Disclosure thanks to Wikileaks - Astronaut says Vatican is aware of ET intelligence

687  2016-10-07 by austenten

I quickly searched the new Podesta email leak and found this email in about five minutes.

**Astronaut Edgar Mitchell's email to John Posta - Chair of Hillary's campaign - says the Vatican is aware of ET Intelligence,

"It is urgent that we agree on a date and time to meet to discuss Disclosure and Zero Point Energy, at your earliest available after your departure. My Catholic colleague Terri Mansfield will be there too, to bring us up to date on the Vatican’s awareness of ETI.... ".

For those wondering what ETI stands for, Extraterrestrial Intelligence.


Best regards, Edgar Edgar D. Mitchell ScD Chief Science Officer & Founder Quantrek Apollo 14 astronaut 6th man to walk on the Moon

Read the full email here

Oh and if this gets voted down, it'll merely confirm vote control in this sub.


Project Blue Beam. Just saying people....

I'm just going to leave my reply here...

This is nothing but an email sent by a known UFO/ETI fanatic, Terri Donovan Mansfield. Notice that if you search her email through Wikileaks' search engine, only emails SENT BY terrimansfield@aol.org show up. Keep in mind, ANYONE could have sent John Podesta an email, and it could have potentially showed up on these recent leaks.

On the "About" section of her official website, you can deduce that this person is actually batshit insane. Here's a direct quote from her brief description:

Terri Donovan Mansfield is the Executive Vice President for Fundraising in the Public Interest (FPI), founded by President and CEO Suzanne Mendelssohn, PhD, Earth’s only ETI obedience healer as well as science intuitive for tau neutrino zero point energy (ZPE).

What the hell is an "ETI obedience healer" to begin with? I firmly believe that the email sent is real, but it is nothing more than a spam email sent by a fanatic. That's just what I gathered after quick research.

So no, this isn't "Project Blue Beam", save your tinfoil hats for later.

Considering Edgar Mitchell would have been about 84 at this time, it makes sense he needed a close friend to send emails on his behalf, hence his mentioning Terri and Terri's cousin in the email. Example:

My Catholic colleague Terri Mansfield will be there too

...but then the author signs off as Edgar, with 6th man on the moon in his signature as well as that personal PS line.

So I have a theory, Assange is going to slowly push full disclosure, by releasing carefully chosen Podesta emails in 2000 email batches, to ease people into this over the next 6 months or so. Those following this issue know that Podesta has been all for disclosure. The kicker is that if Assange can push any president to admit to full disclosure, in addition to overwhelm social media and eventually mainstream media to cover this topic, that's likely the ONE thing that will absolve him of all wrongdoing. The corrupt infrastructure that's keeping him under house arrest would surely break down within about a year of full disclosure, so he can return home, just like ET. [See what I did there]

I just wonder about the 6th man to walk on the moon part. I'm real curious how they got outside of low earth orbit and through the Van Allen Belt in them old hunks...

You....need to learn a bit more math and physics. Do that, and you'll understand how they got past the Van Allen Belt.

And does that describe why we have never gone back?

But seriously, there are many interesting questions regarding the moon landings, why we stopped going, no rovers I believe there, some of the astronauts comments, etc.


I'd suggest researching the issue a bit more thoroughly before making a bunch of debunked hoaxer statements... There are a lot of reasonable explanations why we didn't go back, and why we're looking at going back in the next 10-15 years.

At any rate, the simplest reason we never went back: Money. Its very, very expensive to go to the moon. A single Saturn V rocket cost $1 billion USD, and that doesn't include any of the support costs associated with a flight. During the height of the Apollo program, NASA got 4.5% of the entire federal budget. Today, its 0.5%. Even in the 1970's (shortly after Apollo ended), the budget was cut significantly - the budget went from 2% of federal spending to 1% by the end of the decade.

If you look at the history of spaceflight on all the missions afterwards, there's been a common, somewhat understandable trend: smaller probes, cheaper probes, and more often. During the Apollo era, you had a rocket capable of putting ~100,000kg into LEO. Today, because of budget cuts, the best rockets currently put about 30,000kg into LEO. However, the trend is reversing pretty quickly with SLS, ITS, and New Glenn, among other rockets.

Also, I'd suggest looking into the Chinese reconnaissance pictures of the moon landing sites. If we didn't go, then the Chinese could have easily called us out on it, but instead provided hi-rez pictures of everything we left on the moon.

And on the other side, why we're going back soon: Costs to get payload into orbit are plummeting due to SpaceX and likely what Blue Origin is bringing soon, due to re-usability. That billion-dollar-rocket that took people to the moon 50 years ago is getting re-built and updated by SpaceX/Blue Origin, and the cost is dropping from a billion USD to $100 million, and a lot of the huge overhead costs (tracking, pilots, ect) are getting cheaper, too, due to technology innovations making it cheaper to do missions.

Really, thanks for taking the time for the nice post. I've only seen a few videos talking about the missions and they brought up good points against, as you did for. Will dig further. Best

I believed a lot of the same things you did, before I started understanding rocketry and how spaceflight works.. Ultimately, it comes down to the fact that the government spent a lot (and I mean a lot) of money on the Apollo missions... If you get into rocketry and understanding space flight, you realize how much money the government poured into the designs, and they pushed technology so far in 10 years, there really isn't a way to compare it to anything the government (really) has done prior, or done again.

