I'm having an existential crisis.

1  2016-10-01 by [deleted]

When I first heard about the Simulation Theory, I was very intrigued.

However, the more I think about it the more it seems to be the likely answer to our existence. It's far more plausible than any other explanation that I've heard.

Look at how far video games have come when you compare the first Mario to some of the recent open world games. Such a drastic difference in <50 years.

I think the biggest hurdle to realism at the moment is AI. With 4k slowly becoming the norm and eventually 8k, I can imagine extremely convincing lifelike visuals within 50 years(but probably much sooner). AI tech will probably take longer to master than the visual aspect but granted humanity survives another 1000 years, I'm confident we will have exponentially more advanced tech by then.

Suspend your disbelief for a bit and imagine you are someone living in the year 1000 AD. If someone from that time period started talking about flying machines, smart phones, and various other tech we have nowadays, people would have thought they were insane. You know this is true but look at us now.

My point is that some of the tech in the year 3000 AD will be concepts that we can't even imagine nowadays.

Here is a stripped down version of some of the requirements for a believable universe simulation:

  • believable visuals
  • extremely advanced adaptable AI
  • advanced procedural generation
  • functions & variables (time, emotions, any bodily function, DNA etc. The list would be massive)
  • extremely advanced and reliable hardware

Nowadays, we understand computers as a mechanical device that process 1's and 0's to perform useful functions. Computers can also create simulated worlds in the form of video games.

So imagine that in the year 3000 AD, computers are no longer mechanical and we've moved onto unlimited energy sources. This may seen like crazy talk right now but so would the idea of planes in the year 1000. We also need to understand that humanity will advance at a much more rapid pace from 2000 - 3000 than it did from 1000 - 2000.

Furthermore, if the simulation theory is correct, there is a chance that the creators of the simulation do intend to reveal that our existence is a simulation someday. This would be difficult for us to grasp without understanding the concepts of computers and programming. Therefore, it is possible that it was revealed in the past but we didn't have the ability to understand it. We can use the 1000 AD example here again because such an explanation would have flew over someone's head back then.

If the simulation theory is correct, computers and video games are more than what they seem as they are helping us understand how we were created.

I'm going to stop here for now because I could go on for hours but I'm interested to hear other people's perspectives on the simulation theory.

TLDR; Universe = Simulation, Consciousness = AI, God(s) = beings that exist outside the simulation/created the simulation.


Where's the crisis? Sounds like you've made up your mind.

The crisis part is that if this is correct then there truly is no point to our existence. I already thought that there doesn't seem to be a point to our existence because even when I was Catholic I didn't ACTUALLY believe there was existence after death.

This would explain why the PTB are so "evil" and have no regard for any human life. You can't possibly believe that the highest ranks of the PTB believe ANY of the religions sold to the masses.

It's very possible that the PTB already know the truth about our existence and if that truth is a simulation then every evil thing that they are doing would be justified. Especially if you definitively know that there is no possibility of existence post-death as you have nothing to worry about repercussion-wise.

A lot of the known NWO conspirators are living into their 90's and so on and do seem to be concerned with figuring out how to extend their human lives. If you knew and believed that paradise(heaven) awaits then why try to extend your human life?

Further to this, the global control structure would collapse in 24 hours if Islam and Christianity were proven to be the farces that they are.

People wouldn't have a reason to so complacent about their shitty lives on Earth.

Just think about it.

How does simulation theory show there is no existence after death? Maybe we just go from one simulation to another. One dimension to another.

I really don't understand why you think that simulation theory means none of this would be possible, or that religion is not true. In my opinion it strengthens the argument for those kinds of things. And besides, in the practical sense, whether or not this is all a simulation is irrelevant. It doesn't make anything any less real.

I'm sorry but I guess I just don't understand the conclusions that you've jumped to.

if this is correct then there truly is no point to our existence.

One doesn’t lead from the other necessarily. That’s like Homer Simpson finding out he’s a cartoon and saying that there’s, therefore, no point to his existence - completely ignoring the fact that there is a SERIOUS point to his existence that has benefited a lot of people and that Homer Simpson himself is nothing but Matt Groening by virtue of the fact that Homer’s a creation of Matt Groening.

