Trump said Pussy

0  2016-10-08 by AntiHasbaraUnit

Trump said pussy. We dont need a president that says pussy do we? Also, Russia.


Saying pussy, and suggesting you can approach random women and grab their pussies, are two very different things.

I forgot to ask in the other thread. Are you male or female?

If it matters to you, I'm a guy

Ok, so, as a guy you've never said something like this to your buddy jokingly, drunk, or mildly serious - tongue in cheek? Like: "damn man, I wanna hit that ass, grab that booty and yee ha" or something similar?

i repudiate this tremendously.

Of course I've made comments about women. *edit: I should note, they don't sound like that, i.e. I try not to sound like an animal since there are normal and respectful ways to compliment females.

Further, if you're not seeing the difference between "I wanna grab that ass", and "I can grab that pussy and get away with it", I'm not gonna be able to help you.

An expression of desire vs. an assertion of power.

It's like people's minds stop working when they hear "pussy"...

  1. Be drunk in the club
  2. Friend says check out that chick
  3. Guy says, I could grab her booty/tits and bring her back home
  4. Nah, man, you aint got that game
  5. Fuck yeah I do bro
  6. Do it then
  7. Guy walks to girl
  8. Chickens out because he was talking shit and wouldn't
  9. Guy comes back to the bar
  10. Dude what happened?
  11. I had her, bro, but I have to piss

It's called talking shit and making a joke. Show me Trump grabbing a chicks pussy because he can. If you can't, it's just guys shit talking. I don't support the fuck, but I will call out bullshit reactionaries.

No it's called being fucking predatory.

Bullshit reactionaries? How about bullshit deniers who don't understand the concept of respecting women.

The moment you walk up to a stranger with the intent to grope her is the moment you need to give your head a hard shake, or someone else should for you. edit*Same goes for joking about it.

Drunk or sober? Who cares? If you want to assault women when you're drunk, don't get drunk. At least not around women. Seriously, take on some responsibility for being a decent human.

Here check out what some fellow republicans had to say about it

"I am sickened by what I heard today"

"No woman talked about in this manner. Ever"

"Trump's recent comments are completely indefensible and I refuse to even try and do so"

Yet here we are, on a subreddit with no shortage of people ferociously trying to do so.

Oh shut up. You act as if women don't do the same to men. You seem better suited for Tumblr. Where reality doesn't exist and you can be one of 50+ genders. Shut up. Stop being a white knight. Do you allow your SO to butt fuck you with a dildo, to prove dominance?

I'm not acting like anything, I'm speaking in real simple terms. Molesting people is not what respectable adults joke or think about.

Do you need some examples on how to express attraction to a girl without being a scum bag?

Sure, 'white knight', or basic decency... I guess it's a matter of perspective. Depending on whether you're a creep or not.

I'm not acting like anything, I'm speaking in real simple terms.

No you're not.

Molesting people is not what respectable adults joke or think about.

Are you an adult? Words !== actions. I wanna fuck you raw, gurrrrl. Was that a hate crime or just an expression of speech? Shit, I cannot say that because I wanna be a "respectable adult"!!! Muh lady, can I court you, wine you, dine you, then 69 you? Better?

Do you need some examples on how to express attraction to a girl without being a scum bag?

Sure, white knight. Do tell...? How do you express attraction to muh' ladies?

You're so full of shit, it's spilling out of your ears. Shut up, go to tumblr if you don't like hearing normal human behavior. Shit, no trigger warning. Did I trigger you? You trying to get with that butch feminazi? Piss off.

normal human behavior

Weird, how can that be? Am I not human? Are my friends not human? Are most people not human?

Are the politicians in the article I linked you also not human?

You sound like a liberal cuck who favors SJW/PC censorship. Go on white knight, you may get that feminazi pussy. Key word, "might". You'll probably just end up another shoulder to cry on. Keep at it though!!! If she prefers pussy, it's probably because you grew one...

a liberal cuck who favors SJW/PC censorship

Lol, me along with these guys?

Sorry, I don't speak cuck..... Got a translation?

Sure, since the opportunity presents itself, basically you're a creep in denial

He's probably crying, stop being mean.

Hey some people could use a good cry

Do you like creeps, because you keep responding to supposedly "one"? You perv!!!

