Why are we allowing all of this to happen?

167  2016-09-26 by SecretAgentZero

I would have bet all my money that Hillary would have been brought down by now. But she's not, is anyone else freaked out about this? We have proof of voting fraud, significant gov. corruption, media corruption, etc. However, all we care about is BLM, police shootings, etc. AND on top of that, all this shit is going down in the middle east, our relationships with China and Russia are really bad, two countries are threatening nuclear attack and the UN is warning about economic collapse....And our government is heading to a government shutdown because we cannot agree on a budget before we reach the spending cap. Outside of any wild conspiracy theory, if you look at just simple facts, we are headed or are currently at a really scary time and our future, no matter what route (Hillary or Trump) our future will be much different than we have known.


They are playing with us. The frogs have been boiling for a while now. You are talking as if you just realized it.

He did, something happened to him, he realized the water was heating up. All the other frogs are out there talking to each other, "The water seems to be getting warmer and warmer" "Shut up jeff no one wants to hear about your problems"

I mean I was a frog who knew we were sitting on a warming stove, but this stove just got turned up to 11 in the past few years.. like, most stoves don't even go to 11 mann (dabbed)

Damnit Jeff, stop being an insensitive racist. There are other frogs that like their water hotter.

You triggered me by saying racist & pointing out the racial overtones. Just look at what happens when you trigger people If no one had triggered those politicians obviously no problems would've arisen....


It really doesn't matter when the epiphany takes place when your only choice is to blow bubbles and call it a hot tub.

I feel like the wallflower frog who didn't want to join everyone in the jacuzzi.

However, all we care about is BLM, police shootings, etc.

This is intentional; George Soros is a major financier of BLM, the DNC, and Clinton. He's also got a lot of ties to the media.

It's an example of vertical integration. Pay actors to enact the news story to put it onto the news to manufacture the outrage needed to push your agenda to get your bought politician elected so you can ultimately turn your will into political policy.

(((Soros))) is the kingpin. I think he'll let -> RIP once she's inaugurated, but not before. She's a slave taking orders like the rest of us.

What evidence is there for Soros being the kingpin?

here's some 2 year old documenting of Soros involvement if you're actually interested...


Slaves usually don't enjoy their enslavement. She seems to rather enjoy it. I'd say he's more of a mentor.

She's a psychopath and Soros is going to enable her to act out, so yes, she's enjoying it.

Forget about politics. A 68 year-old grandma in poor health being dragged up and down, from coast to coast, to be publicly paraded 15 minutes at a time. Doesn't it make one wonder whether coercion is involved? "NO, you're NOT allowed to die just yet!"

The triple parens thing is tacky and brings unwarranted attention to /r/conspiracy. Soros isn't even a Zionist, so what does it matter if he's Jewish? If he's doing bullshit then call it out. His ethnicity doesn't matter. And even if it did, the triple parens thing is fucking retarded. Just be a bigot upfront instead of being such a wimp. I'm saying this as someone who is pretty anti-zionist, but not anti-jewish.

soros is Hungarian helped hitler I want to know why he was never charged for war crimes WW2

Fuck soros, he seems like a douche. That doesn't address the weird parens though.

why he was never charged for war crimes WW2

Because he was 14 at the end of the war?


So you don't believe that different ethnicities have different tendencies they developed over millennia of divergent evolution.

Congratulations, you're not racist, you're just retarded.


It seems that you are the retarded one. I said nothing one way or the other about differences between ethnicities in my comment.

You strongly implied Soros' being Jewish has NOTHING to do with his nation-wrecking, psychopathic, subversive behavior.

And it does. I don't care that he pretends not to be a Zionist.

Are you saying there are no non-Jews that behave that way? Soros is anti-Zionist BTW.

Does anyone here actually believe Soros isn't a Zionist?

