Regular people still don't know BLM was funded by George Soros and act like they don't understand this information when you tell them

132  2016-09-22 by 911bodysnatchers322

I was at a mechanic yesterday and someone was going on with my friend about Black Lives Matter. I said it was funded by George Soros, which I then had to explain was a rich guy; and that the Koch Brothers funded the Tea Party and that all of it was a means of social control and that our government allowed it otherwise these people would be in jail for conspiracy...which I explained was when you do stuff in secret to harm the public. Anyone with computer and internet can fact check everything I just said.

They just kind of blink and then go back to the readymade narrative that FOX, CNN and others have made for them. People literally don't know how to think.

I got annoyed and doubled down on the confrontationalism becasue Mr. FoxProxy pissed me off. I jumped back in and I said, "it's called racebaiting. Those people aren't real, they are employees being paid by someone on classifieds. They pay people to go somewhere and act violent. Nothing you think is real is real."

Then I walked out quickly before bubba gump got his overalls in a bind. Not that he could do anything and if so, pretty sure I still remember karate, half his age and 3 times as fit.

I'm in NC where you encounter mostly shitapple rednecks, with a combined charisma and intelligence rating of zero, making them only the barbarian class.

I have hope for the youngin's though. They might be red but they aren't already dead. They've already given up on news and they are into living. They really don't care about all this stuff--they are checked out, but at least I've run into a few that doubt 9/11, which gives me hope.

Anyone over 50 here in NC is worthless. Worthless people. I usually don't say such things out loud but I'm going to now. I'm done with them. A civil engineer who can't grok controlled demo job when all the signs are there. It's proof the archons' mindgate program is strong


BLM appeals to both sides of the race issue. That makes it very difficult to shake someone out of their created world view.

Supporters of BLM see an overwhelming amount of evidence that the government systematically oppresses black people (which happens). They also see that black people are "fighting back" en masse.

Opponents of BLM want to see blacks as these ruffians continually breaking laws and attacking law enforcement while creating riots in otherwise peaceful cities. This reinforces their belief that BLM is a violent movement.

Neither side will admit/see that it's being fueled by money and agent provocateurs and designed to create division and hatred among races. It doesn't fit their personal narrative and that's going to end up shutting down any thoughts of bigger fish being involved in a nefarious manner.

Opponents of BLM want to see blacks as these ruffians

No, opponents of BLM simply realize that it is fucking stupid to pin this on racism instead of just corruption/abuse of power, and also that while "Black Lives Matters" sounds good, the motives behind the "Black Lives Matters" movement are themselves racist and their demands are fucking ridiculous.

But thanks tho. I can always count on this sub for helping to further the retardation

Opponents of BLM want to see blacks as these ruffians continually breaking laws and attacking law enforcement while creating riots in otherwise peaceful cities.

Are they not?

I can tell you that BLM owns a lot of the west. BLM isnt anything new my friend and not sure what it has to do with Soros though...

You can't seriously be that dense, can you? Sure, there is more than one meaning of the acronym BLM, but clearly this post is about Black Lives Matter, Bureau of Land Management.

Those people aren't real, they are employees being paid by someone on classifieds. They pay people to go somewhere and act violent. Nothing you think is real is real."

So you think that every BLM protester out there is bought and paid for by Soros? All of them are not "real"? Just acting the part?

That's a foolish notion! Even if the whole movement is financed and started by Soros the people out there doing stuff still believe in it and are doing it out of free will and not because someone paid them.

Not to mention that it is impossible to control a movement like BLM which has no centralized leadership from the top just by giving money.

So you think that every BLM protester out there is bought and paid for by Soros?

Where did you get THIS idea? I never said 'every blm protestor' that's some kind of straw man argument There were absolutely provocateurs and everyone else is a useful idiot

Genuinely curious.. Then what exactly is he "funding"?

I can't say what proportion are 'useful idiots' and which are paid. But we know that the 'paid provocateurs' did in fact start the movement and that they've led it. Like I said though I have no idea what % are dumb college era kids with no grip on actual history and no willingness to defy their scripting

they steer and script the movement through provocateurs. and it's not about being coordinated, it's in fact about being dyscoordinated and soaking up people's time and energy because then you will convert a bunch of well intentioned activists into lumpen losers who will never participate again because they know it doesn't accomplish anything. That's what is meant by cultural stockholms syndrome

this isn't about achieving any goal except for telling a bunch of young activists that 'no lives matter' implicitly, through their effectiveless participation

What are you talking about? It's not people getting paid. It's a movement, however flawed, of people furious about the police state, particularly its reach into poor/black areas.

google youtube mae brussell provocateurs

if you don't know what an agent provocateur is then please keep your opinion to yourself. btw, nice username going around saying uninformed things to discredit dmt also

Dude, I've been heavily involved in social movements for twenty years. I'm well aware of agent provocateurs. I also know many people in the Black Lives Matter movement. It's an organic movement, and I strongly agree with its anticline brutality premise. You may disagree with some people doing certain actions, but who exactly are you accusing of being agent provocateurs?

