Hey Wikileaks! When are we going to see a Rothschild or Rockefeller email hack?

294  2016-09-25 by CaucasianEagle

It'll never happen... It's all a show people.


Sometimes I think that Anonymous is the government , putting on a show for the people ... Sometimes I think it's real, sometimes I think Elon Musk is a paid actor or military man paid to keep us thinking about the future that's never gonna happen, sometimes I think he's genius and maybe really onto something.... Sometimes I think Wikileaks is government, sometimes I don't..... I have no idea what to believe anymore, and that's just how they like.

After 2 years of wondering what's true or false, and what's real or not, I've come to the conclusion that there's absolutely no way to tell. The Internet is an insanely useful research tool, but it's also the best disinformation tool. There's just no longer an sources or anybody that I really trust. I just don't know what to believe anymore.

It's not that bad, the disinformation is actually pretty easy to spot, look at snopes debunking of 911 discrepancies, it's so blatantly dishonest, just need to learn to filter the disinfo, the Internet is a fabulous tool, we now know for instance that 2 of the last 2 top political sex scandals involved people who happened to be of jewish descent, we also know that a congress woman jane Harmon was an israeli spy, and we are starting to uncover the Hollywood pedophile blackmail circuit that stretches to ny and Washington

the best way to defeat darkness is to shine light onto it, this is why the corrupt eu is clamoring for the right to be forgotten and the un is trying to censor free speech.

Also, israel did 911

look at snopes


No thanks.

Snopes has their own far left agenda they like to support.

Snopes = Joke

I was using snopes as an example of disinfo


For WikiLeaks to release Rothschild, Rockefeller documents, someone would first need to hack into the Rothschild/Rockefeller networks then steal the data and finally send it to Wikileaks.

Wikileaks doesn't just have access to everyones data.

What sort of dip$#!t is OP?

Hey Wikileaks! When are you going to see a Taylor Swift and Miranda Kerr sex tape?! Hurr durr!!!

Very true - Wikileaks only release information that whistleblowers have leaked to them. Suggesting that they are in cahoots because they haven't released information they don't have access to is exactly the type of thing that sews the seeds of suspicion and division that those in power want.

assange gets lots of attention from the MSM, I have never heard him once mention the Rothschilds or Rockefellers.

We are discussing a vast web of deceit and manipulation across centuries covering multiple lines of inquiry and exposing just one aspect of it involves years of dedicated work. It's disingenuous to accuse Assange of duplicity because of the limitations of the means at his disposal. I have no doubt that should reliable information regarding the criminal multi-national machinations of the likes of the Rothschilds pass throughout the hands of Wikileaks that it would be released by them. The implication here is that they have this information and are deliberately suppressing its release and I see no proof of that.

The implication here is that if they were legit you would have never heard of them.

That is fuzzy logic and does not support the implication that you made in the title.

is that like fuzzy math? If you can't see my point then I definitely know why people think you aint with it around here.


Rule 10, he isn't trolling. Please try to make an actual point or argument rather than just insulting users, you've already been warned about this once before.

Keep huntin' that witch!

Keep pretending like you are above presidential politics, when all assange has done is try and hurt the democratic party and suggest that trump not use email.

That makes 0 sense, and contradicts half the things you've said in this thread.

I'm sorry you don't get it.

I'm sorry you can't convey your own thoughts in text form.

if you don't understand what is being implied you don't belong in this sub

If you can't convert your own simple misguided thoughts into text form you don't belong on the internet, let alone this subreddit.


You don't even know what you were trying to say, so it's ridiculous you'd expect others to decipher your nonsense. Judging by all the downvotes and people calling you out, no one could understand what you were trying to explain, not even yourself, bub.


If you want to have a real conversation with adults and actually be taken seriously, you're going to want to learn how to properly convey your opinions next time.

People get downvoted for telling the truth around here. I've made my point and the post itself has done great. Sorry that hurts your ego. :(

in due time

Hear hear.

People will upvote anything if it's snarky in the right way. :/

Now I see why they want you gone as a mod

Now I see why they want you gone as a mod

Who is "they"?

And why? Spell it out for me.

14 Plus people can't be wrong until the thread was deleted.


The why is because you're anti community. You basically act like one of the assholes from r/conspiritard.

Maybe your heart was in the job once but it feels like you're just sick of the whole scene at this point. Maybe you've got a new girlfriend and your priorities have shifted.

OP deleted that witch hunt post before I saw it. Read the comments and you can figure out why.

Maybe ops around here should do moderation work with their mod account and comment with the community on another account. I think you use shill speak on purpose to bait users to call you a shill so you can ban them for kicks.

Thanks for the suggestion but I find deception and dishonesty abhorrent.

How many accounts do you use in this sub?

Thanks for the suggestion but I find deception and dishonesty abhorrent.

How is under a new handle dishonest? No one knows who you are behind a user name. Wouldn't you rather have conversations with people in other threads without them citing the fact that you're a mod of this sub? I'm only subscribed to this sub and I take flak all the time because of this sub.