Even if we are just simulations created by other more advanced intelligences, that doesn’t mean that our creation is a pointless exercise in nothingness. There’s nothing saying that our existence doesn’t serve a higher purpose - if even it’s just the temporary alleviation of a state of boredom that the Creator(s) are currently experiencing.

If we’re nothing but a figment in the imagination of The Creator…then you have to realize…that makes you (us/everyone) The Creator Itself. It’s the same as any character you make up in your imagination or that you create in a script or a play or a movie or whatever. You created that character, so that character is YOU, and once that character “dies” or you “delete” it or wake up or whatever, it doesn’t matter because it’s not like YOU die after the character is no more.

So long as you were created by something, you ARE that something, and no sooner do you perish than you go back into that Greater Something from which you came in the first place.

You will “die” and then wake up to realize that you had a dream where you were a little creation (i.e. the you now), but, after discarding the physical you now, you’ll realize you’re something/someone else altogether.

I already thought that there doesn't seem to be a point to our existence because even when I was Catholic I didn't ACTUALLY believe there was existence after death.

There is an existence after death because there actually isn’t any death in the first place. There is no death. There is only the continuation of energy similar to what happens when you, again, wake up from sleeping in the morning.

You go to sleep at night and you dream, and while you dream, you usually don’t realize you’re dreaming. Sometimes you’re even a completely different identity in the dream than what you are in waking consciousness. You just assume what’s happening in the dream is real life, however and take it for granted. Then you wake up, however, and realize that you’re in a different place again.

Same thing happens in what we call “death”. You just wake up and realize you’re somewhere else - and possibly someone else.

This would explain why the PTB are so "evil" and have no regard for any human life. You can't possibly believe that the highest ranks of the PTB believe ANY of the religions sold to the masses.

Religions are indeed a lie for the most part. They are grade school teaching for developing souls. The sooner one gets out of religious indoctrination, the better.

They have a semblance of what the real truth is…but only just that.

It's very possible that the PTB already know the truth about our existence and if that truth is a simulation then every evil thing that they are doing would be justified.

How exactly would this existence being a simulation justify what tptb are doing in it?

Especially if you definitively know that there is no possibility of existence post-death as you have nothing to worry about repercussion-wise.

But, again, there absolutely is “post-death existence” - and the real ptb on this planet know it. It’s just that there are a lot of other things going on spiritually-speaking that they’re trying to manipulate while still in the physical body.

A lot of the known NWO conspirators are living into their 90's and so on and do seem to be concerned with figuring out how to extend their human lives. If you knew and believed that paradise(heaven) awaits then why try to extend your human life?

Listen, bro. Just because “paradise/heaven” might not/doesn’t exist after death, it doesn’t mean that there is nothing after death. There’s a lot after death - it’s just that some of it might not be very related to “paradise/heaven”.

Further to this, the global control structure would collapse in 24 hours if Islam and Christianity were proven to be the farces that they are.

Okay. Yeah. Probably.


People wouldn't have a reason to so complacent about their shitty lives on Earth.

Incorrect. People would be able to find a reason to be lazy still regardless of religion or no religion if they so chose to.

How can you so definitively say there IS a post-death experience though?

I'm sorry if my rant came off as anything more than theoretical speculation. I'm just trying to say we currently have a decent understanding of most of the concepts it would take to create a living simulation but we don't necessarily have the technology yet.

Even if someone believes in God, they should ask HOW the universe was created. It might use concepts or contraptions that we don't understand yet but it was programmed. Don't think of the word "programmed" too literally.

How can you so definitively say there IS a post-death experience though?

Research. Tons of research. Reading, investigating, and personal experience.

I'm just trying to say we currently have a decent understanding of most of the concepts it would take to create a living simulation but we don't necessarily have the technology yet.

We have some of the understanding. I wouldn’t say it’s a great deal yet though.

All that being said, there are secret military black projects that are covert and that have a great deal of technology that the civilian sector of society knows pretty much nothing about.

Even if someone believes in God, they should ask HOW the universe was created.

Don’t “believe” anything. Do research. Investigate. Don’t “believe”. Know. Have a good, valid understanding of the existence of a thing one way or the other. Then you won’t have to rely on something as abstract as mere “belief”.

Independent of this, many people do and have asked how the universe was created, so I agree that one would do well to ask those kinds of questions and investigate the possible answers.

It might use concepts or contraptions that we don't understand yet but it was programmed.