But again, it all comes down to money - various administrations have tried to make it a point to go back to the moon, but the next one usually kills the program. George Bush wanted us to go back and started pushing the Constellation Program for us to go back to the moon.

Guess how long the program lasted? 'Till he left office. Then Obama started the Space Launch System, which really doesn't quite have the Lunar goal, but the Space Launch System (which is close to being done) looks really similar to the Ares I that Bush-era NASA proposed.. So yeah, the various administrations have rather screwed over the idea of going back to the moon, because they want to take credit for it, as opposed to a prior administration. Alternatively, its why SpaceX or Blue Origin will probably get to the moon or Mars first - since they're private corporations, there's no 4 or 8 year cycle that scrubs their ideas.

edit one note that may come up: "Why not spend all that money, and just fake the moon landing/save the money?" - one great issue is that we've been using all the technology developed during the Apollo era on pretty much every craft since we went to the moon. For example, the 4th Stage LH2/Lox engine, the J-2 was absolutely revolutionary when it was put on the Saturn - its why we went to the moon and the Soviets didn't (LH2 is vastly more efficient to get to the moon, or outside of Earth's orbit than any other fuel used prior).. J-2 engines are still being updated and are candidates for recent rockets, like the Bush-era Constellation vehicles. Actually, it's also on the in-development SLS. Its finally being surpassed by modern Methlox engines, but its taken 50 years to find something better, and even then, rival nations have barely begun to utilize LH2-derived engines, which NASA figured out in the 60's. Why? Because NASA hasn't had that kind of money available since then, and NASA developed so much good technology that they (likely) advanced rocket technology about 30 years in the same span, due to that much funding.

Another note is that the math on the Saturn V makes no sense to fake it all... Everyone saw the Saturn V launch, and unless NASA lied about engine specs (which doesn't work when those engines were used on other space craft), then it means they did launch a 6-million-pound rocket... If you put up that much stuff in space, then it should go somewhere. If you put up that much stuff, why not the moon? Or another tantalizing target? If you just wanted to fake a launch, you could have used a lot of other, smaller, rockets... But no, they used the biggest one ever created.


So no, this isn't "Project Blue Beam", save your tinfoil hats for later.

LMAO. What ever dude. Keep believing in space men. Who is wearing the tin foil hat?

It's up to you to decide what to believe in. I honestly don't buy into the whole "the end is nigh" conspiracy theories. However, the email in question was sent by a fuckwit. Are you really just going to believe whatever a fuckwit says? That would just make you a fuckwit by association.

You mean a fucktard, the cousin to the domestic fuckwit.

We accept all view points here on /r/conspiracy. Also please check out rule 4.

As do I, I'm open to many ideas. It's mainly the reason why I keep asking him to show me evidence.

Do you not know what Project Blue Beam, is? Curious timing.. I'm not saying the end is near, and you can keep calling me a fuckwit all you want. I'm not saying it's legit, I'm saying, nothing in politics happens by happen stance/chance - Tis' planned. Seems we are lost in translation. You showed your colours though, so..... Whatever...

If you say tis and use ellipses in casual conversation, you are a fuckwit.

And of course things in politics can happen by chance try to see out of the hole you live in.

Keep calling me a fuck twit...

Fuck wit*

I agree with this

Can you ELI5 project blue beam?

  1. Gov says aliens
  2. Not aliens but them
  3. Unite against aliens
  4. NWO (never again - shit that was scary).

Project Blue Beam is supposedly a government operation in which an alien invasion and a second coming of Jesus Christ will be faked. This will be to establish a New World Order that the Antichrist will be head of.

One of this theory's main supporters was Serge Monast who presented his allegations in 1994 and he later wrote and published a book about it called Project Blue Beam.

I didn't call you a fuckwit, pardon me, it seems you've misunderstood. What I was getting at was that if an email is enough to trigger your shrewd brain under your tinfoil hat, you might be a fuckwit. You are definitely in the clear if you do not believe in it, though.

I'm aware of what Project Blue Beam is. I don't believe in it, I think it's pure hogwash. Feel free to convince me that it's not, and also show me how PBB is related to this email.

Keep adding insults, to insults, and expect me to talk to you? Lol, you high? Nah, I'm straight. You're pretty transparent... Take it EZ.

Again, I never insulted you. If you are insulted, it's probably because you do, in fact, believe in PBB.

Again, I never insulted you.

Yes, yes you did. You should probably read what you wrote. Tis' not just me you insulted, but many, many, others...

it's probably because you do, in fact, believe in PBB.

Blue Beam? It's a fact and unclassified. You know, like REX 84. Calling people fucktwits and tin foil hat wearing, is insulting, especially when we are justified in curiosity and doubt of how honest the government is.

You should reassess your approach. But, what do I know. I'm just a tin foil hat wearing "fuck twit"...

I'm going to ignore the insults since now you're actually talking.

How is Blue Beam a fact and unclassified? Can you point me to official, unclassified, authentic NASA/govt. documents that say so? Or, could it possibly be cognitive bias at work?

Oh, so now you want to "ignore insults" when it was you who presented them? Convenient. What if I told you, to get bent? Nah, I'll say it: Get bent.

You're right. I'm sorry, I mean it. Sincerely.

Now, could you show me the evidence?

Did I stutter? Ga, ga, get bent, bitch ;)

If I get bent, will the evidence appear?


Why so critical? Because you two don't have the same beliefs?

I don't like his snotty tone. Maybe we are lost in translation....

Nope, the dude is just a dick with a snotty tone.

