Not one story about Clinton's leaked emails and her paid speeches made it to the front page of reddit today. This website is rife with censorship and paid shills.

2630  2016-10-09 by flimflam2020

EDIT: So I got this

You have been temporarily banned from participating in /r/politics. This ban will last for 21 days. You can still view and subscribe to /r/politics, but you won't be able to post or comment.


Anything's possible. But I personally feel like everything Clinton is suspected of doing is pretty much par for the course as far as politicians go, especially at that level of power and influence. Hard to disrupt the masses with more of the same thing.

And I'm not saying any of it is excusable, nor should it be acceptable, but Trump can't go 72 hours without saying something abhorrently inflammatory. Even if our traditional view of "acting Presidential" is based on decades of bullshit, it's still comforting to most Americans that a candidate's public stance isn't filled with off-the-cuff ignorance and vitriol.

Does the entire system need a complete overhaul? Abso-fucking-lutely.

But do you think that whatever the fuck Trump is doing is really going to bring about real change? And if so, at what cost?

I think he's probably the reality of what many politicians truly are when they're not in character; think the Luther/Obama skit from Key n Peele. The only difference is that he's never had to answer to anyone, ever- which includes us, the American people.

And I just don't see him changing his blatant disregard for other humans this late in the game.

Sorry for the wall of text.

EDIT: Yes, I know what Correct The Record is, and there probably are people being paid to post pro-Clinton things online. But calling someone names because you don't agree with their perspective seems a bit childish.

If you add .COM to my username, you can easily find out who I am. And it's definitely not a "paid shill".

Also, thank you to /u/pmmckee for my first gold. I have no idea how it works, but it looks cool.

It's just this subreddit, you're pretty spot on. Trump is the most absurd acting presidential candidate I've seen in my lifetime. It's a weird election this year and conspiracy wants to bandwagon things so the culture permeates on random variabilities in things such as up votes.

Trump is the only thing different in this election. Whether that's for better or worse is not my point here. Hillary is business as usual. People think with her its just another 4-8 years of whatever they're going through.

But Trump isn't the politician. The guy is vulgar and successful so its drawn people to him.Plus, people putting down Trump supporters just makes them support him more out of spite.

people putting down Trump supporters just makes them support him more out of spite.

If trump supporters get attacked at every corner, both physically or verbally, just for supporting the candidate, the reaction is not spite.

Ive seen, first hand, these attackers and id be shocked if any of them even knew their own governor or mayors name. The clowns are triggered by nonsense from Facebook and twitter.

He's only different because we haven't seen a straight up bigoted racist get so far in society in a long time and it's brought all the others of his ilk out of their holes. When Trump supporters mention being oppressed by others it is because a majority of the population doesn't want to be lead by a person like this. And they abhor the idea of someone propping up this kind of figurehead. They remember their history and what someone like this can do to a country. Maybe we want to stay on the same road because it is familiar and we understand how to navigate it. With someone like Trump at the helm, we'd basically be lost in the woods as he has no moral or idealistic compass. He can only lead us down a dark path and when we all find ourselves lost and alone, he would abandon us and blame his rivals for leading us astray. That is not a president, that is a charlatan, unfortunately for some people, they can't tell the difference.


No one does and that's what bothers me the most. This man can't be clear at all on his policy, only that he will be a menace as is clear by how he's running his campaign. That's obviously good enough for me and most of the country to not want to vote for him.

The guy sounds like a fucking psycho just leave him alone and pray he gets the help he needs


Was talking about magic marker man. His ramblings sound like my grandfather's towards the end

There is no point in arguing with CTR shills. These people can't be reasoned with. They're the kind of scumbags who take money to lie to people's faces.

If it were up to me, we'd round up every last person who took a check from CTR. Then we'd slit their tongues down the middle so that they can't speak and cut their fingers off so they can't type anymore.

Because that's how you deal with paid liars. You take away their ability to lie to you.

Hey man, I gotta feed my family. Hillary Clinton pays well and expects results! She called me this morning to tell me that.

That's why I decided to go where the most Redditors would see me, r/conspiracy. Why stay on a default sub when I could delve deep into this sub that's full of nothing but blatantly pro-Trump nonsense? THIS subreddit is where the undecided voters are!

I can't wait to get my big, fat CTR check. You mewling, faux-persecuted baby.

Dude, the stupidity is mind numbing. I've been on this sub pretty much since it's inception. The last few months has been a never ending flow of defacto pro trump (via anti Clinton) shit posts.

Your last line was spot on. I just can't wait for this election to be over so these fools can go back under the rocks they crawled out from under.

Not every one against trump is a paid shill, and I'm pretty sure he has some working as well.

Im not convinced of this. It would have to be publicly accessible information if he did.

You really don't think that someone in the campaign is paying for traction online?

I'm not denying shills, they've been around for a long time, and I'm actually glad people finally listened, even if it was just because Clinton.

I just don't beleive that trump has no paid liars as well.

Too be fair, with his free trolls and legit supporters, it's less needed.

You really don't think that someone in the campaign is paying for traction online?

I think based on evidence, am open to anything if given evidence.

I have none, just been watching shill behavior for many years online.

I honestly expect anything controversial or with big $ behind it to use this technique. Sometimes they're obvious, sometimes they're fucking GOOD.

Maybe trump has none on here now, but I highly doubt it was never used or at least talked about.

Trump only is a different approach - speaking to specific generations in their language - to co-opt them into political fodder. That's it.

whatever the case, its undeniably different.

The only reason i give trump my time of day is because he has held true on trade deals, specifically the upcoming TPP. i have strong feeling that's why the dems snaked bernie out of the nomination, he was against the TPP also. Hillary blatantly flip flopped on the matter for the sole reason to get votes.

I think the only reason hillary is really running is to make sure the TPP goes through from obamas hands. Trump and bernie have been dead against it and therefor have been on the losing side to the presidency.

Big money is behind the TPP and because of that hillary is probably going to win. She will see the deal go through with a smile on her face, yet another flip flop of a policy.

If the dems were serious about anything else other than the TPP then they would have welcomed bernie to be the nominee.

This, and maybe the anti islamification of the western culture is my only two reasons trump would have been the better candidate. His crass characteristics dont mean anything much to me in comparison.

Its a shame the majority of the voting population dont realize how many horrible policies hillary has been behind in the middle east which resulted in the death and displacement of millions of innocent muslims. Trump has not gone any where near the evil that hillary has carried out.

100% this. Initially I supported Bernie Sanders and then Gary Johnson, I even donated $125 to him but I stopped supporting Gary Johnson when he said he would sign the TPP and Bill Weld kept talking about how great Clinton is. So now I'm voting for Trump because I think Clinton will find a way to steal the election like she did with Sanders even if Trump legitimately wins.

You say Trump has held true in trade deals...but all he's done is talk. He's never been in any public office, so he doesn't have a record to run on.

However, in his business life he's made a career out of crawfishing on deals big and small--his word is garbage. What makes you think he'll change his method as president?

I dont really know. What is your opinion on trump? Esspecially in comparison to hillary?

Broadly and briefly: he ran for president as a pure profit-making venture, and was surprised as anyone that he gained traction purely through bumper sticker jingoism and a limited vocabulary grounded in authoritarian strength. He became an enabler of racists, sexists, and white nationalists.

In comparison to Hillary, Trump has all of her neoliberal negatives in terms of foreign and domestic policy, combined with a truly bizarre set of quirks/flaws and a sheer lack of knowledge that would be extremely damaging for the world.

Do you think if he were elected he would not try to really play the game with caution and become alot more "presidential" in his decision making? I think a lot of his political characteristics so far have been to gain popularity.. like "build the great wall and make mexico pay for it" type things. I wouldnt think he would maintain this loose lipped unpredictable type of show if he were to get the job. Thats only my 2 cents tho. I dont really know.

Truly, nobody knows for sure. But I'm confident that there's no hidden, presidential Trump waiting to emerge. If there was, we'd have met him by now. In fact, much of the media fascination with him was "when is he going to start running for president and stop running for the GOP nomination?" The answer appears to be "never."

Wouldn't alot of his policies have to pass through congress to get traction also? So even if he got in and had some far out ideas he couldn't exactly pull them off without any sort of process of voting it through?

Nope. The executive has more power now then ever before. Congress is a dysfunctional mess, and in that vacuum POTUS will take initiative.

You're making sense to emotionally compromised people. These are the people that get worked over by "trigger words". I feel like most of these people forget there's even a congress

No. His AIPAC speech ssid in no uncertain terma that he will secure a future for the Zionists and their homeland.

What makes you think he'll change his method as president?

Their "gut" - r/conspiracy is just an outpost of r/the_donald. It was colonized pretty quickly, much to the chagrin of true conspiracy-minded people. With Trump supporters, feelings > facts.

Dont do that. Some of us are trying to have a political discussion. If you want to echo nonsense try facebook or twitter.

He's not wrong though. Anti Trump posts here are getting better but are largrly ignoree and downvoted EXACTLY LIKE HIS WAS.

I down voted because it doesn't add to the discussion chain .

What the fuck are you talking about? Trump has never done anything with trade deals. He is a celebrity, nothing more. He was a thing in the 80s and now just sells his name to the highest bidder. Everywhere I go, just stupid fucking comments.

I meant that he has held true that he was against it. Ofcourse he hasnt done any trade deals. He has only been in politics bssically this election cycle and hasnt been in a position to do any trade deals. My comment was about his STANCE on the TPP and the fact he would be against it. You are an angry cunt arent ya.

He hasn't held true because he fucking benefits from them currently. Jesus you people are not critical thinkers.

There's that /r/iamverysmart attitude that makes reddit the great place of discussion

Bullet proof argument there.

They attack him over things that are true but not really his fault. Like the housing thing where colored families were stamped. Thats how some of our country operated at the time. All of these pocket communities and gated communities really only wanted certain types of people there. And it meant making money to provide them that.

Just little things like that I feel people cling to and its unfortunate they've convinced themselves hes some kind of modern Hitler. But its no surprise since most people are compared to him at some point.

Uh, he also wants to renew the Patriot Act and expand the NSA, snd loves Israel. Are you honestly just gonns gloss over all of that? Also, he's clearly a globalist running on protectionist claims - are you mentwlly okay? Or are in the reputation management industry?

If trumps a globalist then what the fuck would that make hillary?

A Zionist Globalist as well, your point?


A murderous psychopath is headed your way.

Consider at least one of my boots all aquiver.

Somehow you fail to notice a medium sized shiny black RV has parked down your street.

Party van?


Plot twist: They eat SOME meat. Man meat.

Plot twist: No, your actual meat. They're cannibal vegans.

A short bald man with a gym bag crosses the street up the block from your flat.

Worked for the little mermaid


Sebastian was a red crab. From Jamaica

My theory is that Trump is clowning on purpose to throw us into the arms of clinton (as a country) and that clinton will carry on with status quo for the oligarchs - she is an evil POS, but Trump is doing this so he will benefit from Clinton once she is POTUS

Make sure you watch the documentary called Clinton Cash, which details the corruption of the clintons - and it is apropos given the haiti suffering from the hurricane -- as in the doc, they talk about the clintons profiting off haiti's eathquake in 2010

Clinton is browse than a buffoon she is a criminal and corrupt politician.

Correct the record has ruined Redditt. This thread especially.

We know he is absurd. That is why he was selected by Hillary and the DNC

At the same time the DNC was rigging their own primaries against Bernie Sanders they were were also getting the MSM to give Trump extra airtime and tell their viewers to take him seriously.

Morning Joe also stopped telling their viewers that the DNC was rigged after DWS and Luis Miranda told Chuck Todd and Phil Griffin (president of MSNBC) to stop.

We also know from James Comey that Hillary lied to voters about her email server. And we know from Robert Reich that Hillary will support the TPP.

So while Trump may have shit for policy, the DNC cheated their own party by not telling them the truth or holding Hillary accountable, and they propped up the opponent they want us to vote against. That is political extortion.

tl;dr: I will vote Trump unless Hillary and Kaine drop out, and if you vote for them you don't give a shit about our democracy or the power of the people.

clearly you aren't old enough to remember the silly advertising memes and jingles of the pre 1990 presidents. The president has gone from being simply a member of the bureaucracy to being a bought and paid for celebrity.

Trump is the most absurd acting presidential candidate I've seen in my lifetime.

I agree Hillary is a much better actor than Trump, but that's because he behaves honestly while Hillary behaves the way she thinks the public wants to see.

It's a weird election this year and conspiracy wants to bandwagon things so the culture permeates on random variabilities in things such as up votes.

Now you're just trying to sound smarter than you really are. Your statement here is just plain nonsense. If you want to see a culture that permeates on random variabilities visit r/HillaryforPOTUS r/politics and see how they circle jerk on non presidential issues such as Trump's reality TV show. See how the Hillary shills in that sub take to real issues such as glass steagal, embassy deaths due to her poor decision making, avoiding criminal charges, being in bed with big money, having Obama lie to protect her, etc...

Now, I'm not saying Trump is a great choice. His economic policy resembles Reagan's trickle down policy and we know that doesn't work. His life of being CEO, of being in charge, may have a negative impact when it comes to listening to advisers. Most of all, many of his supporters are unreasonable, blowhard idiots filled with racist remarks. Just visit r/theDonald. I really don't want to empower his supporters with a Trump victory.

Either way we're fucked. Biggest problem in this country though isn't the presidential candidates. It's the masse's dismissive attitude concerning their chosen party. Then there's people like you that think they can say nothing, permeate nonsense while appearing articulate. Please. Enough of the bullshit already. The Democrats and Republicans are both shit parties filled with corrupt people- they are of the same breed. Keep ignoring this fact and we will get shit candidates every four years.

What are you talking about? Trump said 30 YEARS AGO that a leader doesn't always do what is popular for the greater good of their country. Hillary does everything that isn't popular for the greater good of her family's bank account. What in the literal fuck are you talking about, stooge?

Trump said 30 YEARS AGO that a leader doesn't always do what is popular for the greater good of their country.

I'm pretty sure every dictator in history has said pretty much the same thing.

TIL absurd acting = somehow worse than killing people, stealing from charities, lying to the American public & the FBI and breaking the law.

Edit - You can tell CTR has invaded when that many people reply to defend Hillary on a comment with 2 upvotes.


of course not.


If you are talking about this then I control F'd "Hillary" and nothing came up. If not, then link me.


im not supporting either side but try ctrl+f 'clinton' or 'secretary of state' for results in official documents. 'hillary' is informal.



Maybe he is referring to this?

“Obama Administration officials, including the Secretary of State, learned almost in real time that the attack in Benghazi was a terrorist attack. Rather than tell the American people the truth, the administration told one story privately and a different story publicly.”

Rep. Peter Roskam (IL-06) released the following statement regarding these findings:

“In the days and weeks after the attacks, the White House worked to pin all of the blame for their misleading and incorrect statements on officials within the intelligence community, but in reality, political operatives like Ben Rhodes and David Plouffe were spinning the false narrative and prepping Susan Rice for her interviews.”

im not supporting either side but try ctrl+f 'clinton' or 'secretary of state' for results in official documents. 'hillary' is informal.


Ya, cause the way you acted right there screams intelligence.

Your use of bold lettering and the word "fuck" really works to strengthen your argument.

I'm only going to give you one first warning for the 3 rule 10 violations in this thread, which is generous. Please read the rules.

Whatever, you retards couldn't fuck a doorknob without assistance.

Well I guess you won't miss us then, see ya.

Calm down and get me the fries I asked for.

Or deliver the baby you've cursed into existence.

We are still waiting on the fries.

Ask a Bernie Voter, bitch tits.

Ah yes, please refresh my memory on the orders given straight from clinton to have people murdered on foreign soil.


This is all you have isn't it?

Shitposting on reddit over politics and hearsay?

Sounds like someone got grabbed by the pussy and liked it.

All I'm saying is that if any other American was suspiciously linked to 49 people who committed "suicide" days before testifying against them, there would be quite an investigation


Keep posting threats.

I want to see if this goes somewhere.


So what were you implying on your "capabilities" and "known proximity of me and my loved ones?"

Sounds like a threat in writing to me.

Please elaborate for my screenshots.

Screenshot my balls, if you'd be so kind.

Can't screenshot what doesn't exist, son.

Oh damn, you burned me so bad, disses that level must get you all the pokemon cards, don't they?

Just the ones in Benghazi. Probably the safest place in the world thanks to Hillary.

Would thank her personally, but she doesn't visit here much.

^ This fuckin guy

I think you meant "who am I kidding", because I can assure you that nobody thinks u/toolboxolio was kidding about your shitposts.

Removed. Rule 4. Consider this a warning.

You should be ashamed.

The very thing this topic claims is happening in this thread, and it's me you attack.

There's no excuse for the vile comments you are making to other users. You need some time off to reflect on whether the hate you are spouting is justified. Hint: it isn't.

How about the many people who were going to testify against them then we're found to have committed suicide by shooting themselves in the back of the head with a shotgun?


Uhh google it.


Rule 10. No personal attacks. Removed. 1st warning.

You are one of the people that assumes it's coincidence that anyone that would threaten her interests ends up dead, eh?

She may not be pulling the trigger, but you have to be naive not to consider wether or not she hired the gun.

The list if suspiciously dead people around them is huge no?

Really recent mysterious death also.

Again she had the fix in on the FBI, how long?

So yea plenty of sources for reasonable suspicion.

Her failure to handle the Arab Spring well as Secretary of State killed a lot of people.

The intervention in Libya left the country in chaos.


There was that one wealthy Saudi she literally had murdered for speaking out against her and for embarrassing her husband. But no one will talk about that... Even Republicans are terrified to so much as speak his name

If there was proof the Clintons killed people, even they would probably be in jail. But the Clinton kill list is simply too long and has too many coincidences to ignore.

I will do everything in my power, which isn't much, a vote... to stop that haggard corrupt old cunt from becoming president. So I will definitely be voting Trump.

Hey idiot you are on a conspiracy theory subreddit, if you want a NY Times article on how Hillary was charged with murders I dont know what to fuckin tell you. What a fucking retard.

There's much more evidence that Trump was using his charity to illegally benefit himself than that the Clintons did.

Thanks for correcting the record on that one

He bought a NFL helmet! Clinton took bribes for government positions. It's the same thing!

What charity did she steal from? The one that's independently rated as putting 88+% of its donations toward actual charitable efforts?

If you define "actual charities not controlled by the Clintons" as "programmatic grants," then it appears the number is 15%, with 85% staying with the foundation itself:

Between 2009 and 2012, the Clinton Foundation raised over $500 million dollars according to a review of IRS documents by The Federalist (2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008). A measly 15 percent of that, or $75 million, went towards programmatic grants. More than $25 million went to fund travel expenses. Nearly $110 million went toward employee salaries and benefits. And a whopping $290 million during that period — nearly 60 percent of all money raised — was classified merely as “other expenses.” ...The Clinton Foundation may well be saving lives, but it seems odd that the costs of so many life-saving activities would be classified by the organization itself as just random, miscellaneous expenses.


=== Part II: ===

This story was subsequently "Fact Checked":

=== Part III: ===

The Federalist responds to the PunditFact report in epic fashion (a must-read in full; an excerpt below)

PunditFact: A Case Study In Fact-Free Hackery

The problem here is not one of facts or accuracy, but ideology. Jacobson simply doesn’t like the implications of the fact that the Clinton Foundation spent less than 10 percent of its budgets on charitable grants in 2013. He doesn’t like the fact that the two single largest “charitable” initiatives of the Clinton Foundation — by its own admission — are the Clinton Presidential Library, which exists solely to put a positive spin on the 42nd president’s term in office, and the Clinton Global Initiative, which the New York Times characterized as a “glitzy annual gathering of chief executives, heads of state, and celebrities.” If hanging out with celebrities at glitzy dinners is the height of charity, then it’s time to beatify the Kardashian sisters.

No rebuttal here, just downvotes. How curious...

Maybe because the links are fucked. The first one is the site's page for March, 2015 and a quick search for 'Clinton' found nothing. The second link is 404.

I think the first link is:

Second one might be:

And the missing last link:

Thanks for providing actual, live links that contradict what these morons are citing as fact from some hack with The Federalist.

Sad that the RNC chairman would say something so obviously false. Not surprising, just sad. It's true that if you repeat a lie often enough it will be believed. Especially by those who lack the capacity for critical, independent thought.

Thans. Links edited.


Who the fuck would even have that statistic handy? Get the fuck out of here with your shill bullshit, you aren't fooling anyone.

** I have to hand it to those cancerous clinton shills, they really do fast work! Even an a brand new comment, halfway down on a 9 hour old post, they magically get people to appear in mass to disagree and downvote. Very """natural""" behavior, lol.

Anyone who's been hearing these same tired "Hillary is the devil" arguments being trotted out for the last few months. They always bring up the same couple of points and then disappear after they're refuted. I wonder who the shills are.

No, you see, a shill has to be paid. What do you call a young white man with absolutely no social life or loved ones, who willingly spends all of his free time defending Donald Trump with a noxious enthusiasm? He's no shill, he gladly wastes his time on this lost cause for free!

Considering I've already got 2 Hillary shills swarming me with bullshit for a comment I posted 15 minutes ago on a 9 hour old post...yeah, I'd still say you are the shills.

Someone who reads, fact checks, and has a memory?

Can I get a fact check that Trump just defeated the pure societal cancer that is Clinton and her supporters?


3 things most of us here do/possess, myself included. Yet you're still the only one with a clinton foundation statistic on hand to defend it.

Honestly, if you think that defense sounded even slightly natural, you're not very good at your job.

** Downvoted INSTANTLY as I posted it, under a minute! I even got the ninja edit in! That is how you know someone is triggered.

*** That's how this shit works, folks. Speak out against their hag Queen and less than 20 minutes in and already 3 welfare recipients are in my inbox with pro-Hillary faggotry, downvoting everything I say. On a 9 hour old post. Think about that.

I just cruised by and downvoted the second I saw your comment. Maybe someone else did the same. Stop accusing people who disagree with you of shilling. It sounds super arrogant.

Waaaaah! Waaaaah! Muh downvotes. And I bet you fancy yourself a tough guy, too, with all that whining about imaginary internet points.

I wonder if CTR will give me cash for this post. Hillary delivers it to me in person, you know, non-sequential 100's in a duffel bag.

Well, given talking about Clinton isn't remotely something I do often, I apologize if words somehow don't seem "natural" to you due to your confirmation bias. I'm not by any means a fan of Hillary; I was Bernie all the way. But, that doesn't mean I demonize everyone else, and believe that lying about them is ok. The reality is The Clinton Foundation does put around 88% of the money they receive into charitable works. The 15% (ish) number that gets tossed around is what they give in grants to other organizations, not what they spend on charitable actions total.

Even an a brand new comment, halfway down on a 9 hour old post, they magically get people to appear in mass to disagree and downvote.

Or it's people catching up on what was posted overnight.

CTR needs to be jailed along with their queen when the time comes

You can tell CTR has invaded when that many people reply to defend Hillary on a comment with 2 upvotes.

Holy. Crap. Wow, you're absolutely right. Or otherwise, these people asking for sources must have been living under a rock.

Have you even, for the briefest of moments, considered that this has nothing to do with some organized CTR conspiracy brigading hundreds of threads in real time, and that maybe, just maybe, there are enough people who legitimately find Trump so abhorrent that 15 of them would down vote you and also share their thoughts on you comment?

No, because that's the real world, and people on The-Donald use the forum to talk about Trump anonymously, because they know they'd lose all their friends if they were actually open about being a trump supported. Lol. I feel so god damn bad for the people openly supporting trump. That's gonna come back to haunt them for the rest of their lives, because he's nowhere near winning and will be a symbol of hate and prejudice in the future.

Either that or your so subjective and biased that any valid criticism against your points is immediately dismissed as brigading because you refuse to analyze things neutrally and logically

I think Donald would do all of those things. Just hasn't had an opportunity.

He might but she has and will continue to do so. Electing her is just further rewarding and encouraging her behavior. FUCK. THAT.

nobody cares about what you think or feel and you'll never have your voice heard. you're an idiot.

Do you realize how batshit crazy you sound of are you just living in denial?

What law did she break and who did she kill and how did she lie to the FBI. Prove your bullshit.

how did she lie to the FBI

lol wtf? dude you can't be serious

Oh redditor for 2 months. Hi CTR

So 1, you don't answer the actual question, good job dumbass. 2, you're so paranoid in your own life, you have to see how old my account is, and it can't be the most reasonable explanation right. It can't be that I simply decided to start a new account, it must be that I"m some conspirator of CTR, whatever the fuck that is. God you are stupid. Show proof Clinton lied to the FBI. Fox news doesn't count dipshit. Live in reality. Sources need to be unbiased and corroborated. Look up that word if you need to.

The only people who think Hillary didn't lie are utter retards or paid shills.

Provide proof and let people decide for themselves. That's what honest people do.

I like how you somehow think that "CTR" is so much worse than "The-Donald." You know that The_Donald is the republican CTR, right?

How will you ever be happy in life when you're so skeptical and pedantic?

The_Donald is full of sincere partisans.

CTR are paid shills ignorantly repeating the talking points fed them by their mind masters

You say that so confidently like its fact, not something you made up in your head.

Your last line is an irony goldmine given you use The_Donald. Like, read that message back to yourself. How do you not think you've gone off the rails mentally?

You act as if CTR doesn't exist in reality.

It really does exist. They really do pay people like you to promote their message.

This is a fact.

Prove your bullshit that she did not lie. If anyone who's not a famous politician did what she did they'd be in jail,and have their security clearance stripped.

Stealing from charities isn't as bad as stealing from Social Security, Education, and Veterans Aid by not paying taxes. Oh and don't forget that Trump has to be reminded by the media that the money he raised for charity actually has to go to said charity.

So if you or me find every loophole possible to not pay the maximum amount of taxes it's a smart thing to do, but when Trump does it it is stealing from Social Security, Education and Veterans Aid?

Seems logic.

And Clinton is fucking crazy. If the whole Benghazi and Gadaffi fiasco didn't already told you that, I think you are just as fuckin psychotic as she is.

This site is infested with CTR. You're preaching to no one.

That's because Crash Team Racing was an awesome game when I was a kid.

What kind of psychosocial problem do you have, that forces you to believe there is some giant conspiracy theory by Clinton supporters to just bridge an online website. Lol. That would almost be as crazy as a giant gathering of people who make up fake news stories and try to start drama out of nothing to get attention and be edgy. Oh wait, that exact thing exists on Reddit at /r/The_Donald. (Though most The-Donald users are too young to actually vote, or foreign, so it's cute that they think there's even a chance in the election.)