Only idiots who still trust these psychopaths to tell them the truth when they write their biographies. Soros leads anti-zionist groups so that he can continue running them into the ground. It's called controlled / manufactured opposition. You want your opposition to fail, and the only way to ensure that is by running it yourself and making sure it fails. It's amazing how subversive these people are, and how trusting idiots like /u/colordrops are that they just trust them when they say they are anti-zionist. Gosh, damn, zionism is not just about Israel, it's a world-view. it's a psychopathic, lust for power that extends far beyond Israel.

Let's say he is a Zionist. What do you think of Jews that are clearly anti-Zionist, like Amy Goodman?

I say they're awesome and we need more of them speaking out. However, I don't mean people like Soros, who say they're Anti-zionist but are clearly lying. That's just manufactured opposition, and it's working really well because of your ideology, that Judaism doesn't matter, that it's Zionism. Now, I've heard these people described as "Rothschild Zionists" because it's a more clear distinction.

Now, I appreciate your question, because I completely understand where you're going with this, because I've had these same questions myself. You're wondering if I'm racist. I don't hate any group of people, I only hate the people who are doing certain things that are really awful. Then you study this group and find that they all support Israel above all else. Then you look into the Israel / Palestine conflict and look at how it is portrayed in American Media, then you look into how they have compromised the media by condensing thousands of companies into 6 media companies that own 99% of all media that reaches your computer, phone, or television. Then you look into that all of these people are heavily invested in ousting Assad, then you read Oded Yinon's "A strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties". Then you look into the FED and realize all the owners of the FED are zionists.

I know it's a lot to take in, but, there's simply so much they own. Before you say it, obviously poor Jews like myself have no part in this, and I'm only talking about the top 1% of the 1% of zionists who are running things, but let's be clear, they are running things.

edit: I should also mention, that Christian Zionists are a very real thing, and they have played a huge role as well. So, when people say Zionists own America, they don't even mean Jews, they mean Zionists including every religion, as long as they pay their allegiance to the state of Israel and fully support giving them billions a year in weapons, munitions, letting them rule our country via shadow government entities and NGOs like Council on Foreign Relations.

Exactly, why would Schwartz/Soros be SO obsessed with open borders for Europe if it weren't his goal to genocide white people and subjugate the west. Like I'm supposed to believe he's some rogue humanitarian.

Oops, I thought you were serious, I wrote out a really long response saying how these are the same people that caused the wars in the first place. That's the level of stupid I've been dealing with though, so it wouldn't be out of the ordinary. These people really don't understand what type of psychopaths we're dealing with here.

What I said was that if I believed the people including him that say he's not a Zionist, I would have to believe that he was just a true humanitarian, as in he is just doing all this open borders stuff because he's Mr. international benevolent billionaire or something. And I don't believe that for one second.

sorry sorry I misunderstood you, I completely agree with you. His anti-zionist claims are just a front, and I can't believe people buy that. It's like they don't understand the world around them, it makes me sad and angry but then I realize I've only been awake for about a year now so it's not that strange.

As I asked Vitalogy0107, let's say he is a Zionist. What do you think of Jews that are clearly anti-Zionist, like Amy Goodman?

I support them. It's not even that I'm anti-Zionist, just skeptical that they could ever totally transition from their current state of international parasitism to true nationalism.

Lmao, you're exactly the type of person who would buy that. Yeah, Soros isn't a Zionist, and I have some beachfront property I'm looking to sell... Haven't you heard of controlling the opposition? Of course he's a fucking zionist.

What's your ethnic background so that I know what to think of you?

I'm a Gentile. You've accused this sub of racism, and what I'm trying to tell you is that you're not alone -- lots of people have made similar accusations in the past, and they even got together and created their own sub to discuss just that.

I'm not accusing this sub of racism. I think that this community is actually relatively level headed, and I'm accusing you of using a symbol that makes this sub look bad. But to be honest I'm confused as to your intent based on this message thread. What is your purpose for using the triple parens?

The truth makes this sub look bad?