Fair enough

Hey Dusty! How is that new mod thread going, for just CSS help? Oh right... I won... and it was taken down. You're a joke, bruh... Don't you got Snowden's ass to sniff? I digress...

Uhh, what the hell is your problem tonight?

Lots of things. What the hell went on with that thread. Already talked to others... You seem to still have a stick up your ass, even though I thought it was water under the bridge... It came and gone, even though the community spoke. I don't give a shit either way, but it's curious...

What are you talking about? Talked to others?

I'll say it clear for you (I know you're special). You're a mod, what happened to the post? Make sense? Goooood. What happened?

Agreed. My clue was that Daniel Sheehan--who has been a bulwark against deepstate abuses in the past, and generally not an asshole--has been talking about the vatican exposing the 'big secret' that there are aliens. His two organizations, the christic institute and the romero institute are fully Jesuit funded, although he himself claims not to be (debunk me on this). I like Sheehan, despite him being aligned with Jesuits, because he's done proven work for the underclass and for 'regular people'.

Sheehan was one of the constitutional lawyers that was included to evaluate the recent WTC7 evaluation results and seems convinced 911 was an inside job, asking all the right questions, so you can conclude he's not totally darkside.

But like many control grid operators they love to mix fact with fiction, it's just with Sheehan it's like 99:1 ratio. That's what makes the seduction so compelling. I know for certain that Jesuits are control grid, but perhaps even they themselves have factions and it's still possible that Sheehan has been psyopped himself, by their ongoing appeal to his vanity, making him a rube. For example, when he took the case for the church of scientology, he was shown 'their biggest secrets', etc. I've considered he could just be a useless idiot himself and that the secret 'consciousness experiments results' he's been privy to were maybe themselves (verylikely) skewed to give the impression that things aren't as they seem, when in fact they are exactly that.


Mitchell sent an email to Podesta. End of story AFAIK.

He has been talking about UFOs for decades. This is nothing new, sadly.



Hillary has talked about UFOs publicly, and has promised to shed some light on the subject.

She's probably lying though.

However, she and Bill did get a briefing from the late Laurance Rockefeller (UFO disclosure advocate, grandson of John D. Rockefeller, brother of David).

Oh, and Mitchell wasn't the only astronaut advocating UFO disclosure. Mercury astronaut Gordon Cooper was also a public believer, and there are good interviews with him (on camera) online.

Other notable public UFO disclosure advocates include Paul Hellyer, former secretary of defense in Canada. Plus at least a few dozen high ranking military (including admirals and generals) and intelligence officials (+ scientists and flight controllers) from the US and other Western countries. There are quite a few good eyewitness testimonies available on YouTube.

I agree, without confirmation from Podesta this is nothing new.

I'm very interested by the email, but have no idea where find more information regarding people trying to hide & cover the true on ETI.

Check out The Disclosure Project and Sirius Disclosure on YouTube.

It isn't new. There are rumors Podesta knows some deep state secrets on UFO's however. I suspect Wiki's targeting the election and not putting out UFO stuff.

This is Russia's disclosure from the link above, it's from foxnews. Interesting...


what does contiguous universe mean?

i would imagine that would exclude other dimensions.

Yeah how to fake an alien invasion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pM4tkJGSSaU

Why Obama? Give that shit to Carter please.

I want to believe.

Look at the email address that sent it to podesta. Looks fake

Email matches those listed on the terrimansfield.com website. Spent some time on that site, rather... Interesting.

Reference to the Vatican being "aware" of ETI I believe had more to do with a conference that was apparently held there in 2009, in which ETI was discussed hypothetically and how it would impact religious life. I don't believe the Vatican acknowledged the eslxistence of ETI, but who knows..

The oldest UFO sighting on record, was Christopher Columbus. Who stated he saw a craft come up out of the ocean and rise shining brightly in the night sky, appearing simular to the star of david. In the area close to the Bermuda triangle. Upon return to Europe Christopher Columbus was called to the Vatican for an "interview" about the incident. That interview report is stashed away in the Vatican vaults next to the dead sea scrolls.

NASA has been hiding the truth from the beginning.

Interested. Haven't heard that story before. Can you provide a source of some kind?

It was recorded in his ship log, 1492... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1492_light_sighting

Probably a hot rock that came over the horizon. I want aliens too but you gotta eliminate undetailed accounts and word-of-mouth to get at what's real.

Is podesta actually relying and agreeing with these people?

no responses show up on the wikileaks page.

He implied that we have been visited several times;


another one from the same email: https://www.wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/1766

check out the email at the bottom of this page: http://www.terrimansfield.com/terri/

i mean... now that i'm reading this website, it just seems like these are some insane fucking people who were probably emailing some nonsense to Podesta. i like the peace message they push, but they also get into this god stuff... and they're not exactly hush hush about their ETI and zero point energy coming to earth.

the emails seemed exciting at first, but now i'm having trouble taking it seriously.

Someone pointed out in my similar post from another subreddit:


This was a few months after the Email ID 1802. Could be a coincidence but in my experience, there is no such thing as a coincidence.

I know that he has always been a big proponent for disclosure so there's that as well. However, this is roughly 4% of the entirety of emails so keep that in mind.

I dunno, guy was what, 84 at the time? That's exactly the demographic I would assume is still using an AOL email.

I don't think it's a fake email, but just because Podesta received an email from someone doesn't mean he acknowledged it or even knew what the fuck the guy was talking about. If there was some response from Podesta confirming his agreement about ETI, I might be a little less skeptical, but you can't stop random people from emailing you.

