Milo Yiannopolos Update: Yes, the_Donald has been hijacked by mods with an agenda

14  2016-09-22 by PCisLame

Could be the gay mafia rearing it's ugly head, I'm not sure. All I know is that for a good long while I'd post frequently there with success and not have any problems. Then one day an openly gay mod who goes by the name of /u/viking83 bans me for no apparent reason whatsoever.

I thought about it and realized I must have said something to trigger him. Indeed, I had recently been talking about the role of the Catholic Church in world affairs, and badmouthing effeminate Jesuits like Tim Kaine.

Milo (being the Pope Francis Catholic that he is) may have requested his admirer /u/Viking83 to ban me accordingly, since doing so himself would've been considered "beneath" him.

Here's how the ban went down:

And here's a post confirming how /u/Viking83 was tasked with damage control on the matter. Apparently he's the chosen one to "save" the sub. Notice how he doesn't throw his idol, Milo, under the bus. How tender.

Very sad to see that sub being run by a den of scamming thieves. Most of the people there seem like good folks.


One moderator of T_D, KinOfMany, is Israeli military.


You don't see much talk about James Woolsey over at T_D, do you?


I grow more and more tired of the mods on reddit. The whole thing (reddit)is full of dicks, pussies, and assholes. Guess thats life though.


Yup the strongest keyboard warriors move toward mod positions.

Seriously, what kind of person would have the time to mod 17 different subs without it becoming like a full time job?

Lol at gay mafia!

Could someone guide me too the "death threat"?

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I think the douche was trying to equate not knowing that you posted too much with not knowing that death threats are wrong?

No, that's definitely not what happened.

Ah dude, when i read about bans on conspiracy i always think first of some idiot who pushed it obviously too far and doesn't intend to understand any social rule. Because that's generally how it goes.

In your case that was clearly the admin having an agenda so i laughed instead of cringing.

About Milo i don't know, he's a self-serving person into the social media business. He could do that or he could avoid stepping so low for personal reasons. That said, he definitely has the capability for that.

You gave them no plausible deniability, good work.

But to play devil's advocate, he may just be a very pushy guy with little patience. That said, what you say is definitely possible, it would fit.

Thanks for the support :)

Reditt is over moderated. They ban people my h to easily on the flimsiest of pretexts.

Um, it was started by mods with an agenda. And people fell for it and continue to fall for it.

This is very helpful, thanks :)

Sounds like you got banned and are looking for someone to blame.

I fail to see how him being gay has anything to do with it.

What the hell is the "gay mafia"?

The gay mafia is real guise and they're comin to git me!!!!!

Then I feel like I'm owed some homo blood money somehow.

Dude! It's not like being Native American. You don't get gay casino money for being part of the family. You can however make catty comments about drag queens.

Not Catholic are you?

Not at all.

You realize that they are all satanists right?

Pope Francis is a satanist...

Milo is most likely a satanist...

Trump is a satanist...

Hillary is a satanist...

This is coming from an atheist. But, their allegiance is to Israel.

Thanks for the support :)