I was forced to unsubscribe from r/politics as I'm tired of all this one-sided Clinton nonsense. I don't support either candidate, but the whole page is just pro-Clinton propaganda now.

3530  2016-10-10 by xXKSXx


There was a glimmer of hope there early this morning. The top post AND the Mega thread were full of comments saying Hillary should be thrown in jail... It was amazing reading all of them without censorship for a few hours. Buuuut around 4 or 5 AM r/politics mods must have started paying attention took the posts off front page, since it was overwhelmingly obvious that redditors don't want to go along with the r/politics narrative

You'll enjoy following the thread on r/undelete lol

What? The post about the Simpsons supporting South Park on standing up to censorship got censored?


Piss on that

Dicks out fo- oh, we're not still doing that?

Nah that was so September.

October is all about Albit Einstein. I'll have you know he's wicked smaht.

We've moved on to grabbing pussies.


Even if it is. Piss on it.


us nsfw

WTF does this even mean.

Let's just all hang out there.

I like where your head's at, cakeboy.

Eh that ones just a trump circle jerk


Never though of going there. Thanks!

CTR sellout morons will be out of work come November the 9th. just steer clear of politics until then.

They might be out of work, but no doubt DNC or whoever will still be in control of /r/politics. CTR can upvote/downvote/comment/report, but if they have any admins/mods they will KEEP those for sure. Too much power there.

This isn't something you just give away. Reddit is huge and the ability to manipulate /r/politics is huge. You hold on to it for each major scandal, each election. There's going to be a scandal at some point, and /r/politics is still going to be compromised.

I think we can safely give up on /r/politics now because it's too big of a win for them to just give up. /r/conspiracy is the only place safe to read shit simply because the name. Any posts here are automatically conspiracy theories. They automatically lose credibility among the people just because they were posted here.

What we need is a decentralized reddit that works off of bitcoin technology like the blockchain, something IMMUNE to censorship, something where the behavior is 100% transparent. Some comment/submission removes are fine, but the main problem is it's completely transparent to the general user. You could create a client where it's an option to see the removed comments for better or for worse. You could have it so the client hides comments with lots of reports, then have people audit those later. It could be all public, but for convenience the default client would hide them.

I think that's how we end the bullshit. You use the blockchain for submissions and comments. You lose mod powers. You create an account by generating a gpg key and signing your username and signing your comments. You submit signed "actions" that are proven to be signed by the same key as the person who signed their account data. Clients could manage all this themselves. You don't need central servers. You just need opensource clients and a decentralized database.

It's an engineering undertaking, but I think we have to move this direction at some point. This would be immune to censorship. The only problem is it's hard to defend against a sybil attack (one person, ten thousand usernames), but I'm sure that could be worked out and mitigated. I think bitcoin has to deal with that as well.

This is the direction you need to go in today's world, because centralized authorities and information services are so easy for interested parties to subvert.

What we need is a decentralized reddit that works off of bitcoin technology like the blockchain, something IMMUNE to censorship, something where the behavior is 100% transparent

I think steemit is trying to do something like that, but the problem is anyone can just inject a ton of bitcoin into the system and steer the narrative as they wish.

I do agree with a decentralized platform, and there are a number of them in the works, with higher or lower degrees or success. Some of the problems are technical, but the more intractable ones seems to be sociological and game theory. It's just really hard to have a truly uncensorable, ungameable platform. As a platform grows, the more incentive adversaries have to game it. And our adversaries will always have more resources than the people trying to maintain the platform.

And even if you do make one, it's going to be hard to convince your average redditor or internet user to adopt it. Most people don't see the need to download a separate client when they feel they're getting all the news and cat pics they need from reddit. You could end up with a similar situation as now, where users sharing the type of content we're talking about being siloed into one corner of the internet, or in the present case, one corner of reddit.

It's not effective to have so much control, that when you visit r/politics, it's painfully obvious that someone is almost jokingly posting pro Hillary articles. R/ politics is cringeworthy at this moment.

One can only hope...

But if Clinton wins CTR will stay and instead of the Hillary campaign it will be the US taxpayers who fund them. As the population spends ever increasing time on the internet instead of reading papers or watching tv, controlling the narrative online will become more important.

Those CTR fuckers I shit you not said the following after I brought up Clinton's speech excerpt that she had a different public and private position said the following;

"You guys are truly pathetic. At what point do you rescind your support for Trump, admit you were wrong, and apologize to the rest of us for your horrible mistake?"

So now were expected to apologize for having a different opinion? What in the actual fuck?

I hate that this is most likely what's going to happen if she wins.

Yep. The Internet is quickly becoming centralized to the point that many people rely on relatively few websites for their media consumption - Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Reddit, etc. Add to that Google being essentially a controlled gateway to the Internet, it won't be long before the narrative on the Internet is completely controlled.

Maybe her new National Service Reserve people will do it.

Yea I bet many of them won't even get paid just like those who were out on the streets helping Obama. The closed down the local office and skipped out on the last week's pay.

Wait until the AI kicks in. Sometimes, i'm not even sure I'm arguing with a bot or not.

What we're seeing this year will become the new norm. There was a populist uprising on both the left and the right, and they'll make sure that it never happens again.

If Hillary wins expect them to all get appointed government jobs as "social media" staff members in government departments. Its only 50-60 people doing this. They just work 12-14 hour days Paul Begala has called them virgin nerds who have never seen daylight or gotten laid. All these people do is work for the DNC all day every day.

Nah, they'll be experienced operatives, and will get work shilling for others. Reputation management is employed all over, all the time. It does not end.

Honestly, I kinda doubt it. If she wins - and lets be real, I think its easy to believe that its fixed already - CTR will probably continue spreading misinformation. They don't want someone like Bernie Sanders to gain a foothold again.

If they can keep the media from accurately reporting on someone, and if they can keep people from assembling on some place like Reddit to discuss someone, then its going to be really easy to keep another Bernie Sanders from happening to their operation.

The Ministry of Truth has come and is here to stay.

Your comment is proof you don't really know what's going on, lol. The same shills, probanly just different divisions, shill for both Trump and Hillary, just different turfs. They have to manufacture the Us vs. them attitude in the newer generations that spend their time on the internet instead of TV and newspaper.

They also get hired year round for vsrious events and generally in the "reputation management" industry.

Reddit becoming MSM 2.0 before our very eyes

EXACTLY my man

I really wish that was true... But I doubt that CTR will stop. The DNC has accumulated a huge amount of power through Internet propaganda and censorship. I doubt that power will simply be relinquished. I think they have seen how effective it is, and that we are seeing the beginning of an arms race to control propaganda and narrative on the Internet. The worst is still yet to come in my view...

False but I see how it helps justify doing nothing but keeling over.

that's ok, they would have already helped saved the nation by then

That was crazy. I thought the shills thing was a little overblown, and that most people had the fairly reasonable leftist thought that Clinton was the lesser of two evils, and decided jump on board. But noooooo seeing that thread in the middle of the night was crazy. That place is crawling with shills. I cant imagine the amount of man-hours it takes to control all that. How many fake accounts and how many accounts each person runs. I can honestly imagine entire threads run by one person having a conversation with themselves.

Hillary's subreddit honestly looked like the truman show during Debbie Wasserman Schultz leak proving the DNC colluded against Bernie Sanders. It was eerier. Throw in the Democratic convention refusing to acknowledge the bernie protestors outside or the sign above Joe Biden saying #election fraud, it's honestly terrifying

You can thank /u/progress18 and his automod scripts for that. Or his alt accounts such as observingspace and who knows what else. I personally believe it is an alt of either sleekery or aThracian (possible employed by a PAC or HFA) but I could be off on the Thracian thing.

Best part to me is I don't think it is working for them and they know it.

I cant imagine the amount of man-hours it takes to control all that.

What do you want to bet that that's some of your taxpayer money at work?

This is where I wish we could resort to doxing and finding out who is a shill and who is carpeting the comments

I agree r/politics is completely corrupt but.. your example looks a lot more like an angsty teenager having a cringey conversation with a reasonable moderator than anything else. So.. bad example.

That glimmer is all you need, for now.

This election is a sham and we know it, and they're not gonna keep CTR in charge of r/politics forever. Once CTR moves out, and the regulars are back in we can start talking about some real shit.

Hillary will task Brock to create a department, funded by the taxpayers, that will take the CTR playbook to a whole 'nother level.

Oh god dammit, I hate when I read a comment I know is totally fucking going to happen... fuck


ah crap. i didn't even think of that. :/

I thought the same thing when i read it, gross programs of social control will be enacted with unseen ends.

Ministry of propaganda!

create a department, funded by the taxpayers, that will take the CTR playbook

Creepy but plausible. Honestly, if they're willing to do this kind of shit just to get elected, what do you think they could do once they're in power?

Sorry, but what is CTR?

Stand for Correct The Record. It's the online astroturfing company for the Clinton Campaign, created by her propaganda stooge, David Brock. Highly recommend googling David Brock, so you can see exactly what we are dealing with and how unacceptable it is.

Correct the Record: Hillary's super PAC dedicated to shilling to internet.

Like a National Service Reserve?

I want to see both candidates and their staff eat shit, on live TV.

Oh god man, any optimism in r/politics becoming reputable is bullshit. It's been garbage for years before this

In about 30 days perhaps?

I unsubscribed years ago from Politics but every once in a while pop in and see what was happening.

Went there once in August, laughed out loud at all the utter bullshit and never went back.

it's gotten worse and worse.

well...check back in 2020. I could be better by then.

I think we should not give up on voicing opinion on r politics.

This does not mean that you have to get into leghty discusions with paid commentators.

I just comment on topic and ignore multiple replies that I get if I see that they are scripted (prepared) replies (talking points).

Always voice your opinion. You do not have to spend your time and energy by getting into discussion with someone who does not even believe in what he is saying but is just typing and earning a paycheck.

ignore multiple replies that I get if I see that they are scripted (prepared) replies (talking points).

You wouldn't believe the number of times I saw the phrase "the sausage making of politics", without quotes, worded slightly differently sometimes.

Why can't you guys create a new, non-Clinton-controlled, alt-politics sub? Don't disengage. That just makes them think they've won. Make a new sub that's better. People will find it.

Or better yet, get the admins of Reddit to DO THEIR FUCKING JOBS and fix things.

Admins are paid off too. they have to make money somehow.

I think Reddit is part of the problem. There was a leak from a hacked CTR shill, and although I'm still not sure of it's authenticity, it would certainly confirm Reddit's collaboration with CTR if it is real. The screenshot showed a discussion on Slack over buying bulk IP bans from Reddit to go after the top Pro-Trump shit posters and meme creators.

If another sub is created, can the mods of that sub boot brigaders/Brockheads?

r/uncensorednews is the best I have found after all the Islamic terrorist censorship in threads and subs.

honestly, the_donald was worth going to just for the news that they would break when no one else would.

Yeah but then that sub turned out to be run by a guy who runs a sub about how homosexuality is a disease.

Just because one guy is a shit head doesn't mean the entire sub is.

Unless it's the guy in charge of the sub

Added, thanks Vinylguy. I have not unsubscribed from politics yet, but I pop in, see if things have changed, and pop out now. I used to like to go to it for my news several months back ago, not anymore. I come here or the wikileaks sub. Now I have a new place.

There are a few of those but they just ban everyone who disagrees too.

Well, I'm sure a few reasonable founding fathers could put together a rule-set - that while not perfect - actually promotes healthy political discourse.

Who knows. Perhaps that rule-set might become famous some day. And then the great-great-grandson of Nicolas Cage could steal it.

I know you aren't talking about the Constitution because we have that and look at the debates!

The founding of the United States was a miracle in a collection of shit-shows. We just need a miraculous political subreddit. Much simpler.

Voat.co ain't bad, actually.

Those exist and here we are

Neutral politics?

It was like a clear moment in a person with severe dementia.

I got banned from r politics this morning. The mods were indeed pissed.


Me too.

I'm confused, didn't watch the debate, why should she be in jail?


Right. Except that's not at all how special prosecutors work. I'm not sure if you are agreeing with Trump or just answering this person's question but regardless Trump has no fucking clue how any of this works.

She has contributed a lot to this country and deserves a pardon imo.

edit: so many downvotes. I stand by my opinion. Try her, convict her, watch her political career evaporate. Don't make her spend the rest of her life in prison just for this one fuckup. That's not making our country a better place. If we can pardon Nixon, we can pardon Clinton.

I hope you forgot your /s.

No, not at all.

Her actions relating to email were unacceptable, but the end result was not as catastrophic as they could have been. The law doesn't have much wiggle room in sentencing for treason (there's no "attempted" treason), so a conviction would be 5 year minimum, or death.

I feel that Clinton really has done a lot of positive for the country -- this is subjective, but my perspective is clearly echoed by a large number of Americans.

I think that she should get a fair trial, and if she were convicted, I would be in favor of a presidential pardon. I honestly don't think that the country benefits from locking up a 70 year old for more than a few months.

Is that large number in the hundreds? Or are you just comparing how many MSM companies are for her? Because after touring the country and looking at political signs, peoples yards are overwhelmingly for trump while billboards are overwhelmingly for clinton.

it's too bad Donald performs terrible among people with educations, though

Educations or indoctrinations? They are different but happen in the same classroom. The intelligence level of the student makes the difference. With liberal professors outranking conservative professors by 10 to 1 (someone check that stat, i might be off), it goes without saying that the liberal message will be indoctrinated into lower intelligence students.

You see, I'm one of those educated. And I've seen the kind of people that recieve the same education. Quite a few of them are there to be told what to think.

I'm not doubting what you say is true. But I also dont take it at face value. There is always a deeper level to consider before accepting an agenda.

Im not a trump supporter. But, given the illusion of choice between the two pieces of shit presented by the media, and given that both of those people consider the american populace to be just cattle to make a profit from, i will choose the one who makes my life before the slaughterhouse a greener one.

One of the best posts I've seen here in a long time.

The only way to not get indoctrinated into false beliefs (like the ones you espouse about academia) is to protect yourself through education.

I'll back up. Please expound on what your definition of educated is. That seems the variable on which you are trying to hinge the argument.

Trump does terribly amongst college and university educated people (liberal AND conservative). save yourself the embarrassment from saying this is cause education makes them dumber, please. i'm not american and i actually have a degree, so you're absolutely killing me with how you talk about school, and not cause you're right and destroying my illusions, you're just stirring up a lot of pity. it makes you smarter, that's why it's vital in democracy, ask Thomas Jefferson

Ill ask again. What is your definition of educated?

read the first sentence. you seemed to initially understand what I meant perfectly when you went on your rant against academia

No. I just wanted to make sure that we were on the same page. The argument works on you because you are sold on the idea that because you have a degree you are smart. If you studied psychology, you would understand concepts like herd mentality and socisl programming. If you were educated in criticial thinking, you would understand that your argument is an appeal to widespread belief. Also, its a wild generalization.

Im sure that you raised your intelligence. You probably learned plenty. You have a degree that says you learned how to do a specific thing. Not necessarilly thinking critically.

Im also a person with a degree. I know how easy it is to attain one. Remember that person who you were so much smarter than in school, but they got the same degree as you? Those are the people who are easily sold. You are one of them. Its not an insult. You've been trained to do it since birth.

Im telling you that your argument is fallacious and you should stop using it. Like the askscience people like to say, correlation does not imply causation. But you're educated. You should have known that.

what argument? all i said was a fact. not an 'agenda', not a 'variable', as you describe it, a simple fact. people with educations prefer Hillary, regardless if they are liberal or conservative. you can take that to mean people with degrees are indoctrinated dumbies, so be it, i'm just letting you know the facts and saying learning makes you smarter.

You still dont get it. It just goes to show that obtaining an education doesnt make you smart. You are stating a data point to prove something which it doesnt. The "fact" you are using relies on people like you thinking that degrees equal intelligence. Without that your statistic has no meaning. Who cares if people with degrees like hillary. Most of them like what they are told to like. Just like you were told this stat and without thinking you assumed it meant higher intelligence people like hillary.

I will reiterate what i have said before but this time i will put it in simpler terms so that maybe you can understand. The majority of people obtaining degrees are doing it because they are susceptible to advertising. Hillary clinton is a major advertiser. So is the media. So are the liberal professors. So for a group of people who are susceptible to suggestion, it makes sense thst they will accept whatever is most advertised to them.

If you cant show cause as to why your "fact" has merit, then STFU. It saddens me that it is people with your intelligence level who are going to be voting.

By the way, how many people are running for president?

