Elon Musk is a Fraud and a Distraction

0  2016-09-28 by JTRIG_trainee


...no insight into that statement mate?

he's a fraud and a distraction. simple.

What evidence do you have to substantiate that claim? Not disagreeing but it's truthfully the first time I've heard this opinion and I always keep an open mind.

is this planet still a festering pile of crap? do most of us live in poverty? but billionaires are plotting their escape to mars?

LOL. we are not fooled by circuses. some bread would be nice.

then again circus on mars would be really something

I actually think going to MArs is brilliant. If I could and had the $, I'd make it happen and genetically engineer the new human 2.0 so that IQ is over 200 and is balanced with spirituality, emotional intelligence, enlightenment, and selfless service to others, then figure out how to help the war mongering death planet called earth

is this planet still a festering pile of crap? do most of us live in poverty? but billionaires are plotting their escape to mars?

IF you had billions, how fast do you think you'd be able to change the above?

within one year to make a big difference, within 10 years to finish the job.


I would pay people to replant forests - poor people in Indonesia and South America mostly where there are 5 trillion trees missing.

Low tech, high impact, long lasting.

How will this change everything within 1 year? I don't see it

the amount of trees planted in one year by the world's billionaires should be about 50 billion possibly more.

it won't change everything, but if completed it will do a HELL of lot more for this planet than Musk's stupid mars game. At least that provides a distraction while they continue to fleece us.

Are you like 18? Because if you think that planting trees will fix anything you're pretty naieve.

Musk has done more to help the environment than a lot of activists. He is trying to create a world without fossil fuels. Cut him some slack.

it's spelled, 'naive'

and Musk is in it for himself. he's a greedy hoarder like the rest of them. destroying this planet for $$.

planting 5 trillion trees will have the most effect for the money, and not just for us, but also the billions of birds with no habitat.

Please do elaborate on your plan.

The man talks big, but that's kind of expected at this point considering he achieves big too.

achieved what? how has it changed your life for the better?

He gave us PAYPAL !

he implemented a way to charge money for spending money. he is the poster boy for capitalism.

I think Musk is the same kind of person as any other billionaire.

In this world you have to be ruthless and clever to make that much money. Then you have to be just as ruthless and clever to keep someone else from ripping you off. Plus you have to be an incredible selfish person to keep it all for yourself.

Now some people are going to want to jump in and say "Oh but Hyperloop, Tesla and Space-X"

Well, I read a story talking about where the business opportunities of the future are going to be. One is electricity, batteries and electric cars. I think Musk wants to be a major player in this area because we're going to be switching over to solar power and we're going to need some kind of battery tech for grid level power storage.

It's easy to guess that Elon Musk wants to be to 21st century electrical power what Cornelius Vanderbilt was to the railroad system back in the 1800's.

Same thing goes for SpaceX. Think of space as open territory where there are no laws or regulations. People are talking about mining asteroids. So it could be like the gold rush all over again. Except this time, the only prospectors will be super rich people who can afford to go into space. Again, Musk wants to be where the action is going to be in the near future.

That leaves Hyperloop. I've heard that one killer application for Hyperloop tech is to offload cargo from container ships. The ships are parked out at sea. The cargo is moved from the ships to warehouses onshore via a hyperloop link that runs under the sea floor. Why do it this way?

By moving the port offshore, you free up a huge amount of onshore real estate. That's real estate along the shoreline with a great view of the ocean. Yet again, a huge opportunity to cash in that doesn't become apparent until a few years from now.

Musk is smart, and he's always got his eye on where things are going to be 10 or 20 years down the road. "Musk, the techno savior of mankind" is just a persona crafted by his PR team.

"Musk, the techno savior of mankind" is just a persona crafted by his PR team. the MIC/CIA

Simpsons called it last season.

Or he could be the perfect person of choice to subtly prep the country for eventual extraterrestrial disclosure

If I was ET, I'd stay as far away from this fucked up civilization as I could until it destroyed itself and the planet. Maybe the cockroaches will be more worthy.

Explain yourself or shut up. Simple.

I don't fully trust Mr. Mathis here but: http://mileswmathis.com/musk.pdf

He's the biggest liar, fraudster and hoaxer on the planet bar none.

Are you like 18? Because if you think that planting trees will fix anything you're pretty naieve.

Musk has done more to help the environment than a lot of activists. He is trying to create a world without fossil fuels. Cut him some slack.