How to explain to sheep that they are sheep?

8  2016-10-12 by crybabyno1

I'm sure many of you are used to banging your head against a wall when you try to explain to people why a conspiracy is not completely crazy. Have any of you been successful getting through to people? If so, how?


I don't think you can. If someone isn't ready to hear it, they're not ready. If they are ready, the process happens naturally anyway.

For the people who are in the middle, the trick is to find whatever their issue(s) is. Everyone has something they care about that has been damaged by the machine. Find that thing and every time you interact with them, provide a little more context for why they should be outraged.

ex: someone really cares about nutrition. It's not too hard to show them how fucked big ag and pharma are, and from there you can throw in lobbying, or FDA being corrupt, or GMO/glyphosate/monsanto or whatever else.

I see. I suppose you're right. I get tired of people telling me I'm crazy and off the edge so that's why I'd like to explain but I guess it comes with the territory.

Thanks for the tip though!

People who get defensive when presented with the truth are easy to knock down with the socratic method. Either they'll open up or just double down on their denial and after a few minutes it's not hard to know which they're gonna choose. The ones who actively avoid revising their internal model of reality deserve what they'll get.

I watched something the other day that made all kinds of sense to me and I believe it's relevant. I'll paraphrase but basically they're supposed to be sheep. How else are they going to learn? They're supposed to be the way they are in order for them to grow.

If you accept that they are "sheep" then it gets easier to plant a seed in them to grow up.

I could be wrong but I'm going to assume you didn't start life "awake" and I'm pretty sure you aren't a sheep dog. (Meaning I don't think you're looking to control them).

Chances are a seed was planted in you by an event, a person, or it just happened out of the blue. Before you were a sheep, did someone try to debate or argue their point of view into you? If they did wouldn't you have resisted?

Anyone would resist another person they view as an equal or lesser attempting to tell them how they think is wrong.

So, if you want to reach the "sheep" then let them be sheep, and let yourself be yourself.

Patience, confidence, and acceptance are your answers. Plant the seed and give it time to sprout. Plant it confidently, just express your opinions without debating or arguing your point of view, that way you aren't "convincing" them you're just being genuine. Finally accept that not all soil is fertile, not all land can be cultivated, and some areas are in prolonged drought. Accept it, move on and be happy that you're growing and able to grow.

Hope this helps and answers your question.

The key is to understand the denial. Telling a person flat out they are a sheep is insulting their intelligence. Waking up a sheep needs to be done in baby steps. Start with something not so controversial or something the person can relate to.

For example, with my mom I started with vaccines. I chose it because she knows a lot of children with Autism, (and I chose not to vaccinate my son). I started by baiting her with snippets of information to lure her into asking questions. I would act just as surprised at the information I was reading as her, even though I may have read that article months prior. Then she made it a priority to do her own research. And bam. She's awake on one subject and she sees me as a credible source. So then I approach another subject and repeat.

It's a slow process and not everything hits. My mom is a Hillary Clinton supporter and still believes the official story of all the false flags.... but I am working on it. I fuck myself up by getting too passionate and making her defensive.

People like to live in their little boxes. I sometimes wish I could shake people awake. :0

use verifiable facts, presented in a rational, coherent way, to prove something is - or is not - the truth.
in my experience there are as many sheep who blindly follow conspiratorial bullshit merchants as those who blindly follow the official line every time. just because something opposes the mainstream point of view, doesn't mean it's the truth.
so the first step in convincing people you're telling the truth is ensuring it really is the truth you're telling, and not just an alternative lie.


Try asking them if they recall this quote:

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. - Aristotle

Try to establish agreement that this is a good premise to appreciate going forward with this discussion, and that you simply want to share what you believe and what specific thoughts and ideas led and continue to lead you to believe what you do, and that you are genuinely interested in and willing to entertain the thoughts and ideas which they have in response, so that you each might better understand each others viewpoints.

If you approach it this way you will instill a peacefulness about the conversation, dispelling any defensiveness and refusal to genuinely consider each others viewpoints. The simple realization that each of you can genuinely consider each others viewpoints without the need to accept them is powerful and turns the conversation into a thought provoking exchange of experience.

