Presidential Debate #1 Thread.

172  2016-09-26 by smashton89

I don't know if the mods would be interested in making this a sticky-post, but I figured I would start a thread for all of us here on /r/conspiracy to chat while the debates are on.

If you are not interested, feel free to disregard.

Maybe someone could answer this quick question... anyone know where I could stream it online? I know YouTube carried the primary debates. Any shot they do that for these? Thanks.

EDIT: Don't forget to sort by "new" so you can keep up with the conversation.

Thanks, all, for joining us. I hope more decide to swing by.


CBSNews stream just asked the undecided voters to raise their hand if they trust Clinton. No one raised their hand it was fucking gold.



That's just a link to the live stream

Just remember, America...


I'm sick looking at both of them

While I agree that they both make me ill, I don't think the American people put these two nutbags on the stage tonight.

For sure.

Thanks, DNC!

Pretty obvious the audience are Clinton plants and the questions are DNC sponsored, I don't particularly like Trump but the bias is obvious to anyone with eyes.

I agree, the only problem is that 90% of people watching the debates tonight are too uneducated to see the bias

I would certainly agree.

I worked with people who were far better orators, quicker on their feet and better communicators, it's clear the best we have to offer don't want this job. I don't want to vote for either of these people.

It's a sad day when you have to side with a bumbling idiot over an outright crook. She is just nasty.


there are but they get ridiculed or arrested, like Jill Stein was arrested.

Not even close to being the best, it's all a show

I need to stop following politics they make me angry


Gotta spin it on the Russians

"It could be russia, it could be China, it could be some 400lb man in his bedroom"

-Donald Trump

He isn't wrong though.

That's the absurd state of cyber security in this world. One of the biggest security Breaches in the history of our government was done by a British kid looking for proof of UFOs.

It can literally be anyone with the tenacity to learn how to hack.

Haha, I never said he was wrong, I just thought it was hilarious.

Didnt that guy discover tons of information on ufo cover ups? Gary mckinnon is his name


Guccifer was some random dude in Romania with no CS formation just trying out "hacks"

Did he just body shame and assume gender???!

He sure did. I enjoyed that. I still think we're fucked either way though. We already know what we'll get with Hillary. And then we have trump who's already sucking Netanyahu dick, thinks stop and frisk is acceptable and thinks Giuliani would make a great homeland security director. I really want to believe trump isn't controlled, and maybe he isnt, but I can't support someone who thinks stop and frisk is an okay thing to do.

My thoughts exact. He could've explained how gun control doesnt work i.e. chicago and how the underlying issues of the drug war and poverty are what need to be addressed, instead he "agreed with secretary clinton" and wants to issue federal? stop and frisk. Plus he just met with a foreign leader (nutty yahoo) and I'm sure the topic of discussion was how much more tax dollars were gonna steal and send abroad and how many of our soldiers are going to go fight his wars. Disgusting and unacceptable policy from anyone vying for that office and certainly doesn't bare the mark of someone "uncontrolled"

Yeah, he seemed like he went really easy on her, I thought he was going to destroy her, but he left a lot to be desired.


Her history with classified info is one of the few things I like. Her admin would leak more than the titanic and hopefully sink it.

She called it a mistake to have a private, insecure server to handle classified government materials. A mistake is signing the wrong year on checks in January. This was a blatant and willful disregard of security protocol in an attempt to cover her own ass from foia requests.

So my choice is between a man with the vocabulary of a ten-year old who thinks being rich qualifies him to run a massive government and a blatant liar who is completely owned by the rich. Fuck this election.

If you have them, Stein (Green Party) and Johnson (Libertarian Party) are also making a run of it. I prefer Stein, but vote as you will.

And any time someone tells you that a third party vote will benefit Trump, remind them that Gary Johnson is poaching his voter base.

That seems to be the thing people always say when I bring up third parties, and it's such bullshit

I disagree with her border policy but I still think she would be a better leader than either of these two.

Stein believes in homeopathy. Hard to support someone that dumb.

He used the word braggadocios appropriately. So he's got the vocab of at least a 10 year old with a dictionary.

I cant even spell brag a doshe us

can you spell douche?

Like I said earlier in this thread...

this is the best we could do, huh?

No, the best candidate is outside protesting while being ignored.

These are the best candidates money can buy, not the best candidates period

Vote third party OP or exercise your right to not vote at all.

theyre both blatant liars. I mean fuck, how many times did he lie during the debate.

A big douche or a turdsandwich



Ive wondered this from the beginning, but sometimes I thought Trump was the real deal. The funniest part is more people trust Trump than Clinton. Too bad the puppet masters chose her a long time ago

My sentiments. Trump has had his moments, but once he wasn't blown out immediately it was obvious that was going to be the show this time.

That's exactly right. The entire play is "make myself look like the bad guy without really saying much o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o", and do the best he can to make an impeached president's wife look like a rational person.

He's a jabroni. Look it up

Ugh, I was expecting more out of Trump after his pretty decent Commander in Chief forum performance. Even his winning arguments were explained so poorly that they became nonsensical and therefore losing.

He could have thrashed her easily if he wanted to.

If you divide the power by 2 each person gets a good size, but if you divide by 3, it's a considerable loss for each side.

"Most jobs come from small businesses..."

Good thing you are supporting the TPP...

"He might be hiding something."

Projection at its finest.

I laughed because she was pulling her own bait and switch after bitching about his XD Edit: and this is what is on fox news

So far we have:

One lying candidate whose rhetoric drips with hypocrisy and made up facts

One candidate who is unable to form a complete thought and continuously changes subject mid subject

A shill audience clapping and laughing at Clintons remarks without a word from the moderator despite shushing the audience after responding to Trump

And is Clinton crying over the birther stuff despite starting it

You can't write this stuff people

You can write it because it already has and it's the plan in place.

