The ultimate hoax pulled in ancient times setting the course for 2000 years...

0  2016-09-19 by HangoutUnlimited

Jesus Christ.

Prove me wrong.

It's been a major control mechanism for 2000 years.

No coincidence that the elite are closet pedos and so are priests ...

No coincidence the Pope throws up luciferian gang signs.

They actually did it.

The Jesus hoax.


You make the claim, the burden of proof is on you.

Atheist btw

Wait no it isn't! He isn't claiming anything, he's questioning a claim.

As an atheist, do you believe in people dying and coming magically back to life?

I'm an atheist too and magic revivals don't jive with me.

It was a magic trick by the elite to assert control.

As an atheist that loves to debate Christians, I love to tell them "since you make the claim God exists, I reject that claim until evidence proves otherwise. I don't assert there is no God, I just reject the claim there is"

The thing is I follow that same standard for my claims. If I say there is no God, I must prove that claim. Just like if you claim Jesus did not exist, you must prove that claim with evidence.

And my opinion? Jesus likely existed but not in the context Christians give him. I highly doubt he was responsible for all of his miracles given that they're physically impossible or illogical. He was likely just a normal dude who preached enlightenment and other things and people turned his ideologies into a religion.

They'll probably go to some philosophy garbage using Anselm's ontological proof for God.

That argument is so dumb. "God exists because we imagine him to." Great. I guess the one leg flying rainbow colored hippo that grants wishes that I just imagined is real.


"What can be asserted without evidence and be dismissed without evidence."

It's a Hitchens quote I believe. Or Dawkins. I read both and I love the quote.

More context to that quote? Not really grasping what you're trying to convey.

Though, I agree, Hitchens was the man. Dawkins less so, but he has a lot of good arguments. His delivery often needs work though. It sucks, but a lot of people won't listen once you start sounding like an ass and condescending. I actually got down voted the worst I've ever been in this sub for posting a Sam Harris video.

The thing is the "Jesus design", or as I like to call it, the "Oosian design" has been around in various characters across the planet, a whole bunch of times. Zeus, Horus, Dionysus, Jesus, etc. (it's a rather compellingly long list, where the names all end in, arguably, an "oos" phoneme). This story has the same design points over and over. And it crosses cultures.

So if this thesis is correct, similar to the ones that Michael Tsarion and Jordan Maxwell present, then what you're proposing is that the same archetype is used by some group to identify/mark an epoch change? That's somewhat inconceivable, but not completely so. Perhaps this archetype has been hijacked by certain narrative pushers. I think this is more likely. Or perhaps this archetype is a naturally occurring phenomenon. Or perhaps it's a joke aliens pull on us.

And anyway, even if some group can create a fake individual to lionize as a sungod, what difference does it make? Surely one obvious lesson in today's world is that logic is a useful device in the discernment of truth. So rather than listen to whatever the Hero du Jour is, maybe we should be growing our knowledge set in ways that we can have faith in and which is most useful to us. Get there at our own pace rather than accepting potentially false programs that we'll have to collectively remove for a few thousand years hence.

Goes along with my theory that these bloodlines have been in control for 10,000 years or more .. this is their blueprint.

i agree with this. so many implications.

It seems to me emperor Constantine co-opted the christian church (around 300AD) precisely as a form of control to keep the remains of the empire together and under the influence of Rome's elites ( The power of the empire/church split between East and West in the great schism. Later of course the power of the church was further splintered by the likes of Martin Luther and Henry VIII etc.

Interestingly Vladimir the Great is recorded as having actively selected orthodox christianity for early Russia when he auditioned representatives of judaism, roman catholicicism, islam and orthodox christianity. He basically went shopping for a religion to control the masses and chose a form of christianity: "The Primary Chronicle reports that, in the year 986, Vladimir met with representatives from several religions. The result is amusingly described in the following apocryphal anecdote. Upon the meeting with Muslim Bulgarians of the Volga, Vladimir found their religion unsuitable due to its requirement to circumcise and taboos against alcoholic beverages and pork; supposedly, Vladimir said on that occasion: "Drinking is the joy of the Rus', we can't go without it." He also consulted with Jewish envoys (who may or may not have been Khazars), questioned them about their religion but ultimately rejected it, saying that their loss of Jerusalem was evidence of their having been abandoned by God.[7]

