Reminder that Trump wants to Expand the NSA, renew the Patriot Act, not audit OR abolish the Fed, and sucks the teet of Israel.

125  2016-09-21 by TheWiredWorld

The duality is an illusion. Who wins, the powers that be win. The Zionists.


It's pretty saddening to see that Trump gets any support here.

Sure, he's "exposing" corruption, but he never follows up. He just buries the truth under a mountain of shit, almost like it is his strategy. It seems like FUD or some sort Alex Jones thing. The second he mentions a legitimate scandal, everyone around it is discredited by association.

Do people expect this despicable, Clinton-loving billionaire to save us? Do people believe he's an NYC liberal that has had a change of heart?

What about his seductive/absurd/terrifying campaign promises? At least half of them aren't even physically possible.

He's pandering to one demographic, and Clinton is pandering to the other. Neither could even brush up against their peasant constituents without cringing and feeling dirty.

The moment either of these puppets win, they enact the agenda they were handed by the oligarchs.

If he wins, he'll act almost exactly like a Clinton. I guarantee it.

True. But he's not a war criminal and he's not going to make disarming the public a top priority and he won't be able to lie as easily.

He's a satanist. So is Hillary. So are most of the top brass.

I'm a Satanist. Those two are clearly Christian.

If he's a satanist then Hillary is Satan. She's that much worse.

They are both serving satan. For real and I don't even believe in that shit as an atheist. But I'm starting too.

Just remember, it's always this. Always.

Bahaha. Holy shit that's hilarious.

I don't expect a damn thing from him. I never even imagined he'd ever make it through the primaries. (Though all of the candidates for the GOP were jokes in their own way.) I know how reckless Clinton is, and I KNOW that people have lost their lives because of her recklessness and lack of empathy. I've seen her ruin the country time and time again since the days of Bill, and I'll be damned if I contribute to her fucking it up any further.

Looks like we can agree on that. I just can't see Trump actually making any vast departures from the status quo.

If you take his current incarnation, he'll make a little splash on the domestic scene. We'll have some border patrol and tariffs, maybe some abortion restrictions or right wing supreme court justices, but he won't take on any entrenched powers (because he never has before) and his splash will get evened out after a few years or a decade.

If you take into account his past, he's an NYC liberal and an avid Clinton supporter. He'll follow in her footsteps.

Personally, I suspect he's been working for Clinton the whole time.

Sure, he's "exposing" corruption, but he never follows up.

what exactly do you expect a private citizen with no executive authority to do?

Sure, he's "exposing" corruption, but he never follows up.

What followup is he supposed to do on the campaign trail?

Do people expect this despicable, Clinton-loving billionaire to save us?

Just be President

What about his seductive/absurd/terrifying campaign promises?

They're on his website and they appear sound.

It's pretty saddening to see that Trump gets any support here.


What followup is he supposed to do on the campaign trail?

A sustained discussion on the most important instances of corruption, the facts that support them and a few ideas about how to rectify them. Instead he just says a bunch of vague/hot-topic things we already know, with exactly zero follow-up.

About his campaign promises:

Off the top of my head, I remember him promising that the iPhone will be manufactured in America, which would drive the cost of the phone up to about $2-5K. (Fine with me, but a bit silly to expect.) I'd love to see manufacturing come back, but it can't. Our society is addicted to the prices that only cheap labor and low environmental standards can provide. I'd love to see that mentality change, but I'm not counting on Americans to accept a lower standard of living for the greater good.

Making Mexico pay for the 8th wonder of the world? Solving illegal immigration without solving the drug war? How will he police the entire border without creating a police/surveillance state?

That ad where he said he'd take ISIS's oil? I knew we were plundering natural resoruces, but it was quite shocking to hear it out loud.

It's sad because he's using the same bag of tricks with a different style. No one every pandered to the conspiracy theorists before. We were an "untapped market".

Like the media would cover any sustained discussion on that matter.

We have the internet and blogs now, he doesn't need the media. All he'd have to do is publish a short blog. It would take him or his team literally three hours.

Look at Ron Paul. He has gone on the record in interviews and his personal blog with in-depth detail about the Fed's "deceitful practice of borrowing through inflation to fund wars of aggression" and he had a plan to solve it. He actually attempted to educate people on it, show the real issues, and bring in skeptics with facts.

Crickets from Trump. Just a few mumbles about Vince Foster, a rigged system, and the hot topic of the day. No details, no follow up.

He says things 90% of the population has already heard of (and don't necessarily believe or understand) with no attempt to use facts to actually pull skeptics in, strengthen his position, or propose even a general plan of action.

A sustained discussion on the most important instances of corruption

On the campaign trail with Americans caring about the economy and terrorism?