I have never once in my life said I have supported Clinton. She is a different breed of crazy but to me Trump's crazy is worse. And because I am being attacked for a belief I am going to openly say that I am both voting for any candidate who won their nomination. And yes my vote won't mean anything. Maybe if we are lucky Trump wins the election just to show how frustrated our country is with our broken political system.

Do you take deductions on your taxes?

I do actually take deductions on my taxes. However I still pay taxes. That's the key difference in my book.

If your deductions added up to allow you to pay none though... would you pay extra?


Removed. Rule 10.

Healthcare was my big ticket item. Second being the environment.

What Trump has to say about the environment makes it impossible for me to vote for him.

Trump says a lot of things that are a huge turn off to almost everyone I know. We're blaming CTR and calling everyone Hill Bots. I don't like her but I'd rather stick with the status quo than a Trump shake-up.

I wish Trump supporters would pull their head out of their ass and just realize the guy says polarizing shit, so he will be polarized.

The fact that his supporters (and him) think his super powers will "unite" the republican party, or America, only have to look at the present to see how utterly false that is, regardless of his "words" to the contrary.

As an environmental scientist, a Trump presidency threatens my livelihood due to his position on the environment. People can't seem to understand that it is more important to me than almost anything else.

How so?

He is obviously one of the these traitors that work together with the chinese to create the hoax. Would you allow a known conspirator with the chinese to continue his work?

Seriously: Pretty much all of the environmental work is funded by some public institutions. If you have someone that thinks it is all bullshit and a big hoax there is a good reason to believe that he will work to remove funding from as many projects as possible. Depending on where he works there is a good chance to lose his job without federal government funding.

It would make things assuredly tougher. Trump believes that environmental regulations limit private businesses, so he would try to reduce the requirements. Those requirements, regulatory in nature, are what keeps me billable (permits, mitigation, environmental assessments, etc.) and keep the company I work for going. If he does that and cuts funding for environmental protection through the government, I would have no work.

And therefore he would ironically be doing the opposite of what he promised - creating more jobs.

Is this guy's job the only job that exists in America?

No but it just shows how myopic and simplistic trumps view is. Private business owners aren't the only people out there.

Agreed, but they certainly are a larger subset than environmental scientists.

You underestimate the importance of large environmental firms. They pave the way for countless small businesses to compete for work they would otherwise be incapable of completing (some contracts require small women owned business involvement). They employ civil engineers, construction departments, etc.

It's not just environmental scientists. In fact, I would say environmental consulting firms incorporate more employees that aren't directly experienced in environmental work.

For instance, for some work on a navy installation, our contracting group hired a small company to complete almost the entirety of the work (often called pass through). The effects of reducing environmental compliance is far reaching, not even including the environmental base argument of saving the world.

clearly we need more taxes and permits so lostbrother can keep his overpaid cushy government job with his worthless degree.

Hmm, I see how r/conspiracy functions now. Fallacy after fallacy bolstered by high grade ignorance.

Never said anything about additional permits or additional regulations. And your assumption about my cushy job is pretty far off as well. But I wouldnt expect a fat ass basement dweller like you to even know what a forest looks like, let alone have the capacity to walk more than ten feet through it without getting winded. Go put your tin foil hat back on and enjoy whatever is you people do here. Cause it's obviously not logical or coherent discussion.

Naw, that's super pessimistic. If your job is important, there are lots of ways of getting funding. Crowdsourcing, direct grants from companies, donations from charities and the public, etc.

Good joke. That's why it works so good in countries like china or in the past in any other country.

Polluting the environment is really cheap for companies if the country doesn't force them to pay for it. Just take a look at any oil company and what they do in third-world countries. And every other company isn't better just under stricter regulations. Without the government supporting the necessary work there is no way to do 90% of it.

Which is why over burdening American companies with regulations is counterproductive. They move to one of these 3rd world countries and crank up the smog production by 3000%

Force regulations on countries that want to import is a way better way. If they produce for the western market they either have to follow the regulations worldwide or face tariffs.

The solution for too few regulations is not less regulations. And most won't come back without higher tariffs or worse regulations than the 3rd world countries. The wages will always be lower there and shipping is extremely cheap.

That's a simplistic view in my opinion. You can't force regulations on these companies because they have essentially become an integral part of the law making process through lobbying. It's a very difficult situation, and I don't know how to realistically address it.

Yup, I was right when I called you a pessimist. Ugh.

internalizing pollution costs

is the most integral part of this. Without it there is no chance that it could work. I am not aware that Trump proposes CO2 certificates to include the pollution costs in production or similar mechanics to place the cost of pollution back on the source.

That you can do it with a free market solution doesn't mean that Donnie would every think about doing it.

What utter nonsense.

Yeah, cause you obviously know a good deal about the environmental consulting world. Go back to your basement.

Go back to your cherry-picked, anti-Western disinfo campaign against 'Big Oil'.

Go back to your stupid fucking assumption that I don't work on contracts related to Big Oil. You realize that oil companies have to comply with federal compliance and regulation, right? Get your head out of your ass.

Al Gore made millions with oil, and continues to do so, as he screeches about the Apocalypse from his Gulfstream V. Liberalism is a severe mental disorder.

I think you might be the one around her suffering from that. It's been truly enjoyable debating you, given your fundamental lack of understanding regarding the subject matter. Cheers.

I don't debate dolts, I school them. But are a lost cause, my greatest failure.

Hillary voted 2x for the Iraq war. She's gone into Libya and Syria and now we're selling arms to the Saudi's and helping them bomb Yemen. We are fighting with Al Queda and helping them in Syria. We allowed ISIS to get billions worth of arms and equipment. Obama won't tell us what the hell is up in Syria, what the F we are doing there, and what our objective is. He's droned so many families that we have guaranteed conflict for the next generation. Hillary and Obama's (and Bush's) actions in the Middle East have led to this massive refugee crisis which is doing SIGNIFICANT harm to all sides. Status quo is a load of shit. I'll take some guy saying crazy things to this ACTUAL, REAL, bullshit anytime.

This right here... people don't pay any mind to something like this.

Everyone voted for the Iraq War except for a handful of people in Congress. Because Bush and Cheney sold lies to the public and to Congress.

We are in the Middle East because of Bush, but we've also been there since far before Bush. To blame any of this on Clinton or Obama is reaching. The only way Obama/Clinton could have avoided you blaming them for this, is for them to have withdrawn completely from the Middle East and not taken any actions whatsoever.

Which is actually what I think should happen, but no reasonable US government will, because it would majorly fuck things up in the short term.

Edit: I apologize; I forgot this sub isn't for genuine discussion. Hillary for Prison 2016! Am I doing /r/conspiracy right?

Except for a handful of people??? Why didn't they vote for it? Were they mistaken somehow? Or did they know that Presidents (except Kennedy) are always lying us into wars?

All Hillary does is lie. As Secretary of State, all she did was covert arms dealing and operations in the Middle East - which Bush had no part in, including the Benghazi disaster - which she subsequently lied about.

Yeah, Bush and others started it. But that's a childish argument. Obama likes to drone because he thinks it's intelligent and cool, not the cowboy way to do things. He has done all sorts of covert things throughout Syria. But he explains none of this to us. He agreed to an arms deal with the Saudi's and is helping them bomb Yemen! And Hillary is a warmonger that would make any neocon proud. And he made her his Secretary of State.

And neocons are virtually en masse supporting Hillary. Google it. Ask yourself why (and give yourself an honest answer). Now she's messing with Russia. WHY??? Gotta have an enemy. Gotta have a reason for imperial overreach. She was on the Armed Services subcommittee from 2003-09.

I'm not a fan of Bush or Trump, and Bush lied and made huge errors. But to say that Hillary isn't a liar and warmonger is BS.

NOW it's the priority to preserve the short-term and mid-term status quo in the Middle East. Ideally we shouldn't be involved at all, but we are.

I don't see your point, but feel free to downvote. This is /r/factfree after all.

because iran is and always will be a major check on irsrael's and saudiarabias power in the middle east, which challenges the personal intersts of hillary and her friends.

You are making excuses for 60 year old men and women who know exactly what they are doing. Think about that for a second.

No, they were all voting for the Iraq War because they believed there was intelligence proving beyond a reasonable doubt that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and were planning to use them on the US. That's not me making excuses, that's historical fact.

Hillary's historical stance on trade, no matter what lie she's currently selling, makes it impossible for me to vote for her.

And you know damned well, that HRC won't do anything about the environment. The Democrats are shit on the environment. It's like the Republicans and abortion-- it's just a lie they trot out because it sounds better than 'we'll rob you blind, but unlike the other party that will keep all of the money for itself, we'll give like 3% of it to women and black people!'.

If HRC were willing to comment on the DAPL situation, she could win YUUUUUUGE brownie points from the 99%, but her silence is pretty loud.

Which environment topic? Both Hillary and Trump are pro fracking.

You should really look into the TPP and the effects that it will have, if passed, on a global scale. Multinational companies are going to become more powerful and more influential than ever before if it gets passed.

Would a status quo presidency or would a political shake-up presidency have the best chance of causing a legit candidate like Bernie to get in office next time?

Your 'big ticket item' is the environment, so you are siding with the woman who will kowtow to the chinese and their destructive environmental policies? Really clever.

Consider the record corrected.

I am voting for trump this election season. I understand that he says polarizing shit. But my big ticket items are trade and staying out of unnecessary wars. Trump is a noninterventionist and against TPP. I know Hillary is supposedly against TPP now, but I don't believe her. She's proven to be very hawkish in her foreign policy and she is pro-NAFTA. Those two things make it impossible for me to vote for her.

Yup, blowing up Iranian gunboats and handing out nukes to currently non nuclear nations in geopolitical hot spots... yup going to work great. Also can you enlighten me as to the actual content of trumps trade policy other than that he is magically going summon manufacturing jobs to America? Does he plan on stating trade wars and putting tariffs in place? Who in his brain trust of Giuliani, pence, Carson, Christi,Kelly Ann or oemerosa is going to come up with this amazing trade policy? Idk know if trump has the ability to put together the 1000s of people needed to run the executive let alone develop revolutionary economic policy.

Can we all agree trump ran to hand Hillary the presidency? Since this is /r/conspiracy and all. She busted out the game genie of cheats to win this election.

I am legitimetly surprised this isn't the r/conspiracy party line. it seems so obvious, and it was obvious 9 months ago when Trump was unelectable, and it's clear now as well.

It should be - but r/the_donald occupied r/conspiracy, and their love for their God-Celebrity precludes the idea that he's anyone's beta male. Least of all a woman's. Least of all the most hated woman in the GOP.

It certainly answers the question of what kind of people would fall for a large-scale psyop.

Oh, absolutely. If I were working in PsyOps, I'd be ecstatic. You can convince low-information voters that they're actually conspiracy-minded geniuses, send them en masse in to conspiracy forums to willingly brigade the conversations there and steer all discussion away from whatever awful thing you're trying to keep from being exposed.

The irony is thick with Trump supporters in this sub. They're dancing to any fiddle that plays the hits they love, and they don't care who the fiddler is.

One of the first DNC emails Guccifer 2.0 leaked outlined their strategy to undermine the strongest republican candidate and prop up the weakest candidate. This was the same email that many people pointed to, that they said proved that the DNC was for Clinton all along. I am having trouble finding the imgur link though. The Bernie thing was probably a distraction from what the DNC really didn't want you to figure out.

This strategy has been wildly successful and it has been really frustrating to watch.

Yep - and it makes sense. It's game theory. Clinton has been prepping for this moment for decades. She was thrown for a loop when Obama (who ran a transformative campaign, regardless of how you feel about his administration) beat her in 2008 and likely realized this was her last chance to become President and - given there was a weak field of candidates for the GOP and an increasingly divided electorate between alt-right, religious right, old school businesses guys, etc. - backed the weakest horse in that race. If I were a GOP voter I'd be livid that the hustle worked so well.

I don't know if Trump is working FOR Clinton. Likely he has his own aims (Trump News Network, IMO) but he didn't imagine he'd be this successful. Now he has no choice but to run - which is why you hear that he offered Kasich the VP nod promising the responsibilities of President without the title.


I don't care who you're voting for, troll. Apologies that my adult conversation triggered you so badly.

You are pretending to hold an adult conversation while using words like 'triggered'? You might as well have just called me a poopoo peepee doody head.

Well that's interesting. I didn't realize you could suddenly take the high road after an all-caps announcement that you were a twat.

Hey, I repeated this further down the thread, but I wanted you to receive this message.

One of the first DNC emails Guccifer 2.0 leaked outlined their strategy to undermine the strongest republican candidate and prop up the weakest candidate. This was the same email that many people pointed to, that they said proved that the DNC was for Clinton all along. I am having trouble finding the imgur link though. The Bernie thing was probably a distraction from what the DNC really didn't want you to figure out.

This strategy has been wildly successful and it has been really frustrating to watch.

The DNC controlled media propped up Trump, holding back all the controversy until it was too late to choose another candidate.

I would be really grateful if someone could find this original email.

Found it

Click on GOP 2016 Presidential Candidates

Indeed. And if the stories are correct, Trump even had meeting with Bill and Hillary right before he announced that he was running.

Can I ask... what in the debate was said by trump that makes you so convinced that trump is out of his mind only there to give Hillary the election?

What kind of a question is that? You'll find i wrote that comment before the debate. Plus, i honestly didn't watch it.

I've been telling people this whole election that trump endorsed Hillary and gave her campaign funds in 08. They are friends. I could see him rising to the top, taking the Republican nom, and then making an ass out of himself to help his very wealthy friend that would surely compensate him for it. After she wins and time down the road in an interview I bet you will hear him say that Hillary was better prepared and most fit to hold office and the right person won the election. He will go back to being her friend publicly. This whole election process has just been a way to squeeze her in because she can't win any other way

Since we're talking theory here, I don't think he was actually meant to win the primary. He was just supposed to get enough support that when anyone else running won, he was supposed to cast off as an independent and draw enough voters away from the Republican nominee to guarantee a Clinton victory. He was supposed to split the party votes in the general. I think both Trump and Clinton were both surprised that he took the primary and had to adjust accordingly.

I can subscribe to that.

Their friendship goes back for decades and includes Bill as well as their children. It is hardly even speculation.

and its hardly even a conspiracy. Why wouldn't a new york businessman be friends with new york congresswomen?

I have been saying this for months! With how clearly unprepared Trump is in terms of policy and governmental understanding, coupled with the inflammatory remarks he comes out with on a daily basis, I have wondered just how much HRC has shelled out to Trump to hand her the election.

With how polarized the voting public is, it doesn't even matter if he is trying to throw the election. Conservatives will vote Republican, and liberals will vote Democrat. There is no compromise, and no centrism.

and if you really believed it, then you should be voting for trump and encouraging everyone else to do so in order to undermine her. But you're not. instead you are just trying to cause dissent, gee, wonder why.

Because Trump is an incredibly frightening candidate. Better to go with the Devil You Know, ((possiblebraindamage)).

staight white men are scary!

I have trouble comprehending how you can even believe that is a reasonable argument ((Mc oy vey)).


Did Trump not "bribe" the Florida AG? Doesn't he have a long history of bribing AGs that oversee areas he's looking to do business in?

It wasn't even Game Genie, it was game-breaking glitch exploitation strats (whaddup /r/speedrun). She played the game better than anyone else.


The Clinton's and Trump do go like 30 years back. I'm surprised with all the leaks no ones found something like Trump donating to the Clinton Foundation, or the Clinton's donating to Trump U. Or maybe a tape from a Jeffrey Epstein party where Bill and Trump are Eiffel Towering some 12 year old girl.

But maybe they've never been that 'close' and were just tolerating each other up until this election cycle, and they finally took the gloves off. Who knows? Assumption is the mother of all mistakes...


But how the hell did Republicans let Hillary's bff win their party.

(Adding on)

I mean, we all knew that given a choice between regular suit wearing corporate lackies, theocrats, or a lying con man with a string of failed marriages and businesses trailing behind him, the poor 'Team GOP' low info voter would be COMPELLED to grab for the loud orange ring. Those poor racist ignorant bastards never had a chance.

Thank Obama.

This theory is retarded. Trump running has destroyed his brand. And he's trying to dig up all these skeletons on Hillary. This only makes sense if you're an uninformed, low-information voter.

Best quote I've heard about the race, Clinton lies like a politician, trump lies like an alcoholic

He doesn't drink.

(Sniff) that wasn't meant to imply he did, just how he lies like an alcoholic would. Or any sort of addict really. If you don't know what that's like consider yourself lucky.

Defintiely some similarities with an addict. I see more of a 12 or 13 year old; deflecting blame, its never his fault, believing anything he sees on the internet.

True. I got that. I didn't mean to imply otherwise, though I see how it did.

How would you know?

He said his brother died from alcohol and has been pretty open out it. One doesn't gain anything from saying one doesn't drink. I believe him. I've never met someone who says they don't drink but actually drinks.

No, I don't KNOW for an absolute goddamn fact - but neither do you.

That is the best thing I've read regarding the election.

Clinton lies like a pedophile priest.

Trump lies like a narcissist.

The president can steer the conversation and the congress can enact the policy. We are looking at a political system that is actually resisting the peoples ability to steer that conversation and the president to enact policies to screw over those same people.

We are looking at a political coupe where none of the party nominees is accepted by the people representing them. That is the issue and why this shitshow is so heated.

It is a crisis. Why can't we leave Obama in office for another four years? That would allow for status quo.

That would probably end in an all-out civil war between Black Lives Matter and the security forces plus monthly terrorist attacks

Thing is that he has gone 72 hours with staying on message and not shooting himself in the foot with saying dumb things. The Clinton campaign had this recent 10+ year old footage in archive just waiting for something big to come out against Hillary so they could feed and maintain focus on Trump.

Even if that is true, isn't it exactly what any campaign would do? What would be the criticism? 'You should have released it earlier when it would not have been so damaging for your opponent'?

No criticism here. It is a smart move, of course. They knew shit would hit the fan and they need things like this to deflect attention from some pretty damning wikileaks.

The wikileaks are nothing more than whistling past the graveyard.

Seriously, if that's the best wikileaks can do Hillary might as well start choosing wallpaper.

I don't know if I'm more insulted by the Clinton camp throwing us shit we knew ten years ago to draw attention away from their mistakes, or the fact that it apparently worked showing that a guy known to be a racist misanthropist for decades is gasp being a misanthropist! Shocking.

This isn't news. They could at least hammer him on a REAL issue like his lack of plans, the infeasibility of the others he has, but instead they give us this mentally insulting trash and people eat it up!

Because they're smart enough to know that voters don't give a shit about policy plans.

To be fair, there has been a lot said about his lack of plans and the infeasibility of the ones he does produce. The problem is Trump knows he would get ripped to shreds if people argued against his lack of plans so he sees it as being less harmful to have people think he's an asshole than to think he's and idiot. That is why he floods the media with this shit that he spews. 90% of the time it is him trying to distract from his lack of capability to actually run a country and would rather the conversation be about his imflammatory nature so that he can write it off as campaign mud slinging rather than actual political vetting. The other 10% of the time it is well timed shit posting by Clinton campaign or media that realizes he cannot be president.

That's where trumps actually quite successful in this campaign, is his gamble on the asshole vs idiot dilemma. He has built a solid base that actually likes that he is an asshole and anything he says will just further endear them to him. The problem is, it's successful enough to win him the nomination but not enough to win the election. Because the percentage of people who like that he's an asshole is like 25-30% then he gets another 15% who are party loyalists/"Hillary is the devil"ists and that's his ceiling. The reason he can't go higher than that is because that gamble on the asshole vs idiot has back fired with the other 55-60% of us who ended up seeing him as not just one or the other, but as both an asshole and an idiot. The reason the election is close is because not all 55-60% that sees trump as unfit, is willing to vote for Hillary.

Sorry if any of that didn't make sense, I'm half asleep and ranting. Not necessarily trying to take a stance for one candidate or the other, even though it's probably clear. I just wanted to make a point that people have tried to report on his lack of ability to run our country, but trump has successfully changed the conversation to something he sees as less harmful, with a little help from Clinton and the media.

It's just misanthrope. Misanthropic is the behavior, misanthrope is the individual. Just for future reference.

Oh, so what you're saying is I personally think that there are better ways of separating Trump from a lot of his supporters and so I'm going to criticise the Clinton campaign team - all god knows how many of them with all their combined experience and expertise and 24/7 attention to the situation - for doing otherwise than as I approve.


Even if that is true

What do you mean if? It was a recording with and by the Bush family. Like George's actual uncle.

Do try to pay attention. The 'it' in "even if that is true" is the allegation that the Clinton campaign had the clip and kept it under wraps until the perfect time.

The Bushes have been against Trump this whole time. They know that not publicly endorsing him helps Hillary, aka they've already been helping her. That's why it's not difficult to come to the conclusion that it is in fact true that they've had that tape a while. Maybe you should pay a little more attention yourself.

It's entirely possible that other people - even you - know more about this than me.

However, you didn't seem to be able to pay attention to this very thread - what does that say about you? And you theories?

Edit: for avoidance of doubt, pulling shit out of your ass doesn't even count as a conspiracy theory. Some things are not even coincidences, but just happenstance. Come back when you have a shred of evidence that the Bush family are helping Hillary and that Billy Bush produced the tape as part of that effort.

The Bushes publicly saying "Don't vote for Trump" is clearly saying they would rather Hillary win. There's no conspiracy about that, it's just common fucking sense. I guess it is my fault for assuming you had even the most basic of logic though.

The Bushes publicly saying "Don't vote for Trump" is...

a really...


fucking really...


...really long way from them actively helping the Clinton campaign.

Buy you aren't involved in open debate, are you? You are so worked up - about something - that you can't see straight anymore. Any two facts can be added together to be suspicious, and any three facts are proof of a conspiracy.

Sure, but it's like a rape victim who only comes out after her offender becomes a billionaire and is in seek of cash. Expected but we shouldn't love her for it, the American people are disgusted by her actions.

Clearly Her and all the media outlets aren't really offended the way it's pushing for our women to be because if they were they'd debut'd it the second they caught win not when it further pushed/hid their agenda.

Fucking sociopaths.

Expected but we shouldn't love her for it, the some Americans people are disgusted by her actions.


I don't know what to say to you; politics is a game of strategy. My thesis would be that the entire Democratic party - including the campaign team - is repelled by Trump. One new piece of information isn't going change much. But releasing it a week after you get it, to maximise the damage - that seems to me to be smart and perfectly ethical campaign management.

Plus, of course, it's only the most strenuous of speculation that i) the team has anything to do with it and ii) if they did, that they didn't release it at the earliest practical point.

That's the thing with most conspiracy theories, I don't necessarily doubt any of them, I just don't believe all of them. But your suggestion doesn't seem too far fetched.

It's actually the other way around.

The Trump story leaked first and was followed by the Wikileaks email dump. Maybe the real conspiracy is that Assange tried to reduce the damage on Trump?

It is disappointing that Wikileaks has exclusively tried attacking Clinton. I understand why Assange has a personal vandetta against her but It should be an unbiased source for information we normally wouldn't get. The video released on Trump should have been from Wikileaks.

The whole deal with wiki leaks is releasing unknown government information. As much as you can hate the guy, his 10 year old video is not related to the beaurocracy.

He is targeting one presidential candidate for past indiscretions but not the other because the other was not part of Politics? They are both presidential candidates, their previous actions have impacts on the government.

His previous inclinations are not within the beaurocracy. If he held an official seat, then it'd be something released. Wiki leaks has said before that they don't like to go through civilian materials unless it pertains to an office holder. This material especially has nothing to do with Wiki leaks like material.

what if trump released the audio tape himself?

Considering we know Russia is behind all of this in attempt to get trump elected that would make sense. Fortunately for Clinton these were very lame leaks if anything it might gain her support.

For 10 years Wikileaks has been lauded for their releases of information regarding corruption but the moment there's something bad against Hillary released suddenly it "those damn Russians."

That's not true at all their collusion with Russia goes back a long way, it started when Assange was convienently given a show on Russian state television.

And that still has no bearing on the truth of the documents. People are drumming up a Red Scare. And if we enter another Cold war it will be your fault.

Oh it's my fault that Russia is trying to influence our election?

No it's your fault for spreading false alarm, while ignoring the substance behind an issue. I repeat, how does the leaker of documents have any bearing on the truth of them? Quit ignoring the point, it is an obvious cop out.

You can take in the dull leaks and also recognize Russia is up to no good, jess you people are so biased.

Again that's not what I asked. Obviously you are attempting to deflect away. These leaks are damning, everyone should read through them with their own eyes, and nobody is refuting them as untrue, not even the campaign.

Clinton is behind this regardless of the timeline of events. Clinton obviously would have known ahead of time that Wikileaks was doing something? Therefore, she preempted the email dump so that it never even has that first day in the news cycle.

So transparently corrupt.

Clinton and her minions also probably made Hurricane Matthew with their weather control device.

Nah they'll just use it to make bank like the last time her and her friends tried to help the Haitians.

Why not?

Hook, line, sinker

Clinton is behind this regardless of the timeline of events

"Clinton is responsible for this no matter what happened or when"

It's not evey day you read something this stupid outside of the_dumpster.

Just like how she created ISIS, the Iraq War, hell, 911 was her fault too. Financial crisis? Clintons. Over it.

In what way did Bill not play a huge role in the financial crisis, he pushed to deregulate the mortgage industry that was the center of the economic collapse. "Everyone needs to own a home"

And for good measures, she caused Matthew, too. /s

There's a lot of paid shills in this thread.

Yawn. 20 cents a post.

Yes. That explains everything. Everyone's a paid shill and you're being persecuted. Of course. How could I have been so blind?


You know she's paid more than 6 million for online shilling right?

So you actually think there's just shitloads of paid shills here rather than the website as a whole being liberal?..

That's your actual opinion?


Hilarious, isn't it?

Be careful man, if your teacher sees you with your phone, you're gonna get detention.

That's not true. Before the audio was the story he brought up how the Central Park 5 were still guilty totally unprompted. It's been washed under by the audio clip but that's a pretty big deal too.

Im sure they have much more (decades worth) similar footage/evidence revealing who @therealdonald is beyond his lies.

The fact that the emails did not come out during the primaries makes it for sure whoever did them was on hillary's side.

She would not have gotten the nomination if they dropped them at the right point. Russians my ass, this was damage control.

He's gone a whole 72 hours? Let's make him President.

originally posted by /u/phatvince

"Correct The Record (CTR) is one of David Brock's numerous Democratic Super PACs (see Media Matters for America, American Bridge 21st Century). CTR's website describes itself as "a strategic research and rapid response team designed to defend Hillary Clinton from baseless attacks." Brock himself stated that "CTR is a pro-Hillary SuperPAC. Part of our mandate is to do due diligence on Hillary’s opponents. Unlike the mud-slinging and name-calling we see on the Republican side, our research is all fact-based."

