: Is it weird that this makes me feel all fuzzy inside that this actually happened?

Was thinking the exact same thing. Seconded

This was my first thought before I'd even opened this. Thirded, sticky plz.

Also maybe link to that "Guide To Forum Spies" in the sidebar?

It always makes me laugh when I see "the gentle person's guide".

It was written originally as the Gentleman's Guide, but some tart cherry got triggered and changed the title to "gentle person" to fix some imaginary offense that the word gentleman produces in women.

Besides the annoying nature of people editing titles and descriptions to remove masculine pronouns, I built the original unedited "Gentleman's Guide" directly into our wiki with added features such as page anchors so you can link to specify paragraphs within the work.




To find this anchors, just click on the table of content links and copy paste from your browser.

Thanks:) sorry I'd have dunnit but mobile/lazy. We got Orangutans for that shit anyway.

For few weeks, at least.

Yup, CTR going come out in full force with their forum manipulation. At this point, that's not even a conspiracy

The Flat Earthers aren't the only group who make us look bad; the white supremacists and Hitler apologists do a great job of that, too, and the worst part is that they are more likely to expect genuine legitimacy.

The Flat Earth front group needs to be shut down, but I honestly wouldn't mind seeing every white nationalist in this sub get banned, as well. They are the reason why I left 4chan, and I don't want to be exposed to their poisonous vomit here, either.

The amount of holocaust deniers responding to your comment is absolutely horrifying.

I know. There are a lot more of them in this subreddit than most people think. They will take advantage of any online environment which is even marginally uncontrolled. They are determined to rehabilitate the reputation of fascism via deception, and take us all into endless war; war purely for its' own sake.

I agree. I'm also embarrassed by the sandy hook and 9/11 etc truthers. Those nutters hangin around make the rational conspiracy theorists look just as bad.

Piss off, concern troll.

You're no conspiracy theorist.

concern troll.

thats the theme of this sticky

BREAKING: Disinfo in a truth forum!

How OP believes there is no such thing as an unidentified flying object is borderline retarded.

Flat earth is bogus, however, there are things wrong with the official Holocaust narrative.

After allied bombing of critical infrastructure and whatnot there was a shortage of food and medicine being produced and delivered. Vehicles, railroads, production buildings, and maybe even farmland was destroyed which yielded to a shortage of food and medicine being produced and delivered. Many in the Nazi camps have died from disease.

Check out /r/Holocaust and /r/Holocaust/wiki

One of the most prominent Holocaust revisionists, David Cole, is Jewish himself.

Check out this shady reddit sub for holocaust denial and/or minimization without reliable sources.

Yeah, sure.

I'd like you to look at this site that actually cites reliable works by historians in every one of his articles.

There is good content in /r/Holocaust and /r/Holocaust/wiki . Holocaust revisionism is not Holocaust denial. That sub contains well done documentaries, lectures, books, book length studies, and whatnot. Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance.

Edit: Judging by the down votes and in a shorter time to review what I have posted there is some condemnation without investigation and cognitive dissonance happening...

Here are a few examples:

Adolf Hitler - The Man Who Fought The Banks (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=froTxqKSqc4)

Haavara Agreement ("Transfer Agreement") (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haavara_Agreement)

I think it's essential to note that the majority of gassing locations were debunked by mainstream western historians in the 60's. In the 40's there were 10+ locations in Germany, Austria and Belgium (https://np.reddit.com/r/holocaust/comments/2unh6d/locations_where_poison_gases_were_allegedly_used/coaisk7) where it was claimed that the Nazis gassed people, and there were witnesses and even Nazi "confessors" who swore this was true. Today, there are but six gassing locations, and all are in Poland. Importantly, the Soviets would not allow western inspection of the Polish camps in the 60's. In other words, the current allegations of "Nazi gas chambers" rely entirely on Soviet claims from the 1940's.

You may, for example, wish to look into the initial Soviet claims after capturing Auschwitz (https://www.reddit.com/r/holocaust/wiki/auschwitz-walendy), where they said they discovered an electrocution conveyor belt, blast furnace, and placed the "gas chambers" on the opposite side of the camp as is now believed. Similarly, at Nuremberg, 19 months after capturing Belzec, the Soviets were still claiming that electrocution was the method of killing there (http://winstonsmithministryoftruth.blogspot.com/2010/06/electrocuted-to-ashes-at-belzec.html). Then there are the infamous "steam chambers" of Treblinka, the human soap and lampshades, shrunken heads, etc -- an enormous number of erroneous and debunked claims which are always omitted by the Holocaust industry.

Similarly, the footage and pictures of dead bodies in the western camps (since debunked as "extermination camps") are repetitively shown without informing the viewer that they were the result of disease in the last weeks and months of the war, as supplies dwindled with the collapse of the German state under the barrage of Allied bombing. US Army doctors confirmed this at the time (see the article on the liberation of the camps(http://www.ihr.org/leaflets/libcamps.shtml).)

Next, regarding links: there's a giant cache of material at the /r/holocaust/wiki. I'd recommend starting with a few short videos by a French historian who is about to go back to prison a second time for his research:

Another good introductory video is about the use of the western camps by US psychological warfare units:

This video by Jewish revisionist David Cole is a classic which many credit with opening their eyes to the dishonest presentation of Auschwitz:

There are a few articles which are essential introductory reading:

And there's a short book that is a good starting point also, which is an evaluation of the preeminent Holocaust scholar's use of evidence:

You'll find book-length studies of the various camps, and related topics, in the /r/holocaust/wiki (https://www.reddit.com/r/holocaust/wiki/index).

One Third of the Holocaust: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dxsVSzL4HE

Treblinka Archeology Hoax: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6D2HhLHed7U

Holocaust, Hate Speech, and Were the Germans So Stupid?: http://vimeo.com/23102303

Last Days of the Big Lie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIRaYCRF69s

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There is some racism, and it does make us look bad, but let's not silence people who believe that there is a Jewish conspiracy for covert control. It's more formed by facts than a genuine hatred for a particular group or race.

We should be weary of worrying too much about our image. It will never be clean for the average boob. The concern will cause us to self-censor and censor others.

