Mind Control Is Here.

27  2016-09-21 by KnightBeforeTomorrow

Mind Control Is Here.

MIT Researchers Create Device That Detects Human Emotions Using Wireless Signals


Our thoughts are beginning to be read

Scientists Create a Mind-Reading System That Projects Your Thoughts on a Screen


This new device can visualize your thoughts (sort of)


Then they can throw out the 'bad' thoughts.

ScienceDaily Possibility of selectively erasing unwanted memories


and put in 'good' ones

UCI-led Study Creates New Memories by Directly Changing the Brain


Then do a little tweaking

Scientists claim they can change your belief on immigrants and God – with MAGNETS


Scientists use unnerving trick to plant false experiences into people's brains


and testing

Magnetic mind control works in live animals, makes mice happy


Then there's the microwave voices that can be transmitted into your head, bypassing your ears going directly into the center of the brain so that it can be much louder than sound can be and last until they turn it off which has no limit. Many of the nationally mentioned shooters have complained of this. Links available. If this ultra insistent voice demands you do something, you Will do it.

The mainstream won't ever know what happened to them.


imo, we have been 'mind controlled' forever. i'm not trying to be dramatic or sarcastic. i really think this is true & with more advances in tech that we aren't aware of, it becomes more insidious & harder to prove.

if anyone has read anything about people that have been harassed electronically (or otherwise), they know that is in fact happening. also those that claim to be TI (targeted individuals). for some reason, some don't believe this can (and is happening).

edit: "mind control" is moving into the "real world" not just tv/movies/music (imo), we witness everyday, the arrests/killing of people for no legitimate reasons.

"1996" by Gloria Naylor (i always praise this book because this is one of the only books i know of that tells of a Black woman that was harassed relentlessly by the NSA.)

"In 1996 novelist Naylor moved to secluded St. Helena Island. A minor fracas with a crotchety neighbor, whose brother worked for the National Security Agency, set into motion a series of events that made Naylor the object of close scrutiny by the government. The intensely private Naylor found herself in the company of other prominent black writers and activists targeted by the government. She was harassed until she feared for her sanity and consulted a psychiatrist. When she discovered that her tormentors were using mind-control techniques, she fought back with the only weapon she had--her writing talent. Naylor's account, with first-person recollections of her experience and third-person speculation on the motives of her tormenters, not only raises alarms about government actions but also raises many questions about this work. She includes addenda with research and litigation regarding government experiments with mind control. Whether readers think Naylor has been the victim of pernicious abuse or that she has suffered a breakdown, her incredible book will spark debate about government surveillance and the blurring of the lines between fiction and nonfiction."



didn't know that, appreciate the info.

http://strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pubs/parameters/articles/98spring/thomas.htm read that in the very early days of the 'net, and knew it was the future.

There's quite a few linked articles, which is nice, not all one source even. Even if there are some linked sources that I will dismiss out of hand (dailymail.co.uk and express.co.uk). But it's all articles from news outlets. We all know they sensationalize and misrepresent studies.

And finally, when you have the opportunity to tie it into something that you say is happening, we get this:

Many of the nationally mentioned shooters have complained of this. Links available.

Please provide these links. If it is related, as you indicate, it should be relevant.

For now I do not see a conspiracy, just news outlets making stuff up.

It's still a good job of finding all of these articles, I appreciate the effort that went into it.

just news outlets making stuff up.

I collected them all. You may pick and choose No two people seem to be able to agree on which sources are valid, but the story is solid. At least some are from University studies and a scientific news outlet.

Mind control is now real.

Particularly the microwave auditory effect in my other article from this evening.

Jesse Venture proved the microwave auditory thing on his show they planted sounds in his head and that was what 4 years ago or so


Decide any way you like, for now.

I'm saying you have a promising start, but it lacks substance. But from your answer I understand that you're not going to provide the links you found on the shooters?

Big read... thanks for that

Then there's the microwave voices that can be transmitted into your head, bypassing your ears going directly into the center of the brain so that it can be much louder than sound can be and last until they turn it off which has no limit. Many of the nationally mentioned shooters have complained of this. Links available. If this ultra insistent voice demands you do something, you Will do it.

Sounds like schizophrenia there, my friend.

I think he's referring to the Microwave Auditory Effect, but it doesn't bypass your ears, the microwaves cause slight vibrations directly in the bones of the middle ear, which are interpreted by the inner ear as actual sound.

Seems you've had a bit too much to think there pal

maybe you dont think enuf

One would say too much

moi yeah i say waaaay too much ;0


You have no idea how stupid I am, sir!

You mess with people and I swear at them... Fucker... Lol

User name checks out.

I can believe how stupid you are.