CTR first gained attention (and hatred) on reddit (which is overwhelmingly pro-Bernie) with its attacks on Sanders throughout the Democratic primary campaign. Its popularity exploded three months ago when the Daily Beast reported that CTR was spending $1m to "push back against users on Twitter, Facebook, Reddit and Instagram through its Barrier Breakers program. "

Looks like they bumped that funding up a lot lately. I'm surprised more reddit users aren't up in arms about this shit. You would also think the admins would have done something by now too, I guess they're letting their own politics get in the way of making the right decisions.

Millennials do not like Clinton, yet somehow on reddit the stupidest shit in support of her makes the front page everyday. This one of the largest instances of astroturfing I've ever seen.

Your own damn post reads like something from CTR

First real top comment

Their entire history reads like CTR propaganda.

Either these people have absolutely no other interests on the planet, or they are paid to be here.

Where can I get a Tin Foil Hat like yours? I want to know what it feels like to be completely disconnected from reality and believe that this very liberal website doesn't support the democratic nominee over a racist and repulsive republican candidate. But no! It's this super pac! It's all this super pacs fault we're losing! Donny's getting cheated! This is all a scam! Everyone who supports a widely supported candidate is a corporate shill!

Take a step back and listen how batshit crazy you sound. Please tell me you're not this delusion in the real world, and it's just an act for Internet points...

What about hillary clinton strikes you as very liberal?

There is literally nothing about clinton that you would consider liberal. Sanders was liberal. Clinton and Trump are both conservatives, just different flavors.

Funny you think I'm delusional when the post you replied to has several links, including some from CTR themselve where they admit to astroturfing reddit.

But I raised a good point and provided evidence so it's time to assassinate my character just like all those who bill clinton raped or took advantage of, right?

This guy is just a douche to everyone he remotely disagrees with.

Says the guy who uses a sub that verbally assaults anyone who disagrees with them. Lol.

excellent source lol

Do you have any rebuttal to the actual data presented? Perhaps to this part?

"Clinton was one of the most liberal members during her time in the Senate. According to an analysis of roll call votes by Voteview, Clinton’s record was more liberal than 70 percent of Democrats in her final term in the Senate. She was more liberal than 85 percent of all members. Her 2008 rival in the Democratic presidential primary, Barack Obama, was nearby with a record more liberal than 82 percent of all members — he was not more liberal than Clinton."

Or is this the level of political discourse this sub expects?

"I am occupying from the center-left to the center-right."

A candidate made a statement positioning themselves as a moderate? Well who needs voting records then.

Clinton is absolutely liberal. If you think Clinton is a conservative, you know literally nothing about politics. I'm confused how you'd even think she's remotely close to conservative? At best she's a moderate liberal. Please explain how she's conservative when all her stances lean left? Sanders was an extremist, Clinton is liberal. You must be knew to politics, which makes sense because this is probably the first election you've paid attention to. It also solidifies how you'll believe anything, when almost all of those links have already been discredited by others.

But yes, it is time to "assassinate your character" (who the fuck says that?) because you're a wannabe edgelord who doesn't actually understand politics, but wants to support the candidate who is "off-the-cuff." At any rate, Donald won't win or even come close, so there's nothing to truly worry about in the long run.

when almost all of those links have already been discredited by others.

L O fucking L. I had to stop reading here. Prove it. Prove they have been discredited when it is literally the CTR itself admitting to astro-turfing reddit.

Jesus fucking christ, how do you manage to breathe while being so fucking retarded?

You write like a fucking edgey 12 year old, pissed off at the world because your daddy beats you or some shit. Go on, look at your own post history. Everyones an idiot but you right?

You know that saying " If everyone you meet is an asshole, you're probably the asshole". Yea swap asshole with idiot and that's you bud.

How the fuck do you think clinton is even the slightest bit liberal? Honestly, I'm dumbfounded here. Sanders was the only liberal in the election. You don't like him though so now he's an extremist right? Atleast you CTR shills are consistent with character assassination.

Let me correct the record here. I'm old enough to be your father, I've probably voted in more elections than you've been alive to see. And to cap it all off, you acting like a child who doesn't get his way is certainly not going to sway anyone to vote for hillary.

I'll let you get back to being beat by dad or whatever the fuck else is going on that's feeding your serious mental issue.

Wow. The fact you started off by resorting to calling me retarted made me stop reading your post. If you have to call someone retarded in the second paragraph, you clearly don't have a real argument. Feel free to comment or message me when you've calmed down and become more rational though!

P.S. The irony in your comment, especially the comment about the edgy 14 year old, is unreal. It's like you just type, and read back what you wrote later.

I thought I'd try to get through to you by writing like you. Go on read your own post history then go look up what ironic means.

Oh half decent deflection btw, you can't answer so you deflect.

No, I just don't need to respond to your post when you don't even write about politics. Really quickly, just to shit you down, you know literally nothing about politics saying Hillary isn't liberal. Here are two links for you to look at, and I have 5 more in the chamber if you'd like them too.

But, knowing you, you'll link to DailyMail to refute it, or just call me retarded or other insults to make yourself feel better.




Man just posting these reminded me how out of touch with reality you are. Loll

I'm especially impressed by your super quality sources you chose to link! What great journalism those three sites use.

By the way, a liberal shift, or being more liberal than obama (which is false) still doesn't make her liberal.

lol. You're insulting Washington Times and OntheIssues? Oh boy. No wonder you follow the sources you do. You are so thick skulled it's borderline sad. I just gave you three major sources saying she's liberal and you're still denying it. Bernie sanders was a progressive socialist, and If you think he's the blueprint for "liberal" it explains everything. I'm sorry dude, but I'm gonna move on with my day. You obviously don't even want to understand how politics actually work, and I just need to respect that and let you vote how you please. Fortunately, /r/The_Donald and republican newspapers/forums are literally the only places saying that Trump has a chance, so it'll just be a few more months of election talk.

Have a good week!

Not that guy, you're a petty fuck.

You will easily believe that dictatorships censor and do media blackouts

Why do you believe its not possible for it to happen to you?

Check my comment history, not a trump supporter just against suppression of information. This is where we've come this election, litmus tests for everyone.

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TIL lying, warmongering, and obstructing justice is par for the course for politicians. /'s

Edit: word + /s.

Hey, leading the middle east into the destabilized shithole it is at the current moment causing thousands to die and breaking campaign finance laws are meaningless 'cause Trump called some lady fat 20 years ago!

Destabilizing the middle east has pretty much been us policy for the last 50 years. I mean, the Iranian revolution had us backing. Iran-iraq war, same deal, Afghanistan vs Soviets, bunch of terrorists in countries we don't support. Backing the Israelis which Pisses everyone else off. Bombing suspected terrorists that are hiding in hospitals... you name it, it's been happening for the last 50 years easy.

That is status quo for US policy in the middle east. Sure Clinton supports it but it's hardly new. And Trump would support it too, because it's what the military industrial complex wants and any president who would act against them wouldn't be around very long.

You must be new

The Clinton trail of outright murder is a bit worrisome though...

no doubt. why I'm leaving the country

I think what you said as far as Hillary's behavior being par for the course is exactly why we desperately need to show our politicians that the voting public will no longer tolerate it.

NOT PAR FOR THE COURSE. She has gone far far further than any politician. Politicians are in jail for doing less than she did.

Add to it that the leaked stuff is pretty tame.

Yeah, breaches of national security as Secretary of State are no big deal. Trump is so mean guys!

How are her speeches to banks realated to national security or her being secretary of state?

Don't get me wrong, I hate hilary, but what are you talking about?

One example, she may have divulged Classified information during this speech:

Of course, not a big surprise considering we're talking about Hillary.


Except there is no proof that there were breaches of national security and the FBI explicitly said that. What she did was stupid, and her staff was stupid, but there was no evidence anything bad happened. It could have, and showed poor judgment by a grandma who didn't want to go through the trouble of learning technology better.

I think everyone hyping it up this summer as the start of the Clinton downfall was really why no one cares it's just her talking about politician life

what's "pretty lame" about neoconservative banker regime change wars?

Clinton Emails on Libya Expose The Lie of ‘Humanitarian Intervention’

Probably the most revealing email is dated March 30, 2011, just 11 days into the NATO bombing campaign which would go on until October, 20, when Qaddafi was finally murdered (after being sodomized). In this email (C05782459), entitled “Win this War,” Clinton’s closest adviser, Sidney Blumenthal, makes it clear that, in terms of the continuing reasons for the war, any “humanitarian motive offered is limited, conditional and refers to a specific past situation.” In other words, while NATO would go on bombing for another 7 months, Blumenthal is already admitting that there is really no humanitarian basis for continuing the conflict.

Exposing the Libyan Agenda: A Closer Look at Hillary Clinton's Emails

Qaddafi's government holds 143 tons of gold, and a similar amount in silver.... This gold was accumulated prior to the current rebellion and was intended to be used to establish a pan-African currency based on the Libyan golden Dinar. This plan was designed to provide the Francophone African Countries with an alternative to the French franc (CFA). In a "source comment," the original declassified email adds:

Qaddafi's threatened attempt to establish an independent African currency was not taken lightly by Western interests. In 2011, Sarkozy reportedly called the Libyan leader a threat to the financial security of the world. How could this tiny country of six million people pose such a threat? First some background.

It is banks, not governments, that create most of the money in Western economies, as the Bank of England recently acknowledged. This has been going on for centuries, through the process called "fractional reserve" lending. Originally, the reserves were in gold. In 1933, President Franklin Roosevelt replaced gold domestically with central bank-created reserves, but gold remained the reserve currency internationally.

In 1944, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank were created in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, to unify this bank-created money system globally. An IMF ruling said that no paper money could have gold backing. A money supply created privately as debt at interest requires a continual supply of debtors; and over the next half century, most developing countries wound up in debt to the IMF. The loans came with strings attached, including "structural adjustment" policies involving austerity measures and privatization of public assets.

After 1944, the US dollar traded interchangeably with gold as global reserve currency. When the US was no longer able to maintain the dollar's gold backing, in the 1970s it made a deal with OPEC to "back" the dollar with oil, creating the "petro-dollar." Oil would be sold only in US dollars, which would be deposited in Wall Street and other international banks.

Man, I love how you switched from HuffPo to that garbage conspiracy site. As someone with a degree in econ, get that weak anti monetary authority shit out of here.

I love show someone with a "degree in econ", dismisses new information when it doesn't fit their narrative.

If you want to throw your "degree in econ" as some sort of claim to expertise, I'd advise you as someone with an engineering degree and P.E. license (me) to review the author's credentials before just dismissing as conspiracy.

Ellen Brown is an attorney, president of the Public Banking Institute, and author of twelve books including the best-selling Web of Debt. In The Public Bank Solution, her latest book, she explores successful public banking models historically and globally. Her websites are Web of Debt, Public Bank Solution, and Public Banking Institute.

You millennials have google don't you? There's nothing in that article that can't be checked in other sources. Time for you to understand the reason these specifics aren't being covered is the same reason this mainstream press lied to America about motivations for the Iraq war, Iraqi nukes, Iraqi mobile bio-labs, Iraqi ties to al Qaeda, over 12 years ago when you were still a toddler.

Not really. The stuff that was ALLOWED to be leaked isn't what she's in trouble for. The problem is she had top secret info that 1 she shouldn't have had 2 is very sensitive information And 3 was stored improperly, in securely, and illegally.

Listen I hate Trump too, I'm going 3rd party, but hillary is full of shit

Wtf are you talking about? Wikileaks shot its load and it just sort of ended up being a dribble rather than the geyser promised. We're talking about her speeches in which she pretty much advocates single payer health care, calls herself a moderate, and says she needs Wall Street's help to fix Wall Street. Btw, what is an allowed leak? Are you saying that Clinton controls what gets leaked? If that's the case, why leak anything or even intimate that there's something to be leaked?

I would like to stay with saying that I'm not trying to argue with you, but i would like to know more of what your are taking about.

From what i understand, the emails are from when she was secretary of state, so I can't imagine there was any information she wasn't supposed to have. And all classified material is sensitive. So what specifically are you referring to with her emails?

I agree with you that they were miss handled.

I thought he was reffering to the speech transcripts. Which from what I've heard are pretty tame. Then again I've also only heard very limited information about it.

I personally feel like everything Clinton is suspected of doing is pretty much par for the course as far as politicians go

Completely with you on this. Hiding some emails from the government? That's nothing. That's like jaywalking as far as political corruption goes. I'm surprised it even made the news.

It's the continuous history of open lying. The piles of dead people who seem to follow them around. Fixing the nomination by vote tampering. The list goes on and on.

Shitloads of shills in every thread. Rotten to the bone is rotten to the bone. They have to go.

Piles of dead people?

You're really posting in /r/conspiracy but have no idea what he's referring to?

I like sources, regardless of the source themselves. It is so easy to state a 'fact' without backing it up

My point is that this specific issue has been discussed at length in this subreddit time and time again. This is the reason people are screaming shill in every thread because many of these posters show one way or another that they have no idea of anything in this subreddit

lol that makes them shills? People are trying to educate themselves on an idea, regardless of how silly it is. Pushing them away when they ask for additional information is a bit extreme

The point isn't to rely on others for that information, but to have the desire to find that information yourself, and for this specific topic - which has been discussed at length, time and time again on this subreddit - it's not very hard to do some light digging.

Google clinton body count. Kind of too coincidental that that many of your contacts commit suicide with 2 different guns. In the back of the head. One guy even killed himself and then stuffed himself in a duffel bag, padlocked it and then got in the bathtub. Lmfao any of us would be sitting on death row due to circumstantial evidence.

It's the worst kind of conspiracy. Somebody makes a wild accusation, people who want it to be true yell about it like it's true. Meanwhile a cursory read on any of the incidents basically boils down to "someone died who knew the Clintons, so obviously they had them assassinated".

It wasn't even good enough for Ken Starr to do anything with, but I'm sure he's just a CTR shill too.

They have to go.

Is that a threat?

So Bill literally raping several women is just par for the course? Fucking CTR is in full force today.

Citation needed.

Anything beyond accusations?

Meanwhile Trump is recorded admitting to it and encouraging it.

Edit: Yes... downvote me for requesting facts. Fucking hate /r/conspiracy.

And I'm pretty sure that at least one of the people accusing him has had issues with lying on the stand and changing stories.

We have to get the money out politics. Until Citizens United is overturned and real reform put in place, it only gets worse.

"Trump can't go 72 hours without saying something abhorrent"

Uh, lots of the things people are getting upset about are things he said years ago. I seriously can't believe people think Trump is worse than Hillary still.

Sure, she's gotten many people killed over her 30 years in politics, but Trump said some mean things that hurt my feel bads!

Jesus Christ man..

hashtags and dank memes are apparently on the same level as genocide and treason. these people are out of their minds.

Why do you immediatly assume he's pro-Trump and being negative about Hillary because of that.

You and I thinking Hillary is the better candidate is no legit defense to ignore or downplay her media manipulation and corruption.

Sure, vote Hillary, I would. But make damn well shure the whole world understands how far the corruption goes. Just take a look at r/politics, there is only propaganda left.

Fuck off, CTR cunt. Maybe I'd hear you out if you weren't being paid to say this. But the fact that your employer has to pay people to come online and defend her says everything I need to know about Clinton.

fuck off you concern trolling shill

Reddit, Inc. (owned by media giant Condé Nast) can censor whatever they choose, freedom of speech doesn't apply. Similarly they can work with their brown-nosing volunteer mods to censure and shadowban individuals, groups, whomever they wish.

A Reddit-like site run solely by the government could be more fair and balanced (no Fox intended), then again it could be like well, China.

I get that but can't i hope for Trump to get elected only for him to be impeached like less than a week into office so that he doesn't get to cause any major mayhem but is still a major fuck you to the way how these political parties are being run.

Even if that scenario is highly improbable, this is one of the more sensible sentiments I've seen in regards for voting Trump.

You're correct

Yeah and we cant go 24 hours without one of Hillary's policies being responsible for war in the Syria so there's that.... you know.... the secret wars and endless death but who cares! Trump likes pussey!

Trump has no private personality, he says what the majority of people/politicians think and say in private... and that's the true problem with the world, bigoted selfish idiots.

Having said that, I'll never vote for a Clinton, and I'm writing in Looney Ron Paul for the 3rd election in a row.

72 hours without saying something abhorrently inflammatory.

You mean like the video of him talking about grabbing pussy from 199?

The fact is, reddit is a mirror of the MSM. The MSM, super pacs, and powerful groups are all colluding to dig up as much dirt about Trump as they possibly can.

At the same time, all of hillary's dirt is turned a blind eye to, and the new dirt that continues to float to the surface, well, that's ignored as well.

Can you imagine for one moment if the media came after Hillary the way they have come after Trump? There is videos of hillary laughing about beating down a raped 12 year old girl and defending the sadistic rapist she knew was guilty, videos of her laughing about killing people, ordering deaths, and so much more scandalous information about her that is all being ignored.

Can imagine if the media got a few checks written by the Clinton Foundation, like they did for Trump? Or talked about the conflict of interest with her Foundation, like they have with Trump and his tax returns?

The playing field is not fate, Clinton's got her thumb on the scale, and we are witnessing another Bernie incidence. This time it's Trump.

You have any links to any of those videos?

Nothing you can't find yourself.

You have any links to any of those videos?

Also are we just gonna ignore the fact that Trump destroyed a proud, American institution that set standards?

You may or may not be a shill, but all the upvotes you get pretty much are, I'm thinking.

As I mentioned in another reply, anything's possible. I wasn't posting to support Clinton, only to explain why people are probably more adamantly opposed to what Trump is doing/saying.

The majority of Americans already see our politicians as corrupt, so what Clinton has done isn't that far of a stretch from what her predecessors have done. E.g. Bush going to war based on what appeared to be lies in hindsight; Obama giving guns to Mexican cartels, and letting the NSA run wildly unchecked even though he ran on a platform of "transparency".

I'd like to think all politicians who commit these types of offenses would receive the same legal consequences as regular citizens.

Unfortunately, that's not how our society works.

I agree with you. But the fact that your semi-apologetic post makes it to the top (and is guilded no less - why, I don't know) raises my suspicion that this is driven by shills. Also adding to my suspicions is that we know Clinton employs social propaganda techniques, and Reddit management is heavily supporting her. It is clear that Reddit has itself become a major propaganda tool.

"I don't know WHY you got guilded."

Stop being a hater, Euro.

Its how you so gracefully turn it from diluting Clinton felonies and turn back to Trump.

Gold and upvotes purchased by HRC.

The massive dumps of email fraud, graft, corruption and LIES far outweighs any lewd frat boy comments.

But do you think that whatever the fuck Trump is doing is really going to bring about real change?

i think that if the democrats lost to Trump, the party would break down and either get a major overhaul or open up a bit of space for an actual progressive party in the US.

electoral reform is the only sort of change i want out of any election at this point.

Trump says bad things. Hillary does bad things.

Jill Stein it is.

The rational argument to counter this, is trump will do with america, exactly what he has done with trump industries. At the best cost he can negotiate.

Trump industries is a multinational corporation, that is solely ran by Trump's decision making. It has out lasted multiple decades of false and outright criminal trade deals, done working contracts with every nation on the planet, and has likely bailed out america itself, when we were in periods of financial ruin. That is what made the Trump name so Important. He is known for his experience, and ability to buy, trade, and sign when the time is right. Taking as few losses as possible, and sometimes coming back with very little to start over with.

You need to realize that for nearly 2 decades, the clinton obama bush regime bankrupted our nation, and accepted payments for our now cowering positions. Trading our honor and security for condos, and limo's. Cnn is paid off. That is a huge red flag...

If a News agency is openly committing fraud it goes on to show that america is on the verge of complete system failure. That is the effective position our nation is showing abroad. That we as a nation are so corrupt, our media itself is in full swing panic mode trying to "Forcibly" steer an election into "choosing" the Liar that will keep it all together.

We are built and now living on lies. Despicable ones, that those in charge will do anything to keep in the dark. Trump is the one thing showing the world right now how corrupt the world is.

He isn't making himself look like an ass. The media is. Because they themselves are corrupt.

That became obvious when obama repelled the media propaganda act in 2013. (to lie about the fukushima, and libya catastrophies).

ALSO AT FORUM. IT IS OBVIOUS PAID SHILL TOP COMMENTOR IS PAID SHILL BY 1000+KARMA AND GOLD FOR YET ANOTHER PRO HRC VIEW> (HOWEVER). Any sane poster would notice that maybe only 200 people have actually seen this article. (hence every single comment karma being like 12).

Is this an x-post from a political fan-fiction subreddit?

Because your first couple paragraphs feel like some type of North Korean folklore propaganda.

"Donald Trump is the single most successful businessman in our nation's history! He has successfully predicted the exact closing number of the Dow, every day for the past 23 years! Mr. Trump once negotiated 7 different business deals, in 7 different timezones, in 7 different languages, at the same time-- all while vacationing on the moon!"

You're delusional. Especially if you think I'm paid to type things on Reddit.

I get paid to type things on reddit. How is that delusional?

Because I don't.

And for you to assume that I do, based on the fact that you disagree with my perspective, makes you sound quite delusional.

Upvote for clear and concise opinion backed up by logic and rationale.

But do you think that whatever the fuck Trump is doing is really going to bring about real change? And if so, at what cost?

No idea, but I'm sure that electing Clinton will reinforce what is already wrong with the system.

Agreed, but he has zero real political history. She has actual history.

This makes them, to me, both bad choices.

Definitely this.

I think people will accept the faults of Hillary more than the faults of Donald. She's a seasoned politician who's doing what alot of other politicians would do if they had her time and status in politics.

I also think that Reddit is more of a centre left leaning website in terms of politics,especially during this election cycle. Maybe it would be more evenly balanced if the Republican candidate wasnt so far to the right.

"But Trump" you could have just stopped there

Just like a politician.

"I'm not technically a PAID shill, just a shill who accepts gold for shilling

😪🔫 me_irl

How much does CTR pay you?

Do you have their contact info offhand?

Because if they'll pay me for giving what I believe to be an objective explanation on why I think most Americans are far more appalled by Trump- I will gladly accept their donation.

I think you're underestimating the number of Americans that despise Hillary.

Maybe, maybe not. I personally don't like Clinton based on everything I know about her. And almost any other Republican candidate would get my vote over her at this point.

But Trump is just one of the few that misses the cut for me.

Shill alert

Tl;Dr the lesser of evils. Corruption > stupid comments

Even if our traditional view of "acting Presidential" is based on decades of bullshit, it's still comforting to most Americans that a candidate's public stance isn't filled with off-the-cuff ignorance and vitriol.

Here's the thing. "Acting presidential" is a myth, one literally created by clinton's campagin team during the 1990s. Politicans are people, they say stupid shit, they do stupid shit. It's only with the advent of mass media invading every facet of our life that it suddenly becomes a big deal for someone to say something that every other american in the country has said at some point in time.

The president is not suppose to be a world leader, or a diplomat. He's not suppose to be some charismatic god-king that brings hope or change. He's not suppose to be someone who knows all or sees all or has all the answers. He's suppose to be the guy nobody likes. The guy that sits alone, reading legislation that the retards in congress have cobbled together and makes sure it doesn't become an actual law it if its too god damn stupid or blatantly against the country's best interests. The celebrity of the office is entirely artificial and frankly, it's unacceptable.

Wtf i love the globalists now

Well done mate you just corrected that record...

If trump is such a politician than why is it that that both political parties are against him?

Look into Johnson then.

He's a governor who's never had a major scandal

We need more of your walls of text

Just realize that Hillary is even worse

It's really funny how Reddit was so obsessed with Bernie Sanders and how they despised Hillary for how she treated him. Now it's all praise for Hillary and just a bunch of Anti-Trump articles. /r/politics is terrible.

CTR took over that sub. Just look at the mods post history. There was also a mod with an account that was only three months old. How does such a new account get mod to a subreddit with over 3,000,000 subscribers?

A nice monetary offer to a mod could make that happen.

Is there a way we can have someone offer up big bucks to a mod for these reasons and have it documented? Obviously this person won't pay the money for the account, but just to prove it can be done. Not that anyone is doubting that it can happen, but just to have proof of it.


Don't let your dreams be dreams.

Alright, go ahead and try it and see then. I'll be waiting.


I don't want it done enough to where I do it, hence why I asked for someone else to step up and who could probably do it much better than me anyways. So yeah mate, go ahead and step up to the pitch.

Lol you are one stupid motherfucker. You bring up the "idea", someone tells you to do it, and then you have a snarky response telling them to do it. I bet you do real well socially.

Well if I was going to do it myself, I wouldn't of made a post asking others to do it, now would I genius???

durp durp drupity durpdrup

I bet people laugh at you a lot and you can't figure out why, can you?

A healthy off the books donation in Reddit Platinum™ certainly helps, for those moments when you need...whatever it disappear altogether. At the end of the day I'm here to distract myself, looking at cat pics and stuff, occasionally I'll hit paydirt for magical internet points, but by and large I venture 90% of everyone here is blowing off steam.

So McLuhan was right, but the BEST part about this particular medium, is you can unsubscribe from /r/politics and join - or create your own forum. So I wonder what happens when the medium ignores them?

The Soviet Union learned early when it came to spys/moles you never pay them unless you are desperate. Its better if you develop spys who work for free because they support your ideology. They paid very few and only American or Europeans who where in extreme positions of importance would typically get paid.

I really doubt any mod is getting paid they are doing it because they are true believers. Never underestimate the ability of people to sell out their responsibility like modding a forum for no cash at all.

Just a 5 minute phone call from David Brock would get every single left wing mod to do what he wants and it can't be traced if no money changes hands.

They've infected every sub on Reddit. From self to frisson anti Trump posts are all over. Sickening.

He's done no favors to his cause tho. Can you honestly say he is running a good campaign?

In a conventional sense, no. His main appeal to people up until a couple months ago was his unwillingness to fall into the conventional campaign model.

Initially he was calling out every political figure for what they were, money whores. He flat out said he could buy almost everyone who was running. He started steamrolling the primaries because people are tired of the BS and we're rallying around him.

It's only in the past few months that his handlers have gotten ahold of him and toned him down. It started happening when all the shake ups in his campaign started happening. I'd be willing to bet a bunch of talking heads from the RNC established themselves within his circle and since then he's been floundering.

Going out there and hitting middle of the road talking points is something political legacies like HRC is great at, not Trump. He's allowed himself to be put on the defensive by pandering to the Republican Party and it's biting him in the ass. Instead of saying fuck you to all these people, he bent over for their endorsement and now their jumping ship to make him look week. He does much better as an antiestablishment candidate than one who tries to play the game.