You will be delightfully surprised by how many conversational pathways will open up, and the more willing you are to listen and try to understand the others viewpoints, the more willing they will be to open up and be honest about what thoughts and ideas led them to believe what they do, and your reciprocation of that kind of willingness to open up and be honest about what thoughts and ideas led you to believe what you do will continually build trust in the positive outcomes of the conversation which are understandings.

Finally I'll leave you with another great quote which I recently discovered:

The teacher who is indeed wise does not bid you to enter the house of his wisdom but rather leads you to the threshold of your mind. -Khalil Gibran


First step: Stop calling them sheep. It's condescending and counterproductive to what you're trying to do

Sorry, I didn't mean to insult. I couldn't think of another word to explain what I meant. I don't call people sheep in this process. Sorry again! Do you have a suggestion for a different word? Now that I see it will be taken badly I want to change that in the title because I don't want to give the impression that that's is what I do. is that possible?( new to reddit)

It's not offensive to us. Just don't say it to them.

No, you can't change titles on Reddit. And the way I would rephrase your question is to ask, "How do you break through people's cognitive dissonance?"


you guys are way off...

You explain to the sheep, as a sheep. describe what you see in terms that are real for both of you. Make it real, don't try to manipulate their emotional thinking to shortcut to your "point". Explain to the sheep relevant information, don't impose ideas randomly. synchronicity is a helluva tool.

WE are losing this war because people like us do not have the social skills to lead an intellectual revolution.

First off, never call them "sheep." It's insulting and condescending, and instantly turns away them from your message.

I understand. I actually commented to the first person that said this that I don't tell people that and only used the term because I couldn't think of another one to get my point across I asked them if I could edit my title(new to reddit) and they told me it's not possible. I'm sorry I offended you, truly.

Fair enough, and apology accepted. I can tell you from person experience that I, and others, who may believe more "conventional" things (for lack of a better term) are often quite open to other ideas, even though we may still ultimately reject them. But as soon as we (especially in person) are called sheep, we're usually offended. It comes across so rudely, and insultingly, simply because we haven't (maybe just "yet") come to the same conclusions as others. It also indicates to us that the person we're talking to won't consider other possibilities themselves.

They had every opportunity in fifteen years to listen to the sheepdogs but didnt. Now you focus on you and your family and your intentional community and you let them die, otherwise they'll pull you down with them in murky waters if you attempt a rescue. Karma's a bitch.

Step 1 dont call them sheep.
Step 2 realize people will wake up on their own timetable,if ever
I don't care enough to try to wake people up

Fish won't discover water

Try using Syria. Ask them if they know what's happening there. Then they can even look it up if they want.

Russia is helping Syria defend itself against Isis. We are against Russia. .... We are helping Isis. Not "fighting terrorists"

That might wake a couple people up.

the same way they became a sheep in the 1st place you repeat and repeat and repeat and repeat again don't lose hope one day they'll see the truth

Actually, this is how I finally broke throuh to my parents. And I considered it important because my dad has almost always been involved in local politics... And now probably more regional politics, mostly surrounding transportation and urban development. I think his point about the world not being out to get you is correct. Nobody is specifically targetting you (most most likely). What is however happening is that most individuals are concerned for themselves and their entertainment/quality of life above your ability to even survive. In other words, everyone is simply self-interested with appearances of being altruistic at times. I have my serious doubts that any human is able to be truly altruistic in this environment.

Cite academic sources for why your argument makes sense. People seem to invariably believe something scientific, and making your point with conviction and a trustworthy source makes a ton of difference.

Google Scholar is your friend.

Look in the mirror, there you will see a sheep who thinks he isn't. Start with that one.

I know what I am. I am aware that I am a sheep. We all are. I don't think many people aren't in one way or another. The point of the question was to ask others how they get across to people that they are as well so as to be able to have discussions on these topics.

My response stands. Forget about changing other people's minds. You need to look at yourself. You are in no position to judge others.