"The majority of people obtaining degrees are doing it because they are susceptible to advertising. Hillary clinton is a major advertiser. So is the media. So are the liberal professors. So for a group of people who are susceptible to suggestion, it makes sense thst they will accept whatever is most advertised to them."

surprised you didn't take well to university with this level of genius argument in your back pocket

You can consider that your parting shot if you like. Its just too bad you lack the intelligence to continue.

yea i didn't really respond cause i'm too dumb, that's it

The response got shorter so you could understand it. Because you havent understood anything so far. I can only assume that your version of education is equal to a dog training school.

You are either insulted or are still trying to defend your fallacious statement. I dont care which. Your demonstration of a lack of critical thinking skills has been consistent throughout this conversation.

Or if your just a shill, given the amount of effort you're putting into trying to defend a stupid statement, everytime you respond it takes away from your ability to spread an idiotic message to someone else.

I dont care which. Like i said before, i can keep at this all day.

ok cool

I don't know if you're shilling or what. Given your handle, I'm going to guess you're shilling/trolling, but regardless, it is a faulty and prominent talking point that is worth addressing.

I see no way a truly educated person can endorse Clinton, unless they have nefarious designs for the country. Nobody educated in history, economics, psychology, law, politics, who understands the country, its beginnings, the laws that founded it, the Bill of Rights/Constitution, the current situation of life in the U.S., or anybody who cares for its future can claim education and support Clinton if they want a better future.

The hanging question is: Do Clinton supporters actually care about the country? That's another question. But, then again, one could not be a citizen of the U.S. and possess intelligence and education while supporting Clinton. It's just too incongruous to be possible.

Now, there is a fine line between indoctrination (as another gentleman /u/climberoftalltrees pointed out) and education. As a person who has been to college and has experienced the rigid vacuum of its methods, I can in good conscience label those who adhered to it as "indoctrinated" and not "educated."

I saw many people breeze through college who could use words and even define them, but they left with little or no understanding of the information they possessed. Intelligence is what you do with or without knowledge. Indoctrination is what you do with information.

Intelligence is understanding math. Information is knowing a formula. One is a puzzle maker, one plays with puzzles. Information retention is a problem with the indoctrinated. The educated understand it, so they don't need to retain the key because it's always there.

You have taken what i was saying, and said it so much better than i did. Thanks for the extra explanation. Im still working on attaining that level of ability.

hmm well unfortunately you would be in a really tough spot if you actually had to prove any of what you said in any serious fashion, even though you are making it all out to seem very obvious. itf it was as simple and clear as you suggest, to see how bad Hillary is and how dumb going to college makes you, you could maybe actually argue that point instead of jut stating it. ultimately, anti-intellectualism is sad, i feel like both you guys didn't get your money's worth out of college.

I don't need to do anything. The information is out there. Someone as intellectual as yourself should be aware of it.

i didn't say you had to, i just said you couldn't, even though you make it seem simple and obvious

Well, that's just stupid. Of course I can. Evidence both circumstantial and provable. Your opinion is a sham. My only question is whether you're shilling, trolling, or playing devil's advocate or if you are as simple as you seem.

i'll go with i'm as simple as i seem. all i've said is educated people prefer clinton and that education makes you smarter and less likely to be indoctrinated. you guys are the one getting all busted up trying to beat down a simple fact by attacking me and all of academia.

Oh, most of "academia" IS a joke. It is the very institution of indoctrination. It is NOT education for the most part. And if you suspect that I find it amusing that those who've gone through it attempt to elevate themselves because of that fact, then you'd be correct.

The irony of it all is that I wrote a research paper detailing why it is dangerous when I was within "academia." I had to fight to write about the subject because they did not want me expressing any alternative ideas. But I went into the breach head on and would not be dissuaded.

It is a nest for pseudo-intellectuals to churn out more like them so everyone is thinking the same way. What they've done is standardized the approach to intelligence, while sterilizing it in the process. I came out of "academia" with respect for a single professor who happened to teach one of my math classes, a class which reduced a lot of "intellectuals" to tears.

We're more "educated" than ever and, I feel, dumber than ever. Although "intellectuals" will cite IQ markers while voting for Clinton and not seeing the rationale in protecting our borders. Most "intellectuals" I see can't even change a tire. And if civilization should reset, they'd be the first to go without aid.

No offense, but the content of your replies are kind of driving my original points home. With all the information out there, you're still indoctrinated to think how you do, so there's really no potential to educate you. See how indoctrination interferes with education?

ok kiddo

Look, I'll tell it to you like this. All of my life I've noticed a general malaise in the psyche of the general person/citizen of the united states. An awareness among them that there is a political class separate from them/you/me/us. What it amounts to is that the American citizen has been disenfranchised and rendered mute. "They're going to do what they're going to do and there's nothing we can do about it."

That mentality is just as observable today as it has ever been.

And now, we have the ultimate political class politician running for POTUS and you "intellectuals" have appropriated purpose in her sponsorship. When, in effect, it's the exact opposite of anything that can be construed as "intellectual." There is NOTHING intellectual in that point of view. In fact, I have a hard time imagining a philosophy that is less informed or self aware than that. It can only be defended as a psychological operation with nefarious design. If intellectuals are hoarding support for Clinton, then those intellectuals are the low informatioon, ignorant voters.

But I notice this trend with your type. It's the same sort of double think trash that says "I'm a liberal" while demanding safe spaces and kneeling at the altar of academia and trying to wedge all of society into neat little wedges of descriptors and hierarchical victimhood values. There's nothing liberal or intellectual about you folk. You are fully indoctrinated into a cult with a predatory ambition to dominate others through double think and confusion by extracting all meaning out of words, actions, and tradition.

damn are you still salty that i pointed out education makes you smarter and that educated people support hillary? TRIGGERED much, lol.

imagine i read this? 😭😂👍

No, I'm sure you're far too educated to read multiple paragraphs. You haven't triggered anyone. Someone is trying to educate you. Someone who knew from the beginning it was likely futile but took a chance, anyway. It's yours to spoil.

something tells me you aren't getting a great ROI from your school days lol

yeah i was right. "I'm a dirt poor libertarian" Sad! shoulda finished school! (or attended)

You have nothing to say, do you? So, we're back to troll or shill.

nothing at all aha

New York demonstrated appreciation for her when they re-elected her as senator. Many Americans voted in primaries to nominate her, and I believe this was in part based on her political contributions as first lady.

You cite the number of political signs on lawns, which may give a view of those people's current political views, but I don't think that is indicative of who thinks she has done some good for the country in the past.

Presidential pardons are commonplace for major political scandals. Iran-Contra is a great example.

Dude are you okay in the head?

or do you want me to sound like Shillary here and say "/u/realchriscasey is living in a alternate reality"

Umm what? Nothing you said makes any sense.

First, it has been shown that she cheated on the primaries. Or would you like to take her route and claim that its a lie. Even after the evidence has been presented.

The signs are indicative of people who think that trump will do a better job than her. Hes done basically nothing for the country in the past. So what has she done that is so great that people would prefer someone with no track record over her?

Pardon? Are you fucking serious? Who is going to pardon her? Herself? First, she has to be found guilty of something to be pardoned for it. If she is ever prosecuted for her crimes and found guilty, this should make her UNELIGIBLE to hold office. How stupid are you? You want a person that should be in a prison cell to be the president?

Trump is absolute shit and a joke as a candidate for presidency. Hillary is the dirt on the bottom of his shoe.

First, it has been shown that she cheated on the primaries.

The primaries are not the only case that evidences that some large number of people like her (or, at least were convinced to vote indicating that they like her), but since you bring them up: the allegations of cheating that I'm aware of is the suppression of votes for Sanders, not the manufacture of votes for herself. If you have other sources, I'd be interested to learn more.

So what has she done that is so great that people would prefer someone with no track record over her?

She (like Trump) is a polarizing candidate. I expect that many people would prefer a zombified Nixon to Hillary Clinton. This doesn't mean that her work has no value, it just means that a lot of people hate her a whole lot right now.

Who is going to pardon her?

Nobody, obviously. If she were on trial right now and convicted before end of term, Obama could (and likely would) do it.

How stupid are you?

I dunno, 5/7 maybe?

You want a person that should be in a prison cell to be the president?

Nobody in their right mind would vote for someone with a treason conviction, even if they received a pardon.

Hold up,

So if I commit a crime, but it doesn't cause much harm or damage, I should get off?

Say I commit arson and burn down a condemned building. Shouldn't I go to jail because I committed arson? Sure, it was owned by someone, but I did them a favor. I still think I'd go to jail for that.

Indeed, you would go to jail. Just like if you got caught with a bunch of cocaine.

You realize he was pardoned by his own brother, President Bill Clinton. That doesn't scream favoritism now does it? I'm sure there were many people in prison that were like "WTF, why this dude gets to get out after only a year served."

Better yet, just look at celebrities and VIP's . . . they get caught with drugs and it's nothing but rehab and a fine, no jail time. For you and me, it's jail time with no exceptions, end of story!

Why just look at Michael Phelps who happens to have a DUI and was caught smoking marijuana, but he's our Olympic gold metal winner, so he gets a pass? Charlie Sheen did coke, Snoop Dog openly smokes weed, Shia Lebeouf used ecstasy, Willie Nelson still smokes grass, dozens more abuse prescription drugs from crooked Hollywood doctors, etc., etc. Law enforcement knows this all, yet they don't make a move because the money is too good.

I'm voting for Trump. I hate Hillary more than I've ever hated any political personality, and I disagree completely that she has achieved any positive for a single American, but I would support this. I would be happy with an actual conviction, and hopefully she would fade out of public eye for the rest of her life. No need for her to spend time in actual jail. I would like to see her foundation broken up too.

I'll bite. What positives for the country, in your opinion?

Concerning Whitewater, what about that trail of bodies the Clintons left in their wake?

On a separate note, you'd pardon Clinton, but would you pardon Snowden and Manning?

After all they did expose that the government is actively spying on its own people.

6 years on Reddit - I unsubbed from r/politics last week. It's disgusting.


Very same.

Me three

Me four

4 years, same.

Ditto. Only registered and active for a little over a year. Sad to see such a concerted effort to prop up a terrible choice. Wouldn't the effort be better served on a candidate that isnt so nauseating?

Around 30-40 percent of eligible voters will vote. And at best half of them will not choose the next president. At this point, 15-20% of eligible voters are selecting the next president.

Think about that 15-20℅ of voters will see their candidate win. The other 75-80℅ have to deal with it. Incredible.

It's awful. But right now it's Hillary or Trump. Hillary sucks but trump is totally unfit and would literally fuck up the whole world.

That's the thing. Is it? What harm is it to invite 3rd party candidate on stage for a debate. I would love to see another voice on stage to answer questions without the bluster or pandering our current "options" do. They may not win but I want to see it happen. I want someone to call out the false statements. Maybe I'm dreaming.

I agree with you but yes you're dreaming. Maybe if the libertarians and greens focus on down ballot races and try to establish their parties we would be in different place eventually. Running for president every four years while doing nothing in between is meaningless and is basically just a vanity project. They clearly aren't serious about being taken seriously. Try getting elected to a school board or state legislature or something before you shoot for president because it's quite simply not going to happen.

75 to 80 percent of Americans are morons and I'd rather them not vote anyway.

Reminds me of something George Carlin once said. Think of the average stupid person you know. Then realized that 50% of people are more stupid than that.

There's not really an option to split the presidency so no matter the margin, the victor unfortunately is going to represent everyone. There's a good deal to be said about the lack of satisfaction in the decision but that's in part the culmination of a series of decisions we didn't give quite enough attention to. Those decisions stretch out for much longer than the past year and, like every decision we've made, they've involved the efforts of the same voters you see now and the counter efforts of the political loopholes that we have yet to seal off.

The numbers you give are misleading, too. 15-20% of "voters" is incorrect because you're including the 60-70% who chose not to vote (non-voters). The 30-40% who do actually vote represent 100% of all voters. Correcting that detail yields 38-67% of actual voters choosing the winning candidate. It doesn't make sense to include non-choosers as choosers. They represent a different statistic, an important one no doubt but still a different one.

The unfortunate reality of the general election is that the major candidates we have are flawed while the third party candidates aren't enough of an improvement to draw the votes they need. Even voters who are getting exactly what they want out of this election probably don't feel as if they're making a choice.

The lack of coverage and debates is a valid and strong criticism but it's sadly not something that's going to change in this season. That's the type of decision that third parties need to be pushing for as they move forward. There's an enormous interest in closing loopholes right now and that will lend them support while securing their ability to compete in the future.

As to wanting more voices on stage, I guarantee that there are voters on all sides who agree with you. The more unsatisfied people are, the more critical they become of their own candidates. If Hillary's all we get, then it's important to challenge her and improve her perspectives as much as possible the way Bernie was able to do.

I do think that the wishful thinking can get a little overblown at times. I don't really want two more Trumps wandering around sniping cheap shots the whole time. I'd rather emphasize the need to increase the intellectual side of the debate, taking away some of the flowery self-praise and replacing it with genuine discussion of ideas. I don't really think either third party candidate can magically say what needs to be said the way it's often imagined they will. They'll rush to say something nice, to put together criticisms, and recall information. They'll make the same mistakes that any human might in that situation.

6 years on reddit.

I unsubbed 6 years ago. Along with /r/funny

But don't you like funny stuff?


Am ready to do it too, but have a feeling this is exactly what they want :( And seeing how many others have done the same, the ones who seem level headed and intelligent about opinions... makes me sort of sad. I wish I could tell my friends about the censorship and all the shinnanigans happening there.... but they would not understan or think I am just being a 'conspiracy theorist'. But my gosh seeing howthat sub change over the course of the year? Truly scary.

whats wrong with r/funny?

2 years on Reddit, left-wing, unsubbed from /r/politics yesterday, never seen it this blatantly obvious and overrun before

I grew up in a very liberal environment and hold many progressive ideals, but this election has pushed me so far away from the Democratic party. I can't in good conscience vote for anyone with a (D). I don't even know how to approach local state and city elections anymore. I hope that a huge opportunity has opened up for the green party and such, but at the same time, so many people are already in the bag with the "I vote D (or R) all the way down" thought process.

I am right there with you! I am done with the democratic party. I'm going Green all the way and no blues will get my votes. I am thankful that this year has shown so many people, including myself, how rigged everything is.

Congrats. I unsubbed from r/politics back in 2011 when the entire sub was talking about Anthony Weiner's weiner. r/politics is like tabloid gossip about politicians rather than any sort of discussion about policy.

4 years, but I unsubbed a month ago.

That sub is trash.

They finally banned for being conservative, despite being here over 6 years. It's finally gotten to the point where you get banned for simply disagreeing.

Proof that's why you got banned?

My biggest issue is how you can't be in the middle. Everyone is so polarized that if you don't agree with them 100% they see you as the enemy.

I find the assumption very offensive.

A-fucking-men. God forbid you criticize both Trump AND the all-mighty HRC. It's a joke. Only solace is that they've (MSM/political cronies) sacrificed all millennial and younger votes for this election. They've got 2-4 more elections before they are completely obsolete.... Hopefully less

I want both the Democratic and Republican parties on the way the fuck out. We need more than 2 parties also, this system is too easy to abuse.

Every other first world democracy on the planet has three parties or more in government. We have two. Its fucking pathetic. Nothing is black and white.

With every first past the post system is almost always boils down to being between two parties.

Like in Canada only 2 Federal parties have ever formed

Like in Canada only 2 Federal parties have ever formed

There are 3 federal parties in Canada. You forgot NDP.

They have never formed government, at best they were needed for a coalition.

And we have 21 Federally Registered parties.

But we have only ever had 2 parties have ever held the PMO.

this system is too easy to abuse.

That's why they always get angry if you suggest a larger party system, or even one where anyone actually can run, and don't need to spend million to get their words out there.

Standing straight between two opposing forces is probably the oldest art there is. We are not easily heard, but every sane person recognizes truth as such, and such as truth. The title of such persons have had many names over the millennia, and as long as we stay together in sanity, we are the one's who will keep things going, no matter what happens in Washington.

I find the two-party system of U.S.A. very educational though - i.e. what happens if I "let myself go" in either direction?

Truth is a lonely warrior (thank you James Perloff), which beget liberty, which begets freedom.

And by the way; The United States of America is NOT a Democracy - it is a REPUBLIC. But thanks to media and the Socialists (Democrats), even this most important corner stone they try to whisk away - what a shame.

It's crazy that Bernie spent millions and never had a chance, his own political party was against him because of corruption. It takes more than millions or even billions, it takes a desire to do whatever it takes, lie, cheat, steal, and kill...

Everyone around me in my personal life is so far left, anybody to the right of them is immediately Donald Trump himself. They all leap to use examples to criticise Trump, but as soon as I start to bring some type of balance into it all their only response is ".... well that's just your opinion really."

