Anyone know if Anita Walker, and Debi and Carl Franklin work for the CIA and if the house at 2016 Olde Ridge Rd Edmond is a CIA torture facility hiding in plain sight?

3  2016-10-06 by [deleted]

Huh, I was just wondering if anyone here had any information? ;-)

Sick things happening over there in Edmond, Oklahoma.... Life.Church indeed...

That little house sure does look innocent, doesn't it? Nothing bad possibly could ever happen there... right?

... and surely such a prominent, successful woman wouldn't be a part of any disgusting experiements involing innocent couples and children.... right? I mean, that seems pretty outrageous, and the CIA isn't known for doing things like that... I mean, even if she was an agent of such an organisation...

Are Carl and Debi Franklin, who do work in Air Force intelligence, also working with the CIA via CD Investments, Inc. and FirstLook Properties, Inc. to purchase houses, such as the one on 2016 Olde Ridge Rd Edmond to use as CIA torture and experimentation facilities?

Just a question that really needs to be asked, and looked into, all over the web.

Ah, yes, and is Anita Walker, LPC used as a filter to review candidates for the experiments?

Is Life.Church involved? Are they using their "foster care" program as guinea pigs? Huh, just need to look into it I suppose, all over the web, and maybe someone will know either way.

Is Maloney Investments LLC of OKC involved with these CIA houses as well? Tied in with the government contractor source Maloney & Curcio of New Jersey, which ties in Jon Burley and Nanci Morris, who worked/works in the Department of Interior and directly with the office of the POTUS?

Huh, this just goes deeper and deeper.

Are these people stalking innocent couples, torturing them, and performing experiments in houses like at: 2016 Olde Ridge Rd. Edmond, Oklahoma? And if so, why are they attempting to experiment on them? Why are they stalking these people? How many people have they murdered after they receive their results?

We just have to ask these questions, you know? I mean I would think it pretty god damn monsteriously sick if the CIA hired (and possibly outsourced to Xe) people to review people to experiment on, setup houses to perform the experiments, and torture with people's lives to obtain data for use on future people.

It would also be pretty goddamn sick if the CIA had a few Edmond doctors in their pockets to attempt to setup medical situations where the victims would die by apparent natural causes, and that little mess would be neatly swept under the rug.

Testosterone clinics indeed, Draelos Metabolic Oklahoma City Edmond Endocrinology.... maybe a "whoops we killed you via heart attack/stroke from overly prescribing testosterone"... heh, but I guess we just don't know. We need to ask these things, though.

We wouldn't want anyone getting hurt who doesn't deserve it.



To say the least...

Yep, and why me? Okay, I am intelligent, but why the torture?

Someone fucked me, and now it's time to get the story out. (Working on it atm...)

Yep... we live in interesting times....

It was really interesting how they could hack into any of my machines, Linux Mint or Windows 10, easily, even with my tech know-how (though I'm not a leet haxor level security guy, still... I know my shit...), didn't matter. They had access.

They installed clickers in my house, in my devices to "talk" to me, 2 clicks yes, 1 click no.

It's designed so that if I tell you this you go, "Pft, that guy is an insane tinfoil hat wearing asshole who is talking to his stuff! HAHA! WHAT A FREAK!", see?

They tortured me, they attempted to kill me, they stalked me, more than just the people mentioned, I mean a whole mother fucking operation, verified by my lady who saw some of it, and some of my family who was threatened so badly, that they betrayed me, and are too terrified to tell me just WHO and WHY they stalked me.

When I put the knife to the doctor's throat, that cock sucker Dralos, he said, "CIA. It's the CIA.", and I was told "Xe" was involved.

Why? Who am I? I am not worth the HELL they put me through.

So what should we do? I'm not too far away.

I have no idea. I'm just putting it all over the web, using my leet skills (heh), for search engine indexing. Websites are also going up soon, but those can easily be taken down.

... and for what? I don't know. I may never know. I'm not a spy. I'm not powerful or wealthy enough to be worth all of this.

I haven't typed it all out, you have no idea what they put me through. The airport alone.... the amount of people, time, resources... why? One guess is that it was/is an experiment to use against future people, you know, testing their abilities on me first or something.

So instead of rambling why not tell us what happened.

I'm creating a full writeup on what happened to me, from my viewpoint, and what I know, by request. I'm posting it all over the web and wikileaks, fuck it, if they care, with full names, emails all.

Give me an hour or two, reinstalling office...

You better follow up.