Mitchell was a huge UFO disclosure advocate till the day he died. Podesta still is.

Show me the Podesta response :)

I don't have the response.

Here's more on Podesta and UFO's, though:


These guys are famous, they likely had aliases up the Ying yang to avoid spam and hundreds of sales people targeting them, to hold onto onto a modicum of privacy.

I also think it's weird that he signs apollo 14 astronaut 6th man to walk on the moon.

I get being proud of that but would you really put in an email like that. Every time I read it I hear mother of dragons, storm born, first of her name, Queen of the andals, and the first men

Even if it's fake, you can easily find several clips of both Mitchell, Podesta and other high level people admitting -- on camera -- that they believe in intelligent ET's visiting Earth. Dozens of such clips are on YouTube.

Aliens are real. Your government is not a democracy. Your elections are rigged. They have been lying to you all for decades.

Y'all need to rise up.

This is nothing new.

Religious nut-jobs have believed in invisible men in the sky for over 2000 years.

lot longer than 2000 years, buddy. civilizations have created deities forever and have been around a lot longer than that.

Proof of ancient aliens/s

The truth is out there.

Really putting on my tinfoil hat here, Edgar D. Mitchell died on Feb 4th, 2016. According to my google search:

"Edgar D. Mitchell, lunar module pilot for Apollo 14 and the sixth human to walk on the moon, died peacefully in his sleep following a short illness. His death on February 4, 2016 coincided with the 45th anniversary of the Apollo 14 flight (January 31 – February 9, 1971). He was 85 years old."

I wonder if he was going to go public, or release more information and the government had him taken care of.

He already went public - interviewed with Dr. Steven Greer. He was a great man, his push for disclosure was most likely FOR humanity, not for fame. I mean heck he already had "6th man on the moon" on his resumé!

I wouldn't put his death past the powers that be, I mean look at the Clinton kill list! I do lean more to of natural causes given his ripe age though.

Yes, I know. I was just going full tinfoil hat. He most likely died of natural causes, it's just interesting that he died a few weeks after those emails.

I like how your prior to someone dying by Hillary's hand is higher than your prior for someone dying at 85.

All Mitchell did was "go public". It's nonsense. That website is nonsense. Read the about section. They only fundraise with billionaire? What does that mean?

Globalists, probably like George Soros.

Yeah, there is some batshit craziness on that site. They work with aliens that directly serve God?

I wonder if he was 85 :)

I find this interesting (the ETI thing) but let's not get carried away. Sometimes 85 year olds die.

Does this prove anything? The E-mails are from Terri/Edgar to Podesta, but not inversely.... Could they simply be cooky and sent a random E-mail or two to Mr. Podesta, or would this involve communication between both parties?

(Posting here as I found the E-mails from another subreddit, and am trying to make sense of it).

I was wondering the same thing...I'm curious as to who this refers to:

I appreciate Eryn’s assistance in working with Terri to set up our meeting.

Maybe his secretary? Found this in another email:

JP > --Sent from my iPad-- > john.podesta@gmail.com > For scheduling: eryn.sepp@gmail.com

I wish I could sticky your comment, given all the denials in this thread that oh it's just spam from a guy named Terri. It's quite believable that Terri was helping Edgar manage emails, or at least this meeting given his challenges with computers at 84 some odd.

Wouldn't the other emails, if they existed, be searchable?

Seems like a hail mary attempt from Mitchell. Interesting, but nothing to get excited about IMO.

Nope, though Podesta himself is an interesting story regarding UFOs/aliens, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khqZEXpfwjE

These beliefs are not cooky at all, Podesta believes the same type of stuff.

If alien disclosure were meant to be a distraction wouldn't this be the Best way to introduce it to conspiracy "nuts" that are aware of fake attempts. Maybe they're giving us pieces to put together to feel like we are solving the riddle in order for us to believe it.

That's a good point but, really, do we "need" evidence? It's safe to assume they're at least out there, let alone have been here.

Every day I'm just impressed by how big and weird the planet is because of all the things in all the places that I see on the internet.

Yesterday a Twitch streamer was just casually playing video games in the middle of the hurricane in Florida.

Multiple cooperating human beings in this world literally spent time and money both creating and publishing TubGirl and Lemon Party.

Whatever you can imagine exists out there probably does exist out there, and that just goes for earth. Space is too big not to have other life. At LEAST life "not as we know it."

you really think it's strange that humans like smut

Do we need evidence? of course! things like zero point energy would change the oil and gas paradigm. We could have clean energy, our whole world would change. That's why they're so scared of disclosure.

The proof is out there. It just depends what you're willing to believe. Our whole world would change yes, so we're expecting the people in control to confirm our beliefs? Why does all the information we receive have to come from perceived authority? There's plenty of personal accounts, even if 50-90% are fake and bullshit, there are the ones that are true.

I agree, and I'm already a believer. Its the majority of the population that needs more proof before they will act, and action is what we need if we expect to change anything. Its up to us as a people to stand together and demand change.


The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.

This has the potential to be absolutely huge, I hope more people pick up on it. Are these emails confirmed to be real? I'm a bit out of the loop.

Also, how great would it be to include "6th man to walk on the moon" at the end of your emails.

not as great as the first 5

Podesta is seen as an advocate in deep UFO circles. Hillary has talked about this topic a few times. I doubt these leaks "if real" will get any attention from mainstream. I think they're aware of strange phenomena's, understanding them enough to let the public in on the unknowns is another story.