Calling it just "the truth" is being disingenuous. There are a million truths you could mention for any situation or person, but you choose only a few to mention. Why don't you write ***obama*** for black people and ///bush/// for whites or )))Huma Abidin((( for muslims or ^^^Prince^^^ for people who like to wear purple? There is some implied meaning besides just the person being jewish with the parens. Can you tell me what that is?

Any set of truths or facts can be curated to push a certain point of view. I get what you're saying, and I agree that sometimes it can be used in a disingenuous fashion. But not on this case, not on this sub.

Look, I derive no great pleasure in internet forum conflict. We're just two collateral victims in this culture war, you on the side of SJW's and me on the non-SJW. Why do you keep parenthesis-shaming me here? You can simply join other SJW's who share your point of view:




They make fun of us here in /r/conspiracy, and that's their right.

never seen that TopMindsOfReddit sub before, such a defensive passive-aggresssive thing to do lol. I love the implication that they are in fact the true TopMinds ,which is very important don't you know.

I often think someones perception of their own high intelligence can be and is used to indoctrinate people

I guess that's my point. It's just stupid to categorize people. I am FAR from an SJW, and in fact loathe them. Go ahead and look at my comment history. Creating these gross categories for people and judging them based on that is just dumb and inaccurate. Just because stupid ass SJWs latch onto ideas and take them to the extreme doesn't mean they are completely without merit. You are right that we shouldn't get caught up in taking sides on some narrative that others have created. This isn't about that. I am not Jewish, but I have plenty of Jewish friends that are certainly benevolent kind compassionate fair people, so I don't see the point in putting parens around their names, so I'm trying to understand why you do it. How about just making some marking for assholes in general rather than an ethnic group? Mind you, I don't like the religious side of Judaism, just like I'm not a fan of christianity or islam. I hate Zionism, and fuck most feminists, just so you don't get confused and throw me in the wrong category with all your pigeon holding.

I am FAR from an SJW, and in fact loathe them.

Friend, I don't think "SJW" means what you think it means. The concept of "social justice" is derived from Cultural Marxism. Just as (economic) Marxism attempts to tear down all socio-economic barriers, cultural Marxism attempts to tear down all "cultural" barriers (as in organizational culture). Thus we have such maxims as:

  • All genders are equal and thus indistinct from one another.
  • All races are equal and thus indistinct from one another.
  • All tribes (gentiles and jews) are equal and thus indistinct from one another.

Do you agree with the statements above? Then you're a SJW.

On a bit of a hate today aren't ya?

Actually, no, I don't agree with any of those bullet points, so how does that fit into your narrative?

And why should you not categorize people? It's a very useful tool in analyzing the state of the world, if you're not noticing patterns out of the apparent chaos, then you are a blind fool and I have nothing further to gain from speaking with you. You have to be a detective in this world -- you have to comb things twice over, you have to inspect and investigate and archive and must PERCEIVE, and most of all, you must think. I am always investigating now because I look at this like I am a detective, and why would it be politically correct to do what is the absolute worst thing as a detective? Simple, because they don't want you seeing the truth, they want you to be a passive and blind sheep, and if you're too busy worrying about offending people and categorizing, then you're not busy investigating their crimes and noticing obvious patterns. You're buying right into the big lie, and worst of all, you're doing it because you think it's helpful. Well, it's not. Start using your God-given brain, be a damn detective and stop censoring your own thoughts because of some guilt-complex that was instilled in you when you were in Kindergarten.

If I have a box of balls, 30% have spikes and 70% do not, and I want to play catch, I can just say "the whole box is bad" and not play, or I can inspect the balls individually and know exactly whether I can use a particular ball to play or not. Now, you could say, this box has a lot of sharp balls, just forget the whole thing. The problem is, every box is like that. If there aren't any boxes with only good balls, why would you single this one out to categorize? I find the categorization useless, as it doesn't affect me in my daily life. Personally, I've found more often than not that the Jewish people I interact with are good people, and that is true of every other race or creed. Doesn't mean that there aren't Jewish people with a tribal agenda, but the same goes for muslims, germans, football players, and physicists. I don't see the point.