Trump is awash in PC gaffes. There is no denying that. If he had half of the legal and sexual harassment issues HRC has floating around her there is no way he'd still be running.

I think you hit the nail on the head.

But Trump is the biggest money whore of all of them.

I'd be willing to bet a bunch of talking heads from the RNC established themselves within his circle and since then he's been floundering.

Right about the time Pence was give VP perhaps?

Yup, going after former miss universe at 3am, being totally unprepared for debates, and a 15 year old video where he talks about hitting on married women and grabbing women by the pussy is all he fault of the republican establishment that infiltrated his campaign? Oh btw the republican establishment that has to run all of trumps campaign field offices because trump can't be bothered to pay his staff or actually develop a ground game or the establishment from who trump steals policy from wholesale because he can't be bothered to create his own. Yup, the establishment republicans are sabatoging trump... womp, womp... womp.

reminds me of john mcain. He seemed a lot less an asshole till he won the nomination. Then it was just Palin, Pro-Life all of sudden, and hate john stewart, was quite the shift.

McCain was the first real lesson that in modern media, whoever the Republican party nominates will be absolutely eaten up and shat out myriad times between the nomination and November. it doesn't matter at all what they actually think or do.

McCain used to be loved the the mass media. He would go on every show and talk to every reporter and they loved it, largely because he would criticize the Republican party leadership. McCain was also the first guy to bring campaign finance reform to the national stage -- its still a huge issue. But once he got nominated? McCain became this too-old guy who was out-of-touch and probably a racist.

Same thing happened to Romney. In reality though both McCain and Romney were very respectable politicians -- esp. Romney, a republican who was governor of Blue state who overhauled health care for crying out loud! -- but it doesn't matter. They were pilloried. So the lesson is: if you're a Republican, it doesn't really matter what you say or how you say it.

Doesn't it seem like women and blacks are more biased towards hillary in general? Until they really get down to researching her.

They're in conspiracy now too

Yes because anyone who disagrees is a shill nothing is real.

Jusy in this thread I've seen multiple people accused of being shills for suggesting maybe the Trump recording was actually just a bit more newsworthy.

Don't get me started about how the big science lie machine has shut down any debate in the major news outlets or on the Reddit front page about the truth that the earth is flat. Shills!

When I look in the distance it's a flat line explain that science!

We wouldn't have this problem if Hillary Clinton and CTR weren't literally doing it.

Does anyone know how to sign up to be a shill? I mean I could use the extra cash and it sounds like a burgeoning business.

No, only people who disagree with me.

You are asking that question as if you haven't been exposed to the exact artificial bias we are currently discussing.

Have you actually listened to what he says? HIM, not 'his people." I don't need an external bias.

He is running two campaigns one against Hillary and another against the scum in his own party. Do you think Paul Ryan and other Republicans have made it easy for someone against Globalism to run?


The problem is not so much the anti-Trump as it is the pro-Hillary. It doesn't take nearly as much intellectual dishonesty to be anti-Trump as it does to be pro-Hillary.

Wait. So you're saying being anti-trump makes you "intellectually dishonest?"

You think that people are pretending to be pro-Hillary because it would help Hillary and that's being dishonest?

lol this sub is garbage.

this sub is garbage.

buh bye. see ya. epic flounce, bro

Or maybe people just legitimately dislike him because he's a piece of shit, and it isn't some massive conspiracy.

I'm not for either, but you really can't ignore the difference in the size of their rallies. It really makes you wonder why the numbers are so different on a site like this if their is no fowl play.

The people who like Trump are fanatic about him and are way more likely to do something like go to a rally for him, as opposed to HRC who has a majority of people who aren't really crazy about her and would never go to a rally for her, but would still vote for her because of how much they dislike Trump and think he'd be a terrible president. Rally size isn't something you can just compare between candidates as a straight indication of votes. Also, it's "foul play"; fowl play would mean she's playing with chickens or something.

The whole "less evil" marketing that has spun up around Clinton scares me a lot. It's too calculated.

Or maybe Trump really just is that shitty of a person.

How good or bad Clinton is has nothing to do with Trump. The Democratic party has betrayed the country by nominating her in the forced, coordinated, backwards way that they did. Her support numbers are somewhere around 20% of anyone under 30. She's going to be president simply because status-quo old people (the Baby Boomers who brought up the ladders behind themselves) vote more.

No, actually in an election between two people, one of them being a total unlikable piece of shit does kind of matter.

And when both of them are?

If you legitimately think that Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are both equally bad people and would both be equally awful presidents, then you can vote third party or not vote. But the argument of 'even if Hillary is pretty shitty, Donald Trump would be a million times worse' is absolutely a valid argument to make.

Can't believe the fucking birds interfering with our election.

Have you been on /r/all recently? For the last couple of months the front page of reddit had been plastered with pro-Trump, anti-Hillary posts.

The demographic for this site is 16-24 year old, pot smoking, unemployed, college debt crippled youth. This demographic overwhelmingly votes democrat, upwards of 90%+ of them, and so 90% of this site is people who will defend the left no matter what. It's very easy to think that a site as big as reddit represents a fairly normal piece of society, but it really doesn't. Most of the people here won't even be voting, tons of them aren't even American, and if you ask random strangers in real life if they use reddit 95% of the time they will say "what the fuck is a reddit?" Don't forget statistics and demographics when reading the sewage that is reddit, in no way does this site represent reality at all.

I think you pulled that number out of your ass.

Which one? 90%?

ONLY a 37 point margin last election among this age group, and that accounts for all youth in the nation - people who habitually use sites like reddit are much more likely to be left leaning than right leaning, as the trend goes for pretty much everywhere on the internet. People who constantly consume social media are more likely to be liberal, and liberals are more likely to constantly consume social media. Did I pull 90% out of my ass? Yeah, absolutely, but the number is much higher than 70%, which is verifiable, we can call it 80% and meet in the middle if it makes you feel better.

Or do you mean the 95%?

6% of people surveyed had ever used reddit at all. That means 94% of people have never used reddit in their lives. And, actually, this survey was conducted on internet users already, so that number is much lower when you account for all the people who do not regularly user the internet (regularly being for hours a day).

If you think this cancer website reflects anything close to reality, well, you are a fool, not much more to say. It is a very, very, very niche group of people.

If he is such a piece of shit, then how did he end up as Hillary's only opposition to getting into the White House?

Good question. The primary field running against him, spearheaded by Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and fucking Chris Christy, was very weak and unlikable, and his name recognition and message of "make America great again" appealed to a lot of Republican voters. Now that people have gotten to see him be a piece of shit, his support is dropping.

Because the GOP had 15 candidates that split the votes in winner-take-all primaries.

Because a large portion of the republican voter pool are pieces of shit

As if the RINOs haven't been trying to stop him in the first place when he KEPT WINNING! You enjoy the one party system as much as they do. I'm not calling you a shill, but it does seem you genuinely dislike him. Why? Has he not sold enough weapons to nations that kill gays, has he not deleted emails that (oh my) are now showing up showing more what kind of person is/isn't, has he not used a political position to do favours for nations that have a certain religion that explicitly calls for the death of the nonbelievers?! Have fun with a war with Russia as your Queen rules your cucked ass!

Jesus dude, you realize using all the RANDOM CAPS and saying shit like "Have fun with a war with Russia as your Queen rules your cucked ass!" make you sound legitimately crazy right? Obviously if at this point you think Trump looks like a super qualified president to you nothing I say is going to change your mind, so we can just leave it.

Seriously, is it that hard to believe? I was a die hard Bernie supporter but when it comes down to Hillary or Trump, that's a no brainer.

Donald Trump to my eye is the absurdist of dreams come true for Sen. Clinton. She has fine control over the DNC but was able to get one over on the entire RNC, by getting her buddy Donald to run, and see just how far the collective GOP knuckledragging exercise goes. We see today as Senators and bloggers alike run for political cover from Mr. Trump's latest escapade.

Only now, a few scant days from the eve of the election, is it beginning to dawn on the GOP , that they were outmaneuvered, in that way, such that I am kind of reminded from that scene from Game of Thrones, when the smartest woman in the Great Sept realizes they need to leave, and by then it's far too late, perhaps that's what makes that show so engrossing, because it's' disturbingly relevant sometimes.

Same way Trump posts are in all the places they are. 4chan is just different turf for different shills. Any waking moment there's 3 Trump General threads and 90%+ of the first page is pro Trump. Just shills reinforcing the us vs, them narrative to a specific demographic in their language: memes.


Your lack of creativity, general low intelligence, and overall non-addition to the conversion is noted.


Internet tough guy. We all know you're some fat pussy who walks around with your head down because the real world is too scary to face. I see low self esteem cowards like you every day and have nothing but pity for what a sad life you live.


Anyone from Salem attempting to belittle someone is a joke. You've set such low life goals that you can't make it out of the worst town in Oregon. Hahahaha. It's sad that people of your low ilk are allowed to vote.


What kind of an idiot would post in a city's sub that doesn't live there, even worse in Salem's sub? Holy crap you think that's a defense?! That's the saddest thing you could have said hahahaha. You fucking loser haha.


Oh god you work in that shit hole?! God it just gets worse for you haha. Can't make it in a real city? I'm sorry there's nothing about your life that doesn't suck.

Removed. Rule 4. Warning.


so. much. salt.


Theres a new mod with 1 link karma and 35 comment karma now...

Question? But how strict are the mod rules on large subs? do you just add someone when you are a mod? does it have any vetting process?

But I agree, the new leak is not getting traction, but that is the fault of Wikileaks for taking so long to release and a string of questionable and non-starter leaks. Like how the leak that came before which was Guccifer's was nothing, so that when the real release came from Wiki, people cared less. We also have the "bad Russia" narrative that taints everything out there that is released, further muddying the waters.

It's all because the new leak has nothing incriminating in it. Some people are so desperate for a story painting Hillary in a bad light when really, compared to Trump, she hasn't really done anything wrong.

it does have some stuff in there, nothing most informed people didn't know, but regular people, they didn't know these things.

But compared to what's coming out about Trump, there is no wonder it's buried in comparison. And for good reason too, Trump's debacle is much worse. It's not some conspiracy about post suppression on Reddit, it's just that the up votes from people far outnumber anything people might post about Hillary. Simple.

Was Trumps tape really that surprising? for me no, I figured he was this level of dick in private.

I guess I care about policy more than banter, but I also don't either choice and feel they are both bad, just to varying degrees depending on your disposition.

It's not uncommon for mods to have a newer alt account for a particular subreddit so that they can more effectively manage their modmail. I've seen that happen.


Correct the Record, a Hillary superpac funded group of people to defend her, basically.

you can use wayback machine to see exactly which mod has been there from the beginning... hint: he's not even american

Seems like they're taking over this post, too.

The top, gilded post is straight out of the CTR propaganda book.

Are you American?

To be fair a lot of prospective default subreddit mods commonly create new accounts to avoid doxxing issues. Especially important when you have a bunch of people dehumanizing them to the point of accusing them of being involved in a broad conspiracy.

This has actually been addressed. All the mods got new moderation only accounts.

you're new here, so i won't expect you to understand the idea of having mod alts. but sometimes you don't want the comment history of your main to influence what some might think about your mod account. i want to be able to call retards like you a retard on this account, without people losing their minds that a mod would be honest

treating him like shit is one thing. its 'modern' politics and ok, yeah you trash the other person. like how hillary started the whole "is obama even born in the US" thing

but manipulating the media and rigging the DNC against sanders so he had 0 chance to win, i dont see how any person in the US, let alone any bernie supporter, can be ok with that kind of underhandedness and someone so undemocratic can be a possible choice for the presidency.

thats not even getting in to how the FBI gave her a free 'get out of jail' card, which reinforces the fact that such a corrupt piece of shit should not be in public office at all

until the retarded public wakes up, and clears ALL the useless career politicians out, republican and democrat, this shit will keep going on. but they don't care, and actually at this point i've pretty much stopped caring as well. the only thing that bothers me now is that people pretend the system is not rigged & corrupt

I'm not okay with it and my vote will reflect that.

Who are you voting for? My vote will also reflect that sentiment. I'm voting on propositions and leaving the president blank. There are no viable candidates.

I just saw independent Evan McMullin on MSNBC and was quite impressed. Check him out.

Honestly it's none of your business sir.

Touché, I apologize if I gave offense.

like how hillary started the whole "is obama even born in the US" thing

Wait, really?

Nope, someone who supported her in 2008 floated the idea around apparently late on in the 08 primary, but no one in her campaign had a direct hand in starting it.

thank you for Correcting The Record

oh yeah, you caught me, I'm a shill, welp now I gotta go back to Shill HQ and report that my mission to brainwash one random reddit user at 626 in the morning failed and now the election is in limbo again, all these years of redditing all to get this one vote and now I failed. RIP

Do you do this often? I've seen these very words typed so many times when a shill is called out. If you don't want to be accused of shilling, then don't do things shills do.

Just sayin'....

I know we're on r/conspiracy, but come on now.

So funny and original. Guess 50% of Americans work for correct the record according to you.

If they did, people would actually show up to Clinton rallies.

You can see it's a classic fall guy how much they threw that lady under the bus...oh wait, no one has ever heard of her name, nor has Hillary mentioned her name in defense of herself when Trump attacks her for this, nor has anything bad seemed to befall this lady for her actions in spreading an outright lie

but manipulating the media and rigging the DNC against sanders so he had 0 chance to win, i dont see how any person in the US, let alone any bernie supporter, can be ok with that kind of underhandedness and someone so undemocratic can be a possible choice for the presidency.

They need to learn to think, not to sheep.

Translation: "There is nothing you can do. Quit struggling. Just lay back and enjoy it."


No. Not even close. In fact exactly the opposite. Seriously, how on earth do you even get that from what I said?

A lot of people feel the same way, they just don't feel like they don't have any agency. What can your average person do to achieve those ends? When you're presented with two options and told to choose one, and that there's no other options and it doesn't matter whether you feel the system shouldn't work like that, it feels like your only option is just to pick one and get it over with. It's not encouraging.

Your average person will make a small stand, see no results, and give up. There's no incentive to be the only person working against the system if you feel your efforts aren't going to resort into anything meaningful. If nobody finds these people and puts them in a group or gives them access to resources and options then they give up and accept the current system as the only option.

people just don't care - that's why the system is corrupt - because nobody really cares about what politicians do... this is just entertainment that comes around every 4 years and nothing more.

the real fools are the ones who get heated discussing why you should vote / who you should vote for and volunteering their time / effort / money towards candidates.

Mark my words, If hillary wins this election America will never get an anti-establishment candidate again. You guys are thoroughly fucked in the future.

Never get an anti-establishment candidate again

True, but a revolution isn't out of the question.

lol the US has half the country clutching their pearls while upset over the word PUSSY as if Trump punched a baby

nobody will ever attempt any sort of revolution

Not true! The second part, I mean. Even if the first part is true, and we won't have any more candidates that resemble Martin Luther, we'll still have those that resemble Thomas Cromwell. Reformation instead of revolution.

Trump is part of the establishment you fool

I was a Bernie supporter, was disappointed with his loss but I study political campaigns pretty closely and he just ran a bad one. The DNC obviously favored Hillary but Bernie made several key mistakes that cost him the election.

What mistakes did you notice him making?

Well a big one was ignoring the entire southern United States. It was hard because Clinton has spent a long time building her reputation down here but it seemed like his campaign made a conscious effort to not just not campaign down here but minimize the importance.

Another major one though was the GOTV. While his base might have been more excited, Hillary's campaign did all the little stuff, making sure older voters had their mail in ballots set up was huge.

Bernie's campaign was also hilariously unorganized. It was like it ran on pure emotion. Which was interesting as hell to watch, similar to Ron Paul's rise.

Yeah like I loved it, and supported it , but it was not a winning campaign. Very similar to Trump, big crowds lots of feels but very little effort into actually getting people to vote.

Well, we see where campaigns that aren't run on pure emotions get us, it's called the status quo.

they didn't favor Hillary. she was the only option they presented. thats a pretty big difference.

It's up to the campaigns to present themselves. Bernie had access to all the same resources the DNC gave Hillary's campaign.


I guess PR is one thing, but Bernie lost so early in the primaries that they were working to promote the candidate before it was technically over, which does look bad but that's one of the main reasons a lot of the DNC quit

The non-conspiracy answer would be that most of Reddit is liberal and supports Democrats to begin with. Yes, Reddit largely ate Hillarys ass out during the primaries, but after the the last few months they've come to the realization that the only choice now is Trump or Hillary. Most of them accept that they have to support Hillary even with all her flaws because the alternative is much worse. Trump makes it easier to support Hillary by the week with all his statements.

This was the number 1 post in /r/politics for a while earlier: Wikileaks Appears To Release Hillary Clinton's Paid Speech Transcripts So I don't know what the OP is talking about.

All the top comments were talking about how saintly Hilary is. Did you even bother to look? People have forgotten that if you compare almost anybody to trump, they look better. As a result, people have become fervent Hilary supporters. Wait until she's elected, when that orange menace is out of the picture, everybody will realize how shitty she actually is.

America is at 2am at the bar, we struck out with the people we wanted and we have a choice between really bad and bad to go home with. We're drunk on media bs and spin, worn down from reddit, FB, Twitter arguments, so we just put our vote with bad, cause well; we HAVE to chose one.

But in the morning light, with no more need to have to choose, we will see it's still a bad choice but one we have to live with for 4 years.

I see lots of trump is shit, but honestly, I don't see the Clinton is great posts, I see better than the other guy, but that's about it.

This is /r/conspiracy, get out of here with your logic.

Your heckling is not contributing to the conversation.

Every once in a while, an anti-Hillary post gets posted and succeeds, but it's like 1 in 100. It's heavily biased. Obviously Trump is more of a billionaire socialite instead of a politician, but it would be nice to have a more even split of posts.

I'm one of those people, I'm NOT pro Hillary, but I am very anti trump. I've tried to keep an open mind and listen, but he and I just don't agree on much at all, and what we do, he flip flops on, so..

I think the real goal of the people not plugged into the proverbial Matrix, like us, should now be making them realize that that kind of thinking (I better vote for so and so because the alternative is worse" - is fallacious and exactly what kept our our mothers and fathers from accomplishing anything for the passed 60 years. It's literally "lesser of two evils" mind prison going on STILL.

Ummmmmm most of Reddit is not liberal. Do you not remember the Donald constantly on the top of Reddit ? Then the admins changed the upvote algorithm "for diversity" and now the Donald no longer shows.

So now it seems like all of Reddit is liberal when really it's just censorship dictating Reddit .

I actually like the new algorithm. I've found so many new subs that I never would have if they hadn't changed it. Now /r/all has such variety. (And some good porn) I still see the_donald there all the time too. Plus they still dominate /r/all/rising.

Reddit is mostly liberal. No doubt about it. The_donald is the one big exception, but that's 225k people compared to ten times that many elsewhere. Plus a good chunk of them are trolls.

Sanders supporters who do not like Hillary, but still hate Trump and are not racist, don't really have anywhere to go, and no place to speak that won't result in instant downvotes. So all that is left is HRC supporters and Trump supporters, and both sides hate those of us who won't choose between the Turd Sandwich, a Giant Douche.

Go third party, dude.

If you really want to vote your principles and you hate Clinton and trump, pick a third party you agree with and vote there. I'm a former sanders supporter but I'm voting Johnson. I think most government is corrupt and we would be better off with less. If you're more populist, you might prefer Jill stein.

No candidate is perfect but if you don't want to choose between Kodos and Kang there are other choices out there.

Abstain and in doing so refuse consent to governance.

The problem is that this allows the sheep to choose the wolf to lead them.

Yeah, because pretending that a government doesn't have power over you is really helpful.

3rd party is great and all if you are already in a state that votes a particular way. If it's close, your vote will positively impact a candidate you don't want to win.

Rather, it will positively impact the candidate you like the most and will not positively impact the ones you like least.

If you don't like either major party candidate, why would you vote for either of them? There are other, possibly better, choices

Mathematically it doesn't work out that way, 3rd party vote will always help the party you least align with in our our current system.

Also I don't believe there are any other viable parties to vote for in this election, they all suck.

Not true. Mathematically, your vote almost never matters.

Only in the edge cases like in Florida 2000 would your vote remotely matter, and even then your vote can be reduced to a counting error. In the grand scheme of things, it's better to vote with your principles rather than trying to game the system.

The CIA and co have co-opted an entirely new generation exactly the way they did with baby boomers.

Look into Gary Johnson. He's not that bad of an alternative

He's wildly different from Bernie on so many policies.

But he's said that even if he thinks to go one way. If the public has different opinions he will vote by public opinion.


No people don't like the fact that Hilary changed her stance based on who she talks to.

He is open about his opinion. But he's willing to vote against his opinion if it's the will of the people.

He is the exact fucking opposite of Bernie, if you switched from Bernie to Johnson you would have to either know nothing or stand for nothing

He's better than going over to Hillary

No it's not. It's going from voting for a democratic socialist to a right wing libertarian. Otherwise known as a complete 180. I hate how people think Johnson is similar to Sanders cause he supports recreational marijuana.

Not really, Hillary is closer to Bernie than many people realize. If you want Bernie style policies, she's the only choice.

If you have to stay bound to your precious Democratic party, she's the only choice.

Well if you have any ideas that lined up with Bernie, Johnson is not a choice

I don't usually go on Reddit for my politics needs but oh my god I just scrolled through weeks of posts in /r/politics and I didn't find one post that was pro-Trump or anti-Hillary. As an undecided voter, it's this disgusting type of bias that most media outlets show that's pushing me so far from Hillary. How do people rip on trump when this woman is trying bring Bill back into the White House where he cheated on her so many times a few decades ago? Like I said, I'm not a trump supporter, as of now, but this is getting ridiculous.

Yeah fuck these same families, the Bush's, Clinton's etc ruling the govt. Wasn't that the point of a democracy was to get way from the same 'elite' families ruling over us?

You realize two of the first six Presidents were related right? People usually prefer familiarity over something new. Democracy was about giving people the right to choose their leadership, not about dictating who that leadership would be.

Yeah but the point of breaking away from the king and queen was to get away from the same elite ruling families.

It was about self representation and self rule. There have been political families as long as there have been aristocracy and politics. Democracy was not about diversity in rule, it was about how the rulers were chosen.

you can certainly add the Darling Obama's to that family oligarchy list, as well. Wait until Michelle or one of the daughters gives it a go in 2020.

Yep I'm sure they are setting up Michelle or their daughter, plus the Clinton's daughter and the other Bushes.

That's exactly my issue. There is tons to say bad about Trump, but there is also tons to say bad about hillary as well. They are both total ass, but somehow Hillary is being propped up as though she is some sort of decent candidate.

Not only that, but if you try to be neutral and point out bad things about both, you get immediately attacked.

These people are doing everything g they can to make me vote FOR Trump. I hate that I'm even considering that.


A Breitbart page of drivel

Maybe a post comparing his stance on past and future trade deals vs her desire for borderless free trade that was leaked last week.

I mean you do realize that r/politics has always skewed leftward? It's not like this is a huge conspiracy to silence republicans, it's just that the posts that make it to the front page are the ones that resonate most with Reddit's traditionally liberal readership.

Reddit really shouldn't be your source for unbiased political news in the first place.

Full disclosure: I'm a republican (not voting for Donald Trump) who has never been fond of r/politics in the first place

Well yes I do realize that now, but like I said I rarely come to Reddit for any political issues. I think you and me are in the very same boat here

You shouldn't be allowed to run a subreddit with that skew. It's like if the mods at cooking decided crock pots are the best and all non crock pot submissions are banned

Um... What that they say about reality having liberal bias again?

Most anti trump people I know are more turned off by his bigotry and lack of coherence than anything else,a lot of non racists can't get over it, can't support hate like that.

The cheating but most people don't care about. His policy Vs hers, his agenda Vs hers. It's a clear contrast. Im a regular democrat voter but not blindly dedicated, if reps ran a reasonable candidate I think things would be different.


Wow, you mean r/politics that for all of its history has been 100 percent liberal is being totally liberal this election cycle? You don't say!

I got banned from politics for posting an interview with Johnson and not realizing that a mod was bitching I asked him what the problem was he was throwing a fit about stupid stuff and I was like did Hillary pay you to say that. Boom banned and muted.

Care to show screenshots?


Rule 10. Removed. 1st warning.

What does him cheating on her have anything to do with her ability to be President? What a load of bs.

Well the same way that people think because Trump wants to grab some other woman by the pussy, the same way Joe Biden was always so close to women and just one second from a knee to the balls, it could effect him. Couldn't Bill being in the oval office again having an orgy not possibly rattle for Hillary when a Saudi leader comes by to visit? (Cause you know they will be the first she asks to come visit, instead of Assad or Putin.)

Because it points out the obvious that even with his baggage, she is a woman who could not have achieved her goals without a man in her life.

IF she didn't 'need' him to hustle speaking funds and do dirty deeds, she would have rightfully canned his ass.

That she hasn't, indicates she can't be an effective leader without Bill in the WH.

She is the embodiment of a sexist situation. She is not standing by her man, she is leaning on him.

"bring back Bill to the white house?" She is trying to get herself into the white house, ans since Bill is her husband, yep, he will come too. Doesn't put him in power. He cheated on her? Yes. Why does that reflect on her ambition or career? And the reason you don't see any pro-Trump posts is because there aren't many idiots stupid enough to publicly shame themselves, but of course there are always a few.

She already stated that she would make him economic advisor. Who a president appoints is just as important as who they are themselves, if not more important.

I hope she does. He's qualified, despite his personal gaffes.

Hurrr durrr trumps stupid because cnn says guys


lol. He proves the point......

Why does that reflect on her ambition or career?

it intimates she can't do it without him. Without Bill Clinton, she is an inept politician.

I don't know how you reach that conclusion. She has 30+ years of experience. The fact that here HUSBAND would come along with her is a no-brainer. But then, a brain is something you are probably not familiar with.

Maybe because she loves him? And maybe because they're married?

In her 30 years of experience when has she ever truly needed him? At the last debate was she holding hands with him?

Is this today's talking point?

I'm with herrrrrrrr correct the record

The First Lady (gentleman?) usually has a strong presence in the public eye, so yes it really does matter that he'll be back in there. And that says so much more about her career than anybody is mentioning. If Hillary is such a strong woman, why in god's name is she still married to that man? It's absolute hypocrisy to think that she's a strong figure and not only married to him still because it helps her own political career somehow, which is just so scummy. Sure, there are some damn idiotic trump supporters but acting like some Hillary supporters aren't as blind as uneducated is just an absolute fallacy.

If Hillary is such a strong woman, why in god's name is she still married to that man?

My main point about her, at this point. What is she, without Bill by her side?

