Democratic Party of US hacks Bernie's primary and rigs voting system. US then accuses Russians of hacking the Democratic Party and exposing this, based on hearsay. Irony, anyone?

236  2016-10-08 by rockytimber

Meanwhile, the Obama Administration continues to protect Hillary and escalate tensions with Russia over Syria, another case where the US is on the wrong side of history.


How can I explain this. The gov is now in denial. The people woke up and see it all.

Sadly only some people have woken up. The average person who doesnt follow politics closely (see 90% of people) are still too focused on the boogeyman Trump that they dont even understand just how bad the corruption is.

I will agree though, more people in recent history have woken up too see this shit, so thats good at least.

Yes, sadly a lrge portion of the population is entirely brainwashed by the main stream media illusion. Fortunately the younger generations are schooling their parents/grandparents/older family members to start questioning and critically thinking so that they see how badly Hitlery is owned by Zionists/Saudi's/Corporations/Soros/Globalists.

This is literally as if Satan and Hitler had sex and Clinton was the spawn

No, government officials have been actively covering their lies in order to serve the corporate and wall street purposes that put them where they are. 9/11 was in the planning for many years. It was an inside job in the sense that it was self inflicted in order to justify a military assault on numerous countries of the middle east. Russia probably drew the line when the US actively planned the coup in the Ukraine.

But the post is mainly about how corrupt our system is, where the Democratic and Republican parties actively subvert democracy, and when the information is leaked, the Justice Department is hands off, covering up for Hillary. And then tries to change the subject by making wild unsubstantiated claims against Russia, in the middle of an anti Russian campaign of disinformation on many fronts, not just this one.

The US media/government liars should feel cornered at this point. They have been exposed. But they probably will never admit it. Instead, they would rather do another false flag against the American People and implement martial law, and rig the elections so only one of their own will have the levers of power, someone already completely complicit in their crimes.

It's actually a conspiracy theory floated by the Democrat Party and parroted by the media.

Which amuses me.

Of course 'conspiracy theorists' who dare question straight-up bullshit like JFK's murder and Building 7 are repeatedly mocked by both parties and their wholly owned and controlled MSM yet when all else fails members of both parties resort to explaining away their misdeeds using their own inane conspiracy theories.

Remember years ago Hillary's 'it's a vast right wing conspiracy' quote? That's but one example. Bush claiming 'you're either with us or your against us' is another example of a conspiracy theory that is straight-up stupid.

Examples abound...

It's actually a conspiracy theory floated by the Democrat Party and parroted by the media.

Yes, but now the government is putting their backing to it :) Its almost as ironic as Obama defending ISIS and Al Qaeda in Aleppo:

To show it can be done - How to overthrow a government - Chris Rock Cyber extract from DEFCON 24 Las Vegas

It's the classic bait and switch

It's actually a conspiracy theory floated by the Democrat Party and parroted by the media.

Yes, but now the government is putting their backing to it :) Its almost as ironic as Obama defending ISIS and Al Qaeda in Aleppo: