PSA: Just because this sub is anti-Clinton does not mean it is pro-Trump

915  2016-10-10 by [deleted]



Clinton corruption and the huge cover up is a very significant conspiracy happening in real time and has to be discussed and cataloged. There is no bigger conspiracy happening right now because it is connected to may other conspiracies.

Furthermore, once she is elected and CTR is gone, we will have all this evidence at our finger tips to share with reddit and CTR will not be here to hide it. That will cause further erosion of confidence people will have in the government and once no one has confidence in the government it becomes illegitimate and will be replaced.

What makes you think CTR will be permanently gone, or a similar organization won't replace it? What will happen to those CTR reddit accounts?

Personally, I have a feeling this type of social media engagement is here to stay. IMO, CTR was a historical development that opened the door to a lot of other manipulation.

If they have payed 6 million for this amount of obvious, blatant, and desperate bullshit in 6 months? Say goodbye to our economy if she's elected.

Yeah, it's blatant, but look what it accomplished. It basically denied all of us a platform to spread news and information. I mean there's /r/conspiracy, but it's not exactly a well regarded source of information outside of the sub, and it's certainly not a frequently visited sub for most redditors.

Did you see that thread after the debate? The one that got 7k upvotes then was deleted?

A lot of people are aware of the corruption. my point is that 6million isn't doing shit for them. 4 years? Let alone 8? They'd be better off deleting this entire site then trying to fund that.

You're not wrong. It'll be interesting to see what effect this has down the road.

Try just over 8M... The FEC has a comprehensive list of all transactions from CTR for everything for salaries to uber rides.

CTR learned a lot from internet propaganda groups before them... I wouldnt call CTR a historical development.

They were more blatant than most of the past social media control imo.

I would disagree, they're just the most blatant social media control you're allowed to talk about.

That we know about.

It's actually very well known.

Who is going to pay for it? The mission will have been accomplished so there will be no need to be paying those assholes anymore.


Pay taxes to be harrassed on the web! Yiihaa

Pay taxes to get misinformed by CIA propaganda on TV and Internet sounds about right yeah. The harassment part is just the 2.0 of an already 60 years old+ well oiled system

Oh shit this probably true. Fuck. Since people are now all on the internet rather than on their couches watching TV, the propaganda is gonna invade the "free" internet.

lucky obama gave away the Free part also recently

The same way it is now, by investments from the rich and powerful.

Think about it. Before, you could buy the politician, now you can buy public opinion as well. And if you think CTR isn't influencing people, you need to pay more attention to what people are saying. It is an immensely powerful network.

Just automate it, a la /r/SubredditSimulator.

If you think I'm about to stop shitting on the government and exposing anything I can come November? You are mistaken.

I feel CTR is just the start. They've already done an incredible amount of damage to this site by only spending $8,000,000. Imagine how much online propaganda will ramp up once it has federal funding that isn't tracked by the FEC.

No shit. This is humiliation at a global level. Reddit was the last free place on earth. Killary was the end of that. I never thought the anti christ would have a vagina.

once she is elected and CTR is gone, we will have all this evidence at our finger tips to share with reddit


thats funny how you think people who dont even care now will care later

the CIA could probably be directly implicated in 9/11 and nobody would really give a shit for more than 1 or 2 days. hillary & her owners rigging the dnc and the election is nothing

I'm kinda late to the game with this. Where would you recommend I start so I can get caught up?

This subreddit has upvoted a poll which has Trump at over 90%. The poll even says on it that it invites robots to vote for it, but hey since Trump is ahead in it I guess people here have to upvote it right?

...uh what?

I linked that poll myself and openly stated I disliked both candidates.

I then commented in agreement that it's probably the 4chan'ers having a field day.

How does a subreddit upvote something?

I'm referring to the BuzzFeed poll that's been upvoted on this sub. It's still on the front page of this sub if you want to look for it.

Edit: I think you edited your post from invited to upvoted so sorry if this doesn't make sense

And I'm trying to get you to stop anthropomorphizing the sub. If it was upvoted, then it was done by people.

Why aren't you complaining to and about the op who did the same thing in the title?

It's a long post.

That's a non excuse.

But you know what, just in case English isn't your first language, a subreddit is basically a community, and communities can do things. Eg New York loves hot dogs. If course, a city can't love hot dogs, but we all know that sentence means that there is a large amount of people in New York that love hot dogs. Things like this are a convenience within the English language.