Like shit, if we're gonna have a discussion, let's have a discussion, but it's not a discussion if you refuse to listen to anything that doesn't support your opinion 100%.

Yeah, I was gonna say... the left is usually way worse like this. Venomous people. The party of peace and tolerance. More like ignorance and anger.

"Ordo ab chao" - Mission Complete. I don't live in your country, but follow your development avidly.

What you say regarding family I am going through as well. I will guess most of us in r/conspiracy are or have reached this pivot-point. The older I get, the more I understand, and I never forgot the title of James Perloff's book "Truth is A Lonely Warrior" - how true it is, indeed.

It's not just anecdotal and it's not just in the US, here in the UK we are going through the same shit. Politics has become extremely divisive, even more so than before, and most people just flat out hate the other side. It's pretty depressing. It seems to be going on in a lot of other European countries too, not sure why it is all kicking off now at the same time.

Edit: We even had our own version of the "deplorables" here, with anyone wanting to leave the EU being painted as a racist xenophobe. People seemed to forget that leaving the EU has been a hot topic here for decades, way before people started to take issue to mass immigration (not saying that having an issue with mass immigration is racist though, but that's exactly how the media and left played it here). People with legitimate reasons for wanting to leave the EU were too scared to admit it and talk about it. If they did they would suddenly be swarmed with "Racist!" accusations and a lot of hate from the left.

Same same.. I live in Norway, and it is, I must say, rather impressive how effective the methods of old (divide and conquer) really works.

I will never forget the old saying of the British Imperial Establishment (sorry, I do not have the concrete source at hand...), but it goes something like this: "We have rules. We have very old rules", and it always reminds me of The Knights Templars, who's symbol is that of a Cross in a Crown; "In this Sign we will Conquer".

I did my research, and traced the Templars to Tavistock Institute, which today is a US think-tank and University, influencing the minds of men and women in so brilliant subtle ways, it goes on undetected.

The only way we are able to withstand and beat this manipulation, is to speak to our loved one's about psychology. It took me over a year to get through to my mother, but we finally are able to speak the tongue of truth together. There is no other way to get through to people, than to do good diligence, and never stop speaking truth, no matter how painful it is.

Humanity are still infants, and so self-absorbed it's disgusting sometimes, but we have to keep the torch of intelligence and truth alive - no-one else can do it for us.

Regarding EU - We in Norway have always been against it, but the resistance is mellowing, thanks to the Socialists, who now rule us with "iron rods" (sorry, can't help with the biblical connotations, but they do fit, and I am a former atheist too...).

You know, EU is a good thing in one way, because they force us to think bigger, but even though the environment is so incredibly important, the politicians are still stuck in their old ways of forcing us to behave differently, and never has, and never will communicate plain and simple reality like proper humanbeings should.

Civilization is a compromise, it really is, but the fact that human brains have the capability to hypnotize themselves to such a degree, will never stop to astonish me.

If they support Hillary, they're not as far left as they think.

Everyone around me in my personal life is so far left,

In such a case, you can pretend to be a Sanders' supporter, and explain to them what the real left is all about.

anybody to the right of them is immediately Donald Trump himself.

The other day I was talking to a Hillary supporter (I know very few of them), and asked her just one question, ‘But aren’t you worried that the Big Corporations all support Hillary?’ She froze... the look on her face was priceless. :)

I posted a few comments on /r/politics in the last few days criticizing both candidates and I got downvote brigaded and my inbox blew up with mildly pro-Clinton shit. So dumb.

Go in there and say "IM WITH HER" Your upvotes will come in droves.

now they will but six months ago that would've gotten you slaughtered because they were all feeling the bern so hard

Now they organically love Hillary with fanatic passion. Weird.

EDIT: /s

Its sad how easily she won the Sanders voters over. She really didn't even do anything. She didn't even pretend to cater to their beliefs. She just said "what, are you gonna vote for Trump?"

Fortunately some of them realized they could still vote for Johnson.

Trolls paid by Hillary.

I guess that is an easy way to get a lot of karma.

HRC supporters are 99% paid. CTR. That's why their attacks make no sense and they are relentless. It's like they are paid, because they are.

In think that they're both terrible and I weep for the nation.

Thanking for saying so. I Honestly feel so alone with everyone demanding I embrace one of the two...

I'm on your side, buddy. I'm personally for Johnson, but I support votes for him, Stein, Zoltan (transhumanist candidate, just learned about him today through a Dave Rubin interview. He's not as nutty as I thought he'd be) and even Vermin Supreme. I don't agree with all of them, but they're certainly better reasons to vote for them over DJT or HTC.

Agreed man. I haven't even heard about the other candidates but felt the ones with the spot light should have been Stein and Johnson. I don't see how anyone who feels they are a morally sound person could ever vote for Trump or Hilary. All I see from people is total blind support of their chosen race horse that can do no wrong. Then they are the first to post some condemning shit on the other guy every other day when the media runs wild with the next new headline to sell the news.

Agreed. I just wanna rant about another argument of which I'm getting tired. I understand the message from "there's only two possible candidates, back the one less dangerous" voters. They spout this as if 3rd party voters don't understand the realistic possibilities. I've got a lot to say about that, but I'll stick with countering this view on their terms. It's desperately obvious this comes mainly from H.Clinton's camp, the basic message on top of the main 2 realistic options is "we concede she's bad, but be afraid of the alternative". What they fail to address is how Trump will actually be worse. I agree with them, he's a fucking dumbass who knows nothing about politics. Premise granted. That's why I'm not afraid of him. As much as I don't like him, I'm not afraid of him becoming president. America isn't a dictatorship, there's only so much he can do to fuck shit up before our checks and balances step in. In this aspect, Clinton is actually worse. She'd set a precedent for future presidents to give them more power, so if/when some one more evil and smarter than Trump wins the position they'll have the same powers as a dictator. She knows how to maneuver through the roadblocks. Even if she's pure at heart, and only uses that power for good, she'll just give future president (there's definitely going to be an evil one eventually) the power to have their way with this country. I will not be coerced to choose between the two. I'm voting for a candidate I think would be the best president whether they have a realistic chance or not. I keep seeing "save your protest votes for less important election." Fuck that. This is the perfect election to vote for who you think will be best. Show you're not gonna back whatever candidate they try to spoon feed you. What both sides don't realize or accept, I (speaking for millions of voters this year) am unhappy with either side winning, I believe either way this country will suffer. That's how horrible these two are, I can't even fathom which would be worse than the other. I've been voting in the past five presidential elections, and the fact it's ( look at how bad your other option is) even a talking point, let alone the main strategy with BOTH of this year's candidates is a fucking disgrace. I've never seen such condescending campaigns. Fuck you GOP and fuck you Dems for trying to guilt me into wasting my vote on someone who doesn't deserve it.

Edit: sorry for the wall of text. The TL;DR is my comment to which you replied. I have a lot of thoughts and emotions with this election. I've had a long day, and focused those frustrations towards towards them.

No worries man. I appreciate and can definitely relate. All this election has proven to me is that the Dems are just as bad and the Gop. I've voted Dems ever since I started voting but currently I have no plans to support a party that is just as corrupt and willing to manipulate as they have been saying the republicans have been all these years. So they lost a voter as far as I am concerned. I am really hoping a lot of people realize it and vote for who they believe and not vote because they are afraid of the other guy. Voting because you're afraid is a true wasted vote as far as I am concerned. It's giving away your right to vote which is quite disgraceful.

I hear ya man, was arguing with my brother that the elections are so bad that I would choose not to vote for any of them. One is an incompetent dumbass while the other is a slimy flip flopping snake.

Johnson is a shill for the TPTB just like Clinton

Gotcha. Yeah. I could never vote on him because his economic stand point. At the moment I plan to vote Jill. I feel she is a good person that wants to do good. And I'd rather a good person fail and learn from it then a person out for only themselves succeed.

Who do you support currently?

I wanna support Trump but I feel like he's either a real deep shill or someone who's doing this for teh luls.

Otherwise Jill Stein looks clean even tho I disagree with her and Bernie on like 80% of what they say(taking numbers out of my ass).

At the end of the day though, it doesn't matter since I'm not American.

His name is Zoltan Istvan, but be very careful regarding transhumanism. This is a Trojan Horse you do NOT want to mess with.

I have tried to get my head around transhumanism for a long time now, and all I can say, is that this "new religion" is the left-wing interpretation of the right-wing New-Age... and those who know, know what that means...

-Do not tread there.

I kinda went off about my disdain about both the candidates, i thought it might resonate with you. It wasn't a direct reply to your comment, but I wanted to make sure you see it. You're very much not alone. https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/56s0qd/i_was_forced_to_unsubscribe_from_rpolitics_as_im/d8n20zh

The nation should be weeping blood tears for all the shit that is happening since the federal reserve of 1913.

Honestly I think Trump is a useful tool in prolonging the existence of the US for there to be another election.

This election has been such a shitshow that it has polarized even the moderate middle and managed to reach the ~40% that doesn't even bother to vote.

Agreed. I hate both of them fairly equally with a small twinge of less hate in the direction of Hillary. I refer to it as eating a shit sandwich. Something I'd gladly do if it meant we got some actual representation in the white house.

I can spin either side...

Clinton is deceptive as fuck, and holds hidden agendas and secret interests. It makes her almost as unpredictable as Donald. While she isn't nearly as overtly narcissistic and will maintain a status quo. Electing her also sends a message to America that the shoot first think later mentality doesn't work.

While trump is a monster, electing him might educate people on how the government works, and show them that PC culture might be expanding to aggressively and unchecked ... checks and balances, he won't accomplish any of his promises. Also it sends a message to politicians that there is unrest and the typical status quo their maintaining isn't sustainable.

It's modern day McCarthyism, except instead of "You're probably a communist sympathizer!", it's "You're probably a trump supporter!"

If you use the Unreddit website, you can see people are getting banned and their comments deleted just for saying something positive about Donald in the debate thread. Correct the record deleting comments that weren't even against the rules just opinions in opposition to Hillary.

Edit: Here is a good example. https://unreddit.com/r/politics/comments/56psun/donald_trumps_threat_to_imprison_hillary_clinton/

The middle, like, all of the Hillary jail stuff is probably just political puffing? It's totally rational to assume it's just been pre election slandering since they knew she'd be the candidate. But I'm sure this is the wrong sub for logic

Its why I stopped listening to npr and watching the news

I'm so sad about what happened to NPR, I was very into them up until recently when they decided to join the dark side.

Same here. Really noticed open propaganda starting a couple of years ago, now it's turned to 11 on the dial. NPR is shit.

Is there any place to get decently unbiased news? /r/politics is a joke and all radio/tv stations seem to be super biased left or right.

About election? Nowhere. Just make up your mind if you're going to vote Trump or not, and if not, say "Fuck this shit in general" and vote least harmful third party.


Something to consider.

Bad idea. In corrupted and rigged scheme of things, every vote not used is a vote lost to the regime.

This!!! We have no way of protesting this abomination of a lesser-evil election. I take my vote seriously, and feel like withholding my vote to protest the process will be meaningless.

What if we all showed up to the polls but refused to vote? What if everyone just sits outside their polling place? Will that even matter? Will they just count the votes of those who pulled the lever, and ignore the will of the majority?

So, what you're saying is either vote Trump or throw your vote away.

This is not election. This is fucking Trump referendum. Best thing you can do if you're not supporter, is to make your voice harder to steal by Clinton, by giving it to third party.

This thow your vote away meme is so tired

Just read varied sources' commentary on the events and make up your own mind. If you do that, and read credible stuff, you're as much entitled to your opinion as any author in the NYT.

The problem is that I have friends who read varied sources yet they all come from the same side of the aisle. It's rare to find the person who wallows into both sides echo chambers to read opposing sources.

Very true. I try to ask other people what they're reading, but they rarely help me find new material. I also stop reading something once it starts telling me my own opinion to me over and over again.

CBC.ca had an article about the recent wikileaks that said it showed Clinton "was in favour of trade agreements and open borders, and appeared to have a different position in private than in public".

Although it being a state-owned media company probably doesn't fly well in /r/conspiracy.

The intercept shits on everyone equally.

One America News (OANN)

Philip DeFranco

I actually feel that the LA Times has been doing a great job.

I went for about a week keeping track of the bias in the media by monitoring stories and their positions. The LA Times seemed to be the most fair out of all of the places I was watching.

Democracy Now has a pretty good long track record, imo.

None in the US, except independent news sources like Corbett Report.

Colbert and Jon Stewart were always 30 minute commercials for the Democratic party in election season. I'm so glad they're of the air this year.

They were. To me, they were like a safety valve. Laugh at the problems, and it seems as though something is being done about them. Looking back on them, were they a force for good? I used to think so until their march on DC thing.

They were 3 out of 4 years. I will say that there are things that Colbert did especially that were important to call how ridiculous the system is, like when he formed his own super pac, and Stewart would make fun of the democratic party when they stepped too far out of line. But, around election season all of that was thrown out the window for straight up shilling for their candidate.

I agree with you.

He said Corbett Report. Not Colbert.

Quite the opposite end of the spectrum.

At least Democracy Now is still untarnished.

And I don't see that changing as long as Amy Goodman's around.

At least you know where their perspective is, politically speaking. In the near future Progressive and Libertarians are going to have to collaborate more to get rid of the corruption, and many others issues in government. The two parties can agree on so much about what is wrong with the recent regimes, but collaborative Solutions in energy, welfare, and Advanced Technologies that uplift our communities could be worked on together from within government, and through non-profit entities. At this point the political divide is irrelevant to some degree, because if we continue down this path we won't have a republic democracy to try and influence

If it has "democracy" in its name, then youre being lied to.

Ironically, the Republicans have been trying to defund NPR, which only increases the percentage of their funding that comes from foundations and institutional grants. It's been happening for a while now, the slow change in their programming, but it's really been toward a more neoliberal position than even what more classical progressives want.

Some of their content is still good, but the news segments are horribly skewed, more toward the establishment than liberal per se.

It isn't really ironic. They want this to happen.

Very true. I guess ironic if you take the Republicans or the Democrats at face value. Their backers represent the same interests.

Seriously, fuck NPR.

But did anyone happen to catch Frontline before the debates last night? That was refreshing. Amazing, actually. The most unbiased reporting on these candidates I've seen, bar none. And they made it look easy, because it's really not that hard!


I do remember that and yes, it was shameful.

Somewhat related, I'm in a way glad the "78 Americans die each DAY from opiate overdose" statistic is becoming well known/used, because it's an excellent way to demonstrate we place FAR too much emphasis on the fraction of deaths causes by mass shootings.

When I first heard the statistic I had to verify it multiple times, because it's amazing, and tragic, really. But everybody is just SO terrified their kids are going to get shot at school, when they're 10,000 times more likely to OD on prescription painkillers or heroin.

Pretty much everything on PBS, too.

they joined the dark side long ago. They just feed bbc-style democrat/ labor party talking points to college educated liberals who would probably be actual progressives if they weren't so inundated by new york times propaganda.

listening to them on a lead-up to the iraq war was heartbreaking as a wide-eyed liberal who thought of NPR as objective. It was so obvious they were just pushing a lying war narrative with the amount of time they spent on talking about saddam's non-existent nuclear program and weapons of mass destruction.

And anyone who was paying attention at the time new that Iraq didn't have WMDs anymore, but NPR was spinning it to make it possible for the Hillary Clinton's to get on board the necon war initiative, while getting the plausible deniability all the dems in israel's pocket so desired.

NPR used to be associated with responsible leftist journalistic organizations like Democracy Now and The Nation. No more.

I dunno, whenever Donald Trump did something stupid and Hillary thing came out, they talked about her.

They seem to take contrarian position to what is popularly reported upon on the media for the most part.

Exception, majority of the primaries, clear pro-Clinton.

At least, at the times I'm listening to they seem fairly neutral.

Sorry, but they have always been part of the system. If youve been listening to them for years you have been brainwashed for years. You might want to consider that everything you know/believe is based on bad information and probably wrong. :(

CSPAN joined the team. I was listening to a segment about some teaching union president that supported clinton.

A guy called in and said the conversation seemed one side for.

She said of course it's one sided. CSPAN brought me on here to support clinton. I couldn't believe it.

Same. I thought it had so much to offer and a lot of the stories they told actually informed me about what was going on in the world and were interesting. But after this election cycle started I couldn't stand it anymore.

Just saying, NPR is not that bad IMO. Sure you can see the bias, but few places for info are untarnished. They're still one of the best.

If you think NPR is shill cause they don't support Trump you need to get your head checked

For real. NPR has conservatives on all the time. Trump has run for President in almost every election since 2000 but was always considered a joke. I can't figure out what they put in the water to make people suddenly take him seriously.

