Thanks to CTR and massive astroturfing, I legitimately cannot find a proper discussion (or even real argument) about the debate tonight. The Internet has been absolute corrupted by this behavior.

333  2016-09-27 by americanpegasus

I missed the debate and wanted a reasonable recap of it, including highs and lows of each candidate.

But you can't find one anywhere - Reddit used to the place to go for this, but now it is an absolute clusterfuck of shills and paid off mods. We need to find a solution the problem of Sybil spamming as soon as possible, as there is really no reliable place to learn about world left... And it's only going to get worse from here.


Recap: Giant Douche and Turd Sandwich spent 90 minutes lying and saying stupid shit that has absolutely no meaning whatsoever.

Looks like OP found the right place for accurate discussion of the debate.

That's pretty much it OP

Giant douche really brought it's a game, turd was predictible...

Tbh this is correct. There was no depth what so ever in last nights debates. It was total and complete political theatre. Trump did touch a bit on the economy and bringing money back in to the US but did not provide a plan todo so. Other than that it was just a tennis match of character assassination.

The record is definitely being corrected in r/politics. Just look at the Hot posts. Might as well be Hillary's sub.

She basically bought it. She has CTR employees running it at this point.

I wouldn't believe it (because Reddit is mainly young leftists) but I saw it with my own eyes. One day the sub was pro-Bernie, barely luke warm about Hillary, and they called her out constantly. Basically overnight it became a place where criticizing Hillary was tacitly verboten.

Yeah they tried to make it pro-Hillary and that didn't work so they just made it an anti-Trump sub instead

They were clearly trying to force the narrative that bernie supporters moved on to clinton. They tried too hard. The media pushing that narrative along with the censoring of bernie supporters at the convention; clear as day.

But yeah, didn't work. So the focus was moved to trump.

Why wouldn't you have believed that a website full of young liberals would support another liberal candidate over a republican? I agree with your general intent, it's all dishonest and very obviously false etc. But I can't get past the first part. Lol

Liberal? Did I miss something about Hillary Wall Street Clinton?

Redditors think "Democrat" = "liberal" and pledge their unwavering support, regardless of policies and reality.

People need to remember that most posters are dumb 18-20 year olds. This will be their first time being duped by politicians.

Give them time

Oh, I actually did. Then Bernie dropped out and to my shock, the sub kept going after Hillary. Then one day, near the RNC I think, it changed almost overnight. I saw weird usernames, the /new page was flooded with repeated articles like never before, and the entire time of the sub changed. I saw I firsthand.

Since they brought up Trump's early 70's record all he had to bring up was REPUBLICAN sHillary being a Goldwater Girl

She is no leftist....just an empty pant suit specializing in insipid pandering and flip flopping.

This election is George The Animal Steele versus The Fabulous Moolah.

sHillary being a Goldwater Girl

Yeah, because the political stances we have in high school should dictate what we're allowed to believe 50 years later. Hillary campaigned for Goldwater in high school. She's now 68 years old.

I was an anarchist in high school, actually. Now I'm a Marxist. I guess my high school politics make me a fake Marxist, huh? I can only ever be an anarchist?

Of course not, that is the point. Wasting time talking about Trump's purported attitudes from 45 years ago is just as stupid.

Because this is the fucking 21st century and any one who knows how to compose a proper goggle query knows she's on the same team as Trump.


I never even saw that election fraud in Kentucky Post until this morning, and it's because I have visited the Hillary for prison sub. Does cooked mods allowed multiple versions of the same article to get to their front page, they make damn sure they delete anything that has to do with election fraud

I think I counted at least four about his global warming stance

I mean, to be fair, he did double down on an easily provable lie last night.

So many angry Trump supporters in conspiracy lately. They can't believe that their imbecile of a candidate propped up by 4chan trolls is going to get beat by a career politician with the support network of the establishment.