Communities can NOT do things, the people who make up that community do things. It's a convenience of the English language but it's the kind of convenience that comes with negatives too. EG The shills will come and upvote a post and say, look the sub upvoted this post, the sub must be X. The logic (simple as it is) and the syntax make perfect sense, but it was the shills tipping the sub all along. So why doesn't the logic lead us to the truth? Because the premises are wrong. When you cut out the anthropomorphizing you're left with a different sentence, or logic chain-

Some people in the sub upvoted X, so therefore those people that upvoted X must be Y.

This sentence says much less and more importantly is absent a manufactured consensus so is therefore useless to our astro-turfing handlers.

Also where the fuck do you get off calling my answers non excuses, I could have just ghosted you, much less effort.

It's a long post is a non excuse because you're complaining about my post, when literally the title of this thread has the same issue and you don't complain about that. There are far fewer words in that title than there are in my post, yet you decide to berate me rather than the op because"is a long post". That's a non excuse.

And by that logic, I can say everything that is pro Trump or anti Hillary in this subreddit are upvoted by shills too.

Berating someone requires anger and I don't have enough of it for you to do that. Also, idk what logic you're doing that by but whatever dude, hope they're paying you extra for staying up all night.

Shit I wish I was being paid to post on reddit. Any idea where I can apply?

This sub should be pro whatever the fuck people post and upvote

I believe the intention, at least, is to be pro truth.

This. Apply critical thought to all posts and it's impossible to support everything posted which is exactly the way it should be.

There is some frankly bat shit crazy stuff posted here that gets supported and upvoted without pause.

When we take crazy at face value it's no better than taking the lies and cover ups at face value and belittles all the work people do to expose the truth.

We do ourselves a huge disservice by not being critical examining all posts all the time.

Blanket statements and bullshit are supposed to be exactly what we expose and oppose.

My observation is that the increase in volume of such complaints coincides roughly with the exposure we got in /r/conspiracy after the Paul Combetta story broke. CTR in effect. No good deed goes unpunished and god forbid we have a single fucking place on the internet to have a legitimate and authentic discussion.

hear hear

"legitimate discussion" lol sure your talking about r/conspiracy. Disagree with anyone and you're a shill

Authentic attempts at discussion or dissent from the OP often seem to downvoted into oblivion.

When can we get back to being pro-Hollow Earth?

I forget, if it's hollow it can't be flat right?

Like, it could be a box.

We've been blind all along

famous words of a crestfallen warrior "... But, who knows. Going hollow could solve quite a bit."

Fuck them both! We deserve better!

Vote 3rd party, regardless of some of the policies it is leaps and bounds better than giant douche and turd sandwich.

So just to clarify, can an American expect to be able to circle a third choice when the election comes?

I'm not from the US and just wondering. If it is so, I think your point should be up voted to the top.

We actually have lots of political parties in the US. When voters go into the polling place there are usually between 7-10 candidates on any given ballot, all representing a different party.

The trouble is, all but the major two have very little support. Most of these other parties get less than 1% of the vote. They are fringe parties and usually we only elect either Republicans or Democrats.

In elections where neither of the two main choices are popular many Americans will suggest voting for a "third party" in order to make a statement that they support neither of the main candidates.(Al Gore vs George W. Bush in 2000 had a lot of third party voting for this very reason). Again, this is typically just to make a statement. It's widely accepted that none of these parties will ever be elected and that is why many people see voting for a third party as "throwing your vote away" and as such most Americans are scared into voting for "the lesser of two evils."

There isn't just one third party, there are many. We call them "third parties" because they are an alternative to the two major parties...Hope that clears things up a bit.

I wonder where we would be if Perot got elected...

To give you an idea of the systemic fraud: the "Commission on Presidential Debates" was commissioned by no government body - it was created by the Democrats and Republicans, working together. Their job is to exclude any third party candidates from consideration - so long as there are only two candidates on the stage, there are only two legitimate choices a voter can make.

Prior to the advent of the "CPD", Presidential debates were usually sponsored by the League of Women Voters. They bowed out when the demands of the two parties led them to believe that they would be perpetrating a fraud upon the American electorate.

