The Conspiracy of Strange. Before the candidate's (Trump/Hillary) were announced many talk show host/major online bloggers said it would be a mistake to have either running country. Since now we have them, now everyone picks one or the other. How about a campaign for a better candidates? Drops mic..

222  2016-09-28 by i_reddit_for_lulz


This is why I find it so ridiculous that so many of those who watch Alex Jones support Donald Trump. Two years ago--Jones was ranting about the corrupt nature of both he's all on board the Trump train!!!

This is why I find it so ridiculous that so many of those who watch Alex Jones support Donald Trump. Two years ago--Jones was ranting about the corrupt nature of both he's all on board the Trump train!!!

WOW, you hit this HEAD ON and I would upvote you a 1000 times if I could.

You are 100% correct. Alex Jones was ranting on about this as he usually does about everything.

All of a sudden, once candidates were official, he now rants on how TRUMP will SAVE US!

Dude is bought and paid for a long time ago in which Bill (William) Cooper warned us about.

Iink to bill coopers warning?

what happened to alex jones being anti-tyranny and police state? now his listeners are so scared of blacks and mexicans, they'll say anything to support "hero cops" including advocating for stop and frisk? it's a creepy role reversal...

it's a creepy role reversal...

All by design... the long con.

i don't think it's necessarily the long con, but alex jones is heavily invested in the police state becoming a thing. he's got a lot of money in gold, seeds, guns and canned foods. race baiting and ushering in the police state validates what he's been saying for 2 decades.

Almost like something a politician would do...

Boiled frogs. Have a lot of friends and family like this. Years ago, they touted the Constitution and its importance, crowed about love of country, but it's like they've forgotten everything they've ever known and claimed to believe in in their blind zeal to follow a Jabroni.

Jabroni, nice word, man!

I can't take credit, I saw someone else post it and it's perfect - refers to the "bad guy" in a wrestling play that gets everyone riled up and purposely loses so that the other wrestler looks better.

I've been listening to Alex Jones (until recently) since 2007. I was a die-hard. Well, over the past couple of years something with Infowars changed. Actually, I'd say it went back to 2012. I've read rumors that he divorced his wife, etc. I don't give a shit about that but something changed. Regardless, he woke me up. Sad to see him and Infowars move in a different direction.

He decided that shilling penis pills was more important.

Bill Cooper warned us of exactly Alex Jones was/is in the early/mid 90's. Most just didn't listen.

Yes and Bill Cooper at one time thought their were 5 different races of ETs fighting on Earth

IIRC, as of last year he was anti-trump, and then came out on a video and stated why he changed his views. Was looking for the vid but couldn't find it.

We may have no choice after todays hearing with FBI director Comey. He has pretty much sealed the deal that he's covering for Hillary this whole time. Hillary is out. But I doubt this will be the end of it. This is literally the biggest, widest scandal in our countries history and we just found the tip of the iceberg. The rest will go down in history.

I'm happy I get to semi-safely spectate this from Australia.

The mic drop ruined this. It was valid political speech until you got all arrogant and proud about it. Now, no one wants to listen to you. (Get rid of it; this isn't about you feeling right).


The mic drop ruined this.

You sound like a child.

So does the mic drop

'Dropping the mic' for a relatively mild and common sentiment, along with telling other people they sound like children, makes you sound like an edgy teenager

What? You dropped the mic, I can't hear you anymore. You gotta speak right into it.

Vote third party. If everyone who didn't vote instead made it a point and vote against the crooks, a third party candidate could actually have a good chance. In 1992, Ross Perot got 18.9% of the popular vote! I imagine we have a far larger segment of people who consider themselves disgusted by the choices, the challenge is to get them educated and keep them from falling for the duopoly propaganda Trump and Clinton people are pushing.

That video is wonderful. I wish that was a political ad on t.v. It's nearly got me convinced to vote Johnson instead of writing in Bigfoot.

If only there were any good third parties running, this might be a valid idea. Maybe next election.

Sounds nice...

Thank you for dropping the mic. Please don't pick it up again.

That mic drop tho. Like you're the first one to think or even say this. M'theorist.

That mic drop tho. Like you're the first one to think or even say this. M'theorist.

It's called a rant. I guess your shill brain had a malfunction. We will excuse it this time.

That's the first time I've ever been called a shill and it cracked me up. Jesus no wonder we have no credibility. I didn't even disagree I just thought it was a tad juvenile.

Edit: redditor for three months. Checks out. Op also doesn't understand the voting algorithms of reddit either. Down voting all my posts doesn't do anything anymore.

Picks up microphone.

Gary Johnson

Jill Stein

Every vote is a vote for 'the other party'.

Honestly, I'm glad I don't live in a swing state. I can vote for whoever I want and am relieved of any guilt over it, because the EC of my state will vote for HRC. I get my cake and get to eat it too. Huzzah.

I'm voting for Bigfoot.