The pendulous nutsack of politics slapping them in the face has them completely blinded and thinking that by relativity Donald must be a good choice because Clinton is so awful. They're both subhuman filth but supporters can't maintain the cognitive dissonance it takes to recognize the farce and keep existing. Challenge their lack of substance and legitimate opinion and you get nothing but down votes and echos of,"REEEE" from across the internet. Because if you hate Donald you must be shilling for Hillary.

This election is a great display of how fucked we are and it has almost nothing to do with the candidates.and everything to do with the dipshits that refuse to recognize the game and how they're being played.

God forbid you try to make it a discussion because the best you'll get is a bunch of clucking and,"lulz idc it's all bullshit." As though their opinion of no opinion somehow justifies a blind support of whichever fuck head or makes them different from the other side.

Well said.

I'm not saying that CTR isn't astroturfing the entire site but /r/thedonald pissed everyone off with their constant stream of vomit.

It was only a matter of time before the people annoyed by that trash started fighting back. I browsed reddit with no account using /r/all for over 4 years and signed up so I didn't have to read that bullshit anymore. At this point the only thing /r/all is missing vs 4chan is a bunch of cp. Fucking disgusting all around.

I dont have any love for either candidate, this entire election has been a farce of unheard proportions, but blame rests on both sides and I hope that we can see that from the sidelines of our conspiracy corner.

You dont get the point. The donald got to the front of all because of the people. Anti trump and pro hillary post make it there because its funded. You can be mad all you want but you should at least know one is organic and the other is forced.

So one set of bullshit is better than the other because of the source? I don't think I follow that at all to be honest.

Thanks for enlightening me as to my emotional state as well. I'm glad that the bright folks of thedonald have moved trolling past,"u mad bro?"

The idea that there is anything organic about either campaign is fucking ridiculous. Trolls vs shills is a far stretch from legitimate opinion and support.

Idc if it was trump or anybody else, the current government is beyond corrupt and needs to be stopped. If its all a show, oh fuckin well i will still vote against the current administration 100%. Democrats have proven they are corrupt elites so ill give the other side a chance, i really dont give a shit. This current economic nightmare needs to end.

Donald Trumps campaign is funded by Jews who want you dead and the_donald subreddit was made by Jews in order to scam cucks like you. There is nothing organic about this. And before you say it I don't see why pointing out they're Jewish as being racist, maybe they should stop subverting movements and then begging for money. You think any of this is organic? (((Bernie))) was just as fraudulent. The whole thing is a puppet show and everyone is just voting on empty speeches not even written by the people presenting them.

Yeah, you blew any chance of anyone taking you serious.

I like how you don't real have anything to say about it. Have fun with your expanded NSA spying and resigning of the patriot act, because Trump is so fucking independent.

Whats your solution vote clinton and keep bitching?

No just acknowledge the election for the fraud it is. Clinton is a worthless cunt and anyone voting for are just brainwashed SJWs

They are both hacks who are Israel first.


The tactic hasn't changed in 20 000 years. Keep the masses divided.


Where did I say that?

I made an account so I could curate my own front page in effort to cut off all the nonsense. I have no idea what all looks like at the moment. What I do know is 3 or 4 months ago a quarter of the front page of all was cuck cuck cuck nonsense troll posts.

Both candidates are complete trash with identical followings.

Now you're pissy that it's Hilary and not Donald all over the front page? I can tell by all the down votes that noone is interested in any kind of discussion or actually touching on the problems of the ilk masquerading as leaders. You just can't stand the droning sound of your fuckwit peers clucking being drowned out by a real political machine.

It was my mistake for assuming that the people in /r/conspiracy thought it was all equally ridiculous and a poor assumption on my part that we weren't having a pro-donald discussion.

Trump objectively had way more "news-worthy" statements last night. Hillary was very routine and pretty straightforward. You can't make thirty articles about how she was exactly what was expected. You can, however, make thirty articles, each about a different unexpected statement Trump made.

It was underwhelming, if it makes you feel better. Read my synopsis with the understanding that I loathe Clinton as a candidate, and mildly dislike Trump.