Because she loves him? Indiscretions happen more often than not over the course of a marriage, and most survive. And she can and does stand quite well on her own. You don't see Bill holding her hand during debates, do you? And she tore Trump up like the child he is.

Is this todays talking point?

Trump is sleazier than Bill and more crooked than Hillary.

I don't think you've been paying very close attention.

Yeah like what?


In this hand we have sheep shit.

In the other, goose shit.

Now, imma gonna slap your face with shit.

Pick one.

Sheep shit for sure. Goose shit is gross and far less consolidated.

Congratulations for voting Democrat!

Lmao at all the conspiracy theorists down voting you, it's not like Trump has said offensive shit for decades or been involved in numerous lawsuits or been fined or broken trade embargos

Who are Trump's top donors again?

Who are they? I'd love to see that.

Went to r/politics yesterday and counted. I shit you not, 49 out of the top 50 posts were anti Trump.

49 out of 50

The one not against Trump was defending Hillary about the (fake) "bucket of losers" statement.

Edit: Just go over there right now and check it out yourself. It's a joke.

"bucket of losers" statement.

Wasn't that proven fake?

Yes, that's what the article was about

got a link to that article?


I'm not for Trump. I'm not even from the US. Edited my post.

When I post something about Hillary, it is downvoted immediately or labelled a bad source or some other crap. Try 2 -

Imagine the grip she will have on the media if she wins the election. That's so ducked up

No shit, Sherlock. It's called a liberal leaning userbase with a democratic voting system.

I think it's a conspiracy that nearly every poster in this sub has a lower than average IQ. The overlords are trying to dumb us down by giving morons a place to congregate...

You should see my bell curve. You are 2 standard deviations away from making sense.


Measuring "making sense" with a bell curve while calling other people stupid speaks for itself.

Yawn. I was making fun of someone else in this God forsaken sub.

Weird, it's almost like a group who originally supported a Democrat leaned toward supporting another Democrat. But nope, totally a conspiracy, right guys?

It's not about people who preferred Sanders whle he was still an option. The issue is the lack of coverage/transparency in one direction over the other ever since the candidates were decided for both parties.

There are some major anti-Clinton stories that didn't get posted to r/politics, or at least if they did they got removed or disproportionately down-voted to an extent outlying the normal bell curve.



Guy, when you decide to follow people around because they called you out it indicates some severe mental issues. See a psychic or something.



Removed. Rule 4.

Source on that bell curve sweetheart?

Use Reddit Insight on different posts in r/Politics. If you've never used it before, you might want to play around with a few random posts from subs with similar user engagement, that way you can spot irregular rates of downvoting in relation.

Mind pointing to some?

Like what?

If you post pro Bernie things they did the same shit.

Right about the time Hillary started spending a few million extra for her "online presense"(shills)


Also Donald is now funding the BLTT. "Big League Truth Team" that directs people how and when to post on social media.

I don't feel the effects yet since Donald is too despised to have astroturfing make a dent but I will have a look out for them.

It started this week: (Watch out, Breitbart if you don't want to give them any clicks).

I tried to include a variety of sources. But yes, manufactured Donald shilling is now official. You sign up for it on his official campaign website. There is no denying it for him anymore.


Yes, Clinton personally pays a German with a 5 year account to talk about Trump's astroturfing campaign.

Of course. You got me, the_donald poster. No bias at all in your comment. Ahahaha. I can smell your fear from here.

Your master will be blown the fuck out of the water by a grandma and you can do nothing about it.

Mm what does it smell like? Fish tacos? I'm hungry..

I only sense some delish Wieners in here. Gimme your bun!

haven't really seen much/any praise of clinton at all, actually. just anti-trump articles and op-eds

Because there is nothing the praise.

every single non hillary fan has left the /r/politics sub, or will soon the moment they realize every comment that isnt pro hillary gets buried

the sub has turned into bots and shills talking to each other while the bernie supporters have moved to either the jill or donald subs

"bots and shills"

Nice way to categorize them when they don't agree with your worldview tbh

You're blind if you don't see the astonishing hypocrisy of your under-thought-out statement.

Haha alright bud

Well, most of us Bernie supporters are actually Clinton supporters now. It was only a small (extremely) vocal minority that aren't.

I never see praise for Hillary on the front page

That's because her popularity is false. 1 post about Clinton on the Front Page would bring out a ton of criticism on her - which would impact any independent voters in swing states.

Plus, her subreddit is a sad sad place.

I still havent heard anyone praise her. I hear people telling me to just vote for her so t-dawg dont win. Pretty sad and amazing how someone no one seems to really like but tolerates is a frontrunner. Pretty intolerable if I might add.

so much this, I'm voting for Trump simply because of how betrayed I feel by everything. I don't give a fuck anymore, fuck the people who supported Bernie without really caring and fuck people who think Clinton is president material

Oh give me a break, you're greatly oversimplifying the whole thing and you know it.

I've seen the paid speeches megathread in the top of /r/all

I also see /r/HillaryForPrison in the top of /r/all nearly every single day.

Predicted it months ago. It wasn't that hard to see through, once you learn how reddit and left wing propaganda work.

Wow, you are very smart. Nobody would know that conservative shit would die on /r/politics and that liberal shit would be voted up. However on earth did you predict that?


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I see where you're coming from, but to be clear, I thought that I saw several posts on the front page about this (the "out of touch with the middle class" stuff, right?).

Honestly, unless a lot of redditors are just sheep it seems fairly obvious how bought the hillary love is. Even with a reasonable mildy anti hillary but still admission that I will vote for hillary post I was downvoted quickly to -15 or so.

Hillary is the best option, but you can see the shills starting to try to make hillary look cool by trying to make hillary memes by losting mfw style things.

We seem to be in the middle of a bit of an attempt to make it seem like she is level headed and not bought. Lots of whitewashing of her character is going on in the past few weeks.

I want her to win over Trump, but unless you are praising her blindly the paid for accounts will downvote or the sheep will downvote. Dissenting opinions on the election are unwelcome on reddit. And this is comong from someone whonhates trump with a passion and is very mich not anti immigration and pro woman.

You have to look at which demographic of redditors favored which candidate. The best litmus test is account age. Most "shill" accounts are less than a year/ 6-months old. Most of the big name S4P contributors and organizers had accounts for years

I was a sanders supporter and I understand how to compromise. Passing liberal policies is clearly much easier under Clinton than trump. Plus, Clinton is actually capable of doing the job.

People keep trying to say "they're both bad" but they are orders of magnitudes different. Hillary will be just as liberal as Obama. I'd like more but I'll take it because I'm not an idiot. In that time I'll also do what I can to get our election process reformed. People hate hearing it, but we all know that voting third party will not change anything except maybe make you feel better at night. Until we get a different election process it's pointless. So for now I'll vote for okay and keep trying to get a system where there's more than two possible parties. To be fair though, I did donate to Johnsons campaign because I actually really respect him and his ability to argue different economic policy reasonably. I don't plan on donating to Clinton.

Unfortunately there were a handful of Bernie supporters that thought it would be one election and done.

I respect your opinions even if we have different views, but I think if we do not give the third party options a fighting chance, then it will never change. If everybody has the attitude of pushing it off, it will never happen.

It's a bummer for people like us, where neither candidate directly fits our views. I would like a candidate that is more like how this country was founded. One, where the states have more control and the federal government takes the back seat. I don't agree with many federal policies and aid programs because they do not work across the whole country. America is vast and very different from coast to coast. Things like a $15 minimum wage makes sense in New York City or LA, but does it make sense in Eau Claire, WI? In Eau Claire, you can buy a 2 bed, 2 bath, 2 car garage, 2 lot house for under $100,000, you couldn't even share an apartment for $100,000 a year in NYC.

I like choice and governments that work for the local people. People always point to Europe as their ideal liberal government state, but all of those countries are smaller than Texas and much more easy to manage due to size.

I don't disagree with that I just disagree on how to best get there. I'd actually like a smaller conservative federal govt and the ability to make New Jersey my big govt liberal paradise and stop sending all of our tax dollars to red states that don't take care of themselves. If I could get Johnson as president and a Sanders type as governor I'd be a happy dude.


and just a bunch of Anti-Trump articles.

uh do you not ever look at the front page? There are like 50 posts from /r/the_donald on the first few pages of /r/all everyday. Check out /r/all/rising

I don't like Hillary, but I don't think that her presidency will be a disaster for the country. I think that Trump's would be.

The worst kind of disaster is the slow avoidable one. Like how Obama is killing government transparency, trying to point to statistically anomalous shootings as proof that we need more gun control, and pretending to argue from the left while actually arguing centrist positions, ensuring that left positions are never expressed.

It's not funny though. It's about avoiding Trump. And there's not much Hillary praise either, she's seen as negatively as before. Your bias is distorting your perception, I believe.

I think it's more a case of choosing the lesser of two evils. Hillary is scummy but if you but her next to trump... Personally I prefer the robot woman over the distilled bigotry and ignorance that is Trump.

As a Bernie supporter, the second to last thing I want is for Hillary to win the office. Though like the majority of Americans, the last thing I want is for Trump to be the "leader" of my country.

He is clearly no leader, at best he is a domineering boss....not even close to the same thing.


The above account is 6 years-old with no comment history past 24 hours.


How convenient. Shreddit somehow missed that one lone comment from three months ago, too.

How is his apology not an apology? What would you have him do instead?

No one is praising Hillary. Is this sub basically a Trump sub now? Pathetic

Lesser of two evils.


ssshhhhhh circlejerk is in progress.

I normally downvote these types of comments but it is so true. They were all over Reddit. This whole thread was flawed from the start.

This whole sub is flawed since the_donald took over.

This whole website starting looking glaringly flawed when the Reddit mods didn't acknowledge that r/the_donald was where r/fatpeoplehate and r/coontown converged with 4chan and Stormfront, and failed to ban the sub for consistently brigading and routinely breaking site rules.

Gawd damn you sound like a whiny broken pussy.

Aww, did I hurt your feelings, little bird? Are you sad that this sub doesn't ban dissenting opinions the way your safe space does in r/the_donald?

Let me do my job - I've got a quota of posts or Hillary won't pay me that CTR check.

Damn. You'd think people could handle the truth on this sub.

r/conspiracy has become anything but a search for the truth since it was occupied by r/the_donald. Now it's just another echo chamber for how put-upon Donald Trump is.

Can you believe it? The poor man, destroyed by his own words and actions.

man, I wish I was a CTR paid shill. I'm a college student and getting all that free money would really help with the tuition and text book costs. Sadly I gotta shill for free, darn.

I know, I have to rail against a misogynistic racist for free. I'd love to be able to get paid to just be a decent human being.

I knew you would get triggered troll.

You're projecting again, kiddo, like all those times you call other people cucks.

Yup, definitely a paid shill.

"Everyone who disagrees with me must be getting paid to do so, because I'm always right"

"It's <insert current year>!"

It's 2016?

Da fuq does that mean?

Yup, check my post history - and please forward it to my boss, Hillary Clinton. I haven't been paid this week.

That a juvenile jerkoff like you feels the need to troll r/conspiracy perfectly makes my point for me about how this sub has been ruined, so thank you.

You prove my original point flawlessly. Cheers!

That certainly wasn't my experience. I found one post about the leaks and I had to scroll a bit. Meanwhile, Reddit was dominated by a bunch of posts about the same Trump story.

So you're confirming that a less exciting story was nearly on the front page, while a more exciting story had more attention. Color me surprises.

No I'm saying that a very newsworthy post was being buried.

But it wasn't? I saw it on the first few pages on reddit. Hell, i have /r/politics blocked and i still saw it.

When I went to /r/politics it was buried. Only 1 story about the leaks and the rest were anti Trump.

You're probably right about that. Since I've had it blocked I can't say for sure. But I don't know if there's really a conspiracy here in this case. I just think people hate Trump more than people hate Clinton. It's like the dumbest pissing contest in history, lol.

because the posts were made in /r/the_donald????? It's not like you can only discuss politics in one sub.

Yes but we were talking about /r/politics. It's noteworthy because that is a huge political story and it was buried in the politics sub.

No, we were/are talking about the frontpage. "Not one story about Clinton's leaked emails and her paid speeches made it to the front page of reddit today. This website is rife with censorship and paid shills."

Are you saying you don't believe there's any manipulation going on?

Top post over there right now is something along the lines of "clintons emails are what we expected, boring" when they're totally not. And then the top comments are about how people switched from Bernie to Hillary. Ridiculous.

they kinda are boring though, no one has even found anything worth talking about - none of the threads about them i've seen on reddit or off have had any even slightly interesting links to emails, i mean honestly can you find a single one of these newest emails to link me to that isn't boring?

What about the illegal coordination with her Super PAC? And her private and public opinions? And her only holding Wall Street accountable for political reasons? And the fact that she wants all open borders and all free, open trade? Or what about her complaining about her failed foreign policy as SoS with wasted resources and training just for all the soldiers they trained to defect with all their weapons? Or about knowledge of weapons going to Hezbollah? Or about her coordinating attacks and working with media networks to write smear stories on Bernie Sanders? Or how she wants to hold guns and other weapons manufacturers accountable and legally responsible for any injuries/death involved with said weapons? Etc, etc.. maybe it's just me, but I certainly didn't find these latest leaks to be boring

so are there any actual links to emails in the recent batch that ho any way to proving any of the things you've mentioned? do you have those links and can you provide them here for us to see for ourselves?

Sure thing, buddy! Give me a few to find a superlink or copy pasta for ya.

Okay, so I said I would find you that copypasta that had everything from the most recent leaks broken down, categorized, and hyperlinked but I'm having a little bit of trouble tracking it down seeing as I don't remember which thread it was on. It's 6am where I'm at and I haven't gone to sleep yet and NFL Sunday starts in 6 hours so I need to call it a night. I promise to track down that comment as soon as I wake up and if I can't find it then I promise to make my own for you! For now, if you really are curious I would go to r/DNCLeaks and I'd look at either the megathread or I'd go through recent and top posts because they're all labeled and have direct links to the emails there! But like I said for now it is time for rest. I apologize for letting you down for the time being but I promise to be back with everything as soon as I wake up!

thanks for trying, i've looked through dncleaks don't see anything beside empty words - there is no smoking gun, they'd be waving it everywhere if there was

its boring because we already know what it is.

hillary telling rich people that they should lie to the play poor.

everyone knows that already, so yeah its boring

does she actually say those things though? does she say anything that a normal person would find shocking? do you have links?

No, they really are just the same old shit everyone knew. Like it's not fucking shocking that a corporately owned establishment politician said things that Wall Street wanted to hear in a fucking paid speech to Wall Street. Everyone already thinks she's a shill.

And as much as Trumptards try to blow it off the reason this audio release from Trump is so shocking is that it explicitly jumps another level: from just saying things about women's bodies to admitting to kissing and touching women "by the pussy" without their permission. "When you're a star they let you." I.E. a presidential candidate bragging about getting away with sexual assault.

When a tape leaks of Hillary Clinton gleefully bragging to some celebrity about how easy it was to delete her emails so all the stupid plebs would never know how secretly evil she is, then you'll have a case if it doesn't dominate the news cycle. But until then it's just more Trump supporter bullshit.

It looks like the shills are out in force now. The talking points seem to be "The leaks are boring, front page means nothing etc."

There were over 2000 emails in the leak, sites like HuffPo and Buzzfeed cherry picked 12 or so of them and then wrote crafty articles implying that that was all there was to the leak. If you only read the emails that the media gave to you and didn't bother to look up the rest, how can you say they were underwhelmingly tame? The articles posted in /politics were carefully written and chosen exactly because they made the leaks look underwhelming.

source me on an email that was "interesting" please

Depends on what you find interesting. If you don't care at all that Hillary flat out lies to the public when telling us what she will do as president, only to promise wall street something entirely different in private, then yes, buzzfeed/huffpo pretty much covered those things already. What they fail to mention is that the leak included more than just her paid speech transcripts, and as the leak itself is titled, are more about what a piece of shit Podesta is in general. That's a decent enough summary of one of the most popular emails. The only thing preventing Podesta from being in jail right is the timing of this email, though he will still be in court over this. Is this going to get Hillary arrested, herself? Of course not, she is far too intelligent to do any of the dirty work herself. She uses minions like Podesta and Schultz to do the illegal shit so none of it can be directly pinned on her. It's how she got this far to begin with.

The culmination of this impending lawsuit on Podesta is not being discussed anywhere that I have seen, except in the far right leaning media channels that are pretty much banned universally on reddit except for in the_donald. I haven't read the rest of the emails myself, I couldn't care less honestly because I'm not voting for her anyway. But to pretend sites like Huffington Post and Buzzfeed are fair and balanced in their reporting of anything that could make Hillary look bad is hilarious. The fact that Buzzfeed is the article that /politics chose to upvote to the top is the biggest joke of 2016 and a great indication of just how far reddit has fallen. A website that exists simply to churn out clickbait garbage content for ad money is now a legitimate source of news, well done.

Oh, also, this was 2000 of supposedly over 50,000 (that's not even 5%) emails they have, and many articles I have seen have implied that this was the whole leak and it was the end of wikileaks involvement with Hillary. Combined with the convenient timing of an 11 year old recording of Trump talking shit, it seems that they very much want everyone to stop looking, which should be interesting enough on its own.

As long as the msm doesn't even mention the facts in the story anyone who does report so much as facts ie names, dates and the act/news they are considered shills. They have been trying to turn alternative news media into the magazine rack at the supermarket check out aisle for years.

It's not just politics either, it's competition-got to keep that buggy whip factory open.

Did you read all of them?

Yup, I was excited to see the transcripts but lol, there was nothing bad in there

"Wikileaks themselves highlighted emails related to the “Uranium One Deal,” where Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State, signed away significant amounts, one-fifth, of US Uranium resources to Russia. Following the deal, millions of dollars were donated to the Clinton Foundation from individuals directly connected to the deal, including the Chairman of Uranium One, Ian Telfer"

To quote directly from Clinton’s words: “If everybody’s watching, you know, all of the back room discussions and the deals, you know, then people get a little nervous, to say the least. So, you need both a public and a private position.”

Read More:

Which part of this is "nothing bad"?

Exactly, that's pretty damning as far as I'm concerned

I'd say it's downright fucking treasonous.

It's not bad because something like nine other agencies signed off on the deal. So what was the benefit to them?

A ton of people had to sign off on that deal.

When I visit my parents I'm much tamer and reserved. It's not a bad thing. Everyone is looking to absolutely devour her. Take trump for example, he fucked his campaign up with the shit that he said in public. And now in private. Maybe he should've had a different public appearance if he wanted to become president. He's gonna be the same guy behind closed doors, and that's his prerogative, but you gotta be tamer in public.

That sounds like perfectly reasonable advice. She's just saying that people are getting nervous about these callous banks and their backroom dealings, and while banking will always be an industry of cut throats, the banks really need to put a better public face on it.

Sounds pretty diplomatic to me. I mean compared to "grab her by the pussy", her speech was downright presidential.

So you just completely ignore the donation for the uranium deal. Sounds about right for a typical Clinton supporter on this site.

Didn't say anything of the sort, as that wasn't even part of the topic I was replying to. I don't advocate for Clinton, I was simply comparing the two sound bites. Actually, if you look at my comments, I referred to her as a steaming pile of shit earlier today.

Giving banks run of the mill PR advice isn't damning. Trump supporters trying to drum up outrage is futile.

But so is the futility of the "Clinton told the truth" Democratic push. We all know she's crooked.

At the end of the day, you cannot advocate for either without ignoring the vileness of the candidate you picked. So I advocate for neither.

can still make tons of nukes for 4/5ths of US uranium? also who knows what it was actually for-maybe russia was threatening to go after another one of it's neighbours and a deal was brokered. i want to know why it was done but i can't exactly say it was done for the lulz and the money. feel like someone would say something to such blatant x=y dealings. hillary was secretary of state not gaddafi in disguise, the govt signed off on the deals right?

we don't have the whole picture so we can't comment. also people who talk to each other and are super rich give money to each others charities - color me surprised

You sound insane defending her like this. We don't know enough so shut up is what you're saying, correct? What a fool.

i didn't say shut up, i said we need to ask for more info as to what these deals were actually about not go off on random tangents about hillary selling uranium to the ruskies

Wasn't much of a tangent. Simply quoted an article. I agree. I would love to know more but until then I will remain skeptical of her motives as she is basically the definition of a career politician and said herself that she needs to have a public opinion and private opinion to keep public happy.

Every candidate ever has had a public and private stance on things. Don't be naive.

Trump has a different public and private stance on grabbing pussies, for instance.

The transcripts are exactly what people thought they would be. The Super PAC coordination is outright illegal.

Is there a master list of all the illegal things Hillary has done, connected with which law she broke?

Start making one. Use it as an official document to call for her hanging.

She told Wall Street she has been lying to the public.

so every presidential candidate ever?

actually they showed a massive illegal coordination with her super PAC as well as outright condescension for her constiuents


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I only saw the ones from /r/The_Donald I didn't see any others. Not to mention, the emails released are only 1% of what Wikileaks has. It's not even the October Surprise. Also, the content that was there would normally be enough to lock any other person up.

Well ya know this latest Trump controversy conveniently dominated the news cycle just when Clinton needed the distraction. Again.


Well that and the fact that he is a super-douchebag.

Up against a turd sandwich

You couldn't make it up...or could you?

Citizen Investigators, if you are looking for a way to SHARE Knowledge off line, I have a Game that you can play with Family. I call it "I know Everything! But this..." - Give it a shot and let me know what you think.

This is the best method I've come up with for sharing information in a fun, non-confrontational fashion, off line.

tired of this naive story... it is pretend nuance from a show for teens. as if we are voting for the individuals, as if downballot votes are meaningless, as if the republicans are equally bad for the average person, as if hillary and trump can be compared in terms of experience in government... look at who suppresses votes of blacks, of the poor, and look who takes their sides. Let's accept that Hillary is the fake, the fraud, the lie that everyone believes she is, and that her cabinet and every staffer under her is in on this fraud, that she's bloodthirsty and trump is the true isolationist he isn't, and let's assume that everything people want to believe about her is true. voting democrat is still a step in a better direction. we won't have bernie now, maybe a bernie next time. possibly depending on where you live all the downballot folks are much more bernie than they are hillary. even granted all these unreasonable and untrue arguments, unless you are a god damned millionaire you are a fucking moron to vote anyone but democrat.

Interesting points, but I'm actually Canadian and just wanted to make a South Park reference lol

Blame Canada!

if you want change vote trump. he's likely to cause a civil war.

civil war in contemporary setting would de facto grant dictatorial power to military.

half the army would fight the other half. the us would stop blowing up other countries. yay.

Yeah!!!! Attack people! That will change their minds. Dumbass.

I love the uneducated

But isn't some of the biggest Hillary opponents ended up dead?

Opponent isn't the right word, but IDK what is_____?

You spelled "human" wrong.

He's clearly a lizard person


The latest scandal is from 2005. He's been a douchebag his whole life..

Too bad being a douchebag wouldn't affect his performance as president. Obama is very well spoken and likeable but has been a bad president. Rare relations are worse than ever, economic growth is low, debt is twice as high, healthcare system is worse, etc.

What did Obama do to race relations? Wouldn't the rise of social media and the ease of sharing videos of cops be a bigger factor in that?

Oh, i don't know, call a cop stupid for dealing with a black thief? Constantly poking his nose in local affairs whenever it includes a black person, and then claiming that everyone but said black person is terrible and needs to accommodate the antics of sad black person.

I just find it funny how anyone thinks BLM is in any way something real, and not just another election year distraction group.

Well BLM has been around at least since Obama second term election so...

Their first protest was in 2014. Wanna try again?

Well their origin is the ol "can't flim flam the zim zam" fiasco, which was 8 months after Obamas re-election. My bad.

His policy is that blacks should hate whites and that it is illegal for whites to defend themselves against blacks trying to murder them.

That's why he tasked the DOJ to make damned sure that any white that defends against black assault has their lives ruined. See Zimmerman, that cop in Ferguson that now can't get a job at Walmart because he defended himself against a black man punching him in the face while trying to take his gun.

The official stance is that a white being beaten by a black should just take it and hope to not die or be maimed for life. If not they get a civil rights suit and a media lynching making sure they never work again.

You're insane.

That's was mocking?

Is reverse racism a thing? Have there been many cases of white people being denied jobs or paid less because they were white?

Edit:what's up with the down votes? I'm just asking.

Yes. Have you heard of a small start up company called yahoo?

Millions. It's illegal to hire whites in the proportion they merit.

For instance fire fighters in NYC. Merit based testing lead to 80%+ whites. Then they changed the test to pass/fail so easy that 98% pass so that they could discriminate against whites by looking at personal qualities not involving stuff like knowing what saw to use on a metal door.

Just saying 'reverse racism' is an attack. He's basically telling the whole world that white people invented racism. Plus FBI stats show wether you're white or black, you're much more likely to be killed by a black person than any other race.

No it shows your more likely to be killed by your own races since most races stay together.

Well the modern use of the word racism usually refers to white racism. In the olden days people were more xenophobic, hating anyone who wasn't from their country even if they looked similar. Like Japan vs Korean or England vs France. Basically everyone though that everyone not from their country sucked. But when europeans discovered America and explored Africa there was such a huge gap in stuff like scinece and technology that they actually thought that other races were inferior. Like it was the educated scientists who first believed this.

But that's besides the point. Even if Obama made untrue statements I don't think it would have a significant effect on race relations. His words aren't that important.

Yes. Office of the president is a glaring one for 8 years :P

Race relations are worse than ever? Ever? Really?

You can't think of anytime in our history when race relations might have been more strained?

Seriously warped view here.

Too bad being a douchebag wouldn't affect his performance as president.

I laughed so hard bong smoke went up my nose. Thanks for that.

Or thats exactly how politics work. You try and overwrite anything negative with something more "trendy". Nothing sells like sex.

All the Republicans hate him!

This is true.

Well they are old friends.

Right. He time traveled back 17 years into the past and said a lot of shit in front of a Mic just so it would come out now.

That's the real conspiracy here

Agree. 100%.


Pretty fucking good. There is an election in four weeks if you didn't know.

Yes, it's not like Trump being the Republican candidate for President now makes it much more likely and important for shit like this to come out than when he was just a reality TV star.

It's almost like ... It was a deliberate strategy to wait the final month to release bombs on your adversary ! Phew, thanks /r/conspiracy for opening my eyes on this grand manipulation !

I love this subreddit, unintentional comedy is hilarious.


Trump was way more aggressive and articulate in the primary debates, compared to the last one where he just rolled over or rambled.

It literally is like watching a rigged boxing match. He's pulling his punches. He's letting her walk all over him. She says "he doesn't pay taxes" and he replies "that makes me smart".

