Believing that the vaccine issue can only be separated into pro and anti vax categories is fallacy, and is an intentional construct of corporate and government propaganda.

32  2016-09-22 by Avo69

This is a response I gave to a rabid Pro-Vaccine proponent that asked me if I have been vaccinated. I want to make it clear that the wall of black and white division of anti vax or pro vax is an artificial construct generated by political and corporate propaganda.

They want us to think we have only two choices; "you're either with us, or against us", because it's easier to control people whom have fallen for false dichotomy. The vaccine issue should be a discussion, not this false idea that there are only two possibilities.

I considered editing it to smooth out wording or incomplete ideas, but decided to cut and paste exactly as it is.

All or nothing vaccine guy: Have you been vaccinated?

Avo69: Yes I am, as far as childhood vaccinations and the tetanus booster that I received about 6 years ago. Please understand, I'm not "anti vax". I'm all for advancements in medical science, as long as they are achieved responsibly. I am in favor of certain vaccines and against others, due to the wide discrepancy in physical reactions of the populace to various vaccines. I'm just trying to help people understand that this is not a black and white issue. There are experts on both sides with enormous knowledge, yet they can't meet in the middle. Unfortunately, this is simply a case of:

"My group of people is larger than your group of people. My group of folks has networked to the point that we have all agreed to exclude any studies that find evidence contradicting ours. Its not that those opposing results are necessarily wrong... simply opposing ours and threatening our power base."

It's less about money and more about control. One group of experts has aligned with corporations (corporations focus on profit and control... hey, that's business). Sadly, they have strayed from solid science and now embrace the agenda of the money makers which is more about business than science.

That's somewhat understandable. It does not, however, nullify the research and knowledge of the scientists that are focused more on benefitting humanity than making a buck.

My point is: they coexist. Scientists and government officials on the take for monetary rewards (not even that really, it's keeping and maintaining the career they have worked decades for) vs. scientists and government officials that realize that marketing is influencing scientific results in a destructive manner.

Unfortunately, money is power. Those entities that use it to consolidate their control have now marginalized, in the public view, the other experts, doctors, and researchers that have quite valid research results that don't agree with the "scholarly consensus".

Scholarly consensus is a wonderful thing, unless it is compromised by corporate marketing, influence, and control. At that point, it ceases being "scholarly" and becomes "us vs. them" regardless of medical truths.

This is the point we are at. BOTH sides have merit. I'm not heading into the jungle without malaria vaccine. That's stupid. [ Note: That's NOT correct. A redditor has pointed out that there is not yet a vaccine for malaria. I feel like a jackass, but all I can do about it now is apologize for my mistake and move on]. Rabies vaccine works. China is filled with rabid dogs and people die from rabies because the dogs there are not vaccinated and spread rabies to people.

On the other hand, vaccines have been demonstrated by competent medical professionals and scientists to cause damage to certain people. I know that goes against the mantra of scholarly consensus (larger group networked with corporate interest and monetary influence) but it is simply true... nothing will change that.

What I and a great majority of vaccine activists want is not a world without vaccines, but a world in which both sides of this issue (both sides have valid aspects) collaborate and combine their knowledge in order to take the true science of the matter to the next level. That next level is eradication of disease without the human casualties that currently take place.


Have you ever thought that the vaccine argument is part of a larger, more important issue? Maybe the blind acceptance of vaccines is tied to the blind acceptance of the numerous harmful drugs being allowed by the FDA on the market?

It's not too far of a leap. I see ads for these crazy drugs for obesity, depression, restless leg syndrome, sleep aids and so on. You know what really sticks with me? The possible side effects that you are told about. Some of these drugs have absolutely insane side effects yet are allowed on the market while millions are dumped in to ad campaigns promoting all this shit.

Want to raise awareness about vaccines while doing some good? I'd suggest starting with the FDA and trying to reform the drug laws. I'd love to know how many people have died or have their lives severely impacted due to side effects.

Simply requiring more research before a drug is allowed on the market or removing drugs from the market known to cause debilitating side effects could help millions.