Trump was on the defensive for most of the debate, which surprised me. He spent a lot of time defending his business practices and tax returns. He was pretty short of ideas and actual substance. He didn't call Clinton on a lot of the shit that he could've, and should have.

Clinton managed to stand for 90 minutes and not look like a person suspected of Parkinson's. It's sad that's a highlight, but there we go. She side-stepped Trump's quips as if they didn't happen. She also made Trump look uninformed (like when he brought up stop and frisk as a legit policy option).

I watched the debate hoping for much more drama, but it didn't happen. I think we've been spoiled by an election full of incredible twists and turns, but this debate wasn't one of them. It was rather boring. Neither candidate made me want to run out and campaign for them, or convince people I know to vote for either one. In terms of excitement and general bombastic rhetoric, this is on par with any election year's debate.

She looked high as fuck at the start. Look at how slow (but often) she was blinking at the start compared to later on.

Oh, I'm sure she had quite the cocktail of drugs (and who knows what else) to make her seem that cogent. Compared to her usual coughing fits and passing out, though, she seemed almost normal.

My family was all together watching the debate and they pointed that out several times during the first 10 min or so. She was definitely on something.

It was rather boring. Neither candidate made me want to run out and campaign for them

I'm glad I am not the only one who felt this way about the debate.

I tuned the last fifteen minutes out because I couldn't take the drivel disguised as rhetoric disguised as policy and "informed opinion" for the entire duration.

Sad that this was the best we could do as a nation. One of these two buffoons will hold the fate of the free world in their hands.

Then again, maybe they are all just puppets in some greater scheme.


Sad that this was the best we could do as a nation. One of these two buffoons will hold the fate of the free world in their hands.

Implying that it does matter who is the person standing in the spotlight...

Still kudos for Trump for calling out the Fed and Yellen, massive debt crisis and looming mega-collapse, the TPP and NAFTA, and name-calling Russia.

Also Clinton was under much less pressure no questions about; Benghazi, Clinton Foundation, Emailgate, Shwartzmen Conspiring in the DNC, Bill's sexual harassment lawsuits. The best Trump could do was raise these issues in his counter/attacks.

"But the email thing has been discredited"

Almost all of those have been burned out on the American public. No-one cares about Benghazi, Clinton Foundation is easily deflected by counterpoints on Trump's charity actions, emailgate is also overplayed ect.

Honestly, they spent their ammo back in June and July when they should have saved some of it.

Trump just nailed the Commander in Chief event too. Ugh.

Very succinct and accurate assessment. 100% agree.

As someone voting for Trump, if he wasn't baited by Hillary attacking and lying about his past, and just calmly and presidentially painted the difference between him and her, he would have won. He got too defensive and Hil was counting on it.

i don't think he did well, but it wasn't a disaster either.

clinton came across completely lacking in personality, however. scripted and memorized speeches, rehearsed rebuttals - all empoty rhetoric, of course. basically much like marco rubio during the primaries.

all in all, she probably edged it. but only because she was marginally less shit than he was.

Round 1 of 3. He's studying her.

He should have studied before the test.

That's in November

No, November is just when we'll see the results. Most voters will make up their minds before election day.

This is so true. If he was more direct with his answers and kept his cool he would have done so much better.

To be totally honest, I am biased for Trump, but I feel like I watched a different debate than everyone else. He was active and going hard the whole time which meant he may have misstepped once or twice, but she had nothing, no game whatsoever. He was nailing her to the cross left and right: where's your thousands of emails? You staff was taking the fifth amendment, the guy who set up your private server took the fifth amendment. He even asked her if she's been working in government her whole life, why is she just having all these ideas now? He even said, you've been fighting ISIS your whole adult life, now they're in thirty countries.

