Pop Music Mind Control?

30  2016-10-06 by rackahorus

There is a hit song called "Closer" by an artist named The Chainsmokers that's playing everywhere I go: in my apartment building, in my office, blaring from passing storefronts, crackling out of smartphone speakers, faintly detected in a stranger's earbuds, buzzing all around me for the last few weeks.

You don't have to be a music critic to tell that the song is objectively not good. It lacks almost any melody or structure. The lyrics are insipid even for a song about fornication. The hook (such as it is) amounts to a handful of beat-you-over-the-head synthesizer notes played between verses. But those synths and flatly-delivered "vocals" burrow in your gray matter and put up residence there whether you like it or not.

The nearest sensation I can compare it to is that of listening to a Cold War-era Numbers Station: an encoded message, kept simple (for ease of reception) and repeated endlessly (to ensure delivery).

This is not a joke post. I'm genuinely suspicious of this song. It exudes something creeping and sinister and makes me glad I go most places wearing ear plugs. Has this sort of phenomenon been experienced by anyone else or have there been any known cases of encoded messages in popular music?

Thank you.


Coming from someone who is an artist: Yes. Most pop music is just a clever form of mind control. It creates imagery inside the listeners mind. This track 'Closer' is a good example of this form of mind control; no substance in lyrics same chord progressions etc.

Worse than this is ALL pop music from 2000 to 2013. "Call me Maybe" is the best worst example. Shit came out and immediately it was used in a Coke commercial.

I'm also a trained musician, and I agree. Heard the song countless times at the gym. IMO the specific message of that song is that you should ignore what a loser you've become because you've still got it and you're still attractive. Basically, normalizing mediocrity.

Mediocrity is normal

Lol well played.

Good point.

I always thought that song was just a tinder commercial.. another propaganda component to break up the family structure..

i think you meant either glorifying mediocrity or normalizing not wanting to better yourself. Or something like that.

Since the founding of the Tavistok Institute, programing and propaganda through "popular" art has been one of the main goals of TPTB

Yeah "glorifying" would be a better descriptor. Checking out "Tavistock Institute".

Shit came out and immediately it was used in a Coke commercial.

This is because corporations that release this stuff push it in everyone's faces. One might think "oh, it's popular for a reason" and guess the reason is that people like it. No, the reason it's popular is mere-exposure effect and the corporations who stand to profit investing a lot of money to ensure you can't escape their bullshit.

check it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mere-exposure_effect

Most people don't realize that the advertising industry drives everything in this country. Music and television are all paid though advertising dollars. FM/AM radio and TV are built on this model. Advertisers pay record executives and directors to find talent so they can then slap their products and consumer goods infront of said talent.

It's all about giving people a sense of good feelings through music and entertainment, then shoving products in their faces. "Man, this song gets me pumped! Love it! And they are playing that coke commercial again....."

It is more accurate to say that the great majority of pop-culture and, by extension mainstream pop-music, is meant to infantilize adults and normalize abnormal/unhealthy behavior.

It doesn't "mind-control" you as in turning you into a zombie - it is a more insipid process that attacks the weak willed.

"low life" future & weekend

have you listened to anything else future has put out? this song is literally no different than any of his other releases in terms of content. he's a trap artist, of course all of his shits gonna be about drugs and depressing stuff.

I didn't say it's absolute confirmation it just came to mind when I read his comment.

Just listened to this song, it's a pretty shit sounding song. Very vapid and spiritually bankrupt (depressing too) lyrics. Nice post OP, yeah all the radio "hits" have a bigger agenda. They makers and "writers" and "producers" behind them are either 1) Turning a blind eye and going with what they are told or they will be fired from their wage slave position or 2) They are knowingly and willingly participating in the brainwash process, and they are worshiping "lower powers" or basically have turned their back on Gods to perpetrate a degenerate Godless life. Not judging, just reporting. By the way I found it extremely odd that when I visited this song on youtube I got preroll ads for military stuff, proof here: http://imgur.com/a/ZZ1nd

Very interesting "coincidence." Maybe conditioning for upcoming ground invasion of Syria?

You're no coincidence theorist are you?

At most, you'd be seeing military ads because the military targets young people for recruitment (duh) and young people are more likely to watch pop music on youtube. So they'd be in the array of many different possibilities for your ad. Military advertisements are also everywhere the same way any other ads are, because why shouldn't they be. It doesn't mean there's a conspiracy between the military-industrial complex and a pop group.

When I played it on youtube, I got an advertisement for Royal Caribbean Cruises

I'm a retired man in central Africa. Not sure why you are saying.

