I'm new here, but I now live on this page. help

10  2016-09-26 by [deleted]

"I want to believe"

I've seen the potential this sub has. I follow many sources, most of which are outside reddit. And if i want real information i often find a tangible source. Discerning what's what now via the internet can be taxing. Im looking for the 30 of you that i see on consistent basis to respond. Yes i know this account is less than a week old, and may be suspicious. Feel free to look through my 3 or 4 posts.

How can i better utilize this sub? Where is the best place to source information, here or on other subs? Who among you are actually here seeking the truth?

I had a feeling the help tag would draw more attention, it always does. I appreciate that about this community. Thank you. I wish I could have divulged more of my intent. But with a co-worker breathing down my neck to get off our only shop computer I had to keep things short. Then I found bacon!

I'm not sure how to respond to everyone. But the first thing I can see should be addressed is my truth comment. Forgive my sense of humor... I just wanted to draw a little correlation to my opener and username. My intent "seeking truth" is the discovery of pertinent information, delivered to those who are capable of comprehending and implementing said knowledge. I wish to awaken the general populace. Hence why I explicitly asked for the elite among you.

I've seen the potential here. Sleuths unite to undermine the schemes of those who deem themselves in control. There's always more than meets the eye. Let's transform the narrative.

Speculation is we lurk around the web looking for aliens and shadow goveernments. Speculation is born of incongruent truths.

I am Shadow Fox it's a pleasure to meet you. I hope to keep a positive correspondence through the duration of my stay here.


You will like it here. I moved here from politics because of all the fake news. Best news on Reddit is here.

I don't know if I ever expect to find the truth here. Rather, I'm here to challenge myself and my own beliefs. I'm here to "tear down the wall" and identify the preconceived notions that I believe already that may not be as they appear. At the same time, I'm also here to identify (for myself) the subjects that are complete bullshit.

This place is more of a thought experiment mixed in with the sharing of information outside of the public eye. I consume the news articles that are published from different perspectives or different social systems (communist, socialist, anarchist) in order to determine what the rest of the world's perspective is on high traffic issues. Whether we are talking about geopolitical, scientific, or social issues there's always a different perspective or core belief that you or I may not be aware of.

Even if you or I don't share the same opinion on these topics I want to know what other opinions are out there and how they are rationalized. We all live in our own bubble of reality.

In regards to this subreddit:

This place is a decent source for multitudes of subjects that are sourced from many different perspectives. Even though there's a bit of an echo chamber at times due to outside influences there's also information available that encourages you to research topics or issues you wouldn't find elsewhere.

Every individual utilizes this sub in a different way based upon what their personal world view consists of. But what all individuals have in common here is the desire to seek out information.

The best advice I can give you is that when you find the information you seek you should also look for alternative opinions or another perspective. Do not use this place as an Encyclopedia or Dictionary. Instead, understand that all this information is sourced from another human being, who may also be fallible.

Do not use this place as a means to only reinforce your current world view. You will only be handicapping yourself in the long run and blinding yourself to valuable information being shared by others.

What exactly are you asking...?

It appears to me that he is struggling with the nature of this subreddit. Unfortunately, most subreddits tightly control what opinions and what information are allowed to exist there. because of that, most subreddits seem to make it very obvious what is right, and what is wrong.

The Lack of censorship here means there is a greater prevalence of noise in the signal to noise ratio. This makes it hard for people to discern what they are supposed to believe, think and feel. Most people aren't accustomed to having to decide things for themselves so it can be very challenging.

At the end of the day he is seeking the opinion of authority so that he doesn't have to decide for himself what is what.

We all started there, literally right there, daddy will keep me safe and tell me what i'm supposed to think.

That's pretty much what I was thinking... I like this sub because it's damn near the same as anarchy. No one has the answers, it's up to you to come to a conclusion based off what is proposed and further research... Damn near the only reason I come here and comment here. OP:

This is a forum for free thinking and discussing issues which have captured the public’s imagination. Please respect other views and opinions, and keep an open mind. Our goals are a fairer, more transparent world and a better future for everyone.

It's laid out...

You are going to come in contact with heaps of shit, but also diamonds in the rough. Tis' upon you... Which is why I love this place...


You don't really expect me to decide what the fuck for you? do you?

If you could do why the fuck as well we'd be really grateful, thanks.

If you could do why the fuck as well we'd be really grateful, thanks.

What you just said, makes no sense....


What the fuck

Why the fuck

Where the fuck

Who the fuck

and sometimes

How the fuck

Bots... Spooky things.. I'm sure you are well aware, you have some against your account. It's funny. But, I do as well....

He actually seems to think I'm a bot?! Priceless.

Just a joke, it wasn't really meant to.

Are you a bot?

