We're kicking ass

29  2016-10-09 by LightBringerFlex

This is a peaceful revolution and we are doing great. Keep it up!


I'm ineffably tired of pro-war ideologues moaning about how the anti-war folk are just 'complaining' without 'offering solutions' to global dilemmas. Peace doesn't need a freekin moral, ethical, economical, or political qualification; war does. Peace doesn't ravage, plunder, rape, or kill; war does. Peace does not need justification, war does. ~ <|OnAir|>


This got a bookmark, for later. Thank you. Looks nice too.

Peaceful is the best because it is sustainable. It just takes time.

I'm going to just repost a counter-point to the idea of a "peaceful" revolution being successful:

Why this can all only end one way - with violence.

I think most people who post here would agree that we have a government whose goals is to use the populace as a cash crop and exploit them for their own personal gains. We have domestic spying, a federal reserve system of monetary slavery, and increasingly tyrannical behavior.

With that in mind, I propose that this will all end one way... with massive amounts of violence. This is the way it has always been and always will be as long as there are individuals willing to use violence to get their way.

Take for instance, this idea: Two men, Bill and Tom, have a disagreement about who owns a pencil. Bill says it is his. Tom says it is his. Tom is not willing to kill Bill over his claim to the pencil. Bill, on the other hand, is willing to kill Tom over his claim to the pencil.

If Bill is willing to kill and Tom is not, then simple logic dictates that since Tom is not willing to reciprocate the level of aggression that Bill is, then Tom will cede ownership to Bill.

This is how government treats its citizens in all instances.

Try not paying your taxes because you are against making military contractors rich.

If you claim that you are the sole owner of the fruits of your labor, then you will be killed if you resist. The same goes for every injustice that those in power force on the citizenry.

We are seeing this play out right now. Democracy is being subverted and those in power are more than happy to let people stomp their feet and protest because it will not actually change anything. They know that they have the force of violence on their side that the populace has been told on a bad thing.

Why should the government have a monopoly on violence?

No amount of hand-waving, feet stomping, and protesting will change anything. Only when enough people get angry enough to take direct action against those who use violence to control them will we ever see anything change.

They are willing to kill you to get their way. What are you willing to do?

[disclaimer] I'm not a violent guy and am only giving my opinion on how this will play out based on what has happened over and over again throughout history.

Yes, the way you describe it is historically accurate. I have read that it actually takes a small percentage of the population to revolt in order to create chaos in a government. We keep getting closer and closer to reaching that small percentage. My prediction is that there will be a triggering event, like in Tunisia.

Also, please remember that Gandhi was able to get the British to leave India... That is really not the American way, though.

We keep getting closer and closer to reaching that small percentage. My prediction is that there will be a triggering event, like in Tunisia.

I find that often these things are unpredictable. I would be amazed if anyone could accurately predict it.

I can dream, right?

Weird day. Lost a half tree in the storm, haven't had enough sleep or food, my living situation with a parent is getting completely intolerable and I feel like the idjitbox that stays running in the living room and I are in alternate realities. Not my idjitbox. Mom's. But all the people outside have seemed friendly, and nice and cooperation here post storm has been fantastic. Weirdness. I like it.

I think after this election, everyone is going to switch to independent.

How is that possible when it is rigged and your vote doesn't matter anyway?

If the vote really doesn't matter, then I do not know how a peaceful revolution is possible. Maybe I am naive for thinking that the corruption is not embedded that completely into the system.

Non participation. If a bully is bullying you and you know you can't beat their ass or get help from authorities the best defense is refusal to participate.

Hang out with other bullied people, refuse to react to the bully and go about your life. Eventually the bully will relent. Of course you might get your ass kicked over the course of this tactic. The point isn't to beat the bully or "win" a battle. The point is to not give any energy over to the bully and let them feel the peer pressure from your group.

This is the only viable long term strategy. Non violent, non participation, mental revolution.

Ya know, the whole turn the other cheek and all...

I'd say it's pretty entrenched. It's speculation, but in my eyes this current election and you could probably say the same about many others are already decided before any voting..bread and circuses.. when you add everything up and connect the dots, it looks that way anyway. Trump is clearly paid opposition.. Bill Clinton told him to go for it (http://www.thefiscaltimes.com/2015/08/05/Donald-Trump-s-Curious-Clinton-Connection), he has close ties to the Clintons anyway and he probably gets a nice slice of the cake out of the role, or act, he has performed as well as a great deal of 'immunity'. It's just that information spreads much more rapidly in this age and it's harder to hide nowadays that it seems like it's "more corrupt" when really, it's quite likely that it's been this way for a while. Also it's been proven pretty easy for them to rig votes.

I have felt from day one that Trump was trying to lose the election on purpose in order to help Hillary. No one can be that dumb. I almost hope the system is rigged, because if that many people actually voted for these clowns then were done as a nation.

the way i see it...

if conspiracy is a shill and is always about hilary losing

then perhaps she is being set up this whole time

i think someone really doesnt want her to win.

i think someone really doesnt want her to win.

yea...every sane person that is following the elections...

How are we doing great? Nothing has changed.

Don't you see the establishment freaking out? We are shaking the foundations of the country and they can feel the rumbling. This is what it looks like in its first stage. Imagine stage 3 or stage 5. It's a build up.

Hope you're right.

You poor people make me sick.

The purge is coming and we will all have new vests.

I'm not sure you're doing great, but I don't agree that nothing has changed either. The so-called "elite" are--at least those not at the very very very top--most definitely concerned. And I can tell you, just from my personal circle, the amount of people questioning the "consensus reality" has exploded. Will anybody do anything about it? I don't know yet. But the sheep are less sheep-like.

I'll take your word for it.

Keep on keeping on. It is a hell of a ride.

There is no such thing as a successful peaceful revolution. You’re losing. And I don’t even know what you claim to be winning!

We are all losing. In my opinion we have already lost.

How is that possible when it is rigged and your vote doesn't matter anyway?