Of course there are Jewish people without a tribalist agenda, and that you think that even needs to be said tells me you think I'm some sort of mongrel who hates blindly and recklessly and would be an exterminator if I could just get the opportunity, but this is not so. I am not hateful, and you do not need to be filled with hate to see what is real, and to know it to be true. One does not have to hate something in order to understand the negative reality about it. The reality of the zionists are that they see goyim as cattle, and I need only point you towards Palestine as proof of this. I do not see the need to constantly pain me as the evil person even though I demand human rights for Palestine. Why am I evil? Aren't you evil for consigning the Palestinians to a destiny of genocide at the hands of the zionists? Shouldn't you too, be angry at them for what they continue to get away with, in this modern era of supposed generosity and courage and humanity? Why are we in the Middle East, don't you wonder? Do you do research? Why am I the hateful one for wanting to understand how certain people are getting away with literal genocide? If this makes me hateful I'm proud to be a hate-filled degenerate.

On the contrary, I think you are the one overly emotional and not being rational about this. I haven't used the terms evil, or hateful, or racist, or any of that. In fact my last comment is an attempt to use a mathematical argument to describe my stance on how I decide to judge a group of people. In fact, I don't think you are insane with your argument and I can see how people can fall in to that line of thinking, but I simply believe it to be inaccurate. I am not judging you personally, just the argument itself.

Fair enough.

Damn alt-right's dude....

Also not much "alt" about it. It's fast becoming the real right whether they like it or not.

Ain't that the truth. Some thing happened to the democrats not many only blue dogs left

Meh, not really all of us.

yeah welcome to 1984

You said it yourself. We have a corrupt world structure. How can you possibly imagine we could fix anything with the way the world is run? We would require global cooperation on a massive scale to get anything done.

We would require global cooperation on a massive scale to get anything done.

Or a strong population giving the middle finger to global governance and finance cartels (ie, Iceland).

It would take wide scale. When Iceland did that no one else even budged a finger.

Rampant multi-culturalism makes things a little harder. Humans are tribal at their core.

Yeah that's why there is the big diversity push. They know it's harder for groups to work together that way. Rome did the same thing.

I guess, in my vast imagination, I would like to believe that there is power in numbers and that we would come together and fight the system....but we are so controlled by our media, it could never ever happen. I guess I'm just going to have a glass of wine, watch the debates, get mad, go to bed then wake up and go to work like every other day.

the masters really know their shit. Psychological programming perfected to a science; we are aware we are always being monitored, illegal surveilance etc. This has been shown to increase docility and compliance of citizens. We are being funneled into this default compliance mode by more methods than we can reasonably keep track of; some more concrete some more conspiratorial. IE; fluoride in water, feminization of men, 'security state' mentality which leads to more support of government, and so on.

we are animals, they are the farmers.

In terms of government corruption, I believe it's always been this bad. This is just the first time the citizenry has been able to discover it with such ease, thanks to hacking, the Internet, alternative media streams, social media, etc. We're basically peeling back the walls of the government and seeing the cockroach infestation.

It's gonna take a while to fumigate the place but I think we're on our way.

Exciting times.

In terms of the future, not to be condescending but we're not as bad off as other times in history... think WWII, or in the 50s when students practiced crouching under their desks because it was assumed nuclear war with Russia was inevitable. Or the 70s, when a single piece of paper in the mail practically sealed a person's fate to go fight and die in a humid jungle across the globe.

There's a lot that needs fixing but I don't see this time as being so dark.

Also 9/11 is so blatant of an inside job, I fully believe anyone who can't come to that conclusion has something mentally wrong with them.

Majority of the country believes anything other than the Government's conspiracy theory is tin foil hat type of shit. They do not even entertain any other possibilities.

Yep. They have what's coming that's okay. It's the power of G-O-D.

we're basically peeling back the walls of the government and seeing the cockroach infestation.