Yep used to love listening to npr at work, now i've just switched over to smooth jazz. Less infuriating to listen to

Today I heard them say, "A poll recently done in Ohio of Trump voters showed that 77%(it was something around this number) of them believe that if Hillary Clinton wins in their state it will be due to election fraud. But other studies have shown that election fraud is a very rare occurrence."

Then they switched to a host, "Another Republican just dropped their endorsement of Trump."

Somehow, in between those two soundbites, they failed to mention that this very election season has been rife with voter fraud in the Democratic primaries. Apparently that never happened.

NPR's obvious Clinton support seriously broke my heart recently. After debating for a week to donate for the first time as a young adult I realized I couldn't support such an apparent Clinton sell out news station despite its great programs.

I love me some NPR too, but it's been switched off this election cycle. When they started pushing the line about Russia being behind the leaks (and not discussing the actual content of said docs) I had to tune out.

Oh, there was also their blind support of the TPP.

I've been listening to them for so many years that I remember how critical they were of the Bush administration (and applauded them for it), but now they're supporting Clinton/Obama for enacting his very same policies.

We still have Steven Colbert

Its why I stopped listening to npr and watching the news

Youre smart and a lot more aware of what is going on than the average American.

But people like you are in a tiny minority of voters and the system laughs at you because you and people like you are irrelevant. They know they cant fool all the people. They only need to fool enough people and they also know they can fool enough people.

A huge majority of people are still going to form their opinions based on the nightly news, radio news and print news. And those people are going to vote and win. The establishment will win. It always wins.

Listen to No Agenda (www.noagendashow.com). They have you covered.

I fail to see what the bias is? Clinton is up in the polls. That's true. Paul Ryan won't defend Trump's actions. Ryan did say that. A third of Republicans refuse to support Trump. That's true. Where's the bias?

Is it because Clinton isn't at the top of r/politics? Well, that's mostly to do with Trump consistently doing and saying crazy, stupid shit. And single handedly tearing the GOP apart. It's a bigger story than Clinton doing and saying the same thing she has been for years.

Get Trump to stop acting like a moron and he won't be criticized as much. Calling it bias it ridiculous.

I don't entirely disagree with you, but:

1) A bias doesn't necessarily mean that what was covered was untrue. It can also be reflected in how much focus and/or outrage is given to what issues, and how close is that mix of foci to reality. It's about a choice of balance.

2) Each candidate's scandals that they brought upon themselves seem to be of differing ethical magnitude from the other candidate's, IMO. I would categorize Trump's scandals as reflecting character flaws and poor judgement, while Clinton's scandals have been reflective of illegal cover-ups and general abuse of power. While neither of these categories are desirable, I'd argue that one is fundamentally worse for society, even if only occurring 20% as often as Trumps "lesser" but more frequent offenses.

Take a look over there right now and see what the top 30 articles area.

Good journalism questions every side of the argument, I think everybody gets it, Trump is an ahole and most people that don't believe that probably aren't listening to NPR. It's that they no longer voice the real concerns most people have with Hillary.

They refuse to accept that most people strongly dislike Trump.

Resubscribe, go back in, shake things up, and get banned.

Same result but you'll feel empowered.

/r/politics is similar to one of those police under age internet chatroom sites. After months of interaction they discover everyone on the site was another cop.

LOL reminds me of a story I read about SDS a long time ago.

They would hold "bomb making" classes and anyone that showed either shouldn't be in the group or was a narc.

Currently serving a 3 week ban, I plan on getting banned the Monday before the election when CTR is out in full force.

Genuine question...does anyone just feel this is the reddit hive mind and demographic of its user base much more than an intentional manipulation to forward any one-sided political agenda?

Definitely this: intentional manipulation to toward any one sided political agenda

I'm finding it very hard to stay somewhat neutral. Hillary is so corrupt and shady it's hard not to root for Trump.

Hard to know who to root for. Clinton does sketchy stuff but Trump is like a joke candidate.

He may be what you consider a joke candidate, but at least he isnt subverting democracy. The main reason i support him is to at least slow down the US's descent into an illiberal democracy

I see him for what he is. He's a hot head. He's a passionate, unpolished politician. He's strong and without a proper cabinet he would be hell for everyone. He really is like a fucking hurricane. He's a hell of a dude, whether you like him or not. I %100 see why people would be afraid of him or his presidency. We just have to have faith in his cabinet and confidants.

He's a hell of a dude, whether you like him or not.

To just exactly what degree of dude-ism is "hell of a"?

He's a ... politician


I take it you didn't watch the latest debate. He literally called himself a politician now

I'm with you here. It's not that I'm a ardent Trump supporter, but I cannot stand Hillary and the corrupt, everyday political machine that she's a part of. It's disgusting how the MSM twists what Trump says into the worst possible context. I reluctantly support Trump -- mainly because he is an outsider, not because of his "policies."

Stein and Johnson are outsiders, trump is a wreck.

Stein and Johnson have a 0% chance of being elected.

If rather vote for somebody that won't win than somebody that will ruin the country.

I'd rather throw my vote toward someone I support than vote for Trump or Hillary. At least that sends the Republican and Democratic parties a message that they need to update their platforms.

You don't think they got a message? Not a single republican politician could get nominated. It's horribly depressing for the Republican Party. I am completely neutral like most of us here. The two party system needs to end. Most of the country is on the same page that there are good and bad to both sides but we shouldn't be forced to one or another.

I agree with that. And until we get rid of FPTP, I'll keep voting third party. I don't see the point in voting for a Republican or Democrat, and I don't see the point of not voting at all.

If you think that message will get to anyone other than yourself, you're wrong.

When Johnson is polling at 10% in some states. I think a message is being sent there.

And yet almost everybody knows their names that don't like either Clinton or Trump and those people outnumber the ones that do...

Then support a third party candidate who isn't an idiot.

President is not an entry level political position. Hillary at least knows how to read legislation. Trump can't even get through one sentence.

She didn't know what the "C" meant for classified emails.

That of course was a lie, she's been briefed on classified material probably a dozen times and she said that she's an expert during the debates.

Trump isn't brain dead and I'm sure he'd have advisors read over things for him anyway.

He's definitely not ideal but I trust him more than the liar and cheater, Hillary Clinton.

Don't forget criminal.

Yes! Once you start looking into him yourself, you realize he's really not that bad! The media just tries to make him look terrible because he poses a threat to Hilary.

He also says lots of shit. It's mostly harmless and non-pc, but still, he does. It will never sway me from supporting him, but that still means jack shit, since I live in EU.

However, now I understand Wikileaks statement on Trump "We can't get more dirt on him than he does himself", because worst thing known at the moment about Trump is him being himself - arrogant and expressive. And, to be honest, I'm ok with that. Presidency will change him for good. He only needs to rip it from shaky establishment hands, which is much harder than we think.

at this point, who cares if hes arrogant and not always politically correct? We have a traitor running for president and can win - plain and simple.

Lots of people do, otherwise he'd have much more vocal support. There's a reason there are closet Trump supporters. It can cost you your job, your dignity or your life.

I know what you mean, I think Trump is an idiot but I can't help but wanting to defend him when people just make up bullshit and latch onto it like rats in a flood. Like the other day that thread about how Trump wanted to "strike first". All the CTR commentators were harping on how he was going to attack random countries and start wars. Read the article and WOW lo and behold the context was that he doesn't want to broadcast our battle plans. You announce an increase in airstrikes==they hide in caves/use civilian shields. Seemed to logic up to me, but nope. There's no discussion of the article it's just "HES SO SCARY AND DANGEROUS"(tm)

He was advocating for sneak attacks which would ended up killing many civilians.

I somehow doubt his plan was to kill civilians. You think thats what he imagines? And what about a drone strike isn't already a sneak attack?

If his plan was to do sneak attacks then yes his plan involves killing civilians.

Can you explain why these new sneak attacks would be worse than the current sneak attacks? Or why "sneak attacks" would kill more innocents? Seems to me if they know you are gonna shoot missiles at them then these fucks are the type to gather innocents around them as moral/pr shields. Therefore telling them you are coming would increase civilian casualties... Maybe its because I'm thinking it out for myself instead of repeating the same parroted bullshit over and over.

Sadly, its played right into her hands. If it was anyone else but Trump, she loses.

Hillary is bad, Trump is worse.

Not in this aspect. He has not bought and manipulated every media outlet in existence. Doesn't matter who you support, propaganda like this belongs in Best Korea.

You truly think that Trump has ZERO newspaper endorsements because literally every single one has been bribed to support Hillary?

Do you even read the news? I haven't read a single positive story about Trump and his campaign except for obscure places like Alex Jones. None of the important issues about Hillary, and there are a lot that is worth at least mentioning, gets printed. Trump has gotten much more bad press all over. Just fire up a news web site, a mainstream one that 99% of the voters read and check out the headlines. This should upset you no matter who you vote for as it is poison to any democracy. Supporters of Ron Paul would agree, so would supporters of Sanders. Since we are on Reddit, go read the top 50 posts on /r/politics and tell me what you see.

except for obscure places like Alex Jones.

Who is in bed with Trump now.

By your logic, there is literally no one that can be trusted.

Seems like the top 20 posts are all pro Clinton, to me I enjoy watching CTR and MSM struggle to make her the better choice.

its like that every day
edit: CTR finally found this comment. Down it goes.

I'm not a Clinton fan but her being the better choice is hardly a struggle. I'm going to assume you guys are young because Trump has been a train wreck since the mid 80's.

cheating the system and defying the spirit of democracy is kind of a dealbreaker for me

That would apply to 99% of rich people and politicians.

Wait, are you referring to Hillary or Trump?

God damn I guess I'm defending Trump but what has he ever done to hurt democracy?

To hurt the nations democracy? None so far. But has he cheated the system multiple times to get his way? Yes. Bondi donations, his taxes, donations to charities for his support, Trump U, his campaign chairman's ties to Russia?? The fact that only the DNC has been hacked continuously, basically help trump to the top? Yet no one really cares about this, just about the other horrible candidate's shadiness

It's like choosing AIDS instead of cancer

It's more like not electing some douchebag realtor President.

Sorry you can't say that in this sub. We might not ban but we'll downvote you to hell and call you a shill for not agreeing with the pro-Trump rhetoric

Upvoted, you fucking shill.

And yet this subreddit is all one-sided anti-Hillary propaganda. Pick your poison.

[Yes, I know this will be downvoted. For what it's worth, I'm not saying this subreddit or OP is wrong. Would be nice, once in a while, if, just maybe, or ever so slightly, even if just a distant, vague hint, there was a glimmer of balance.]

No. Not today. If someone says 2x2=4 and the other one says 2x2=50, it won't help balancing their opinions. Balancing them will give us (4+50)/2=27.

2x2=27. Now you considered both opinions. How close to the truth is that? It's still full of shit.

There are situations in life when you can't take half-measures. This is one of them.

I was told there'd be no math

They fucking lied mate


I was told


OK that was good. Got any good examples? I got "you have two choices for president. Pick one." vs "You can always vote third party".

Ok, I'll try. That's a two-sided coin.

"Two choices for President - pick one" is nonexistent right now. In today's election no one votes "for President". People are voting for change vs for stability. Majority of views is divided mainly like this: "I have my welfare check/iphone 7/food and shelter/tens of thousands dollars worth of investments, and I'm living pretty good. Trump is a dumb shit and he will fuck everything up" VS "I have my job, I pay taxes, Clinton steals from my taxes, my kids are unemployed and already in debt, there are long-term consequences of making dumbshit decisions, I'm also worried about socjus and attempts to divide the country and segregate whites. Fuck this, we need some radical change, luckily Donald is running, and has a big movement". People choose "stability" vs "change". Some people choose "stability" over "cheeto buffoon", shame on them. But no one supports Clinton directly. People can be pro-change or against it, people can love or hate Trump, but people do not choose Clinton - because very few people actually like her. You don't choose between Trump and Clinton, you choose between Trump - or else. Be that bad or good, it does give you very little actual choice.

And that brings us to voting for third party. "You can always vote third party" in current grand scheme of things does not mean much. However, in case when people are obliged to choose between 2 major candidates of whom they hate both - they might spend more time actually looking tinto 3rd party programs and their ideology in order to cast their voice for someone of them. When binary "dem vs rep" does not cut it, third option provides a "relief choice". Even if there's no impact of that vote on a major scale (we can only have 1 potus), voting for third party sends the message "I'm not partaking in this round of circlejerk, I'm not choosing between bad and worse". And numbers for third party might be much more noticeable this round just because of this.

Some of the anti-Clinton subs go a little too far. What they don't realize, is they're not doing themselves any favors by ignoring criticism of their side. And definitely not doing any favors by promoting whackjobs like Alex Jones and other bullshit.

Oh, really? You think the fly landing on her face isn't a sign she smells like sulfur and is a demon? /s

Yeah, that would be because this sub isn't supposed to be impartial on politics.

Quite true. But one would imagine--I hope--that conspiracies and corruption don't exist just in the vacuum of the Democrats and the Clintons.

I can agree, but the big difference is the extent.. This page covers a variety of issues. Yes, Clinton seems to be a the forefront of most of them (for a good reason!), but virtually every post on r/politics seems to be anti-trump/pro-Hilary nonsense

Agree. But as I just mentioned to another comment, the current hot page of /r/conspiracy is 22 of 25 anti-Hillary; new is 23 of 25.

What would be an example of balance? Not trying to be a dick, just genuinely interested to hear your thoughts.

A quick scan of /r/politics is devoid of negative links about Hillary and replete with Republican antics. /r/conspiracy is saturated with Hillary and her corruption. For instance, currently on the hot front page of /r/conspiracy there are 25 links. 22 of those are about Hillary and her emails and WikiLeaks. Anything about Trump or the Republicans? Not one. How about new? None. /r/politics? Just the opposite.

It's similar--no, it's a doppelganger--of FoxNews and MSNBC. Which is why I don't subscribe to one...or two...or three sources.

I'll grant all that, and notwithstanding it, I just don't see why /r/conspiracy would care much about Trump. There's nothing much clandestine about his corruption, and there's not much smoke in terms of media bias that we can't trace back to FoxNews. Rather, what smacks us in the face everyday is that the rest of the big "legit" news sources have done nothing in response to the laundry list of complaints we might have with Clinton et al., except perhaps acknowledge them occasionally and when necessary spin them. Do I really believe it's a conspiracy? No. Is it institutionalized bias? Yes. Are those established in the mainstream media getting a paycheck from Clinton? No, but at the same time, their livelihood depends on a few things, including convincing everyone that, when it comes down to it, they can determine an outcome, whether it be a race for president or a bill passing or aggravating/suppressing regular people's ire for big gov/big biz, and for the next few years, re-establish itself as a legit source of news. This election is going to leave a terrible taste in the mouths of millions and most of them will point their finger, in addition to other players, to the mainstream media.

So long story short, I agree that /r/conspiracy has a hard-on for Clinton, but honestly it's more about the media's portrayal (or lack thereof) of Clinton than anything about the bumbling Trump. Honestly, I can't think of anything newsworthy re: Trump and a possible cover-up, except stupid shit about his taxes. No non-biased person has ever given a shit about his taxes. We all know why he's not releasing them, it's because he's not making nearly as much money as he boasts. With Clinton, however, she's withholding in every area of her life, and that the media hasn't pushed her on that (or the fact that she never gives an interview that isn't completely scripted) disgusts me and I think a lot of other people, whereas Trump is no mystery at all.

Agree. /r/politics should not have bias or moderator influence, and /r/conspiracy should not be held to the same standards. I tire of the media's circle jerk for Hillary and against Trump (especially as the latter is low-hanging fruit and takes minimal effort).

For this subreddit, however, what strikes me is that it seems only the Clintons and the Democrats engage in political corruption and subterfuge, as if the Republicans are wholly transparent.

oh you could be right about that. i don't pay as much attention to comments in /r/conspiracy as i do to the articles that are posted there.

"I don't support either but..." Trump doesn't want a war with Russia. She does. Fucking start supporting him or hell is coming.

Even if it's not war with Russia, I urge you to look up the history of the Glass-Steagall-Act that was put in place after the great depression to prevent the economy from ever going into full meltdown again. When in the 90s citigroup got too big they called their buddy, then President Bill Clinton, who promptly held a long speech how Glass-Steagall is uselss and helped removing it. Less than 10 years later we had the worst recession since the 30s...

Now all candidates (Trump, Stein, Johnson, Sanders) said they would reinstate it, exept for Hillary, who pocketed just as much wall street donations as her husband did. She wants to do something better...

Europe barely survived the last crash and will surely not survive anotherone and if Europe goes down, so will the entire world economy.

I wish more people understood how the repeal of the Glass-Steagall act in the 90s relates to the 2007-2008 global economic meltdown.