It doesn’t matter if existence was “programmed” or not actually. Again, you have to realize that a program itself is still a creation. Therefore, regardless of whether things were “programmed” one way or the other or not, it was still created by something - whether it was a creation by intelligent design or random chance or whatever…it was still created.

Don't think of the word "programmed" too literally.

Well how is it that you mean the word “programmed”? I’m not really taking it too literally at all actually. I’m just assessing it on the basis of what the word means - both literally and metaphorically.

But there never was an intrinsic point - although everything you were ever told may have understandably led you to believe this.

The game hasn't changed - you have a choice of living your life as though it matters, or checking out. You can bet the elite sociopaths are playing to win for winnings sake, and aren't suffering an existential crisis, so bear that in mind. You can also live your life as though other people's lives also matter which seems the all round best option to me. But don't look for any fundamental meaning - there isn't any.

The Wachowski Brothers made a movie about this in 1999, it's called The Matrix.

In theory, if you completely mapped the brain and nervous system, and had a powerful enough computer; It's possible to create a simulated world for a brain. Everything sent to <> from your brain is an electrical signal.

The Matrix is a metafor for the lies and the psyops that tptb peddles like 9/11, the lunar landings or that we have a fair monetary system. The simulation theory is a part of the Matrix. It's a psyop deigned to make us doubt this reality, our own senses and sound reasoning.

Then you should agree that the sun very well could be conscious right? The sun is made up of billions of chaotic electromagnetic feedback loops. I personally think that if consciousness really is this emergent phenomenon you get when you have an organised system then there are arguments that pretty much anything has a kernel of conciousness within it. Although it's important to remember that it's definitely not cut and dry that brain activity = conciousness.

I was 9 or 10 when I watched that so I should prob re-watch but as far as I remember everyone also existed outside the matrix? Again, I can't remember so I might be wrong there.

I'm saying that I believe none of us exist outside of the simulation and our consciousness is nothing more than code(AI).

What created the simulation is existing as us at this moment. It's existing as everything.

The creator of the simulation is currently existing through and as the creation It created.

It's like if you draw a character on a sheet of paper. YOU yourself are significantly more "real" than that character, right? Okay. Well then after that character "dies" or you crumple up the sheet of paper and throw it in the trash or whatever, then YOU still continue living, right?

Similarly, we are a figment in the imagination of whoever/whatever created us. After we "die", what created us will still continue existing.

Everything is a hologram of God - carrying the spark of The All as its very being.

This is a question for religious people.

How do you think your "God" created this universe? Did he wave his magic wand or use his imagination?

Even for creationists, the simulation theory is the most plausible answer.

Everything has a scientific answer even if we haven't figured it out yet. Physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, math and so much more are all evidence that our universe was programmed rather than imagined.

Magic wand? Is that what you think? Such an arrogant fool...

Simulation theory does not disprove God in any way... God is the creator, remember??? If something programmed this universe (and I'm not talking about some fat guy sitting on a computer as we know them) as a simulation, then that's God, obviously. And it's entirely possible that he did it in 7 days! And it's entirely possible that he "programmed" an afterlife for the beings he created. So pat yourself on the back some more for your science, that came round-about to the same conclusion that people did thousands of years ago! You sure showed them!

Did he wave his magic wand or use his imagination?

God isn't a "he", bro - no more than God is a "she", no more than God is an "it".

Everything has a scientific answer even if we haven't figured it out yet.

Science and magic become nearly indistinguishable from one another at their apexes.

our universe was programmed rather than imagined.

Yet what is a program but something imagined?

What - do you think that programs just spontaneously come into being out of pure happenstance? Do you think they just "poof" into being through random chance?

No. They are indeed "imagined".

By who/what?

I'm not sure we know the answer to that one.

Neither we do have the answer to the question, if its just a mere coincidence that were here now discussing this. Might be that big bang started it all, for no good reason(?), and we happened to evolve to what we are today.

Or that were living in a simulation, which will give even more questions. Who made the simulation, where "were located", and for what reason?. That way religions would be right, that there is someone who made us the way we are, but that alone would raise even further questions again. Who made god(?), or how is it possible that someone could exist out of nowhere, and create an universe.

I've stopped to even try to understand the reason for our existence. We might never know the answer, and its all guesswork right now. Good for people who keep on thinking possibilities for it though. Mankind will prosper as long as someone tries to think outside the box :P.