Instead, attack the ideas of people that say the earth is flat. It's not hard. Show a time lapse video of the earth. Done.

The paid shills are the only ones that make us look bad. Nothing wrong with free speech and a good discussion. But when you get paid morons that post stupid shit all day, that will make us look bad. Nothing wrong about talking about Hitler, history channel does it 24/7 it's only natural that people radiate to negative things.

You need to be shut down. We don't need anyone gate-keeping here.

Let me guess. You're a white supremacist, aren't you?

As I've said before; the only defense white supremacists can offer for themselves is a generalised appeal to freedom of expression, because there is no other defense available to them.

Keep guessing, I doubt you'll ever get any closer to the mark. And don't race-bait - it makes you look like a democrat. That's your thing, though, right? Got nothing to say - attack the person.

Got nothing to say - attack the person.

On 4chan, that would not have been considered an attack; they were proud of it.

Good for you. Go on back there then.

Funny, when I mention the Holocaust being fake (which it most certainly is) in other threads I get upvotes but massively downvoted in this thread. Anyone who does any free thinking usually figures out the lies behind the Holocaust narrative before they get into any other conspiracies so I simply know this to be the work of shills.

Obviously everyone that disagrees with you is a shill right?


You are so sad

So basically every conspiracy except your pet conspiracy is obviously fake and should be shut down?

What might that imply about your pet conspiracy?

I named two topics; Flat Earth, and Hitler apologetics, in which I would also include Holocaust denial. Does that logically sound as though I am talking about every possible conspiracy in existence?

Ok, right and follow me here.

How did you decide that those two topics were clearly, obviously, wrong?

You used empirical facts right? Naturally the supporters of the conspiracies you reject have all manner of spooky youtube videos where they rattle off claims at high speed, mock facts counter to their narrative, and so on. But you looked at the facts and observed that their pet conspiracy was wrong. You weren't emotionally invested in those conspiracies so you were able to do that.

Now, and I know this is not an easy thing, consider that YOUR pet conspiracies are, to a person not emotionally invested in them, equally obviously and blatantly counterfactual. Consider that all you have for YOUR pet conspiracy theory is the same sort of spooky youtube video stuff they do.

Apply your standards evenly and you'll find that your pet conspiracy theory is no more workable, no more plausible, no more factually supported, than the ones you reject.

Seriously, by what standards can you claim their conspiracy theories are obvious faleshoods but your pet conspiracy is not?

Now, and I know this is not an easy thing, consider that YOUR pet conspiracies are, to a person not emotionally invested in them, equally obviously and blatantly counterfactual.

I can prove that the Earth isn't flat, and I don't need to go into space to do it. If I go to different places on the planet, I can record the differences in lattitude, and those would not exist if the Earth was a two dimensional object.

I have also seen proven, to my own satisfaction at least, that the World Trade Center fell as a result of controlled demolition involving a derivative of thermite. I have studied the footage of numerous uses of thermite in other contexts, not directly related to the WTC, and in every case I have seen secondary effects, (spark cascades, molten metal, the audio profile of explosions etc) which is completely consistent with what was reported by multiple eyewitnesses during the event.

The only major conspiracy towards which I would be willing to acknowledge emotional bias, would be the Holocaust; and that is primarily because I sincerely and genuinely believe, that Adolf Hitler was literally a physically incarnate demon from Hell. I am not going to allow myself to be moved from that position, no matter what any of his apologists or revisionists try and claim, because I know what they want. They want a scenario where the world is in a state of perpetual war, purely for its' own sake, because they believe that war is the only possible catalyst for any form of forward progress, whether it be social, scientific, or economic.

I have studied fascism first hand on 4chan. I was there for three years, and they have irreperably damaged me already with their unspeakably inhuman perspective. I refuse to allow them to damage me, or if possible, anyone else, any further. Anyone who is any form of positive or sympathetic advocate for Adolf Hitler must be stopped.

Well, see, the problem is that the flat Earthers can, and do, say exactly the same things you do. They have "seen proven, to [their] own satisfaction at least, that [the Earth is flat]." They too have studied footage of numerous things that they claim are consistent with a flat Earth.

So, on what grounds do we actually settle things? On what grounds to you justify your belief in your pet conspiracy while claiming that theirs is clearly and obviously delusional? They use EXACTLY the same criteria for theirs that you do for yours, namely uninformed, non-expert opinion guided by other conspiracy theorists until they feel confident in their position.

Since you've rejected reality and the standards of evidence used by everyone else to settle questions of fact, how do you propose to justify denying their conspiracy while embracing yours? The only tools and standards I'm aware of that let us settle such questions have been rejected by you. If truth is just a matter of opinion, if all real world sources of information are tainted and inadmissible, what is left other than your own vague gut feelings?

And, like yours, their conspiracy requires that an absurd number of people be involved in the conspiracy and yet no leaks ever happen (in a world that can't keep a presidential blowjob secret) and depends on the conspirators being diabolically clever and yet making mistakes that are mindbogglingly obvious.

It also depends on literally every single expert in the field being involved in the conspiracy because the experts all reached a different conclusion than you conspiracy types have.

And then there's the question of how well supported your alternative explanation is. You've sifted, inexpertly and with only the knowledge you gained via tainted channels, through mountains of evidence and found a few things you don't understand. Therefore, CONSPIRACY!!! But if you subjected your idea of what "really happened" to even 1/100th of the scrutiny that you put the real facts through your explanation would fall apart instantly.

You require, in other words, different standards of evidence. You demand that the truth be dismissed entirely if even the tiniest of details doesn't instantly make sense to your own uneducated mind, but you simultaneously demand that your made up version of things be accepted despite having the most outrageous failures to be even internally self consistent much less match any observable facts.

The only major conspiracy towards which I would be willing to acknowledge emotional bias

Just because you don't acknowledge it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. If nothing else you have the emotion of smug superiority due to imagining that you are part of the (oppressed) elite few who know the truth while the rest of the world wallows in ignorance. That's a powerful attractive thing to many people.