Beautiful way to describe the current despair I feel about the system. So corrupt. So hopeless. Even if we manage to fumigate thousands of cockroaches, another thousand will come to take it's place in a short time. It's no wonder James Comey can't indict -- how can the FBI alone go against the whole system? AG is also running scared and had to recuse herself from investigation. The infestation is too systemic, too deep, too strong, too entrenched.

What can we possibly do??

"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete." -Buckminster Fuller

"A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it." - Max Planck

It's no wonder James Comey can't indict -- how can the FBI alone go against the whole system?

Not just that, but he's part of it as well. Why would be bite the hand that feeds him.

We're basically peeling back the walls of the government and seeing the cockroach infestation. It's gonna take a while to fumigate the place but I think we're on our way.

I see no signs of "being on our way". What do you see?

You are right, same shit has been happening since the last two world wars, but previously it was all set up amongst nobility. We only think things are shit because we just know more. I am, however, becoming slightly more anxious about another financial crisis than in the last decade...

Bread and circuses

media corruption goes a long long way


Because the average person is brainwashed. I've been following the US election since the beginning of summer (Hi from Canada) because of the corruption that is surfacing and the current direction of the world. I discussed what I read with my roommate and in turn in one of his university class and that day talked about Hillary's health being bad and he got laughed at by the whole class. Week later she fell on 9/11 and he brought it up again, the professor and the class went quiet and promptly changed subject haha

Sheeps, everywhere.

if anything truly bad happens it won't be for long and will usher in a new era of society. the truth is that being in America what you should be freaked out about is the limits that are placed upon you by the people who are in control. For those in the middle East, they definitely have a lot to worry about for the future as it will only get worse. In this world we no longer have full scale conflicts between super powers, instead we fight proxy wars in developing countries by manipulating the people in those countries.

It's ironic. Your post is why things will never change. You complain about Black Lives Matter and police shootings, but these things are significant; they are a prime example of our government's keenness to beat us and use us. This is a class struggle, and your disregard for other issues is why we'll never break free of this capitalistic mess.

Capitalism is a beautiful thing in its pure form. Don't mistake crony corporatism for capitalism.

This election is close to an existential threat to the oligarchs on the left. They know anti-establishment populism is here to stay because they have fucked up the world economy enough that the populace is distrustful of all their bullshit.

The efforts of the media have been the most interesting to watch... they reek of desperation, and it is a joy to see them scramble to defend their crooked puppet.

That's the way I see it as well. The complexity of building a global economy while still ensuring they an their buddies make 90% of the money it produces ended up being too much for them. They failed to ensure 1st world nations that had the most to lose kept their standard of living. So now those nations are starting to turn against globalism. That's all it will take to sink their system as the need the 1st world military to enforce their rule.

Indeed. At a grand monetary/macroeconomic view, money was handed out by the central banks to the banks, and the banks lent the money out to their preferred sectors/borrowers. Investment capital was not allocated based on local/bottom-up needs of each community/country, but instead, financial capital chased after investment returns to be found wherever the oligarchs were making money. Financial capital piled onto things like real estate, emerging markets, tech industry, biotech, etc etc etc. Financial capital barely flowed down the feeding chain to local small businesses and in general to worker wages. It doesn't help that politicians truly don't give a shit as long as they feel they can get enough votes in their district to keep their jobs.

Decisions about the economy in 2016 remains a question of which decisions will benefit shareholders the most (including TRILLIONS in stock buy-backs in the last 7 years), and NOT what services/goods are needed the most to support a growing economy. It's a mess, and it is hard to summarize into words.

Why are we allowing all of this to happen?

One way it happens is by voting for other people to be your voice. I do not vote for others to speak for me nor to represent me, especially since every politician alive would resent me or label me defective because I defect from the current antiquated system were an authority minority speak for the majority they see as a vulgarity.

The misanthropic response would be that it is because people are stupid and/or lazy, but although that is part of it, it isn't the real reason.

In order for a civilisation to survive, it is essential for the people living in that society to have basic faith in the society to be able to protect them and meet their needs. You will tend to find that people also insist on having that faith regardless of evidence to the contrary, and that is because they have no belief whatsoever in their own ability to be self-sufficient.