Lol. I know a couple whom I like, but it's not what I like about them. And you're right, cчастливо.

Weirdo... But, I guess we all have our quirks and now we have come full circle. Don't be too quick to judge and think you have some high horse. Perv mcPervy... We all are.

Don't be too quick to judge and think you have some high horse

Thank you. I'll take that. With honesty.

I wanted to add I got worked up. I certainly believe I'm right but at the same time I don't need to be a jerk to strangers on the internet. So take good care, fellow truth seeker.

Thank you. The amount of men acting like they have never made a lewd comment about women is ludicrous. Trump made a fucking joke. I am not even voting for the guy by the way. But it was clearly a joke and actually one quite rooted in reality because when you are rich and famous women absolutely treat you differently.

Absolutely. I'm not a supporter of anyone, but this bullshit is getting out of hand. That is why I comment. People are fuckin' hypocrites and their bias blinds them from reality. We've all done and said some stupid, distasteful shit. Women and men. I hate when women claim to be objectified, yet I've heard some pretty raunchy shit coming from women about a man and what they'd "like to do to them". It's human nature. Humans are horny fuckers....

Exactly, as a matter of fact, after 35 years of life the most raunchy and sexualized comments I have ever heard were from drunk women putting down other women.

Too true. I've come to the realization it's self projection. Much like a liar always thinks another is lying because they do.. Women are far more raunchy and hornier than men when discussing among themselves.. Coy with men, but horny as fuck when talking to others. It's cool, though, just don't have double standards. We humans are horny and like the other gender and to fantasize. The dick or pussy always takes over in hot situations...

If it helps you think that "we all" have said something akin to what trump said..that is patently false. Not everyone is like you, in fact many men have respect for human beings and don't joke about forcing themselves on women without consent. So, sorry. You're wrong

Okay, white knight. I think you're full of shit...

It was a joke.

"suggesting you can approach random women and grab their pussies"

Seriously? Holy shit get over yourself.

my god, he said pussy and suggested some pussy related things? will the madness ever end?

Him saying this in no way makes Hillary Clinton a better presidential candidate or person but the two statements "my temperament is my strongest quality" and "Grab them by the can do anything'" are pretty contradictory and I'd not want that person, especially considering any other number of things he's said and or done, leading my or any other country.

right. elect Hillary, she doesnt say pussy willy nilly like Trump the PottyMouth does.

How are you not understanding I, and I'd hope most people, don't give a flying fuck he said pussy. It's him going around talking about groping random people then just walking up and trying to make out with them.

He could've said I just walk up and grab their chest and I'd still have the same reaction you can't be president and openly talk about how much you love walking around assaulting people. Sorry.

And like I said...this in no way changes Hillary as a candidate or person. This is about Trump and the bat shit insane things he says and does.

He said they willingly let him. He was basically bragging that women are eager to accept his advances. Also sounded like more over the top Trump style bragging. You know the old "We're going to build a great wall folks, it's going to be the best wall and we're going to grab all the pussies. Don't we have the best pussies folks?" I mean he doesn't have women lining up(13) accusing him of unsolicited pussy grabbing. That's the kind of behaviour that doesn't shock Hillary. That's the sort of behaviour that she covers for by going after the accusers with threats,harassment and reputation smearing. Just saying.

WRONG YOUNG JEDI. its about the jew run media turning a common curseword by a private citizen to a member of the Bush crime family 10 years ago into a flaming shitshow of epic proportions. get it together, look past the billboards.

I can't tell if you're being serious or not...

do i need to hold your hand and walk you through it? on one hand you have a candidate who is a DC insider, with a ton of shady links to banks, war and murder. and Trump said pussy. and you take your stand there....fuck off, you bovinesque moron.

Yeah that's totally the thing that's making me not vote for him. It's probably number 12 or 13.

who cares who YOU vote for, when Diebold counts your vote and only the electoral colleges votes select the winner?

We dont need a president that says pussy do we?

no, but it's either that ...or elect a treasonous, aparthied-supporting, money-launding warcriminal.

soooo.... yea.

i mean, i am voting for Jill Stein, Ajamu Baraka & the Green Party!!!

But... i can easily understand why Trump would be preferred over Hillary.

The US has had 1 too many Baraks, uh thank you....

If the worst thing someone can come up with is that he said pussy, sign him the fuck up.

