Collective unconscious. We are all connected, we are all one. We have more individual power than we realize. Be the change

33  2016-10-10 by Loud_Volume

A lot of people in these times are worried that they can't do anything or can't change things on a global level.

Let me tell you something.

Even thinking about an issue is doing something. Thoughts are creative energy. We are a collective consciousness that has creative potential. Everything we see before us was thought up before it became manifested into physical reality.

It's time to realize our power as individuals. We are all powerful beings of light. We are all equal. We all have shared power. No one person can truly be in control of this world because we collectively make up individual power.

There is no "they". The people that we think are "in charge" barely have power but want us to think they do and want us to forfeit our power to them.

Take back your individual power. Let your own light shine. Be your own voice, don't let people, politicians, or anyone form your own world view. Be your own person. Be the powerful being you truly are.

We are all in this together and we all shape this reality together. Even someone shutting the self off from society affects things.

We are truly powerful spiritual beings but we are so blinded by this illusion of reality. People are scared. People are fearful. We do not need to live in fear based vibrations anymore.

Shine your own light, be your own beacon. Stand up and make your own voice heard. You don't need to start political movements or petition outside stores (but you can if you'd like to)

Realize a problem and think it through. Make this planet a better place for us all. We are all one so helping someone else is helping yourself.

I recommend reading the book, "Last hours of ancient sunlight." By Thom Hartman.

Below are some pictures of these concepts in this book.

Thanks for reading.


Blessed Be. You are all loved.

Here is some more positive inspiration:

Keep on keepin' on.

I will be your strength, please be my strength. I will be your hope, please be my hope.

On what you blame, you place the onus of change. If you blame someone else, you effectively give up your power. Your power is your ability to respond to any given situation. Is that not as obvious as saying water is wet?

If you instead seek to understand how you are being part of the undesirable situation you can usually find ways to do your part to change it.

The powers that be, coached by gifted otherworldly beings well versed in the arts of control over others by fear, know how to keep us choosing powerlessness. They encourage scapegoating of all sorts, getting us to believe our problems are caused by class, race, religion, political party or other things that are not themselves. We are the power these elites wield. They harness our power, our ability to respond in any given situation, through deception and fear.

Fortunately for us, those beings have been forced to leave earth. It started in 1998 and the last of them finally left in 2015. They no longer pull the negative strings of this world for their entertainment. We are in control now. Humans are in charge of this planet now. And positivity and light will shine from us like it was always meant to but couldn't in the past because of negatively aligned entity's controlling the planet. No longer, man. We are free, we are one.