And don't be a dick- it's just childish.

Oh there is central leadership just like AstroTurf group occupy had.

Yeah that's difficult, I live in Colorado and my auntie I caretake here totally agrees. She was watching the NC "protests" on CNN and says "It's not about color it's about class" Of course we talked about it and she knew about the paid protesters too. She told me how my cousins were at the DNC protest and got rangled like cattle into a cage, not read their rights and denied a phone call until morning. Later they found out the "rowdy" ones from out of state were paid to be there who also happened to get off with no ticket while cousins had community service. Agent provocateurs I tell ya.

That's very useful first hand information on this subject. Glad to get more confirmation / validation of what's really happening. Thank you for that.


That's completely wrong. Miranda rights don't need to be read to you anymore unless you're making a voluntary statement. Utterances don't matter, and if they don't need a statement, it doesn't matter either.

I think they use this method to find potential opponents of their power. If you show up to a protest, they arrest you on shit charges and your name goes in the computer.

I noticed you mentioned the younger generation is "Red but not Dead". If I could throw in my 2 cents on it. I think a lot of it has to be with economic displacement. The older generation have jobs, and savings. They got in during the boomer years. The young generation has nothing but student debt an few good job prospects as everything was outsourced. Basically the young have no reason to defend this system. They have no skin in the game so to speak. It can burn for all they care. This is why they are more open minded. But also potentially easily manipulated by Marxist. It's a rebellion generation.

Good. Shit needs to be shook.

It's no coincidence that most people don't know who Soros is... or who is paid for by whom.

If the MSM news media gave the same kind of coverage to these people that the entertainment shows give to useless people like the Kardashians... we'd have an informed (and outraged) public.

Like I said, no coincidence.

Very true. Since the fairness doctrine was repealed in 1987 by reagan and bush sr. they are not required to report anything factual

What is the fairness doctrine? And why was it repealed?

Western NC presently. I hear you. I am an oldie though.

Ok so youre one of the good ones if you're here, so you're exempt. I do know people in their 50+ range in colorado that are aware of what's happening also

Excellent resource, thank you.

Just like with Hillary's health, the conspiracy theorists were right again. This after a bunch of news outfits claimed the Soros link to BLM was fabricated.

Even with the 28 pages, CIA and media types denied any Saudi connection and again, quietly, we're proven right. It's a been a decent year for conspiracy theorists.

shameless plugs for my YT page

I like that you reminded us of the 28 pages and saudi stuff that resulted in nothing. Or the 'assange threatens to release the ultimate clinton killer' and.....yet .... 2-3 months now....still waiting

The machine rolls along. I can't tell you how many times I've thought, "this is it. People will definitely wake up after this and demand change." That was early in my research on this stuff. Now, I'm convinced nothing will jar the masses from their slumber.

Stopped reading at "pretty sure I remember karate". Wtf dude. Stop making this sub look bad.

you got that far?

Sounds like they don't fall far from the shit tree, randy.

I died. Thanks for that.

Netfricks better do another season.

Ignorance is bliss... They don't want to know the truth... Keep eating the grass... Bahhh...

"Regular people."

Fucking normies man.

Regular people

We are irregular, it's true. Some might say enhanced. Augmented with these things called facts. If we don't have those then we are just as gobbling as the turkeys on fox news / cnn

Yup that craigslist ad was def posted by Soros and not someone trying to discredit the movement.

Most voters are voting based on television speeches instead of people. Think about that statement very literally and see if you know what I mean exactly, I want to know what you think OP. Would you allow your ruler to be selected based on a reddit post? Would you write in a name ballot because of a well written response on Facebook? Yet that is most of America, voting on ideas and feelings instead of people and reality. We're truly already in the matrix.

You ae right man, but next time illimunate.

Sheesh...everyone started at level 1 once right? Even you OP, even you...

Ok, well you humbled me. Thank you bringing me back to center.

"Mr. FoxProxy" made me chuckle.

I know a bunch of guys like that.

I don't think this issue is so black and white. I see a claim by the Washington Times based on Soros' tax returns that Open Society Institute (his foundation) gave some seed money to people connected with Black Lives Matter, but not that they continue to. I'd like to see any evidence, if you say they continue to.