I'm writing it all out on the other monitor. The story is so large that it will take hours, maybe more like 4 hours. BTW, I JUST recieved an email from an investment firm that I haven't heard of that suddenly wants to hire me "ASAP".

Huh, maybe just random chance, or maybe someone is nervous. I have a weapon here if they attack me tonight...

This isn't the time to fuck around, and I could give a shit about money.

Yea yea, still waiting on the write up.

yeah for real i hope its real because my radar for bullshit writing style is going wee woo

If I know anything about stimulant induced rambling, this is stimulant induced rambling.

I was rambling a bit, but other than caffeine, no heavy stims used tonight.

Still waiting for the write up.

be another hour or two, it's long

Yep. Still here.

It seems that I've been offered $5000 not to talk.

$5,000 measly bucks for all of the hell I was put through. Not like $30,000 or something like that, nope... a pittance for these people. What the fuck?

It's a nasty situation, and they fucking did this shit, and they come with $5k. What the fuck is that shit?

Flip that switch, I'm working on a write up now. It's taking a while though.

thank you

np, I'm just into last December'ish now, right when the "clicker" devices started clicking at me in my house.

... and would you look at that my monitors are flickering for no reason... maybe someone is remoting in.... huh

It's going to be 3 or 4 hours, working on it now, lots of details.

... and if that person who emailed me, that group, is reading this, give me an offer $$ for a project or position at a firm, not too many questions asked, and I'll see about calling off that other thing, you know what that is... and you know that it's bad, and you know I'm not fucking around. We can end this nicely, and move forward and build a good future, or, I'll be spilling the beans in a full write up at around 1am ESTm to 3am EST.

FYI: I have a .45 right here, and was trained in my youth. I will kill anyone who enters my home this night. I'm not near any windows. and have four ways to access the web with different IPs.

I'll check my emails now and then, while I continue to write this up.

Be sure to remind us when you're done..


I was director of counseling for the Oklahoma City Public Schools and the crisis invention coordinator during the Oklahoma City Bombing. I became a national speaker in discussing the different roles that were played in the healing process during that time of crisis.

Ha! Freudian slip!!! Crisis 'Invention' Coordinator

For someone who is a public speaker, I can find none of her lectures or speeches.

On other websites about Anita Walker, she comes off like some cheesy superhero for kid's counselling.

It's bullshit. It's a mask.



I think the new name for Blackwater? A government contracted mercenary group, I think. I don't keep up much on this stuff.

I'm creating a full writeup on what happened to me, from my viewpoint, and what I know, by request. I'm posting it all over the web and wikileaks, fuck it, if they care, with full names, emails all.

Someone did me and my woman wrong. I am not a bad guy, or treasonous against the US, and it should be out there to maybe help protect others.

It might take me an hour or two as it's a 1.5 year long story.

I'm reading to see where this goes, could be interesting.

Blackwater's latest name Academi, but yes was Xe for a while.

"Xe" was mentioned to me, is all.

A guess was that some of the "Xe" people were the people ordered to stalk me in their cars, as ridiculous as that sounds... it's just a guess.

Why would they do this?

I'm writing it all out on the other monitor. The story is so large that it will take hours, maybe more like 4 hours. BTW, I JUST recieved an email from an investment firm that I haven't heard of that suddenly wants to hire me "ASAP".

Huh, maybe just random chance, or maybe someone is nervous. I have a weapon here if they attack me tonight...

This isn't the time to fuck around, and I could give a shit about money.

still alive?

Yep, working on the "clicker" section now. I'm not the best writer... it might be 3 more hours.

I think the new name for Blackwater? A government contracted mercenary group, I think. I don't keep up much on this stuff.

I'm creating a full writeup on what happened to me, from my viewpoint, and what I know, by request. I'm posting it all over the web and wikileaks, fuck it, if they care, with full names, emails all.

Someone did me and my woman wrong. I am not a bad guy, or treasonous against the US, and it should be out there to maybe help protect others.

It might take me an hour or two as it's a 1.5 year long story.

"Xe" was mentioned to me, is all.

A guess was that some of the "Xe" people were the people ordered to stalk me in their cars, as ridiculous as that sounds... it's just a guess.

Why would they do this?

I'm writing it all out on the other monitor. The story is so large that it will take hours, maybe more like 4 hours. BTW, I JUST recieved an email from an investment firm that I haven't heard of that suddenly wants to hire me "ASAP".

Huh, maybe just random chance, or maybe someone is nervous. I have a weapon here if they attack me tonight...

This isn't the time to fuck around, and I could give a shit about money.