How many accounts do you use in this sub?

One but I switch accounts due to shadowbans. This is my 8th main "form".

Would you not feel a bit dishonest if you, say, came to your workplace one day wearing an anonymous disguise and interacted with people?

Don't pretend like you don't remember the post calling for you to be removed.


Should the mods be able to post their opinion? IF so I would say it needs to be done with another user name...you make the mods look bad.

What sort of dip$#!t is OP?

Probably just someone shitting on Wikileaks to discredit them in the public eye when they're due to release big information pertaining to Hillary Clinton soon. There's been plenty of this going on for weeks, I'm not surprised to see even more of it around here right before Wikileaks is expected to drop a bomb.

Russians have that data.

Assange doesn't want the information dip$#!t

Did you speak with him on the subject?

Never seems to be one of his talking points

start a secure global leak database to promote and facilitate the exposure of wrongdoing

get defamed by "conspiracy theorists" for not leaking things that they do not possess

When you are legit the msm ignores your ass. They don't give you a pedestal.

Gets called a terrorist, people on MSM demand he be tried for high treason, is confined to the Ecuadorian embassy in London, alleged rape cases that don't hold water outside Sweden with contradictory testimonies, people demanding death penalty should he be tried in the US.

Your definition of a pedestal is very different from mine.

Msm talks about him constantly. With everything going on in his life he seems just like a god damned jesus christ figure for pawns to rally behind.

Sometimes anonymous is a government. Other times it's not. Anyone can put on the mask.

It's also worth noticing that Anonymous and the government are both ostensibly the People. The government is a centralized hierarchy of the state who is supposed to represent the People, while Anonymous is a de-centralized organization to represent the people against the tyranny of corporations and the state.

Agreed. However, we can't exactly hold Assange responsible for the leaks he gets -- or doesn't. It's not like he controls all the hacking that ever hacked.

He doesn't talk about it.

Why would the editor-in-chief of Wikileaks talk about a subject that Wikileaks has no documents to release on? Do you not realize that Wikileaks is a journalistic organization whose sole purpose is to release and publicize leaked documents which expose corruption/crime? What do you expect Assange to do, go on a media circuit talking about how Assange doesn't like problem X or problem Y even though Wikileaks has absolutely nothing to release on that subject? Why would he do this? Would that be good journalism? Would this help Wikileaks' goal of releasing leaked documents for their editor-in-chief to get CNN to let him have airtime to talk about a problem for which he and his organization have no proof? How fucking stupid are you?

Harsh words man, but so true.

He would do it if he was part of a movement to discover who the puppet masters are. As of now 284 people have upvoted this post so I guess people agree with me more than with you. Bummer :(

Yep. Same feels. I don't know what's up or down anymore.. they are good at what they do.

I'm just about ready to say welcome to the new world order and ask if there are any benefits and the salary.

controlled opposition-- aka pacification


If this is all you have to offer, say nothing. Consider this your warning.

It's all about probability man, no one has ever "proved" gravity, or other scientific things you can't observe.



Mind. Blown.

those old fucks probably still send letters..

... in languages we don't understand most likely.

BREAKING NEWS: Rothschild Horse and Carriage Hacked!

the real elites dont use comprimised systems

All systems are exploitable. The real secrets are traded in person.

One thing's for sure. Trump isn't just an actor that randomly decided to get into politics one day. He clearly knows how the game works. Apparently he has little real dirt they can use other than probably unpaid taxes.

He is part of the team ;)

They are all on the same team. They keep up this illusion for pleb TV watchers.

Of course you will never see it from wikileaks or anyone else. Those emails would be like plutonium, holding it in your hands would wind up killing you (if your lucky).

Assuming people who have enough money to own private military grade communcation satellites with encrypted channels, would use simple email. You could probably get emails from one of their companies. But I would guess, personal emails either don't exist or getting them would be like hacking the ISS.

"BREAKING NEWS: Ecuadorian Embassy hit by "rod from god" today. Russia to blame. More at 11."

Many have tried. Many have died.

Plot twist: Rothschilds run wiki leaks.

yep. Wikileaks and The Panama Papers are psy ops. Never anything prosecutable. Just fear mongering.

I can see this for the Panama papers, with it being funded by soros, kellog, Ford foundation etc...

wikileaks on the other hand is funded by small donors. If wikileaks is a pysop than what Government or intelligence agency do you suppose they are working for? Wikileaks has released damping evidence on the US/russia/Israel. ..perhaps china? they seem to not post much of anything negative on China.

I always thought that initially when it was released. The big names left off but a bunch of mid/high ranking crooks exposed to keep the target off of the super elite's back.

Exactly. It's purpose was Iceland. Immediately following the leaks the PM of Iceland was over thrown, 16 F-16's flew into Iceland that day. 3 days later; the only bankers to be jailed during the whole 2008 financial crisis walked right out of jail. The US conducted a coup without firing a single bullet.