I think people are just responding to the fact that he came off like kind of a dick, which I'm not saying isn't legitimate. Like I said I admit I'm biased towards him. But if you were to just read a transcript of the debates, he had several complete and total killshots, she did not. Everything they tried to nail him with (taxes, businesses, racism) he had a solid answer to. He dodged the woman issue by talking about Hillary Clinton's stamina, they set themselves up poorly there.

My prediction: the moderator is obviously on Clinton's side, and she already has no game. This was the first debate. In the next two we'll see him go in hard and try and end her. This is it, this is the final battle, from the first ten minutes of this debate it was obvious he's putting it all on the line, there's nothing left after this.


It's an interesting case study because if you can only speak and think in emotional rhetoric, you think Hillary won. If you actually have a philosophical mind and can see when people are sticking irrefutable facts, you think Trump won.

"My dad used to silkscreen all day just to..." - emotional rhetoric.

Agreed, which is why in reality it was close to a draw. Trump looked worse at his worst and better at his best. Clinton looked healthier than expected, and sounded better than expected, yet said nothing substantive and offered the same bullshit rhetoric as always.

I was mildly surprised at Trump taking the higher road in spots. He did a poor job turning things around, especially with the birther thing - a ridiculous talking point.

Want to talk about women? How about Clinton taking 20% of her campaign funds from a country where women can't even drive.

Russia? NUKES! How about Clinton brokering uranium to Putin.

Opinions on the WAR? I mean...cmon' did he not turn this around?

The controlled opposition angle is looking stronger.

The fucking moderator let Trump constantly rant and rave for way longer than allotted while barely jumping in to let him know his time was up. He corrected several of Trump's lies and didn't call Trump out when he said "fuck reality I'm right, reality is wrong." Oh and Lester Holt is a registered Republican.

But sure please go on looking for some confirmation bias action.

Implying establishment republicans support Trump

Trump was right about stop and frisk, a judge ruled it unconstitutional and it was appealed, and just like he said, the process is still ongoing. Why is DeBlasio talking about stop and frisk if it was ruled unconstitutional years ago? Because it's still being appealed, just like he said. The rate of homicides has also increased in NYC along with other serious crimes, only petty crimes are down. Is there something else he was factually wrong about?

The #1 trending thing on right now on twitter worldwide is "#TrumpWon".

I also literally admitted my own bias, I can only try and be as objective as possible while recognizing that I'm not a neutral party, no need to be hostile.

What about the other what four things he was corrected on by the moderator?

Also you can cherry pick crime stats all you want but we all know crime is down nationally despite what the media pushes. I mean gun homicides also include suicides, which make up a huge number of that statistic, it's all bullshit.

Also I was only addressing what you said about Holt being on Clinton's side.

The #1 trending thing on right now on twitter worldwide is "#TrumpWon".

Who gives a fuck? Maybe this could be why:

Violent crime is up from last year. Washington Post:

The FBI’s preliminary 2015 data indicates that violent crime rose by 1.7 percent, with murder going up by 6.2 percent and rape going up by 1.1 percent or 9.6 percent, depending on the definition that is used.

There are a thousand metrics by which to measure crime, if someone says crime is up do they mean compared to this time last year or compared to 1970? I think you can agree that it's kind of weak one, it's far from the flat out pants on fire lie that the Clinton camp is portraying it as. You know, a pants on fire lie like when Hillary said she never dealt with any classified info, or that she didn't have a private server, or that she didn't delete the emails, or like when she lied about her support of the TPP, or like when she lied about collapsing because she was overheated, and then it was because she was dehydrated, you know, like a flat out objective lie.

Regardless, outside of Trump's idiotic desire to re-instate stop and frisk he and Hillary are both stuck with the non-working "tough on crime" mentality that has us stuck where we are.

Like I said my point was about Lester Holt, but sure let's kitchen sink this bitch stupid spitball session.

Tough on crime absolutely does work, I'm not sure why you refer to it as non-working. New York used to have way more murders, it has decreased because we got tough on crime. Not being tough on crime coincides with a rise in crime (...obviously?), such as in the Ferguson Effect.