Why did you put "hits" in quotes? It is a hit in that it is a very popular song, are you trying to say that it isn't? And why did you put "writers" and "producers" in quotes? Who are you quoting, or are you trying to say that this song came out of a government moldy making AI? Because it didn't, you can find the credits easily on it's Wikipedia page. One of the writers is the female vocalist in the song, and two of the other writers are members of the popular band the Fray. The Chainsmokers produced it. I wouldn't exactly call extremely successful musicians "wage slaves" when they undoubtedly have made small fortunes from writing songs and performing music.

There may be a brainwashing process going on in pop music today, and I may be too naive to see it, or maybe you and OP are so resistant to changes in the zeitgeist that you have to demonize it instead of coming to terms with the fact that some people might just like the song, and liked making it.

There are tons of examples of the person who was credited for the song not writing the song. The lawsuit last year for "Blurred Lines" revealed that asshole Thicke didn't write the song but got to put his name on it or else he would've never recorded it.

Lotta pop songs are written/produced by the same two guys, and they all sound like monotonous shit to me. Like "Closer," in fact. Monotonous shit.

The chainsmokers didn't steal this song though, they just produced what other people wrote. It's not the same as the Thicke+Pharrell situation.

And yeah, a lot of the pop songs we hear today are written by the same Swedish producers (eg Max Martin who produced early Britney Spears to the latest Taylor Swift) but this one wasn't. If it comes out that the credited writers didn't actually write it, there will be a lawsuit. If no one comes forward and sues them, there's a pretty good chance that they have full rights to sell it and didn't steal the melody/beat/lyrics.

Also I don't give two shits about your opinion of the song; that literally doesn't matter at all. Why include it in your post?

Do you know what goes on beneath the veil of the music industry AT ALL? People who write songs get paid to stay anonymous and not sue when the song is gets credited to somebody else. Since The Fray guys were involved in this particular (bad) song, it's probably not the case specifically here. What's ironic is that this song is much, much worse than any song by The Fray that I'm familiar with (I've got two of their albums, so I've probably missed some bad songs).

Also, I wasn't really addressing you directly. I was responding to your comment. My opinion on the (non)quality of the song was to agree with the original poster.

Thanks for your reply!

Do you have any proof of that AT ALL? You just make wild claims on the basis that that any large market HAS to be controlled by a NWO conspiracy. Why don't you people concern yourselves with actual conspiracies, not just the latest pot-fueled theories of every paranoid nut who is afraid that the pop songs are out to get him.

For the record I don't drink, smoke, or do drugs of any kind ;)

what is hyperbole

Thanks for your reply!

I guess you really don't have any facts, just total conjecture based solely on paranoia! Thanks for proving my point!

I'm sure you're familiar, but if not, you should read "Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon."


If in fact, you're not a disinfo type guy/gal. After all, you've got an incentive for corruption!

Holy Christ that is the worst attempt at wordplay using my screen name that I've ever seen. If you really think that I am disinfo just because I made a couple posts in a conspiracy board that I've never posted in before, that just adds credence to the possibility that you're all just paranoid.

I find this reply absolutely hilarious and would direct any of the subreddit's regular readers to have a good laugh at I4Cs expense.

I'm not even sure why I decided to enter this echo chamber

Are you willing to acknowledge the possibility that the credited authors aren't the actual authors? I think that's what the poster was alluding to.

No I'm not willing to jump to ridiculous conclusions that are fabricated just so the OP can rationalize why he's hearing a popular song so often.

You're oddly defensive about a pop song you're certain is wholly innocent.

No, I wasn't defending the song, really, just providing an alternate viewpoint.

I'm gonna have to side with this guy. I think saying that pop music is a deliberate form of mind control is really far-fetched.

I'll agree that it has mind-numbing effects and can be used as a marketting tool to sell shit to people, but saying that shitty pop is made spefically for mind control is crazy.

Shitty pop exists because a lot of people like happy upbeat songs with crap filler lyrics... It's repetitive and not very original because it's often made by people who have the bare minimum knowledge to be creating music and do it for profit.

Be weary of music in general, it can drill into your subconscious when you listen to it mindlessly.

music soothes the savage beast you are not listening to the right music

I'm just saying be mindful. A lot of people just zone out in a hypnotic state.

to me a world without music would be a very sad place

its a heart soul connection kinda thing and they seem to want to take all sorts of connections away from us

Agree, but I also understand that they use music against us at the same time.

o agreed most assuredly thats why i said the right music... some of the videos have really wacked out messages kids are sponges [and glued to screens]

what are you listening to?

ok this week alot of this.....