The truth is all food we eat is basically poison and if we knew the optimal human diet I am sure we'd never even get sick. The proof is that currently people are being cured of cancer and aids on a strict diet/fasting. Use that same logic and there is truly no reason for any of the medical industry. I'll eat down votes for this I'm sure cause I always do when I speak the truth.

Fuck Big Pharma. Fuck all food industries, not because they feed us this shit but because they hide the facts from us. Then lace our foods with fluoride and all kinds of other shit to make us docile slaves.

Good point. The shit food we eat causes a lot of medical issues including the ability to think we keep eating that shit food and further lose our ability to see through the government mandated gaslighting that the medical industry exposes us to (another social engineering trick is to use cognitive dissonance). I myself take this product...

It supplements our body and brain in a way that compensates for all of the vitamins and minerals that we don't get from all of this shit food...even good food is grown in depleted soil and therefore less nutritious than it was say 20 years ago...and it actually helps in mood disorders (anxiety, depression, bipolar) and even schizophrenia. And that is why you constantly see articles in the MSM that tries to sell you on the lie that you don't need vitamin and mineral supplements...which is a total lie. I also subscribe to the Dr Linus Pauling Vitamin C intake which is linked another lie the MSM tries to sell us...that we don't need any more than 250-500 mg per day...I take upwards of 2000 mg a day and when I am sick I up it even more. My son, who is unvaccinated, caught whooping cough from his recently vaccinated friend (but the vaccine doesn't spread the live virus does it?) and the therapy for that is 5 - 7 thousand mgs of vitamin C a day! The allopathic system refuses to treat babies (the only age that whooping cough is dangerously life threatening) with Vitamin C and in my estimation, because they refuse to treat babies with it, they are responsible for the deaths. Vitamin C is a toxin remover and the pertussis bacteria produces the toxins that cause the cough. The vitamin C helps speed that toxin through our system and out of us and then reduces the symptoms of whooping cough dramatically. But then it needs to be replaced in our bodies hence the high doses being necessary.

Agreed. Every year about 250,000 Americans die from medical errors, making medical errors the 3rd leading cause of death in the U.S.A.. That is insane. Yet, nothing is being done about it because the "scholarly consensus" is that it is quite normal to lose 2.5 Million Americans every decade due to their mistakes. "Please move along... nothing to see here.".

And yes, of course the pharmaceutical industry wants us to blindly accept all of their drugs as the savior of humanity. They're not going to remain in control if we shun their drugs and rely on natural medicines.

They're not going to remain in control if we shun their drugs and rely on natural medicines.

Totally. Hence the "need" (as they see it) for the social engineering and the propaganda.

Have you ever thought that the vaccine argument is part of a larger, more important issue? Maybe the blind acceptance of vaccines is tied to the blind acceptance of the numerous harmful drugs being allowed by the FDA on the market?

Please keep in mind that the first vaccine appeared in the 18th century. There was no FDA back then. The whole vaccine business has very deep roots in the black/occult history of medicine.

So vaccination is part of the general medical corruption. I am totally against vaccines because they do a lot of harm and no good.

Absolute truth. I know very, very few people who are actually anti-vaccine. Big corporations don't want to put more cash into research, development, and especially QA/testing. They want sales, sales, sales. And so they tar any legit request from the public for more research, better, more thorough testing, or even a staggered schedule for immunocompromised kids to ensure safety as "anti-science" - when it couldn't be further than the truth.

Scholarly consensus is a wonderful thing, unless it is compromised by corporate marketing, influence, and control. At that point, it ceases being "scholarly" and becomes "us vs. them" regardless of medical truths.

Excellent post. Anything that the media avoids or doesn't want to talk about is absolutely on purpose and the media polarizes everything into pro or anti...I call bullshit too. This is social engineering 101 and a serious issue that we need to talk about and all of us should be outraged when Informed Consent is threatened.

Anyway I used to think that there was more Occam's Razor type of things taking place sell more medicine or ti get more people obeying the allopathic medical model representatives, but now, after 15 years of keeping an eye on this issue I believe there is more nefariousness at this...

I agree completely; it's not business as usual anymore. If we as a society do not change the direction this whole situation is headed, the globalists will eventually use the medical system against us to accomplish their depopulation agenda.

