Thank you r-conspiracy for learning me how the world really works

39  2016-10-08 by pholmq

My 6th cake day here at reddit and I just wanted to say thank you all great people out there who are the real Reddit and now live in asylum here because of tptbs takeover of Reddit. I have learned so much from you. 6 years ago I was a narrowminded person, with tptbs dogmas and brainwashing firmly attached to my mind. Now I'm free, at least in my mind thanks to you. I know about 9/11, Carrol Quigley, the Moon Landing Hoax and the health conspiracy to mention a few. So THANK YOU all Real Redditors out there!


References to the conspiracies I mention

9/11 -

Carrol Quigley -

Moon landing hoax -

Health conspiracy -


I think you mean "teaching me" not "learning me."

Yeah, thanks. English is my second language, and you redditors have improved that aswell

You are a student, and you will always be learning. Anyone who says they have the answers, listen but avoid them like the plague. Happy cake day, and cheers. This place is a cesspool, and I'm a part of it. Never stop, learn the Trivium, and keep searching... This is not just for you, but for all here. Never stop. I'm not sure how much longer I will be here :(. Keep searching, no matter what... That is all I'll say..

Very true. I'm just beginning to know what it is I don't know

I'm not sure how much longer I will be here :(.

Wtf is that supposed to mean? D:

I hope he means the country and not reddit.

He thinks he's gonna quit us.

The internet is like a battle ground (you know that). We are all fighting for truth, justice, and transparency, but it's quite taxing on my mind, body and soul. I've been contemplating taking an extended break from all things internet. This time of year, would be the perfect time to do that.

You're just tired because you've been engaging with CTR too much lately. XD

(Besides, ya can't take off until we talk about Jesus, and I'm still working on that Egyptian brain-splinter you gave me. )

What do you mean you don't know how much longer you'll be here?

Global Warming.

More globalization plus unlimited money in carbon taxes and other "problem solving measures."

Fear mongering is key... plus creating common enemies.

There are trillions of wonderful people world wide that have legitimate ecological concerns.

They took that and ramped it up into a frenzy.

If you look into it and go years back you'll find high level academic whistleblowers came forward challenging doctored and fake research.

They were easily drowned out and discredited (and suicided?) by the puppet masters.

"Learning" should be "teaching", just fyi

There are much more sinister conspiracies out there save for the ones you learned, like;

  • Global Warming Mythos
  • Communist Occupation of the west
  • Societal and cultural collapse promoted as a god of the new age
  • Arms Control to prepare for public slaughter
  • Color Revolutions (That's how they call it but it has happened in France, Qing Dynasty and Russia beforehand)
  • Internet takeover by SJWs and Intelligence

And many more that meets the eye.

New conspiracies are coming out every single month and game changers are presented on a regular basis.

Keep up the good work because there is always more sinister dangers than one meets the eye.