But regardless, the BLM movement is complicated. People are upset about a very real problem, that office waging war on their own citizens, especially in poor areas. Sure, you may disagree with certain tactics, or the racial emphasis in general, but look at their "Campaign Zero" web site; I think it's really on-point. What we really need to improve the inner cities is an end to the drug war. And, though I'm not a Soros fan overall, he does financially support groups working to end the drug war, which I strongly support.

The world is a complicated place.

Go to the right sidebar and click on list of confirmed conspiracies. Read through that list. Now you know who is behind everything

Sure he is the most visible person just as the Koch brothers are on the opposite side.. They are both conflicting characters though as they do a lot of good as well.. It's easy to point the finger at people like soros and the Koch brothers as they both stand on the political soap box... But I think it's the people we dont know about that we should be scared of

I've been researching deep politics for twenty years, dude. If you have anything to say, say it. The fact is, the work OSI is doing around ending the drug war is excellent. I know it because I've worked I'm the drug policy reform movement and have seen their materials and know where their money goes.

This nation is full of ignorant cucks.

That was one long cold winter for me too. It is beautiful down there though, and once it is aired out? I am pretty sure the guy I drank with inauguration day is gone. In his nineties. I was asked in and the first thing I saw was the mlk fuzzy rug from teh fifties on his wall. And the tear in his eye. Dude was cool. Murika, 2008 this guy had no running water. And we be sendin shit elsewhere. πŸΈπŸΉπŸ·πŸΆπŸΊβ˜•πŸ΅πŸ―πŸπŸ±πŸ•πŸ‘ Something for everyone I guess.

And I guess you can keep that shit. I don't even need it anymore.

Can you please explain what you're talking about or are you one of those random nonsense bots? I have you marked as F and I had a reason for doing that...

I found the last fuckin thief in the marine corps.... And I need may mutherfuckinshit back. No pineal. Yes pineal, no feckin pineal. Fuck you. Pi n e s o l


Will the real ifltrdby please come back? Someone has hacked his account

Nah nigga, you only get to take what is given. But first there some shyt here somewhere that still needs sorted. But it looks an awful lot like really caring really matters. And every fucking body saw that shyt. 0_0

Da nerve.

But that might already be fixed to. Stranger shyt seems to have happened. Lately. Fucking antennae.

I got a bird from you here somewhere. And I got one for you too.

Sorting shyt. Orlly ? O_o

Yeah. That happened.

Spaghetti too.

And no fucking body really cared about the transformers. Go figure.

So, uh, about that thing I saw earlier. Pretty sure a beer would be kinda nice. Something screaming stars into I know you for sure. Every body else doesn't really seem to matter. For the moment.

This shit happened with "The Tea Party" and it's happening again. I don't know how many times it has happened to be honest, as I'm young and of course not read everything possible. Fund a divisive political group -> make it popular -> make it look like it is "grassroots"

gotta divide and conquer the lower/ middle classes. race is a really easy way to do that. it's why the republicans have always appealed to a sense of zenophobia and fear of brown people, and the democrats are really pushing the race baiting narrative.

They've been planning a race war for a while. That way we don't blame the eventual austerity on government- Republicans blame it on black people, and Democrats blame it on poor white people/ republicans. We'll all be begging the government to up the police and save us from the violent masses.

Dude everything you said is true but... that's a load of info to just spring on someone if they didn't know who George Soros was. You just need to get your knowledge out to people without shaming or demeaning them.

They aren't all worthless people. Some of them really just don't understand, but they definitely aren't going to listen if you're belittling them.

Yeah, you're a bit of a dick.

Are you one of the 17 people around here who drive around with a dixie flag mounted to their falling-apart vehicles; rolling coal even though I drive an energy efficient vehicle, and yet have to get an emissions test every year because of you?

That's right. Proudly dickish here.

Nope, not even close. However, you just insulted an entire generation of often poorly-educated people who had no choice but to be spoon fed whatever information was presented by either television news or the newspapers. Last time I checked, being fast asleep isn't a quality confined to any particular demographic either. Most people don't give a fuck about thinking critically and seeing past corruption or entertaining conspiracy theories.

Can you grow your own food? Could you then can and preserve it? Do you know how to raise livestock? Fix your own car? Build your own house? I guarantee you some of these people you've mentioned can. If my toilet breaks, I can always depend on some blue-collar guy to come fix it, because I can't. And I'm not going to rail on him for his lack of political awareness in the process. That would make me a dick.

Can't blame him. Living in the south has turned me into a cynical dick too.

You could have not made the post more about YOU.

Not sure why you are getting downvotred..

Not sure either.