This is so staged to get hillary elected. Trump is a plant because she'd lose against anyone else


I could never vote for a party candidate.

I would vote for one of the third party candidates but... they both just seem like total flakes. Can't say I believe in either one of them more than even Trump or Hillary, unfortunately.

At the rate he's getting write ins he might crack 1% of the popular vote.

Here's to hoping!

That was my reason for supporting him from the start. It just worked out that his views represent some of mine.

I wonder how many people will think the same thing or see how she came off in a better manner from these debates. It was obviously against him from the get go but are a lot of people going to notice that?

Did you notice that Trump wore blue, typically symbolic of the Dems, and Hillary wore all red, which is typically symbolic of the Republicans. I was watching TV and a few commercials had a pick red or blue. I'm not sure if it is planned or coincidental, but it is odd.

It's not uncommon. Obama and Romney did exactly the same thing four years ago.. The same thing happened eight years ago, between Obama and McCain They're not beholden to wear their party colors, they just tend to wear flag colors of red and blue. It's not some form of planned, subliminal signaling.

and Hillary wore all red, which is typically symbolic of the Republicans

That has always confused me about American politics. In Canada, left is red and right is blue. I believe UK is the same.

So when I watch American politics, I have to force my brain to see it in reverse.

She wore red as a symbol of communism


Lester is not being subtle in his bias.

Something is fishy... is she this good when a week and half ago she couldn't even stand?


I wish those drugs wore off so I could see her passing out myself.

she's smoking that gas

Trump is a plant, she's been barely campaigning because she was slated to win all along

You're not debilitated for weeks just because you had a seizure and couldn't climb into a van on your own. That's not how those problems work.

a few hours after her coma collapse. emerges and does a song and dance routine in the street.

so either gets the sober meds to clean up her drunk. or they have a body double.

we know her eyes change color.

Source on eyes?

She was faking being sick for sympathy. Note her rebound is fake as shit. She could be a robot

captagon...I hear it works wonders in the ME

She still looks like shit. Tired and old,

Prerecorded weeks maybe months ago no doubt.

This would be hilariously plausible if one could prove nothing was mentioned during the debate by either participant or the moderator after a certain date.

Why didn't trump mention stonetear? Which hasn't even been addressed by mainstream? It'd be a trump ish bombshell. But.... nothing?

Why didn't trump mention stonetear?

because he wants clinton to win

it's obvious he's been pulling his punches since the beginning

He doesn't even bring up the Clinton Foundation

That's smart because Clinton probably had a prepared rebuttal about the Trump Foundation which, on the whole, is significantly worse.

He mentioned Charlotte.

Uh...she doesn't have pneumonia anymore?

gtfo shill

Asking a question of the people who pay attention to things like candidates' health, secrets, etc, make me a shill? How? I'd think a candidate with a coke or something similar habit is worth caring about just as much as Hillary's potential Parkinson's.

Don't chase the hype.

The hypocrisy in clintons words are incredible

Kinda like how her husband was responsible for pumping guns and drugs into inner cities throughout his entire presidency?

I was talking about the criminal reform part but that works too

I thought you were talking about slick Bill's 11th hour fingerfucking of glass-stegall which lead to the 2008 housing crash which Hillary so loved to mention, but that works too.

Trump's complete ineptitude really makes her bullshit sparkle, doesn't it?

It's so disappointing to have such a rank moron waste so much good ammunition on such a deserving target. Guess we know why Rand Paul was sidelined.

This is the main point I'm getting from this debate. Any person with critical thinking skills and some knowledge would destroy her.

Being a bumbling idiot was an electable trait for George Bush though, none of his supporters would believe a word she says and most of her voters don't even see her as trustworthy, just 'not Republican'. America is fucked.

I actually had a conversation with a woman like that tonight. She asked, so I told her I didn't like either candidate, then she told me I had to auto-disqualify Trump because he was a Republican, and then she told me how all republicans are racist.

I'm life-long left of center but that's so fucking retarded it's hard to believe people could actually buy into it. There's even a National Black Republican Association ffs.

Yeah but is there a National Black Democrat Association? No? It's because it's PR.

She keeps talking about trickle down economics but her husband, herself as a senator and the Obama administration that she was a part of did nothing to stop those policies.

Maybe she should release those Wall Street transcripts, where I'm sure she read them in about trickle down economics. By the way, High Point about Bill doing so good in the nineties is pretty much bull and we all know it. It's easy to have a booming economy when you decrease interest rates next to nothing. Her husband help set up policies that would build up levels throughout the nineties and 2000s

This is such a shit show hahahahah

Oh Jesus, it's falling apart.

hmmm reversed colors??

yeah, that's really odd


Right is Left, Left is right. Where she goes nobody knows. We've always been at war with Eastasia.

This election is basically the global power structure revealing their hand IMO. Right and Left, Center? Whatever, they are all controlled by the same hand. Switch the colors, it's a subtle "fuck you".

Hillary is the power candidate, the GOP didn't even field an actual candidate this time. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

She's wearing red and he's wearing blue

Red is the color of power, while blue is associated with trust.

I would have worn fur myself.

Blue would make her look old and sickly. It's an old make-up and costume trick to put a wan, old woman in bright red. This is why you see so many older women wearing scarlet scarves. The red is reflected onto the skin and brings a youthful, healthy flush to the skin. He's such a gentleman to color coordinate with his old pal.

Hillary was asked what she expected from Trump prior to the debate and she made a comment about the red power tie - guess it's him being contrarIan, as with his calling her Secretary Clinton when she called him Donald.