I believe it's more important to give the regional positions to third parties: Congress, Senate, governor, state senate, etc. Cut the body of the snake off. The head cant survive on its own and regional races are manageable goals.

you deserve better, but you wont get anything better than clinton this election. fix your political system, voting third party currently does not work. stop switching between realism and emotional thinking during this election to keep yourself busy, focus on laying the groundworks for actual elections within your lifetime. the role of the president is not all that important anyways, providing he does not act recklessly like trump would.

Yeah but you're getting one or the other whether you like it or not.

Anti-Shit head has always been my position

that's a nice position. the polarization throughout social media can get really annoying sometimes.


Glenn Greenwald's relationship with the Clinton cultists is so fascinating to watch.

They dislike this man. He is a liberal, anti-surveillance, anti-war, supports the LGBT community, and is anti-TPP. Everything that democrats should love.

But because he does't support Clinton he is attacked and there are attempts to discredit him as a biased source. Unbelievable.

Sounds like me. Personal freedoms are one of the holiest of things. But democrats hate them and want to take them away.

Fuck your god.


Alright you two. The divide and conquer strategy has worked to make you fight republican vs. democrat (like there's really a difference between them; rich folks & special interests are pulling the strings). They want you to fight one another, so you don't band together to buck the system.


How silly of you to assume that I'm a republican. There exists more than two ideologies.

Wow you got that modern liberal ideology down pat.

Naw, it is just that the criticism of Clinton in this sub is more than just slightly hysteric and far too often results in a comment like "therefore I will vote for Trump".

In Greenwalds own words (btw. in a blog where he rightfully mocks Krugman)

In March 2016, I wrote a column denouncing the U.S. media for venerating feigned neutrality over its responsibility to sound the alarm about how extremist and menacing Trump’s candidacy really is. [...] He and his rhetoric pose genuine threats, and the U.S. media would be irresponsible if it failed to make that clear.


The whole problem with this race is that there is, in the end, only the choice between a 3rd party (e.g. Jill Stein) or HRC - because voting for Donald Trump is, in essence, economical and political suicide.


Trump has no friends in Congress, he will be unable to pass any major legislation that he tries to push.

Or, because he really doesn't give a damn, he just pushes whatever will bring some kickbacks. And his VP is a hardcore christian ..

The Clintons are far more dangerous, because they have built a tangled web of favors, blackmail, and manipulation. They are utterly Machiavellian and will get exactly what they want. They will also do exactly what their billionaire masters want, because they owe them. It scares the shit out of me.

Same holds true for not only both sides but most of US politics and is a direct consequence of a) the need to collect money for the campaing & b) campaigning costs.

But if I have the "choice" between a POTUS which has a tangled web of favors to pay to different companies/persons which all rely on functionen foreign trade and stable political conditions and a POTUS which has similar favors to pay but these to a group of religious fundamentalists the "choice" ain't that hard.

But the favor concept is deeply rooted in US poltics and nothing new.. United Fruit Company made the US ruin a nation for 40 years...


I agree.

United Fruit Company.

Fuck the CIA


In my opinion, I think they are in cahoots. I think the only way Clinton could get elected (besides rigging the primaries, mind you) was to recruit a family friend to run against her.

She is so unelectable they needed to recruit someone the MSM could constantly shit on just to have a chance.

Trump's only job is to look like a mad dog and chase votes back to Hillary. Fox News donated to her. The Bushes said they are voting for her. This is NOT a two party race. She was coronated when she stepped down as Secretary of State.

I really thought the plan was to split the GOP in half by Trump running as an independent, but the dumb fuckers endorsed him. He still could get kicked off the GOP ticket, which would guarantee a victory for Hillary.

It is a giant FUCK YOU to the American people and, true to their programmed nature, it is working on the masses who are going to vote against their self interests either way.

I'm not equating the peoples concerns with Clinton to hysteria, I'm equating many posts in this sub and choice of words and the topics they pick to hysteria.

There is a lot to criticize when it comes to Clinton but the discussion in this sub fluctuates between the e-mail scandal, a mysterious pedophile network and her being rothschilds bitch trying to invoke a NWO shutter

People have the choice to vote for trump or anyone else that is on their ballot, what are you talking about?

People also have the choice to, dunno, jump from the roof of their houses.

Trump digs his own grave daily, we are here to shed light on Clinton and her corruption. Because of this people automatically assume we are for Trump if we are against Hillary. It's stupid...

Do it both ways equally then, regardless of who is digging their own graves..

