I was sick to my stomach when they compared Aleppo to the Holocaust in order to shame Trump so he would change his positions of anti-war with Russia.

75  2016-10-10 by CaucasianEagle



I’m actually not sure she was supposed to have done that. NOTHING compares to the holocaust in the eyes of her handlers. NOTHING. The Armenian genocide? MEANINGLESS. The slaughter of German POWs? GARBAGE. The 60 million chinese killed under communism and the 40 million exterminated in the Soviet Union? POINTLESS, GOYIM!

I wonder if she won’t be punished for it.

the biggest mass rape in the history of the world in post ww2 germany, eastern europe and liberated camps by the judeosoviets - fuhgedaboutit

now lets debate why salaries of women are 10 percent less than men

Please. Women's exploitation is a nearly global phenomenon, from time before the formation of Israel.

She will have to do more penance I guess like email 1606

Yeah but they were mostly ultra orthodox. They love the secular Jew.

U mad?

I can think of a few reasons you might be. I just don’t care.

Syria is Israel's enemy. The last one of any importance in the region.

The war on Syria is for the benefit of the Zionist regime.

If you don't support killing Assad and exporting all Syrians to (destroy) Europe, allowing Israel to move in and take control of the region, you're a fucking anti-Semite.

It is another Holocaust, you bastards.

It's beyond obvious by now who is running the show in the United States. Our country has been under enemy occupation for over 50 years.

actually more than 100 years, watch money masters by bill still

varying degrees of occupation. We are now basically at full occupation, not to mention the corporations rewriting all the laws

Aleppo is a mass killing of innocent people. And she helped cause it.

Do you think it's all poor people that folks like her see as worthless, or mostly the one's with darker skin?


Because German POW camps under American control weren't. Pretty simple actually.

Thanks for pointing that out. This line really made angry.

Comparing the industrial murder of 4 to 6 million Jews with the bombing of a city is beyond ridiculous. USA is loosing its investment in Syria and propaganda reaches new levels.

By the way most rebells still in Aleppo belong to Al Nursa.

Everything You Hear About Aleppo Is Wrong https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8mA0h7dCKI