It's interesting that the color scheme is actually pretty new. It wasn't really made standard until Bush Gore in 2000.

The fact that Trump talks about isis as if they're a real thing, not created by the west, shows he is in on it. He also never talked about benghazi.. had a huge chance to take a blow when killary was talking about her "success" secretary of state.

I think his biggest miscue involved the discussion on the proliferation of nuclear weapons. HELLO the Clinton state department sold off the majority of American uranium assets to Rosatom and the CF got a nice fat kickback from the players involved. This is common knowledge! That would have been the jugular and he didn't even draw the blade

trump confirmed plant

Didnt he say it was created by her and obama? But never pressed her.

one massive clue, the dupes are always polite towards the criminal thugs.

Anybody else notice HRC's excessive blinking?

To keep her eyes in the correct positions

Thank you for correcting her position

Well we know she has been wearing glasses for double vision and blue ones to prevent seizures. I suspect incessant blinking can help her refocus on what she is actually trying to look at.

You got to give it to her. For all her evil, she is a driven person.

She is a driven snake lizard reptilian*,

Not a person, haha

This* I have horrible vision made worse by several perscriptions. It's probably a combination of blinking to focus ( which I do) as well as prescriptions making it worse.

that one day in the oval office, for the history books.

Ya I was wondering that too. Contacts?

Could be hard contacts. They're very uncomfortable.

Yeah she's saying Help me John McCain style, lol.

I thought it looked like Morse code. A quick blinks, long blinks.

Not to mention her constant shit eating grin and general nonchalant attitude, almost as if this is a waste of her time (can I just be president already?).

Its because reptiles have an extra eyelid

Noticed that as well, but I also noticed that Trump was doing the blinking just as often, in addition to all the faces.

Those faces kept it entertaining for me.

I honestly was kinda rooting for Trump because I absolutely abhor Hillary but Trump did not prepare for this enough. She is coming across a lot more coherent and concise than he is. Which almost hurts me to say but it's true. The other big problem is Trump is letting her off the hook and straight up not calling her on her bullshit.

I'm still rooting for Giant Meteor

I'm into that vote

Me three

Gamma ray burst 2016!

Ehh, I think I'd rather have giant meteor.

He passed up a good opportunity when she was speculating on what he was trying to hide with his taxes. What was she trying to hide with the emails?

He also let the emails go too easily. Should've circled back to it with the cyberterrorism topic. He really should've stuck to harping on and hammering home the point that Secretary Clinton has been in office now and these are the problems that exist.

True. However, her supporters are already tired of hearing that same tune. It seems that they all just hear the emails and dismiss them. So maybe he better used that time? Or he will hammer them in the next debates.


He went soft. Maybe those will be brought up in the next round.

He's always been incoherent. His base eats that shit up.

I don't think that's true. I think when he prepares, he can make sense and raise some good points. Here though, tonight, he did not do well.

Honestly I can't stand listening to either of em... I'll take your word for it. If they do another debate maybe he's lulling her into a false sense of security. Either way the pundits are gonna crush him after.

The other big problem is Trump is letting her off the hook and straight up not calling her on her bullshit.

This is because they're old friends and Trump isn't really trying to win. I bet Trump will end up winning the popular vote according to exit polls and Clinton will win by 5~10 points in the reported results. There will be rampant evidence of fraud... and Trump won't challenge any of it. Just like how Sanders didn't challenge any of it.

He really needed to talk about the Clinton Foundation and Glass Steagall. He hit hard early with the jabs about NAFTA and then TPP and then got lost totally as she was personally attacking him.


Donald is savage hahahahahhaa

It's so bizarre to have a presidential candidate brag about not paying taxes. I honestly don't know which of these people I hate more.

But hes correct. He is using and abusing the policies that Clinton and her cronies have continued to leave in place. He knows the financial system that people like Clinton have endorsed.

Trump is acknowledging he is just playing by the rules that politicians like Clintons have put in place. Nothing legally wrong with that.

It's interesting how left wing media spins it when they miss the point of why he said it.

doesnt make it ethical.

Since when has Trump prided himself on ethics? This is the guy who announced that we need to kill ISIS's family. We already kill thousands of innocent civilians regardless, so he's just putting words to war crimes we already commit, but it's unethical no matter how you slice it. And Trump thrives on that shit.

He should have put more emphasis on how our federal taxes are squandered.

He did right after the debate on the way out when they asked him if that's what he said and he "clarified"

I thought about that, but if he did everything legally, then he would have just been playing "by the rules". And since he was a private citizen in a capitalist system, that's exactly what he should have done.

Mods could you sticky this. I feel like this should be something that we all who stumble upon this subreddit should be able to participate in the discussion. A lot of people have been banned from politics and this sub over the past year has become more of a political hotbed of conspiracies.

For some reason they didn't want everyone to be able to see this and discuss the debate...good choice mods!

“We did ask you to be quiet, guys, so shut the fuck up every time Trump makes a good point.” -Moderator

thats mad fishy, if I was that audience we'd all be wilding out lol fuck 12

I love puppet shows

Everyone knows that Punch mishandles the baby, that Punch and Judy quarrel and fight, that a policeman comes for Punch and gets a taste of his stick, that Punch has a gleeful run-in with a variety of other figures and takes his stick to them all, that eventually he faces his final foe (which might be a hangman, the devil, a crocodile, or a ghost). Edwards contends that a proper Punch and Judy show requires these elements or the audience will feel let down.

I guess we're supposed to cheer when that asshole "Punch" gets his comeuppance and "Judy" wins!

Hillary are you saying that the US sent my fat ass over to Iraq with almost no one's approval but then say that the US needed permission to keep troops there.

yeah I lol'd when she said that

Yeah, we told the leaders we propped up there we would leave so, we had to...?

