To all you /the_donald people out there

0  2016-09-25 by [deleted]



Trump is a neocon at heart that would have been at home in GW's administration.

Some of his words are nice (like Obama's were) but look at his actions, who he chooses to affiliate himself with. Gingrich, Guiliani, Christie, Pence, Bibi, etc. No Ron Pauls or Jesse Venturas.


I'm not a complete Ron Paul hater, I've seen a lot of his interviews lately and I don't mind his policy. I truly think these Americans are so scared and in denial they want to cling on to this man that met with the minister of Israel this weekend. America isn't going to be fixed because we are all slaves to the bankers. Everyone in our government. I know trump talks about the globalists and getting rid of them but let's face it, as long as we still have the federal reserve and we are protecting Israel none of us will be actually free

Dude, your tampon string is showing...

...but-but he's got the Magic (R)

None of you cared about the bombings that happened In Syria Sunday

None of them could even point to Syria on a map. But ask them if the US should bomb Syria and they'd probably say "Hell, yeah".

Exactly, none of them would dare question our military or police actions

“For years, I’ve been a critic of this kind of reckless foreign invasions, and, look, let’s face it, interventions,” “Our current strategy of nation-building and regime change is a proven failure.”--Trump

Implying politicians don't say whatever the people want to hear to get elected and then just go about their business once in office. Why would you trust anything that comes out of Trump or Hillary's mouth? This is /r/conspiracy right?

Yes I saw that and his fix was giving a ton of money to the pentagon???? We don't need these fucking wars


BLM is shit and deserves to be blasted.

The biggest thing holding the black community back is NOT whitey. It's the black community refusing to take accountability for themselves. You dont get to run around acting like a thug, Actually being a thug, and then cry bitch and moan when the police arrest you. You certainly aren't Making your situation better by refusing to comply with the request made by the police.

And yes I know that police over step their authority sometimes, I fucking hate it. But you aren't going to win that fight while surrounded by police with guns pointing at you. You might win it in court, if you keep your head together.

BLM is making everyone else hate black people. They aren't doing anyone a service.

BLM is a Soros agent provocateur operation - they are NOT representative of the average black person in america.

Also, the police do make a lot of insane requests, and there is no reason to point loaded lethal weapons at someone who clearly has hands in the air, or just got pulled over during a routine traffic stop etc. What ever happened to nonlethals like tazers or rubber bullets?

It appears the goal of this Hegelian dialectic is to create the "need" for a national federal police force who will be "properly trained", but who will continue to perform the same abuses as their predecessors with de facto impunity from prosecutors. From there the tyrannical noose will tighten even further.

An effective totalitarian government is impossible without a national police force. So that is what they will try to push on us.

That would be a crazy outcome.

An effective totalitarian government is impossible without a national police force. So that is what they will try to push on us.

Interesting theory.

Are you drunk?

Such points! Much debate.

Don't comply and you just might die.

All he had to do is follow their commands.

It's the same attitude where a thug accidentally shoulder checks you and you say "hey buddy watch out!". Instead of the normal human reaction to being called out when you're clearly in the wrong you get this

Fuck you motherfucker! I'll fucking kill you motherfucker!"

Walk through life acting like a entitled prick and you'll eventually get called on it. Either a bigger bully will call you on it, or you run into someone (like a cop) with actual authority and relatively unlimited resources and backup.

Deal with it.

I think everyone is on edge, mate. That is what the problem is. Police bring it upon themselves (for reasons - Training or lack thereof), as do thugs (lack of education and common decency/ warped world of respect and entitlement). The combination is volatile.. No denying that. While the majority of us are sitting here (no matter the color) worried at a police stop, because both things mentioned above...

What's your point? You're just linking videos of police encounters. Should I start linking videos of thug encounters? I'll win every time.

What does this mean? I guess I'm too "simple-minded".

Holy shit kid wakeup


Go to hell you fucking baby

So does all the money that you get from trolling go to the milo super PAC?

Yes I saw that and his fix was giving a ton of money to the pentagon???? We don't need these fucking wars

Implying politicians don't say whatever the people want to hear to get elected and then just go about their business once in office. Why would you trust anything that comes out of Trump or Hillary's mouth? This is /r/conspiracy right?