My perspective on /r/conspiracy

164  2016-10-10 by DwillCha

This sub use to be actual conspiracies. Now it's just news that everyone should know about but won't hear about. It's like the underground news. Thanks to all you guys doing homework and research, I know that stuff takes a lot of effort and I greatly appreciate it and enjoy it. Prayers for you, and for our country.


Keep reading, keep researching, keep communicating, keep fighting.

The truth is out there

The truth is out there

The truth is that you have impure thoughts about Dana Scully every time you use/see that phrase. Amiright?

It's cool bro, we all do.


Keep reading, keep researching, keep communicating, keep fighting.

I just used this exact sentence as a Facebook status update. Trying to get people to see what's going on.

Good to hear

Carry the fire

That book gives me nightmares every time I read it

This sub use to be actual conspiracies. Now it's just news that everyone should know about but won't hear about.

The fact that there is so much news of vital importance that is intentionally being buried and hidden from the public is a conspiracy in itself.

Virtually all major media organs are either outright owned by the Shadow Oligarchs, or are under their control - either by the placement of 'carefully selected' persons in key editorial positions, or by the power to reward/punish these organizations with advertising dollars, which can mean life or death, and they know it.

The idea of a "free press" in the US has long been an illusion, and is dwindling fast. the advent of the internet brought a refreshing spark of light, but it is dwindling quickly as mega corporations conglomerate and tighten their grip on access to content.

We can expect that things will only get worse in the near future.

I agree! There is a lot of conspiracy around who and why but we are definitely up against evil forces.

We need to defeat evil!

Honestly, Reptilian bases on the moon aren't nearly as important as the news that's being suppressed in the mainstream media. Priorities, priorities.

I'm one of the more skeptical type conspirators. I may have come off a little upset about the topics of conspiracy but instead I meant to point out a problem with our media and how this stuff should be everywhere

Don't worry this will subside after the election. I'm looking forward to it and reading about real conspiracies. Hell I'll even take the flat earthers at this moment, yet hey are almost like Hillary supporters haha...

The election process is a conspiracy.

That is 100% true statement!

Same here. It's so fucking annoying. If I wanted politics I'll go look at a politics board. I come here for conspiracies not pro-Drumpfstein posts.

America is the greatest conspiracy of them all...the elections just happen to fall under that, and we can get heated when it comes to it so people are just too focused on it now.

It's not that it's a problem. I do enjoy a good conspiracy. It's more of a concern on where our country will be after an election like this and all of the corruption so blatantly tolerated.

28 days to go.

28 days of night

No prob bud have a good monday

Tears for our country.


Victory of the light!

We have a orange man and a witch running for prez, I think god forgot about us

its a clown show for your entertainment.

Now with more clowns!

Random, murderous clowns: The only thing that could be creepier than the candidates.

This sub is turning to shit to be honest.

I used to be abel to find exposes on the NWO and the Jews controling the money supply, but now it's all just anti-Shillary. Trump is just as complicit with the NWO as Shillary is, Nothing will change, even if Gary Johnson is elected. I will be writing in Alex Jones for his work exposing them, But I know my efforts will be in vain unless we push back the MSM and the alt-right media to focus on the fact that Trump is just as much a villian as Shillary and CTR.

You guys make me sick, supporting Trump like he'll push abck against the international bankers and reinstate the god standard. Is there any sub I can go to that will ACTAULLY be informative and isn't shat up by the Main Stream Politics?

I agree with everything except the alex jones comment, he is also controlled opposition.

He is? This is the first I'm hearing about it. Fuck, they're controlling EVERYTHING!

What do you recommend as an alternative to him?

Believe in yourself. You have the power. The electoral college votes, not us. If our votes mattered al gore would have won, not bush. But gore knew the deal. So does trump. How else are they going to get people to believe in the government? Hillary is a proven liar. She will do harm to the us governments image. So they need a 'bad boy outsider' to 'shake things up'. Similar to obamas 2008 run.

Where is everyone getting this anti-trump sentiment? Yeah he's a social retard and has done shady business but is he really worse that Killary? She's literally toppled multiple nations and has STRONG ties with Wall Street and the elite. Are you Trump bashers really gonna vote for that bitch?

I'm not a Trump supporter, though. Trump's not about to challenge the NWO's death-grip on the monetary supply. Shillary won't either, of course. They all want us to remain slaves so they can use us and take advantage of us. Not even Gary Johnson is willing to take on the Jews in charge of Wall Street.

I'm trying to find a candidate who actually realizes how bad we are being manipulated and isn't afraid to say it, do you have any suggestions?

He called out Soros twice yesterday

Trump said he would do something about the Fed, can't remember what he said. At least he is "against" the fed. I'm honestly impressed with his candidacy as far as supporting anti-globalism and I fail to see what a lot the naysayers have against him.

Nah in a rigged system like this we have no other options. I just sort of believe in that whole accelerationism thing and think that 'they' don't want us to actually elect Donny. Maybe he'll mess shit up so badly that people will be forced to demand change

This election has completely captured our attention. I was aware of that attempt early on and still got sidetracked with its nonsense. There is more to be exposed about the nwo now more than ever

It's a lot of underground news and conspiratorial review in between the major events and false flags ops that happen around the world. When the events happen, this place is jammin.

The US is basically like China now. Even basic legitimate news is no longer available to the average person, so places like /r/conspiracy have to take up the slack. It's like Maslow's hierarchy of needs. We are so swamped in misinformation, agenda, and blackouts, that we have no time to focus on deeper more controversial subjects like 9/11, JFK, crypto-zionism, or for that matter aliens and the world being a simulation.

Conspiracy became a mouthpiece for the unheard news from 'Murica.

excellent post.

It's pretty much just r/uncensorednews

That is what it's supposed to be. Realistically it's just posts of headlines that support your preconceived notions. If you actually read most of the articles posted it becomes enormously clear that it contradicts the headline everyone was upvoting.

This sub us actually full of threads like this i terms of thier usefulness.

Thats because democracy is a conspiracy.

When the mainstream news becomes the conspiracy, /r/conspiracy then becomes the news.

The front page of this sub is a joke though. If you take the time to actually read the articles, there's nothing conspiratorial about them at all. It's just basically a collection of people self righteously upvoting sensationalist headlines.

so fuck off.

Yeah, but I came here to find out what happened to MH 370

What's going on right now, everything that's on the MSM, the debates and the election, etc. – and everything that's actually real, and everything that's on the front page of r/conspiracy – has to do with conspiracy. That's the problem. "Conspiracies" are the current reality.

I kind of miss the conspiracy stuff too. It'll be back after the election.

There are shills here as well, but they will never succeed. A lot of pointless information is also pasted to try to steer attention away from the Clinton Foundation.

The sub is not turning to shit, its election year and there's some very real conspiracies affecting US politics today - that are pretty much confirmed - that MSM and sheeple are trying to ignore.

It's exciting as fuck to be around here right now.

Stop trying to change something that's working decently well, at least until after election season. We already know everything is fucked, we dont need to shit where we eat because a handful of loud people are upset with seeing so much shit about Clinton.

I agree, this sub has gotten really good.

Good to hear

The truth is out there

The truth is that you have impure thoughts about Dana Scully every time you use/see that phrase. Amiright?

It's cool bro, we all do.