Watching him go to work makes it sound that much better.

its pretty awesome and shows just how hard work it all is

i also listen to this lately almost everyday enjoy....sorry for the commercials but its a great listen too [good vibes!]


then THAT is from too much smoke i imagine

How much are they paying you to plug this song I never heard of?


It's been a pretty popular song over the past few months and I've seen plenty of Facebook friends mention or share this song. Not so much here on Reddit though. I don't think OP is trying to 'plug this song', but rather point out something that has been brought up about pop music for quite some time.

Yeah, but see, the problem is that sometime's complaining about bullshit being crammed down your throat just ends up exposing more people to that thing that you hate being crammed down your throat. This topic could be discussed without op specifically mentioning that song, because we all know exactly what they're talking about with low-quality pop music being ubiquitous thanks to the media pushing it in our faces.

The song does suck. Loopy beat. Dumbest lyrics. I ask myself, if the duo is ever singing it on stage, realize how big tools they are? Do they seriously, in that moment, look into each others eyes, and be actually thinkng to themselves that theyre making history? "we aint never getting older..."

What, no link to Vigilant Citizen yet?

Check it out, OP: they do nothing but post theories on pop songs as forms of mind control.

Edit: I found the song to be bubblegum and uninspiring, but not necessarily sinister.

Welcome to the nhk.


It's a slow transition to what should/can be accepted. Just like TV, movies, and especially commercials.

This new Toyota ad has a montage of different people singing in their car when a warning signal suddenly comes on the dashboard alerting these two particular girls who don't realize they're SWERVING INTO FUCKING TRAFFIC.

I assume that's okay to do now.

That one song that's relatively new with the lyrics saying work sucks, got no money, but whatever I'm spending it at the club...

Don't know about this song, but Rhianna's earworm reminder to "Work work work work work work" rolls through my head all the time. It feels like I'm being encouraged to keep working a bland job. It's like I'm being subconsciously told to stay as cog in the machine, keep working without independent thought.

The whole rnb hip-hop scene is beyond occultic. TheWeeknd's new video is downright sinister

"I only listen to real music"

What did you have in mind?

anything really, just cause a song is on the radio doesnt mean it using mind control. can it be shitty? yeah. can it also be good? of course.

yeah this is ridiculous. saying that a popular song is on the radio as "mind control" is just absurd and has no basis whatsoever. the chainsmokers are a relatively popular group and this song wasn't that much different than their other stuff. is it overplayed on the radio? yeah probably but im willing to bet this isn't some form of mind control. i think it's just on the radio all the time because people love the song, and the radio stations want to attract as many listeners by playing popular songs, or those stations have a deal with the record labels to play their song.

Another great example : G-eazy - I Mean It

These things happen.

Listen closely there are some clever tricks going on, mostly binaural

It's not really a conspiracy, it's just oversaturation.

Cheainsmokers is a new act that just got signed to Sony. Sony is one of the big 3 major labels along with Warner & Universal. Combined, these 3 companies own pretty much everything so any time they release a new artist, it gets played everywhere.

They control the distribution, the production, the advertising & promotion, even the content if you do actually want to get conspiratorial. The music industry is a total joke. It's almost all corporate, run by guys in suits that base future trends off focus groups and statistics.

Lmao dawgzz "The Rolling Stones Paint It Black" (33). Also note that "The Rolling Stones" (212) = both "The Manhattan Project" & "Quentin Tarentino".

I'm a Babylonian Talmudist Vegan Feminist SJW Hypersigil Vampire Angel Witch Alien Cyborg Medusa & I know what I'm talking about.

I like the song and I'm not a blood thirsty SJW yet, is there something wrong with me?

If you take a few beers in a short period. Does that make you instantly an addict?

This is one of the dumbest things I've read all week. I'm not even that into mainstream pop music but I kinda like the song, gives good vibes when I hear it drunk at a party.

It lacks melody or structure? You can call it simplistic but that doesn't even make sense. It has a pretty catchy hook imo.

I come from a psychology background. There's nothing in this song that I can see could be, in any way, subversive to the level of mind control. Subliminal techniques are sketchy science at best, and you're not even presenting evidence of that in this song. The closest thing you're hinting towards is some kind of conditioning through music. If the hook from Closer does end up as some kind of call blasted through loudspeakers to war against the anti-globalists or whatever (which has nothing to do with the music), that'd be pretty tight tbh. I hope I have a beer in my hand for that. Would make a pretty sick movie too.