Anyone with half a brain would know not to counter with that. He's known about this attack for a while. He acts like he didn't expect it coming, like he has no counter-argument to the most played out scandal against him. If you had prepared to debate in front of the nation, wouldn't you prepare a number of arguments why you wouldn't display your taxes to the world? Would you say "I don't pay taxes and that makes me smart" when people are pissed about the idea that he doesn't pay taxes?? Anyone would have told him ahead of time a million better ways to counter that.

Just more reality TV bullshit.


Even Trumpo is a Clinton shill.

Isn't some of it the fact he was 1 on 1 now versus a group of 8? He had less time to come up with a response? I could be wrong, it just seems like the format was less in his favor now.

Fucking great comment and I especially liked your ability to convey a larger more objective perspective in a way an average person can get. If you can read between my lines.

Keep fighting the good fight.

Someone waiting until October to drop a huge political surprise? Gee, what are the odds?



This subreddit is so cucked with shills it's disheartening. Trump controlled opposition? Bullshit, the guy has thrown everything on the line and there was even a coup attempted by the GOP. The PTB aren't that smart.

No, they covered it multiple times, especially FOX, who seemed particularly dedicated to hurricane footage last night while everyone else was talking about Trump's announcement. I mean they didn't even break to mention it, but that Network is built around promoting conservative views. However Hillary's stuff just isn't that damning. Sanders of all people hasn't withdrawn his support and meanwhile Trump is hemmoraging endorsements on top of already painful post debate slump. What's more women represent 53% of the electorate.

The leaks show Hillary as contradictory on some stances and even more crucially point toward her being OK with saying one thing and doing another, but it's nothing all that new, and merely reinforces a bunch of already well trod talking points about her weaknesses.

Trump on the other hand is in a situation where many top GOP officials can no longer support him and hope to win their races. We're looking at a major schism forming in one half of the American political labdscape. Established politicians who normally fall into line at election time are actually calling for him to step down with 30 days left until election time, which is utterly unprecedented in modern presidential politics. Compare that to a politician giving different messages to different groups and tell me why that's the more important story. Nothing destroys a politician in America like a sex scandal, and this one hits all of the right buttons for Americans.

The leaks show Hillary as contradictory on some stances and even more crucially point toward her being OK with saying one thing and doing another, but it's nothing all that new, and merely reinforces a bunch of already well trod talking points about her weaknesses.

This is the thing that bothers me about this though. Both of these things are already showing us stuff we know. One is undeniable proof that Trump is a scumbag... except we've already known this. We've known it since we've known Trump existed that he's a scumbag. This is nothing new.

We have pretty solid proof that Clinton is not going to keep her word on anything because her positions are not what she says they are and she will lie and cheat and say anything to get what she wants and it's all meaningless. We already knew this too though.

We already know these are both completely fucking terrible people to try and put into this job and there were so many better options. Why the hell isn't that the story here?

Actually fivethirtyeight has an interesting theory on this.

"Writing about what makes political scandals stick in 2008, my colleague Nate Silver pointed out that the most potent scandals reinforce a “core negative perception about the candidate, particularly one that had henceforth been difficult to articulate” — but not a perception that’s already received so much coverage that “little further damage can be done.”

I think Trump's flaws haven't been particularly difficult to articulate, however the big difference between his remarks to Fiorina at the debate, his history on Howard Stern, his row with Megyn Kelly and others is the candor of the hot mic. The particularly graphic word choice certainly can't help either, but for once he's pinned and can't easily explain away his mistake.

The stuff about Clinton, by ckmparison, is more of the same. Not that she has any good explanations for the email server. I think the right may have shot themseoves in the foot here strategically by hitting her so relentlessly over this throughout the campaign. If it hadn't been so well covered this might seem more like a bombshell, at least going by Silver's theory.

The schism already happened friendo. The tea part was organic at one point but became heavily infiltrated and co-opted much the same way Occupy Wall Street. They have honed that down to a science. They infiltrate sometimes at conception.

This is a way of thinking about it: you know how the global chess game in the middle east right now has involved them via fake grass roots "revolution" (Arab Spring, hello), uprooting governments, making entire regions unstable and thrusting them into chaos, only to also back forces in the power vacuum that ensues?

The Republican party has been no different. They started a schism, co-opted and/created any organic reactions in the growing power vacuum, and now sponsor the engineered dialectic coming back out of it. They are completely reshaping and restructuring culture and society.

Well it is interesting to consider. Tim Weiner who has covered the U.S. Intelligence Community for over 20 years with the New York Times wrote one of the better researched histories of the CIA, "Legacy of Ashes". In that you can see one of the tried and true tactics for pushing any national agenda is to find the people in the country who support your ideas and either openly or covertly support them with money, weapons, intelligence, and sometimes a little nudge in the right direction.

This is pretty well documented throughout U.S. history. In Afghanistan in the 80's we had a vested interest in keeping the Russians out and were able to arm the Mujahadeen (and specifically Osama Bin Laden) at unprecedented levels. Believe it or not there were some ethics involved here. The CIA had trouble getting the OK for this plan until it was confirmed that the Mujahadeen weren't being pushed in front of the Russians as U.S. cannon fodder. Once they confirmed that with or without CIA support Osama and his buddies would be taking on the Russians, then it no longer seemed too Machiavellian to provide them with better equipment. Of course we all know what happened only a few decades later, and soon it was us, not the Russians invading Afghanistan where began a pattern of arming and funding the Northern Alliance rebels.

I was actually watching a lecture on C-Span today where in the Q&A they covered this very topic. (Amazing lecture btw, by this guy: He pointed out that there are some Russian white sepratists who have been endorsed by Putin (whose government you'll recall has now been formally accused of meddling in U.S. elections with hacking and cyberattacks), who advocate a global alliance of sorts among various disaffected groups on the political fringe. Indeed, I have heard of Palestinian freedom fighters being in contact with BLM activists, and let's not forget Al Quaeda has an English language magazine to say nothing of the sophisticated media arm of ISIS. Heck, even Russia has RT and SputnikNews which are funded and run by the Russian state and which Putin humself has even said cannot help but taking on the Russian perspective. The Columbia Journalism review has covered their blatanly biased reporting too.

That is very interesting considering BLM and ISIS are both psy-ops.

It's probably a mix at best. It's a lot more costly and difficult for a nation to create a movement out of thin air. When you fund, arm, etc. a group that's already taking things the direction you want you utilize their resources and dave yourself money and time. The big bonus though is authenticity which is difficult to fake.

Is it possible they get him to drop and Pence steps up. He seems to be in line with whatever agenda gets him power

Well, early access voting has been going for a few weeks now, which was what pushed Obama over the top in a few states last time, so a Pence vote would start at a pretty big disadvantage, however the bait and switch could work in their favor given Clinton's massive unfavorability.

News that trump is crass isn't news. We all knew his personality. It's not far off from Mr Clinton with the womanizing.


Rule 10. No personal attacks. Removed. 1st warning.

This is what surprises me. People have seen him on TV, he has always been in the media eye. I am not American but even I knew about Trump even before the apprentice. People knew what he was and he is still true to that form. I am not sure what people expected would happen. He is just being himself. To his credit, at least he is not putting on a face. With Hillary no one can be sure what face she has put on.

there is one person that acts like trump

there are several hundred politicians who act like politicians

It is news! News is whatever gets you watching/reading that gets advertising dollars and viewership. It just so happens that the most recent news is that of Trump making a baffoon of himself before he ever had presidential ambitions. This October surprise is an example why so many politicians strive to keep their appearances clean, regardless of if they are clean, and vet candidates when running for higher office. Your skeletons and even seemingly inconsequential details will be dug up and used against you. It's happening now. That's news. Oh also how republicans who want to survive the post-election environment by bailing on their already reluctant support of Trump is huge news. When has this happened in presidential history?

If you research Trump, you'll note he has had presidential ambitions long before he had a TV show. Hes waited as long as Hillary, but he opted for a TV personality to give him the brand name rather than direct politics.

And look how that's worked out for him so far.

Pretty good. He rolled on all the Republicans without issue and he's neck and neck with Clinton.

I wouldn't call the current state of things 'neck and neck,' but that's just me. To each their own.

Too bad the country is at a point where traditional methods of taking care of this kind of thing doesn't work anymore. We will have to find another way.


"The Master's Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master's House." -Audre Lorde

Dude there top article on r/politics is an article about the speeches. Maybe it's because there wasn't anything bad there and the GOP nominee bragged about sexual assault.

Hillary Clinton defended a child rapist. And laughed about it. But, let's not worry about that.

How was what he said even referencing sexual assault? I keep hearing you people throw this term around but when did he say that it was against their will? First of all the entire statement was rhetorical and secondly he implied that these women would LET him grab them.

The speeches were not the only thing to come out of the leaks, in fact the speeches were hidden deep in the leaks and there was much, much more important news to come out of the leaks. Some of it proving HRC knowingly broke the law again. And there was some interesting bits to come from the speeches - such as her public and private opinions on things, only holding Wall Street accountable for political reasons, holding gun manufacturing companies legally responsible for any crime done with a weapon, wanting all countries to have 100% open borders with free and open trade, etc etc.

Also the only people actually upset about Trump's comments are the same guys busy taking care of their Wife's boyfriend's children.

Sorry kiddo, if Hillary actually broke the law, it'd be big news by now. You're trying to prove something that educated professionals have been unable to do, and for some reason you act like your 14 year old brain can somehow discover something the entire Republican Party couldn't.

But, pretentiousness is a required feature in any trump supporter, I've noticed.

You're talking out your ass but I can't tell if your stupid enough to believe what you're saying.

this one here is a beauty -

or this beauty where CIA director petraeus gets a criminal record and 2 years probation -

as you can tell by the last link doing what she did guarantees you a criminal record, unless of course your name is hillary clinton.

So there you go, idiot.

Don't feed the shills!

So how's this like Hillary's "activities" again?

"Nishimura, however, caused the materials to be downloaded and stored on his personal, unclassified electronic devices and storage media. He carried such classified materials on his unauthorized media when he traveled off-base in Afghanistan and, ultimately, carried those materials back to the United States at the end of his deployment. In the United States, Nishimura continued to maintain the information on unclassified systems in unauthorized locations, and copied the materials onto at least one additional unauthorized and unclassified system."

This guy is commenting on my comments all over now. Lol. I'm especially impressed by his super quality sources he chose to link! What great journalism those three sites use.

If you can't see the similarities in what you just posted there's no point in even responding to you.

Wow what a quality source, so entirely worth my time to read. /S

Fact is, everyday people are reading the comparisons I posted and coming to their own conclusions. Comey has committed career suicide. Everyone who isn't a CTR shill knows this was one of the worst cover ups in the history of the US. It will go down in history and it's glorious.

God you're an idiot, Clinton kept her server at home without the knowledge that she couldn't do that and the FBI just thought she was careless but she didn't know what she was doing

Nishimura on the other hand copied, downloaded, and transfered the information to several devices while out of service and across different continents and then he plead guilty in those charges

"You don't agree with my worldview??? SHILL! CTR SHILL!"

Clinton kept her server at home without the knowledge that she couldn't do that

Yay, finally, ignorance is an excuse! Let me call my lawyer!

Well yeah, she has to willfully act on it and it all comes down to reasoning

Theres a difference between not knowing it's not ok to murder someone and keeping a server at home

she has to willfully act on it

Weird that apparently HIPAA law is more restrictive than what gets applied to heads of state. In healthcare this would be grounds for fines or prison--PERSONAL ones, not just applied to the organization.

It all depends on the judge and their reasoning

Comey recommended no charges, just like some cases before-completely unrelated to-Clinton


I'm saying what she did was wrong by my standards and basic industry standards. It is impossible to be both a competent leader and ignorant of these standards in 2016. My standards aren't unreasonable, they're the standards I enforced when I worked as a HIPAA security officer. They're the standards applied by that same government. If the company I served did what Clinton did, we would have rightly been fined out of existence by the government.

Ignorance isn't an excuse. And incidentally, judges don't tell people right and wrong. They just make legal decisions. Anyone in the legal field knows that. The law can be completely backwards, spend a few hours in a legislative session and you'll see how.

Also, what information did Hillary leak?

Oh wow! You sent WaPo, DailyWire, and PoliticalInsider!

What credible and non-biased sources! Wow!

Regardless of those being laughably bad sources, what does he last link have to do with anything? Every murder case is the exact same? Every speeding ticket had the same circumstances? All crime scene investigations follow the same blueprint? All crimes are identical? Wow, that's all new to me. I guess, given that info, Hillary Clinton and that CIA director couldn't have had any variation on their circumstances, which is why multiple professional investigations couldn't prove anything.

But hey, your 3 non-biased sites are definitely correct, not the many detailed investigations into Hillary that have been cleared by everyone who's not a crazy conspiracy theorist.

Hillary actually broke the law. And you're literally hiding from the facts if you think otherwise. That's why there's multiple ongoing investigations. If you think what she did with her email server was legal, than you're just being ridiculous.

Wow you are living in some alternate reality buddy, hopefully you grow out of this phase.

What alternate reality? Lmao the one where people actually pay attention to facts and do research at their own discretion and don't just listen to what the liberal MSM has to say and go on that? Ha. Sorry that I've actually been paying attention to the leaks.

Edit: also just checked your post history and the only subreddit you go to is politics and you juuuust now moved into conspiracy. Not going to go as far as to say you're a shill, but I think you're the one living in an alternate universe.

Hillary called me and told me to make that comment, she prays you grow out of this phase.

Ahh, I knew it.

Notice how your comment only proves OP more correct.


Maybe you wooshed? The title of this post is inaccurate. Hillary's leaked e-mails and paid speeches have been on the front page.

Or it's fatigue from the fact that y'all cry conspiracy every time the woman takes a shit.

I see CTR has infested.

I recommend voting Stein if you don't live in a swing state because the DNC needs to be torn out by its roots asap.

That comment upvoted that much... it is like they aren't even trying to hide it.

Or is it possible more than half the country is preparing to vote for Hillary Clinton to be president?

I wish a candidate wanted to pay me to vote my opinion all day long.

Dude your shirty Reddit posts aren't asvinportant as you think they are. No one give a shit about influencing a bunch of teenagers.




She needs all that extra time to do so.

I heard her shits are blue because she has epilepsy.

I heard she pays a body double to take her shits for her.

BRB rewatching The Madness of King George


Clinton is a corrupt oligarch, but your hyperbolic criticism of her actually shields her from the criticism she deserves, because you make it look like all anti-Clinton folks are delusional morons. That is actually the CIA's favorite technique for shutting down government criticism. So I say that you my friend, are the shill.


That would make more sense if there weren't plenty of suspiciously-posting people in this very thread, on /r/conspiracy, who then do exactly what you're saying is shill behavior when anyone mentions they have, say, a six year old account with three total comments, or other equally bizarre things.

If your assertion is true and that kind behavior is a trademark of paid native advertisers, then this thread really is full of shills.

I like the part where you abandon the "everyone who disagrees with me is CTR and getting paid 20 cents per post," line and just decided to go with "Hillary Clinton directly paid you 2 million dollars to post this on reddit."

Who the fuck is going to put up $2 million for someone to post some snarky comment on a conspiracy board on reddit? Not a politics board, Hillary decided to send her cronies into the conspiracy boards to try to swing all the loopy conspiracy theorists.

lol you guys hit /r/all. Normal reddit is leaking over into your safe space.

Or maybe some people legitimately believe that the stuff that came out about Trump might have legitimately been bigger news than some comparitively tame and boring emails.

I was at first surprised that people didn't understand this was a joke, then I realized this was /r/conspiracy

I can't imagine what else got people's attention.

Shame there's only room for 1 news item on the front page.


I mean, it made front page for almost 2 days when the speech got leaked... and then nothing because, guess what, there's nothing in there

Because OP and people upvoting this shit thread are bitter about Trump not winning, so they're trying hard to find an explanation. The cognitive dissonance of admitting that the reason Trump is not winning is Trump himself would be too painful. They have to find something else. It must be a conspiration ! The whole world hating Trump is a conspiration, and anyone disliking him is in fact a bot or a shill, or even a shillbot !

This is why this sub is shit. Instead of credible and interesting conspiracies, you get this kind of people in denial thinking their bias is proof. "Oh but if I blatantly ignore what proves my logic to be wrong, don't you think this looks strange to you ?" Yep, 100% conspiracy material here.

I disagree, I think a Trump presidency would be worse than a Clinton one, but I think either are deleterious for anyone who is not rich and powerful, and I think we ignore Clinton's flaws at our own peril.

I think that this "we" do not apply to reddit, at least.

No, it specifically applies to the Democratic party and people on the left in general. Pretty much anyone center and left who isn't a neoliberal.

the only thing that is impacting them right now

How exactly is Trump's words from 10 years ago "impacting" anyone?


Hillary coordinating with her feloniously coordinating with her super PAC or Trump saying things. HMMMMMMMM

Oh okay the story is just that Trump said things. That isn't an insanely glossed-over oversimplification, and it certainly isn't relevent that the things were abhorrent enough for the GOP to basically completley dump him.

In comparison it's pretty much fuckin' accurate.

If you have to dishonestly simplify Trump saying that he likes to just grab women by the pussy without their consent to "Trump saying things" in order to have your argument not sound ridiculous, you probably have a pretty weak argument.

Zoo landed reference... Insert here

Uh, I read the email leak. If that's the worst they can find in her speeches, I'm even more ready to vote for her. The worst I see in there is that Hilary's speeches are boring AF.

Maybe that's why they didn't hit the front page; cuz nobody on Hilary's side gives a shit, and the Trumpers were disappointed with the results of the leak.

What did you read, the 2000 emails on or the 12 emails cherry picked by media sites that want Hillary to win the election?

Is there anything worse in the 2000 emails?

Other highlights include more evidence that Hillary is colluding with mainstream media sources like the NYT, John Oliver, etc. on what they say about her/Trump, which is something everyone should have known she did already, but nothing is wrong with having more evidence. People should be disgusted but apparently everyone still trusts these media sources to be fair and impartial, so it still needs to be pointed out. As I said in the linked post, I haven't read through all of the emails myself because I honestly do not care, I am merely responding to people in this thread because I have seen the brainwashing machine working magically this weekend due to people's blind faith in sites like Buzzfeed (one of the biggest pieces of shit on the internet) to give them the whole story from a neutral point of view.

Really people should be asking themselves why Buzzfeed was chosen as the article linked in /politics, it's almost like the Hillary campaign knows people have already lost faith in sources like the NYT and decided to go with a new face. Resorting to that garbage to break the news is the most interesting thing about this cycle, shows that the average internet user actually trusts fucking Buzzfeed more than they trust veteran media outlets.

Yeah she said blackberries and state Dept were poor security but clearly used the devices and unprotected server anyway. More proof she lied to the FBI/Congress.

Was she telling google she wants them to develop skynet?

I read the latest one. The one OP is talking about that wasn't even her email. You know, the one with the speeches that everyone was chomping at the bit about, claiming "she won't release her speeches, so they must be terrible!

The one where they had someone go through her old speeches to find anything that might bite her in the ass, and the worst he found was Hillary admitting that she's a little out of touch with the lower class, and that sometimes getting shit done in politics involves not saying in public exactly what's happening in private.

I mean, you're wrong, but I'm not really arguing about that, I'm arguing about how the articles popular leftist media has spun to talk about this leak have been extremely misleading (big surprise) in order to downplay the significance of the leak. If you think there is nothing there then I can already tell it's a waste of time to try to change your opinion. Promising voters one thing and wall street another thing is pretty fucked up.

I haven't actually read any articles about the leak; just the emails themselves. The whole time, I was thinking "wow, she really should have just released all of this months ago", because there is literally nothing scandalous in there.

That's the thing about people claiming how the "leftist media" is always defending Hillary and going after Trump; Hillary keeps getting made-up scandal after made-up scandal thrown at her, and none of it sticks, even when we spend millions on congressional hearings looking for a scandal, despite thirty-plus years in politics.

Trump, on the other hand, has actual scandals piled up in his closet, and the media just ignores them because stories about Trump acting crazy yesterday get more clicks.

That's the real conspiracy in political media; money outweighs any political bias in reporting, every day. They're going to report on what gets clicks and views in a landscape where the news media is becoming more and more irrelevant and they're just desperately trying to hang on.

You read all 2000+ emails? Well color me impressed.

And don't be so naive, if the media only cared about viewers and money CNN wouldn't be quickly on its way to bankruptcy. Their formula of promoting Hillary at all costs is going to run several of them out of business, they would change their strategy by now if they cared about money. If the ship is sinking you don't keep steering into the iceberg.

Okay, so show me in the rest of the emails the smoking gun you seem to think is there. You're the one trying to prove something, so prove it.

I already told you, you are a waste of time, I'm not going to bother with you because I can already tell you made up your mind the second you saw the buzzfeed headline. You can check my other posts in this thread if you want more information, otherwise you'll have to actually read the emails yourself (sorry I don't believe you've actually read any of them).

The funny part to all of this is that you think I got to the leak via a buzzfeed article. I didn't even know buzzfeed had written one. The link I clicked to find them was one with a headline that was very clearly anti-Hillary, acting like these emails would be the ones that finally bury the Hillary campaign. At last!

I though "oh interesting! Let's see what's in here... oh. Uh... k."

I've looked through your comments on this thread, and you haven't posted anything I haven't already read, so either you've read exactly as much as I have, or you read more and didn't find anything more damning than what's being pushed by the media.

If you, a pretty clear anti-Hillary, possibly pro-Trump alarmist didn't find anything remotely scandalous, why should I waste my time by reading all of the emails?

You can tell yourself whatever you want about me, but assuming that everyone that disagrees with you is naive or uninformed is kind of the definition of "having your mind made up", so maybe you shouldn't be throwing stones.

I found plenty of scandalous things, but you clearly don't care and don't think that crimes are scandalous, so why are we bothering to have a conversation? Let's go back to crying about Trump saying the P word.

you'rewithher #sheswiththem

Bernie has my heart. Hillary has my vote.

Hillary has your vote, her donors have hers.

That's a fair point

And bots and ghost accounts.

Something that Trump doesn't have, RIGHT ?

Who needs bots when you have fanatics?

WikiLeaks is banned in R/Politics

Did all of you miss this post that was #1 earlier? Wikileaks Appears To Release Hillary Clinton's Paid Speech Transcripts

An article from Buzzfeed intentionally cherry picking emails that make Hillary look good, not the actual source of wikileaks itself. There were over 2000 more emails leaked than that article suggested.

Lol and that's the only one they released. There are shit tons more. Come on

"Buzzfeed" I guess some controlled information has to pass through

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R/politics is pretty much (read: blatantly) anti-trump now. Not voting for either, but still don't want to see a subreddit take sides and just report everything.

That's not how reddit works though, 4 months ago that sub loathed Clinton and it was a Sanders circle jerk all those people came around.

But Sanders endorsed Clinton... So the blind just followed others to Trump or Clinton's band wagons.

I mean, if there was actually anything good to every day about Trump, /r/politics would probably report on it.

Unfortunately, the only way people can say good things about Trunp is when they're fake and made up, which describes almost every article to ever be posted to The_Donald. Lol.

The thing is her emails and speeches really didn't have anything that juicy in them (that I've heard of). To the point where I don't understand why she didn't release the speeches to begin with. That's small potatoes in comparison to a candidate who can't go a day without a major headline about a new scandal and was caught talking about trying to fuck a married woman while his new wife was pregnant. He is running as a Republican, a party whose entire platforms surface is all about Christian family values. Trump literally said he was so famous he could get away with grabbing pussy and kissing women without their consent. The fact that it got more media coverage is not a conspiracy, in this case it's appropriate.






She didn't release them because she learned from Obama and the birthers that you can negotiate with terrorists.

You can watch plenty of her paid speeches on YouTube and they are all really boring and similar. I think she was hoping she could get a "gotcha" moment someone either that or she knew trump loonies would just find a way to spin it regardless of what she says which seems true looking at some ofriends the other comments in this post.

I completely agree. It's really a no win situation, especially considering how blown out of proportion its gotten. At this point it's a headline to get people's blood boiling. The content doesn't matter, only the reminder that it's a "thing".

I was thinking the same thing this last week. I'm not particularly for either candidate but /r/politics has become completely for Clinton recently.

Trump has said dodgy things but enough to fill the whole front page with him and none of Clinton's stuff? Clinton stuff that is much more relevant and damaging but none of it is there. A conspiracy indeed


I'm not defending Trump. That stuff has every right to be published and reach the top or /r/politics. But Clinton has had a very questionable email dump and that isn't in sight on their subreddit other than a "clinton email dump is boring" post.

If they're going to call themselves /r/politics they should be neutral in their moderation/censorship. The donald subreddit can post what it wants because when you visit there you know what the bias is. /r/politics presents itself as neutral but, from what i have seen this last month, it is not.

How does one become a paid shill?

Asking for a friend.

Search for someone saying MAGA!!1! then disagree or question anything they say.

How comfortable are you committing suicide with 5 bullets in the back of your head ?

Maybe it's because people are sick of reading the same two hyperbolised stories over and over? As soon as something new and substansive happens it'll shoot to the top, just like it always does. On the other hand, her opponent says or does something insane that'd be grounds for disqualification in any other election (i.e. news-worthy) every other day. Also, does it seem obvious to anybody else that this sub has been co-opted by Republicans? I think you might be right about the paid shills, but you might want to shine your little spotlight elsewhere...

This sub it just another that is brigaded by trump loonies to spread trump spam. I bet if you check the post history of all comments geeking out about shills and how this story is being censored you would see a lot of r/Donald

I couldn't agree more. When I joined (back in 2008, in the Dark Ages) it was a wonderful place to be. No more. Facebook is better. Arghhh...I never thought I would say that.

Facebook is just as transparent as r/news and r/politics. I'm not supporting Trump or anything but most mass media is shamelessly pro-Clinton. At least we all know which side the money is on.

Or they recognize which candidate wouldn't cause a nuclear holocaust.

But sure, blame conspiracy.

Dude - back in 2004ish the whole site was practically like r\conspiracy. Rife with alternative news and editorials. Pepperidge farm remembers bullshit is all there is these days

Dude!!! It was created in 2005 and barely had any traction in 2007.

Maybe they were remembering Digg? The fall of Digg is getting far back enough that I can't remember the transition so well anymore. And it doesn't help that all the comments and posts are gone.

That was an interesting read. Even from 5 years ago there was a poster stating that the politics subreddit was "lost a long time ago". They are also discussing astroturfing.

It's always been an issue, but the back then you didn't have mods controlling the topics. Just look at the topics on r/ when they shut that down, there better topics back then imo.