Democracy is bullshit otherwise you wouldn't be standing there tonight Hillary. Our votes don't mean shit

Unless we paid to play, that is. Then we would matter.


Only common sense thing I've heard tonight.


All Trump has to do is get under her skin once. Make her snap and freak out.

strobe lights would make this interesting

Yet he is the one who freaked out till the crowd was laughing at him.

Crowd goes nuts about those emails. Fuck yeah.

Oh brother the "my poor father again." One trick pony.

Also, "today happens to be my granddaughter's birthday'... LET's SEE THE CERTIFICATE! ;]

Yeah. I've had enough of that story

did she say police are out gunned? if that was true (which I doubt) its only bad for her and other corrupt politicians when shit a revolution kicks off

She did say that, and it is absolute bullshit.

Police have become more militarized under Obama than any other previous President.

outgunned my ass... name one gang that has armored apcs and mraps?

the police is a gang, the most dangerous one

my point exactly

Then nypd is the 7th largest army in the world

armored apcs and mraps

commonly known as crockpots... ask the Ukrainians.

The Sheriff in my city literally owns a fucking tank. Not an APC or MRAP, but a fucking tank!!!

he called her out and said he thinks she really does support stop and frisk but is unwilling to say so for political reasons. Of course she supports stop and frisk! They ALL hate young black men (super-predators).

she wants another 'assault' weapons ban.

Still about the Obama shit. How is this important or relevant?

How about talking about, oh, I don't know, foreign policy? Or something, uhm, important?

this lester guy is serious trash, then again anyone working for msm to help hillary is

Because they want the black vote.

obamas going for the third term people need to watch out for him. If Hillary drops out it wouldn't be a "fare election". so they would wait until the next one

"Donald invited Putin to hack into Americans"


Cyber Security...

Hillary is an expert on this...

I hope the fact checkers are listening Hillary, and not just to Trump

who cares they're both biased

(((fact checkers)))

Clinton seated next to Vernon Jordan.

Vernon Jordan took Bill Clinton to Bilderberg in 1991. He got Monica a job @ Revlon directly after the stain incident.

Extent of Jordan's Help to Ex-Intern Was Unusual

Key Player: Vernon E. Jordan Jr.

THE FIRST FRIEND -- A special report.;Being Intimate With Power, Vernon Jordan Can Wield It

In 1991, before Mr. Clinton declared his intent to run for President, Mr. Jordan took Mr. Clinton to Germany, broadening his exposure to international circles and foreign policy. The occasion was the annual Bilderberg conference, an exclusive gathering of international political and business leaders.

Mark Cuban on the front row as well.

Now that you mention Mark Cuban, he has been spouting an awful lot of Pro-Hillary talk on his twitter lately.

Trump let her off the hook. I don't know if was on purpose or because he didn't prepare or think on his toes.

Neither would surprise me. He's been her friend for 25 years but he's also a moron. I always thought he was there to make her inevitable (though originally as a third party spoiler candidate).

Trump let her off the hook. I don't know if was on purpose or because he didn't prepare or think on his toes.

It's because he's a plant. He wouldn't be the Republican candidate for president right now if not for "liberal" outlets like CNN giving him unprecedented free airtime. They did this because their Democrat they'd selected to be the nominee needed to be contrasted against even worse Republicans to look electable.

Definitely missed some big opportunities, he was a little too scattered but he did get some big hits in.

"The African American community has been used for votes by the Democratic party for over 100 years."

What he should have done though was talk about how some of these things like DNC leaks, hiring Wasserman-Schulz, the emails, speeches, misrepresenting or changing her positions in order to appeal to voters.. ties in with an over-arching theme of untrustworthiness and deceit. I mean he could've turned the whole birther question into how Hillary switching from attacking Obama to loving Obama is just a further representation of how she will do anything to get your vote.. I didn't see him lose his composure at any point but he did trail off on tangents he probably thought that people were following but indecisive voters probably weren't.

I find it appallingly hilarious that Trump is like a walking talking cartoon of all the horrific policies the Clintons, Bush's, and Obama's have foisted upon the public for decades.

Don't like that he declared bankruptcy and corporations pay no tax? Why are voting for these people? Don't like the way black folks are treated? Why would you vote for a Democrat?

This is a shit show....

Take a nap CTR!

Yes, CTR. I literally called out the Dems, Clintons and Obamas in my post but I am CTR.

Trump supporters are just as pathetic as $Hillary's. Anyone who votes for either of these candidates...ahh...there are no words left.

Dude, don't you know that CTR faked the moon landing and staged the Bay of Pigs? /s

Nope. Stanley Kubrick faked them. Get your facts inline.

The creepy Trump apologists are beginning to infest. Gross.

Should we be upset about the man who used the tax loopholes to his benefit or should be upset with the career politicians who have allowed the tax policy stay broken?

Dont hate the player, hate the game. When Hilary sets the game rules, she is the one to blame.

You can hate both. If the game is shit, you're shit for participating.

Thing is if you're a business and dont use these loopholes and manufacturing abroad youre not competitive in the market and will shortly go out of business.

Be upset with the nominee that wants to lower taxes on the richest .1% of income earners, institute NYC style "stop and frisk", waste a ton of money on a border wall to prevent rapists and drug dealers from immigrating, thinks global warming is a Chinese hoax, and thinks that a rich person avoiding taxes makes them smart.

the whole family is watching this shitshow and all i can think is both need to die asap

At least your family can see what a fucking train reck this is. I'm at my gf house watching teen mom.