Neither we do have the answer to the question, if its just a mere coincidence that were here now discussing this.

The chance that our being here is a mere coincidence is nearly impossible statistically speaking. And this is no “woo woo” new age talk. According to science itself, the statistical probabilities involved showing that we and our intelligence are somehow “unique” is…well…here are some numbers involved in this dynamic. The video is more related to ET existence, but it absolutely bears significance to this issue and subject as well.

Might be that big bang started it all, for no good reason(?), and we happened to evolve to what we are today.

Regardless, even if that were the case (which it isn’t, by the way), then the point is still that the universe is absolutely intelligent since it contains at the very least PORTIONS OF ITSELF that are intelligent. All this is to say that a system cannot have parts that are intelligent and yet not be classified as intelligent itself.

Or that were living in a simulation, which will give even more questions.

A simulation involves intelligent design, however.

Who made the simulation, where "were located", and for what reason?

That’s a good question. I don’t know the answer to it. I don’t know who if anyone on this planet does. However, the fact of the matter is that since we can definitely prove that there is in fact intelligent design existing in at least a PORTION of the universe, and since we can also prove that the universe itself is holographic, then this strongly indicates that our own intelligence proves that the universe (or the “simulation” or whatever one wants to call it) is itself intelligent also.

So, since the universe is holographic, then that means that we are a character in the simulation being dreamt by The Greater Self.

And this means that once this life “dream” is over, the energy that created this specific life in particular will continue on…to whatever/wherever else.

That way religions would be right, that there is someone who made us the way we are, but that alone would raise even further questions again. Who made god(?), or how is it possible that someone could exist out of nowhere, and create an universe.

These are indeed very important and powerful question. I’m not sure we can answer them at this point. I don’t know that we have the proper requisites to answer those questions from this vantage as human beings at this time, honestly.

We can definitely speculate and ask questions, but I don’t know what the specific answer is.

I wouldn’t disagree much with the rest of what you said. :)


Need to read more about the holographic-stuff when im not busy with schoolwork, but anyway, im getting more and more used to the idea of the "intelligent designer".

The whole "Intelligent Designer"-theory doesn't completely throw away the big bang theory though. If were indeed living in a simulation which was designed by someone else, or that theres a being that started it all. Whos to say that he/they didn't start our universe with a big bang :P.

I just dont think that well have an answer to our questions during my life on earth, but its good that some people try to figure it out.

The whole "Intelligent Designer"-theory doesn't completely throw away the big bang theory though.

Correct. No reason why an Intelligent Designer couldn’t have just made the big bang Itself.

If were indeed living in a simulation which was designed by someone else, or that theres a being that started it all. Whos to say that he/they didn't start our universe with a big bang

Exactly. Of course. The two concepts don’t have to be mutually exclusive at all.

I just dont think that well have an answer to our questions during my life on earth

Oh yeah. Heck, I don’t even know if it’s actually possible for humans to really and truly know the answer to that. I’m not certain the answer doesn’t need some sort of thinking/feeling apparatus that humans are simply not equipped with.

We’re nowhere near as intelligent or capable as we think we are. We are merely tiny little atoms in the cells of the body of The Grand Creator.

We have a long way to go. ;)

It's all just Ones and Zeros.

Not simply just a stream of 1s and 0s anymore.


The official technology of today is at least 50 years old.

TLDR; Universe = Simulation, Consciousness = AI, God(s) = beings that exist outside the simulation/created the simulation.

That is quite reasonable theory but the truth might be even more stranger. So don't be 100% certain about things... you might get shocked lol.

My other theory is that we are to the universe what cells are to a body, therefore, we are cells of a much larger organism.

Yeah !

That is how i see it, as the Omniverse ! Something like fractal theory and for me this kind of view explains a lot of things.

Sometimes i wonder what a being on personal level would feel like if it knew The Truth or maybe it's an eternal mystery for a reason...

It's semantics and it isn't really that important.

What's the difference between the mind of God and a computer powerful enough to create this simulation?

It's really just a matter of what you want to call it.

Yeah !

That is how i see it, as the Omniverse ! Something like fractal theory and for me this kind of view explains a lot of things.

Sometimes i wonder what a being on personal level would feel like if it knew The Truth or maybe it's an eternal mystery for a reason...