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I was here in 2007. There's basically no good parts left, everything is shill city, it's ridiculous but I have trouble finding anywhere better

Yep this shit shack now has sponsored comments and the shill admins can just give hundreds or thousands of up votes automatically to the sponsored comments. No, 3,000 people don't really believe the bullshit lies I see in top comment. But if it's heavily "up voted" then other idiots who don't know any better start to believe the lies.;oq=reddit+sponsored+comments&amp;aqs=chrome..69i57.7845j0j4&amp;client=ms-android-att-us&amp;sourceid=chrome-mobile&amp;ie=UTF-8

Honest!? HAHAHA what a joke. Telling a group of rich donors she has a public and private position is code word for don't worry if I bash you in public because in the backroom where it matters I'm on your side.

Maybe it's because the content of the speeches and emails was really boring?

You turds are really pushing that word. Maybe in hopes that people won't look through the leaks? Eh? Gotta make it seem like it's not worth people's time to read? Eh?


Important information, information that is deeply meaningful to know as a US citizen, can also be "boring." Like how journalism works (or doesn't) in 2016. I'm not sure "boring" is the best descriptor, because things like proofs of anthropogenic climate change are regularly derided as such. Hell, hearing them described as boring so uniformly makes me want to read them more.

/r/politics has resorted to Buzzfeed and TMZ lately for their echo chamber bias. /r/politics is dead and Reddit admins are in on it.

Other than those news sources they are using outed sources where wikileaks published that DNC was colluding with these media sources.

This list is pretty accurate but varies on sources links. In a recent resources check the main sites that had reported pulled the article. Also do not use google to fact check Hillary bullshit they are colluding as well.

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I read one yesterday on Reddit that was on my front page

I saw multiple posts about it on r/all

That might be because of any combination of the following:

A) People are in general immune to "HILLARY! EMAIL! SCAAAAANDAL!". This is all the result of literally years of Republicans continuing to push a retarded narrative about Hillary's supposed role in the Benghazi attack. Nobody cares anymore. Everybody who isn't unhinged knows she had nothing to do with that. Sorry, but the anti-Hillary crowd has poisoned that well already.

2) Some of the content "leaked" is provably false. Mixed with much that is provably (or at least believably) true. The easiest way to make people disbelieve a source of information is to find one provable falsehood.

3) People constantly push such stories about Clinton that turn out to be complete malarkey. I mean there's literally thousands of people in this sub alone that genuinely believe the Clintons have been having people killed for decades.

4) Networks aren't going to push stories that don't get ratings. Info people aren't going to care about isn't going to get ratings.

5) Trump's campaign has just gone from a train wreck to an industrial train wreck.

I'm not sure why people keep asking this question. "Why isn't Hillary getting the extreme negative coverage I think she should be getting?!" Because the people who hate her have made her bulletproof. I don't particularly care for her either but as her primary opponent is Donald "Grab 'em by the pussy" Trump, it would seem to be an easy choice.


I'm some random fuck from Canada. Get a grip, dude.

Edit: And I mean really what did I say that's positive about her? Nothing. She's running against a mush brained shit gibbon with narcissistic personality disorder. That's the best thing I'll say about her.


Well I guess if you're so sure I work for the Clintons, and you're so sure that the Clintons have people killed for opposing them, then you better watch out. I'm apparently quite dangerous!

Fuckin' lunatic sub....


So which am I then? A loser shill, or a guy connected to one of the most dangerous people on the planet?

I mean, come on. I'm about to go to Thanksgiving dinner at my folks' house (Canadian remember). I'm just some random asshole from the north.

There is something seriously wrong with a thought process that leads you to believe everyone you argue with is part of some grand conspiracy. Then again, look at the sub I wandered into.

Have a nice day, man, I'm gonna go stuff my gut with turkey and mashed taters.


Alright, well, have a nice day.

THIS! THIS! Thank you ma'am/sir. You said it perfectly.

How does every article about Hillary being a horrible person get turned into a trump bashing. Can we just discuss all the bullshit that she has done for once? Go home paid Hillary supporters.

Her charity is all about evading tax dollars and getting into other countries to exploit there natural resources. She has lied over and over and changed her stance every 3 days. She doesn't want to ever be seen by the American people. She has as much ties and more to Russia. She thinks drone bombing people or just plain having them murdered is a solution. She blamed her shortcomings in Benghazi to a video! A video! She lied to the parents face about this. Her husband is twice as deplorable as trump and she has covered up and shamed any woman that went against her. She is all powerful and thinks she can't be touched. With that mindset you do whatever you want. If you think for a second she gives two shits about the American people you are living in a fantasy land. Vote for her and say good bye to American because it won't be here.

I messaged the r/politics mod's about this yesterday. These are the two responses I got. A load of pure crap:

"Because those are the stories that got upvoted."

"None of our moderation is aimed at tipping the sub one way or another."

Even when a post like this is upvoted, you can bet shills will neutralize it in the comments.

Or people are just smarter than that.

You have to admit continuing to whine about Clinton in the face of Trump is ridiculous. I'm amazed /r/conspiracy has been dragged down so far they are just an anti-Hillary arm of the Trump machine.

What is with the "paid speeches"? As though no one else gets paid? It's a pathetic attempt to manufacture outrage, since even Republicans aren't falling for it. Of course she gets paid. You might be born yesterday and not be aware that MOST speeches are paid events, including graduation speeches and speeches given by Republican representatives.

Remember when /r/conspiracy had a certain intelligent edge? Yeah, there was some tinfoil stupidity but you guys weren't led around by a ring in your nose.

Now when the Trumpets say "Hillary" /r/conspiracy jumps like they got goosed. Did he grab your pussies?

I'm embarrassed for you people. You can't even be real conspiracy buffs, you're just another Trump forum.

Man, the Trump folks sure did a great job taking over and ruining a bunch of subs. Fortunately most of them didn't allow it. But you guys did. They had to create uncensorednews because they couldn't take over /r/news.

But you guys rolled over and presented those glistening little minds, just ready to be pumped full of Trump.

Good lord, this is shameful. Nut up and take back your manhood, cucks.

I have no love at all for either of these candidates.

Hillary Clinton is a criminal bought and paid for by private interest. She is duplicitous in nature and holds complete contempt for the people she claims to represent.

Donald Trump is mentally unstable and literally a fascist. He is high on his own self built delusion and wouldn't think twice about tearing up the constitution.

Good luck America, but I think you're all fucked no matter the outcome.

Uncensorednews was created after the /r/news mods kept deleting threads about the worst mass shooting in United States history.

remember when? says the 10 day old account?

Maybe because there was nothing new ? She was always on reddit top when this was new. You're not making any sense, sadly.

The amount of pro Hillary and anti trump bullshit since reddits announcement is disgusting. What a biased wasteland of horseshit and fake algorithms

Reddits mainstream. This shouldn't come as a surprise from the mainstream media.

I would vote for anyone or anything to keep HRC out of the white house. If the election season looked like I had to vote for Charles Manson to keep Killary/Shillary/HRC/Satan, whatever you want to call it/her out of office, I'd do it without hesitation. Literally anything would be better, anything.

What bothers me is that her supporters don't seem to know what she actually does and stands for. It's the worst political track record in American history.

There is a story about this on the front page of r/politics


i saw several, including this one...

The Clintons corruption is insane. I've been creating a list of corruption since the 70's. I mean you have Watergate, whitewater, filegate, chinagate, cattlegate, padongate, the Clinton foundation scandals, irs harassment of the Clintons enemies, the Clinton defense fund, the Mena airport cover-up, the multiple election frauds ( this isn't the first election she has been fraudulent), Haiti, the paid speeches, the 114 murders surrounding the Clintons, the rape accusations and I'm sure I've missed a few..

It's true r/the_donald has an editor on its mod team, censors any news or opinion that's different. Has been using Alts and scripts to manipulate votes, have threatened reporters , doxxed users. Hell they even make up headlines to fool people. They create multiple subreddits. One was created to report people to the authorities. Accounts are only handful of days old and make it to the front page........ oh wait we're talking about Clinton, maybe that's because people don't find it as interesting as trumps comments or other news. Her emails have been in the news so much that new leaks don't carry the same weight as they used to. Also hasn't some of the e-mails been debunked?

If you're relying on this website to offer unbiased political coverage, you're the asshole.

Reddit ain't what it used to be

I've been saying this forever. Try saying something bad about Hillary or Israel and you get banned.

Yes, this is why the entire subbeddit /r/HillaryForPrison exists. Dumbass.

Thanks for the kind words asshole. Unfortunately the article referred to the "front page of reddit" where I've never seen /r/HillaryforPrison. Now, learn how to read and kindly go fuck yourself.

As opposed to r/The_Donald, where you can criticize freely and contribute differing viewpoints without ever getting banned!

Are you delusional, or just retarded? Nobody is censoring you, the majority of the people outside your spam safe space are tired of someone who talks about sexually assaulting women like its nothing. And before you go "but muh Bill Clinton," he's not the one in the fucking race, and he's never been on camera saying he can do anything he wants to women because he's rich and powerful.

You seem to think you're the majority here and that the only reason you see bad things about Trump is because of evil shills who care so much about a relatively niche website who's largest demographics are some of the least likely groups to vote, but it's honestly just people realizing that they hate Trump more than they could possibly dislike Hillary.

All I know is I posted a comment about violating title 18 and that was the last time I was able to post on r/news. Know it all, brainwashed cunts like you seem to think that Hillary is a champion of women when she joked about getting a rapist off on a technicality, called Bills rape victims bimbos and liars and enabled a predator like him to continue his abuse. I'm not delusional, retarded OR a Trump supporter but it will be a cold day in hell before I vote for that murderous, war mongering psycho. Obviously you support people that laugh about the brutal murder of a head of state so I know how you'll be voting. Psycho.

What's up with the fascination with the front page. I'm out of defaults and never visit the "front page" all of these stories people complain aren't there or /r/all I either see in my feed or not at all.

And if you go to /r/all 50% of it is just shit posters from /r/the_donald. All these people just cry shill/conspiracy to everything. At the very least, Hillary wont destroy the US irreparably on the international scale. Who is gonna want to make trade deals with Donald Trump 😂

What's up with the fascination with the front page.

Because 90% of the users never get exposed to anything except the front page.

A lot of big subreddits are clearly pro-hillary, /r/politics and /r/politicaldiscussion and even /r/news

I also didn't see any posts about the shooting of harambe, ebola, or the moon landing. Are they covering up all those as well?

OMG! Hillary killed Harambe!!!

More evidence of paid CTR shills MSM cover-up Bill's a rapist Hillary said mean things about a frog!!!

Thank God the Trump campaign is in absolutely no trouble at all and is guaranteed to win!

It's just normal politics at this point. Everyone knows she did them and everyone knows what she said, but no one is gonna change their minds at this point.

this is not even a conspiracy. this is straight up censorship. right in your face for the world to see and nobody seems to care.

There's no censorship, there's no paid shills, people just don't give a shit anymore.

Honestly, what a bunch of fucking crazies. Why the fuck would you expect that to still be on the front page?

That's why I browse /r/all

Been on front page quite a few times. The problem is THERES NOTHING INTERESTED IN THE LEAKS. If anything they make her look pretty ok

We must be seeing very different front pages because I saw too many about her from r/the_donald.

I'm not a conspiracy person but I am genuinely curious. Do you think it's possible that the reason Hillary's stuff is not hitting the front page right now is that trumps stuff is so much more horrific at this point in time? Basically a case that the typical crooked politician stuff Hillary does has been been totally outplayed by the lecherous old man groping up women at every opportunity stuff? Both the media and the public are prone to running directly towards the biggest fire and putting it on the Front page.

but Trump said "grab her pussy" (or whatever) 10 years ago "deserves" a Megathread on r politics

Incredible that the leaks haven't made it to the front of the page. Never seen anything like that. How many people does the crook have employed?

Boycott the vote. Don't let the government force your hand into contributing to what is obviously and detrimentally flawed. Stay at home, don't vote for the presidential election.

I have to agree, the presidential campaign is a joke. I know because I've worked on them. 2008 was a dodgy election, after that I decided my vote is not to participate in this crooked system. Then I can complain all I want because I didn't vote for anyone. Thanks ObamasupportersCHANGE Seems a little fucked up now doesn't it?

Edit: Format

This sub itself is overrun by Clinton shills, as the top post in this thread proves

The internet will become how governments rewrite history.

If Hillary wins by rigging an election, what proof do you have that Trump had more supporters.

They control the media and the web. Facebook, Twitter Google (to some extent)and Reddit and countless news agencies.

People will look on the web and only find information supporting the idea that Hillary was the popular choice.

Example, would love to know what happens when all of you google hillary clinton.

" Hillary has earned nearly every newspaper endorsement of the general election. Here's"

Hillary Clinton literally disgusts me.

I don't care if it's par to the course, I don't care about anything about it. I'm still disgusted by her as a person and the people she has and will kill in the Middle East.

Money talks. 4chan is going bankrupt

Maybe everything these emails reveal about her dishonesty and venality is true and nobody doubts it, denies it or even tries to cover it up in some conspiracy. Maybe people just realize that she's running against a monster and don't want to lob any more grenades at the only thing beating that monster.

Post from r/hillaryclinton on r/all, folks. It just says it all about this

One post from Hillary Clinton on the front page????!!!! BUT I DONT MIND CONSTANT THE_DONALD HARASSMENT AND LIES 24/7

I saw one that said the recent leaked emails show her to be a pretty boring person.

This country voted in 'Dubbya Bush' TWICE!!!...a coke snortin, drunk failed businessman with a VERY suspect family tree, and none of that was touted in the media. And yet Trump with his success record and pedigree is being absolutley slandered, doesnt it make an objective person wonder?

Oh snap, Reddit was called out and this made the front page? I'm gona be grabbing some popcorn

I got a temp ban from /r/politics for some reason.

Doesn't it seem more likely that the revelations just aren't that interesting?

I did see one earlier that basically said that her speeches were released and it was exactly what she said would be in them the article they linked to was bull shit. I want to say it was world news or something other than this sub which is the only reason I read it because I thought someone had finally caught on to it but it was a white wash. I saw it while I was at work and I can't find it now for the life of me. I looked at the comments and they were things like "I used to be a huge die hard bernie supporter and I hated Hillary Clinton but this makes me trust her so much more now" and "If there was something there to find then the officials would have charged her already" I just about threw up. I had to nope the fuck out. I suppose I should have said something cause then I would actually be able to find it now. It was pretty much shill paradise. Nothing is going to happen with this unless we make it happen.

Are you disappointed the speeches didn't contain the evidence you were looking for?

I wasn't looking for evidence within them there was already more than enough to convict her present and they didn't do anything with it I knew this would just be more of the same. I just read them so that I wouldn't have to hear it second hand. I'm disappointed in our justice system for not taking the evidence already present of her crimes and prosecuting as opposed to the obvious cover up we already got, and I am disappointed that the DNC is being allowed to launder money into Hillary's campaign and keep other candidates from being able to run a fair and just race. I am also disappointed that Hillary is so corrupt she has placed herself above the law. I am disappointed that we are going to have yet another president coming from the same 2 families, which just about conclusively shows me that you can no longer rise to the highest office of the land unless you are born rich and can buy out an election. I don't believe that her opposing candidate is an accident that no one saw coming this is all just a farce to get her elected since the major corporations started buying into her almost a year before this election. More than anything I am just disappointed that America has sunk so low that these are our choices and we have yet to take to the streets to demand change in large enough numbers to actually get it. If you could look at those emails and feel like you trust her more then you did before you are a fool, my hope is most people didn't read them and they don't honestly feel that way.

I dunno, man, I can't see a lot of posts about the whole 'grab her by the pussy' and the rape charge, so...

Lots of secretary of states and other high ranking officials used private servers for emails- you're part of the Twitter generation who were bombarded that Hilary did it and it was very naughty but had no idea how common it was so just retweeted it to hell

Nearly all top ranking people in politics do paid for speeches. The biggest corporations pay the most. Are you suggesting you wouldn't do it? Why shouldn't Hilary have done it? Again most people in her position do. Most from the bush regime are available for speeches

Again you're from the twitter generation without being condescending. You see a tiny bit of information and you think Hillary is new to all this. She's not

Take a deep breathe. Research. Look into things. Maybe realise that the people bombarding you with "Hilary's done this!!!" Are maybe trying to take advantage of your lack of research

Were any other politicians allowed to have another witness to the same crime act as their lawyer and sit in an interrogation with them?

Nearly all top ranking people in politics do paid for speeches. The biggest corporations pay the most. Are you suggesting you wouldn't do it? Why shouldn't Hilary have done it?

Have you ever heard of conflicts of interest, appearance of impropriety, or regulatory capture? Those are three distinct reasons why Clinton is in the wrong and incapable of actually representing the left in this country.

I'm not agreeing its correct but the fact of the matter is it happens constantly and everywhere.

But its targeted against Hilary only as its "LOL HILARY IS EVIL!!1" its a complete agenda to discredit her with "crimes" which have been done by most politicians repeatedly.

However the twitter generation are banging their drums and retweeting passionately not knowing this.

It's a manipulation of facts which is ironic as the people do it think theyre fighting this by retweeting all that b/s

But r/The_Donald and Sanders posts have made the front page, a lot more than pro hillary things

I've said before and I'll say it again. There needs to be a great reddit jubilee. All accounts set to zero, all subs scrubbed and de-modded and no defaults! Let the users re-build from scratch. It's high time we strip the power away from those who have hoarded it all to themselves for reason of abuse and propaganda. BTW if you're still subbed to r/news and/or r/ are the problem!!

A variation of the Friday news dump. Hide and attack at the sametime.

The media/public consume stories of the lewd much more aggressively than policy or conflict of interest lets say. Sex sells.

But when the likes of Todd and Maddow declare the election over, two commentators from the same exact network you now what the Trump release about.

Fuck Hillary. Fuck Trump. Vote me.

They were all over when they were news, but those aren't news anymore. Trump is on the front page all the time because he's constantly saying stupid shit.

Isnt artificial manipulation of Reddit against tos?? Why no mod intervention?

Certain the Clinton campaign had the recent video planned to "leak" the moment they realized Assange finally got his hands on those damn transcripts.

On the bright side, at least we're realizing that.

I paid a visit to r/politics and it really reeks of Hillary shilling, I literally saw 10 or so threads in a row that attempted to shit-talk Trump. The comments were more shilling as well.

I'm taking a neutral stance here, but it's disgusting.

one of the posts on r/politics was something like "clinton is boring and honest" lolwut



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i wish i could get paid for redditing

Just type "Trump is a fucking incompetent sex offender" and you automatically become a "paid CTR shill"!

I'm buying a speedboat!!!

i need my speedboat and i need it now Hillary

Read the first line

The links in there showed the exact same thing. Did I miss something?

Read the first line.

Yea... Those stories ran their course in January and March respectively. The media isn't going to spend 24/7 talking about year-old news to appease a subsection reddit. We're not talking about Malaysia flight 270. We're not talking about Freddie Gray. We're not talking about Ukraine. We're not talking about Nice.

And before you get up and arms because it's a presidential campaign: We're also not talking about Trumps KKK endorsement, Trump's comments about paying for lawyers if his supporters commit assault, Trump's spat with the Fox news anchor, Trump calling a black supporter "My African", Trump's Kim Jung Un style singing girls, Trump's refusal to pay for said girls, Trump not knowing Russia invaded Ukraine, Trump's horrific chaplain at the convention, The convention's plagiarized speech, or many of the other things trump has done.

This isn't some conspiracy to promote Clinton. This is simply a candidate who is thoughtful and patient when she speaks and as a result, slips a lot less often than Trump. Because of this, she ends up with bad press a lot less often than Trump. If you wanted to see fewer anti-republican posts on the front page, you should have picked one of the other 14 candidates.

Grass is green, water is wet, sun is bright, hell is hot.

Reddit is a giant conglomerate of every corner of the internet. A veritable dataminer's wet dream. All this info in one place, near complete anonymity. Pair that with the ability to hide your presence and a large brigade of individuals to trawl for a purpose and you have Reddit's secret police.

If anything Reddit is the best PsyOp tool ever made. Just like Facebook. Each move you make is tracked and publicly available, difficult to make truly private. Public opinion and knowledge has been shaped by things that start here, least of which are just memes.

Pile on top of that "heuristics" that magically create "top comments" via a "voting system" and you can make any thread say anything you want. Then in the comments just pay another brigade to troll or stir the shitpot when something intelligent and critical pops up into discussion that the client does not want talked about.



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Wasn't Trump a Democrat in 2005?

Trump is and has always been a Trumpicrat.

....or maybe it's just because Trump stories are more amusing?

The future of censorship is going to change quickly under Empress Clinton. This is starting to get scary.

Grab her by the pussy.

This post is now at 69% upvoted.. clear to see the CTR shills have made their way here next. Fucking shame. I'm soo close to just leaving this piece of shit website altogether now.. CTR everywhere I fucking look.

Edit: And now every comment I've made in this thread is being downvoted like crazy after being upvoted for a bit. And even though all my comments are spread out, they're all being downvoted by 1 at the same time. Thanks shills.

Also this post is at 66% upvoted now. Shills are really trying hard to suppress this.

Or they realize that the leaks were all over the front page yesterday, they just didn't have anything all that interesting.

A presidential candidate saying he can do whatever he wants with women because he's rich and powerful, even walk right up to them and "grab them by the pussy"?

That's slightly more damaging.

Nope. That's not it.

Or maybe people realize that 1. A post about the transcripts was on the front page yesterday and 2. It's not a big deal because they were very tame. And 3. Trump can't go 20 minutes without sounding like a bigoted, racist idiot.

But hey, whatever you need to tell yourself to fit your narrative.

Nope. That's not it at all. Thanks for your shitty input though

Man, November is going to be a rough month for you.

That is, until Donald wins the election.

until Donald wins the election.

Whew lawd.

the more people leave, the more they win

yeah. pretty much /r/conspiracy seems to be the only one covering it properly. Even /r/news isn't covering it.

says the thread that reached /r/all

Hello, this is me coming in from the front page.


This year's election is to determine how many citizens think it would be a good idea to have a chimp go downstairs in the dark at 2 am because they listen to scary stories. And to take care of things for them they're handing Mr. Bubbles a shotgun, except it's a nuclear shotgun.

Welcome to the new Reddit.

Emails and paid speeches is old news also known as a repost. Why would old news be on the front page? Especially when there is an amazing idiot generating fresh content daily! lol.

He/She who keeps the poop in their own environment to a minimum wins President at this point of the election. Yay American Politics! (sarcasm)

We are fighting apathy and the news cycle. It's not an easy fight.

Yeah anytime you speak against them in forums you get automatically banned and labeled a troll. Reddit is stepping all over our second amendment right to free speech. Like you can't even speak your mind anymore here.

** down vote all you want chumps. Can't silence me

Just a quick correction, it's the first ammendment that is free speech, the second ammendment is the right to keep and bear arms.

My arms are bare you asshole. I plead the fifth amendment on that.

I haven't seen a bunch of folks getting banned nor a lot of complaints about being banned. What sub/subs is that happening in?

Any political sub, anytime you talk against Hillary of give a option that doesn't shower her in holy light you get banned. Then all her minions try to rally against you. Playground bully mentality.

Just because it's not happening to you doesn't mean it's not happening

The way you are describing it though it should be blatantly obvious and it isn't. I read r/politics daily as well as the other political subs and I'm not seeing what you're claiming. You're saying any criticism of Hillary results in an automatic ban and that's simply not happening. I've seen a few bans of people not abiding by the subs guidelines and even in those cases it was only after several violations.

Hey bud I respect your opinion but that's all it is

Yes we are all here sharing our opinions. I offered mine after I read someone else's. Enjoy your day.


Pay attention to the kind of supporting comments that Hilary gets. Most of the ones that I've seen start out the same way. "I am a Bernie supporter but..." Or "Hilary isn't my first choice, but I got in line."

It's like the shills love any kind of comment that encourages grudging zupport, either in what they create or what they chose to upvote. Even now, with all the money spent on dominating Reddit, they cannot manage to push the narrative that people actually do like Hilary, and are supporting her for any reason other than Trump.

I think we're worn out on Clinton stuff. Honestly I think there's so much dirt that comes out on her it's just not surprising anymore.

When everyone agrees they are all cunts and we dont need them we might start getting somewhere. Independent politics working on a humanitarian mandate free from party meddling and corporation backhanders is the only way forward.

Are you literally blind? There was a front page of her releasing her paid speeches.

This dub went to shit fast when the_donald took over.

Anyhing positive Hillary? Must be ctr.

Unfortunately we just talk about it and I am just as guilty. Sometimes I wish they would just take over the internet and then, maybe then we will do something about it all. I think it will be too late though. Before the internet, protests weren't just protesting. It was a place to meet people and exchange information.

if clinton is either dead, a clone, or a body double or CGI, and if trump knows it, why doesnt he just come out and say it with proof?

Sorry, I check The_Cuckald, but those kids dont know what they are doing. They pore over emails and find stuff like "Oh shit, she pays people to write her speeches!" or "look, her campaign researches voters to appeal to them"...Yes, thats what a campaign is. None of it is incriminating.

Raise your game, get a grown up to help you, or, whatever, keep shouting "Maga" and recycling 4chan jokes.

Could we make a pee to peer reddit? Host reddit on p2p network? At least then the corporates wouldnt have total control..

Measured against a racist, misogynistic, vulgar, loose-mouthed bigot like Trump, Clinton looks very electable. I think the poster below has it when he/she says Clinton lies like a politician, Trump lies like an alcoholic. I can't believe Americans would want to be represented by this man. He would never speak or act for me. The conspiracy is how he got this far and has been taken seriously. It is time for the Republican party to withdraw their backing and give up on this presidential race for a greater good than their own- that of their country and their people.

You don't read reddit to get the truth. You read reddit to get the party line.

We live in a country where both Ron Paul & Bernie Sanders will be right in 10 years , and the same establishment that is Bush & Clinton will be running it in 20.

3rd Party movements will be mocked by MSM. Their supporters will be shamed by academics.

It's also funny that articles linked from buzzfeed, which is literally the epitope of lies and the cancer of the Internet, have thousands of points and comments

Buzzfeed is part of NBC and the Daily Beast is owned by a company with Chelsa Clinton on board. Some are plastering the politics board with buzzfeed pieces.

The MSM is now trying to down play third party candidates with more than the usual 'why waste your vote' routine. Not only attacking but creating false narratives like Johnson and Weld in particular have given up and/or are in the tank for Clinton.

Same with the now bought tyt.

This post is the top of r/controversial

This one did

The most important thing I have ever learned is that in politics you must choose the right opponent. HRC couldn't have done a better job. No one talks about her speech to the Banksters when there is so much more vile material to talk about with Trump.

...Do you guys not realize they are fake?