E: Good thing I'm here to remind everyone that Hillary is the devil reincarnate and this whole thing is a shit show

I'm sure she's a very nice girl, but if she'd rather watch teen mom than the most important debate of our lives, while you are informed enough to be on the conspiracy subreddit, you may end up needing to find a more appropriate match...

here, here.

I have been trying to find a girl who comes on conspiracy reddit my whole life though so, maybe just stick with teen mom chick.

This is just an attack on character for both of them. No policies, no laws, no nothing.

Well he's right on that MSM is her biggest supporter

Our future with Hillary involves a federalized police force.

Hilldawgg is in red cuz it's 999 (666) @ midnite & she's got a Babylonian Talmud meeting to attend.


She is satin incarnate. No really.


Her grin makes me nauseous

Her grin is genuinely one of the most disturbing I've ever seen.

The definition of shit eating

I find it funny how Neo-cons talk about Reagan the way Celtics fans talk about Larry Bird.

I'm not sure I get the reference totally, but I know Bird played for the Celtics (and I know the conservatives loved Reagan), so I am assuming that means "highly"

Yep, you got it! CNN's layout reminds me of ESPN's format of draft coverage and earlier CNN had those anchors talking about Reagan the same way sports commentators would talk about basketball players so I couldn't help but to make the sports connection.

they really mean the Reagan era, GHWB was the man in charge, Reagan slept, it was a wild wild west for adventurous war policy.

Reagan was a typical closeted Hollywood personality, under the thumb of others, well read yes but not a leader. just a figurehead.

Well said.

Is anybody else sick to their stomachs already. I've never felt my soul as tortured as this before. They should ask them their names first, maybe we could get one straight answer.

Yeah I had an actual physical reaction to these jokers.

remember 2004

Hunter S Thompson saw that America was finished and decided it was time to leave after GWB got reelected.

"I think my husband did a pretty good job in the '90s"

"And Bill is still out there dicking bimbos"


But hey, watching this shitshow of an election with 2 incredibly awful candidates which may result in the end of our country is fun as hell at least.


This is probably the end of us as a nation, either way.

Oh well. It was a good run.

We got to the moon :)

Eat your hearts out Rome

Agreed. I think we can all agree that the next few years are at least going to be interesting.

how can he use sooo many words and yet say absolutely nothing?

he probably got tips from his old pal clinton, she's really good at going on and on without actually saying anything

Media wants to control the reaction so we will not have the audience have a voice.


Who cares, they're both puppets. I don't pay my taxes.


did he just say we need to charge the world protection money??? should change it to Don Trump lol

He's going to make them an offer they can't refuse.. Or they're fired

You come into my negotiation room on the day of my inauguration, you don't give me no respect. You don't even think to call me President...

Stamina. She doesn't have stamina. She has pneumonia

PBS post-commentary seems OBVIOUSLY in favor of Clinton. When they cut to the guy just a second ago at the debate, he definitely 'acted' to even care/look for Trump supporters to interview. It was as if was already "scripted" for him- to NOT allow any Trump supporters be interviewed. Nice try with faking sincerity scumbags.

I wouldn't be surprised if one of them was infiltrating us right now!

One of who?


This is some next level cringe porn. I can't watch more than fifteen seconds of each at a time...

Ha, yep, cringe is about the best way to sum this up. I've had to pause and take a few breaks. Don't think I'll make it to the end.

I feel you...I was trigger happy with the mute button. Painful to watch and hear....

That was truly terrible. Trump just got destroyed, and Hillary's arguments were superficial and boring. Every time Trump started to talk, he would start to build a foundation for an argument and then just bail before he explained why he thought those things were important. You gotta connect the dots for the viewers, bro. We can't read your mind. It was truly terrible to finally have a view into how poorly he communicates ideas and how awesome he thinks he is.

For example:

Isn't the philosophy that you raise taxes on the corporations who are importing goods while outsourcing our jobs? This disincentiveizes them from offshoring. Right? That's not what he said...

He started to say that he was going to tax imports, but then just bizarrely bailed and rolled over when Hillary started talking about tax cuts for the rich.

Is he too chickenshit to say that? Or maybe he just doesn't mean that at all, does he?

The actual problem is that it's cheaper to pay an Indonesian kid $1.25 a day to assemble our shoes and ship them across the world than it would cost to run a factory at home.

In order for Trump's supposed theory to work, he would have to directly attack capitalism itself. That will never happen, because he is the epitome of capitalism.

BTW, this isn't a Pro-Clinton post. They're both despicable turds.

Isn't the philosophy that you raise taxes on the corporations who are importing goods while outsourcing our jobs? This disincentiveizes them from offshoring. Right? That's not what he said...

It was killing me. All he needed to say was to disincentive leaving by making it more expensive to do business there and make it financially attractive to return

I felt like he wanted to go full Monty but kept holding himself back. He began attacking the Fed and Yellen, and in speeches he has called for a Fed audit before, but then makes the subject about himself, how the Fed is a political instrument against him. The follows up with the TPP, but falls short and says he can make a better deal.

People when discussing the FBI email investigation we need to make a concentrated effort to tarnish Obama with it. Refer to the immunity as being handed out by "Obama's Justice Department" we need to have him front in center of the controversy let it be known that his reputation is tainted by the sham of an investigation.

What he's hiding?


Why couldn't he bring up the 3 strikes law? "I signed a bill that made the problem worse and I want to admit it." Bill Clinton

If we are gonna talk about this, we should talk about Seth Rich.

And don't act like you love Obama, Hilldawg

Maybe you shouldn't have used a private server that required the state department to turn off its spam filter.

phrase of the night : "your 2 minutes have expired"

should be the slogan of capitalism at this time.

Well, they both did kept blabbering on and on when their 2 minutes were up every goddamn time.

