Apparently were not allowed to discuss alternative history here. very interesting

0  2016-09-19 by [deleted]

very interesting indeed


I think you mean "we're not allowed to spam this subreddit with our own subreddit's posts"

Please direct me to the rule on the sidebar that states this.

Also define 'spam'

Go to sidebar and click []

Scroll down, click [spam].

If you flood a Reddit community with posts or comments, you may be considered a spammer.

OP posted 24 links to the same sub/site in a period of about two hours.

Where's the cut off? Sometimes I'll post 10 times within an hour, am I breaking the rules?

Or is it more dependent on the subject matter?

It's not a strict cut-off but when users start complaining and/or reporting posts then it's up to mods to make a decision.

So what's to stop me from making a few sock puppets and complaining and reporting everything I disagree with or dislike?

That's all I gotta do to make you guys hold a private meeting on whether or not to censor a topic or user?

We don't censor topics or users opinions as long as they are expressed within the rules. We do try to keep the spam to a minimum. Complaints about users are investigated and discussed fairly.

you may be considered a spammer.

Well, tbf, that is kind of vague and a user's history should be held into account when deciding spam(mer) or not (imo). That being said, can I propose to the mods that /r/AlternativeHistory be considered for addition to the sidebar here, in related subs?

can I propose to the mods that /r/AlternativeHistory be considered for addition to the sidebar

It might be possible to fit that in. Space is limited. I'd recommend bringing it up in modmail if you really want it listed.

Thanks. Will do.

Sorry but I don't think there's a link to common sense in the sidebar

I wish this post was 'very interesting indeed'. What's your point? I love alternative history theories and like to see them on the page. Your post is essentially a rule 12 violation but i'd like to hear you out.

I hear this place used to be a place where alternative history and fringe ideas could be discussed openly. I made a few cross posts to the alternative history sub to remind people that this is an ever growing area of study that shouldn't be overshadowed by election coverage. All 12+ of my very interesting links were apparently removed. They were also down voted almost immediately assuming by who ever reported it as spam. Which seems to be a very loose term btw. If this is really a respected topic here my post should have remained up.

This has been happening for a while, on a lot of conspiracy forums.

If this is really a respected topic here my post should have remained up.

Most of your posts appear to have been removed by r/AlternativeHistory automod so i would message the moderators over there.

I do understand your frustrations with discussion of alternative theories however. Please stick with it though and see what happens when the election has passed.

/u/giantfrogfish is a mod of /r/alternativehistory. He's spamming way too many x-posts to his own sub.

I've suggested he just post to the direct link or vid.

I did that too.

if it was one post, it would still be up... but even you don't know how many topics you spammed... that should be a sign it's too many.

i'm sorry you were offended...

quit spamming shit... especially since you just repost stuff from other subreddit.

that's not discussing

Why are you even here? All you do in this sub is bitch and complain!

His other subreddit. It's essentially "native advertising".

um i engage with the comments how is that not discussion?

all you do is repost stuff from the alternative history sub, discuss is there.

you can comment in this sub or that sub that is a beauty of free will

not when we have framed it via a subject alternative history is not necessarily a conspiracy and vice versa.

what about the spamming?

I don't think this constitutes spamming, being they are xposts. Could be wrong. Mods? /u/mr_dong


Maybe not just one. OP had at least 12 of them reported as spam within an hour. All he's doing is advertising his own sub. Once a day should be more than enough.

So if I become a mod of another sub I can only make one x-post a day?

We're just making up arbitrary rules as we go now? You guys are really something..

You're a fan of excessive "native" ad-spamming? :/

Surprised you didn't show up sooner dusty digital book burning is your favorite.

That's not true. You're mean. :(

Alright well maybe a limit is fair. I don't have a problem with the material so maybe in future frog can link to the direct article/video.

For the record I just removed 12 more making a total of 24 that were posted in the last 2 hours.

That's worthy of a temp-ban for spamming IMO.

I think they were already posted but just hadn't been reported yet.

More spam than an episode of Monty Python then. A limit is fair. Some interesting alternative content without spamming is a good compromise.

That's what I told him in a separate thread but he still saw fit to make this post here.

Seems like a fair compromise really.


Has passion about it too doesn't he.


No problem.

it's not my fault theres so many good links there

Then post the original sources here, not links to your sub.

reasonable enough. Ill do that in the future. Seems like the people who are reporting and down voting my posts have something against the content not just the way it was posted. That should be taken into account when deciding if their complaints are worth acknowledging. Some people are here just to prevent discourse.

And some people are here just to advertise their subs, apparently...

I hope those who are interested in the topic of alternative history find their way there, if I can help them in anyway I will. I'm sorry it seems to trigger you.

I wish your sub success. Just don't be spammy here, please. :)

Shills and useful idiots are jerking themselves raw over every twist in the Clinton soap opera. They've got no time for any conspiracy outside of those fed through the MSM.

I appreciate what you post.

No, the mods have got fed up with your self-promoting blogspam links.

self promoting? You assume I wrote all the articles I linked to?

Why do you always post links to the same website?

which website would that be?

r/alternativeHistory. Some promotion of the sub is fine, but there's no good reason not to post the links directly.

giving users a link to a place where their links and discussions on alternative history wont automatically be either down voted or removed isn't a good reason?

Occasional links to r/AlternativeHistory are absolute welcome (eg self posts from the sub). I am subscribed to your sub, and it has plenty of good content. But as a general rule you should link original content.

I dunno if there's a conspiracy in /r/conspiracy. The limits of the discussion here are defined. If you don't couch your subject as a conspiracy (and really, any alt theory is inherently conspiratorial as for it to be alt and not widely known implies an effort to stifle...but ignoring this..) then your posts can be removed.

I think the curiosity of those who question any narrative will lead into speculative grounds naturally. One of the modes of discovering truth is to construct speculative models and to test them. But this is not within the confined boundaries of /r/conspiracy. Rather it is outside of them.

If you want to post theories that involve speculation you'd probably be better off posting in /r/C_S_T. Or, frame your thesis within the boundaries of /r/conspiracy's allowed subjects.

I've suggested he just post to the direct link or vid.

Please direct me to the rule on the sidebar that states this.

Also define 'spam'

I think they were already posted but just hadn't been reported yet.