Glass steagall would have done zero to stop the crisis. The banks biggest hit did not have a retail bank where an average Joe could open an account (lehman, Merrill, bear, etc. would not be caught in any glass steagall regulation).

Glass-Steagall also separated investment banking from personal banking, and personal bank accounts were insured by the Feds up to $100K (now $250K) via the FDIC. Yet when they repealed Glass-Steagall, they left the insurance in place, without requiring the separation of funds. So the banks essentially had Federally insured money to play with, and if they lost it then the taxpayers would cover the loss.

So? None of the banks that had retail banks were badly affected by the recession. JP, Wells Fargo, BoA all ended op saving other banks due to their solvency... Glass steagall have likely made the recession way worse since these banks wouldn't be allowed to buyout those others.

The banks that failed, like I said, did not have retail deposits. And while taxpayers did bail out some banks, they made money off it since all of the money was paid back with interest.

I too am sick of the Russian fear mongering. Russia doesn't want war with us, and I believe they are forced into fighting these ridiculous proxy wars against us. Russia needs some money right about now and they would love nothing more than to rebuild their economy. Something the US needs to do as well. The two countries can work together but that will never happen because RUSSIA IS EVIL AND ALL RUSSIANS WANT AMERICANS DEAD.

Russia needs some money right about now and they would love nothing more than to rebuild their economy. Something the US needs to do as well.

Total war has a way of boosting a flagging economy...

Only Ancient Cold Warriors still believe that.

Unfortunately, that's exactly who's running the US.

Private contractors get all the spoils, not the country itself, thank adolf rumsfeld and heinrich cheney for that

Sadly you're right about that.

Okay, I agree that war with Russia would be terrifying and something to avoid...

But do you guys really trust Putin? This motherfucker is ex-KGB and has been in power since forever. He's pretty much taken over Russia for life, dictator in all but name. And Russians love him because every previous leader has fucked up and he's the only one they've had where they're actually prospering and... eating. They remember what times were like before him.

But that motherfucker scares me. He's a brilliant man, powerful and terrifying. He's kind of a super-dictator IMO. He has the love of all the Russians, he's aggressive, he knows how to gain their affection and stay in power. He's held on to power for something like 26 years?

I don't think going to war with Russia is at all close to a good thing, but that doesn't mean I trust Russia. Maybe being outwardly friendly to Russia is a good thing, but I don't trust that country's leadership for a second.

I don't have to trust someone to not want a war with them...

Same here. The only reason I bring it up because everyone seems to appreciate Trump's super friendly stance with Russia. Maybe that's what it takes in the politics world, but personally I think it's a little strange. I think we need to repair relations, but I'd still be super cautious with the guy.

I am more worried about the fact that our govt is now officially blaming dncleaks/wikileaks/whatever else leaks on Russia. Like, if we are going to start a "conflict" with someone, it should at least be over something they actually did.

Like, if we are going to start a "conflict" with someone, it should at least be over something they actually did.

Hahahahahah don't get your hopes up. We haven't had a war with someone for legitimate reasons since WW2.

He's held on to power for something like 26 years?


He was director of FSB in 1998 for like a year. I think he was deputy mayor of st petersburg for a few years. He was appointed prime minister and then acting president and then won election in 2000.

So he's been president for 16 years. Hardly 26.

He's obviously a dictator.

Fuck man. I don't want to go to war with Russia. I want to get drunk with my comrades.

Didn't Pence explicitly say that we'd meet Russian aggression with American strength?


American strength means exactly that. Not war, but strength. Putin responds to strong leaders. Not chicken shit Obama. Not war hawk Hillary. He responds to real mother fucking bad boys, who are real men and leaders. Quit equating strength to war.

That reply has about as much substance as any of Trump's talking points.

Thanks man

Appreciate the down vote. You're also as thin skinned as your hero too :)

I took it as a compliment :)

Yup. He also went on and on about how he would rebuild the US army and Trump has said that same.

If you think War with Russia won't happen because Trump is president then I have to say respectfully that you don't have the foggiest fucking clue how any of this works.

The Russians aren't pushing for a war with the US. Our administration is actively antagonizing them and Putin knows better than to look weak on the world stage. He's an open user of Realpolitik. He is going to do what is best for Russia (and himself). We should be making deals, not picking playground fights with nuclear powers. The elites want another war so they can push for globalism, NWO and one-world government.

Additionally, I won't support any war with a white nation. It's counterproductive and only weakens our people.

I'll take my downvotes gracefully.

I 100% agree. Unfortunately, we don't have a President-elect we can depend on to do such a thing. Nor would I argue that such a decision is even up to the Executive in the manner the American people have been lead to believe.

I've learned to observe the ACTIONS of the hegemon, not the office of. And the current rule set of actions speaks loud and clear; the Ancient Cold Warriors that run this United States Corporation know they are dying in every way that matters. And they want their victory while they can still enjoy it.

As usual, the American public will be the ones to pay for their hubris.

A year and a half ago if you went on any news site there may be one article every week and half about Russia. Now everyday our media has some negative article to say about Russia. It's all fixed...

It all depends on what the banks want, if they want the war, there will be blood. Government is 20 trillion in debt and the economy is being held up by cheap money from the fed. They call the shots. If they want war and trump says no, interest rates will spike, government debt will sky rocket, the economy will crash and the media will massacre him for it.

I don't like either, and if I voted I would side with trump, however r/politics is about politics and Hillary is a politician where as trump is a celebrity.

Many Americans cant understand that... I dont know why...

Because our votes don't fucking matter. It's literally just a popular vote. It's all decided by the EC. Besides, voting for trump is just disgusting. I'm not voting for anyone the best luck we have rn is GIANT METEOR 2016

And you think Trump is better lmao? Hillary is a cunt, we all know that. But Trump is just on another level, you think any country will respect or fear us with Trump in power? He's only in it for the money and fame, he doesn't give a fuck about the everyday man, let alone any females.

He's only in it for the money and fame



That's a total lie.


Describes both candidates, frankly. You think Shilldawg is in it for altruistic reasons?

so many Russian shills... all over the place

Not wanting war with Russia means people are shills? Maybe everyone is just sick of the US sticking it's nose where it doesn't belong and creating wars. There's more than enough bullshit in this country to fix that we don't have to look anywhere else.


Isn't your counter argument exactly the same as theirs though, only against CtR?

"Anyone who disagrees with me is part of CtR!" vs. "Anyone who disagrees is a Russian shill!"

You are part of the same problem, discussions are impossible while people like you and the person you replied to are around.

I don't support Trump either but the media is so in the tank for Clinton that it's astonishing. They are trying to hand her this election.

It's not the media.... It's the people higher up, the people who own the media, the people who own everything. She was full on chosen to be president cause she would willfully and blindly do what she's told to further their plans and agendas.

I mean it wasn't fair from the start. She shouldn't even be the Democratic nominee. It should be Bernie running against Trump. But that didn't happen because Bernie isn't one of them.

The whole thing is incredibly sad, frustrating and scary.

Arm up boys.

I'd like to see Trump voted in just to protest the arrogance of the media and the Clinton campaign tactics. The press and the establishment in both parties need a rude awakening that we want our country back. Cannot see how any Bernie voter could vote for Hillary after it's been proved that she stole his nomination away! Never voted Republican before, but a protest vote is needed.

Do you know who Mike Pence is?

I feel like this is some sort of trick question.

Not just pro-clinton but pro-war ;_;

Agreed. This is where we are now. Clinton will surely win, it's a waste of time trying to do anything except focus on pointing out how Clinton will proceed as if the win is a mandate for all the posturing she's doing with Russia, instead of what it actually is: the slightly-lesser of two evils. That NPR and the rest of the mainstream are feeding right into all this Russia shit is the prelude to another cold war. I fucking hate the Clintons.

/r/politics is a clown fest and if i would have to subscribe it it would be the sole purpose for a good laugh (But i don't and never will).

And sadly no one's wandering around there with a shotgun and coulrophobia

Straight from the Geobbels playbook of propaganda.

No. It's. Not.

Go read about Geobbels and show me the bit where he talks about user generated rankings. Show me the bit where he explains how to get the public to do its own editorializing. Point me to the pages on how an open internet is subject to total government control.

But if you want to see good old fashioned top down, talking points, his masters voice, marriage of media and elected authority style propaganda, then say hello to Rupert M and his little wanna be rival Stephen K. Bannon.

Bias is not propaganda.

You want to pretend Hillary and Trump are the same? fine. Show me the articles tweets and statements from all the democratic party members fleeing from Hillary in the wake of all that career destroying, guilt by association crushing allegations of email/Benghazi/laughing at rape victims crap.

Edit - You guy downvoting my post is proving my point you twats. Either you are all propagandists 'JUST LIKE GEOBBELS', or you are just taking part in user driven ranking kinda exactly like /r/politics.

Show me the bit, show the bit! God you are annoying.

Yeah some dude born like 100 years ago was writing about the internet, you must feel good about winning that one.

Your comments about two dumb ass conservatives supposed to prove something? If don't think both "sides" do the same, well might want to think again.

The same? Who said that?

They're not the same, but they are both equally shit.

A rich political criminal and a rich celebrity douche.

Ever hear of that thing a few months ago called correct the record?

I'll assume not. They are people/bots that go around trying to make Hillary sound good, talk her up, post positive things about her. How do you tell difference between "bias" or propaganda at that point? Ya don't and that's the point.

And on the subject of bias, why should news coverage ever be biased? Shouldn't that only be something those nasty conservatives you mentioned do?

I dunno man, if you don't think it's funky that every story is positive about Hillary and negative about trump, I dunno what to tell you.

That's the problem with an open mind, open it too much and your brain falls out.

/r/conspiracy used to have actual conspiracies with actual proof and an actual internally logical narrative. Stuff that followed the money and stuff that followed a career long history. But Trump has unleashed the idiotic 'feels' as a valid replacement for rational thought and the level of proof here has become less than required for a Starwars fan theory.

My point is that online politcal warfare is nothing like WW2 propaganda of any type, be it Goebbels or Churchill or Truman. Your point is 'correct the record exists, therefore global conspiracy.'

Of course both sides are trying any dirty exploit trick they can in social media, both sides would fire any campaign manager who didn't try and rightly so. 'Correct the record' is just as partisan and just as prone to outright bullshit as Brietbart. But that just means both sides are shit at being behind the scenes sneaky. It does not mean that there's a secret cabal running the world to install Hilary as empress.

Damn, apologies for the wall of text.

I won't deny that /r/conspiracy has gone downhill a lot, but there is still some quality floating around. Hell, look at reddit as a whole, shadow of its former self.

Plus you can't really know what proof is required for everyone.

Yeah the loud mouth Trump people are spamming the shit out of the sub, but that doesn't mean the people who talk about false flags, for example, are gone or that the general view of them from the people of reddit has changed. People have always shit on anyone talking about those ideas much in the same way you are now about Trumpers.

It just sounds like the type of thing people have always said about this sub. "there's no rational thought, there's no proof."

There are still people around that do the things you mentioned, did you see the glyphosate post that was sticked for a bit?

And nah my point isn't that because CTR exists there's a global conspiracy.

That is just one of the many pieces of the puzzle. Yeah, some of the pieces do not have any hard evidence, they come from hunches and observation, on the other hand there is evidence a plenty if you are willing to look.

CTR is something that was brought to light recently and is actively happening, so of course people are gonna want to bring it up a lot ATM.

I feel like when you call it "secret cabal" it just minimizes the reality or possibility. Just sounds like something Alex Jones would say. (though apparently he's a major conservative news source now?)

But of course things like "secret cabals" exist, plenty of evidence for that. Just look at what happened after the second debate, Warren Buffett came out with his tax returns waving it in Trumps face.

Could it be that he was just doing so because Trump brought his name into it? Sure. Could it be that he did so to help his friend Hillary? Sure. Probably both. That isn't really proof that he's getting on the phone and making plans about it, but seems likely.

It's natural for people to gravitate to others similar to them. If you are in a country club with a billion dollar a year membership fee, you are hanging with other super rich folks.

It's the just the natural course that these people are mingling, and the ones with similar views would be getting together and making plans.

The problem is, well they are super rich, and with the way the political system and government is set up right now, they can have a very, very large sway in the way things work and what happens.

That's when you get a "secret cabal" type of deal happening.

I'm not saying 2 people control everything. A few hundred and a handful of large corporations paying people off, and giving a lot of money to politicians and other stuff, for sure.

'Correct the record' is just as partisan and just as prone to outright bullshit as Brietbart. But that just means both sides are shit at being behind the scenes sneaky. It does not mean that there's a secret cabal running the world to install Hilary as empress.

No doubt that CTR is going on for both sides, no doubt, and plenty of other topics, views, ideas. Trying to control opinion and sway people. I don't think it's right though, it's deceit and lies and if there were an honest government at the reins it would be illegal.

But to say that there isn't a secret cabal, well that's just incorrect. The very definition is just that of a secret political faction. CTR was secret, now it's not, Trump's side of CTR is still secret.

How about Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton having that secret meeting on a plane, suddenly Hillary is off the hook, the FBI director seemingly covering for Hillary. If true wouldn't those things count as a cabal? Seems as though they are likely to me.

When you've got the Bush family and many other right wing people endorsing good ol' conservative Hillary, and the "left" wing democrats pushing for her, it seems obvious to me that shady shit is happening behind the scenes.

Honestly, I have no idea if a "secret cabal" is running the world. I think that it is possible and seems likely, but I can't prove it to you.

I do know that shit is corrupt as hell right now and there is way too much money, and power for people with money in the government and political system. It's rotten to the core and it's where the majority or problems come from. The only real way to "MAGA" is to get rid of that trash.

You can suppose a secret cabal with some quite back channels, or you can just imagine a group of colleges and like minded self interested folks who network. One sounds cool, the other sounds like a council meeting.

But either way I don't think you grasp the abhorrence that people have for Trump as a person. Buffet will have needed zero input or direction from anyone you rub Trumps face in his tax returns like a puppy in its own shit. This man has De Niro making arthouse passion plays about how much he wants to punch him. His own defacto party head in Paul Ryan want nothing to do with him as do dozens of GOP stalwarts. Even rumors that his own running mate is done with him.

I know you think all politicians are trash, and you have a point. But supporting Trump as a protest is like pissing in your own drinking water to protest the water works. He IS trash. He is a TV product that came to life and believed its own promotional material. But his political role models, well thats less funny.

But the main point here is that it takes zero communication clandestine or otherwise and zero censorship to get to the media landscape we have right now. Just takes a large and wide ranging selection of the journalists online and a large and wide ranging number of reddit users for /r/politics to be rendered a wall of anti Trump 'propaganda.

This all actual turned after Trump held that 'press conference' where he did an infomercial for his own building project and the said two sentences about Birtherism. He was actively trolling the 'main stream' media and it was beautiful to watch the whole lot of em turn. For the whole Trump show since he announced his own running on escalator one, news anchors and field reporters had basked in the reflected rating of talking about Trump. Till he pulled that shit and as one organisim, INCLUDING FOX NEWS, went "Fuck that guy". go back, find that date and match it up with 538's tracking. That's where he lost it, that's where he made this tape feeding frenzy inevitable.

So apply Occams razor and ask whats more likely, theres a secret organisation out to get Trump, or Trump is suffering from being universally despised after collapsing under the weight of his own bullshit.

*Quick edit about your first sentence. I agree, one sounds good the other sounds bad. But the thing is it all depends on what said people were discussing. A plan to take over the government, or a plan to start a new business and go to the moon. *

Oh I grasp the abhorrence many have for Trump, but I also grasp that many have the same feelings for Hillary. (I mean she did have to steal the primaries.)

Yet many do not see her for what she really is, because every story on her spun in a positive light and that the real dirt on her is hidden by the media. And places like /r/politics are havens for the pro Hillary circlejerk, just like the MSM.

I also grasp the amount of influence the media has over the population.

And back on /r/politics, you really don't think there's anything fishy going on there? I mean the difference is insane to me. Plus think about all those people from /r/thedonald, they don't seem to have any trouble getting multiple posts to the top of reddit. I feel like they could easily get many stories in politics for their side to the top if the sub wasn't compromised.

I don't support Trump, I wouldn't in protest, and not because I like the guy. He can rot in hell in my books. He is the same and would be the same as any other republican president, or any democrat president for that matter.

I would never support Hillary for those same reasons, she is shit.

Which is why I often wonder how the hell are these two the choices people get, the world is fucked.

When I apply Occams razor I come to the conclusion that both of the candidates should be getting shit on by the media. Both are garbage and are both unfit to be president of the US. Yet when you look at the situation honestly you see that Hillary is held up, while Trump is put down.