As bad a person as Hillary Clinton might be, most of the American people are emotional and psychological children, even though they might be chronological adults. Being physical adults, though, they have outgrown the possibility of having their own parents continue to look after them; so they look to government as a replacement for their parents. This is not intended as misanthropy, because innocence, which is a good thing, implies and requires being childlike as a prerequisite, and a characteristic of infantilism is uncritical deference to authority. A baby views its' parents as the equivalent of God, because they provide everything for it.

This is also what socialism is, very directly; and you can see how popular that is at the moment. The people want Hillary to act as their Godmother; feed them, clothe them, act for them, think for them. They do not believe that they have the ability to do any of those things for themselves.

Pretty obvious by now that this is all being set up to fail to usher in something else. Majority people too scared and weak to do anything. The reason nothing happens to Hillary is a testament to the corruption at hand. She will be the next POTUS. It's all an act. It's all a distraction away from true natural mystic and wisdom that we all posses yet do not know how to use.

Because everyone is too busy trying to scrape together a semblance of a living while being overworked, sleep deprived, stressed, drowning in debt, trying to raise a family, you name it. Everyone is already pre-occupied dealing with their own intentionally manufactured issues to the point where we don't realize that many of our issues are one and the same.

Why are we allowing all of this to happen?

This is a good question; the answer ultimately lies with each of us. Some of us are not allowing this to happen unsaid, we talk amongst the people who follow the mainstream narrative and point out what's actually going on. We link articles, make arguments, kibitz here and on other forums. Perhaps we attend protests and marches, perhaps not. But the heart of the question is what each of us is willing to do - I know that after the 2000 election debacle, I am not willing to risk my own happiness taking on our entire state as long as 90-95% of my countrymen are unwilling to even vote third party, much less engage in a general strike. I left corporate America, I got a job helping people, and I advocate for people to participate in a meaningful way in the process to try to reverse some of the stupidity and corruption. I speak truth and I don't hurt/exploit nobody - that's my bit for King and Country(and society) as far as I see it.

Remember that the people who are supposedly our "masters" and are running this system lead incredibly stressful, empty lives and die just like everyone else - frustrated, alone and in their case probably filled with regrets and self-loathing. Life doesn't keep score. We each decide for ourselves our goals and level of involvement reaching them. Remember what Achilles said in Hades; he wished he's lived a long life as someone unimportant. Hell, even with all the power the factions behind these two fuckwits wield, they can't keep the electorate from 70% hating Trump and 90% not trusting Hillary.

So my question for you all becomes this: You're part of the whatever small percentage of the population with their eyes open is - what are YOU going to do to stop it?

Simply put -- we aren't. Those of us who care protest in our own chosen ways, and it sure as hell ain't gonna be televised to the world.

I've tried to organize all the people I know in order to get something done about everything that's happening a few years back, and everyone is basically freaked the fuck out scared, apathetic, or basically 100% wrapped in ignorance. Those who do want to help, say they don't have much free time because 50+ hour debt slave job, raising new born slaves, and life stuff.

If anything, its the college age kids that might could be able to organize, however they are split amongst the,selves with all the SJWism and PC culture

SJWism and PC culture

That's what we're actually fighting against... Cultural Marxism (and the elites pushing it behind the scenes). You've got to see the big picture.

yea well we are definitely in a cultural war going on right now, that's for sure

I've never seen any evidence for this conspiracy theory and tbh it seems entirely perpetuated by right wingers who can't fathom why anyone would ever think differently from them.

You know, I tried watching this video but it immediately claimed that cultural Marxism is the same thing as political correctness. Which is bullshit, because PC isn't a left wing phenomenon. I know this because when people complain about PC, 9 times out of 10 they get very offended when I tell them that American soldiers rape women in every war we've ever fought. Some people just don't want to hear the truth when it hurts their fee fees; it's an authoritarian trait. This has nothing to do with Marxism inherently, except that Marxism can be authoritarian.