Instead he just says a bunch of vague/hot-topic things we already know, with exactly zero follow-up.

Missing the fact he's speaking about them at all. He's on the campaign trail. You may expect too much from any one individual running for Prez.

Making Mexico pay for the 8th wonder of the world?
Solving illegal immigration


Solving the drug war? Stopping the drug war. Who could get elected calling for the end of the drug war?

...police the entire border without creating a police/surveillance state?

By policing the border with the border budget.

That ad where he said he'd take ISIS's oil...

Yes, take the oil and profit. Everybody knows it's a good idea.

but it was quite shocking to hear it out loud.

I wouldn't worry. I don't think we'll be hoisting the Jolly Roger anytime soon.

using the same bag of tricks

What's in this bag and who's used it?

He's also come out against the first amendment, specifically the freedom of the press.

But he's far better than Hillary.

Hillary is evil.

A giant douche or a turd sandwich. Great choice this time around!

Great choice

It's all just an illusion of choice.

Flippant reference to pop culture. Honestly it's fine commentary, but it doesn't take anything seriously

Actually it's a great metaphor for American politics, hence, why he alluded to the episode.

People get caught up in pointless chants and pop culture references. Sure it alludes, but in the end it's entertainment, not understanding.

But he loves the 2nd.. Machine guns for all fuck that 84 ban!


The duality is an illusion.

say no more.

Any one of these things would be a huge red flag. All of them combined wreaks of controlled opposition.

It's pretty obvious that he is part of the establishments plan along with Hillary.

A rose of another name

He's against the TPP though

And he loves the 2nd amendment

Thank you. He is the side show to scare you into the main tent.

Get ready to be wrong. You ain't got no choice in the matter

Whatever happens, if he wins and pulls some W style bullshit, we would have to exercise people power to let him know how we really feel. Hopefully, it won't come to that.

I'm sure he will be real interested in your feelings.

It worked with Hillary and she really doesn't care.

All that is fine... it was going to happen anyways. just as long as Hillary never gets in office all will be fine.

True. But he's not a war criminal and he's not going to make disarming the public a top priority and he won't be able to lie as easily.


Those made by Ron Paul. :)

And trump hasn't spent decades trying to disarm the public. Hillary has. And she voted for the Patriot Act and Middle East wars of aggression. Do not even try to compare Hillary. She's had a hand in more innocent deaths than most dictators.


Trump is just a useful idiot - but his superb delivery is actually waking a lot of older people up.

Trump hasn't spent decades doing things we can look back on with perspective now because he's never held political office before.

Trump has been in the public eye since the 80s! But what he didn't do is spend his adult life willing to do anything in a quest for ultimate power.

When you have someone as deplorable as Hillary - how do you even open your mouth about her opponent ? I'm confused - is something wrong with your brain?

Oh now I see. You're a Clinton paid shill who's tasked with making Trump supporters look even dumber than people expect. Nice work, shill. You sure shilled us good

I'm a libertarian who sees things as they are. Trump is an opportunist looking for publicity. Clinton is a warlord trying to steal the office of president after spending a career fraught with crime just getting to this point.

Nice try though.
Maybe you should throw in the towel at this point.

Okay shill.

Shilling for truth, freedom, peace, and prosperity.

Although no ones' spaying me to do it so I don't think I can technically be called a shill.

You're the only shill here.

You can't be for peace and be for any of our candidates at the same time. You can't even be for any politician because inherent in our very government is the act of taxation, which, as a libertarian, you should know is theft. Coercion, theft, murder. What happened to the non-aggression principle? You simply cannot support trump and maintain that you're for liberty, or justice. You cannot support government, and be for peace. Government is the antithesis of peace. You should know this.

He's not a war criminal, yet. Put him in office and he'll become one.

You can't charge someone with a crime they have committed yet. Even if you know they will.

Clinton has already committed those crimes and more.

No kidding. I'm not endorsing Clinton by any means.

Still LEAGUES better than Hillary. CURRENT war criminal with a trail a coincidental deaths following her entire career. She's a FAR WORSE human being with open and hidden murder on her hands.

Wake TF up.


Rule 10 after final warning. Removed. Banned.


Rule 10. Removed. 1st warning.

You are. You do. I'm not a shill. Oh, if it's on Google and YouTube it must be true.

Get educated. Question sources. Stop blaming others for your own inadequacies.



Rule 10. Removed. 1st warning.


How am I supporting Hillary?

Ok. You're not supporting the criminal Hillary Clinton.

That's good.


Correct. I'm not supporting the war criminal Clinton, nor am I supporting the rapist and fraudster Trump.

Now we can agree.
That's all you had to say.

Rule 10. Removed.