Phenomena is already the plural form of phenomenon. Also, no apostrophes for plurals.

I remember reading r/Conspiracy has Alien and other ridiculous threads come up whenever someone wants to make the subreddit sound bad. Now that Clinton emails are out, this thread shows up.

Its up because Wikileaks leaked a bunch of emails and these ones were with them.

It plays into the globalist handbook and I think a lot of people would run to religion or the old gods out of comfort. Win win maybe?

Or unite the world together as one against a common enemy. One from the heavens.

I find some alien threads quite interesting. Like many, I want to believe, I just haven't seen enough evidence to accept that we have made contact with alien life forms. Hopefully we get to see an open first contact in our lifetimes.

This is nothing but an email sent by a known UFO/ETI fanatic, Terri Donovan Mansfield. Notice that if you search her email through Wikileaks' search engine, only emails SENT BY terrimansfield@aol.org show up. Keep in mind, ANYONE could have sent John Podesta an email, and it could have potentially showed up on these recent leaks.

On the "About" section of her official website, you can deduce that this person is actually batshit insane. Here's a direct quote from her brief description:

Terri Donovan Mansfield is the Executive Vice President for Fundraising in the Public Interest (FPI), founded by President and CEO Suzanne Mendelssohn, PhD, Earth’s only ETI obedience healer as well as science intuitive for tau neutrino zero point energy (ZPE).

What the hell is an "ETI obedience healer" to begin with? I firmly believe that the email sent is real, but it is nothing more than a spam email sent by a fanatic. That's just what I gathered after quick research.

So no, it is not "Project Blue Beam", you cognitively biased goofs.

batshit insane

Well, you might think Podesta's personal views are not aligned, but he believes the same type of stuff. This is not surprising if you look into his past - hence how I found this info, knowing what to search for etc.

If he believes in this, it doesn't make it any truer. It just means that that's what he believes, for all we know, he could easily just be a bit looney, too. Or who knows, maybe this is real, and I'm a CTR shill trying to shush this story because it's true.


The bitch is cray cray...

Logging in to bump and comment on this saying, "HOLY SHIT!"

The Vatican has always been aware of ETs. They call them angels and demons.

I tried to vote up, wtf is this shit?

This is the highest vote count I've seen in about 20 minutes though, so there's that.

The vote shills are trying to do their job, but I doubt they have thousands of VPN accounts. :-]

you realize the difference between setting up 1 and 20,000 is the time to write a script to do it for you right

Dear Humans

we the ETI (Extraterrestrial Intelligence) have had operatives embedded into your society for many long years , they report back they have seen your planet full of war and violence towards each other and have bore witness to your cinematic motion pictures based upon "Alien" contact or space exploration and the reports were alarming . we there for concluded that the human race are to be confined to their own planet as they are malevolent war like beings and far to eager to enslave others .

we the ETI leave you with one simple message -

keep your war mongering to your selves , all your paedo government/priests . corruption and greed , all your big headed movie actors , all your rapists ( see government / priests / movie actors ) all your drug dealers , all your corrupt law enforcement officers and officials on your own fucking planet because we do not want that shit spreading here ..

We there for concluded that the human race are to be confined to their own planet as they are malevolent war like beings and far to eager to enslave others.

Hello, ET. Thank you for joining us Earthlings here on Reddit. I hope you enjoy the conversation.

Yes, because obviously making arbitrary decisions about what other species are and are not permitted to do, clearly makes you so much more enlightened than us. Also, if you really were that much more advanced, our technology would not be a threat to you at all. It's not even as though what we have (that is publically acknowledged, at least) is all that advanced, anywayz; the corporate world has done its' level best to keep us chained to the 1950s ever since that decade ended. Failbook doesn't count as Utopian in my mind.

Granted, many of us are malevolent war-like beings; but we also have porn.


Is there anyone like Gianna on your planet? I hope so, for your sake.

thank you for the reply Human , from it we have started a movement on our home world AlienLivesMatter# and have started to issue all our race with fire arms in the event Humans make it here , as we first feared you are interested in our women .. they have made a retreat into the core of the planet and have vowed not to engage in sex with us until we stop the humans , diplomacy has failed

Granted, many of us are malevolent war-like beings; but we also have porn.


Is there anyone like Gianna on your planet?

Yikes. Yikey-yikes.

"Aliens" and secret advanced technology is the BIGGEST COVER-UP in human history, this is where all problems/solutions begin and end !

The amount of disinformation in today's world is IMMENSE, how did we let this world become so... so EVIL ?!

Folks, for context, Podesta (the target of the hack, and the recipient of these emails) as a long history of advocating for, and publicly urging the government to disclose information on UFOs

This article from WaPo gives some good background:


I think the simplest possible explanation is that Mitchell and Podesta do have some kind of relationship, and are continuing their correspondence. Keep in mind that the release today is only a fraction of the total emails obtained by Wikileaks.

and are continuing their correspondence.

Mitchell is dead, unfortunately.

This is interesting content, but I downvoted because "if this gets downvoted, there's vote control" is faulty reasoning and I won't be manipulated into giving upvotes like that.

Fair enough, I've just gotten tired of the PR push of Hillary and Trump articles in /r/Conspiracy.

Agreed on that point, but I'm not the happiest with the quality of this post either. Wikileaks is invoked to give this story currency, but there's not an ounce of new substance, just some old ufologists cold calling on a presidential adviser and apparently receiving no response.

