We all know hillary is evil, but trump is no better... doesnt matter who wins.. national security state will always prevail

78  2016-09-22 by We-think-we-are-free



What flavor of inverted totalinarianism would you like, sir?

We have "Original Establishment" and "Aggressive Nationalist". Most people enjoy the establishment flavor because it's the safe bet... but recently we've had a lot of people trying out the nationalist flavor to change things up a bit. Variety is the spice of like, ya know?

It can change if people get oganized. Honestly, all it would take is some well organized boycotts that people take seriously. We could change the world by carefully selecting what we do or don't spend our money on. If we drove a few major corporations into the ground for supporting certain foundations or for hiding money offshore, things would change quickly. If the feds aren't going to arrest the criminals, we hit them in the wallet.

I am standing behind principle on this one... she cheated us in the primary, blatantly, and now they're trying to brainwash us into hating Trump. they're pretending that it will be our fault if Trump wins, because we won't stand behind a crook. by discussing these issues with close friends and family you'll realize, as I have, these means of manipulation are actually quite effective. people don't have anything positive to say about the Shrill, other than the fact that Trump is a "bad, scary man, and his rhetoric is dangerous". It's about time we take it to the streets to get our message out. the MSM is putting people in bubbles, and we need to pop the bubbles.

You dont get it tho. Come January it will be business as usual.

You really think they would let a wildcard like trump do what he wants?

Havent we learned from 2008? Most of Baracks policies are identical to george W. Why would trump be any different?

Trump actually used to scare me. I couldn't believe that people would support him.. that was until I saw what Hillary is capable of. I will NEVER vote for her, and despite the fact that they try to isolate us and make us feel like we're on our own, I know there are TONS of people just like me. in the end, she has the election bought.. short of her death it doesn't look like there's anything that could stop her and her cronies. what we need is for people to start waking up. waking up to the fact that the government truly doesn't care about it's people, and that there are a few elites stuffing their pockets while the rest of us work our lives away in a perpetual cycle of debt. the world could live in harmony and peace so easily, we all need to put our ego and greed aside and embrace ourselves as members of the same race: humanity.

I do get it, but that's not the point. the point is we need change. standing idly by and preaching "business as usual" only feeds fuel to the fire.

If she dies, they will reanimate her. They seem to have that ability now....

People are so scared of what trump says he will do but the fact of the matter is that congress and the supreme won't let most of that shit get off the ground. Clinton will get away with whatever she wants because she is the DNC and GOP establishments gal.

My favorite is the people that tell me Trump is an outsider. Please.

As a non-America, it's heart wrenching to watch you folks just sit back and take it. I know you're discouraged. But demand someone different. DEMAND. Make some serious noise. Elections are still "for the people" - if you make enough noise they can't ignore you.

edit: downvotes... Smh

nothing to be done buddy, don't you see the cops shooting people to death every day in the news here? nobody can do anything without being killed or kidnapped. we live in staln era USSR.

America dominates the world theres no citizens stoping them lol.


Empires never last. Over reach. Go broke. New upstarts enter the game. The US used to be internationally insignificant. And Britain reigned.

Are you sure that ever really changed?

Britain is still in control. The 1% banksters can tumble the US any time they want. Note how the UK is supporting China now. They will use China to fight the power of the US. The UK is preparing for a shift to the East should it be needed.

No. The Royal Family is just another has been rich family that has to elbow its way through just like any old money rich family does.

Cameron, Blair, both had to sniff US ass to make any move at all. You are repeating a myth. As far as the ultra elite, yes, its global, and yes, there is a lot of money in London. But I was talking of empires, which is another face of power. The global elite can take their private jets anywhere.

The Royal Family is just one small part of their control. Although the Royal Family does own shit-loads of real estate all over the world. The real power and control is in the City. The physical power is the military, but the money gives the Army its marching orders.

Account is 10 days old. 🤔

Ive been here under other name for at least 2 years. Got new phone and didnt know my password.

Don't know, could represent a schism in the deep state.

Joseph Farrell's analysis on Dark Journalist is a good one to consider:


is this a plot to elect biden?

Isn't he though? Isn't he?

The margin is razor thin, I'll give you that

The attempt to try and equalize Trump and Clinton (to pretend that they're "the same") is intellectually lazy.

Consider the following:

Hillary sold access to US intelligence to foreign dictatorships for kickbacks to her fake charity.

Trump? (Didn't.)

Hillary sold Russia 20% of the US's uranium stockpile for kickbacks to her fake charity.

Trump? (Didn't.)

Hillary assassinated Gaddafi, destabilized Libya, Egypt, Syria, and touched off the migrant crisis affecting Europe.

Trump? (Didn't.)

Hillary (as verified by the DNC email leaks) is working hand-in-glove with George Soros, who is at this very moment destabilizing the US with race riots (like the ones happening right now in Charlotte, North Carolina). Riots, where 71% of the agitators being arrested have out-of-state licenses because they're being bused in by Soros.

Trump? (Didn't.)

I could go on and on and on [and not even touch all the people being murdered by the Clintons this election cycle like Seth Rich and John Ashe] . . .

The other side?

Well, Trump called Rosie O'Donnell fat on Twitter 8 years ago . . . er . . uh . . . so he's just as bad as Hillary.

(I hope to God that the people on this thread can't really be that mentally retarded.)

Don't be a dolt. Trump is tons better than Hillary.

You are wrong, sorry mane. Trump could actually still be significantly worse and remain a clear favourite. He has plenty of wiggle room downwards (and is already as far from president material as you could imagine, but there you go...)

Ouch! My poor morale! It's significantly lowered!

The Royal Family is just one small part of their control. Although the Royal Family does own shit-loads of real estate all over the world. The real power and control is in the City. The physical power is the military, but the money gives the Army its marching orders.