Wiki leaks was great when it was a real wiki. Someone should make realwikileaks.org

Hey R/conspiracy why do we pretend that the world is run by some bond movie Villain rather than the incredibly complex and varied fight for power many stake holders take part in.

this topic was just created for shills to bash wikileaks since they're expected to drop something big soon

I think most of the people who actually frequent this sub understand exactly the problem you're getting at. The "complex and varied fight for power many stake holders take part in" thing.


I'm going to assume your making a comical leap to be edgy.

you are asking the wrong question. You should be asking yourself why millions of years of evolution has led to people being drawn to bond movies? The answer is because they replicate reality. The illusion played out for you by politicians and ceo's is the false reality.

You should be asking yourself why millions of years of evolution has led to people being drawn to bond movies?

I would say because it offers a very simple idea of good against evil, rather than the chaos and cacophony of our current age. As well it shows us that on some level if we could uncover the conspiracy and unmask it that it would bring about a better age.

The illusion played out for you by politicians and ceo's is the false reality.

To an extent but, believing that they are all part of some spectre conspiracy being orchestrated like ballet by highers ups is naive, and well hollywood esqe.

Its almost comforting to believe that the chaos is controlled rather than just survival of the fittest, but again i;m not discounting the collusion of people in positions of power, groups like Bilderburg serve to consolidate power.

Are you familiar with world trade center 7?


What happened on that day would be unbelievable even for a bond movie.


Why did you delete your comment?

Since they control the world, presumably they control the Internet. Can't see this happening

Uhh, Wikileaks does not conduct hacking operations. You're asking the wrong people. Pay closer attention to the show. ;)

I'm fine thanks. I suggest you heed your own advice.


Cool story bro.

Kindly refrain from posting titles here that cause people to have gross misconceptions. Thanks!

There you go. You do remember. I think people can think fine for themselves. ;)

Good question

No email needed when dealing with the devil friend.

Doesnt Julian have a rothschild lawyer?

I'd imagine those emails would be insanely boring...

'Mr. Rockefeller,

It was nice seeing you in Austin (regarding our plan to secede Texas, of course). It's nice to hear your niece is doing well (don't forget I pulled the strings to get her in that highly influential position). Perhaps we can get together over the holiday and do another round of golf (because we both know golf is code for war games in Latin America). I think my new putter needs to see some action (Trump, against Brazil.)

Your Friend, Baron Rothsy'

Omit the stuff in parentheses... have you people never bought weed before? Gawd.

we'll break the code.

Hm...you do make a good point. Has Assange ever talked about this?

No, nor has he talked about his cult upbringing

please elaborate

I would love some Rothschild email action

We havent even seen the leaks from assange that were promised to take down Hillary before the debate so what makes you think we are going to see leaks of this level?

Wow Arrange is all talk. Deadlines up. Either there never was information, or he demanded a fat sum from Hillary.

For all we know he already got that fat sum.

Wikileaks doesn't do hacking, they only publicize and release leaked documents. If certain organizations aren't having their internal documents leaked, that's not Wikileaks fault. Wikileaks does not choose targets to attack, they simply release documents as they become available.

If you think other criminal organizations deserve to be exposed, you should encourage the people who would do the infiltration/exfiltration. Encourage the hackers who would do it, don't chide Wikileaks for failing at something that they've never done.

Assange should be encouraging them

woah shills coming out of the woodwork to slam wikileaks in this thread

This is truly a good sign, my compatriots. I can't wait to find out what their next batch brings if the shills are this desperate to undermine them now. Reminds me of how I saw articles a few weeks back suggesting that Wikileaks would release falsified documents for the first time ever... the DNC knows their fraud is going to be exposed further so before they're even exposed they got shills out playing defense. Should be good, I can't wait, although it does unfortunately look like they're not going to make it out before the first debate.

LOL. Glad you're finally picking up on the one group of people who NEVER see any damage fromWikiLeaks.

Exactly, if Wikileaks was legit we would have meaningful information that actually impacted our nation and produced results. ....Not Hollywood produced misdirection films on Snowden.

Wikileaks will deliver...let's just wait...

When the cheques stop.

Look within the email leaks you already have access to.

I have. There are a few crumbs and thats about it.

wikileaks dont hack anything ... they only release what other people leak to them

Assange was accused by the australian government of hacking them. For all you know he is fucking guccifer 2.0

and everyone know the australian government lie and say this just to have a reason ...

Like how he's straight out of a Nazi cult?

As soon as you hack their servers and post their info to Wikileaks.

I would like to see assange call for that

Im starting to think wiki leak is controlled opp

When their mail is hacked?

We are discussing a vast web of deceit and manipulation across centuries covering multiple lines of inquiry and exposing just one aspect of it involves years of dedicated work. It's disingenuous to accuse Assange of duplicity because of the limitations of the means at his disposal. I have no doubt that should reliable information regarding the criminal multi-national machinations of the likes of the Rothschilds pass throughout the hands of Wikileaks that it would be released by them. The implication here is that they have this information and are deliberately suppressing its release and I see no proof of that.

in due time

I'm sorry you can't convey your own thoughts in text form.