The illusion of choice.
35 2016-09-28 by lgtbyddrk
Is it just me or does this current presidential race perfectly illustrates just how phony the whole thing is. It couldn't be more obvious how completely and utterly bullshit this circus is. I mean, this is the United States of America and this is what we get? This is what we choose? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills here! Seriously, do we not give a shit anymore?
11 dejeneration 2016-09-28
It's not just you. I feel like they're trying to see how far they can push us until we all just go crazy. What surprises me is how many people are taking it in stride, like, nothing to see here, this is all normal. Everything's fine. Humans always were malleable and adaptable, but good gawd.
7 oldpau 2016-09-28
Has always been an illusion.......We used to be more of a Free Range Herd........
7 DocturDread 2016-09-28
The only people who believe the madness you speak of are on the medications, processed plastic food and watch mind control TV every day. There are data centers full of corporate and government shills here as well who control most of the show which greatly distorts reality for many.
5 imminent_disclosure 2016-09-28
Free to be a slave.
3 Ihopeitsround 2016-09-28
I'mmm Ina glass case of emmmotttioonnn.. Milk was a bad choice.
1 lgtbyddrk 2016-09-28
Ok, this put a smile on my face... ty
2 Ihopeitsround 2016-09-28
It'll be okay man, the worlds ending; have a beer.
3 bozobozo 2016-09-28
Hillary Lannister and Trump Lannister. Choose your poison.
3 carbongreen 2016-09-28
Kang or Kodos. Jack Johnson or John Jackson.
2 bozobozo 2016-09-28
Poisoned Coke or Acidic Pepsi? The choice is yours!
3 carbongreen 2016-09-28
Dude I am totally with you. I feel like I'm watching Idiocracy, but its happening in real life and I'm legitimately scared.
2 Ihopeitsround 2016-09-28
It'll be okay man, the worlds ending; have a beer.