This is John Podesta's public gmail address. Literally anyone can send him a email on here. The former astronaut referenced is well known for espousing this kind of belief. The "Terry" guy who actually sent the email has a website up that talks about all this exact stuff. None of the claims are new and the fact that he sent them in an email to someone important is not news. If their stuff has merit, we should be addressing it based on that, not based on the false airs of legitimacy something has for showing up with the name wikileaks on it.

Don't worry, I'm sure there will be much more definitive evidence, given Podesta's history.


Extra-dimensional entities/intelligence.

Shit, I knew about inter-dimentional alien entities the first time DMT was smoked.

Were they blue?

I wouldn't even be able to tell you.

If anything, they were every color in the spectrum.

Man what. i've heard from a few people, they seem to be blue in color. It would have been semi mind-blowing if you saw them as blue too...

le sigh

[Edited] Religions seem to be nullifying knowledge of how technology might work.

here: building a sand structure that looks like a monitor and expecting the sand structure to function as a monitor will most likely result in idiotic behavior.

I am not sure if you are offering supportive commentary or arguments.

referring to what "Time2SinTime2Live" said.

In at least one email.

anyone know if the disclosure project conference in mid 2001 was legit? 911 surely looked like a distraction for it

Oh, I'm disappointed - though I believe this is real.

"Awareness" is a media-speak term that often means "Having some sort of opinion on an issue." If you read this as, "Let's have a meeting and you can tell me what you think about this," I think it's pretty accurate.

The real key would be getting a transcript of the actual meeting!!!

This will only come as a surprise or even a shock to skeptics and those less informed (aka too wrapped up unto their own bubble worlds)... while the rest will just say this is a soft disclosure. Some that know more will say that this is nothing for what it's about to be "revealed" in the next 4-5 years, it is up to every individual to be ready, informed and realize what is true and what is a lie.

As long as there is big oil, military industrial complex and evil secret societies etc... technologies like zero point energy (this kind of tech has been know for a LONG time) will never be available to everyone, unless humanity as a whole says ENOUGH we don't want to live in a world like this anymore or is forced to a braking point when it already be too late !


Let's say there's aliens... what's the government's angle in covering it up?

  1. A transnational shadow government mostly made up of corporate big wigs have been secretly developing space faring tech and crafts AND mining.
  2. Some government employees have been in on it but they treat their government counterparts and even more senior officials with disdain because they are not privy to the secret space program knowledge. Most of these I guess act like spies, and act to circumvent disclosure because those in control of the secret space program have gotten out of control.
  3. Those in government that have been made aware have wanted to out the truth, but they could not. See Obama on Jimmy Kimmel, everyone said he was joking but Obama was not smiling, "That's what we're instructed to say.
  4. Before those in the governments (all around the world) found out through trusted sources that the secret space program exists, they would deny it's existence. They were merely perpetuating info suppression so as not to embarrass those government officials who were on record in the past as denying the existence of ETs as well as to maintain the integrity of the government as a whole.

This is a highly complex issue, with many many different motives, agendas and justifications, so there really is no one single angle.

OK. I don't mean to seem to confrontational, I like to hear different points of view, but I do have a follow up question:

If we have a secret space program (apparently a interstellar one), why is it when we want to send somebody to the "international" space station, we have to hitch a ride with the Russians? Actually, we're not hitching, we pay them.

It follows the concept of a breakaway civilization. The idea is that if a covert group were given access and funding to study and developed alien tech since back in the 40's at least then by now that group is so far beyond what we have in the public that they are essentially a whole different breakaway group now. Most everyone in NASA or nearly anybody else in government doesn't know about them.


we've done more for less.

You can use Reddit insight to track manipulation.

Remember, our nonviolent ETI from the contiguous universe are helping us bring zero point energy to Earth.

They will not tolerate any forms of military violence on Earth or in space.


First wave in the hologram-invasion disinformation campaign?

From: email headers are easily faked. Most email modules have an option to set the sender to whatever you want it to be and it'll still go through, especially on a home email server like Hillary's.

Would his email address really contain the word "billionairs"? Seems unlikely

So now that it isn't downvoted, can we conclude that the vote in this sub is not controlled?

Nope, simply that those shills who are controlling voting in this sub ran out of VPN accounts (must appear to come from different locations, a different user account is needed but is not enough in Reddit vote count eyes) because there were too many users voting this thread up for them to repress.

TPTB may control the world and follow everyone's movement all the time, but they can't operate a botnet to control a controlled forum.

Of course not, but I didn't say anything about TPTB. I said merely I'll know that this sub is vote controlled.

However I will say, that "leaders" are controlled, while manahers do their bidding. It's just like a bureaucratic heirarchy, where each level of mamager or director is compartmentalized, so one truly knows what's happening at the top. Forum manipulation is on the lowest level, basically like a secretary with some IT skills.

There is some AI software that would be able to take care of commenting and voting on forums, like running a script, but I sure as heck do not think a trillionaire is spending his time downvoting a redditor - haha! He is probably at least a dozen levels removed from this type of task.

John Podesta RECEIVED an email from a cult like group from terrimansfield.com.

There was NO reply.

This is useless.

I've been arguing that at Edgar's age, he needed people to help him send emails. Signed by Edgar, and includes personal notes that the account owner could not have spoken to.