Despite what he has done, and I don't dispute anything you wrote in your last comment about why the media hates him, why should that give Hillary a free pass and backing from the media when she is just as or even more corrupt.

To me, it's not about anyone being "out to get Trump" it's about putting the person who would benefit "them" the most into power. It was the same with Sanders, he got shit on while Hillary got all the praise. Remember the "Do you feel as though you are standing in the way of history" question to Bernie? The race was the same story the whole way, and she had to cheat to win even with all the media bias lending her a hand.

Meanwhile, conspiracy is becoming /r/thedonald2

Uh.... We this sub is mostly pro Trump.. So.... Will you unsubscribe from this one?

I've been here too long for that, but it's been fun watching how quick everything was the fault of lizard Jews and now it's all clintons fault.

Then you clearly haven't been paying attention. Who said Clinton WASN"T a lizard jew?

Ok , at least some folks are consistent.

Those fucking lizards...

this sub is mostly pro Trump

I thought so too, but then I saw this just further up thread:


Maybe it's just more pro Trump than most subs, but definitely not mostly

No its mostly trump. Like 90% Trump but you get some of those who sensibly comment why they don't like him and if you're lucky, you'll get upvotes.

I don't think anyone here actually likes them. Just that they would really like to not see Hillary as president, me included. If we're going to have a clown as president I'd rather it be bozo and not one of those murderous ones.

No. Because this page provides more than just Trump/Hilary nonsense. There's a reason why this sub is predominantly anti-Hilary.. And that because it's called 'conspiracy'.... There's no reason why r/politics should be so one sided

I guess Trump is conspiracy free then...

Not at all. Much less so than Hilary though. Must of Donald's ridiculous antics are in plain sight. Hilary is the queen of coverups. Hence why r/conspiracy comes off as anti-Hilary. You missed my main point though... If anything, conspiracy should be filled with propaganda, not r/politics


Good advice, but I just unsubscribed. I suppose I could go back and get banned.

Just call out a shill.

It's never too late ; )

Yeah, it's utterly pathetic how biased /r/politics is.

I'm not in support of either of these sociopaths but goddamn if r/politics isn't 100% pro-Clinton spin pieces right now. And one random Scott Baio article where he tells women who are offended by the Trump tapes to "grow up".

Headlines at /r/Politics reads:

Trump threatens to attack Clintons if more damaging tapes of him go public

George Takei mocks 'blue collar' Trump: Yeah, and 'I'm a ladies man'

Scandal! WikiLeaks reveals Hillary Clinton to be . . . reasonable.

Trump Accuser Jill Harth Reacts To His Groping Comments: 'How Can People Not Believe Me Now?'

Turns Out Donald Trump Attacked Woman Who Accused Him of Sexual Assault. This Year.

Ryan to House lawmakers: I 'won't defend Trump'

Dear Mr. Putin, I am not Sidney Blumenthal

Republicans are learning that Hillary Clinton was right about 'deplorables'

Trump Said Clinton Laughed at Rape Victim. She Didn't... She did Laugh though.

Donald Trump’s backers have been reduced to suggesting groping may not be sexual assault

Dear Donald Trump: I played in the NFL. Here’s what we really talk about in the locker room.

Donald Trump once said himself that his views on women disqualify him from 'running for political office'

Trump: Warren Buffet avoids taxes like me. Buffet: Nope, and here's my taxes to prove it.

Fuck, /r/Politics is a shill-fest. I'm no Trump fan but the amount of propaganda and yellow journalism is astounding.

The weird thing is that it used to be filled with anti-clinton and pro-sanders stuff, now it's done a 180.

Yeah I have a hard time believing that all those pro-Sanders folks suddenly went from "I hate both candidates but I feel forced to vote for one to prevent the other", to "I think Clinton is great and those wikileaks are just an alt-right conspiracy and she's extremely trustworthy and experienced"

i thought people were exaggerating, but on the day of some real email leaks, the entire front page of r/politics is either about clinton being great or trump being bad

just had to lol

That's an understatement. Still wondering if trolls, zealots or it's campaign staff voluntary or paid. I've checked other boards and there are posters that post the same reddit posted articles in THE SAME SEQUENCE along with using the same rhetoric. I've seen posters use the exact same talking points used on the news commentary shows before the surrogates even appeared.

Most of the posts seem to be copied and paste and many of the top posters only post there, seems off.

So how does one distinguish a shill from someone who just doesn't like trump?

I see you guys complaining about all the anti-trump stuff, but it's not like the stories are made up, he has a lot of scandals and a lot of people really don't like him world-wide.

I kinda feel like you guys would only be happy if the entire subreddit is anti-Hillary.

The shill argument is kind of ridiculous. They blame the shills for making all of /r/politics a Hillary spin zone, when a few months ago it was 100% pro-Bernie and fuck-Hillary. If they couldn't influence Reddit that much then to shift discussion in favor of Hillary, why would they be that much better now? Shills are not some boogeyman responsible for all of the evil you perceive in the world... Sometimes people just disagree with you

If someone doesn't agree with you just assume they are a shill.

Yet this sub, which used to be filled with pretty legitimate content, has turned into another trump page which is even more sad. Trump is an awful candidate, and as awful as Hillary is, it doesn't suddenly make trump a great candidate who is getting cheated out of the nomination. I would believe that trump has run an embarrassing campaign to allow Hillary to coast to victory more than trump isn't doing well solely because it's rigged against him

Well your post here has 8 upvotes. So now I'm not sure what to think about this sub.

I think the rational ones scroll further down for more context on the topic. I'm pretty far down compared to the pro trump section of comments

The wild ride that has been r/politics this election from my perspective. From the start until the point at which Sanders dropped out it was 99% pro-Sanders with the occasional 'You won't believe what happened at the republican debate' post. Then we move into the denial period where it was nothing but posts about why sanders should still be in the race, followed by Denial-Overdrive after he endorses Clinton. Then i feel we had this period of people acting like "I don't even like politics, can't wait for this stupid election to be over" followed by what may have been 1 glimmer of hope, 1 solid week or so of solid, unbiased posts on US politics. Then 1 week that was oddly pro-Trump. And now here we are, 100% biased, not even trying to fucking hide correcting the record anymore posts 24/7, desperate grasps to try any and all they can to support Clinton and bash trump.

Most accurate depiction of /r/politics I've read in this whole thread

And since like the last 2 weeks, r/conspiracy has been nothing but against-Clinton and even the fact that she breathed has been heavily discussed. Every 12 hours I get a new post on the front page that is always just someone crying out loud like a little bitch, trying to burn the Trump fire forward to advance his campaign. If r/politics can be censored and spammed, so can r/conspiracy. So it's better you go and vote for Trump when the date comes ( or whoever you want because it's your right ) and stop with all this nonsense. Not everything everyone does is a "conspiracy" and neither is yours.

I don't vote, nor do I support EITHER candidate. I just can't stand seeing reddit turned into what feels like a mainstream media outlet

The bias in subs that SHOULD be impartial is definitely disheartening and a shame.

I just can't stand seeing reddit turned into what feels like a mainstream media outlet

Welcome to reddit.

it would be hilarious if both of them ended up getting arrested

I wrote a simple comment on a thread there today. I said that Hillary needs to quit with the clown-face smile when someone asks about her mocking a rape victim and got down-voted to all fuck and back. Agree completely - that subreddit is junk now

PS - I go on that sub now and down vote every pro Hillary story. It would only take a few thousand devoted redditors to turn this shit around. Just sayin

Oh fuck all CTR. This one too ?

Maybe you got downvoted because no one believes you actually, sincerely got chills when you saw her smile. Whatever you feel about her, she's smart enough to know that she had multiple HD cameras pointed at her face every single second for an hour and a half and there a million little the_donald types just waiting for one good scowl so they can Beyonce her up everywhere. I didn't like the smile either, but at least I don't pretend that I don't know why she did it.

Rape isn't funny. Ever. Not when it happens. Not the day after. And never. Ever. On national TV

And yes I got chills

You really think she was smiling about rape, rather than in exasperated disbelief at having Donald fucking Trump lecturing someone about how much he respects women?

I think nobody should smile about rape. Particularly when that person has been criticized in the past for laughing about the very same topic. It's not an appropriate time for hilarity ok? Not in any form. And it's entirely possible I'm offering a positive suggestion to this candidate in the midst of a down vote hailstorm. And believe me I won't make that mistake again.

But laughing and talking about how you can grab any woman's pussy you want because you're a star is A-OK!

someone asks about her mocking a rape victim

have you actually listened to that tape? She laughed about the polygraph test and how she's lost faith in it.

"B-b-but she acquitted a rapist!" You will find hundreds upon thousands of other lawyers who did too its their job to defend their client.

I represented a chi-mo once in a civil action (home daycare, I was brought in by the insurer). At the end of the trial, he tried to shake my hand. I refused. I have an ethical duty to defend you to the best of my ability, but I don't have to like you one fucking bit. And while I laugh at a lot of the ridiculous shit the practice of law throws at you, reading criminal trial transcripts of little girls under 6 talking about the things done to them isn't one of them.

There's plenty of gallows humor to be had in the practice of law. Laughing about getting a pedo off isn't one of them.

It's pretty obvious that they are paid shills when they made a rule that you will get banned for calling anyone a shill.


Or maybe they want a mature conversation that doesn't devolve into sticking your fingers in your ears and yelling "shill! Shill! I don't have to listen cuz you're a SHILL" when people see/hear something they don't like?

That's what down voting is for. Here let me show you.

So you're saying someone could go there and have a legitimate conversation about their concerns HRC has been treated as being above the law, and there won't be an immediate influx of downvotes and grandstanding about how HRC is the most progressive candidate ever and that Trump is akin to the next Hitler?

Because that is exactly how every fucking conversation goes. Don't try to make those mods sound intelligent. They are dickheads that are attempting to cover up and remove any thought that doesn't agree with HRC being the anointed one. I think it is entirely possible to support HRC and have the ability to carry on a civil conversation about perceived weaknesses and strengths without the vitriol thrown around there. Just haven't seen it.

And for the record - I don't like Trump.

I also did and it kept re subscribing me for an hour or so, and then finally let me go lol

Probably a lag due to so many people unsubscribing at once.

...and you post to a subreddit that is incredibly pro Trump? I smell irony...

I don't think you get banned here for saying things that are pro-Clinton. Mockery is not censorship.

This is by far the most partisan sub I visit, it does get a bit annoying

There's a difference between pro-Trump and anti-Hilary .. This sub can seem a little biased at times, but no where near the extent that r/politics is! That is my main issue. Every top post I see on politics is just Clinton propaganda

Most of us have been banned...

The other thing is it highlights how the admins really dont care about brigading. Like SRS and CTR have a cartel to brigade and astroturf even go as far to doxx in cases of SRS.

I keep seeing so many dipshits blame "CTR" for everything from mild disagreement on the internet to their alternator dying on the way to work, I'm beginning to think the entire correct the record thing was just the Clinton campaign trolling all the *chan types.

You do realize the FEC just published their real names as employees under the clinton campaign. I would link but hard to tell if it is considered doxxing google or duck duck duck

I think it's more Anti Trump than it is Pro Clinton. Which sounds the same, but isn't. Trump is just so different from any Presidential candidate in recent history that he's garnered a lot of hate and fear. No politician in their right mind would say half the things he does.

I know there's a good chunk of people who don't like Hillary and know she's a liar. But they fear what having Trump as President would mean for the United States as a country.

Yet you're fine with all the pro-Trump on conspiracy. The mods, by allowing the rightie shills to roost here and dominate the site, to the exclusion of any balance, have made me proClinton. Now I look at /r/politics even though I unsubscribed when it was Trump dominated.

Exactly. I subbed for interesting conspiracies and cover-ups but ever since the election its ALL anti-Hillary, every single day all day, i don't care about your political opinion/agenda. I totally understand why a conspiracy sub would hate her, but it just feels like a pro-Donald political sub now. Leave it to elections bring out the bias in people.


Well, in Hillary's offense, she is currently engaged in a massive cover-up, and her campaign was caught conspiring.

The thread about Trump saying Hillary would be in jail was removed after being at the top in all with almost 8k, because myself and so many others were absolutely laying out the facts about her crimes. CTR were being obvious shills and resorting to logical fallacies., so they had to pull the thread. It was sickening to spend that much time for it to get deleted.

But somehow it was perfectly tolerable to you when it was 100% anti-Clinton nonsense? Boohoo


Just because a guy spends all his time in /politics, /enoughhillhate, and /hillaryclinton doesn't mean he's a shill. /s

Rule 10. Removed. 1st warning.


Rule 10. Removed. 1st warning.

I'm not pro-Hillary, but I tend to believe it's Trump's vile personality (and not a conspiracy) that is leading to more pro-Hillary headlines.


Couldn't agree more. I am for neither, but the whole thread is filled with Hillarybots

welcome to r/the_donald, then. no risk of unbiased coverage here.

I lurked there and commented but one of the mods banned me for a post where I was sympathizing with Trump supporters but I used the phrase "Sanders was an honest man" or something similar. They're still kind of unhinged morons.

they've been shilling Trump on r/conspiracy for the past few months. any posts on here that are liable to be anti-Trump are instantly brigaded and downvoted to oblivion.

You foreal went there thinking it was unbiased? /r/hillaryclinton is the same thing but with a fraction of the support. /r/the_donald was meant to be "a never-ending Trump rally with memes." If you want discussion, go to https://www.reddit.com/r/AskThe_Donald/

No his point is something deeper. The ctr trolls have corrupted Reddit. They are spamming all threads.

Unlike the_donald which never makes an organized effort to influence other communities.

Trumps campaign is shoddy and disorganized. The Clinton machine has put into place a mass of trolls bent on raining propaganda down on social media. Reddit should (and will) do something about such mechanized attacks.

Not a Trump fan. Not a Clinton fan. Neither should be president. CTR - Corrupt the Record

Trumps campaign is shoddy and disorganized?? How so? Could it appear that way because of the GOP coup that has taken place within it? You know, the one that is trying to crash his campaign in order to get the Ryan 2020 ticket?

The point is that it could not even come close to the massive troll machine unleashed on Reddit and other social media sites by HRC.

Her manipulation is so great our beloved site is giving in accurate upvotes and top posts.

Front page blocked and non front page posts make the front page.

Oh yeah I'll agree with you on that. Like I said in another comment, subs that shouldn't be biased are being biased. It's disgusting.

Yea. Maybe such subs should require email verification. Though Idk if that would help anything.

It can't. Reddit admins are waiting for the opportunity to jump on that sub and take it down. They'd be happy to take advantage of mass-vote manipulation.

Did you ever think it's because the majority of redditors don't agree with Donald Trump?

Maybe it was organic and not some Conspiracy?

Found the CTR Shill!! /s

I think it's mostly that Trump is just terrible.

It makes me wonder if the people here either don't know who Mike Pence is or actually think Donald Trump can run a country effectively.

I just fuck with those mods now. Much more fun.

I don't understand what people think Hillary is going to do that would be so bad.


They think she'll continue the current war or start another?


Why do people think that?

Her muscular behavior towards Libya while SoS, her intentions in Syria, eagerness to drone, antagonizing Russia, threatening military action against hackers, her unquestioning embrace of Israel. Really there's a ton of actions/words in her career that point towards a very hawkish position.

Good info thanks. Where can I get more details on those?

I'd start with Google, probably. None of this is exactly clandestine and is a career long trend. Her foreign policy positions are and have been very hawkish. It's one thing she has remained very consistent with.

I think Noam Chomsky, Chris Hedges, and Glenn Greenwald probably could help you. Glenn Greenwald has a great Twitter @ggreenwald

Oh, and The Intercept news site hits her hard.

Let us know if that doesn't suffice. 🙂

Yes, as opposed to bomb the fuck out of everything, fuck their families trump. Uopaghrspiuahguilhrdlbiugelaw

Who was talking about Trump?

Sorry, I think I responded to the wrong level of comment.

And deep corruption. She has been doing it for so long that it's hard for most people to even recognise.

And what do you think Trump will do? What gives you any indication that he won't just take a giant shit on the middle and lower class and continue to make the rich richer?

Well, then we'll just have Obama 2.0, then won't we?

You and me both. I feel like I'm in the twilight zone. She seems evenhanded and thoughtful with her policy.

Articles containing literal trump quotes.. "propaganda"

total conspiracy


What do you expect? Reddit is like Facebook now.

Yeah but if that's the case, can't people just downvote a post they don't like instead of calling someone a shill?

Your logic applies both ways

I'm falling out of love with /r/unitedkingdom for the same reason. All the anti-Brexit horse shit has piled up in there and people seldom use the actual /r/ukpolitics subreddit where that stuff should be.

it's very clear that the mods of r\policits are HRC supporters, but how did it actually happen, how did the 'natural' mods disappear and the new ones took their place?

