Is listening to music bad?

0  2016-09-27 by [deleted]

I'm feeling a little paranoid and anxious at the moment. I keep reading that music is bad for you because of mind control? Music is a big part of my life but I don't know if I should keep listening to it.


Depends. What are you listening to? Pop music is at best used to dumb down the masses, promote self-destructive habits, and otherwise propagate. At worst, it's satanic mind control.


I don't know any of those, but if they're mainstream, then it's likely someone is allowing them to popular because it works in their benefit.

I stopped listening to music a few years ago and replaced it with audiobooks and podcasts. Give it a go and youll wonder how mouch you could have learned so far. What is music ? Its just lulabies for adults. Or at least try listening to some survival rap, how hard is to make it in the ghettos or positive christian rock ;)

I tried that for a while and it did not work out lol. Maybe I'm overthinking things. I tend to get bad anxiety panic attacks when I read about this stuff. music calms me down and gets me to a happy place.

Coincidentally, I just came across this:

Method and System for Brain Entrainment US 20140309484 A1


"The present invention is a method of modifying music files to induce a desired state of consciousness. First and second modulations are introduced into a music file such that, when the music file is played, both of the modulations occur simultaneously. Additional modulations can be introduced, as well as sound tones at window frequencies."

You beat me to it.

LiSten to talented locals on SoundCloud

Most of today's music is terrible, even if there's no messaging, the lyrics could have been written by a five year old.

I try to stick with the stuff with deeper lyrics, or recommended my like-minded friends. I've also started converting my music to 432 hz; it just FEELS better. Check out the difference in 440hz vs 432hz on YouTube if you're interested in hearing he difference.

Currently working my way through Muse's discography, with a little bit of Tool peppered in (since I'm seeing Tool in October woooo).

When is Tool going to release their new album?

Bass music is what ya need

Just don't listen to pop music.

I really enjoy pop music though...It makes me happy when I listen to it. I listen to mostly older pop music though.

I think an awareness helps. I like some pop, too. I think it's the people that are obsessive or idolize pop music/musicians.

Popular music of all genres tends to be engineered for indoctrination. Pre-WWII, indie, and alternative music tends to be less so. Once you get your r/conspiracy sea legs, you will be able to discern with great accuracy exactly what any particular piece is trying to do to you.

I would have agreed with you a few months ago regarding indie and alternative music, but I came across a lot of stuff linking basically all of the music we know to various military intelligence outfits including the punk rock scene and a lot of other music you would never consider to be propaganda psyop stuff.

like what punk bands? Real punk will never be infiltrated and used to promote propaganda if it's pop (or on the radio for that matter) it probably is brain washing music. But real punk from the real punk scene. Fuck off

I just read that whole thing. And feel like I wasted my life.

First off punks often come from military families because they rebel. Not because their parents from the military try to infiltrate the music scene.

Second Rollins, mackay, and Danzig are all pop .

The real punk scene is not music that brainwashes. It wakes people up

Dig deeper, I gave you a starting point. I guarantee you will be horrified.

......... I'm not disagreeing with you music is used to control. But you are dead wrong to lump all music in that category. Why don't you Dig deeper and listen to real bands

I didn't lump all music into that category. But I've spent most of my life as a 'music guy' and I grew up very close to punk rock, so I'm not ignorant to the subject. I've found too much dirt in the music industry, including so-called independent music, and so I just can't trust any of it. Their manipulation tactics are too subtle for me to try to discern what's dirty or not so I stay away from all of it.

Fuck off and die. 'Music guy'.

Maybe you could make music that isn't 'brainwashing propaganda'. Paranoid hooker

lol @ you

Stray away from mainstream music but I get the feel music is more just used by the elites to breed culture etc, not too convinced it's made to hypnotize / mind control you.

Breeding culture and mind control seem very similar to me.

So I shouldn't be worried and just listen to what I listen to?

I'm with you, man. I've always loved music but now I'm skeptical of pretty much all of it, and for good reason I believe. I sought out a lot of cool instrumental music for this very reason, but now I am not so convinced that even that is safe.

Just don't use a turntable and spin the records backwards to listen to them. I grew up on punk music in the 70's and I believe it is because of that I fell off mainstream and question everything. I thought of it as a good thing. Punk questions everything about society.

Letting the psychopaths scare you away from doing anything you love, will harm you infinitely more than the activity itself.

so just keep listening then? sounds good.

Breeding culture and mind control seem very similar to me.

......... I'm not disagreeing with you music is used to control. But you are dead wrong to lump all music in that category. Why don't you Dig deeper and listen to real bands