Good luck with this. I'm going with Jill & my friends are going to vote for Gary, but Obama just went on the radio to say that a vote for either candidate = YOU SUPPORT TRUMP THE BOGEYMAN

That's a planned strategy. In reality the opposite is true. Fact is the election is rigged, HRC will win. If HRC doesn't win the popular vote and still wins the election, it's going to rise questions. Those questions will lead to yet another investigation. You can just throw that investigations documents on top of the mountain of evidence already against her. The fact she is going to be president, when by all rights should be in federal prison is a testament to just how fucked the system is.

You can just throw that investigations documents on top of the mountain of evidence already against her.

And watch it burn, while the smoke goes up to the sky and turns into stars. All of it never to be spoken of again.

Oh how I think Rob Ford the ex-mayor of Toronto is looking down from the big oval office in the sky saying "And they laughed at Me."

None of the above

Same here. I'm not going to skip out. Plus we have a lot of other important state and local seats on the ballot. Main thing is getting our oxy-lovin AG outta there.

Lemme guess, WV? Fuck that guy, how does he even stay where he is after what he's done? It's insanity. He should be in PMITA prison.

Yup & agree 100%

That his wife lobbies and he was the attorney for Cardinal, prior to taking office. Such a huge conflict of interest.

trump is the only candidate hillary could beat in a close race. her team controls the narrative. this is reality television.

It's all crystal clear.

Watch the birdy in my right hand, do NOT look to see what my left hand is doing.

Isn't Alex Jones supposed to be a member of some intelligence agency who came in to mess up with the truth movement?

I heard that he refuses to talk about Jews either; That should be a dead giveaway since Jews (Or to be more exact talmud-worshipping luciferians since they are not limited to (But are mostly) khazars, they can impose themselves as anything else) run the oil of the world conspiracy. Anyone who does not talk about this tribe should be dead suspect for a shill.

But anyway, the Alt Right i am sure is another major operation trying to discredit the truth movement and to pretend that this false opposition is the cure to the cultural and societal decay which is worshiped as a type of god by "SJWs", the "Red Guards" of the modern era.

And the Alt right:

  1. Worships a specific politician as god (Politicians are most or all illuminati slaves and a politician running as the president should be dead giveaway)

  2. Blames everything on "Muslims" "SJWs" or "Women" instead of the Illuminati/Zionist Luciferians/World Mafia trinity which controls the 3 groups above, and directly

  3. Does not have a solid concept of who should be going against; Is it the SJWs? It is women? Is it the muslims? Is it the Jews? Or is it Hillary? Or is it all of the above? Many of them fail to deliver this point and seem to wander from concept to concept without a solid goal. But it is for sure that they will not target Trump or the Illuminati/Zionist Luciferian/World Mafia trinity which is also a fatal giveaway.

None of these traits make them, or make them look like legit opposition. They are more like a type of false opposition which is the chemo which pretends to be the cure of the cancer.

So right, the fact that opposition begins to propagandize for various politicians or presidential candidates should be a dead giveaway that they aren't real and are easily purchased.

As the end times begin, expect opposition corruption to be more and more realistic and poisonous.

That should be a dead giveaway since Jews (Or to be more exact talmud-worshipping luciferians since they are not limited to (But are mostly) khazars, they can impose themselves as anything else) run the oil of the world conspiracy.

You hit it here. Most in the supposed 'truth' movement are really scared to just go straight at this with facts, historical evidence etc., which is all out there.

Even in the Talmud it talks about how everyone (except for them) is to be utilized for their gain. Rather even it be for sexual exploitation as long as it benefits the Jew. Also, in the Talmud and the Zohar there references to this very strange god that they give reverence too.

It's a tough thing to learn but we all to learn it: in this system no president will ever improve the situation. I've been frustrated for months watching this sub fall for the lies of this system, that there's more than one side to it. It does feel great to feel vindicated, though.

Local, state and our reps and senators are where it's at. Untiwe get the $$& cronyism out of it, corruption will reign.

No one is organizing a mass movement. There's small groups of people expressing they won't vote but unless it's millions of people that represent a majority of Americans, it just hurts the process and one of them will end up getting into office.

it just hurts the process and one of them will end up getting into office.

Yeah I agree, even though have a psycho-sociopath in office doesn't regardless if you voted or not.

Until people like yourself say FUCK THE PROCESS, then this will continue to go on until all the peasants are in literally chains.

Exactly. It's gotta me a mass movement. Not just one or two people because then those are wasted votes. I mean, since the election is rigged they're all wasted votes but since no one is doing anything on a global scale to disrupt this system I rather make sure my wasted vote goes towards the candidate I think is less shitty.

Already, 30-40% of the population don't vote. No one cares that they don't vote. If that 30-40% went out and REALLY said fuck you with a third party or coordinated write-in vote, tptb might be forced to pay attention.

goes towards the candidate I think is less shitty.

Humor me...

Both are 100% shitty, exactly the same. Now what?

Then I'd have to agree with dejeneration and say that there should be a movement for people to write in or elect a third party candidate. An actual candidate. The two we have right now just aren't enough.

Kony 2016

Bill Cooper warned us of exactly Alex Jones was/is in the early/mid 90's. Most just didn't listen.

He decided that shilling penis pills was more important.