You've also got the emotional appeal of finding a single enemy to blame rather than the uncomfortable fact of a world where often shit just happens kind of randomly. Most people aren't comfortable with randomness and find the idea that an enemy is directing their woes much more comforting than the idea that they have problems due to a huge interconnected set of essentially random events.

that is primarily because I sincerely and genuinely believe, that Adolf Hitler was literally a physically incarnate demon from Hell.

And we're back to emotional appeal. You don't want to be even tangentially related to Hitler, therefore you want to pretend that he was non-human. You don't want to believe that people can do extremely bad things, therefore you want to believe that humanity only does that stuff when under literal demonic influence and that absent that tainting other then humanity is super duper great.

The same biases that are leading you to factually incorrect conclusions about 9/11 are leading you to accept the truth for the wrong reasons about the Holocaust.

Same bias, just in one case denying the truth while in the other accepting it. In neither case are FACTS the important part, just your bias and emotional involvement.

So when confronted with facts you don't listen? I mean, I always suspected as much, but I've never seen anyone just outright admit it.

Honesty is something I consider a virtue.

Flat earth is most definitely a conspiracy and a massive one at that.

Flat earth is interesting though im not a flat earther but i came across this interesting experiment watch?v=GBhDFO4NMrw

Lol you believe in the Holohoax! That's literally physically impossible and there's no physical evidence of it ever taking place. I saw through that shit long before I was even into "conspiracies."

Anyone warning against Holocaust denial should be considered a JIDF shill until proven otherwise.

If it was fake then why didn't the nazis deny it?

They filmed it and you don't believe it. THE NAZIS FILMED IT THEMSELVES.

I mean jfc dude, eventually you reach a point where there is just so much physical evidence that you just disregard or assume "fake" or "acted" that you really can't expect people to take you seriously.

I mean, flat earth, what do you want as proof that the earth is a sphere?

Photographic evidence? You'd just arbitrarily call it a fake.

Mathematic evidence? You'd just say math doesn't work like it should and the sun is different than what it really is.

Experimental evidence you can try yourself at home? Let's say you place 3 sticks ponting straight up, all of them measuring 1m in 3 different places of the world, let's say Atlanta, Sacramento and Olympia, then you connect with two friends via skype and you all go measure the shadows of your stick. If the earth is flat and the sun is hovering at a close distance over it, you should be able to prove it mathematically and it would be impossible to disprove.

But it doesn't work like that and you already know it, you would just claim light is affected by some electromagnetic force and curving or some shit like that.

This is why you make people look bad, you assumed something without proof and believing others had been fooled, made you feel special and different, then you clinged to the idea that what you believed was reality and someting or someone invented a whole lot of proof in order to make you thing otherwise. Spoiler Alert: If you really believe the earth is flat you were fooled really hard.

jfc, Ockham's razor slices trought every single argument you could make against the current model of our planet it's just ridiculous people keep believing that crap.

Jfc the nazis straight out accepted the holocaust happened, people took photos of it for the sole reason they knew the world had to know what happened there and people just chose to disregard evidence. Ffs.

I don't believe in the retarded flat earth, I do believe that the fake Holohoax is fake because it is. There's no video evidence, you fucking retard. Yes Rudolph Hoess confessed after he walked tortured. Big ducking deal. There's still 0 physical evidence. It's scientifically possible to gas 6,000,000 people with Zyklon B, which was ironically used to save lives at the camps from the typhus outbreak. I know all about the Holohoax and considering it's among the easiest of the fairy tales we are taught to see through, the downvotes tell me that there are indeed many shills in here.

Wtf is a shill at this point. Every single conspiratard who gets downvoted cries out "shill$" and think that's a fail-safe. People are just disagreeing with you.

JFC man how can you be so delusional.

JFC man how can you be so delusional.

JFK man how can you be so delusional.

It's delusional to believe in a ridiculous fairy tale about lampshades and gas chambers when there's absolutely 0 proof that it happened.

There's not even a debate about this. No proof can be given for the Holocaust happening. It's not a question. The only debate is between people who think Jews would possibly lie about this vs. people who think that Jews would never lie about anything.


There is so much proof it happened discussing this topic is stupid really.

Evidence exists. You choose not to believe it, but your beliefs are based on sentiment and not on evidence.

Evidence is not something you can arbitrarily decide is valid or not. There is just so much evidence I'm not even going to link any because you can just google it yourself.

If you hate Jews I don't care, they can lie just like anyone else, but it has been proved beyond reasonable doubt that at least 4.5 Jews died in a genocide program under the nazi regime. The nazis were proud of it and nobody denied it. Civilian Germans knew what was happening. It's an enormous event that marked history. It's as if you denied that NK is a dictatorship and claimed people love it there and that there is no human rights abuse going on there. You are not denying bad history.

You are denying facts based on sentiment.

That is dumb.

You didn't even present any evidence because there is none. The stupid stories about lampshades and gassings are all fake and retarded. There is no documentation or any intercepted communication about any plan for a genocide whatsoever. By the Red Cross's estimate only about 200,000 Jews died. Looking at the World Almanac census data from the time, there were not even 6 million Jews in Europe at the time and no significant change in the world jewish population before and after the war.

Even the official death count at Auschwitz has decreased over the years. It's so stupid only a gullible over emotional person can believe any of it. Auschwitz had a fucking soccer team and a swimming pool.


Lol the gas chambers were for fumigating clothes to combat the lice outbreak and prevent typhus.

There's no physical way they could have been used for homicide.

No autopsies of any bodies revealed gassing. Bodies turn blue when poisoned with cyanide.

I believe the rest of the quote says "...in Europe," of course Judea had already declared war on Germany at this point so Hitler had every reason to say this. This still doesn't substantiate any genocide plans. There would be detailed documents and plans outlining the specifics of a mass genocide. There are none.

There is no physical evidence. All the evidence there is is terrible. Even soil samples from the camps by geologists revealed no mass graves below, they even confirmed that the soil had been untouched. It's a fantasy.


Evidence of mass graves at a prison camp at the end of the war after a typhus epidemic isn't evidence of a mass genocide carried out with gas chambers.

Yes I'm aware of the 70 years of spurious information and "evidence" concocted to condition people to believing in this preposterous fairy tale.