You are not alone brother

I Down vote /r/politics. Every. Time.

Wait, you're seeking refuge from the bias of /r/politics in /r/conspiracy?

I'm pretty sure you were just looking for a friendlier echo chamber.

Literally did the same two days ago. The one sided biased flooding of such an awful person definitely did me wrong. Soviet level propaganda

nothing can be done about /r/politics -- it's totally compromised -- just like $Hillary is also totally compromised.

Try, instead:



(both very lightly moderated & censor-free)

#voteGREEN #SteinBaraka (sorry, couldn't resist) :)

Oh look, full of anti-clinton posts. How refreshingly different. You are what you hate.

I'd recommend something like /r/neutralpolitics or /r/moderatepolitics if you want at least a hint of balance and rational thought.

This sub is just as anti-Hillary as Politics is pro-Hillary.

Well, I mean, there is a lot of controversy surrounding her. I suppose it could come across that way. /r/conspiracy is fairly reasonable and tends to see Trump as vile and Hillary has flat out corrupt. There's evidence of Hillary making decisions that have progressed towards the destruction of the United States, Trump's decisions are mostly private ones.

If the exec's at reddit had any balls they'd blow up that page and ban it's modetators permanently. It is run by paid Clinton goons.

every mod on that sub has been there for less than 18 months

Thats freaking incredible. Nothing but a Hillary machine. Where did all the Bernie people go?

even worse many of those mods are now modding other important sub's :/

there's a website who's name i forget (sorry) that keeps track of all the subs and who's modding them, dates they were added, which other subs they control, etc. maybe someone else here knows the name of that site.

Lol and this sub is any different? Pro-Trump

I use r/politics to play my own personal game when bored. See how far into the negative I can get in downvotes by posting truth, then toss out a major pro-hillary post to see how quickly I can get back up into the plus side.

rinse, repeat.

They are really really overplaying their hand there, its so over the top blatant.

Sometimes I wonder if its actually Trump money paying for the obvious Hillary shilling to make her look even more dirty and corrupt.

Doubt it though, I'm guessing its just a ton of minimum wage computer center workers who don't really give a shit about subtlety.

Any idea if a paid shill (from either side of the fence) has done an AMA?

How do they get recruited?

How are the taking points delivered and managed?

How do they get paid?

Do they WFH or actually do shifts in a call centre?

No l'm not applying for a job here!

A few have turned sides and spilled the beans, hard to verify validity though.


Through the CTR organization and I'd imagine DNC / Hillary campaign.

Probay just as employees of CTR.

The latest leaks seem to describe the organization starting in a small office, but I imagine they've had to shift to wfh with the numbers they seem to have now.

I'm picturing a scheme where upvote determine how much you get paid.

Shills downvoting their colleagues and upcoming themselves via their own throwaways.

Shills working for both candidates actually working shifts on different subs!

Fun eh.

If the talking points are delivered via any form of electronic communication, it would be so easy to leak, wouldn't it?

Do you have any links to examples? Sorry I'm on mobile and searches are painful (ok I'm lazy)

Hahaha you're correct, but the fact that you're posting this in /r/conspiracy is kind of ironic.


Every single story on the main page at the moment is anti-hillary. If you think that you're getting more than one side of the argument here then you're kidding yourself. Go ahead and report me and downvote me if you like, but at least acknowledge the inherent bias in what gets upvoted here if you're going to criticize other subs for it.

Maybe it has something to do with the fact that all the conspiracies are surrounding the Clintons.

I did it too. Shame the only place I could read about it was /r/conspiracy, but yeah it very quickly and obviously went from a place of "Both candidates are shit but I'm forced to vote for the less shitty one" to "This wikileaks thing is just an alt-right conspiracy, Clinton is extremely experienced and trustworthy and will make an excellent candidate" in about a month.

It all started right after the debate.

Welcome to the future. No more online discussion. Now they're trying to shame you into being quiet even amongst friends and family. Keep it all inside. Let them be the noise. Vote with your actions and dollars. If that doesn't work. Stop spending. If that does work. Live off the land. If that doesn't work. Eat them


Great post, would upvote 2x if I could.

Reading threads in politics and is like reading comment threads tailor made to convince and persuade their target demographic. It's insane the narrative each thread generates in there.

I did the same. You can't post a bipartisan response or even slightly challenge a pro-Clinton statement without getting downvoted to hell and attacked. CTR has destroyed that subreddit.

I know. I feel like I am in a really weird space being a moderate politically. I am all for tougher gun laws as long as they make sense and states follow the gun laws that the federal government passes and as long as I can carry a gun concealed with a concealed carry license or out in the open. I am all for everyone being what they want to be, gay, straight, bi, transgender, living, dead, good, bad, as long as you respect me and my rights. The last couple elections, this one included, I haven't liked any of the candidates. But I was really hoping that Bernie would get the Dem nomination just because he felt like the best candidate for the job.

holy hell. they should rename it H/Hillary

i did the same exact thing yesterday, no joke. got so annoying. actually just went in there its page after page of clinton is great and trump is bad lol. such a disgrace

Unbelievable... I went there to read about the debate, and just found a bunch of stuff about Hillary.

Me too buddy

Glad I'm not the only one, guy.

Remember when /r/politics was good?

Well, it was never good.

It's true, every single news station you go to (other than Fox News) is so pro Hillary, and it gets old pretty quick.

I just unsub'd them the other day as well for the very same reason. It was 96% HRC based with 4% everyone else who, when commented, were immediately downvoted to Hell for stating a different opinion. It was rumored that supposedly HRC campaign had people create accounts for this purpose. I don't know whether that's true or not but would like to think the latter. I'd hate to see all of Reddit taken over with this line of thinking. I'm all for differences in opinion.

Apparently this was a plan. At least one Clinton Pac is spending a million dollars to 'push back' on social media. It's called 'Correct the Record' spawn of a David Brock pac.


I did today too. These are the same people who wanted her in jail against bernie. I'm just over the whole thing.

Same here. I kept it subbed as slice of my information pizza, but it's ridiciously slanted toward Hillary while equally anti-trump. Hard to foster a discussion of differing views in their sub.

it has been since the dem primary ended and they dumped another $6 million into CTR

I can't believe that the Admins think it's ok for Mods to be fucking sellouts. Though I guess if the Admins are also sellouts...

Sellouts all the way down....

I often wonder if CTR is doing more harm than good for Clinton. I'm guessing it's overkill, and will bite them on the ass. The people they are attempting to woo, know all about the propaganda. It was laid on way too thick to be effective.

all of this political shit is disgusting. It's literally turned into a reality TV show, except it actually affects our livelihood. It's embarrassing to claim as American nowadays, as many can see right through the blatantly obvious corruption on so many levels. Why the fuck can't people just respect one another? Its all about slinging shit at one another... so elementary.

I unsubscribe years ago, but I recently subscribed to the_donald. Now, I don't support Donald in any way shape or form but that is hands down the funniest sub I have ever been a part of, it's like an autistic cult following.

You might want to unsubscribe from America, too. The whole country is sick of Trump's bullshit.


Damn... I am unsubscribed, but due to this post I ventured on over to /r/politics. There was only one post that wasn't attacking Trump. Simply ridiculous...

HEY! I'm in that club! They banned me for 3 days for 'de-faming' someone or some shit, and I told them to make it permanent. That shit just made me angry when i read those posts.

Yup, the establishment has coronated Clinton. And they are ubiquitous.

Well its not a conspiracy: http://www.notreddit.top CTR are in super sayan mode at the moment. I unsubscribed a few months ago, and everyone should. In the last 2months we had 2-3 days where the sub was fine. The MSM and CTR are really working hard to control any damaging stuff on Clinton approaching the election day.

The US really is getting dumber because of their mainstream media. Bring on Idiocracy.

Circle jerk

WTF you just figured that out?

this is so true and because of that i unsubscribed too

Is it really that hard to figure out that reddit leans left?

I feel the same way about NPR. At least, WNYC. They used to be a station I trusted for less-biased news and yet, they completely fail to acknowledge any of Clinton's short-comings. That and all the other candidates like Jill Stein and Gary Johnson get less than a sound bite here and there. Every goddamn morning/noon/evening I have to hear about the stupid thing Trump said. I think I can say beyond reasonable doubt that the majority of NPR listeners don't need to be convinced to not vote for Trump.

Were you equally upset when it was a jackoff Bernie sub? Or are we pretending like that shit was any different?

No one minds bias when it's bias that agrees with you.

Clinton pays online saboteurs to take over communities. They've taken over most of reddit. As for all the scares. I've been leftist so long and I've heard it all before how you HAD to vote democrat OR IT WAS ALL OVER. And after 16 years of democrats it's all in the crapper and abortion is as complicated as it was before. So this time I am with Trump and I don't care.

just curious, what 16 years of democrats are you speaking of? Democrat Obama has been in office for 8 years, Republican Bush for the 8 years prior to that. If you are truly a "leftist" as you describe yourself, did you per chance support Ralph Nader in 2000 (thus insuring that Bush was elected over Gore)? As for Abortion, that issue will always be complicated, no matter who is President, but will likely be more accessible in more places for longer period of time if Democrats are elected to the White House.

Im not an American, so perhaps there's something i dont 'get'?

The Clintons ran the USA for 2 consecutive terms (even though power mad Hillary was not elected) before Bush. The past 24 years have mostly not only been "Democratic" led but even Bush has come out in support of Obama and the Clintons.

So when I see: cities in ruins, racial riots, the Middle East wars still going, I blame it on the past 30 years of no change and that was mostly Democrat party incompetence.

I don't really trust Republicans either. Only with them, because Trump is associating with them.

Yep, I clicked r/politics earlier and the bias is so insanely over the top it would be funny, if Hillary wasn't equally as big of a piece of shit as Trump.

It's been one sided for a very long time. Right wing views are quickly shot down.

Same here. Not for either but the sides shit is very old.

Ya they, the shill-soros-bots don't get the fact they have removed all doubt that the sub is cucked.

Do you guys really think it wouldn't be the other way around if the dem candidate were a tinpot dictator in the making?

Well, funny story about that....she sort of is.

I unsubscribe a few weeks ago. Our only hope there is if /r/4chan trolls them away.

I just unsubbed as of today as well - it seems like they do not even care of the clear bias that is there.

So you came to this trash subreddit where everyone is trump shill and acts like Trump is actually a suitable candidate because Hillary is corrupt. This is as embarrassing as /r/atheism.

Could it be that Trump is just that much more unpopular than she is on /r/politics? Does it have to be a conspiracy?

That would make sense if Hilary was widely popular...

So since you "don't support either candidate," you'll be unsubscribing from r/conspiracy too, right?

Nope :) r/conspiracy may be biased also, but at least my feed isn't filled with it! I read plenty of posts here that has nothing to do with the presidential election.

How far down do you have to scroll to find one?

My main issue was the extent of anti-Trump/pro-Hilary posts, not the mere fact of them being biased. See for yourself.. Count the top posts in r/politics and the same for r/conspiracy and see how they compare. I can deal with a few anti-Hilary posts here.

"A few?"

In contrast to r/politics, yes.

I have to go down four stories right now to find an article on r/politics that is not related to the election. How far down to you have to go to find something on r/conspiracy that is - forget not election-related - not specifically anti-Hillary Clinton?

I wouldn't put them in the same category.. Browse through the top posts in r/politics and then r/conspiracy and count how many pro-Hilary and pro-Trump posts there are. I guarantee you that politics takes the cake.

Wow, I didn't think it could be that bad. It's all just anti trump posts. I never go on r/politics and I'm glad, apparently the only important political narrative in the world right now is Donald Trump is a dick

I think it is probably just representative of the electorate. 538 has her at 81%.

I don't get it, everyone you speak to doesn't care for either but we have still polarized. We face execution by either direction.

Trump is a firing squad and HRC is us continuing to bleed out slowly as we have for years. How do we want to die is what they are asking the people.

I have another idea, I think it is finally time to take off the chains. A massive domestic terrorist act that actually targets the halls of power may be enough to break the illusion as the tptb stomp down on us. Once the illusion is broken people will either wake up or at the very least we'll know that the people have officially lost.

As I sit here and read these comments, I find myself thinking wow I'm actually not the only one who feels this way. This 2 party system is horrible. Where is the common man at for the people in our elections? The person who doesn't have a million dollars, ties with major horrid corporations, wants better for the people better for all people, a better world for tomorrow. Our Country needs a change bad. South Park is really on point lately lol

Love, peace, and chicken grease yall

I did unsubscribe from r/politics about 2 weeks ago, and things have never looked better. I'm over that shit; it's foolish and silly, nut funny any more.

I tried to test this a bit. I tried to post actual anti-hillary articles that stood by all written rules of the subreddit. I got shut down twice by mods and downvoted to hell the third time. Unsubscribed that second.

Lost so much precious karma :(

But you love the one-sided anti-Clinton propaganda here?

It's certainly more interesting! And it's doesn't FILL my feed with it.

I expect many anti-Hilary posts on conspiracy, one month before election. You don't hear of much anywhere else..

I can go to any news outlet and find an array of anti-Trump rhetoric. I don't want it filling up my reddit feed!

I just wish the sub would stick to conspiracies. "Hillary sucks!" isn't a conspiracy and "all two million subscribers on r/politics is a paid shill because there's no way the candidate winning in a landslide has any supporters" isn't a very good conspiracy.

I did that 3 years ago

Wish I'd never subscribed when I started this account half a year ago .

I have many. I get banned a lot lol

The constant barrage of Anti-Trump talk is just sooooooooooooo exausting. Even here in Australia, thats all the news talk about. Didnt think that even here the news would be so anti trump.

ive been saying this for a while. they allow zero commentary that will damage clinton. i am leaning trump, however i hate republicans just as much as i hate democrats. i want them all exposed.

If you're not getting banned...you're not doing it right.

I'm sick of the media painting Clinton as a saint with a PR problem.

In my OPINION it's worth voting for her to keep Trump out, but all the democrats are pretending her biggest problem is people don't think she's very nice.

Being more qualified than Trump is a pretty fucking low bar.

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Have you ever read The Culture of Critique?

no. should i?

Yes. It's very good.

/r/politics Unsubscribe. Done.

Welcome to America. This election is a fucking joke and rigged.

Hillary will be our president.

Hey dummies, the page shows what people upvoted. The reptilians don't control /r/politics

As support for particular candidates wax and wane, different folks who previously just lurked become more participatory and others hold back. It's not some grand conspiracy like T_D and others claim. Hillary support was heavily bashed when there seemed to be an alternative for libs, now she's the only option and is contrasted against another poor option... It's only natural that the tides have turned and more folks are comfortable with posting in support of her. No number of anecdotal "well I don't know anyone who actually supports her" quips from Donnie fanboys and Hillary haters actually makes it true... she's got plenty of support, she's always had a decent base of support, those people are becoming less afraid to participate now that blood is in the water and it's getting close to election day, simple as that.

People are also getting excited about the schadenfreude of watching Trump having a very bad couple of weeks.

I used RES to filter it from /r/all

I live in a red state. My Facebook feed is nothing but Trump bullshit. There is barely a refuge for people that hate them all

My conspiracy theory: new account, trump supporting astroturfer. You won't fool me you vile part of the system son of a bitch!

Maybe that's because Trump is abhorrent and there's literally NO good news about him? Maybe?

...but the whole page is just pro-Clinton propaganda now...

It's hard to report nice things about Trump lately, right?

(I don't like either as well)


And here I am, feeling that Donald Trump is massively overrepresented on reddit...

Its almost like a huge majority of /r/politcs users see one of the candidates as a complete baffoon, and want the other to win.

So I wrote this Facebook post today:

I hate Trump I also hate Hillary. Neither candidate is a good choice (yes I know there are other parties, so before you type that comment out, I want to make sure you know I'm aware) for the future of America and frankly it's sad that we, the American people, have managed to dig ourselves in this hole. But to many of you, too many of you, it actually seems like one of the candidates is the the second coming of christ and if I didn't have the internet to read up on things and see anything other than this echo chamber that has been created, I would totally believe the same thing you guys do.

If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm speaking of the people who believe Hillary Clinton is the greatest thing that has ever graced this earth. Hillary Clinton, the "woman who has never and will never do anything wrong".

We live in the age of universal communication, the internet, where people can talk freely with eachother and discuss so many different topics and opinions, and it's a wonderful and beautiful thing. However, unfortunately, we also live in a world where we can lock ourselves in a bubble and refuse to ever hear of the opinions and ideas and facts that contradict what we want to hear|believe. We all shout against censorship and praise the idea of freedom of speech, yet we willingly block thoughts contrary to our own.

