/r/politics is actively blocking any negative post about Hillary Clinton's speeches

574  2016-10-12 by [deleted]

It's gotten to the point where they don't even let you post the story and then they take it down, it just says "that post has already been submitted" without taking you to the supposed post like it does with literally anything else or on any other subreddit.

I tried posting two different stories about Hillary's speeches, one of them about her marijuana comments, and both times it did that to me. This is some Orwellian shit on the private scale. It should tell you that if Clinton is going to sanction this much propaganda and censorship now, what kind of evil schemes will she pull off in office?


/r/politics is a cesspool.

It's a real shame that there's no way to publicly shame the subreddit, as Reddit is owned by publicly traded companies, and what they're doing is pretty much shitting in their own kitchen. If I were on a board of directors, I'd definitely be concerned with how reddit and that sub in particular is manipulating content and alienating their users.

But the moneeeeeeyyy

They are shitting on the right of free speech as well

Reddit censoring content on their own website has nothing to do with right of free speech. They're just showing that Reddit doesn't have free speech.

However, last year a bunch of reddit administrators claimed the site was a bastion of free speech which turned out to be a lie.

I honestly thought they were just censoring me at first. But now i see its almost everyone that has something negative to say about Hillary. Also Reddit is not the only social media doing it, Facebook is censoring like this too. Technically we should be happy to have /conspiracy. But i can also see that people start to realize what is going on, so they just make it worst on themselves, especially because you get millennials in Reddit who actually know how to use Technology and jump around to connect the dots.


Facebook is censoring like this too.

Noticed this on FB a few weeks ago after Trump's medical records were released.

A FB friend claimed Trump was "obese" due to BMI over 30. Well, I found numerous sources quoting different BMIs - 29.5 (not obese) and 30.3 (obese).

To demonstrate this, I tried posting a CNN article with the 29.5 number and a NY Times article with the 30.3 number. Can you guess which link Facebook had banned for some reason?

Hmmm a wild guess 29.5????

By the way i just realized the seriousness of the matter and the fact that we speak about censoring and sharing Wikileaks link etc on social media, i think its better to keep our mouths shut, delete our accounts and hope they will forgive us. I mean if you think about the extend of craziness and effort going on to censor this stuff imagine what they will do to us if we keep it this way. With all respect i am out, this is where i draw the line, i definitely dont want to commit suicide or anything similar. It doesn't really matter anyway, it will still go their way, i would recommend you rethink what is going on too and keep your mouth shut too. Its corruption like never seen before and they get away with it, we're like a walk in the park to clean us up.

I am officially a Hillary supporter, everything i said and posted it wasn't really me, my account was hacked by Russians and they posted all those stuff against my personal beliefs and consent.

Hillary for president 2016 😁 Go girl 😜

also they put in typos and change wording after posts i go back and correct mine constantly

they try to make truth look like jibberish

They are allowed to censor whatever they want. That's not the point, the point is that the sub claims to be non biased, but is in fact one of the most biased places on the entire internet. r/the_donald is biased , but admit so openly, r/politics is just as biased the other direction but pretends to not be.

reddit is a whore. they treat the users are the product. wcgw?

I think Anonymous has a little work to do around the corner at r/politics

I used to like r/politics... now, any comment I post gets Dow voted past -40... comments are hidden at that point... people open them up, down vote them, en mass..

Every single comment that isn't pro Hillary gets down voted... keeps me from commenting. They have taken over that sub... it's so awful.

Frustrates me so much.

It used to be very anti Hillary, which is fair because there is a lot of crap she brings to the table, even when the shills were active.

I saw this on some posts here a few months ago, and I belief I observed it at the time as well, that because the million dollar shill program saw it wasn't working to make a turd look shiny, they've decided to focus on how much a turd the other guy acts like.

That seemed to have worked wonderfully as now the hivemind is successfully obsessed with it, or the shills have increased (perhaps both, but the hivemind definitely shifted).

