Stanley Kubrick faked Apollo 11 and the Shining was his confession movie

25  2016-09-30 by pholmq

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" -> "Apollo 11 work and no play makes Jack (repr. Stanley Kubrick) a dull boy"

"ROOM N. 237" -> The MOON ROOM. 237 000 miles is the distance from Earth to the Moon.

Plus a myriad of other hints and signs

Edit: Funny how downvotes come raining down on a minutes old submission. Shills? If not, please motivate why you downvote.


Upvoted for truth.

This is far from the only thing NASA have faked/lied about. The deception is on a grand scale and the evidence is overwhelming. I highly recommend that people research it for themselves.

Ask yourselves - if NASA would fake such an important event of human history, then what else have they lied about? The answer to that question becomes obvious when you just look for yourself.

This is one of the conspiracies that TPTB really don't want people looking into.....


Remember: It was all the imported Nazi scientists that got NASA off the ground. I surely don't know for sure, but I sometimes wonder if the root of America's cancer can be traced to NASA, most specifically it's threads back into the Pentagon.

All the weird shit starts happening around 1945-47. Nukes go off, Roswell & other UFO sightings take off, Dead Sea Scrolls discovered, CIA, U.N. & Israel all formed; more too, if you Google.

I sometimes wonder if the root of America's cancer can be traced to NASA, most specifically it's threads back into the Pentagon.

I think it's the root of all the deception about our origins and the world we live in. This just might be the mother of all conspiracies. The indoctrination is incredibly clever and they teach NASA's lies to children in schools so there is a knee-jerk reaction of dismissal and ridicule to anybody who is critical of the glaringly obvious contradictions in what we have been brainwashed into believing.

This rabbit hole goes deep.

NASA's lies

Care to expand on this? I understand the political motivation to fake the moon landing given the context, but what else has NASA done since then? I'll agree with you that NASA is an incredibly powerful R&D tool that has the potential to be abused, but to insist that the institution itself lies to the public about its discoveries seems a bit ignorant to me...

Believing everything we are told to believe by NASA is a bit ignorant if you think about it. It's all swallowed without question and that is why they've been able to get away with it.

Just look at the evidence objectively and make your own mind up about whether or not we have been deceived. Not looking at the argument being put forward is ignorant. How can one come to a conclusion with looking at arguments on both sides of the debate?

True. They have lied about the lunar landings which means the can and will lie about anything.

Believing NASA in regards to what? Their involvement with the military? Sure, I'll take that human element of the equation with a grain of salt, as should we all.

If youre questioning the strides they've made towards space exploration and understanding our place the universe, I'd argue that it's resulting from a glib understanding of physics in general. I cant say I've swallowed up anything they've published without asking 10 more questions, and guess what, they have 10 answers for me that all make sense according to physics. Every Time. Not to mention 100 more questions that not even they can answer yet. A large portion of the things NASA does are first theorized by physicists, searched for, and then directly observed and studied further. Its hard to fake that when you have millions of young/amateur scientists trying to make their mark in the scientific community. Unless you want to believe they are all in on it too, I guess.

Look, I'd love to debate this with you and give sources for my arguments, but this sub isn't the place for it. Too many cowards and shills surround the topic and downvote into oblivion anyone who tries to talk about it.

I feel like I have to tiptoe around parts of my argument and self-censor to avoid the downvoting, which makes it impossible to say what I want to say.

Yeah I know that feeling. Internet is man's best invention but not without downsides. My advice is to try finding a local discussion group where people meet and discuss things like this. We have one in my hometown and it's great. But also discuss and post things here. People here are able to see shilling and brigading so even if the voats seem low a lot of people have seen it and had use of the info

NATO = nazi, literally as ex European (German and other) nazis were recruited.

the Warsaw pact and the soviets were not lily white, but they never did half the stuff NATO did and does.

What makes you say it is an important event in history?

It hasn't done anything to change anyone's day to day life.

If the Moon Landings were revealed as fake--something benevolent and good, that made people feel better--what would it say to the general populace about many other LESS benevolent conspiracies?

If the Moon Landings were revealed as fake

they have been, only paid types (pretend) and morons believe these days.

hair sprayed long haired females on the ISS tells a most interesting story. nobody in their right mind would allow long hair on a technical DIY spaceship. that and they all smirk and act like they have a secret before the cameras.

I think the reason it's important to keep the lid on this lie is to keep Elon Musks fairytales believable. They're trying the same trick twice.

Do you have any good links about Nasas other lies besides the moon landings?


But after watching I'm not convinced. I think the first part of the space race was real and that men can be in lower orbit. But then US faked the moon landings and made some deals with Russia so they would keep silent

Other countries have sent probes to the moon and have photographed evidence that the moon landings did in fact happen.

photoshopped garbage.

the Chinese moon rover was laughable, 1990s digital camera technology.

so many people pissed themselves laughing that the Chinese huffed and withheld later results.

