ADMIN Petition to unban over 9,300 non Hillary supporters from r/politics. Please notify the admins.

573  2016-09-27 by [deleted]



Yeah, good luck with all that.

If everyone against CTR/corrupt mods reported one or two anti-trump pieces at random from all over the sub as 'uncivil' or 'Personal attack' we could at least snow them under with false noise and make them work harder for their corruption. Hell, I'm not even a Trump fan but what is happening there is totally unacceptable.

I got a seven day ban today

Was it How much are you paid to type that? or I thought trump should've hammered Hillary more on the DNC corruption and the email scandals, hate him or love him trump is up there because he's the nominee, Hillary is up there because the nomination was rigged.?
Why not both? Well said though.

It was the how much do you get paid comment.

Yeah - but a BAN

I was kinda hoping for a perma ban, it's kinda my thing lately, I've been banned from a lot of "prestigious" subs

This, the admins love the way r/politics is being run right now, and would prefer the entirety of Reddit be moderated the same way.

Case in point: the continued existence of SRS and SRD.

At the end of the day reddit will be nothing more than paid Democrat propaganda.

Paid *establishment propaganda. They have more use for Democratic prop at this point, but it's two sides of the same coin.

Self-fulling prophecy cuck?

It's sad that it's happening but at least a lot of people know that censorship is happening on a major scale. I mean it's so obvious at this point.

True and not just on Reddit either.

I was banned for 3 months. Just in time for the election to be over with.


I'm perma banned from politics because I posted plain text that read:

"/r/ new accounts in politics

/r/ The Record Corrected (remove the spaces)"

Quinlan or whatever is the mod's name banned me for "witch hunting". At first he just banned me and a few hours later flat out removed my post. Some other poster asked why my post was removed and he said I was witch hunting users. I posted a screenshot of the original post and wrote "you're a god damned liar" with an alt. Permabanned and muted to politics and banned for a month on reddit lol.

It's great to expose it but it's also a losing battle. Reddit has no interest in your freedom of speech and it's not going back on that.

edit: wow, You can free your life of reddit with one click of a button. If only people had the same energy and attitude towards the bigger problem that is the corrupt government.

Not with that attitude. More and more people are seeing the corruption.

If there's a will. There's a way.

I was banned 5 days ago. Said message them in 3 months.. thanks lsentrope just silence rational thought like OP said

They tell everyone to appeal after "3 months" because it happens to be after the election, when all of the CTR will have packed up and gone home. This needs to be talked about more.

If H wins, this will be a permanent propaganda wing of the US government. It's extremely effective.

Diebold voting machines are with her

Exactly! Ok, everyone come back now!


I think that will be a huge eye opener to everyone how CTR it has become

What comment did u make to receive the wrath of the ban hammer?

I copied and pasted the automoderator please be civil comment that is on every politics post under its comment in reply to commenters that told the automoderator to F off! and you suck!. Im tired of seeing it so I just started doing that. Got banned for being a "bot" and I replied to the moderator like, I'm not a bot man!

Edit this comment:

That's pretty funny, well played.

Haha thank you. /r/Politics will be a ghost town post election when CTR leaves because everyone has been banned

So which mods are the corrupt evil scum who need to be demodded?

I'd say 80% of the mod list.

it's just a sub though right? When it turns into a circlejerk, people will have already moved on to somewhere else. I unsubbed today because I was tired of the one sided posting... not because I'm pro trump, or anti-hillary (actually really happy I don't have to make that decision), but the constant bashing... ugh..

Then I realised that I didn't really need r/politics... it's not like I will miss it much.

Yeah but it's a default sub with over 3 million subscribers. It's pretty devastating how much of a voice these bans actually silence. Same with the anti-Hillary bans and eventual shutdown in /r/SandersForPresident.

It's not a huge sub but I would recommend /r/WayOfTheBern if you are a Sanders refugee. I tried Kossacks but they also silenced dissent en masse after Bernie endorses Hillary.

But it's a META-Reddit, a Sub-reddit with real world weight and complications.

A concept the community's very familiar with but no official documentation of under Reddit

right now it's a pain to get all the latest real time update in other subs. They're either small, inactive or bias. I'm just looking for an alternative that's fairly active.


I got a 7 day ban yesterday for questioning why ctr would think its smart to push an agenda. Reason was for claiming someone was a shill. I never did I was literally questioning ctr as an organization not referring to the person I responded to actions.

fear of getting unmodded and banned

Is this a paid position or something? Does their life depend on being a mod? Tell him to get proof, confess like a man, and let them unmod him.

Sometimes, not often, I'm amazed at how delusional some people are.

90 day ban for calling out blatant CTR propaganda. I called it how it is and they tried to silence anyone speaking up

/r/donald has 200k followers and many more lurkers.

I say we get a few thousand supporters of trump to constantly sit on the front page of /r/politics and down vote every submission. was created due to Reddit Admins not mods having a manipulation algorithm in-place during the debate to null-ify all votes from outsiders on this very sub. Thousands of Trump supporters have probably been doing a similar thing for awhile now but does nothing.

Meh, I got banned from r/the_donald for some bullshit reason. They're not immune to building an echo chamber.

The_donald is a pro-Trump site, just like S4P used to be pro-Sanders. It's supposed to be a fanboy echo chamber.

I got banned for this:

5:01 pm: Wikileaks publishes emails. Donald turns around and says, "Shit just hit the fan boys. I gotta go." AMA cancelled.

I'm not here to defend the_Donald or explain why they make the decisions they do.

I have just seen too many posts on /r/politics where people complain for getting banned from the_Donald, and then accuse them of hypocrisy for claiming to be a bastion of free speech.

They want free speech, just not on the_Donald. Again, not defending them or trying to make sense of why you were banned. Your post seems harmless enough to me.

why not just accept the fact that r/politics is mainstream media, and only meant for the (m)asses.