That's more time spent on bringing down both candidates when the only one who needs to be brought down is Hillary. Trump has his foot in his mouth daily. People need to know the truth about Hillary.

Pretty sure people know the truth about hillary, unless you have some insider information to share?

I'm talking about more outside of the internet, and they definitely don't know much about her as for her lies, cheats and corruption.

This is also an important thing to remember about everyone. Someone not liking Clinton doesn't make them a Trump supporter.

but you can only have one or the other, the choice is not an illusion. americas election system is perfect. join one of the two tribes and be a patriot. be really emotional about this election because its so important and perfect.


Please elaborate on why you are certain that Trump is controlled opposition.


That's it? All it says is that Donald and Bill had a phone conversation. Are you suggesting that Trump is working with or for the Clintons?

We already know from leaks that the Clinton campaign wanted to "elevate" Trump because they were confident they could beat him.

Also, if Trump and the Clintons were colluding, he wouldn't have called out Hillary for attacking rape victims right to her face in front of millions of people live or shined a spotlight on her corruption. Even if Hillary wins, these things will cause significant damage to the Clinton dynasty and the Democratic party as a whole.

Many don't...

Controlled by whom? Opposed to what? So long as he's opposed to Clinton he's good enough for me.

IMO The whole thing is a charade.

the election system is fucked. this year voters have no choice. even if you dislike her, its gotta be clinton. its just a fact.

Do y'all really think CTR is spending their money on this relatively small sub?

I ask this genuinely.

It doesn't need to. The reality is that anyone associated with the word 'conspiracy' has negative credibility with the general public. Criticising Clinton here is actually good PR for her because it's just a bunch of tin foil hat wearing crazies posting bad stuff about her, right?

I mostly agree.

I don't think the word "conspiracy" has that much of a bad taste as the JFK assassination conspiracies are very popular.

I think loads of people coming in here would get noticed and further validate us.

I think CTR has become a boogieman for a lot of people online who don't like Hillary. I was called a CTR shill on /r/politics a lot when dumb shit would come up about Bernie or Hillary that were not true or likely false. Frustrating as I have given hundreds of dollars to that campaign and many hours volunteering.

I guess when you identify as a conspiracy theorist, it's easy and perhaps validating to see patterns when there likely aren't any.


I think it is on r/politics but not on here.

Look at this site which shows the most downvoted posts across all of reddit, they are mostly anti-hillary articles from r/politics:

Note that the frontpage is almost always anti-trump or pro-hillary.

If you sort by Controversial you'll find the wikileaks stuff that makes Hillary look bad.

They also had a post on their website mentioning engaging in social media.

So, it's definitely a thing imo, but it's also a boogieman for anyone who says anything that doesn't fit the anti-hillary narrative.


Yeah good point. I know /pol/ does some "operations" on reddit.

They spent on gaming Reddit in general. They go where ever political discussion is going on. They are concentrated in r/politics though.

How do you know this? Again, I'm not being antagonistic or anything.

There is (was) a thread on r/politics after the debate that was started because Trump said he would put Clinton In jail. That backfired. A lot of comments were about the censorship in the sub.

It got deleted after it had about 7k upvotes. Make your own conclusions.

I totally believe that on r/politics, but I mean on here.

They are deff here too. They just aren't mods so they can't delete threads saying "rehosted content"/"doesnt fit the narrative".

How do you know this?

I know they're on Reddit, but how do you know "they go where ever political discussion is going on"?

If I were CTR, I wouldn't waste my time with a conspiracy board or r/dncleaks or whatever.

Why do you all think ctr will leave? I bet they become a 3 letter agency that operates off book.

The new ministry of truth.

Yes! I can't get behind any canidate which is why I for one am voting Giant Meteor 2016.

I have to say, if you're in this sub and think that either candidate represents anything but the erosion of your rights, you have nor read enough. The amount of dyschordian laguage that gets used these days is unimaginable. Food is barely digestable, gov't representatives represent money instead of people while real noble purpose has been somehow obfuscated by greed and selfish endeavor. So much bandwagon bullshit.

It's like a watermelon seed, if you apply pressure from all sides but one, it will shoot out to that open side. We're the only open side left on reddit, and trump is being marginalized, despite the fact that that itself is a narrative pushed by the MSM. Trump is the fall guy, he's there to be scary so clinton wins, and to have a 51/49 victory, so they can so "oh so close, try again in 4 years."