It means Extraterritorial Income ya nutjob

Name calling in this context simply means you are the most unmovable from your own belief system. If Full Disclosure happens, you will likely be emotionally paralyzed for a few days, so you might as well start breaking down your belief system sooner rather than later. Research and reflect.

Luckily for you, Partial Disclosure is more likely, given the consequences. You will then be able to work on yourself in parallel as more truths are revealed.

What? I'd love to be shown a document detailing extraterrestrial life. It's definitely out there. I'm sorry I don't believe things quickly and blindly

love to be shown a document detailing extraterrestrial life.

Sadly, even if you are shown that, would you believe it? There's always a hair of doubt that'll seep in. I think it's up to the individual to discern facts, claims and stories in various ways to get at the truth.

Yeah I'd be interested as hell, it'd be so much more than a small mention that holds about a drop of water. It is incredibly fascinating as a topic and I yearn for real evidence, rather than very loose mentions in classified documents.

This guy was part of the Apollo program, he is a proven liar anyway.

vatican is also full of idiots and child molesters.

i think this is true, because the Vatican won't allow anyone in the library (or any secret places containing info), imo.

who know's it it's fake or not; they're waiting for the "right time" & then it will be too late/bs.

Sorry I'm drinking.

I wanted so bad for something to come from these leaks.

Oh there will be a lot more! When I saw the Podesta post at the bottom of the first page, I was like holy shiiiite, wasn't expecting that. I've known Podesta has been a big proponent for disclosure since the National Press Conference appearance, so I immediately started searching the wikileaks-podesta DB for ET related keywords. (edit - I say alot more, because that was only 2,000 of a batch of 50,000 emails. I suppose we're looking down the barrel of at the very least soft / partial disclosure.)

ETI is important, but also notice ZPE.

This is very interesting. Note, Mr. Mitchell died in February, this year. This email also has no reply or other mention from Podesta.

I think it would be most appropriate for the thinkers of this sub to ponder these Podesta alien emails here, and leave the political ones to DCLeaks sub.

Agreed, conspiracy sub does NOT equal prove Hillary is a criminal - as fun as that is...

gatekeeping much?

Would you ask the Reddit sports subs to write poetry? Each sub has their affinity. I would argue that discussions of aliens is a cool thought for r/conspiracy while political subs may concentrate on politics

conspiracy - a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.

you're trying to argue the sub should stay out of politics, but that is what the whole sub is about, back room political shenanigans.

its r/conspiracy not r/aliens or r/UFO, there are already plenty of subs dedicated to aliens and their existence, the only reason aliens have anything to do with sub is the cover up involving the governments attempts to keep it secret.

All of Reddit is vote controlled.

I'm convinced Wikileaks and this email is a CIA psyop. Russia's disclosure linked through FoxNews?? And the source is a dead link?? This is too surreal. They are trying to distract.

So you think Hillary running for the Presidency, while a proven criminal but protected from indictment by the Director of the FBI, while ALL US MEDIA ignore these facts is NOT surreal? Or less so than aliens being confirmed?! Or that Trump is running for president - is somehow normal?!? ...wtf...

A psyop should usually make sense on a price/benefit level unless it completely derails, unintended. I can't see that for the USA in the case of Wikileaks as the political/image damage is huge.

I have no problems though with other intelligence services or disgruntled players inside the USA would use them.

For instance I also don't "want" to believe that the US establishment is one monolithic block. Some faction(s) might not have the political power to express their will through normal channels but they might use other means.

That's at least my current good spin on Snowden. There are far worse spins though.

knowing catholics ETI could mean "extra tight infant"

I laughed.

Lol this is such hot garbage. The vague references to aliens would be meaningful if any of the parties involved had credibility. This is junk mail from loonies.

Haha, its funny because you deny how credible they are, yet they are the ones who will be deciding your country's fate. Interesting.

No they are not.

I don't believe this for a moment. Three of the most prominent memes in online conspiracism together in the one supposedly leaked email, supposedly written to the chair of Hillary's Presidential campaign, with formal capitalisation, no less. Is anyone else noticing the incredible name-dropping in this email? Whoever wrote this is laughing their heads off at you people.


I wish I understood why you people unquestioningly assume that everything that comes from Assange must automatically be the gospel truth. If the man is not a controlled intelligence stool pigeon, then I am the Easter Bunny.


Sorry, Pidgeot Assange. I don't choose you. ;)

the man is ... a controlled intelligence stool pigeon


If you don't have it, consider this: what if by smearing Assange with no evidence you are parroting a defamation campaign pushed out "viral" style by people who hate transparency and Wikileaks (aka DOD/"intelligence" shills)? Then who is the silly bird?


Oh, I don't know. You might find this interesting.

Also, six years on Reddit has taught me that no one here really wants transparency at all. What people here want is for everyone else to agree with them, and nothing more. Expressing opinions that no one wants to hear consistently gets me nothing other than downvotes and abuse.


No. I can tell you very succinctly what my most fundamental reason is, for not believing in the legitimacy of Assange.

It's the fact that he is still breathing.

Most people, even those in this subreddit who spend their time going through the American government's dirty laundry, are not aware of just how truly, completely, and relentlessly psychopathic the American intelligence community really is. No one lives, who they want to die. If they truly wanted Assange, Snowden, Manning, or whoever else dead, then said people would be.

So the fact that Assange and Snowden are both not only still alive, but are able to do their work, says to me that the NSA want it that way; because again, if that wasn't what the NSA wanted, then that is not what would happen. We are talking about people who are utterly devoid of what we know as human feeling, and who do not care who or how many people they need to kill, in order to preserve themselves.