I want to make two accounts and see which one gets banned faster. The first one will post increasingly obscene comments about Trump, ie "I hope he gets gangraped then drawn and quartered" and the other account will post extremely mild comments about Hillary ie "I hope she doesn't win".

The echo chamber does not welcome dissent.

Are you implying that /r/politics isn't an SRS-esque type of ironic circlejerk sub? Boy am I out of the loop...

It was only a matter of time, I'm sure we all knew it was coming as soon as the CTR bullshit began. It doesn't even look like a subreddit anymore, it's just bots that echo the same tune over and over. Just compare it to r/POLITIC, the internet has never been a place of strict rules because it's not a job for us, it's the internet.

This is old news and is why I hardly ever go there now. It's nothing but petty hit pieces on Trump, with no mention of any juicy leaks or shocking establishment corruption that has been exposed in recent months. Useless.

Yep. I was banned from /r/Politics about a month ago. Mods said I was a novelty account. Then they went and changed the reason to spam. After I called them out on their lying, they muted me and had the Admins suspend me for three days. They said I could appeal my /r/Politics ban in 3 months, which happens to be just after the election.

In my opinion they are just killing the sub. I've unsubscribed and no longer engage with it at all. If everyone who wasn't a CTR bot did the same the sub would just die away

Also /r/news. I was perma-banned from there. Two different mods could not give me a straight answer why. It was based on a statement that I made, observing the lack of news about Hillary Clinton's passing out on 9/11. Total censorship of the subject. Instant perma-ban, no warning, no appeal.

You find out who runs the place when you find out who you are not allowed to criticize.

I've been banned from 3 subs in the last year. All of which were because I stated an opinion that a Mod disagrees with. I was banned from WTF for sending a Mod a private message telling them they shouldn't lock comments just because it goes against their beliefs.

Well, this confirms something very big that we've already known.

Or, more likely, he just made it up.

I kinda feel like the real problem here is r/politics is reaaly r/jezebel now.

The two easiest subs to get banned from are r/LateStageCapitalism and r/politics

The former is essentially a Marxist SJW safe-space subreddit that bans for "micro-aggressions", while the latter has taken on the role of such for the election cycle thanks to CTR. I'd be happy to sign a petition, but either way I'll never use r/politics again.

"If any of you liberal fucks are going to complain about nazis 'right to free speech' in the comments, expect a one-way ticket to Siberia." -Mod on r/LateStageCapitalism

So how do you get rid of Mods? Is there a rank above subreddit Mods who oversees/elects all the Mods?

I'm have not been on r/politics in a long time. I just looked and it may as well be renamed....r/democrat. God what shit sub.

I was banned and I still do not know why. I am a huge Bernie supporter and you only have to look at my profile for a quick second to realize this. Is that why they banned me?

It's sad it started on other platforms i.e. Twitter, Facebook, and now its hitting Reddit. This isn't r/liberal or r/conservative. This is r/politics to allow differences. This should be a free area for people to provide different ideas. Just goes to show free speech is only allowed if you like Clinton. But for fucks sake banning people isn't making this sub better, it's limiting its potential.

No. I want those shills banned here as well.

Do you ignore the rules on every sub you visit?

What? So the 9300 non-Hillary supports are shills not Superpak sociopathically named "Correct the Record" 6+ million paid Moderators?

Without intending to be cruel, your post doesn't inspire the sort of confidence a leader a "cause" like this would require.

You're basically trying to rally people to beg someone with existing power to stop abusing it.

There has to be another way to accomplish what you want. You don't need to rally others. Think of something.

If you think that's bad wait until you deal with the asshole moderators at MandelaEffect. They ban anyone who shares legitimate Mandela effects but let trolls and shills run freely around down voting everyone.

You really believe in the Mandela effect?

Absolutely, I am one of those who apparently comes from the original reality. Berenstein, fruit loops, Luke I am your father, if you build it they will come. All crystal clear memories. And JFK only having 3 people in the car, not four or six.

Start a new sub and promote it if you think it's worth it. ME is a niche enough concept that people interested will join up if what you say is true. (I don't put much stock into ME, but to each his own).

The problem with /r/politics is that its a default sub and therefore tacitly endorsed by Reddit, Inc., and it's so large that it has real-world implications. Any can start a new politics sub, and many have, but nothing will gain any traction or credibility with a wider audience.

It's kind of like that with the ME forum. A much smaller scale of course but it has become the go to place and they have a form of monopoly so to speak. Human nature is very finicky when t comes to these things and very rarely change their hang out spots out of laziness. This is why voat hasn't taken off. People kind of have to go where everyone else goes.

You silly kids.

OP, get a grip in fact, liberals are actively harassed, baited and banned from there, I am one of them.

Yes, but only real liberals, the War and corruption supporting neolibs (and delusional useful idiots) are doing just fine worshipping their death queen.

I agree, neolberal is only what the libertarians are called. They hate liberals.

Or you could just respect their right to do as the please on their sub. If you don't respect their right how can you ask for the same respect in return? Do you want /r/poltiics to be coming over here getting mods banned?

Because it's supposed to be an unbiased sub for civil discussion. Not a place to shit all over one person and praise the other to God-like levels.

There's no such thing as unbiased and I have no problem with the complaining but wanting to go over their head to change it is a slipper slope. First, if all it takes is a bunch of people complaining to the admin to control another sub, they have a lot more people than this sub and guess who's going to lose? I wouldn't get into a majority fight with /r/politics.

Be glad you have a place you can go an be away from them because you are in the minority.

You mean real life?

So let's rename it to r/hatedonaldtrump

True and not just on Reddit either.

I was banned for 3 months. Just in time for the election to be over with.