I don't want Trump to win, but this is a pressure valve that is being released, and it's fallen squarely in the lap of this subreddit, which serves to dilute the message, which in turn further serves those in power.

The whole thing is ridiculous.

#2 - So much. This sub got hit hard today.

CTR controls mot of reddit....except us!



the "ha ha fuck you guys" is directed to any CTR shills reading the comments.

Ah, I see. Was a little confused, lol.

I'm bout to vote for Stein like fuck it

accept that in this election system voting third party truthfully is a waste.


I think this sub doenst talk about trump much becuase r/politics (who are extremely biased) cover every little anti-trump and pro-hillary story there is.

This sub wants to document everything, so in the future if people need to research for whatever reason, they get both sides and all the info of what allegations were at the time, etc.

To be honest, I've just spent so long reading about Mena air strips, and Vince Foster, that I can't fucking believe we seriously have a Clinton facing anything other than serious jail time. Trump's just there to give the illusion of choice as usual.


Where? Here or in r/politics?

There they have every anti-trump story out right now, so why repeat what they are doing?

Fuck off. This subreddit is a conglomoration of many different people and ideas. There is no one unified stance. And it is not a political subreddit. Don't try to drag it into the fray. It won't work.

It is indeed. Like today, Trump made a claim that Blumenthal said something about Hillary being responsible for Benghazi in an email to podesta. Except that Blumenthal was actually quoting Eichenwald (reporter).

Conspiracy part: The ONLY place this was reported was the russian propaganda site Sputnik. It was up there for less than 3 hours and then taken down. So either Trump is reading russian propaganda sites and quoting them to bash clinton or russia was feeding trump lines from their campaign that they then send to wikileaks.

Won't hear a peep about it in this subreddit that's for sure. It was posted, 62% upvoted, despite being wayyy more evidence than any hillary conspiracy. 0 discussion

Link here for anyone who cares :

The issue is, it's like, neither is a good choice. But due to the 2 party candidacy, if you hate one you must love another one.

HRC bad, Must love Trump, hmmm where have i seen that logic time and again?

Exactly. It has always been a cuck subreddit.

This should be stickied until the end of the election. This sub is not inherently for or against any specific politicians, it has been and always should be, for the pursuit of the truth. CTR represents the exact opposite of that, so naturally posts will take a combative stance against the person CTR is trying to support.

I personally think both Donald and Hillary are pieces of shit and neither should even hold authority over a Burger King.

My fear is that regardless of who wins, CTR or a similar entity will keep it's grasp of reddit as a whole. You'd have to be extremely naive to think they'd just go away.

This sub is not inherently for or against any specific politicians

Yeah well as I agree I also will point out Trump isn't a politician. He is a 70 year old billionaire who could be on a yacht right now surrounded by women but instead he's out getting his name dragged through the mud in a presidential race to gain what? I'm sorry but if you think he's doing this to gain something for himself, let me know where you live so i never drink the water there.

I personally think both Donald and Hillary are pieces of shit and neither should even hold authority over a Burger King.

And you know Donald so well cause why? Your TV introduced you to him?

My fear is that regardless of who wins, CTR or a similar entity will keep it's grasp of reddit as a whole. You'd have to be extremely naive to think they'd just go away.

You have to be extremely naive to think life is just gonna go on if we even get through this. You'd be lucky to have internet. It just goes to show how well of a damn job they've done, even on people who surf r/conspiracy

Trump says he likes to say what is on his mind, but until he says that the moderate rebels in Syria are CIA-backed islamists he ain't said shit.

Fuck your "wasted vote" dismissals, I'm voting for Jill Stien ... Like we are trying to "win" or something... I'm trying to have a country I still want to live in tomorrow

stop being emotional about the election. your election system is fucked, accept it. your vote does not matter anyways, but voting third party IS more of a waste because it is gonna be trump or clinton. trump is insane, so you will have to vote for clinton. choice is an illusion here. again, dont be emotional about it, even if it sucks. just see to it that you get the system fixed at some point. you are switching between being emotional and realism just to keep yourself busy.


well, two perspectives. a vote does not matter because its a drop in a bucket, but if you care about that drop then voting third party is a waste, not because of bad intentions, but because of the realities of the election and system.

Sounds like some of my friends - just because I say Clinton is corrupt and a liar, does NOT mean I am supporting Trump. The national selection gave us these two clowns on purpose. If Clinton ran against any other candidate, she would have lost. But Trump made sure Clinton will be in office - it was by design.