No proof of the hacks being done by the Russians.

havent you heard? "the russians" is the new boogieman

They rigged the democratic primary and deleted Hilary's emails. Stupid commies

i wonder what kinda things theyre hiding like some subliminal messages (obviously for hillarys side)

All Red symbolism?

oh for sure

She mentioned on the "skit" Between Two Ferns last week that she would be thinking a lot about what she was going to wear for the debate.

I noticed this too, it cant be a coincidence

She makes me shake with anger.

You're looking at this all wrong. Either way we're fucked. Just sit back say "fuck it" and watch it as a primetime sitcom

Pretty much how I see it. But there's just something about her that adds a little extra "fuck you" in this circus.


That's the shit taste I have left in my mouth....∆

I've said like 4 months ago it's crazy vs the crook and viewed this as entertainment. Maybe Emmy material. Not one thing they say they will do so these debates are just entertainment.

Yep, we're fucked because they both work for Zionists. Neither one of them would get to steer the ship.

Starting to realize you're right's all a broadway show....

women don't deserve equal pay unless they do just as good of a job? that sounds like it makes sense. the whole gender equality pay thing has been wildly debunked.

Good point. Hillary backfired at herself.

I caught that one too. She shot herself in the foot. Not that anyone in the MSM will pick up or report on it....

Trump - "She is not nice!" American politics everyone

Clinton's throat is getting itchy.

if lester doesn't grow a spine this will turn into a shouting match soon

He's happy to let Donald dig his own grave to the benefit of the DNC, impartial my ass.

I like the red dress and the blue tie... Can you make reality even more cartoonish?

Right on the left and the left on the right.

Zionists like both colors

Hillary, left? HAH!

Personal attacks on Trump being audited...

...Hm. Probably nothing about Clinton's emails though.

Was that a laugh track?

That's what I thought when I heard it.

Cyber security should be an easy knock out against Clinton.

If I could've sat in on that debate in person, I would have been jumping around the audience saying Mah Nigga in my Denzel Washington voice when he brought up the DNC/DWS leak

oh shit trump attacking msm go on mate

Yeah we know you sucked Bibi's schmeckle, Trump

Lester needs to shut the fuck up and hand out some jump ropes.


or just ropes.

She is obnoxious. She is the biggest war-hawk there is!!

And who fact-checked that our national debt is "$20 Trillion"? It is over $100 Trillion!

Youtube will be streaming this one too

Thank you.

Hope you'll stick around to chat about this shit show.

I will haha

*cracks open a beer

welp... this should be funny

I bet she doesn't believe the shit she says.

Anyone else's audio unsynced when Hillary is talking? It syncs back up when Trump or the moderator speak, but her voice is always late to when her mouth moves.... odd.

I noticed this too. Also a lack of hole in her tongue.

'Faceshift' and 'Face2Face' software

Look at that stupid fucking grin

Stop defending yourself, Trump!!! Go for the throat!!

Also,why so much split screen? I'd like to see a complete frame.

Split scene due to it being prerecorded when Hillary was still alive.


Here we go.


I hate them both, but Trump talking about Law and Order as a way to help "blacks and hispanics" in inner cities made me fucking sick. These people are both in their own little fucking worlds.

Ok Trump, here's your chance to bring up Rosatom and the selling of American uranium. Here's the pitch.......

he couldn't even say benghazi lol.. shit is so fake

I've flipped back and forth about who would win.. I'm certain it is her now.

It's a fastball right down the middle.....

He's not even in the batter's box. Just call this guy the 1919 Black Sox cause he's throwing the world series (which was also fixed by a Jewish cabal coincidentally)

Yea, anyone who has researched the CF knows some key points to bring up, haven't heard anything about it yet.

Her time as Secretary of State alone saw a massive proliferation of arms.

Jesus Christ Lester. Can the main stream media even pretend to be impartial?

Not when the clinton foundation keeps their entire network on the air.

Thanks $$$hillary!

Either way we are fucked.

Split screen for the duration of the event allowing continual mugshots to garner facial expressions & reactions @ all times.

Awesome. Thanks.

Hope you'll stick around to chat during the debates

they should have legalized drugs so we could all enjoy this shit-show properly

legalize suicide

Come to Canada we about to legalize it, gotta save them health care costs.

it can mean a lot of things

ya its fucked up.

Bleach it.

"Our military is [assisting] ISIS in Iraq"



we will need to wait for the full video on youtube, but do not doubt it

I can see either of these being assassinated pretty quickly after taking office

Trump wants to "phone a friend" so badly right now. Can we get Stern and Hannity to call in and co-sign? This debate is amazing Trump is destroying her.

I don't see a hole in debate Hillary's tongue...

new and improved hillarybot

She is supposed to have a hole in her tongue?

she laughed once and someone got a pic with something that looked like a big whole on her tongue

Anyone got a link?

cuck moderator lol

Does anyone else's volume raise while Trump is talking and lower while Hillary is? I'm not talking about the tone of their voice, the actual stream volume...

Who is clapping for Hillary!!!!??


that comeback made me cringe hard as fuck

do you guys notice she is reading a script or tablet of some sort? and Trump is not.

Lol ya she's making notes... which is how a debater operates. You're right though, Trump has it right... notes unnecessary when participating in a circus.


I noticed it but she also seems to be jotting things down and trump isn't.

We will see now how many days Hillary takes off after this. No stamina Ya know.

Thank you.

Sticking around for this circus tonight?

I will be, yeah.

I'm currently watching Fox 10 Phoenix. I don't think it's on that list.

Well, 13 minutes until the circus starts.

Anyone got any final words?

May Pepe destroy HRC and bring about hope and change for this country.