When you do that, really, what makes you different than a sheep? Happy to graze on grass people allow you to graze on, never asking or even bothering to look and see if there are greener pastures elsewhere.

Don't be a sheep.

This kind of action has angered me for a long while now and unfortunately for a friend of mine, they got the brunt of my frustration in the form of a comment I posted on a video they shared (That also had a long added post of their opinion about it, asking the question "how anyone could possibly vote for Trump" right after attacking him on his unfortunate and awful treatment of women in the past.)

So without further adieu, here is the comment I wrote:

"I'm honestly so tired of this one sided leftist chatter. It's he a good candidate? No. But neither is Hillary, yet I've failed to see you mention a single unfortunate thing about her. It's frankly a real shame when someone willingly decides to completely ignore information about a candidate because they like them so damn much. It really makes you look like a shill. Trump has said some horribly racist things. Trump has also said some horribly sexist things. However he did not break any federal laws regarding a private server, nor destroying evidence, which is another huge offense. #stonetear

I can see that women's rights are a huge topic for you, however you seem blind to some of the facts about Hillary being anti-women as well.

When Bill Clinton had sexual relations with other women than Hillary, Hillary didn't take the anger out on him like she should have. She instead berated and destroyed the reputation of the women he had relations with. That's crazy. It's the exact same thing as, in this "rape culture" you speak of, claiming that "she asked for it" because of the clothes she was wearing at the time.

Stop this "Hillary is the best thing since sliced bread" thing you have been keeping up for the last half a year, because frankly she isn't. Not at all. Unless of course you completely filter out all information painting her in bad light (which there is a ton of) like what you have been seemingly doing for quite a long time now.

Hillary isn't fit to be president either. Not at all. Horrible security practices (and I mean freaking horrible) . Easily bought opinions. Constant flip flopping to popular social opinions to stay in power (do a youtube/Google search. Just one.). Having completely different opinions on what should be done with fracking, trade, and government practices when talking to people who will pay her tons of money to keep their practices afloat.

Stop drinking the kool-aid. You've had enough."

Normally I wouldn't repost a comment I had written since it's just redundant and silly to do so, however I felt the need to as it was deleted very soon after. And by soon after, I really mean it was removed seconds after it was posted. Only then to receive a message immediately saying: "You're feedback or comment is not worth my time. Nor does it allow an open, healthy, welcoming discussion. Thank you, for being apart of the paradigm, in which people fucking attack one another instead of opening up a healthy conversation."

If discussion and opposing views is something you seek, then how is deleting|censoring posts holding opposing views logical in any way? Not to mention having "open, healthy, and welcoming" in the same message as the aggressive, unfriendly word choice of "fuck".

Anyway, here is a post you can't censor, nor will I delete any opposing responses anyone may wish to leave here.

Ill refrain from name dropping as I care far more about the content of my opinion on the matter of social echo chambers than I do about getting a jab back.

In closure, keep your eyes and ears open. Nothing and nobody is ever perfect and believing that shows nothing more than ignorance, or worse yet, blatant and willing disregard for the facts.

Same here.

just unsubscribed also

You can tell there is always a Democratic bias in politics even when Obama was running

If there's progressives floating around, say hi. We still exist.



So you came here? Which is literally the exact opposite. This place may as well be the Donald.

and this sub is just trump propaganda.

Actually r/politics is since they report every shit he took and call it racist. I don't like the guy, but the blatant misrepresentation of that subreddit isn't just irresponsible, it's borderline criminal.

Agent provocateur is more like it.

funny, I just did that right now and then saw this post a second later

To be fair, the fact is we are all fucked either way.

Saddam Hussien, "Here is your ballot. What I mean to say is here is your torture menu. How can I hurt you today?

"I mean really fucking hurt you!"

Out of all the subreddits, i cant believe this is the one place giving up.

the whole page is just pro-Clinton

As it should be right now. Yes I'm a liberal, and generally vote Democrat. But I gotta say, we need strong viable candidates in both parties for as long as we are a two party political system, for many reasons. Please Republicans, PLEASE, give me a Republican candidate I can hate and oppose because s/he is a conservative jerk, not because s/he is a crazy scary psychopath.

The truth isn't always in the middle. Trump is a terrible person and a terrible candidate.

Thank you, friend.



why would you be subscribed to politics in the first place tho

I wanted to be informed, bro. Look where that got me :( All I've learnt is how much of an incompetent douche Trump is ..

Glad I'm not the only one, guy.

It's amazing how many trolls she bought and paid for

One of the organizations working for Clinton directly or indirectly is called ironically 'Correct The Record', a David Brock pac.


Why unsubscribe when you can just register unlimited accounts and troll the fuck out of CTR? If we unsubscribe we lose our voice and they win. They want to drive us out so they can control the narrative.

The /r/politics subreddit is nothing more than a Clinton sponsored propaganda page.

Because a PAC called Correct The Record is allowed to fund digital media activities because of a loophole in election law.


And has offered a bounty on Trump dirt.


Which might explain some of the carpet bombing of the politics thread with anti Trump.


Sorry, friendo.

The world is brain dead. Point blank. Yeah I'll be voting, I was a rand Paul guy R.I.P. lol but for the main stream media to not bring up any talking points that trump hits on against the Clinton/Obama administration is just a complete disgrace to staying neutral and protecting our supposed democracy. The administration's of past tones have led to this point to where the American people want/need a change. The fact that Hillary has said she will tax the middle class should have DESTROYED her campaign, but it hasn't. Benghazi and all the pro abortion policies and laundering of money through all her foundations, which are in off-shore bank accounts btw, should have DESTROYED her campaign. Like I said the world is brain dead and we need a change.

To be fair, the media, even the British media, is no different.

Virtually ALL media is the same. It's just sad to see on reddit :(

I know. When I said the British media, I meant that its nothing to do with us, why is it biased?

More Correct the Record BS

Weird that you didn't unsubscribe when it was anti Hillary and pro Sanders

Duh, I learned that about 8 years and many elections ago. Have not looked at /r/politics since.

I agree with OP you can't go anywhere on Reddit without a goddamn agenda.

I totally agree, fuck Clinton /s

Only one of the top 50 posts there now even mention her name.


Most of it is not pro-clinton, nobody likes her, it's just anti-trump. I wish americans a lot of luck, you guys are fucked :/

Using a default sub means more people see Hillary's CTR shill posts

I was banned the other day for bringing up Chinagate and Pardongate when Bill pardoned the FALN terrorists

By design.

Everybody wants to back the winner.

I was just telling someone today about r/politics and how bad it is and also how it's weird that the more neutral posts are on r/conspiracy.

it's weird that the more neutral posts are on r/conspiracy.

What's weird is you can look at the front page of this sub and see all the anti-Clinton posts and still call this place neutral.

Yea. Everytime venture through that sub it's all Clinton. It's disgusting to say the least. All the shit that's been happening all the news shows that is supporting her while downplaying her background and how she handle things and all the corruption that follows her... Anyone can see through this.

When I voiced my concern on how Last Week with Oliver was essentially using the slight of hands at how Clinton does not do shady things then say 'but look at Trump for his fucked up things,' was essentially diverting Clinton scandles like he would divert his jokes in some segments. I pointed this out and also said I was voting Trump, people in that sub was attacking my right as an American. These shills are everywhere in Reddit. I don't even like Trump, shit needs to change.

CTR is bad, but Trump isn't helping. The Clinton's are dirty as hell, but I have to hand it to them, they're masters at politics; it's both impressive and disgusting at the same time.

Hadn't been to r/politics in a long time. As a Republican that sub is basically negative karma for any all all things I post regardless of context. But looking at it just now I see what you mean haha there is no bias in that sub. Funny how 11 yr old sex tapes supercede transcripts of Hilary saying she's lying to the public regularly about her policies.

Probably has something to do with your blatant misrepresentation of facts. She never said that.

Here ya go, man. Familiarize yourself with the transcripts, reevaluate your statement, and understand how her words elude to how her policies are disingenuous. I'm confident if this were trump saying these things you'd have found that conclusion without my intervention. I don't care for either of the candidates, but I can certainly recognize bias when I see it. https://politicalarena.org/2016/10/08/hillary-clintonyou-need-to-have-a-private-and-public-position-on-policy/

Jesus I get being pissed about the onesideness for sure but how are there even any two sides any more. Come on people, are we even watching the same debates?? The same candidacies??? How can it not seem one sided? I'm no big hilary fan and hate the cop out that is, "better of two evils" but for fuck same why would we need to give any more air time to a shitbag like Trump? Is that who we want representing us....fucking A

Yeah weird. It is almost like Hillary Clinton is the more popular, favored to win candidate among the average user on reddit. Totally conspiracy. /s

Haha. What a scathing indictment on reddit as a whole.

It would be one thing if it was grassroots, but it isn't. Its centralized propaganda.

I unsubscribed from r/politics months ago once it became clear that Correct the Record had taken over. Every once in awhile I will check it out to see how bad it is, and always leave 5 minutes later filled with disgust.

I am terrified that government propaganda has subverted free speech on the Internet. I have been a lifelong Progressive and Democrat, but have left the Democratic Party this year and am absolutely opposed to the Hillary Clinton administration that is about to take over. It feels very strange to be a Progressive that is actively fighting against the Democratic Party.

Today, I finally unsubscribed from /polit icks. Already noticed that my eyes & ears stopped bleeding /s

Right after a debate with a clear winner yes, there is going to be some one-sidedness

I was just banned from r/politicaldiscussion a day ago for questioning the media firestorm around Trump's comments he made on that recently released video.

At first I was temporarily banned for a "low investment comment" and they lied and said I had been warned multiple times before. I questioned the ban via message to a mod and then was permanently banned. Permanently banned just for questioning a temporary ban. Lol

Mind control is not limited to pills, tv, electrics. Sometimes it's based on the least among us, craigslist jobs lurkers, who sell out their whole country for some coin, because mowing lawns or mopping the floor is to them the unwholesome, ignoble activity most here think what they are doing is.

I suspect it's because of how high the stakes are. Trump is clearly a proto-fascist. If you don't see that then, I'm sorry, you're a fool. Strategically, if Clinton voters aren't mobilised enough then the world, not just the US, pays the price.

Still doesn't excuse the extent of the propaganda being pumped out.

The world and the US will "pay the price" whether either of them get in. Why so much faith in Hilary?

Lesser of the evils.

That's kinda the point. This stuff drives out the good people from participating.

They need to remove the downvote button for that sub to even things up. But they have no interest in it being fair.

I unsubscribed a few months ago because of this. I don't like either candidate but it just got too one sided. It's all fixed anyway... If I had the money these 2 candidates have I'd buy an island and retire. Let one of the 300 other million Americans do the job.

I went on there one day a few months ago and noticed real quickly it was a CTR hot spot. We put the Stasi to shame in America.

I've been having the same thoughts. I'm gonna unsubscribe too.

I said 1 pro Trump sentence earlier and got 20 messages on what a piece of shit I am and how wrong I was. Lol I love it

Couldn't agree more.


Welcome, there's a lot of us here.

I haven't watched the debates but have checked out the "fact checking" websites afterwards just to see what was said. The entire list is usually fact checking everything Trump says wrong and everything Clinton says right. Never the other way. Go figure that.

Just did as well. Absolutely fucking ridiculous over there.

I checked out a while ago from that sub, pretty much after bernie lost. I'm not surprised though because they were pretty pro bernie before. All it takes is a mod change

They are trying so hard. At the least, if they want any credibility, it must be balanced. However, the infantile Lib mind assumes they are the "good guys" and that differing opinions are "evil"; therefore, making dirty/cheap or corrupt plays are justified in their "fight". Such as committing voter fraud, being against voter ID, blocking freedom of speech of opponents, assaulting Trump supporters viciously, etc. They are usually either young brainwashed people with no real-world experience, the willfully ignorant, the disconnected from reality, or the corrupt.

Everyone is doing everything they can to get Trump out, celebrities have even joined, which you hardly ever see in elections. But you know what, it still won't help.

Let those "celebrities" leave the United States then like they keep threatening. I didn't make them "celebrities", the same whore media that everyone hates did.

It's shameless.

I got banned LOL who cares I know I'm not voting for either

The hive mind is unprecedented on that subreddit. But just like the decline in actual bees, it has to come to an (ugly) end.

not a single story about the new podesta email leaks in that subreddit. not even in rising or controversial. i saw a few in new, earlier.

I sort by controversial.

Most of Reddit has been compromised.

Record Corrected

This isn't new. The clinton spam has replaced the Bernie spam. /r/politics is a cesspool of children who are barely old enough to vote.

Vote Jill Stein

welcome to the light side!

They need to keep up the illusion that people really, really want her as president so it doesn't look as fishy when she "wins" the election. The whole thing is a show.

This was the main reason I left them too. However I am a Trump supporter and never had issues with people opinions as long as BOTH are held to the same one. r/politics is a Hillary page. If you say anything against her even with facts. They down vote to hell and delete comments.

This is why I left as well.

They're hemorrhaging subs. Used to have like 3.5 million, now it's 3.1 million and dropping fast.


I agree with the OP, and I followed your advice.


Thats not true and on some level I think you know that. Escape your echo chamber.

Hate to break it to you, but the entire administrative structure of Reddit is pro-Hillary, pro-SJW, and anti-intellectualist.

The only reason we still use the site is because the platform is fully functional, fast, and convenient. Voat, no matter how hard it tries, simply does not have the hardware or the financial backing to provide a meaningful and equally functional platform.

The upside is that eventually Reddit will collapse, either because further efforts to censor the site become so intrusive and irritating that people simply flock somewhere else or the cancerous growth of sjw-ism becomes so rampant that meaningful dialogue cannot take place.

And much like a dying star, Reddit's remaining userbase, comprised of die-hards and fanatical nutjobs, will see this exodus as a confirmation of their flawed reasoning and declare victory, completely unaware that there is no one of the opposition around to hear them. Over time, the dim glow of their fervor will fade until they retreat back to 9gag, tumblr, and any other place they find shelter for their beliefs.

Or u/spez gets indicted on obstruction, destruction of evidence, and goes to jail and the site gets shut down.

I guess it's as good a time as any to recommend /r/AskThe_Donald.

Yes, it's obviously very pro-Trump. But it's really good if you have questions about Mr. Trump and his campaign. It's a discussion sub, so any question is a valid one (as long as it's related to policy/campaign)

I'm not entirely familiar with an analogous Clinton sub, but good luck!

Election is soon and it's very important you do vote.

Good luck!

Thanks for the update on your personal subscriptions.

The best thing about being the most downvoted post, is that everyone scrolls down to read it.

Thanks for always being so pleasant!

<3 <3 <3

Mucho pleasantries

I have all comments sorted by earliest, so it's the top comment for me. Fuck points.

Dicks out fo- oh, we're not still doing that?

Nah that was so September.


ah crap. i didn't even think of that. :/

You truly think that Trump has ZERO newspaper endorsements because literally every single one has been bribed to support Hillary?

Right. Except that's not at all how special prosecutors work. I'm not sure if you are agreeing with Trump or just answering this person's question but regardless Trump has no fucking clue how any of this works.

That reply has about as much substance as any of Trump's talking points.

Very true. I try to ask other people what they're reading, but they rarely help me find new material. I also stop reading something once it starts telling me my own opinion to me over and over again.

A few have turned sides and spilled the beans, hard to verify validity though.


Through the CTR organization and I'd imagine DNC / Hillary campaign.

Probay just as employees of CTR.

The latest leaks seem to describe the organization starting in a small office, but I imagine they've had to shift to wfh with the numbers they seem to have now.

If the talking points are delivered via any form of electronic communication, it would be so easy to leak, wouldn't it?

Do you have any links to examples? Sorry I'm on mobile and searches are painful (ok I'm lazy)

I'm picturing a scheme where upvote determine how much you get paid.

Shills downvoting their colleagues and upcoming themselves via their own throwaways.

Shills working for both candidates actually working shifts on different subs!

Fun eh.

I thought the same thing when i read it, gross programs of social control will be enacted with unseen ends.

If you think that message will get to anyone other than yourself, you're wrong.

We've moved on to grabbing pussies.

When Johnson is polling at 10% in some states. I think a message is being sent there.

Trumps campaign is shoddy and disorganized?? How so? Could it appear that way because of the GOP coup that has taken place within it? You know, the one that is trying to crash his campaign in order to get the Ryan 2020 ticket?

You don't think they got a message? Not a single republican politician could get nominated. It's horribly depressing for the Republican Party. I am completely neutral like most of us here. The two party system needs to end. Most of the country is on the same page that there are good and bad to both sides but we shouldn't be forced to one or another.
