HSV-2 Swift, a +$200mn futuristic military vessel was sunk by anti-ship missile on Sat., OP being censored?

25  2016-10-04 by R0yGeeB1v

Credit to /u/zyklorpthehuman who posted about this yesterday and it received so little attention I was perplexed. Today, there are even less votes so I'm suspecting manipulation. If anyone wants to check the stats on their post I'd be very appreciative and interested in seeing the results.

Built by the US, owned and operated by the UAE

"The aluminium-hulled catamaran had a helicopter flight deck, vehicle deck, small boat and unmanned vehicle launch and recovery capability, and a communications suite. It was capable of carrying 350 personnel and military vehicles and had a 2600 sq m mission deck."


Original YouTube video from OP of sinking

Purely speculative: Stopping the video right as the missile is launched it seems they are on the water, and thus I'd wager this is being fired from an Iranian-built speedboat, known to sometimes carry the C-802 antiship missile.

Video showing similar design to whatever the rebels used I'd guess


Did it sink? The video ends before it sinks.

Not sure. Everyone claims it has sunk except the UAE, who claims it was damaged, but they also claim 0 injuries.

Maybe when they actually sink one they'll get more votes?

With that much damage, it's pretty much assured it sunk. An aluminum hulled ship against that type or munition? Hell, it looked almost like a tactical nuke.

I can see them keeping this story as dark as possible. These small attack boats with anti-ship missiles are a serious issue. The US Navy can get denied access to the Persian Gulf, let alone all shipping through the Hormuz straight can be sunk. That's somewhere between 20 and 25% of the world's oil being choked off the market instantly. The US doesn't want a successful attack via an Iranian proxy to be advertised. Eventually people will pick up on how serious this is.