Anyone who thinks that either Assange or Snowden are capable of evading them, does not know what they are capable of. It's that simple.


This just in, every whistleblower is illegitimate unless they're already dead!

Derision is not rational argument.

I am aware of that and do find that really interesting, but I don't see it as convincing evidence that he is some kind of double-agent or Manchurian Candidate. He and his mother fled and hid for years after all. He probably hates the "intelligence" community for playing a part in weirding up of his childhood.

Stories about aliens won't get your downvotes. They're the last layer of deception so you don't realize that Evil is at play in our world.

p.s. there is no "leaked footage" or "caught on camera" or "accidentally declassified material". It's all intention, it's all a part of the propaganda.

A fake alien invasion is coming. This is all a build-up to it.

Agreed, that is a possibility from the powers that be, but if there is a Star Trek Prime Directive, which I have found there is, it means that people just as powerful as the hoax invaders will rise up and fight, that is if the scenario you theorize will come to pass.

Think about all thr government people that discover they are in a senior position of the CIA or the NSA, and that they discover they do not have a need to know about the secret space program. if they are of positive polarity, how do you think they will react? S/he would be pissed off! They would want to mobilize whatever forces of people for good to fight against the negative transnational forces that have been repressing humanity and sucking on our teet.

Our reality believe it or not is dependent on co-creative consciousness, so as more information comes out, it will be very important for people to learn that the truth has been hidden for some 1000s of years, and they will need to be introduced to the idea that we can demand what we want.

"but if there is a Star Trek Prime Directive, which I have found there is"

How have you found that there is a Star Trek Prime Directive? Do tell, I want to know.

Prime Directive

Up until I discovered David Wilcock years ago, it was mere speculation. Even David's assertions seemed to be conjecture. However, one of the smart things David Wilcock did was to hold onto certain claims by his original "insiders" and sources, did not tell anyone, which he then used to validate stories and cross reference with arguably his most important source/insider/whistleblower to date.

A couple of years ago, David Wilcock started interviewing Corey Goode, basically an interpreter for the Secret Space Program, who then becomes an important ambassador, and an encouraged whistleblower.

Anyway, here's one mention in their interviews. I believe there are a couple of other mentions you can find. The best place to discover WAY more information is News > Cosmic Disclosure. You can read the transcripts of all interviews, which are actually locked down on the video host website Gaia, for profit.

Thank you for replying. Let me check this out.

Yeah for sure, the site might be designed for followers and not newbies, which is interesting but I dont want to do spoilers. Sphere beings encompass different appearances but they all have energetic sphere vehicles in common. The "blue avian" in the header is a 7th density being that can (from what I understand) choose how we perceive them. (We are third ascending into fourth density)

Read through the interview transcripts and you'll see how that being ties into his story - extraordinarily amazing. Even if even 5% of his story is true, we are absolutely living in a matrix, highly controlled and manipulated behind the scenes.

His motive for telling his story is tied to karma. He was involved with some bad people in his past, so he's trying to right his wrongs. Apparently, on a spiritual/soul level, karma is real and this is also confirmed in The Law of One.

Question: Why does the website have a picture of an alien on top? Is that what one of them look like, or is this just some scifi stuff added in?

Makes it look a lot less credible.

Yeah the whistle-blower was in IT as well. Since his name was outed, he decided to go all in. He created and maintained that website (for the most part), so I suppose he put the image of one of the beings on the front page for his dedicated audience. Since he's in ongoing contact with that being, he doesn't see it quite as unbelievable as a newbie on his site.

There is no evidence we walked on the moon, so the this whole thing stinks. Dis-info

There's no evidence we walked on the moon? Since when

how can there be ET's when the earth is flat?


this is bait

Apparently you people cant take a joke.

Clearly they live on flat Nibiru.

  1. A transnational shadow government mostly made up of corporate big wigs have been secretly developing space faring tech and crafts AND mining.
  2. Some government employees have been in on it but they treat their government counterparts and even more senior officials with disdain because they are not privy to the secret space program knowledge. Most of these I guess act like spies, and act to circumvent disclosure because those in control of the secret space program have gotten out of control.
  3. Those in government that have been made aware have wanted to out the truth, but they could not. See Obama on Jimmy Kimmel, everyone said he was joking but Obama was not smiling, "That's what we're instructed to say.
  4. Before those in the governments (all around the world) found out through trusted sources that the secret space program exists, they would deny it's existence. They were merely perpetuating info suppression so as not to embarrass those government officials who were on record in the past as denying the existence of ETs as well as to maintain the integrity of the government as a whole.

This is a highly complex issue, with many many different motives, agendas and justifications, so there really is no one single angle.

Man what. i've heard from a few people, they seem to be blue in color. It would have been semi mind-blowing if you saw them as blue too...

le sigh


Fair enough, I've just gotten tired of the PR push of Hillary and Trump articles in /r/Conspiracy.

Check out The Disclosure Project and Sirius Disclosure on YouTube.

Oh there will be a lot more! When I saw the Podesta post at the bottom of the first page, I was like holy shiiiite, wasn't expecting that. I've known Podesta has been a big proponent for disclosure since the National Press Conference appearance, so I immediately started searching the wikileaks-podesta DB for ET related keywords. (edit - I say alot more, because that was only 2,000 of a batch of 50,000 emails. I suppose we're looking down the barrel of at the very least soft / partial disclosure.)