Lets say Trump wins? How will it reflect that?

He won't and he was never going to. Just when he was gaining too much traction, suddenly this convenient clip comes out knocking him down some - again, by design.


But if you don't support Clinton you must be sexist/racist/pro-anything she is against /s

While I do agree that there is a lot of people here who bash on Clinton and hate Trump aswell, ot is not a place where you can freely discuss politics. If your opinion doesn't match other people's, then you get downvoted to hell and that's not how free discussion works.

The Clinton family have so many conspiracies surrounding that of course people would think that.

Seriously. I talk a bunch of smack about Hillary to friends and they assume I'm voting Trump. No, they both suck.

strange, ive had several commenters here tell me the exact opposite.

not sure what to believe

That is fair it's just nice to have a conversation about it with out being called a Liar, Sexist, Racist etc!

Don't tell us what we are. We vote and discuss how we want to.

you have no choice in this election year/system.

I would like to believe this is true, but how many of our post make it to r/all that isnt anti Clinton?

Heck, how much post right now on the first 50 post of this sub that isnt about Clinton?

People who doesnt believe the influx of upvotes and anti Clinton post has nothing to do with Trump supporter is deluding themselves.

This really needs to be said? Is the collective i.q. dropping?

well you are verysmart, but others are not, especially trump supporters who like this place for attacking clinton. there is nothing wrong with a post like this once in a while.


Trump is a billionaire asshole who I wouldn't piss on if he was covered in molten lava. He's also about a million times more decent a human being than Hillary Clinton.

thats pretty extreme considering trump is accused of sexual assault, fraud, slander, xenophobia... how did you get such a low image of clinton? do you think she is a psychopath part of a global conspiracy? if you needed help with something, would you trust trump over clinton?

If I needed help from either one, I'd pour gasoline over myself and take up smoking.

Of course this sub attacks Hillary - she's not just a businessman-turned-candidate, she's a career politician who has spent the last 30 years on capitol hill. Now if he wins, afaic he becomes public enemy #1 at the moment he's sworn in - it's the nature of the presidency to have responsibility for the actions of the federal government when you are in charge of it. But until/unless he is he's just some rich casino-owning guy with a bad hairpiece, and is only attackable for his record of human exploitation thereof.

Meanwhile HRC is fucking murdering people(not even conspiracy here, just Syria/Afghanistan/Iraq etc etc.) on the public dime. Part of me wants him to win just to see if instead of the next Hitler he's the next Robespierre.

Part of me wants him to win just to see if instead of the next Hitler he's the next Robespierre.

Robespierre had a vision and a concept...Trump lacks both. Robespierre was a lunatic which tried to make the world a better place - Trump is a lunatic which doesn't give a damn about the world.

He and Pence on a Ticket is rather Kim-Jong Un meets Ali Kahmenei.

I can still hope that if he wins heads will roll, culminating in his own.

Don't try to take this away from me.

Yes! Trump!

Now, Trump!

Always, TRUMP!

He is our savior, and he will solve all of our problems including the national debt.



I'm not sure Hillary supporters are bright enough to understand this tbh

"While there are certainly a good amount of Trump supporters on this sub spreading anti-Clinton stories"

Let me guess, lol-bertarian?

Just remember if you use the Clinton campaign's false anti-Trump talking points/propaganda you will be met with resistance. We will not just take the false hood as fact and circle jerk on it like the other subs.. Besides that you are entitled to have whatever perspective you wish.

What is this purpose of this post?

to whine like little bitches about how reptiles from outer space are controlling our government

Did you read the op?

I don't understand why people arent down with him.

because he is insane?

Because the media says or have you met the guy

i am glad even most republicans recognize it. its not some media conspiracy. yeah the election system is fucked and clinton is not a great candidate and it sucks to not have any real choice... but trump is a fucktard and if you were not buying into his rediculous claims for some reason you would think of him as one too.


please try to watch this even if you disagree or hate the guy, just to test the waters, know your enemy. his pieces are well researched and he looked at both sides here.

The new ministry of truth.

And I'm trying to get you to stop anthropomorphizing the sub. If it was upvoted, then it was done by people.

I can still hope that if he wins heads will roll, culminating in his own.

Don't try to take this away from me.

Sounds like me. Personal freedoms are one of the holiest of things. But democrats hate them and want to take them away.