This thread is so stupid.

Yes. Yes, it is.

Treblinka, Sobidor, and such were genocide camps. Aushwitz and etc were slave labor camps.

I guess I'm not sure what you're arguing by saying that. There were certainly different purposes behind different sorts of camps, yeah.


Just because people disagree with you doesn't mean they are shills.

Treblinka and etc WERE genocide camps. Hence why the nazis tried to wipe all evidence of them having existed.

Its not the questioning of the official narrative that people hate, its that white supremacists or unironic Nazis just want to portray the Nazis as some sort of tragic heroes. So they deny everything and say the Nazis were good guys trying to save the world. Its intellectually dishonest, same as flat earth, and the cherry on top is that it makes this sub look like shit. I don't think looking the sub look bad is a legit argument to not discuss something, but plenty of posters have seen shills come in here to push some narrative. For whats it worth I do not fully believe the official narrative, there's just way too much politics surrounding the subject, and too much to gain, for corruption not to worm its way in.

I do not like nazis and am a holocaust revisionist. Simple fact is that the latter day camps were slave labor camps. Auschwitz was a typhus infested hellhole, to the point Mengele even contracted it.

I am not a Nazi and I have no idea why questioning an event, that I do not deny happened, would make me a "revisionist" or a "Nazi". That's like calling someone who questioned 9/11 a "conspiracy theorist". Its a simple buzzword to discredit people and make them look silly. But don't forget the official narrative has undergone many revisions itself, by historians and experts (forensics etc.), and as technology advances.

you are fucking dumb

I know all about the "Holocaust" fucking moron.

so do you know it fucking happened?

He only said that 2 conspiracies were fake. But way to intentionally misrepresent him. That's what we do as truth seekers, misrepresent things, right?

^ what he said. this place is scary seriously.

also...planes are holographs, HRC is clone #4 and other great hits in the disinformation countdown!

Look at the cross posts just submitted interesting timing.

I noticed those as well, right now about 2/3rds of the new page looks like shit posts to me, curious timing to say the very least.

Why would you say they are shit posts?

Maybe shit posts was a bit to strong, but all those links from /r/alternativehistory aren't something that normally get submitted here in such volume. The fact that they were submitted while there are 4800 people here doesn't seem like a coincidence to me.

i submit links to r/alternativehistory almost every fucking day. you don't see them because they are automatically down voted for the most part. that should tell you something

Aren't 30 posts about the same thing pretty much cancer?

How are they about the same thing? The topics ranged from the history of Romania to ancient ruins in america to Rockefeller oil. How are they related other than history?

I just wanted to share with y'all i'm sorry you took it negatively

You are not very subtle in your viral marketing strategies.

Cool sub though, keep working on it.

Maybe i'm not trying to be subtle... not everything is a conspiracy man. I like cross posting because it offers users of different subs a chance to see what other subs are out there. I didn't know there would be such a crack down on it. I'll admit the wild speculation of my intention is entertaining.

Just be aware that sometimes your intentions are pretty much completely irrelevant to your situation. ;)

I have screen shots I'll post later of entire sub covered with 30+ posts about the Clinton scandal. That and the random influx of "shitposts" appears to have been a faction war between rival shitposters. Not really enjoying having all content go to hell because propaganda.

Do you find yourself easily trigger'd?

Nope. Just pointing out stupid when I see it.

Yes, they do. Also, it's not a coincidence, it just so happens to be a user who is posting interesting stuff that new comers may be interested in, as well. You don't know what you don't know. I see nothing wrong with it.

I'm not saying that new posts aren't welcome. I personally look at everything in /conspiracy through the lens of a skeptic. This allows each and every one of us our own personal freedom to decide what is true and what is not true. It does however seem coincidental the timing and nature of certain posts anytime something substantial comes to light. Something my grandpa would want to hear about on the evening news. That is the point. Not that we should censor ourselves.

There was nothing nefarious about those posts, more Carpe Diem. Right or wrong is one topic, so is nefarious intentions...

lol such drama amaze

i'm sensing some projection coming from you ;)

We do look bad. You've let the shills run so wild it's disgraceful. They can post anything about Hillary and shill it up but anything negative about Trump is buried.

You need two stickied posts, one for everything about Trump and one for everything about Hillary. Put a date on them and change them out daily or weekly depending on how full they get.

But no. You just let the shills control the sub. Till it isn't worth looking at.

We're not editors, we're moderators and this is reddit. Go to a blog if you want curated content.

That said, god I will be so happy to see the end of November.

A moderator is supposed to control spam. You make no attempt to control these paid shills.

You presume we are psychic wizards apparently.

You can mandate putting all posts on Trump or Hillary in two different stickied post which you identify by date and unstickie when they're full and put up a new one. I've seen it done here on other subjects.

You might not be able to identify shills but the admins can but don't care.

You can also demod your Nazi mods, which damage the sub.

You suggest we emulate /r/politics and corral/bottleneck subject matter that you find unpleasant. Not going to happen here.

None of the mods here is a "Nazi". You are parroting a tired, stale disinfo smear directed at the sub while in a thread warning people to watch out for that very behavior. smh

Unfortunately I'm right and you're wrong. I would prefer to be wrong about this.

Cool story, ma'am.

For example, Trump's family had vineyards not 20 min by foot to the epicenter of the Nazi SS Movment and Rosicrucian (Alchemical / Protestant) Movement centuries previously. Heidelberg. They were from Kallstadt. The story was that Trumps grandada was too weak to work in the vineyards (too weak to move a bunch of grapes, really?), and so his mom gave him some money to kickstart a new life in america as a barber. She was ostensibly a consciencious objector to burgeoning nazi germany and didn't want him drafted. So he goes to america. After five years grandad barber was able to buy a restaurant chain, then ten years later, a hotel chain. Of course, this makes sense because anyone working at great clips for five years can easily go out and buy a successful restaurant chain and in a few years buy embassy suites, like the whole thing. No silent partners or secret socieites needed. /s

also, hillary and trump are very remote cousins, going back to, you guessed it warwickshire, england; whose castle grounds are used yearly to host the most famous international wiccan / witch meetup

if you want sources ask...I did a write up of this in cst

n/m: here : The Holographic Resonance of Heritage among the Alchemical Elite -- Why Hillary tried to shut down heritage-querants with faux-unity narratives

This is a good "conspiracy" post about one of the US presidential candidates. You're not just making a hack political statement. You're digging into details and looking for hidden intentions. A lot of people post US politics stuff here which has nothing to do with conspiracy.