PC isn't a left wing phenomenon

Friend, PC-language is one of the hallmarks of liberals. The right-wingers are the ones protecting our freedom of speech.

Except when they aren't. I grew up in a religiously conservative community. I know from experience that right wingers will censor your speech just as much, if not more, than others if given the opportunity. I saw a young man get physically assaulted for claiming that Jesus was a commie, so please quit your bullshit I will never buy it.

Plus the ACLU is pretty left wing, so that's another counterexample to your absurd black and white worldview.

Friend, I think we're talking about two different things. I'm referring to left-wing and right-wing regimes and ideologies in the USA. You're referring to individual people who happen to be left-wing or right-wing party supporters.

I cannot comment on the individual people you've brought up, since I don't know them.

The ACLU are good guys, though.

OK well then I'm sure if you redefine enough words, anything becomes true.

They killed JFK and got away with it. After that slap in the face, it's simply salami tactics with your freedoms. Nazi germany 2.0

We're allowing all of this to happen because we are an inactive minority. The majority are too comfortable and conditioned to ever admit there's a problem.

Reality is everyone is out there for themselves just trying to get by. Competing for the same Shiite jobs that aren't even in abundance.

First I'll provide some perspective.

Don't worry about the president. They don't actually do very much. They are just a face to put on a faceless bureaucracy to make it relatable.

Voter fraud has been happening since voting. Of course there's proof.

The middle east has been shit since colonialists went in there for the oil around WWI.

Superpowers never get along. There is always going to be threat of nuclear war.

Don't worry. If you have internet, chances are you won't suffer mortally from an economic collapse. The government will always agree on a budget at the last minute, they been doing this last minute game every year since 911.

The future is always going to be different.

Again I know what you mean when you point out all this.

Why do we allow all this to happen?

Mostly because we don't believe that we can change things. Or we believe that it would be too much of an inconvenience to our comfort. Or there's the less accusatory, things are changing for the better they are just happening incrementally. And that just happens to not be fast enough for everyone.

If you want it to go faster, you gotta make it a full time job.

If you want it to go faster, you gotta make it a full time job.

What kind of job, for example?

Now when I said job I don't mean it exclusively in the 9-5 sense of the word.

I don't know how you specifically want the world to change. Narrow that down for me and I can make some real suggestions for you.

For me that means working in education, because it allows the opportunity to call out the oppressive aspects of the education system at the source, even though in some degree I'm enabling the system.

Working on opening my own school & living space. Also working on a mass production solar distillation design.

If it wasn't education it would be working for a local non-profit or charity. That may mean being homeless because I'm not getting paid enough. Not that education pays well. All sacrifices I'm willing to make.

It means growing my own food, purifying and filtering my own water, creating my own power, maintaining my own network, using alternative currency, and helping others to do the same and related things.

Got my own sub to this end /r/buildingalternatives/ you can check it out, not that it's amazing or anything.

I would have bet all my money that Hillary would have been brought down by now. But she's not, is anyone else freaked out about this?

I predicted back in 2008 that she would win the 2016 election. I knew this after her and Obama left a CFR meeting and she dropped out.

people need to realize that government is corrupt and not controlled by us. Hopefully her coronation will wake more people up.

No reason for anyone to "do anything". Police shootings, threat of nuclear attack, government corruption, are all issues that don't really have a direct obvious affect on anyone. Choosing what to eat for dinner literally has a bigger affect on my life than the rising threat of nuclear war. Until it happens, of course.

Not to mention that most people doubt they can actually change anything. There are way more incentives to do other things like worry about your career, etc.

Its all because Soros social engineering works. He manufactures consent in the news to fool the average joe that this shit really is tolerable. Its not. We need to kill about 10 people and all this nonsense will be water under the bridge, and we can all move on as a human race.

Your heavily mistaken if you think killing 10 people solves anything. The rabbit hole goes deep nationally and internationally. You have to de-root the whole weed or it will just grow straight back.

10 people is the start!