No they're not. The basket of losers speech was fake - and it also didn't come from Wikileaks, it came from another source. Wikileaks goes through an extensive process to ensure the validity of all their leaks. The leaks are not fake. Not even close.

good news, this post is on the front page... of controversial.

that's not true, i do remember mention of the leaked emails being on the front page of /r/all

i think this was one of them. there were some from the_donald and hillaryforprison that might have briefly made appearances as well (oddly enough, front page posts from those subreddits don't seem to stay up very long).

but that doesn't mean you're wrong about this website being manipulated. almost every story about this was instantly downvoted in /r/politics.

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There's no such thing as bad publicity!

Well, there wasn't anything that interesting in the leaks; nothing we did not already know.

I would blame this on the direction reddit seems to be going. The more marketable it gets the worse the outer layers are going to be. Look at all the paid ads here now

I like not seeing it

No. There is nothing in the emails and Trump is an as whole. That much is true

It doesn't fucking matter though. Anyone who cares about her is ignoring the bigger picture with Trump.

Help this one out. Replace the "np" with www, bots warned me for posting direct.


The scandal that distracted from these emails is 11 years old.

I think it is safe to say that there are many conspiracies about Hillary, while there are zero conspiracies about Trump because they are all true .

Make no mistake folks, we are in a battle with keeping information free on the internet. Google, Reddit, Twitter and Facebook are now govt hacks removing chunks of the global brain to their liking.

Every fucking day I see shit of the_donald well in top. Maybe it's because THEY HAVE FUCKING NOTHING

I literally only found out about this from a 4k upvoted article on r/all. Stop spreading misinformation.

Was literally on the front page yesterday, and everything released was pretty boring. Nice try OP

ITT: people bitching that their user-controlled website is being controlled by the users of the website

Damn this subreddit can be poison

They were all over the front page you retard.

It's amazing. I don't get it.

I'm reading this on the front page right now.

Maybe that's because Donny Drumpf is going around grabbing everyone's pussy.

I thought it was Dolan trunks.

Dawwwww trumpalinas getting desperate.. again.

Is that news? I thought everyone already knew about it.

Yes they did. I read a bunch of them on the front page yesterday.

Maybe there just wasn't anything interesting in the emails.

There was if you actually read them

I saw it on /r/all. Didn't really care to read more.

Because everybody is sick of hearing about emails and paid speeches.

You people have beat those stories to death for months, years even. And they don't amount to anything.

Blame a tyrannical government who arms ISIS and then turns around and tries to cover up their criminality in your face.

Except they did.

What in the emails is damning or damaging to her? Unless there is something in there that is especially notable, this news cycle is being dominated by Trump's behavior.

Criminal campaign violations, corruption of the press, attempts to cover up crimes and bribery through the Clinton foundation, proof that the Clintons stole tax payer dollars to scam profits out of Haiti relief, you name it...

This is bigger than Watergate but docile assfucks are too selectively outraged at the other side also being sexually deranged.

Trump is the embodiment of what 98% of politicians are like behind closed doors. He just says and does all the things they are afraid to say to all the Sheeple.

Hillary is no different than trump, except she hides behind the name that her husband built. And we all know that Bill is just as bad as every other politician. What a shame..

We need Bernie back, good thing i still have my canadian passport.

Your front page must be different from mine. Because I saw at least 3 yesterday and 2 today.

He means the default, not logged in, frontpage.

/r/all right? That's what I was talking about.

or no one cares because.... DUH!

This post reeks of it being someone's first election cycle on reddit. Here's how reddit worked in 2008:

  • Barack Obama announces his canidacy. Internet falls in love with him.

  • For the entire first half of the primaries /r/politics totally ignores the Republican race and fills the page with positive articles about Obama and attacks on Clinton.

  • Clinton concedes, and overnight /r/politics returns to non-stop Republican bashing.

In 2012 it pretty much stayed 100% Republican bashing because there was no Democratic primary.

tl;dr Reddit has, and always will be, a Democratic circlejerk. There's no shilling going on, just the basic fact that reddit skews heavily democratic. Please stop with this shill nonsense, and unless you can find users and conclusively prove they are on the payroll of someone (and proof does not inlcude "but they put nothing but pro-Clinton stuff!") sstop.

You really think there isn't a huge overwhelming CTR presence on this website now? Because that's not even close to being true.. and multiple users and mods have been identified. There was also a huge amount of support for Ron Paul when he ran, it definitely wasn't all democratic propoganda

Or the stories were boring.


The speeches were literally just her normal stump even more progressive than she usual is

Yeah, a hemispheric free trade zone (her dream) is real progressive. A no-fly zone over Syria is real progressive. Supporting Simpson-Bowles is real progressive. And now to use a meme from the 90s (in honor of the triangulating politics of Clinton I) NOT!!!.

? Hemispheric free trade like the EU is pretty progressive... There's a reason brexit was by the right and remain was by the left...

Really. Free trade is not supported by progressives. Hence Sanders opposition to the TPP. Also the EU is pretty anti-democratic if you would pay attention. None of the bureaucrats in Brussels are actually elected by European peoples. Democracy is the bedrock of progressive politics.

The TPP is different, free trade is a good concept when executed properly but the TPP is just a horrible agreement.

The EU economy is not comparable to the Americas in any sense.

The exact quote was "open border trade like the EU" or something along those lines, regardless of what you think that's a progressive stance

Or... People don't care...

CTR is all over this comment section. These people don't quit.

CTR shill here, checking in for my ten cents.

Hopefully nimble america pays overtime.

If something doesn't happen soon this bitch is going to be all up in our shit for possibly 8 years.... It's still so hard to believe that could be the reality of this fucked up situation.

you want truth go to 4chan n dark web.

Wrong, I see Hillary (and Trump) bullshit all day. I just don't care.

Go look on Twitter Moments. There's at least 4 moments saying something bad about Trump 24/7. I'm moving out of the country soon but this is just fucking insane. The reach and the amount of corruption that is very blatantly happening.

The worst part about it, in my opinion, is that you literally have to go to r/conspiracy to not get thrown in with the_donald posters. Not saying everyone who posts there is crazy, but there are some pretty wild things being written about on both sides of the coin.

It's community driven dude. Maybe Reddit mirrors the population and there are more Dems??

You ever consider maybe you're just wrong?



I think that the paid shrills should be illegal, unless they openly say what they are and don't vote on posts.

Yes. Let's regulate what can be posted to Reddit. Maybe create a new Federal agency to enforce it. That would be the best solution.

I can't wait for the community to rebuild this fucking site once the American Election cycle is done and the paid shills on all sides are gone. This was once something I loved and defended as the front page of the internet. Now it's a shell of its former self, which I treat with the same shame as being a smoker.

Shut the fuck up you stupid cunt.

You don't say? I'm shocked. Shocked, I tell you!

And politics, by forcing posts about Trump's sex talk and its response into a megathread kept that off the front page as well.

I'm not a shill and I down vote your crap immediately. I suspect many more do so as well.

Or everyone here is just tired of this Bullshit and doesn't care anymore.

Idk about you but I certainly care about elected officials committing treason as well as other heinous crimes. But again, maybe that's just me.

Well, when I hear anything reputable being said about Clinton committing treason, then I'll care too.

It shows she committed treason in today's leaks. Her campaign, not her foundation her campaign knowingly took money from foreign governments/special interests.

I said reputable, not some random trump supporters on the internet.


How about you just go fuck yourself and I continue on with my pleasant day?

Typical Liberal

Conservatives don't tell rude idiots to go fuck themselves? Oh, wait, yes they do...

I meant denying facts and then getting unnecessarily upset about it.. but whatever let's you sleep at night. Also I certainly wasn't being rude lmao that's cute though.

I certainly wasn't being rude lmao that's cute though.

You know what isn't cute? Being so self absorbed that you think that was about you and not the person I was talking about. That's not cute.

Treason is a serious charge. Don't weaken it by claiming this email bullshit is treason, it isnt. It's stupid, it's corrupt, but it isn't at all treason. Be smarter than that.

Lots of cases of treason. If you did your own individual research you'd probably know that by now though...

I've 'researched' enough to see that Trump is literally the most disgusting waste of a human being I have ever seen outside of a junkie. Lived under Johnson, and both him and Stein are idiots. I'll take a corrupt politician over those 4 any day of the week.

People who buy into this Hillary for prison pro trump bullshit are all bigger idiots than he is, and that's saying something. Call it what it is, she hasn't committed treason, at worst she's guilty of being a corrupt insider politician. So fucking what? They all are. The other 3 being obviously worse candidates despite this is exactly why she is going to win, and should win.

and then she lost

She won the popular vote. More americans wanted her, not him.

If a story line that you think is important but others don't doesn't make it to the front page of reddit then it MUST be a conspiracy. Maybe, just maybe others aren't as interested.

You people are morons. There is no conspiracy, Trump's news is just more shocking and interesting than Hillarys emails which ended up being anything but shocking and interesting. Trump supporters think they are Woodward and Bernstein, when in fact they are Beavis and Butthead.

He raped me!

I was completely dressed. I had a skirt and a blouse. He tore the waist of my skirt. And then he ripped my pantyhose. And he raped me. It was very vicious. I was just pinned down… I did not know what to do. I was so frightened. I was only 35 at the time. And it was horrible. I just wanted it to be over with. So he would go away.

And then as he points over my shoulder, he grabs me and turns me to him. And that was a shock. And I tried to push him away. And I only weighed about 120 pounds at that time. He was a very large man. And I kept telling him, “No. I don’t want this at all.”

And he grabbed me again, very forcefully. And started biting on my top lip. And this was extremely painful. I thought he was going to bite my lip off. And that’s when he pushed me back onto the bed.

What does this have to do with the email "conspiracy"? Also this isn't even about her husband allegedly, before they were even married, raped a woman? How is this at all Hillary's problem?

I can link bad stuff about Trump, but what would that have to do with the emails and paid speeches? You can all pat yourselves on the back, though. Good research, Woodward and Bernstein.

Regardless of your dream world, Hillary still wont win.

That wall's never getting built. Your Reddit handle will eventually be an ironic reference.


BECAUSE IT'S NOT A BIG DEAL!! Seriously, just stop with this crap already.

Yes it is a big deal? How can you think it's not? Have you not been following any of the leaks and only been paying attention to the headlines and mother jones/buzzfeed articles of r/pol? Because these leaks are definitely huge. Even CNN has been covering them today and that's practically unheard of.

meh the media is here to get clicks. Nothing she has done is really criminal or negatively impacted Americans. Email server? Big deal.

Let's cry a river!

None of the quotes I've seen from the paid speeches were particularly bad.

Nobody cares be because of Trump.


I assume that we will ultimately learn that Reddit is currently operating under threat of extinction if it doesn't advance the oligarchs' agenda. Hillary will be our next president, and I think we are expected to be thankful that they didn't stick us with Jeb! instead.

Or because there is no info from the Wikileaks and TRUMPS BULLSHIT IS MORE IMPORTANT TO FOCUS ON????? Fuck off. Hillary isn't perfect, but she's not talking about grabbing women by their vaginas. She's not ignorant. She's not trying to set America back 75849 years. Fuck off.

Why is calling out shills not allowed? Paid shills have taken over the sub.

You have been banned from participating in /r/politics.

You have been banned for continued incivility in the comments section. This is a permanent ban.

WOW! CTR must pay you overtime.

I get 5 replies from CTR shills and then they multiply it to 12.

And they waited over 20 years to file a civil suit. How convenient.

You CTR shills do realize rape is something that needs to be filed criminally?

4 examples of why you've been banned. Want more? All of those are against the known/posted subreddit rules.

Everyone that doesn't agree with me is a shill.. they just HAVE to be paid.

Edit - Can't count, 3 is actually 4

The silent majority of people are more influential than paid shills, and we don't like caring about politics, but really don't want Trump to win.

Maybe no one cares about her leaked emails and paid speeches because I for one don't understand how they would affect her being a president, except maybe favoring the banking industry. And really, how much better can it get for banks with the way it is now? Honestly, I woke up this morning all giddy with anticipation to see what stupid thing Trump did that would be reported today.

You are giddy to vote for a criminal hack that openly commits treason (arms ISIS) and that lies to your face. Our democracy is safe in your righteous hands.

Or maybe you're just the minority

I was thinking exactly the same thing.... Hillary is a disgusting human being, Everything she gets involved in is laced with illegal activity and fed to the public as an ice cream sundae complete with the cherry on top. Sadly, the american people just eat it up and allow her to continue making us all look like begging bottom feeders that are desperate for welfare and a free college education. She should be ashamed of herself and jump off of a bridge. Trump is no Joel Osteen but I like the fact that he is not a politician, I respect his grittiness and his honest straight forward way of telling you like it is. He isnt about "political correctness" and that in my opinion is refreshing. It seems everyone has blinders on when it comes to Hillary, I don't understand it. Seeing how the media is soooo "offended" at what he said over 10 years ago during a conversation between two men is pathetic. He sounds like a normal red blooded dude that you can overhear anywhere nowadays. The naive virgin ears people are pretending to have is a joke. When your offended at words that don't even involve you is only showing your brainwashed mindset. BE BETTER. BE MENTALLY STRONGER. DAMN!!

Sorry Trump is just better news. His greatest strength has become his greatest weakness.

Lol how many idiots are on this sub that this got 2k upvotes

Maybe OP is missing the fact that republicans are leaving trump in droves because of all the nasty shit about his past just hit on Thursday and Friday. Totally dominating the news and conversation online.

Not everything is a stupid conspiracy

That IS the conspiracy you idiot. You think the timing was a mere coincidence?

You missed the point entirely

really? Come on man.

Or... People don't care...

The Clinton camp royally screwed up by countering WikiLeaks' small email dump with their "trump" pussy card. The timing was absolutely stupid... on a Friday afternoon of a holiday weekend. They should have held the pussy card until right before the last debate.

Oh well, just goes to show why Hillary won't be elected in November... her camp is run by idiots (herself). Her echo chamber must be of epic proportions. And thank god for that.

Lol, just because people are too tired of hearing the same story over and over again to upvote it to the front page again doesn't mean that they are all shills and the story is being repressed.

when did r/conspiracy become r/the_donald?

After r/politics changed from r/Sanders to r/Clinton

i thought politics was just anti-donald, but i really dont frequent there so that is lost on me. american politics is a shitshow anyway

*edit: ETS is essentially r/the_hillary, ive recently found out.

You're just mad because trump finally did something that trumps all his other bullshit. People complain that /r/politics has turned in to a Hillary sub but /r/conspiracy has turned into /r/the_donald sister sub. Get over yourselves.

Jeffrey Epstein

Former President Bill Clinton was a much more frequent flyer on a registered sex offender’s infamous jet than previously reported, with flight logs showing the former president taking at least 26 trips aboard the “Lolita Express” -- even apparently ditching his Secret Service detail for at least five of the flights, according to records.

Epstein, who counts among his pals royal figures, heads of state, celebrities and fellow billionaires, spent 13 months in prison and home detention for solicitation and procurement of minors for prostitution. He allegedly had a team of traffickers who procured girls as young as 12 to service his friends on “Orgy Island,” an estate on Epstein's 72-acre island, called Little St. James, in the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Florida attorney Brad Edwards, who represented some of Epstein’s alleged victims, is suing the federal government over the secret non-prosecution agreement in hopes of having it overturned. Edwards claimed in court records that the government and Epstein concealed the deal from the victims “to prevent them from voicing any objection, and to avoid the firestorm of controversy that would have arisen if it had become known that the Government was immunizing a politically-connected billionaire and all of his co-conspirators from prosecution of hundreds of federal sex crimes against minor girls.”

You're a fucking wanker. Why do you ignore the fact that this is all a distraction from the real issue. The real issue... I bet you don't even know what that issue is. What is at stake here, can you tell us? For you it's just a matter of "loud mouth rude orange guy vs the lady with a name I kinda recognize". Moron.

Can you point to anything in the scripts that we should give a fuck about? No? Fuck off troll.

Her public and private opinions on things, only holding Wall Street accountable for political reasons, holding gun manufacturing companies legally responsible for any crime done with a weapon, wanting all countries to have 100% open borders with free and open trade, etc etc. Maybe you should actually read the leaks and stop trolling yourself?

That wasn't the question. Maybe you should learn to read and comprehend. Also, Clinton could be Pablo Escobar in disguise and I'd still vote for her over Trumpf, the village idiot. That's how much of an embarrassment Trump is to human kind.

Maybe like the population of Reddit just doesn't give a fucking shit about your fucking stories on how she opens her mouth every now and then... Every fucking time she says a word, you guys take it to 16 levels and analyze everything to justify your bullshit...

Every fucking time he says a word, you guys take it to 16 posts on it

Referring to r/politics on Trump of course.

"Grab them by the pussy."

"I moved on her like a bitch..."

Yeah, nothing out of the ordinary there for a presidential candidate.

No that is definitely out of the ordinary for a presidential candidate to spew publicly. I didn't read that story, Hillary is far more interesting.

Oh boy, someone's triggered

Keep your head in the sand buddy.

Really. Free trade is not supported by progressives. Hence Sanders opposition to the TPP. Also the EU is pretty anti-democratic if you would pay attention. None of the bureaucrats in Brussels are actually elected by European peoples. Democracy is the bedrock of progressive politics.

The TPP is different, free trade is a good concept when executed properly but the TPP is just a horrible agreement.

The EU economy is not comparable to the Americas in any sense.

Yes, it's not like Trump being the Republican candidate for President now makes it much more likely and important for shit like this to come out than when he was just a reality TV star.

Like what?

You couldn't make it up...or could you?

they kinda are boring though, no one has even found anything worth talking about - none of the threads about them i've seen on reddit or off have had any even slightly interesting links to emails, i mean honestly can you find a single one of these newest emails to link me to that isn't boring?

Pretty fucking good. There is an election in four weeks if you didn't know.

It's almost like ... It was a deliberate strategy to wait the final month to release bombs on your adversary ! Phew, thanks /r/conspiracy for opening my eyes on this grand manipulation !

The latest scandal is from 2005. He's been a douchebag his whole life..

Reddit ain't what it used to be

tired of this naive story... it is pretend nuance from a show for teens. as if we are voting for the individuals, as if downballot votes are meaningless, as if the republicans are equally bad for the average person, as if hillary and trump can be compared in terms of experience in government... look at who suppresses votes of blacks, of the poor, and look who takes their sides. Let's accept that Hillary is the fake, the fraud, the lie that everyone believes she is, and that her cabinet and every staffer under her is in on this fraud, that she's bloodthirsty and trump is the true isolationist he isn't, and let's assume that everything people want to believe about her is true. voting democrat is still a step in a better direction. we won't have bernie now, maybe a bernie next time. possibly depending on where you live all the downballot folks are much more bernie than they are hillary. even granted all these unreasonable and untrue arguments, unless you are a god damned millionaire you are a fucking moron to vote anyone but democrat.

Yes, that's what the article was about

No, they really are just the same old shit everyone knew. Like it's not fucking shocking that a corporately owned establishment politician said things that Wall Street wanted to hear in a fucking paid speech to Wall Street. Everyone already thinks she's a shill.

And as much as Trumptards try to blow it off the reason this audio release from Trump is so shocking is that it explicitly jumps another level: from just saying things about women's bodies to admitting to kissing and touching women "by the pussy" without their permission. "When you're a star they let you." I.E. a presidential candidate bragging about getting away with sexual assault.

When a tape leaks of Hillary Clinton gleefully bragging to some celebrity about how easy it was to delete her emails so all the stupid plebs would never know how secretly evil she is, then you'll have a case if it doesn't dominate the news cycle. But until then it's just more Trump supporter bullshit.

Even Trumpo is a Clinton shill.

You know she's paid more than 6 million for online shilling right?

Fucking great comment and I especially liked your ability to convey a larger more objective perspective in a way an average person can get. If you can read between my lines.

Keep fighting the good fight.

Jesus dude, you realize using all the RANDOM CAPS and saying shit like "Have fun with a war with Russia as your Queen rules your cucked ass!" make you sound legitimately crazy right? Obviously if at this point you think Trump looks like a super qualified president to you nothing I say is going to change your mind, so we can just leave it.

Stealing from charities isn't as bad as stealing from Social Security, Education, and Veterans Aid by not paying taxes. Oh and don't forget that Trump has to be reminded by the media that the money he raised for charity actually has to go to said charity.

What law did she break and who did she kill and how did she lie to the FBI. Prove your bullshit.

That comment upvoted that much... it is like they aren't even trying to hide it.

What charity did she steal from? The one that's independently rated as putting 88+% of its donations toward actual charitable efforts?

Someone waiting until October to drop a huge political surprise? Gee, what are the odds?

Dude your shirty Reddit posts aren't asvinportant as you think they are. No one give a shit about influencing a bunch of teenagers.

I think Donald would do all of those things. Just hasn't had an opportunity.

WOW! CTR must pay you overtime.

I get 5 replies from CTR shills and then they multiply it to 12.

And they waited over 20 years to file a civil suit. How convenient.

You CTR shills do realize rape is something that needs to be filed criminally?

4 examples of why you've been banned. Want more? All of those are against the known/posted subreddit rules.

Everyone that doesn't agree with me is a shill.. they just HAVE to be paid.

Edit - Can't count, 3 is actually 4

got a link to that article?

3 things most of us here do/possess, myself included. Yet you're still the only one with a clinton foundation statistic on hand to defend it.

Honestly, if you think that defense sounded even slightly natural, you're not very good at your job.

** Downvoted INSTANTLY as I posted it, under a minute! I even got the ninja edit in! That is how you know someone is triggered.

*** That's how this shit works, folks. Speak out against their hag Queen and less than 20 minutes in and already 3 welfare recipients are in my inbox with pro-Hillary faggotry, downvoting everything I say. On a 9 hour old post. Think about that.

You can tell CTR has invaded when that many people reply to defend Hillary on a comment with 2 upvotes.

Holy. Crap. Wow, you're absolutely right. Or otherwise, these people asking for sources must have been living under a rock.

Isn't some of it the fact he was 1 on 1 now versus a group of 8? He had less time to come up with a response? I could be wrong, it just seems like the format was less in his favor now.

For 10 years Wikileaks has been lauded for their releases of information regarding corruption but the moment there's something bad against Hillary released suddenly it "those damn Russians."

There's much more evidence that Trump was using his charity to illegally benefit himself than that the Clintons did.

Have you even, for the briefest of moments, considered that this has nothing to do with some organized CTR conspiracy brigading hundreds of threads in real time, and that maybe, just maybe, there are enough people who legitimately find Trump so abhorrent that 15 of them would down vote you and also share their thoughts on you comment?

Was Trumps tape really that surprising? for me no, I figured he was this level of dick in private.

I guess I care about policy more than banter, but I also don't either choice and feel they are both bad, just to varying degrees depending on your disposition.

Source on that bell curve sweetheart?

They have to go.

Is that a threat?

Piles of dead people?

nobody cares about what you think or feel and you'll never have your voice heard. you're an idiot.

Either that or your so subjective and biased that any valid criticism against your points is immediately dismissed as brigading because you refuse to analyze things neutrally and logically

Do you realize how batshit crazy you sound of are you just living in denial?

Plus, her subreddit is a sad sad place.

The_Donald is full of sincere partisans.

CTR are paid shills ignorantly repeating the talking points fed them by their mind masters

It looks like the shills are out in force now. The talking points seem to be "The leaks are boring, front page means nothing etc."

Mind pointing to some?

It is a crisis. Why can't we leave Obama in office for another four years? That would allow for status quo.

I disagree, I think a Trump presidency would be worse than a Clinton one, but I think either are deleterious for anyone who is not rich and powerful, and I think we ignore Clinton's flaws at our own peril.

Okay, so show me in the rest of the emails the smoking gun you seem to think is there. You're the one trying to prove something, so prove it.

Yes but we were talking about /r/politics. It's noteworthy because that is a huge political story and it was buried in the politics sub.

And when both of them are?

That's because her popularity is false. 1 post about Clinton on the Front Page would bring out a ton of criticism on her - which would impact any independent voters in swing states.

I recommend voting Stein if you don't live in a swing state because the DNC needs to be torn out by its roots asap.

That's a simplistic view in my opinion. You can't force regulations on these companies because they have essentially become an integral part of the law making process through lobbying. It's a very difficult situation, and I don't know how to realistically address it.

I actually like the new algorithm. I've found so many new subs that I never would have if they hadn't changed it. Now /r/all has such variety. (And some good porn) I still see the_donald there all the time too. Plus they still dominate /r/all/rising.

Reddit is mostly liberal. No doubt about it. The_donald is the one big exception, but that's 225k people compared to ten times that many elsewhere. Plus a good chunk of them are trolls.

You underestimate the importance of large environmental firms. They pave the way for countless small businesses to compete for work they would otherwise be incapable of completing (some contracts require small women owned business involvement). They employ civil engineers, construction departments, etc.

It's not just environmental scientists. In fact, I would say environmental consulting firms incorporate more employees that aren't directly experienced in environmental work.

For instance, for some work on a navy installation, our contracting group hired a small company to complete almost the entirety of the work (often called pass through). The effects of reducing environmental compliance is far reaching, not even including the environmental base argument of saving the world.

The guy sounds like a fucking psycho just leave him alone and pray he gets the help he needs

I can subscribe to that.

Haha alright bud

Yeah, cause you obviously know a good deal about the environmental consulting world. Go back to your basement.

I think you're underestimating the number of Americans that despise Hillary.

No one does and that's what bothers me the most. This man can't be clear at all on his policy, only that he will be a menace as is clear by how he's running his campaign. That's obviously good enough for me and most of the country to not want to vote for him.

That is very interesting considering BLM and ISIS are both psy-ops.

I love show someone with a "degree in econ", dismisses new information when it doesn't fit their narrative.

If you want to throw your "degree in econ" as some sort of claim to expertise, I'd advise you as someone with an engineering degree and P.E. license (me) to review the author's credentials before just dismissing as conspiracy.

Ellen Brown is an attorney, president of the Public Banking Institute, and author of twelve books including the best-selling Web of Debt. In The Public Bank Solution, her latest book, she explores successful public banking models historically and globally. Her websites are Web of Debt, Public Bank Solution, and Public Banking Institute.

You millennials have google don't you? There's nothing in that article that can't be checked in other sources. Time for you to understand the reason these specifics aren't being covered is the same reason this mainstream press lied to America about motivations for the Iraq war, Iraqi nukes, Iraqi mobile bio-labs, Iraqi ties to al Qaeda, over 12 years ago when you were still a toddler.

How about you just go fuck yourself and I continue on with my pleasant day?

I meant denying facts and then getting unnecessarily upset about it.. but whatever let's you sleep at night. Also I certainly wasn't being rude lmao that's cute though.

Can I get a fact check that Trump just defeated the pure societal cancer that is Clinton and her supporters?