That's why I posted this last month:

It's like fighting the tide...

Even without framing the issue as "the whole election system is a conspiracy by The Man in order to keep you down", there's really no place on this sub for election coverage. If it's not about a conspiracy, what's it doing on r/conspiracy? Is this sub supposed to be a dumping ground for anything and everything which you think is "anti-establishment"? ("Vote Trump. He's anti-establishment!") I don't think that's how it's supposed to be.

Now, a post laying out the connections between Hillary and Rothschild, or Trump and Ghouliani, while not strong, still make sense being here. They're talking about links between conspirators. That's fine.

we live in a time when questioning hillarys health just a month back would get you labeled a conspiracy theorist...and now its in the spotlight. learned about it here first, brought it up to people just to have it dismissed, and look where we are now. alot of people are probably turning to this sub and others like it for actual news. The deception is too strongly apparent on the corporate outlets

I concede your point. However, you're still talking about a conspiracy to hide the fact that Hillary has health issues. There truly was/(is?) a conspiracy to hide that, and in today's vernacular, without sufficient open evidence, it would be regarded as a "conspiracy theory".

American "infotainment news product" is a joke. It's deplorable that in the time we live in, one needs to read a "conspiracy" forum to find out what's really going on.

couldn't have put it better myself. its a true shame indeed. anyone with the slightest ability to think for themselves can see what a farce the corporate media is. TPTB learned a very hard lesson with the vietnam war. All the talking heads in d.c. would say the war was going well, but the nightly news showed a completely different situation. Thats why alot of citizens were against the war towards the end. Actual, legitimate, nightly news put the lies and carnage right in everyones faces. They learned if you can control the media, you can control the mind of the unwashed masses. They dont want to repeat that lesson. But now anyone who is a "conspiracy theorist" can be easily dismissed because as soon as most people hear the words "conspiracy" and "theory" they think its all in the same category as flat earth or lizard people.

Everyone is related. It's less a family tree than a family braid. If you go back far enough you're related to everyone who left descendants.

Every fucking subreddit is filled with shills, reddit is corporate. Its not the wild wild west of free speech which is evident if you spent time on reddit lately, relevant posts are being removed etc.

Some subs war against shills. Some, like conspiracy...seem to court them. But you're right, the shills are killing Reddit.

Someone recruited me to Reddit 9 years ago and I know I helped them. I wish someone would recruit me to a new Reddit like the old one.

they already started doing just that. take a look at this guy u/0y892yh29

he goes on and on about flat earth and a whole bunch of other ridiculous shit. if you ask for evidence he calls you names and ignores you.

best part, he has been reported for it, but the mods don't care

the mods aren't here to start an uprising against the establishment, they are here to make sure conspiracy theorists have a baby sitter.

edit: u/0y892yh29 has graced us with his divine presence. read his comment below to get an idea of what the shills will do to discredit conspiracy theorists.

5 month old account attacking other posters. Your whole profile is one big negative space.

who am i 'attacking' ?


i think you might have replied to the wrong comment.





Appreciate the xpost as always.


i thought you said there was evidence? that was just a bunch of stories and drawings. noting i would consider evidence.

Christ on a Sybian...I was TRYING to be funny.

If this was really you trying to be funny you really suck at it

yeah sarcasm is hard to pick up on in text.

people should take a class on satire before they can internet

Flat earth was specifically launched as a psyop movement just to discredit concave earth by association. Good on anyone who thinks outside the globe.

You're a dumb ass and I'm arguing the existence of God. If you read what I say and are interested in philosophy you can piece together major keys of the world. I'm enlightened and many more are. They are just like me but they don't want to face all the scrutiny from people like you. I call you a dumb ass from the high lord himself cause they tell you to seek higher knowledge. I am at the pillars of the highest knowledge known to man. If you don't build up to it it sounds retarded I know. But that's why some people get it and other people are left in the dark. It's not for the faint hearted. It's for people who don't have a massive ego. You have a massive ego because as you can see you feel the need to talk down to others. Personally I only talk down to people by calling them a dumb ass, you are. I wouldn't call you a dumb ass if you left me alone and let people shift through the ideas themselves. They are very big ideas not small ideas. If you fit them together you get a piece of heaven. If you do the soul work you get a piece of heaven. Get enough pieces and you have a really good idea what's going on in the world. People are not completed like I am yet, it doesn't bother me to listen to lesser people talk down to me. I accumulated knowledge from everything I could think of and I'm trying to make a smaller bridge for people to understand it.


See this, 2012 was the half way point but I'm saying this awakening hit me and when it's done and over you're going to see the entire earth change. I am a chosen one and it doesn't bother me to hear the unchosen talk shit. You'll see in the future how everything I am saying pieced together and how I was only doing Gods work of trying to bring others with me. It really doesn't bother me if I was the only one because from here it's a waiting game. Bye bye world I have already beat you all so I wish you all luck. If you're smart you'd read what I say with a very keen mind. If you're dumb you will ignore it or laugh at what I'm saying. This guy's trying to lead you off your path of divinity. I'm trying to show you. I'm glad the mods are watching out for me TBH I love you mods.

thanks for providing a perfect example of 'conspiracy crazy' for everyone to see. they need a good idea of what to look out for so real conspiracies aren't discredited by someone like you.

Gonna be a funny day when everything goes down. It is insanity, look up people like eminem they tell you they're crazy for a reason. Keep thinking I'm crazy but this is the path. They burned Jesus you don't think he was a little crazy? lol. You guys are just docile obedient workers. If you don't want to be a docile obedient worker and to wake up some brain cells in your minds of lead listen to me follow philosophy, follow numerology, follow prophecy and see how many pieces of information you can grab and stick together.

