Got my rights violated today. Makes me proud to be an american

4  2016-10-05 by [deleted]



@3:10 You gonna shoot me like you shoot everyone else fuckin' greaseball

Yeah I don't think it helps the situation saying silly things.

Sure swearing at a cop isn't illegal (depending on location I assume), but it doesn't help giving them ammo where they can say you were aggressive.

The reality is that once a cop has made their decision to ticket you, arguing with them isn't going to do anything but make things worse. Just record, stay calm and appeal the ticket through the standard route. That's all you can and should do.

Unless you really believe calling a cop a dickhead is going to make them reconsider citing you? I doubt it.

Well there is a hell of a lot more to this story than the video. About 30 minutes more. I ended up getting 3 different court dates and infractions for stuff I already have on my bike. The only thing I don't have is mirrors. He said I had no insurance, tail light, reflectors, and a bunch of other stuff I have dated pictures showing are on the bike when I rebuilt it a month ago and once he pulled me over for flipping him off do you really think even if I was calm I'd be any different. He was already set so it didn't make a difference.

I have a picture of a cake I made a month ago, doesn't mean the cake is still there.

If you pick a fight, you shouldn't whine when you get hit. Do your thing, tell everyone to go fuck themselves, sure. But then you have to be a man and accept the consequences.

Yeah, no that's not how it works.

That is exactly how it works when you have testicles hanging between your legs. I can understand that you don't get it little lady, but you should step back and let the men talk about the use of violence. Someone could get hurt.

10/10 baiting trolling.

10/10 go fuck yourself.

I think living in a ghetto like Kentucky has distorted your views on what is "normal"

I have never been to Kentucky. Try harder madam.

Your missing everything about it. There should be no "consequences" regardless. Everybody keeps forgetting my actions are protected. I didn't commit a crime and I only posted the video to show you can't express freedoms we're suppose to have which is what everybody says they love about America. You can hate my decision to flip him off all you want but it's still protected. Simple as that

I don't hate that you flipped anyone off. I condone it. I hate that you're such a whiney bitch about what happened next.

You're an idiot. You were cited for three infractions. Those officers didn't just have reasonable suspicion to stop you, they had probable cause. Sure, the law states thar an officer's peace can't be breached, but you better dot your i's and cross your t's when you decide to fuck with one. You're willfully being ignorant to the fact that you were lawfully stopped and you were even given three receipts (citations) for your stop. This is why you're getting downvoted to oblivion and your youtube video is doing even worse. YOU WERE LEGALLY DETAINED whether you agree with it or not. I'm not talking about morally, I'm talking about legally.

Both you and the cop are douchebags.

Whatever you say there keyboard gangster. Your missing the point on what started this.

I find it funny that jerkoffs can never seem to figure out while their world is filled with mainly other jerkoffs.

Interestingly enough, you and I live relatively in the same place, yet in my 34 years here I've never had an altercation like this with a cop. Why is that do you think? It must just be luck.

You seem to keep jumping back to the whole flipping him off thing but, you miss the violation of my rights. You may not like what I did but, I can do it and I chose to do it. I've already said it wasn't the best move but it doesn't excuse not standing up to an oath you took to become a cop in the first place or is that irrelevant because I started it and hurt his feelings? You tell me.

Dude, there was no violation of your rights. Cut the freedom fighter bullshit.

Did you ever stop to think he may have just been admiring your bike? Or perhaps he was just daydreaming at the stop light, thinking about what time his shift was over while looking in your general direction? Sure the cop is an asshole for the way he reacted, but so are you.

The fact is you're gutless, and you wouldn't dare have stuck that finger up to a Vago or a Hell's Angel that threw an extended glance in your direction. You picked a fight with a guy who you knew couldn't smash your teeth in, that's not something you should brag about to anyone.

Lastly, this is not even close to a conspiracy. Go get your validation from r/SJW.

Well said, dude. OP should flip off everyone who "stares at him" and see what happens. Broken nose, fractured orbital, maybe a coma. But he has rights!

Apparently you don't know shit. Do some research on your rights asshole. Freedom of expression. But, until then all you can go back to claiming someone is a fucking robot and the government is evil and whatever other horse shit you believe. Who's bragging about anything? I'm merely showing that you can't do something (YOUR LEGALLY ALLOWED TO DO) without a violation of your rights. I don't really care about your personal opinion. what I did was legal and that's that. Rights don't change due to your perception of it or a bias towards it. Keep thinking my rights weren't violated but it takes a 2 second Google search "Flipping off a cop" to see just how very wrong you are.

Just a piece of advice. If you're going to put this out there for the entire world to hear you may want to obscure your full name, date of birth, driver's license and license plate numbers from the audio. I think the only thing missing here is your SSN.

Probably the wisest counsel in this thread, encouragement of not putting up with uppity servants notwithstanding.

Look fuck boy obviously you don't know what is and isn't illegal. If you flip off a cop on a motorcycle, he can get you for improper method of giving hand signal. If your dumbass would've been in a car without extending your arm out the window, you would've been in the right. Go take your sovereign citizen bullshit somewhere else. These people are wanting to side with you but your childish behavior did fuck all to help you.