Exactly. Seems like grandstanding. It was basically "I have autism and can't function outside" post. Not sure what there is to be proud of there, but he certainly was!

Generally if you're trying to educate a stupid fucking moron, you're not supposed to call them a stupid fucking moron to their face. Regardless of how right you are, they'll just get angry at you and learn nothing.

"Nothing you think is real is real."

Then how do you know what is real? If you really think those things are happening (Soros founding BLM, craigslist ads recruiting paid provocateurs to race bait, etc) then wouldn't that mean none of that is real?

Anyway, lets see some hard evidence that this Soros you speak of actually founded BLM. Not some article just saying he did. Real evidence.

... You mean besides the email that was leaked in which he directly states he's funding them? The memo? You can google this. You'll have a myriad of links with proof in under 30 seconds.
Good try with the disinfo tho.

I'd appreciate if you can point me to the evidence. If it's as easy to find as you say then I'm sure you have a link saved by now.

You sound like a 12 year old "shitapple redneck." Seriously? Bubba Gump? You know karate and are 3 times more fit? Too bad you don't know "mechanics" to fix your car.

You're right i don't. I made 92k at one time doing IT so I can pay someone who makes half that to do to do it, all the while not out in the heat sweating and being exposed to oil and other harmful chemicals. And now I write for a living. You're adhom attempt to discredit me is very ineffective

Sounds like white privilege to me.

So you're the new person assigned to shitting on my posts. I've not seen you before, but now I'm seeing you like 3 times in rapid succession coming in and just saying some glib mean spirited thing for no reason other than to harass. Can you please give you attention to other posters? Otherwise I might think you are stalking me and ask the mods to kickban this account of yours also for violating rule 1,5. thanks in advance. I know you'll do what's white

BLM= Domestic terrorists. Should be dealt with say way than ISIS.

Armed and financed by our government?

What government? It is/was not ours. Not in a loong time.

Ok so he means that group posing as our government?

or is it posse posse comitatus time?

Been looking like it, but I tell you, these people. Fuckit. Anybody have working Nyan cats ? I couldn't find any last night. And you know. I looked.

The Boston tea party was an act of terrorism.. Th pro slavery and the abolitionists committed acts of terror during the civil war era.. The women's suffrage movement committed acts of terror.. Nelson Mandela by all accounts was a terrorist in South Africa.. Our own government committed and/or let acts of terror happen on 9-11.. Our government commits acts of terror all over the world and overthrows sovereign leaders, especially in the Middle East..

How do you decide what is a noble act of terror?

Btw, our government created ISIS

You need to get a grip and rip up your script

I think you meant to post that in /iamsosmart

I get what you are trying to do but in reality you've proved OP right by being the exact type of head-in-the-sand person he is complaining about.

You are mocking him for being informed about the complete corruption of modern society and being disgusted that the average person does not even have the intelligence to understand the corruption when it is spelled out in plain english. And you are mocking him by saying he is using his intelligence to show off.

I mean, do you understand the irony here? You also have no idea what OP is talking about and choose the dumb ape coping mechanism of mockery rather than using what little brain you have to lift yourself out of ignorance.

And your post has the most upvotes.

edit: Ok it was at 6 upvoted when I replied now at -1 so perhaps there is hope for us after all :)

Maybe CTR was on break and they were browsing here :)

I see both sides though. I've had my mind open for quite a while but you can't open someone up by laying on the heavy stuff. I know enough to not lay out most things as 'facts'. It helps to plant seeds and open folks up to ideas but you can't just 'blow their minds open' and expect that someone is going to have a complete world view change on a break at work. Subtlety and nuance work. Believe me, I understand the frustration of watching intelligent people believe the propaganda while the world continues to burn but I have found no formula that works on people. I just take little openings to expand someone's awareness when they occur.

I'm not smart it's everyone dumb around me. I come from a normal place where normal people are of average intelligence. I just landed in an outlier hick pitt

Because he's privy to the bureaucratic corruption that's been purposely hidden from the mainstream media narrative? You don't have to be smart to find alternative sources of information that isn't government sponsored or corporate owned. It's all been made to the public, you just have to search.

Armed and financed by our government?

You need to get a grip and rip up your script

The Boston tea party was an act of terrorism.. Th pro slavery and the abolitionists committed acts of terror during the civil war era.. The women's suffrage movement committed acts of terror.. Nelson Mandela by all accounts was a terrorist in South Africa.. Our own government committed and/or let acts of terror happen on 9-11.. Our government commits acts of terror all over the world and overthrows sovereign leaders, especially in the Middle East..

How do you decide what is a noble act of terror?

Btw, our government created ISIS