Or are you one of those people who think that the inner city has a high rate of crime because they're over-policed, or something? Talk about a conspiracy theory.

Should I be "triggered" that you called it a "conspiracy theory" like many others of this sub?

No tough on crime policies don't work, community policing does, tough on crime is all about locking people away, making money off of them if they can, and alienating the lower income areas to continue making a profit and to suppress these areas. You sound like one of these guys who still thinks marijuana is a gateway drug and should be scheduled the same as heroin.

I'm from the inner city, you know what works? When the cops of the beat you live on know who most everyone is, know who the troublemakers are, and know how to find them. Also working with the community and hosting events does wonders to bring people together. Are there going to still be holdouts like the gangs and the drug suppliers/distros? Of course there will be but the community will be more apt to say fuck the "stop snitching" and actually give a crap about their community and get these pieces of shit behind bars. Also eliminating corrupt cops from being cops is a huge part of this as well, when corruption sets in these POS will work with the POS's in the community.

I'm all about over-policing too, saturate these areas with a police presence that works with the community and you will stop having problems with the community, but show them respect, treat them like people and citizens not like possible criminals, what's the saying oh yeah "innocent until proven guilty" duh. Stop and frisk is unconstitutional, at least until some appeal over turns it (they won't, it's a really shitty policy), and it's disrespectful to those that are law abiding citizens, and it singles out one type of person. I'm white as fuck, I can lawfully carry my pistol with me anywhere I want to go without fear of being harassed by the police, can a black man doing similar do the same under stop and frisk, no of course not.

And really honestly I've had this debate so many fucking times I could care less if you agree, my dad is a cop he agrees, my cousin, cop, agrees, half my family are cops or DOC, they all agree on this one, it makes sense.

Don't get me wrong I realize the lower income communities have to meet the police halfway but the halfway starts when cops stop shooting people, covering it up, and getting away with it, these people are supposed to be trained professionals and most departments these days barely require a high school diploma, the standards have dropped and you can tell that clearly cops are shooting when they don't have to, they're blaming everyone but themselves and most of them aren't held accountable at all.

After that then we can point out to them where they were wrong about someone like Mike Brown and Ferguson.

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You just attributed a quote to someone that wasn't spoken.

You just attributed a quote to someone that wasn't spoken.


to someone that wasn't spoken.


that wasn't spoken.


And it's called paraphrasing, obviously he didn't say exactly that, but Trump did say he was wrong every time he was corrected, if a moderator in a debate corrects you then you are wrong, not the other way around, that's how debate moderation works, and they wouldn't be trotting out bullshit because of all of the viewers and possible speculation, anyone who would disagree with the corrections just aren't grounded in reality anymore.

The only loser was the American people

I missed it as well and want to watch it cause I feel like laughing and crying at the same time

Edit: well

As a Canadian, I've gotta ask Why the fuck is the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation airing this charade?

Edit 2: Oh, I see. So they can ridicule Trump. FYI they're supposed to be non-partisan.

Edit 3: Clinton answered question 1 like a poorly read script, so far I'm laughing. I'm actually surprised she remembered all that, despite being off-topic as shit.

When you're on a cocktail of uppers comma the brain just works a little better.

I did notice how she flipped through her notebook at every question, almost as if she knew exactly where it was going

It's scripted.

It's like she prepared.

She didn't remember it lol she had a ear piece. You can tell when she is coached and not

Is there proof of her wearing one?

Seems likely to me that she just came out with a prepared first answer/opening statement ready to fire it at whatever they asked her. Don't you think if she was wearing an ear piece it would have at least been on topic?

Yes. I overheard talk of it. Something like the campaign couldn't deny she had a ear piece. Her hair was set on point to cover up. Also I noticed her leg def had a weird cock to it. Her pants did a well job covering but you could def notice something was up

That's not proof but I hear ya, she very well may be.