Seriously, is this post meant to be joking?


Why throw your vote away? The green party isn't going to win. Serious question.

I wont vote for the greens.

My fault. I confused you with the commenter that was above you.

You're already on a final warning for abuse, 7 day ban.

Christ this really is George W Bush all over again. The idiots defend this dumb-ass, no-class geezer trump because they think they'd like to go have a beer with him. Wonderful.

He's a piece of shit just like you! The billionaire is so relatable. LOL!

you are a sucker.

Bernie wrote about BDSM & rape fantasy. Who is the perv?

Or maybe every man who has any honestly can relate to making lewd jokes about women.

If you claim to have never made similar jokes then you are a liar or a psychopath.

Hahaha wow you truly believe that every man has made a similar statement 😂 oh my lord. Does it help you sleep at night to tell yoself everybody is as fucked up and deranged as you?? Cause they aren't. You're thankfully a minority.

It must be a lot of work to lie so much to yourself.

Dude, seriously. Not everyone is the same as you. How many people have you met in your life? Is your mom the type to say she wants to grab men by the dick without their consent because they are so beautiful? Okay fine, if your mom is like that, why does that mean that every single other person is like that too? Don't you know people vary in their outlook on life? You think all women think this way too, they love to sexually harass and grope when they have the power or status?? Fuck No! Everyone is different!!!!, the world isn't the same as what's going on inside your head. Some people rape children. Is everyone secretly wanting to rape children? Why not, there are lots of paedophiles in the world. Obviously everyone wants to fuck kids and is just pretending otherwise, right? Because that one guy is like that so everyone must be the same??

Maybe when I was 15, but then I grew up.

My cat's name is Puss - because he's afraid of things like plastic bags and paper towels. Sometimes I call him Pussinator, or Pussasaurus Rex. Please don't hurt me.

i repudiate and disavow you.


you have been excused from repudiation. carry on.

I think we need a non-binary-trans-telitubby-fluid-attack helicopter as president! C'mon, it's current year.

i can not repudiate this.

Think of children!?!

I believe the children are the future. teach them well then let them lead the way. show them all the beauty they possess inside. give them a sense of pride.

This is my favorite thread in weeks.

2016 can be summarized as P&P

Putin & Pussy

you have been made moderator of r/CNN

this made me laugh TY

Putin loves pussy cats

Putin loves Cat Riot

;0 now if i said that...

Haha he said "pussy". Hmm maybe he will say dick next or balls, cock and anal. For fucksake it's a word. Hillary lets people die and no one seems to notice.

right, but he said pussy. also, Russia.

Oh mah gar!


Meanwhile, Hillary's husband knowingly allowed 60,000 hemophiliac children to get HIV and HEPC in the 80s from tainted plasma from prisoner blood, by certifying tainted prisoner blood for a friend's program.

Saying a bad word is much worse than murdering 800 sick kids and injuring tens of thousands more

Bill Clinton's Cigar is far dirtier than Trump's mouth.

Yo my favorite part of all this (as an outside observer of American culture aka not American) is that the same people that are mad that he said pussy or whatever ARE THE SAME PEOPLE THAT ARE YELLING LYRICS THAT INVOLVE PUSSY OR ANYTHING DEROGATORY ON THE WEEKENDS.

Not that there's anything wrong with it, but Jesus pick a side.

As an American, I must inform you that we have no culture. Sad but true.

What's the difference between America and yogurt?

...yogurt has culture.

I'll be here all night, ladies and gentlemen.

This made my day a little brighter. Thank you.

Awesome! I'm glad. (no /s) :)

you have too much common sense to be American.

so they tell me 🙄

He said pussy? Put the corrupt, incompetent war criminal in the white house, Trump is unfit!

i am flabbergasted by this. George Warshington never said Pussy.

Jefferson was fond of Black pussy, though...

so was Bill Clinton (Danny Williams)

"our first black president"

i repudiate and disavow you.

who cares who YOU vote for, when Diebold counts your vote and only the electoral colleges votes select the winner?

This made my day a little brighter. Thank you.

Awesome! I'm glad. (no /s) :)

Sorry, I don't speak cuck..... Got a translation?

Hey some people could use a good cry

Lol. I know a couple whom I like, but it's not what I like about them. And you're right, cчастливо.