Clinton probably just got his jimmies off with Trump backstage

(she is pretty smoking though)

Grow the economy by supporting a trade deal that will allow corporations to sue our governments for potential lost profits.

A special prosecutor?

Hm. We should get one of those for your fucking emails...

Too funny. I think Hillary is going to short out by the end.

Stayed up until 02:00 in Northern Ireland for this and has already been a good choice

no video recorders over there !?

Like to see these sort of things live

Trump:"You've been fighting ISIS you entire adult life."


political life.. She created Isis, voted for the Iraq war

ISIS is just the current name for the group of Islamist fighters that TPTB arm, train and direct in the way of whatever geopolitical goal they have at the time. In the 80s it was Mujahideen in Afghanistan, which then morphed into Al Qaeda during HRCs hubbys term, and then Al Nusra and then ISIS. They always tend to be not just islamists, but specifically wahabi, raised in the madrasas run by the royal families who are allied with the western TPTB, like madam secretary.

So, one could interpret his statement as saying that she has constantly created the same fabricated rebel force again and again in order to justify whatever policy is currently being sought.

Here we go.

Race card...

Donald is gonna go down in flames here.

"One Murder is too many"- Hilldawgg


Something something temperament



From Looks to Stamina.

Both giving the effort I expected.

I actually expected more.

Bickering back and forth like 12 year olds with somewhat adult lives

Holy shit what does he want to say.

Nothing special. Heard it all before.

Never thought I'd miss Mitt Romney and his binders of women. Or the speech after by Joni Breadbasket, with her bread bag shoes.

I could actually see moments where he could have said something well articulated and poignant and he would throw it away with a bumbling insult instead. He is either doing it on purpose or incompetent. One of them is the lower energy state...

My mom and I believe Trump and Clinton are working together, and that Trump is there to make Clinton look like the better candidate so that people will vote for her.

The best part is when she responded to controlling cyber attacks. She blamed Russia.

Trump really shit the bed tonight. And went totally soft. What the fuck?


It is not surprising that he has no vocabulary etc,he has always been dumb, but it is surprising he lets the granny pull out personal stuff on him for 90min while not saying anything back, and there is a lot he could say as we all know.. I'm starting to believe that theory about how he is actually just a tool, means of making the granny president.


hadn't, those, Holt's, seemed, get-together, "thingy" is just redundant, apparent, though*. Thanks for your insight.

It's too bad they couldn't be held to what they say here. You know not one thing they say will be done. It's all just ear candy. Sweet to hear.

Is she reading off something? Keeps looking down

She has taken notes. That's how debates work. She's still a turd sandwich though.

Ahh did not know that. Idk why I thought they wouldn't have a script, be waaay to hard for them

This is getting messed and funny. They are both just trying to break the other person.


buckle up kids here we go

Why are we talking about this?

she sounds just like bill in the 90s....guess he's been coaching her huh

Only the best drugs for Clintons


Both probably used a full 16 oz can of hair spray.

She probably also drank a hearty bowl of yaks blood to restore some of her youth.

She's blinking so much

shes drugged up and ready for the show

Probably some shit we haven't been introduced to


Already calling it a Hillary win. I didn't think she won. I'll never vote for either so I'm somewhat neutral

The polling (on CNN, i think) said Hillary won with 62%, and Donald won with 27%. So yeah she won

Do you by chance know who was polled?

Nope, but it was definitely left leaning

And I'm not trying to call you out or anything. I'm just speaking from the experience of the primary where she won every debate poll done by pundits. It also depends on what you consider winning I guess. As a former sanders supporter she didn't win me over so she didn't win in my book. It's objective but I just wondered if you knew who was polled

Nope, sorry. I didn't even watch the debate, but I caught the end of it on TV when they showed that poll I mentioned. And I think the channel was CNN. Sorry I can't help further

look at polls from numerous sources. cnn, along with other major networks, is heavily biased and are known to fake online polls.

I just happened to see the TV when it said that.

Either way, I never get my news from the major outlets. And if we're talking about the election, this shit is a joke. It doesn't matter who is talking about Trump VS Clinton, they're both wrong.


If this debate didn't convince ye folkes that they're best buds through and through, I don't know what.

so why you think conspiracy is the sub to go for this and not politics or whatever US Sub there is?

really, i absolut not care for this usa voting circus bullshit and it is fucking annoying how it is spammed just everywhere.

A short discussion amongst mods occurred as to whether a debate thread should be stickied and none thought that it should be done.

Would it really hurt that much to sticky it for the 90 minutes? I only saw this because I scrolled down. Really could get a lot more discussion going if you guys let it happen

While I agree, I think if we can get it upvoted to the front page of /r/conspiracy then we will be just fine. People will come here during the debates (hopefully)


Ah. Right on. Is it okay if this stays up during the debates for those interested?

Oh yeah. We won't be removing it. We're just not going to sticky it.

Cool. Thanks. Id rather discuss this with like-minded folks as opposed to the sub-humans who surround me in real life.

Thanks again

Looking forward to hearing some opinions !

Gotta say so far Trump looks like a real dumb dumb.. Clinton composed and hitting the talking points very well

Seems like he started slow, but he's getting into it now. Clinton's "composure" might come off as guarded and insincere to some.

I actually think Trump did better this time. Yeah, he didn't maintain his composure, but there was more content to his words. Clinton was just speaking in circles, or "bullshitting" like a high school essay most of the time.

"bullshitting" like a high school essay

Hey, yeah! That describes it exactly.

I kept thinking, well that sounds good, but it's so general that I can't find anything to disagree with or understand how she intends to implement it.

Honestly, I preferred Trump's candor over Clinton's composure. (She was pretty good at it though.)

All seems like it is part of the plan, doesn't it?

Might very well be. And who downvoted me over this?? Lol

Punches thrown....