"my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. "Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children."

Literally all of you guys = ignorant to information

Me = at the pinnacle of all knowledge, but the truth takes away your identity and your view of the world

You know you know it all when you can look at anything and fit it into the puzzle. I've seen everything and people attempting to talk down to me and call me crazy doesn't bother me so keep going. The lord will show you on the grand day the times change all the words you've said about his sons. No mercy on that day, until that day I will keep talking because I believe everyone should have the opportunity to at least start the path or see the path to some extent. Time is running out.

You're a maltese I'm a pitbull off his leash all this peace talk can cease.

we don't need any more evidence of shills pretending to be insane to discredit realistic conspiracy theories, you've given us enough already. please go back to pretending to be crazy somewhere else. i don't want to get banned for calling you out like others have.

Man the fact that you are disputing my evidence and making me look dumb would mean you are a shill. Shills slant conversations and derail them. I'm not derailing shit I'm trying to show people the truth about the world. You on the other hand are trying to derail ME. You are a shill! Like everything is backwards in this world. Here's a good image anyone wondering what shills do. Please show me any instance of me doing any of these things. This guy is doing them right now. For all I know he's part of this conspiracy of people targeting me trying to discredit everything I say. It's too real if you follow what I'm saying it blows the entire world out of the water. You trying to discredit me means nothing. If you're a shill you're doing a shitty job. If you're an actual person, back to point one, you are an idiot lol. Do some fasting it grows brain cells, you're lacking.


I am seriously teaching you all everything decode reality properly is the name of the game. Renew your eyes, new eyes new ears. Listening to me is crazy I am seriously trying to make you lose yourself because your identity is what's holding humanity down. Have an identity but stop holding your beliefs as if they're a part of you.

really, we don't need more 'crazy conspiracy guy' . two examples is more than enough.


I have read it all. I'm describing the jinn/demons/archons/flyers/star people/snake brothers/anunakki/chitauri. I left a quote from a famous person because they are there for a reason. They understand it all too. Once again discrediting over nothing. Here's a good documentary for anyone who believes in physics.


Stop being crazy.

Is it really real?

Probably not.

Dude I feel you and read your comments and you are not untrue in what you speak. There is plenty of knowledge that proves Satan is real and God is real and that the entire world is in a big deceptive matrix for their minds. My advice is to seek knowledge of truth and about the living God and some people do not need to know details on the mechanisms and designs wicked spirits use to actually do their work but to know that this is spiritual warfare and is absolutely real and more crazy and stranger than fiction.

Thank you for this.

Literally all of you guys = ignorant to information

So because of one or two commenters, you're calling out thousands of redditors - there's a great philosophical mind!

You're saying this "from God", but I guarantee no matter what religion you partake in, the One Creator would rather not want to be spoken on behalf of by some random self-important person calling everyone else ignorant.

All due respect, the irony in your so called argunents are surprising. The truth is, you will see what you want to see in your research. If you focus on negative apocalyptic events, then that will be your future reality. If you focus on not trying to preach and get people bowing down to your feet, staying humble and offering positive thoughts, service to others (etc.) then that's what you'll get back in return from the universe.


I can see why you think that but I can understand his plight.

The guy is being attacked for being honest. What has this place become.

Rule 10. Removed.

Are yoi familiar with this? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qTxUKRkOoHM

So what do you know.

History? Math? Chemistry? Social sciences are definitely not your forte. Is it some form of psychiatry? Geology?

What is this truth of yours made of? Is it magic? Is it logic? Can it be proven?

Numerologgy really.

Well, God's pretty shitty at chosing his ambassors then. One died on the cross and the other is trying to convert people by insulting them.


Lol I know half of them are equating flat earthers with Holohoax deniers and wanting to take it easy on the Jews! Fuck the JIDF shills.

So anything dealing with UFOs is JTRIG disinfo? Can you elaborate?

Yeah, there's more than enough credible government and military witness testimony and documents to take UFOs seriously. Unfortunately there is a lot of disinfo around the subject but it should still be discussed here.

Keep in mind, it's not just US, it's intelligence agencies in every country that have UFO materials

Good point. Saying the UFO phenomenon isn't a thing is flat out stupid...

Wanted to say the same. Unidentified Flying Objects are a real thing, whether you believe in little green men or not.

I would say ufo's and supposed extra terrestrial presence on earth has more evidence than most of the conspiracies on this sub. Not sure what OP is trying to allude. Flat earth is a completely different story.

There's a whole subreddit devoted to UFOs. There's also a skeptic subreddit. How 'bout we keep r/conspiracy for conspiracies? The presence of little green men is not a conspiracy, regardless of the amount of evidence. A UFO "cover-up" might be.

OK I'll ask the fucking question: Is there a UFO "cover-up"?

I don't know.

And I will give the fucking answer: yes, but it is prefabricated by House Rothschild to program the population for a fake alien invasion. In ID4 and a Krugman interview, all nations would rally under one banner if faced with an extraterrestrial threat. So just make the sky all glowy, blow up a city or two and achievement unlocked: NWO!

I agree, UFOs are very real. There is overwhelming evidence and testimony from extremely reputable people

You're shadowbanned mate.

I assume OP meant the obvious hoax videos that people make.

Great post! One step ahead of the assholes

The US intelligence community and various private business entities has 1.000's of employees who's only job it is to AstroTurf propaganda and sow disinformation. Reddit is not an exception and the admins and moderators are a part of that machinery. Obvious is obvious.

Man, I'd love that job. Hey, JTRIG, hire me!

Just a quick drop by, if you guys see this...


Downvote, it's fake.

Why do you think it's fake? Just saw it elsewhere. Imo IT wouldn't give 2 shits about servicing Parkinson's, but for the moment I'm entertaining it until I see something more convincing one way or the other.

It's a total troll. No link provided by anyone posting it, the date is 2009 when PRN didn't get the contract until 2013. There's another one saying "Vilerat don't go to Benghazi" with a date of like...2000. Sick sense of humor there, it's catching some naive folks who are excited and have lost their critical thinking skills, though.

We can expect a lot more of that kind of thing here in the next few days, I fear.