::gives the finger:: "I'm trying to be nice and you're telling me to shut up?"


Really dude? You had no reason to flip him off. That was what ended up getting you fucked. In the future, don't flip cops off if you don't want to be fucked with. That's basic knowledge. This goes back to third grade and it's embarrassing that I have to say this but treat other how you want to be treated. If you didn't flip him of he wouldn't have looked for reasons to bust you.

I'm not defending the officers actions but really?

If I came to work and flipped you off for no reason would you give me your best customer service?

I don't work customer service so nice try. If you actually read what I put. I agree it was silly of me to flip him off but it's not illegal and has been proven to be protected under the 1st amendment.

If you didn't actually break the law, then go get the fines revoked by a judge.

All he has to do is show them the video and they are sure to drop all the charges, right?

That's the point. The cop didn't think I had time to press record and you can hate on me for what I did but ANYBODY who ignores the violation of my rights because I started it should do some research

Did you get a ticket for flipping him off? Because if you didn't, it's all more or less above board.

I'm not quite sure why it's not registering with you, but you went looking for trouble and then are upset that you found it. If the cop tried to write a ticket for some ad hoc law they made up on the spot just to mess with you, yes you would have a leg to stand on. Should they have pulled you over? Maybe, maybe not, but you asked for attention and you got it. The finger was secondary here. Maybe you should have ensured that, before tempting fate, you couldn't be pegged for anything, no? Surely if nothing else you can at least admit that you probably should have first made sure the cop could have nothing else on you, right?

Dear OP:

You're not helping.


Everyone else who is sick of the way police behave

Technically he's helping disprove the "few bad apples theory" and serving to prove that its the "system of training and education of police"(or should I say lack there of) that is to blame not a "few bad apples" .

Rather than die for your right to act like a tough guy, why don't you trying working to change the system. I get you wanna be rebellious but doing stuff like this only feeds your and the douchcops egos.

it's not advisable to mess with paid gunmen of the largest gang of your area

Clearly the cop was on an ego trip. You pissed him off, and he behaved unethically. To put it in layman's terms, the cop was a douchebag.

However, who in their right mind flips off a cop and doesn't expect retaliation? Knowing what we know about the profile of certain cops, BAD decision. It could have escalated even further, and you would have been on the nightly news.

I'm not saying that's right, but don't act so immaturely.

Nah, fuck the cops. I'll flip them off if I so damn please to. You are what is wrong with this country. Respect is earned, obedience is forced... Fuck the cops.

dont start none wont be none

I support your actions. You seem to be getting a lot of hate from the passives in here, but nothing will ever change until we start calling out unprofessional public servants when they start abusing their authority. No one should be pulled over and harassed for merely being annoyed and insulted that someone we pay to enforce law was staring at them like they are a criminal. Just because others in here are gutless and bend over to take as much dick as a cop wants to shove in their ass does not mean you should as well. The way you handled the situation was perfect.

Like I said, I only flipped him off because I'm sick of being stared down and decided to do it. It wasn't the best thing to do but I didn't protest and destroy a bunch of stuff either.

Good on you OP. Fuck all these people saying: "get along, to get along". Fuck that noise. Stand up, make a stand non-violently and put bullies in their place. Younger brothers know this (I am a younger brother). Stick up for yourself. You were in the right.

Fuck the bootlickers in the room, no spit. You did the right thing by expressing yourself without actually harming anyone.

It is remarkable how even here, cop worship and fear of reprisal keeps people from making their mark righteously.

A public servant giving you the side eye while you're blatantly obeying every law under the sun while they are doing it, deserves the bird.

They work for us, we own them. Fucking pig should have been grateful for your attention.

Yet the sense of worship is so deeply ingrained so many wronged persons will conjure up reasons why they were the faulty party. It is insanity at its finest.

Edit: Down votes, weapon of choice for the professional bootlicker... Nothing to say, just simpering silent desperation for the gumption to speak out against tyrannical stupidity.

Sidebar, once the swine engages in hostility toward you; it is best to regard them silently and with detatched interest. Never forget, you own that badge, and unless they kill you on the spot, you CAN make their life harder by using the silly little rules (Law) to your advantage. This does, inconveniently enough, come at the cost of playing by those rules in a 'certain' manner.

Dude, there was no violation of your rights. Cut the freedom fighter bullshit.

Did you ever stop to think he may have just been admiring your bike? Or perhaps he was just daydreaming at the stop light, thinking about what time his shift was over while looking in your general direction? Sure the cop is an asshole for the way he reacted, but so are you.

The fact is you're gutless, and you wouldn't dare have stuck that finger up to a Vago or a Hell's Angel that threw an extended glance in your direction. You picked a fight with a guy who you knew couldn't smash your teeth in, that's not something you should brag about to anyone.

Lastly, this is not even close to a conspiracy. Go get your validation from r/SJW.

10/10 go fuck yourself.