We truly are in a crucial consiousness shifting phase of human evolution. With the advent of the internet and the downfall of the MSM more and more people are starting to think for themselves. And that is exactly what they don't want to happen. Great post Avo. It's posts like this that renews my faith in this sub.

Isn't there a word that describes this tactic? I can't think of it, but I swear there is one.

False dichotomy?

So I shouldn't have said "word" - but this is it! Thank you.

No problem! I think there's a catchier 'forum spy' term for it too but I can't think of it off the top of my head.

Personally, I think it's mainly about shielding the makers from liability issues.

They don't have any liability issues thanks to special government protection. They are free to injury or kill as many people as they want without worrying about any kind of lawsuits. No other industry has this level of protection. And if people do get side effects from the shots, they'll just be written off as a coincidence.

In Canada and the US they are protected by legislation but not in Japan. In Japan there is a class action law suit going on against the makers of the HPV vaccine and that vaccine is starting to be suspended in many places around the world because it's safety is actually being questioned by doctors and nurses and other medical professionals.

That's good to hear.
What's the reason behind the class action?

Back in 2009 or so, I was dating a girl who was in med school to get a PhD in pharmacology. She told be back then that only one clinical trial had been done on prepubescent girls or ones under 15 y.o. It was cancelled mid study but why was never released. She told me that whenever a study gets cancelled, they always say why. To here, that was a major red flag.
Scary shit. No doubt about it.

Another mystery around HPV is the role it plays in sexual development of girls. I wish I could find it on the interweeb but I read somewhere on some women's health site that HPV plays some sort of role in fertility development and might actually be important.

BOTH sides have merit. I'm not heading into the jungle without malaria vaccine. That's stupid. Rabies vaccine works.

Malaria vaccine is an experimental vaccine that has just been produced. It’s not approved yet. To take this vaccine, I believe is very dangerous.

As to rabies vaccine, it’s not effective. The whole ‘rabies disease’, I believe, may be not real disease, but scare-mongering.

I don’t think that both sides have merit. The scientific question should be, Is there any evidence that ANY vaccine has been safe and effective ever? The answer is no.

OTOH it may be politically prudent not to press this issue too much all the time. Sometimes, one can simply focus on the proven harm of various vaccines. This is the only area of agreement with you that I can see.

Thank you for pointing out the facts about the (not even yet available) malaria vaccine. You are right, it's still experimenral. I was ignorant about the specifics of it and used misinformation as one of my examples. Bad form, and I apologize. I have made note of it so that future readers are aware of my mistake.

"In 2013, biologist Dr. Brian Hooker received a call from a Senior Scientist at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) who led the agency’s 2004 study on the Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) vaccine and its link to autism.

The scientist, Dr. William Thompson, confessed that the CDC had omitted crucial data in their final report that revealed a causal relationship between the MMR vaccine and autism. Over several months, Dr. Hooker records the phone calls made to him by Dr. Thompson who provides the confidential data destroyed by his colleagues at the CDC.

Dr. Hooker enlists the help of Dr. Andrew Wakefield, the British gastroenterologist falsely accused of starting the anti-vax movement when he first reported in 1998 that the MMR vaccine may cause autism. In his ongoing effort to advocate for children’s health, Wakefield directs this documentary examining the evidence behind an appalling cover-up committed by the government agency charged with protecting the health of American citizens.

Interviews with pharmaceutical insiders, doctors, politicians, and parents of vaccine-injured children reveal an alarming deception that has contributed to the skyrocketing increase of autism and potentially the most catastrophic epidemic of our lifetime."

I think it's important to note this is not an anti-vaccine movie. It's really just calling for accountability. from its own website,

The film calls for the following:

  1. That Congress subpoena Dr. William Thompson and investigate the CDC fraud.

  2. That Congress repeal the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act and hold manufacturers liable for injury caused by their vaccines.

  3. That the single measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine be made available immediately.

  4. That all vaccines be classified as pharmaceutical drugs and tested accordingly.

Pharma shills like to attack it as though it calls for banning all vaccines, and it does not.

So I shouldn't have said "word" - but this is it! Thank you.