Trump appeared to speak off the cuff with non-prepared answers while Clinton appeared to recite canned answers or be reading from campaign brochures. She looked healthy and alert the entire time.

I don't think Trump lost any voters, Hillary probably didn't gain any. She brought up his (six, four) bankruptcies, he replied he used the current laws.

She said Russia hacked the DNC, he countered with "You don't know that"

She asked about his tax returns, he agreed to release them after she released the 30,000_ emails she deleted.

I felt Lester Holt was biased toward Hillary.

Lester definitely did not moderate effectively and because of that Trump got in a lot of interjections and got a lot of time over-limit.

Agreed.But I thought Lester interrupted Trump more, allowed Clinton to speak even after trying to interrupt her. I also thought he cut off Trump's last sentences too much.

Well in fairness, Trump should have actually been interrupted even more than he was since he spoke out of turn far more often.

They should let me organize the next debate. I have a few questions for both of these candidates I'd like to get some answers to.

You could try but I doubt there's a moderator alive that can wrangle Trump when he gets a going.

Determined. I like that.

Unlike the highly civil and honest demeanor of HRC and Tim Kaine, right Mr. Treat-Political-Parties-Like-They're-Sports-Teams?

I don't completely support trump but I refuse to support a candidate who's attack dogs that's known as the MSM is attacking a Candidate for having a friendly relations with a leader of a super power.

The same MSM that won't cover a shooting at a party in the inner city that has 5 dead bodies would use a school schooling to disarm Americans.

The same MSM that used the Daughter of an ambassador to plunge the US into a war in the past, is now attacking a candidate for being friendly to Putin as the MSM has been beating the war drums for Syria.

The same war that MSM that attacked bush for getting the US into a war, is the same war that MSM used a Little girl to lie to get the USA involved with.

I don't completely support Trump, In fact I wish Pat Buchanan was the Republican candidate instead of Trump.

I'm just glad that if Clinton does not win the WH it's retirement for her. I'm skeptical of trump like everyone else, but it's obvious to everyone that Clinton is a monster. The Polls are fraudulent,and nobody shows up her rallies where trump packs stadiums.

Yet please don't say that the system is rigged because your candidate didn't win . He didn't really confront the corruption whenever she stole has victories from him. Sanders should have been making noise and threatening to shove his fist into her ass when the news came out that Clinton rigged the voting machines. He had the support to make her corruption into a crusade.

Even Jill put up a bigger fight at the end of the day. Trump should had invited Jill to the Debates when she tried to join it. It would had certainly boosted his numbers by being nice like that.

At the debate Trump should had offered to Pardon Snowden & Assange in exchange for community service such as Auditing the entire government with the help of Rand & Ron Paul. Trump should had stated that he has suspicions of the Obama Admin torturing Bradly manning into becoming a transvestite,and if manning were to be Pardoned he would need to be sent to proper facilities to help him.

Everyone is begging for Pardons for Snowden & Assange, so let an republican like Trump who claims to be an outsider offer to give the pardons. Then Clinton would look bad to the Liberal voters,and then the MSM would be forced to tell to the Liberal voters who want the Pardons to happen why Trump is crazy for offering to give Pardons to the two/three. The Conservatives would raise flags over how a normal guy like Manning wanted to become a transvestite after being held in government facilities.

I also wish that Trump brought up the fact that there were several hundred missiles in the Benghazi embassy. Like really. What the fuck? Why were there missiles in a embassy? i wanted Trump to bring up those missiles and how Clinton refused to allow more guards to be stationed to guard the missiles . I wanted trump to bring up how Obama's Admin knew about the Missiles,but stopped an Admiral from sending in help.

I wanted Trump to say the following.

"I'll persecute the Obama Admin,Republicans,and Dem if there's evidence that they've been supporting ISIS in one form or another as I'm not going to play the political games where I'm biased toward any political party."

"I'll persecute Clinton through the court system."

"I'll persecute Clinton's daughter for having access to the server that had classified info on it."

