No Choice but to Believe in Apple iPhone Slowdown Conspiracy

29  2016-09-25 by [deleted]



The suggestion that you're being personally targeted is a bit far-fetched in my opinion. Nobody's sitting behind a computer going "oh look he's finally bought a new on let's make the old one fast again".

Apple is just another piece of shit corporation trying to rape its consumers.

6s user here. Haven't noticed any issues lately.

Thank you. I have a 6 plus. Haven't had a single issue with it yet. Haven't ever had to do more than a "Reset Network Settings" on a couple occasions. And it runs as good as it did the day I got it. Some people grasp at straws trying to create a conspiracy and just want everyone to feel sorry for them and their problems.

My 6 Plus actually seems faster! Although I did buy the 7 because hey they got me by the balls!

Even though you now have no choice to believe in the conspiracy; you still buy their product. Does the slick cool design of the apple really outshine its features? When ever a new phone comes out, every accesory must be a new buy, it's an obvious racket. But hey, anything to be better then the jones's right? Even if it is a bunch of chinese parts packaged into a sleek container, that does everything it can to take advantage of its customers? I've always seen apple as a racketeer, and that's why I've never bought one of their products; do yourself a favor and get an android, atleast they're open source, and have a universal charger.

I'm having a similar experience. Considering going back to a flip phone. This is the result of a monopoly. If our elected officials were doing their job, this would never occur. Bastards.

No, he meant the "illusion of choice".

Coke-pepsi, Turd sandwich-giant douch, Chevy-GMC, etc etc.

It's not an illusion though. Are you implying that Pepsi and Coke are the only two beverage options? GMC and Chevy are both brands by GM, but there's other options. For example, I drink water and drive a Honda. There was no illusion involved in my choices.

Unfortunately flip phones are being outlawed October 2017. Gotta have those GPS trackers on the phones

Excuse me, what? Flip phones, outlawed? You're kidding, right?

Just googled it and the claim appears to be bullshit.

I would hope so.

I wouldn't be surprised that said do you have a source for your claim?

Bullshit, mines has the latest and it runs fine...

I agree with the slowdown. I'm pretty sure if you look at Google search trends there's a correlation between release dates and searches for 'iPhone slow'.

I'm not sure about the second part. Don't think apple would know exactly when you cancelled your plan, at least in time to bitmap you the next day.

Yeah, planned digital obsolescence at play here, seeing this happen to /everyone/ since iOS 4. Meaning, not all users experience it, probably because it would be too obvious.

Which lead me originally to keep my SHSHs for any reversal (I already find this offensive by a corporation to restrict operating system versions). Nowadays, I keep with the stock OS that came with purchase and jailbreak. Best performance you can have no matter the parameters.

As iOS versions evolve, so is the size of the OS as well, and some features you may never even use and have it set slowly but surely filling your iDevice, along with software updates, rarely announcing in their changelog reducing in size, another great way to subtly move users towards newer devices.

Another great strategy that comes out of it is requiring higher and higher versions of the OS to keep up with your favorite, now enhanced with time, software. OS features makes sense to upgrade for but also locks you in the operating system's future in the process so no going back if something badly configured is plaguing a version.

What I don't really like is the "Oh, so you wanted RAW support? iOS 10 is waiting for you! [...] Oh, you struggle with that low RAM device but missed out on the activation window? Heh!" position I can somewhat read from such perceptions, even if you bought something at a high price and was valued by everyone together before the next iteration.


Where are the third party phones, where we get to decide what we do with our own phones? I want to be able to build a phone and then simply use it, but noooooo. Not today mister!

I can't afford Crapple. My cheap ass smart phone plays the same game. It's an industry trick.

The fact you own an iPhone at all tells me all I need to know about you. You're a sucker and a fool for paying for a new one, paying Apple "care" $20 per month for the privilege of using your phone. I honestly can't understand why people do this, but then again...50% of all people are below average.

I'm not an idiot and treat my electronics with utmost care. I've never needed apple care, and get great returns on my used equipment. Apple care is a sham, and so is insurance so I can pay $13/month then have to pay another $100 on top to get it fixed...

yes this has happened for years. How do you milk sheep? release a new iphone

Stop drinking the Apple Flavour-aid and just get a much better Samsung Galaxy S7. No fuss, no lies, no criminal crypto-tech games. No, I don't own stock nor work for Samsung, it's just common sense consumer logic. They make a better more secure product and don't treat their customers like bottom-dollar prostitutes.

Do you think iMessages are really encrypted?

Not everyone has this problem but there are a few I know who do.

Excuse me, what? Flip phones, outlawed? You're kidding, right?

I wouldn't be surprised that said do you have a source for your claim?