The media blackout of Clinton's criminality isn't limited to Reddit. Googles news aggregate, along with virtually the entire gang of major media sources are all hammering Trump today while completely ignoring the new Podesta leaks.

723  2016-10-09 by [deleted]



Why do you think that this video of Trump was released when it was? Not like they just stumbled upon it Friday afternoon.

Friday news dump with "shock" news before a debate. Always look at the timing of news.

Indeed. Though many believe they were saving that clip for later but had to drop it when they did cause of the wikileaks. It's extremely damning for Hillary to say she says one thing publicly but privately does another. That's what they have to keep off the TV.

It's funny because Friday dumps usually get ignored or mentioned somewhat on Saturday and the Sunday talk shows. But somehow, the Trump 'pussy' tape gains traction all throughout Friday into Saturday. Strange.

It could also be that the Clinton campaign was looking for a hot issue to attack Trump on for the second debate. If they hadn't, Trump wouldn't have had to dig himself out of a hole at the beginning of the debate.

It was a two for. First alter Trumps debate prep. Second create a hostile audience and moderator panel. And as many have pointed out Hillary doesn't have to talk about her policy. Still can't believe this wasn't used earlier, one must wonder.

You're right. Brilliant strategy on their part. I think Trump has prepared to hit back harder. This debate is juicy.

It was a coordinated effort by the RINO GOP'ers and media shills that blasted the video non-stop throughout the entire weekend, even ignoring coverage of the major hurricane that devastated Florida and southern states.

This is how scared they are of Trump becoming president. Establishment corrupt politicians and their media lapdogs are terrified that Trump will clean house in Washington and ruin their goal of destroying America from the inside.

Did you see the new Guccifer 2.0 leaks? Clinton camp literally had a list of journalists that RSVPed to post stories on the Pussy tape.

Check r/DNCLeaks

That's a great point man. Ever thought about it like that. When better to release a devastating news story about your opponent then on a Friday night when everyone can absorb it and discuss it. When they don't have work in the morning and that's all the news and anyone else is talking about. Well that and football

Seriously! Clinton is the same, two evil corporate monsters, liars! Vote GREEN!

It seriously makes me think what they would do if there was a guy like Donald Trump in the future that everyone loved and voted for but he never said anything inflammatory and had a squeaky clean history. Would they just make shit up or what?

They'd let Debbie Wasserman-Schultz handle it.

They are desparate

The "Media Industrial Complex" needs to become a more familiar term.

Not "media", propaganda.

The media is incredibly biased in favor of Clinton, and there is a good possibility the outcome of the election will be affected. Some people will feel cheated, and others will cheer.

And democracy will be dead.

Will be? It already has been

Ron Paul!!

It died in Dallas Texas a long long long time ago.

Clinton is known to be especially vindictive with reporters who don't go her way, is partly the problem. She denies access, coverage, interviews, scoops, etc.

So it leads to obsequious sycophants who can barely call themselves reporters.

Wikileaks said that they are coming out with information about Google.

No doubt, they took a turn to the dark side

Newsflash: Google started out on the dark side. The CIA funded Google from the beginning.

Also look up shady companies that was also funded by the CIA's venture capital (ATM machine) In-Q-Tel, such as Peter Thiel's Palantir Technologies. This shit goes very deep and very dark.

Thank you Billy C, for deregulating the telecommunications industry, giving us 6 companies collectively deciding what news is fit for American consumption.

That's what they get paid for I suppose.

It's transparent at this point.

She's such an appallingly bad candidate (in addition to being a criminal), that they're having to pull out ALL the stops to push her over the top. They've got Republicans publicly switching sides now and having the vapors...

It's transparent at this point.

she's dead!!! they are pulling deadweight via body doubles

One month before the election, the media will be their most dishonest and vicious. Watch it backfire as they're failing to give reasons to vote for Hillary. She needs to come out for marihuana legalisation before it's too late, I think turnout won't be in her favour otherwise.

Chelsea Clinton already let the cat out of the bag that Hillary Clinton will be much stricter with federal marijuana laws. She'll enforce the federal laws over state laws.

Ah, Chelsa Clinton. Let something slip about gun control as well. And is on the board of IAC which owns the Daily Beast.

Dammit, Trump! Our country is so screwed.

what a fuckin snot nosed brat she is~

She'll be our future president someday the way things are going.

Straight after Cyborg Cheney's Fourth term.

she will never be MY president....

i plan on having a say goin forward

I missed it, anything damaging in those leaks?

To anybody mortal it would be career ending.

? What was in it?

The transcripts of her paid speeches.

Oh shit, anything juicy in them?

She said the sort of thing that any politician would say behind closed doors. In that you need a public opinion and a private one or the airquotes bucket of losers get nervous.

If you support Trump then she is admitting to being a lying monster. If you support Hillary than the leaks were false.

If you're like most of this sub and hate both then you'll wonder what it'll actually take for people to wake up and stop supporting warmongers.

HRC contradicts her current opposition to the TPP talking about free trade and open borders for one.

I feel like we are all being played super hard... This shit should have been released ASAP...

Internet says Conde Nast now owns Reddit. Who or which party does that company or it's CEO's give money to?

If only we had something like a bureau on a federal level that could do an investigation on the criminality of hillary clinton.

I guess we'll have to see if Trump brings the leaks up at the debate tonight. It should be easy points for him if he knows what he's doing. He has a ton of ammo for tonight that all just fell in his lap.

Trump needs to bring these topics up in a way where he is speaking to and educating the American people of the dangers of a Hillary presidency, not as a means to attack Hillary on the podium, because she will just deflect and instantly change the subject. Donald spends too much time defending himself any time he is called out. Hillary gets him on tilt easy. We'll see if he learned anything.


I dunno. He just paraded Bill Clinton's rape victims all over the TV. If he attacks back then he isn't controlled opposition IMO. If he sits there an lets them hammer him, and says nothing like all the MSM pundits are saying he should then he is.

I'm being to believe this more and more. I wonder what kind of deal he had in place with the Clinton machine for this.


I'd hardly call rooting for the worst of your opponent's field to win "controlled opposition" though.

This makes my heart ache for our country.

$$$$$ golf $$$$ weddings $$$$ grandkids same ages $$$$$ you know


1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1%

The younger consumers of social media and msm news will become accustomed to one sided news with a extremely biased narrow focus. Other than berate or dismiss they won't know how to handle different news, views and/or opinions. This will translate into real life as well. If things don't go the way they were told it will be drug addiction or meltdown.

until you realise trump is running at the behest of the clintons. think about how not long ago he was really 'good friends' with them. I dont think this situation has changed. think about how not long ago he was a democrat. how the clintons attended his last wedding. how angry the left is and put a paid actor in place to voice that anger of the left, meanwhile destroying the gop. trump was convinced/hired/persuaded/whatevered into running as republican to destroy hillary's opposition. trump is just a distraction.