I'll persecute the Obama admin for knowing about the Email server but he didn't shut it down."

"My Admin will persecute the FBI for corruption."

Prosecute*. Otherwise you're right

Edit: Downvotes, really? Persecution is what the Spanish inquisition did to non-Catholics or what the Nazi regime did to Jews and invalids, systemic repression due to association with a class or group. Prosecution is pursuing people in court and levelling criminal charges against them... this is an important distinction we should all understand.

I just looked at r/politics for shits. All trump. So I just assume Clinton didn't do anything interesting (like gain integrity), and trump was typical trump.

if you created a robot politician, sporting a fake smile, and got it to spawn memorized lines - that was essentially her. real personality - very hard to spot.

Were they using tablets? They kept looking down at the podiums like they were reading.

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I got banned from the Donald for making a short list of the opportunities he missed. I mean look at my history, do I look like a Hillary shill?

They're like a cult: dissent is not tolerated.

Go post the same thing in a normal republican subreddit you'll have a better result, thedonald is more like the republican equivalent of 4chan.


It was a shitshow. Trump couldn't form a sentence and was off topic all the damn time and no one asked Clinton any hard questions. Just stupid.


You're welcome.

Build or buy a botnet and flood social media with your own PR team.

I'm more convinced than ever that he's a plant tbh. I feel like she barely spoke, and he just rambled on like an idiot and that's just the way she wanted it- take all the attention off of her just in case she seizes or craps herself? /shrug

and a lot of people are pretending to be CTR shills just to be trolls.

Because I missed the debate, and I wanted a recap of it, and I want someone else to do all the work of recapping it for me, and I don't want to search for it, and I view every news source as biased, I think the world is fucked. It's truly everybody's fault but mine.

When you know the jig is up, try attacking the OP and see if you can get an emotional response from them.

Seriously, what do you want? You're basically saying there's some big conspiracy involving information control because you can't easily find what you want. Why don't you go to

Looks at subreddit title.

Looks at you.


So is it more likely that there is a massive conspiracy involving information control, or is it more likely that the work and money involved in doing what you are expecting from the world is likely to come from someone with a vested interest in one side?

check the /pol/s and voat

Or, you know, this sub.

/pol/ is as retarded and shilled as a major sunreddit. Just for a different candidate.

Join a small group with a (relatively) private space where you can discuss. Probably not too hard to watch/read transcript. Recaps are always bullshit.

Meh. I cant say anthing questioning Trump without being labelled CTR. I suspect anyone complaining about CTR is just looking for an echo chamber.

Precisely this, they just want their biases confirmed.

You act like r/The_Donald and 4chan aren't astroturfing on a massive scale as well, two wrongs don't make a right.

And there are plenty of post-debate threads, I found one in r/boxing and r/AskReddit, maybe try looking a bit harder..

While I do suspect some NRA lobbyist visiting /r/the_Donald anytime BLM is mentioned (either that or pasty, angry, racist 4chan virgins with small dicks) the vast majority genuinely like and do support Trump with no ulterior motives outside of wanting a system that is built around the people rather then the wealthy and powerful and stopping a illegitimate Democratic candidate who is the living embodiment of the corruption that has poisoned said system.

Yes by supporting somebody that's been gaming the system every bit as much, sure makes sense.

This is why I see the people who still openly support Trump as either completely ignorant or they're concern trolls "oh Hillary is going to do this or that" when they don't really care either way they just want to make America whatever their vision of America is and it parallels things Trump has said, completely has nothing to do with Hillary.

And seriously after all of the bitching about astroturfing and propaganda the collective of r/The_Donald and the 4chinners that have drifted here sure as hell do a ton of it, brigading as well, it's hypocrisy same with their sub being a "beacon of free speech" or whatever yet it's a complete safe space that bans any dissenting thought, but sure let's bitch about the Reddit hivemind.