The Donald getting fired up

C'mon, Lester.

Let's go.

Cut it off.

i think she smoked a doobie before the

hillary clinton is the type to get charged 30/g and feel like its a good deal

What? They doing this in Colorado

Based God Trump

Getting too personal now.

They're spouting a big rotavirus laden bunch of bullshit. Monday's suck.

I loved when she said "a man who can be provoked by a tweet". i dont like either of them but i think trump pretty much kicked his own ass, he was all over the place, i lost it when he said the best thing about him was his temperament. Plus never a good idea to over talk the moderator. I did like the green screen jab. I dont want either of them, but i would choose hilary since obviously he is way too confrontational. I have a feeling shes gonna win regardless.

Plus never a good idea to over talk the moderator.

Are you saying the moderator wasn't over talking Trump?

I dont want either of them, but i would choose Hillary since obviously he is way too confrontational. I have a feeling shes gonna win regardless.

So you want Hillary then. Stop pretending like your impartial or sincerely neutral. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

  1. yes he was for sure

  2. I wanted Bernie, but Hillary is my choice if her and trump are the candidates. Trump is an ignorant moron. he just says buzzwords and keeps repeating reagans slogan, he would go off on tangents

I guess he got to be a billionaire by being ignorant.

I would've loved to hear him respond to that with "Yeah, like you declared war on a internet frog meme."

You'd choose your president based on how confrontational they are in a debate?

No, I choose them by what they say. I don't want one that openly says he would "bomb the shit out of them". And he's very aggressive towards other countries, accusing them of things.

That's almost as aggressive as invading and overthrowing sovereign nations..


Rule 1. Removed. 1st warning.

Ok, sorry. It was satire, but Im very sorry.

Democrats have always celebrated Obama's accomplishment of single handedly ending the war in Iraq. Tonight however, Hillary Clinton said he was just doing what he had to do based on the withdraw timeline put in place by George Bush, and so it wasn't his fault that ISIS filled the vacuum that was left. So which is it? Was ending the war one of Obama's great accomplishments? Or was the end of the war due to Bush's timeline that Obama had nothing to do with? Or can you have it both ways?

Top 15 posts right now on r/politics are anti trump and pro clinton.

Always have been tho, but some of the stuff literally makes me cringe right now. People posting fucking highlights of her underwhelming jokes with shills forcibly laughing and cheering.

In Aust and none of videos of the debate on youtube work. Guess I'm not supposed to see it.

It was not a goodnight for Donald. Constantly being stacked by both the moderator and Clinton. Didn't help that Clinton wasn't asked about Emailgate, Clinton Foundation, Benghazi, Libya intervention, Schwartzmen conspiring over DNC. Trump tried to use the above as attach platforms, but would have those been given by the moderator, the floor would be open for greater scrutiny over her decisions.

Anyhow kudos for Trump for calling out the Fed, Yellen, nation's bankruptcy and looking financial collapse. I mean for all the "turd sandwich vs giant douche", the Fed has never (iirc) been brought up in a national televised presidential debate, sadly not many people paid attention to that.

I'm hoping that somehow Bill ends up fucking Malania (spelling), that would be something.

There needs to be a council of 20 of the smartest people in different fields running shit!

No actors or musicians though...they be too emotional and shit.


Did we watch the same debate?


He won the debate the same way the five year old my girlfriend babysits wins debates about bedtime

He really didn't, it was very disappointing.

Pretty neutral contest. No clear winner. Lots of emails to go before a true winner is determined.

Donald's economic plan is much more plausible than Hillary's. If you tax the the wealthy more, they leave. You have to give them an incentive to stay. Hillary will drive them out and then wonder how we pay for all these plans she has.

Trump sounds like death.

Wait, so this debate actually happened??!!!

I guess I was wrong. Thats never happened before



Hillary killed Trump. I was actually going to vote for him, but it's over, such incompetence in the White House would be simply criminal.

Another CTR user spewing BS. Would not expect anything less from them.

you forgot the /s

Well it's not like voting does anything anyway...

Here's another thread for you goys. ;)

Thank you.

Sticking around for this circus tonight?

What? They doing this in Colorado

hillary clinton is the type to get charged 30/g and feel like its a good deal

She is supposed to have a hole in her tongue?

Being a bumbling idiot was an electable trait for George Bush though, none of his supporters would believe a word she says and most of her voters don't even see her as trustworthy, just 'not Republican'. America is fucked.

He's not even in the batter's box. Just call this guy the 1919 Black Sox cause he's throwing the world series (which was also fixed by a Jewish cabal coincidentally)

or just ropes.


Did we watch the same debate?

He really didn't, it was very disappointing.

Nope, but it was definitely left leaning

Haha, I never said he was wrong, I just thought it was hilarious.

doesnt make it ethical.

Trump is acknowledging he is just playing by the rules that politicians like Clintons have put in place. Nothing legally wrong with that.

Didnt that guy discover tons of information on ufo cover ups? Gary mckinnon is his name

no video recorders over there !?

My thoughts exact. He could've explained how gun control doesnt work i.e. chicago and how the underlying issues of the drug war and poverty are what need to be addressed, instead he "agreed with secretary clinton" and wants to issue federal? stop and frisk. Plus he just met with a foreign leader (nutty yahoo) and I'm sure the topic of discussion was how much more tax dollars were gonna steal and send abroad and how many of our soldiers are going to go fight his wars. Disgusting and unacceptable policy from anyone vying for that office and certainly doesn't bare the mark of someone "uncontrolled"

Guccifer was some random dude in Romania with no CS formation just trying out "hacks"

Dude, don't you know that CTR faked the moon landing and staged the Bay of Pigs? /s