We. Need. Memes.
0 2016-10-05 by HitlaryforPrison
Where are all our photo shop genies at? I'm seriously surprised that this hasn't made a discussion yet-- and who knows, maybe CTR will brigade downvote this but it's worth a try.
We need memes. We need them to be so simple, even a Trump fearing Clinton "supporter" could make sense of it, but they need to have a clear connection to Shillary. Then we need to flood Facebook, Twitter.. you know the drill.
Topics could include: *DNC rigging primaries-- giving DWS lead spot on her campaign as reward *Tim Kaine's reward with VP after stepping down to let DWS in (oh yeah, and Obama is the one who recommended Kaine take the Chair position-- he didn't even want it originally LOL) *Deleted emails (and immunities given/devices destroyed) *MEDIA MANIPULATION *Mysterious Deaths close to Clinton *Flip-Flop
And so on...
Basically, the majority of people don't believe anything is wrong with Clinton because the media downplays her every move and Trump-fear is their main concern. We need to interject simple, but powerful, memes to draw their attention away from the MSM's spoon fed garbage and inflict at least THE THOUGHT that Hillary may not be as good as she seems. After that, they'll be much more open to listening to what Clinton is actually all about, and will inevitably come to hate her and the criminal she is. Not to mention they may start to wonder of the MSM's intentions with the news they spread.
I hate to rely on others, but my photoshop skills don't exist. Just trying to get the idea out there before it's too late. Thanks for reading, and please keep your hateful comments to yourself (CTR).
Edit: My formatting sucks
10 PRO_NWOdontkillmebro 2016-10-05
This sounds funny but it is 100% accurate. People dont want to read paragraphs. People want to see a funny picture with a caption. Meme's would be the most perfect way to help people wake up.
Press For Truth usually has some pretty good memes posted regularly lol
2 eleminnop 2016-10-05
Rule 8 says we should use /r/ConspiracyMemes which is an absolute joke because there are hardly any users there. I posted this meme there (OC), and it's the only submission in the last day, sitting on the front page with a whopping score of zero. If the purpose of the memes is to wake lazy people up, it sure as fuck won't do it from a completely dead sub with no chance of getting anywhere near the front of r/all.
5 HarryParatesties 2016-10-05
Meme magic is the only way to stop the Clinton machine!
2 Lifting1488 2016-10-05
May may magic is bullshit.
2 HarryParatesties 2016-10-05
3 eleminnop 2016-10-05
I completely agree with you. Too bad mods banned memes here. Memes are great at starting discussion, which is often times more important than the content submitted. We should at least leave it to a vote by our subscribers. Or the mods should realize how much this would help and just remove rule 8.
3 awareness1111 2016-10-05
If nothing else, I'm in agreement on how powerful a good meme can be.
Amazing to see how quick they get adapted into modern culture, and how long some can last.
Great idea, OP.
3 emilskoda 2016-10-05
No memes is unnecessary censorship. If you don't want to see a dank maymay, don't click.
1 DrDougExeter 2016-10-05
How about if I don't want the whole sub filled with shitpost memes like every other worthless sub on this site?
2 PRO_NWOdontkillmebro 2016-10-05
Have 1 sticky thread for a collection of conspiracy memes.
2 [deleted] 2016-10-05
1 eleminnop 2016-10-05
Still wouldn't allow a meme to make it to the front of r/all though.
2 emilskoda 2016-10-05
With that attitude why would anyone care what you want? 'Shitpost' is a meme, by the way.
3 allyourmemes 2016-10-05
The meme is a force to be reckoned with. It will not bow to lowly politics unless it is the will of the people.
I feel like there is some serious comedy here if people stop and look at what's going on.
People should wear shirts that say things like "Clinton, she's not Trump", but do it ironically. That is her whole platform now.
People might take it seriously at this point though.
2 chickyrogue 2016-10-05
have we always had this many rules?
2 abwisdom9 2016-10-05
There used to be 0 rules.
2 chickyrogue 2016-10-05
thats what i thought.... shit!
the last vestige of freedom INSIGHTFUL SQUIRRELMEN!!
2 dreamslaughter 2016-10-05
I agree. Memes are a good thing. The more the better. Rule 8 sucks and hinders spreading the word.
The mods made a huge mistake banning memes.
2 Skybluvalleykid 2016-10-05
Flood Instagram
1 [deleted] 2016-10-05
2 SovereignMan 2016-10-05
Rule 6. Removed.
2 IGotKeysKeysKeys 2016-10-05
2 mygangwillgetyou 2016-10-05
2 emilskoda 2016-10-05
Are you referencing a Jim Morrison quote with your username?
2 mygangwillgetyou 2016-10-05
U get it.
2 emilskoda 2016-10-05
I read it in his voice ;)
1 JaxThePyro 2016-10-05
Wouldn't that be shilling?
1 Lifting1488 2016-10-05
May mays are so damn childish.
1 edhredhr 2016-10-05
You know who loves memes?
1 raiderguys92 2016-10-05
Have a sticky post to put memes in so that it can be easily accessed by people without having the front page covered. People could then pick a meme from the sticky page and share it in other subs or twiiter or whatever the fuck you guys use.
1 totallynotagovtshill 2016-10-05
So you really mean we need anti-Clinton memes.
0 Fullofshitguy 2016-10-05
I think what the op is suggesting is to flood other subs with the memes he suggests - Not posting them here. It's easier to spread the word with a picture and a few words than a couple of paragraphs that will be picked apart. Try to comprehend what you're reading before replying.
3 eleminnop 2016-10-05
That would be great, except that anything conspiracy related gets removed from any popular sub for whatever rule violation is used as an excuse to remove content they don't like. r/conspiracy is probably the only chance a good conspiracy meme could hit the frontpage, and that is probably the exact reason memes are banned here. I'm guessing the number of mods working for the badguys outweigh the number of good mods, killing any vote that would benefit the exposure of truth.
1 Skybluvalleykid 2016-10-05
NOOOOO darth vader voice stop thinking reddit. Think basic social media, apps like fb ig. Hell post pics on various articles comments sections.
-1 DrDougExeter 2016-10-05
Hell no we do not want or need memes. Want memes then go to /r/ConspiracyMemes.
-2 DocHopper-- 2016-10-05
Read the sidebar, new kid. Rule 8.
0 [deleted] 2016-10-05
2 Audrion 2016-10-05
Spread the news yourself, don't be afraid of what your peers might think. Post on Facebook your conspiracies then screen shot the responses please, for the love of luls
1 SovereignMan 2016-10-05
Rule 10. No personal attacks. Removed. 1st warning.
1 HitlaryforPrison 2016-10-05