Was the BLM movement planned out before Obama even became president?

1  2016-09-28 by SugarsuiT

Theory: BLM movement has been in the works since before Obama. We all know Hilary was next in line, so why didn't she win in 2008? Was it a master plan to have a black president, to manipulate the black population into thinking, here we are, we have a president, and still are oppressed. Building up the anger for when Hilary becomes president and enacts some sort of martial law/NWO agenda...

How else do you explain the BLM movement becoming international almost over night... just a thought.


Yeah I have a weird feeling about the inner workings of BLM but the issues they do protest are valid IMO

well police brutality is a problem, for all races, their closed thinking is a problem.

Well why don't other races care? Black people were protesting cop killings long before BLM was a buzz word.

Statistics suggest it's more of an issue towards black males regarding police brutality towards an unarmed suspect. And they never once said it's not at all a problem for other races. Plus the legislation they push to fix these issues benefit everybody (body cameras for starters although that's already been proven to be easily abused)

What makes you think other races don't care? Other races are being ostracized by being segregated by the group itself, the phrase BLM in itself is offensive, as if other lives don't matter. The group should be called SPB, Stop Police Brutality, problem solved.

You sure about those statistics? Time will tell on the benefits of whatever legislation is passed.

Don't worry, I'm sure black people find it offensive they have to single themselves out to get some equality in their own country

How are black people not equal? Police abuse their power with people of all races.

Well id hope cops didn't EXCLUSIVELY fuck with black people. However, statistics suggest unarmed black men are affected the most. Look at employment rates next to graduation rates for black women. We can apply all of this critical thinking to other issues yet become ignorant almost instantaneously when black issues are brought forth.. hm.

So you blame society for graduation rates of black women? Take some ownership, blame the parents, the community, not the federal government, that just gives them more power. This whole idea the world owes you something is preposterous. I'd like to see these "stats"

How's it on the parents? You're silly if you don't find it odd black women are FIRST in college graduations but haven't climbed in employment and earnings. Literally googled the stats in 2 seconds you aren't even trying. And lmao at implying black people are the entitled ones. I can't name how many people think a degree should get them a job. Love how this logic is only selectively applied.

Where did I say the idea the world owing you something is exclusive to black people. There you go again, thinking the world revolves around you. And yet you can't post a link for your findings.

If that's what you're getting from my post you're not even trying to use reading comprehension. Is google down because by using 4 words I pulled up plenty of info. Keep using this sub as a slick way to state your racist ideologies tho

again you are wrong. someone calls you out and they are a racist. you're the problem with society. show a little empathy, goes a long way.

Nah check my post history, I know the difference between someone with a different view and someone whose views are based on a racist mindset. You're not gonna try that one here, sorry

I'm sure you DO think I and others like me are the problem with society, mr not racist

talk about post history, find one racist comment. I'm done son. your eyes are closed and it isn't my job to open them. peace.

It was heavily implied in your last post.

then you read it wrong.

Seems to be a common theme in this thread

The basic issues are valid the language and deployment are meant to cause trouble and division.

IMO it's doubtful. Police brutality for ALL people is a centuries old thing.

How else do you explain the BLM movement becoming international almost over night.

Two reasons.

  1. Twitter was nowhere near the source of news and social sharing that it is now back in 2008. Twitter is where the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter originated and where local level protestors organized and traded information. The ease of trading information on Twitter to grow the BLM cannot be understated.

  2. The proliferation of smart phones with video cameras meant that many of hostile confrontations (regardless of who's right or wrong) were now recorded and released without Police being able to completely control the narrative. The visuals helped galvanize docile people into anger and action.

Beyond that, if I can just clear up a little thought process that you have that is misguided....

It's not (Only) Black Lives Matter...it's Black Lives Matter (too). Hopefully you can see the difference. Blacks aren't asking for special treatment, they're asking to be treated the same as everyone else. And that's been happening long before the media gave a shit.

But really though, do any lives matter, a single death is a tragedy, a mass death is a statistic... I guess just living where I do you don't get treated differently by your race, but rather by how you dress, like you said it's an old thing, rich vs. poor, so it should be more like poor lives matter, but do they, really, do rich lives matter.... who is to say, my life doesn't matter to you, though you may respect life in general, you wouldn't be affected by mine ending, but other would be affected... as with everything it's a case by case basis... I hate the statement that one life is not more valuable than another... Which is the same as none have value... I don't know, complex shit.

No. Long time coming, yeah.

The BLM is nothing more than a political dirty trick operation.

like Code Pink, OWS, SJW. These along with conservative created phrases designed for political attacks like these:

radical feminists, identity politics, safe spaces, Schools Matter, Code micro aggression, political correctness, and lies like: E.I.T.C. lifts people out of poverty.

It has to be more than that, all the groups you just listed aren't international... I'm saying this is why they elected Obama in the first place...

"they" do you mean all the voters who voted for President Obama, twice? And while they claim this goes back, way back, no one heard of it until that other Presidential election of 2012.

Think you're on the wrong sub, everyone here knows votes of the people don't matter.

That is the point of this entire election cycle and Netanyahu has it correct. It doesn't matter who wins.

But let's at least keep yelling, kicking and screaming.

They've been stoking the embers of racial division for far longer than 8 years

No doubt about that. This was all part of a much older plan I'm sure. Would have to go as far back as Obama meeting Soros for this phase of the plan...

I don't think it was that planned. I think BLM was started with genuine intentions and then twisted and warped by the msm. It's a tool being used to divide and distract, I really doubt it's some elaborate plan, perhaps its part of some grand scheme, but it's certainly not the centerpiece.

Then why didn't Hillary win in 2008?

Cause she's a bitch. I think it's mostly that Obama had the black vote locked in, and plenty of non blacks felt we were overdue for a black president. His whole hope campaign seemed to resonate with people, at a time when the war on terror was in full swing and people felt in flux. I'm sure there was a whole lot of behind the scenes wheeling and dealing too and obama, now 8 years later, has proven himself a warmonger worthy of the presidency.

That is the point of this entire election cycle and Netanyahu has it correct. It doesn't matter who wins.

But let's at least keep yelling, kicking and screaming.

Well id hope cops didn't EXCLUSIVELY fuck with black people. However, statistics suggest unarmed black men are affected the most. Look at employment rates next to graduation rates for black women. We can apply all of this critical thinking to other issues yet become ignorant almost instantaneously when black issues are brought forth.. hm.