Fair enough. It's a good troll too because Parkinson's fits what seem to be the facts at this point about her, if you can trust anything anymore.

Or how about the 30 freaking threads all about the same thing. You'd think a bunch of wingnuts were running the place or something....

Just look at all that alternate history on /new.

alternative history.


new page?

That's all the best stuff, imo.

EDIT: Right now all but one post on the front page of conspiracy is about the Clinton email IT guy. All but one! How pathetic!

Oh, don't forget the media harping on how "social media sites are used to recruit terrorists." A CNBC headline today is literally, "Social Media The Engine of Terror." It talks of how people with no criminal record can become terrorists, and what's found on their Facebook account, Twitter, etc, will determine their likelihood of becoming a terrorist.

In the words of the interviewer, "social media is the engine that is causing this radicalization."

And hey, you know what stocks are in the DNC portfolio listed for today? Security system technology company, Napco Securities (NSSC). We also have USAT, which provides "wireless, cashless, microtransactions for the vending industry"; QBAK for magnetic data storage, and Teletouch Communications that offers wireless services to businesses and governments, as well as Versar (VSR), a company providing technical support to the DoD.

Can't make this stuff up.

Hey I'm out of the loop What 'new page' is this? I wanna follow too.

Good catch!

I consider myself pretty normal and even I enjoy the occasional ufo post. Is it really that crazy? =(

UFOs in and of itself aren't disinfo - although there is indeed tons of it associated with such phenomena.

Just saying. ET and UFO reality (and yes, it is indeed a reality) shouldn't be associated with dumb shit like Flat Earth.


UFOs and Aliens are a globalist conspiracy narrative.

WTF. I'd rather talk about flat earth than political bullshit. Corrupt officials aren't conspiracies. It's fact.

To be fair, the flat earth/reptillians/cloning thing is finally getting traction because of rapper B.o.B.

"prepare for an influx of posts regarding various conspiracies in /r/conspiracy to make us look bad"

It's that self-righteous "Everything I think is true, and you're an idiot for what you believe." that really keeps me coming back.

This is how we know who are shills and use their own methods against themselves

You can't prove Earth is a spinning ball. Either you're a shill or you're too brainwashed to do any research.

Nobody does any research.

Nobody can prove the earth is spinning. If you say otherwise I know that you have not tried.

Every other observed planetary body in the solar system rotates. The Earth is a planetary body in the solar system. From that I deduce the Earth is also spinning.

You're letting establishment science and NASA do the observing for you. Go get a good telescope with a CCD camera and show me celestial bodies rotating! You can't, all you'll be able to show me is video of stars and planets that look like something you'd see inside a kaleidoscope.

A gyroscope doesn't move a single degree over 6 hours (90° of supposed Earth rotation), is a gyro rigid in space or not? Airy's failure experiment proves it's the stars that are moving not the Earth. The Michelson & Morley experiment proves the Earth is not moving.

Here's two examples of amateur astrophotography which clearly demonstrate the rotation of Mars.

The first is by Damian Peach and the second by David Durate. David even helpfully lists his equipment - Celestron 8" SCT, Meade 3x Telextender and Expanse 120 Camera.

As for your second point. The Earth rotates too slowly to be detected by cheap mechanical gyroscopes. Static friction in the bearings and imperfect balancing prevents that. Only expensive military-grade gyroscopes, ring laser gyroscopes, and other special high-sensitivity gyroscopes are sensitive enough to measure such slow rotations.

That's not what Mars looks like through a backyard telescope, those aren't images taken by amatures.

Secondly, a change in 90 degrees over 6 hours will most certainly cause a precision mechanical gyroscope to react. If gyroscopes not remaining rigid in space was a problem then aircraft would be crashing all day long and twice on Sunday.

Amateur doesn't just mean looking through an eyepiece in the backyard. A few thousand dollars will get you can a computerised with tracking ability and CCD camera.

Here's a GIF of Mars rotating taken with a 12.5" Portaball Telescope on a Dual-axis Equatorial Platform](http://www.equatorialplatforms.com/mars20030803.gif) There are additional photos here.

Secondly, a change in 90 degrees over 6 hours will most certainly cause a precision mechanical gyroscope to react.

Yes, mechanical gyroscopes used in aircraft are precise enough to be effected by the Earth's rotation. That combined with friction and imperfect balancing require and aircraft's gyros to be periodically reset by its compass.

If I were to buy a gyro however, and try demonstrate the Earth's rotation at home it would not be accurate enough.

I don't buy that those images were captured by an amature, that looks nothing like the blurry light I've seen through a telescope. In any case, the rotation of the Earth not celestial objects is in question here.

As for the gyro your answer contradicts itself, you say a planes gyro can be influenced by the Earth's supposed rotation but, if you take it out and put it on a table it doesn't?

I'll bet an experimental setup showing a gyro reacting to being rotated 90 degrees over 6 hours would set a lot of Sun worshipping faciest queers into full panic mode.

I don't buy that those images were captured by an amature, that looks nothing like the blurry light I've seen through a telescope

Of course you aren't going to. It directly disproves your "model", and therefore you must panic and find some way to render yet another proof invalid.

If it turns out that Mars is a gas filled electrified transparent sphere or solid state disk orbiting in a circle above us at about 3,000 miles, how do those images assuming they're real and not CGI prove the Earth is a spinning ball and that I'm wrong about, anything?

rolls eyes The images show that Mars rotates, which you claim it does not. You have exactly zero proof that Mars is a "gas filled electrified sphere" or whatever other nonsense you were just spouting.

Those of us in reality realize that not only is Mars a sphere and that it exists, we also realize that we've landed robots on it, and conducted significant research. Research that those of your ilk can't even begin to address.

Then there are those of us who admit they don't know (I can only theorize) for sure what the celestial bodies are instead of being smug and thinking they know or just knowing the truth and lying to your face while raping your dog.

The truth is NASA is a fraud and the tax money is paying for pictures of procedurally generated CGI lemmings whose textures were sourced from the arctic on Devon Island, Canada.

Have a nice day.

There's a lot you "don't know", and you make up for it by spouting utter nonsense.