Beep boop, I am a bad robot, tickle my capacitors.
No, I'm not and I'm frankly amazed that my comment history would suggest that to anyone.

Well, what you said was gibberish. One has to ask... English not your first language?

In context it made sense, for a given value of sense. The comment I replied to was equally gibberish, I don't blame you for asking though given the username.

In context it made sense, for a given value of sense.

No it didn't.

The comment I replied to was equally gibberish

No it wasn't.

I don't blame you for asking though given the username.

Your programmer sucks...

Okaaaay. Have a lovely day.

Will do.. You got a point or something, or you just shitting up this forum with gibberish? I mean, it's not hard to create a bot. Check the programming... Sorry you need to chime in (no I'm not). Really reflects on you... Your bot sucks, so do you.. #learntocode

or you just shitting up this forum with gibberish?

Haha, priceless. Beep boop.

Haha, priceless.

Still waiting...

Please stop waiting, you'll never get the joke even though Flytape already explained it to you.

Do tell me the joke... Because what you said, wasn't.. I don't give a shit what Fly says...

All of these questions are questions you must answer for yourself.

However, I welcome you to this subreddit and I hope you find the wisdom You seek.

The best advice I can give you is this

Each of the novels in the Sword of Truth series reveals a "Wizard's Rule"—a magical principle that allows Wizards to be savvy manipulators of the world around them. The novel "Wizard's First Rule" reveals the Wizard's First Rule:

"Wizard's First Rule: people are stupid."

"People are stupid; given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything. Because people are stupid, they will believe a lie because they want to believe it's true, or because they are afraid it might be true. People's heads are full of knowledge, facts, and beliefs, and most of it is false, yet they think it all true. People are stupid; they can only rarely tell the difference between a lie and the truth, and yet they are confident they can, and so are all the easier to fool."

— Chapter 36, p.560, U.S. paperback edition

Naked old coots meditating on rocks can be quite wise apparently.


stay away from HOT tab

You're doing fine. Find topics that interest you and follow them in and outside of here. Ignore things and people that bother you. Its like a dash board for the rabbit hole. Welcome.

Question everything. Follow every lead no matter how small it is. Read the shit out of everything.

The most obvious truths are self-evident. Even in an argument, both sides won't argue the obvious truth, they'll argue about the line that separates them. With this, you can source information by thinking correctly.

Start learning agendas and you will see that information, whether it's true or not, usually is being used for an agenda. But usually information is claimed like a resource to further agendas. That resource is helpful because it starts to form the boundaries of what the truth could be, and the agenda is the division line of the truth where now two truths are being claimed. Slowly you can figure out between the different sides fighting over a line inside that boundary and realize that there is some form of truth but a disagreement of overall views or values on that truth. That's where you have to inevitably decide for yourself what's going on. You might even figure out that the very fight itself is an agenda, which still is making a decision on the truth of the information.

So the example would be, if both sides are claiming the information but are using it for different agendas, then the information is likely true and creates the boundary for what's possible. Once you find the line the two sides are fighting over, what separates into truth claim 1 and truth claim 2, then the line is likely the divergence of value systems of the groups agendas which if you figure out, will likely point you to the truth somewhere in between.

Also, the truth that is shouted the loudest is usually not self evident which is why they're shouting it, and it should be viewed as having a much lower possibility of being true.

What's truth?

Sort by New, not by Hot.

If somebody is giving you information that frightens you, they are probably lying to you and simply trying manipulate and control you. (Fear is a great control mechanism).

If somebody is trying to make you hate or fear another group, they are probably trying to deliberately direct your anger and attention away from the people at the top. It's called divide-and-conquer.

The vast majority of what you read here is disinfo and misdirection. Just because somebody seems to be sharing some kind of subversive information, doesn't mean it's true. Or it might be partly true and partly false. Most of the people in the 'conspiracy community' or 'truther movement' are part of the controlled opposition. Like 95% or more.

There's a whole lot of hoaxing going on.

Here is [some essential reading.](mileswmathis.com/guru.pdf)

Good luck.

Buckle in its going to be a bumpy ride

This is a good place to find "keyword ideas" to build a long tail search from.

Always question the source and look for corroboration on facts from an unaffiliated third party when you are trying to verify information. First person accounts without a witness can rarely be believed.

That's pretty much what I was thinking... I like this sub because it's damn near the same as anarchy. No one has the answers, it's up to you to come to a conclusion based off what is proposed and further research... Damn near the only reason I come here and comment here. OP:

This is a forum for free thinking and discussing issues which have captured the public’s imagination. Please respect other views and opinions, and keep an open mind. Our goals are a fairer, more transparent world and a better future for everyone.

It's laid out...

You are going to come in contact with heaps of shit, but also diamonds in the rough. Tis' upon you... Which is why I love this place...