And despite all that, the system is playing and coordinating every dirty trick they have from suppression to distortion of the information of Trump and what he stands for. All you have to do is look back at his past stances and you'll find that on trade and treatment of the American middle class, he has consistently been on our side and find a common ground for national stake and shareholders to at least been equally ok with things.

I see someone has completely drank the kool-aide.

Trump isn't anymore on our side than Hillary is, he's out to get that nice fat tax break he's been looking for and to get him out of having to pay taxes for even longer, and of course for his stupid ego, you're just another rube that's been taken in by him, because essentially he's just another con/scam artist.

Whatever you say man.

Sorry man, that's just how I see it, all in all I wish he panned out as a legitimate challenger to Hillary who's policies weren't complete garbage or rehashed shitty Republican policies, I was on the fence with him for a while but I think I've seen enough to figure out he's just another two-bit hustler from the fair city of my birth.

I think Hillary probably won the debate. I guess it really comes down to how the undecideds feel. But here is my conspiracy theory for the debate.

Looking at the video of the debate at the 1:02:00 mark, it appears that she is speaking from a manuscript.

This was a new question on a new subject, so there shouldn't have been notes already written. And she looked down like I do when speaking from a manuscript. At the end of nearly every sentence and when she kind of loses her thought, she looks down at the bottom right of her podium.

I noticed the same thing, just assumed it's cause she was lying.

And how about the no noise making request they made of the audience? Is that normal?


She only lies if her lips move.

No need to discuss, there were no real candidate involved, there was no debate. There is only the highway to Hillary.


Trump can eviscerate

Then he should have.

He has tons of ammo on her, she used everything she had. 2 debates left, he hasn't even started.

He held back. He has plenty of material to let loose. She released all she had. If she repeats items it will fall flat and he can refer back to prior debate.

George Washington lost more battles than he won, but still won the war.

He choked. Sorry to say.

Hillary mopped the floor with Trump. Are you expecting people to discuss Donald's poor preformance in a positive way?

Don't forget tho, she's a career politician. She is likely to always 'win' these debates. At the end of the day, remember what each candidate stands for, not their stage presence.

Edit: It seems people aren't reading my comment fully, so ill dumb it down.

Hillary knows how to pander to audiences. She did well at that tonight. But you have to look past that.

Thanks for correcting the record

No problem! Someone needs to remind this passionate sub that she will win debates with her experience.

She had me going, untill she defended Keith Scott, then I remembered how far her head was up her ass. Trump really shined on that topic, didn't he?

Agreed, she's a wretched murdering deplorable waste of skin but she made Donny look exactly like the moron he is.

See, I thought Trump was winning at first, because he really had her against the ropes on the NAFTA/TPP thing. She seemed to be trying to blame Trump for the 2008 crisis, instead of, you know, the Republican president who happens to be endorsing her.

So.. Trump started strong, and then didn't push things he should have. And then he completely got too defensive on his taxes, etc. But I don't think a single person's view was swayed by tonight.

"Mopped the floor". lmao

By the "Clinton Standard", she did. (Not collapsing on stage is considered a win by this standard)

I think they were both bad.

Hillary droned on and just wasn't interesting or likable, while Trump spent too much time bragging.

regardless of whether one refers to HC as experienced or pandering, she could be a dead stick and she'd be preferable to vote for comparatively -- one usually likes to comprehend the words, never mind the meaning, of what comes from the guy you vote for. DT has the cognitive ability of a French Poodle.

Yeah, Trump's incoherent rambling often didn't even address the question he was asked. Trumpettes don't want to hear it, but Donald lost this debate hard.

lost this debate? The guy's campaign has been a trainwreck enabled by just how disenfranchised his Trumpettes are.

sadly, the Trumpetter's can't even perceive how much he embodies the exact manifestations which they attest to disliking in "mainstream candidates"

That is what trump always does and it worked for him this far. Hillery played trustworthy and credibility card while trump went for emotions and stories. They ar both liers ofc.

He has tons of ammo on her, she used everything she had. 2 debates left, he hasn't even started.

That's in November