The truth is NASA is a fraud and the tax money is paying for pictures of procedurally generated CGI lemmings whose textures were sourced from the arctic on Devon Island, Canada.

Thank you for providing another dose of nonsense you just made up and cannot prove in any way shape or form. Did you throw a dart at the map to come up with the location of Devon Island?

Follow the white lemming u/neo!

So in other words, you haven't got any proof whatsoever and are going to continue to spout nonsense. Got it.

And I note that you still haven't even been able to offer a fantasy reason how your "steel dome" model explains eclipses or the movement of stars over time. Was that question just too hard for you, or are you afraid of how I'll demolish any kind of explanation you'll offer?

I don't buy that those images were captured by an amature, that looks nothing like the blurry light I've seen through a telescope. In any case, the rotation of the Earth not celestial objects is in question here.

They won't look like anything you've seen through a telescope. Images this detailed from small scopes are recorded via CCD and processed by computer before they look like that.

We can reason through observation of celestial objects that the Earth shares many properties such as seasons, a day night cycle, poles and so on. The simplest explanation for why the Earth shares these properties is because it too is a spherical (oblate spheroid to be precise) celestial body orbiting the Sun.

We can now even observe celestial bodies orbiting other stars, minimum estimates for extrasolar planets start at 100 billion!

As for the gyro your answer contradicts itself, you say a planes gyro can be influenced by the Earth supposed rotation but, if you take it out and put it on a table it doesn't?

I'm not sure if the type of precision engineered gyro found in a commercial airliner would be affected by the Earth's rotation on a table. The conditions on the table aren't comparable to those at altitude. Both latitude and altitude have an effect on apparent gravity, experimental conditions you could not replicate on a motionless table at ground level.

This fantasy of orbiting spheres you can go and visit is total nonsense, planets are lights in the sky not more than 3,000 miles away just like any other star. These pictures from NASA and the hords of Jesuit astronomers are fraudulent; nothing but CGI renderings and paintings.

The Earth is a motionless flat plane under a steel dome with a reflective oxide coating, the the Sun, Moon, Black-Sun, stars and planets are all under the dome. That being said the gyroscope doesn't react to the Earth rotating because it's motionless i.e. not rotating. I can back this claim with additional empirical evidence in the form Airy's Failure experiment that proves it's the stars are in motion and the Earth is not.

Good day to you sir.

Pray tell, how does your "steel dome" explain solar and lunar eclipses? How does your model predict the eclipses with accuracy?

How does it explain the motion of stars over tens, hundreds, and thousands of years? You have examples such as Bernard's Star that you flat earth nutcases have never been able to explain, but instead just attempt to pathetically handwave way. I have yet to hear any reasonable explanation for such things from any of you.

If you can come up with any explanation that doesn't sound like it came out of an asylum, I might just begin to take you seriously. However, I am not going to hold my breath.

Edit: And /u/flat_bastard cannot seem to answer these relatively basic questions - are they too difficult for him, or is it just that his "steel dome" model is completely unable to account for them?

This fantasy of orbiting spheres you can go and visit is total nonsense, planets are lights in the sky not more than 3,000 miles away just like any other star. These pictures from NASA and the hords of Jesuit astronomers are fraudulent; nothing but CGI renderings and paintings.

That's quite some leap, a fantastical one even, from your skepticism over claims about amateur photography.


I think flat earth and ufo's make this sub look great.

I love you nutters.

I have read it all. I'm describing the jinn/demons/archons/flyers/star people/snake brothers/anunakki/chitauri. I left a quote from a famous person because they are there for a reason. They understand it all too. Once again discrediting over nothing. Here's a good documentary for anyone who believes in physics.


I named two topics; Flat Earth, and Hitler apologetics, in which I would also include Holocaust denial. Does that logically sound as though I am talking about every possible conspiracy in existence?

Was thinking the exact same thing. Seconded

He only said that 2 conspiracies were fake. But way to intentionally misrepresent him. That's what we do as truth seekers, misrepresent things, right?

^ what he said. this place is scary seriously.

For few weeks, at least.

alternative history.


concern troll.

thats the theme of this sticky

If it was fake then why didn't the nazis deny it?

They filmed it and you don't believe it. THE NAZIS FILMED IT THEMSELVES.

I mean jfc dude, eventually you reach a point where there is just so much physical evidence that you just disregard or assume "fake" or "acted" that you really can't expect people to take you seriously.

I mean, flat earth, what do you want as proof that the earth is a sphere?

Photographic evidence? You'd just arbitrarily call it a fake.

Mathematic evidence? You'd just say math doesn't work like it should and the sun is different than what it really is.

Experimental evidence you can try yourself at home? Let's say you place 3 sticks ponting straight up, all of them measuring 1m in 3 different places of the world, let's say Atlanta, Sacramento and Olympia, then you connect with two friends via skype and you all go measure the shadows of your stick. If the earth is flat and the sun is hovering at a close distance over it, you should be able to prove it mathematically and it would be impossible to disprove.

But it doesn't work like that and you already know it, you would just claim light is affected by some electromagnetic force and curving or some shit like that.

This is why you make people look bad, you assumed something without proof and believing others had been fooled, made you feel special and different, then you clinged to the idea that what you believed was reality and someting or someone invented a whole lot of proof in order to make you thing otherwise. Spoiler Alert: If you really believe the earth is flat you were fooled really hard.

jfc, Ockham's razor slices trought every single argument you could make against the current model of our planet it's just ridiculous people keep believing that crap.

Jfc the nazis straight out accepted the holocaust happened, people took photos of it for the sole reason they knew the world had to know what happened there and people just chose to disregard evidence. Ffs.

you are fucking dumb

Yup, CTR going come out in full force with their forum manipulation. At this point, that's not even a conspiracy

Appreciate the xpost as always.

rolls eyes The images show that Mars rotates, which you claim it does not. You have exactly zero proof that Mars is a "gas filled electrified sphere" or whatever other nonsense you were just spouting.

Those of us in reality realize that not only is Mars a sphere and that it exists, we also realize that we've landed robots on it, and conducted significant research. Research that those of your ilk can't even begin to address.