I never said I was judging them. I explained above that I used the term because I didn't know how else to explain it. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. And I'm sorry if I am offending or angering you. My condition is this: I am being herded as we all are and I see the slaughter house and I'm walking with my fellow circle of sheep all surrounding me. I get scared and I baa an anxious baa and my eyes are bulging and my fellow sheep ignore me or tell me or I'm crazy or I'm paranoid or I need help. And I keep walking and not only am I sacred and angry for what is to come but I am lonely and self conscious and I just wish I could talk to my sheep friends about these anxieties but they won't listen and they insult ME. So I'm sorry that I insulted you. I didn't mean to. And I didn't mean to imply that I think I am superior or whatever you are thinking. I am a sheep and I will die a sheep. I am a lonely self conscious sheep because my sheep herd thinks I'm crazy and stupid who wants help on how to talk to other sheep about this. I'm sorry I offended you.

I understand, no need to apologize. You need to do yourself a favor and remove these ideas from your mind. You are not a sheep. you are not being herded. You are human, you are an animal, but the highest functioning of all animals on this planet. The things you see and feel hurt you deeply, because you allow them to. You think actual sheep worry about what the farmer is up to? What would that gain them in the long run? We are all going to die someday... whether we are slaughtered for meat, or die of old age, we all have a brief time to live our lives and then it doesn't matter anymore. Stop wasting your time worrying about "The Powers That Be". They don't actually control you unless you allow them to. Your friends don't want to hear this shit, because they don't care about such things. What do you honestly hope to accomplish? Are you going to confront "The Powers That Be" and try to remove them from power? Don't be silly. They have put actual time, money, and effort into gaining the power they have. You haven't earned a damn thing yet.

Forget being a sheep. Stop calling others sheep. Live your life dude, it's all you will ever have. "The Powers That Be" want you to walk in a circle, worrying, and in fear, so that you die someday accomplishing nothing but worry and fear. Change your path. Stop pretending you are part of a flock and start acting like a man. Do what you want to do, but don't harm others. Say what you want to say, but only to those who you trust. Most of all, just blend in, don't draw attention to yourself. You know things that most do not want to know. Keep it that way. Protect yourself, educate yourself, and then have children someday and teach them to do the same.

Incredibly wise words.

Thank you very much.

No problem. Your comment resonated deeply with me, as I was once the same way many years ago when I was much younger. I was in a dark place, and I did nothing but hide away from the world.

Thankfully, that all changed. I now have a family and a better attitude, similar to yours.

I tend to stay away from this sub to avoid such negativity, but check it occasionally. Contributers like you are a breath of fresh air.

I tend to stay away from this sub to avoid such negativity

I tend to stick around to fight against it. I've been temp banned from this subreddit three or four times so far for fighting the good fight. I will continue to do so. Good health to you and yours.

I get what you're saying. The whole sheep thing I said was a metaphor, however. I'm not actually afraid of death or think I am actually a sheep with like four legs headed to a slaughterhouse. But yeah what you're saying is right and I appreciate you taking the time to say it. My friends don't want to hear it because of what you said and I guess I wanted to know if it would be possible to have those connections with them but sometimes you can't. If you actually want to know what I hope to accomplish or how I want to live my life I'd be happy to tell you in a PM. Otherwise, I appreciate your input :)

If you actually want to know what I hope to accomplish or how I want to live my life I'd be happy to tell you in a PM.

You don't need to answer the question for me, so long as you know the answer.


Strength in numbers

You'll be slaughtered before them, what happens to the sheep that try and dig under the fence/break thru the bushes?

This is true.

I see. I suppose you're right. I get tired of people telling me I'm crazy and off the edge so that's why I'd like to explain but I guess it comes with the territory.

Thanks for the tip though!

People who get defensive when presented with the truth are easy to knock down with the socratic method. Either they'll open up or just double down on their denial and after a few minutes it's not hard to know which they're gonna choose. The ones who actively avoid revising their internal model of reality deserve what they'll get.

Strength in numbers

You'll be slaughtered before them, what happens to the sheep that try and dig under the fence/break thru the bushes?