We need to pressure Hillary Clinton into releasing her banker speeches. This is more important than revealing all the crimes she'll never be punished for.

146  2016-10-06 by showmeurboobsplznthx


The content of the speeches is a big red herring.

Ultimately, it doesn't matter what she said to them. They didn't care what she had to say. The massive payments for the speeches is just how banks like Goldman Sachs and JPM Chase paid her off in anticipation of her run for president. It's a way of bribing her that convenient bypasses the FEC and campaign finance laws.

However, if you want to find a Hillary speech that really gives away her true intentions, check out her speeches to the Council on Foreign Relations.

I wonder if anyone can find a paid speech she never showed up for, or an obvious bribe.

Yeah, good call.

I know in the Clinton Cash documentary it mentioned how after Hillary was successfully nominated as Sec. of State, Bill's speaking fee jumped from $200,000 a speech to $500,000 a speech.

I don't think that she or any of her people would be stupid enough to have a recording or transcript of any of that shit.

A rider document was leaked which states the requirements for a Hillary Clinton speech appearance. It clearly states that the host of the event must pay a $1000 dollar flat fee for a stenographer to create "an immediate transcript of Secretary Clinton's remarks". It also states that, "We will be unable to share a copy of the transcript following the event."

Source: https://theintercept.com/2016/02/05/heres-what-clintons-paid-speaking-contract-looks-like/

Hillary was also given billions to rebuild Haiti. Haiti wasn't rebuilt. Just because she accepted money for transcripts, doesn't mean there are transcripts.

If there were, BitBleached.

You don't think Hillary would be that stupid?? I would have to disagree. ;)

stupid and senile (dementia)

Or it just sounds like a speech with nothing pointing to any type of corruption.

If I was the person at "said" company that theoretically thinks its a good idea to pay a hundred grand for what could somehow amount to a motivational speech in the end, I must admit I would feel rather ripped off. Just sayin'.

She didn't give promises in speeches. She took money. She made promises. She may or may not have gave speeches. My guess is she didn't.

I was thinking the same. Just a bill shit way to accept bribes

Tony B'Liar took in millions after his sacking from the PM job in the UK.

he laid low for several years, not a whisper about him in news, avoided arrest for war crimes, then surfaced in some podunk gulf state and gave a speech for five million or so...

hilarious, an out and out payolla bribe after the fact.

And she sucked dick. And she liked it. I love 3 word sentences. One after another. Has a nice ring to it reading it. Back.

While Hillary will never release those transcripts, we can examine an excerpt from a speech she gave during her 6 year tenure on the Walmart board of directors (86-92).

From 2008, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuZhwV24PmM

Barack Obama - Hillary Clinton Debate on CNN, "While I was working on those streets, watching those folks see their jobs shipped oversees, you were a corporate lawyer sitting on the board of Walmart".


If we had an honest media just playing the back an forth clips of Hillary/Obama tearing into each other would have been enough to sink Hillary lol.

I don't even need to watch that to already know it's some type of fucked-up shit she did that was illegal and or immoral. No, NOT OUR AMERICAN TREASURE H-ILARY.

I'd like to know the dialog when Obama and HRC met with the Bilderburg group about 8 years ago.

Both are good, yes :)

I don't think that there even were speeches at all.

There were no speeches. It is all just a way of writing off bribes.

no. she should just be put straight in jail. i dont think there is much arguing that point, homie.

Can someone explain how HC couldn't just get someone to type up a normal looking speech and pass it off as legit? She is wayyy more corrupt than faking speeches. And nothing is beyond her when it comes to lying.

Most everything has a digital marker for time created and location. Most printers do this too. She could fake them but it would be pointless. She never gave speeches. It was just a way pay bribes

Good points.

You don't think Hillary would be that stupid?? I would have to disagree. ;)

A rider document was leaked which states the requirements for a Hillary Clinton speech appearance. It clearly states that the host of the event must pay a $1000 dollar flat fee for a stenographer to create "an immediate transcript of Secretary Clinton's remarks". It also states that, "We will be unable to share a copy of the transcript following the event."

Source: https://theintercept.com/2016/02/05/heres-what-clintons-paid-speaking-contract-looks-like/

Most everything has a digital marker for time created and location. Most printers do this too. She could fake them but it would be pointless. She never gave speeches. It was just a way pay bribes

Or it just sounds like a speech with nothing pointing to any type of corruption.