Can we go back to what this sub was about? Actual conspiracies, 3/4 of the frontpage is some bullshit x or y did or said (bonus Snowden/Assange rant)

48  2016-10-02 by [deleted]



"I miss the days..."

way back 25 days ago when you were young and carefree?

The good old days!

Upvote both ways.

How did you get all that karma in a month?

There's a conspiracy we can discuss!

/r/The_Donald echo chamber

Not sure whom you're attacking here, but the Assange articles come and go based on what's hot. They're not nearly as flooded/spammed as you're implying though. Nor do most of us believe he's some kind of godsend. In other news, I'm actually very pleased with most of the articles being shared on here as they touch a wide array of conspiracies.

Was just an example, I mean things like the protest picture, guy arrested for filming, things like that, is shining a light on abuses good? Sure

But it's too frequent here and drowns out topics more deserving of attention

But it's too frequent here and drowns out topics more deserving of attention

According to you. Many other people upvote and downvote what they are interested in.

Irrelevant argument, they're not conspiracies

You've got the irrelevant argument. The voting system highlights what people (other than you) want to see. Whine more.

But it's too frequent here and drowns out topics more deserving of attention

What are you talking about!? There's only 1 story on Assange/Wikileaks on the front r/conspiracy page right now:

You're really sounding like a shill with how inaccurate and baseless your accusations are. Maybe other subs are overwhelmed with Assange material, but not here, so don't start attacking the entire community as a whole like you're some kind of authority figure, thanks.

guy arrested for filming,

r/badcopnodonut dead for three years, yet 3 then 6 users appear, then magically 1 then 4...


The Assange cancellation is only a rumor. ONE NBC nobody has said this. Nothing on Wikileaks Twitter account.

Seems like this is a concerted effort to make people believe it's been cancelled.

I miss the days where you could get an actual conspiracy discussion going

The elections are a reality you'll have to deal with. I don't like it either.

Smells pretty shilly in here

Can someone explain to me how anyone thinks these two are anything other than controlled opposition? I'd honestly like to know.

Many still fall for the feel good crap they get presented by them, I mean come on Snowden is getting his own movie....I thought this sub was better than falling for something so obvious

But I'll take the hate if needs be to spread the truth

I don't see why Assange would be stuck in an embassy if he was controlled opposition.

Because it makes people less likely to question his legitimacy, if he is perceived as a victim. The level of sympathy that martyrs receive, very effectively suspends critical thinking.

What's with all these posts criticizing Assange? That might be the real conspiracy. The DNC leaks prove that Hillary's nomination holds no political legitimacy. Well that, Comey's testimony that she lied, and Robert Reich's confirmation that she will support the TPP. Even after we learned these truths there was no accountability. We can't blame Assange for that.

Maybe Assange is a poisoned tree to spread the fruits of secrecy-exposure.

After all, if Assange is an acceptable standard, then so is Bill Clinton, who investigated & declassified human experimentation secrets & declassified secrets about CIA's role in Chile & Operation Condor. Those are as big (or bigger) secrets than anything Assange has released. If you trust Assange, why not Bill?

That might be the real conspiracy.

It is. Hillary's paid trolls are out in force working to discredit Assange and Wikileaks, not only here, but all over Reddit and all over the Internet.


Member berry shitpost 10/10

I know it's nice to see critical thought. I like the downplay of assange and snowden of people who claim it's all just limited hangout, it does well to sway people's convictions. Every leak is limited hangout the only way you could get unlimited hangout, is to make all government servers, for all agencies and branches, all access to the public.

I vote yea...nothing happens.

Not in its current won't ever change for the better. Their tactics definitely work. Almost every heavy user has left. I personally visit for 10% of the time I once did. Participation and comments are on par with that figure.

The US federal government as it exists right now is the largest, most powerful criminal organization in the history of the world. I know some people are spamming bullshit for karma here (not EVERYTHING having to do with US politics involves a conspiracy!), but it doesn't make a lot of sense to say that r/conspiracy should ignore the biggest conspiracy staring us all right in the face.

Your request for us to ignore the best journalistic organization exposing these sorts of enormous conspiracies is also incredibly stupid.

At the risk of going too meta, there is a weird vibe to r/conspiracy, though I keep coming back.

One thing is the pretty much constant negativity in each and every comments section. I understand that most people would not browse this sub if they didn't harbor some sort of basic distrust of the system, and some anger at the way things are. But what's upsetting is that that same level of anger is projected against almost everyone that is disagreed with. I don't usually generalize, and I try not to feed the trolls or let past experiences color my view of a particular topic, but the negativity is something that is pretty much constantly present here. It's very possible that there are droves of malicious trolls and shills here, or that a lot of people are inspired by this Alex-Jonesish mockery of everything they disagree with. I just like exploring the unknown, and if this is where reddit does that, then count me in, but it certainly is frustrating. Doesn't have to be here, but I would like to see a conspiracy sub run like r/science, where comments at least have to stay on topic, and not include ad hominem insults against other users, snide remarks or the like.

Another observation is that this sub is almost solely about politics and political conspiracy. I like keeping up with Assange, and Snowden, but stories like that do get a lion's share of upvoting here. The Hillary/Trump stuff is really big here, and anything 9/11. But it's so interesting, that this sub can upvote a 9/11 conspiracy post just about any day, but you will hardly EVER find anything about FEMA camps, UFOs, Illuminati, Men In Black, occult, etc taken seriously. I know those conspiracies have much less concrete proof than something like 9/11, but it's frustrating because most of the one-topic conspiracy subs are really small and get very little exposure. Again, I'm not really making value judgments out of this, just observations. Maybe the shills in this sub are happy to have us discuss a certain list of topics they can't manage to suppress while no one notices if the rest get downvoted before they get started. Idk.

All that said it was this sub that broke the Combetta cover-up, involving realtime collaboration and research between redditors of this sub. I would love to see that happen more often, but I suspect that 9 times out of 10 a good lead will get buried by the downvote machine before it has a chance to get any traction here.

Assange AND Snowden in the same thread! Have my upvote!

Start posting some then