In the year 987, as the result of a consultation with his boyars, Vladimir sent envoys to study the religions of the various neighboring nations whose representatives had been urging him to embrace their respective faiths. Of the Muslim Bulgarians of the Volga the envoys reported there is no joy among them; only sorrow and a great stench. In the gloomy churches of the Germans his emissaries saw no beauty; but at Hagia Sophia, where the full festival ritual of the Byzantine Church was set in motion to impress them, they found their ideal: "We no longer knew whether we were in heaven or on earth," they reported, "nor such beauty, and we know not how to tell of it."[8]" -

And christianity's new testament itself was edited and put together by religious elites here:

A lot of stuff was left out including including the dead sea scrolls if I recall correctly and the gospel of thomas -

i have to think the original christianity - gnostic christianity - was dedicated to the cross from descending kali to ascending kali -- arguably the most important date in all of human history. and all this pseudo-christian mythology was spun up to conceal this fact.

one implication is that the year is actually closer to 1016 than 2016.

Can you even prove yourself right?

Can you prove people can come magically back from the dead?

Can you prove human virgin births?

Religion can be used as a tool to oppress people's thoughts however when you make poorly constructed and ill-informed posts here you undermine the validity of the thread as a whole. Please don't discredit /r/conspiracy with your posts until you can provide structure and evidence for your argument

I think he existed, but I'm not going to claim certainty about too many of the details. Two thousand years is a long time to be able to change things, especially given that Catholicism had exclusive access for most of that time.

Mo'fuxkas don't know what happened 15 years ago, or even 15 minutes ago - ain't no one gonna know what happened 2k years ago.

read the transmigration of Timothy Archer by PK Dick

I think it's very likely:

a. He was a creation of the Flavians of Rome, to justify their families rule.

b. He was real, but Caesarion (not Jewish). The son of Julius Caesar and Cleopatra.

b. He was real, but Caesarion (not Jewish). The son of Julius Caesar and Cleopatra.

Oooooo! Now this is a good theory! Sometimes your brain gives my brain splinters. Thank you!

You're welcome! It's an interesting theory I came across. It could explain the "missing" years of Jesus. Cleopatra sent him off to the East to protect him, there he studied among elders and spiritual leaders (so the theory proposes).

It's very compelling & it throws a new (to me) light on so many traditions that haven't previously made any sense. Palm Sunday, for example: How does some rando carpenter's kid get welcomed into Rome with such honors, only to be hung out to dry shortly after? It's always smacked of political intrigue & your theory ties it up pretty neatly.

Thanks again, man. Major paradigm shift there.

Jesus Christ.

Plenty of evidence He actually lived.

Prove me wrong.

Nah, that's not how it works.

It's been a major control mechanism for 2000 years.

Try reading the Talmud.

No coincidence the Pope throws up luciferian gang signs.

Read about Vatican II.

The Jesus hoax.

The only hoax is that He was a communist and that the Bible preaches multiculturalism.

Talmud, guess that was the setup for the hoax.

Prove human virgin births.

Prove people coming back from the dead.

When you can do that we will talk.

Dude its poetic allegory of archetypes, not literal. Prove a metaphor?

  1. Parthenogenesis is not physically impossible.
  2. Have you heard of a defibrillator?
  3. No, that's not how it works. YOU prove YOUR claim.

3 day defib

Human virgin births, the purest human can reach different levels of conciousness. I believe mary was and achieved that level and was able to interdimensionally mate with some sort of advanced life form thus creating jesus. They didnt know how to react to a hyrbid at the time so thats why they killed him. He didnt die for three days then come back. He was able to meditate and experience an out of body projection then came back to his physical body 3 days later

Talmud, guess that was the setup for the hoax.

Prove human virgin births.

Prove people coming back from the dead.

When you can do that we will talk.

That argument is so dumb. "God exists because we imagine him to." Great. I guess the one leg flying rainbow colored hippo that grants wishes that I just imagined is real.