As far as the lyrics go, it just seems like a short romance story told through the state of life a lot of millennials are in, with reminiscence and a yearning to stay young. Literally one of the least politically disruptive songs I've ever heard. Am I the only one that doesn't get this.

It has a pretty catchy hook

Well, People 'like' Mcdonalds. While it's not great at all and has addictive substances in it which makes you "like it"

I come from a psychology background

I highly doubt that, you'd know the power binaural and isochronic. It's not mindcontrol. it's opening up the mind for suggestion. Mostly in a negative way without realizing it.

PS as a psychology student as yourself, surely you must know the movie 'being john malkovich' If not, i highly suggest watching it.

Haha I can get into slippery science like binaural beats all day. While some of these things are legitimate, people around here massively exaggerate their power.

Also, my background is in psychological research, not "I have a BA in psychology from my state university"

Movies are fictional stories that don't necessarily represent the science of reality. And yes, I have seen it.

I can get into slippery science like binaural beats all day

Slipperyscience.gov has a few theories on it... Might be worth checking a few out

Yeah. You're saying it as if I haven't researched this stuff already. I find all this stuff really interesting, that's why I occasionally browse this subreddit. Unfortunately, the majority of it doesn't hold up to the level of effects you're looking for.

Do sounds affect the brain? Sure. Music and our associations with the sounds contained can produce feelings of tenseness, relaxation, happiness, etc. Even independently without subjective associations, sounds can produce mild effects. But to the level of mind control? We're not even halfway at the point in science to have that discussion, and would be unlikely to ever reach such an advancement.

edit: I didn't mean to convey that I think binaural beats are pseudoscience. It isn't, it just doesn't produce any extreme effects.

You seem to post almost exclusively in non-conspiracy sports and fighting game subreddits. Can I ask what brought you to this thread?

I was bored at work reading r/conspiracy yesterday

Upvote for the only smart response in this thread. Everybody knows the chainsmokers are fucking terrible. Just because they are atrocious musically does not mean they built this tune to control your mind. I don't think they are smart enough to do that, they just genuinely think this garbage is good. What do you believe next, that the chainsmokers are being told what to do by the lizard people?

I saw them live a few years ago. Last year? Earlier this year? I cant remember.

i love that song ...trevor is brilliant as in nin

I'm also a trained musician, and I agree. Heard the song countless times at the gym. IMO the specific message of that song is that you should ignore what a loser you've become because you've still got it and you're still attractive. Basically, normalizing mediocrity.

No I'm not willing to jump to ridiculous conclusions that are fabricated just so the OP can rationalize why he's hearing a popular song so often.

Shit came out and immediately it was used in a Coke commercial.

This is because corporations that release this stuff push it in everyone's faces. One might think "oh, it's popular for a reason" and guess the reason is that people like it. No, the reason it's popular is mere-exposure effect and the corporations who stand to profit investing a lot of money to ensure you can't escape their bullshit.

check it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mere-exposure_effect

Most people don't realize that the advertising industry drives everything in this country. Music and television are all paid though advertising dollars. FM/AM radio and TV are built on this model. Advertisers pay record executives and directors to find talent so they can then slap their products and consumer goods infront of said talent.

It's all about giving people a sense of good feelings through music and entertainment, then shoving products in their faces. "Man, this song gets me pumped! Love it! And they are playing that coke commercial again....."

anything really, just cause a song is on the radio doesnt mean it using mind control. can it be shitty? yeah. can it also be good? of course.

Haha I can get into slippery science like binaural beats all day. While some of these things are legitimate, people around here massively exaggerate their power.

Also, my background is in psychological research, not "I have a BA in psychology from my state university"

Movies are fictional stories that don't necessarily represent the science of reality. And yes, I have seen it.

For the record I don't drink, smoke, or do drugs of any kind ;)

Thanks for your reply!

Yeah. You're saying it as if I haven't researched this stuff already. I find all this stuff really interesting, that's why I occasionally browse this subreddit. Unfortunately, the majority of it doesn't hold up to the level of effects you're looking for.

Do sounds affect the brain? Sure. Music and our associations with the sounds contained can produce feelings of tenseness, relaxation, happiness, etc. Even independently without subjective associations, sounds can produce mild effects. But to the level of mind control? We're not even halfway at the point in science to have that discussion, and would be unlikely to ever reach such an advancement.

edit: I didn't mean to convey that I think binaural beats are pseudoscience. It isn't, it just doesn't produce any extreme effects.