A very tiny start.

10 people wouldn't even wipe out the rockefeller or rothschild dynasty.

Hillary is toast. She will pull her candidacy, probably for 'health reasons', and someone, likely Biden, will step in at the last minute.

They are delaying as long as possible so that there will not be time for the replacement to be properly scrutinized.

We are completely utterly powerless.

I would have bet all my money that Hillary would have been brought down by now.

I regret not making this bet with you, would have had all your money :D

I think the corruption is even worse than we can imagine, still, and we are doomed either way, but let's be honest, Hillary will be pres, you wanna make a bet there?

Good luck!

(I'm being serious, not sarcastic)

It's not up to us OP, it's up to the masses who think that anyone who is against the massive crimes against the American people are "terrorists" for not simply shutting up like a good little slave.

read Brave New World. and then read 1984. that is exactly what is going to happen.

Why are we allowing all of this to happen?

Because we've allowed ourselves to become convinced that we're sheep, and that's what sheep do.

Not enough people care or are aware of what is going on to do anything about it.

come to conspiracy
see this topic name

Implying there is a single person here who believes they have significant personal impact on the statuses of current political agenda drivel and is not part of a team regurgitating the very propaganda which creates these boundaries.
Le pepe frog meme.

"Floating in this cosmic jacuzzi we are like frogs oblivious to the water starting to boil. No one flinches, we all float face down." -INCUBUS, "Warning"

‘All that’s necessary for the forces of evil to win in the world is for enough good men to do nothing.’

The ultimate conspiracy is the one where you think someone is in control, when the reality is that no one is in control of shit. But nobody pays attention to Greek myths and dramas and their awareness of the hubris central to being a "civilized" man. Nature, the contingency of the universe, time are all more powerful than any cabal of people playing at puppetmaster.

Many people I know are die hard Hillary supporters. They read NY Times and New Yorker and so forth and insist that the email stuff is completely discredited that Hillary did nothing wrong, she's great, it's all right wing crap, Trump is Hitler, etc.

That's why nothing is happening "useful idiots"

The "Trumptrain" left the station before WW2. Nobody can stop it now.

Not sure your age range but this pretty much has been happening most elections since I was old enough to vote. It's always the same shit and then we get a new president and some new toys or scandals and everyone is fine. I mean some of the worst shit already happened a president or two ago. Why everyone is working themselves into a frenzy I just don't know. It's like everyone has amnesia. Scary.

Why do you guys love to single out BLM as the medias focus? Like there weren't several terrorist attacks that happened recently that were covered all over the media.

We would require global cooperation on a massive scale to get anything done.

Or a strong population giving the middle finger to global governance and finance cartels (ie, Iceland).

Majority of the country believes anything other than the Government's conspiracy theory is tin foil hat type of shit. They do not even entertain any other possibilities.

A very tiny start.

10 people wouldn't even wipe out the rockefeller or rothschild dynasty.

Now when I said job I don't mean it exclusively in the 9-5 sense of the word.

I don't know how you specifically want the world to change. Narrow that down for me and I can make some real suggestions for you.

For me that means working in education, because it allows the opportunity to call out the oppressive aspects of the education system at the source, even though in some degree I'm enabling the system.

Working on opening my own school & living space. Also working on a mass production solar distillation design.

If it wasn't education it would be working for a local non-profit or charity. That may mean being homeless because I'm not getting paid enough. Not that education pays well. All sacrifices I'm willing to make.

It means growing my own food, purifying and filtering my own water, creating my own power, maintaining my own network, using alternative currency, and helping others to do the same and related things.

Got my own sub to this end /r/buildingalternatives/ you can check it out, not that it's amazing or anything.

I guess, in my vast imagination, I would like to believe that there is power in numbers and that we would come together and fight the system....but we are so controlled by our media, it could never ever happen. I guess I'm just going to have a glass of wine, watch the debates, get mad, go to bed then wake up and go to work like every other day.

Also not much "alt" about it. It's fast becoming the real right whether they like it or not.