What about the laser test?

I thought it was a good post, I've heard of this but never seen a decent video. Watching it now, it's not bad.

My feelings exactly. That's why I posted this.

To answer the question IF the moon landings where faked and not who did it, I recommend Bart Sibrels excellent documentaries:

I'm an hour into the link you posted - This is a good one. I won't get to check those links out tonight but tomorrow after work I might get a chance. Thanks man.

No problem. Truth always want company :-)

Sibrel is a hack and a conman who doesn't even understand- and is unwilling to admit to it, very simple physics like heat exchange.

Yeah well there are a lot of physics you have to deny if you are to believe the moon landings also.

Such as?

If ur serious n not just shilling read Wagging the moondoggie. Cosmic radiation, microasteroids etc. The major part of unmanned probes sent to the Moon have failed, probably mostly because of frequent microasteroids. So how come 6 out of 7 moon missions was successful and not a single life lost? Disregarding the fact they would be dead or seriously ill before they got there from radiation. Also the temperature. The climate control system in the ships and suits had to be extremely effective. And then you have all the photographic anomalies. I could go on but this just didn't happen. Especially not with 60s tech

If ur serious n not just shilling read Wagging the moondoggie.

It gets posted like every other week.

Cosmic radiation

What's your issue there?

microasteroids etc.

What's your issue there?

microasteroids etc.

By the mid-60s, unmanned lunar probe missions were mostly successful. You'll see that from 1964-1968 only two US probes failed. 16 succeeded.

probably mostly because of frequent microasteroids

The two that failed in that period failed because they crashed into the moon.

Most of the earlier probes either failed to reach orbit (usually blew up on the launch pad) or missed the moon and contact was lost.

So how come 6 out of 7 moon missions was successful and not a single life lost?

Because they spent a lot of time and money figuring it out. Those two failed apollo missions nonwithstanding.

Disregarding the fact they would be dead or seriously ill before they got there from radiation.

Why? Their exposure was limited.

And the you have the temperature.

What about it?

. The climate control system in the ships and suits had to be extremely effective

Good thing they were.

And the you have all the photographic anomalies.

Such as?

. I could go on but this just didn't happen

You mean "I can't go on".

Especially not with 60s tech

What do you know about 1960s Aerospace technology that says otherwise?

Oh you'r so full of it. Most of what you state is plain wrong and stupid. But you know you are perfectly free to belive in the tooth ferry and the moon landings and that 9/11 was not a controlled demolition. Happy shillin

Most of what you state is plain wrong and stupid

Explain please, which statements are wrong and stupid?

But you know you are perfectly free to belive in the tooth ferry \

Toothy ferry eh?

Happy shillin

I like how anyone who disagree with you is a shill, but you're completely unable to actually explain why other than diverting to childishness.

Either you are or maybe just ignorant and obnoxius. You don't argue, but just state false facts and point out spelling mistakes. I'm bilingal btw. So either you are shilling or seriously need to get a life. Sayonara

You don't argue,

I keep asking you to explain yourself and you keep backing away

. but just state false facts and point out spelling mistakes.

Which particular facts are these?


If you can find Dave McGowan's "Wagging the Moondoggie," it's loaded with good info (and some mis/disinfo, so beware a bit as well).

Here's an archive of McGowan's work. link.

Not all but a lot of the theories presented in the documentary Room 237 align with what you're speaking of. The amount of moon/apollo mission/occult symbolic things in The Shining is undeniable once you see it. Even the cover on the IMDB page is a shot that has to do with the moon landing being faked if I remember right.

That doc is on Netflix if you want to see it.

Text please?

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" -> "Apollo 11 work and no play makes Jack (repr. Stanley Kubrick) a dull boy"

Makes 0 sense

."ROOM N. 237" -> The MOON ROOM. 237 000 miles is the distance from Earth to the Moon

The moon isn't one standard distance. Its orbit isn't a perfect sphere and can be anywhere from 225 million miles to 250 million.

Watch the documentary if you're not just shilling. 237 is the mean distance and I confused the conversion. I'm used to the metric system.

Watch the documentary if you're not just shilling.

I've seen it and it's bs.

237 is the mean distance and I confused the conversion. I'm used to the metric system.

So one of your major points is wrong? What else could be...

Love you too baby ;-)

I've become so confident in the moon landings being a hoax that I now ridicule people when debating them, instead of trying to convince them. Contrary to what you'd expect it makes people much more willing to think critically about it. People are odd.

Me too. A few weeks ago I would have laughed at claims of moon landing fakery . Then I read Wagging the moondoggie because a friend says it was funny. But when you fact check it becomes evident. What sealed the deal was Sibrels documentaries

its sad really, the moon landings could have been spectacular.

maybe one day we will go there.

Here's an archive of McGowan's work. link.