The reason why hiveminds are exist and work so powerfully by the way, is because all people have a desire to connect with life, most people do that primarily through social bonding, by feeling part of a group, and that works via reddit as well.

I'm pretty sure someone shared a Podesta email which discussed this change in tactics. The move from trying to highlight how Hillary is the rational politician compared to Trump and Sanders to how Trump and Sanders (or their supporters) are stupid/uneducated/unexperienced/crazy.

Fuck r/politics. I was scrolling through my links the other day at all the non-stop Shillary propaganda and was like "If there was only some way to stop seeing this crap.... Oh yeah. Unsubscribe from r/politics."

I decided to get banned instead. I told them they are morons if they think forcing trump to drop out will do hrc more good than harm. Than had an emoticon battle with the mod who striked me more of a wsb mod

Seriously. Let the shills and r/politics drown in their own piss & vinegar.

The politics subreddit is being manipulated to hell and back. Its the most blatantly obvious thing ive seen in a long time. No shame in their fucking game.

What a joke, the only story about wikileaks on /r/politics is about a recipe: np.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/574i5l/wikileaks_reveals_john_podestas_secret_for_making/

If you've read the emails, you know they love to "marginalize" issues. Therefore in most of the MSM nobody talks about the behind the scenes corruption, they only care about the alien banter, Chelsea being a brat, and fucking b/s recipes. Awful.

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The alien shit is very very very real and extremely serious. It basically has 100% connection to the corruption that we've seen in the last 100 (possibly more) years. Start reading John Mack, and just read read read on.

Honestly, I feel like the shill-army is doing her campaign more harm than good. No one even takes the slightest pro-Hillary comment seriously now. It's getting to the point where people universally assume anything not-terrible about her is paid content.

Exactly, basically crying wolf except they cried about unfavorable Clinton posts.

Boycot that shit. DoS or something.

Fuck that sub. I'll never go there

/r/politics should be renamed to /r/WelickHillarysass.

Trump being a kid fucker is dominating the headlines over there that's why

What the fuck is wrong with those people?

Let's just rephrase that to - they have been fanatically blocking ANYTHING negative related to that scumbag bimbo.

I mean shit, let's be honest here.

I got blocked from commenting on a Celebrity Gossip (!!) site because I kind of critiqued her majesty's debate performance. This is getting really weird!

of course they are. they are an arm of the HRC campaign and will do anything to see her elected

I'll admit that the Bernie posts basically always getting to the top of /r/politics was pretty bad. But I never imagined this.


it's being submitted like every hour and downvoted. Read the pro HRC Comments, I think it's the same guy replying to himself.

Kinda sad and hilarious at the same time.

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I posted to the subreddit earlier, and while it did not get deleted, it has remained at exactly zero even though a good amount of shills have commented with attacks on why the video I posted was "highly" edited and displayed "entrapment" because the people in the video were "baited" and filmed without knowing.

I have been on Reddit for years now and have proof in my karma that I'm not only posting to further a political agenda. Shit, most of my posts are with r/makeupaddiction. I hate how censored things have become on that sub in such a short amount of time.

You need to brows the official American Propaganda Channel aka /r/politics from this URL /r/politics/controversial/

Everything those David Brock’s team of “nerd virgins” downvotes, is right there.

NB! When searched, lets make word "propaganda" to point to /r/politics https://np.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/56ya63/when_searched_lets_make_word_propaganda_to_point/d8ncfql

But at the same time isn't r/conspiracy ignoring the majority of anti-trump propaganda and focusing solely on Clinton? Take a look for yourselves, but it seems like r/conspiracy may be leaning pretty far to the right.

Much of the Clinton opposition came to conspiracy because they couldn't/can't get a word or post to stick because of organizations and strategies like CTR. It is a concerted effort and is a conspiracy to suppress unfavorable Clinton news and posts.

There are other more neutral settings/political sub reddits to post until the CTR ilk infects them.

It needs to be said that a great number of progressives are disgusted with the Clinton campaign. The majority of Sanders supporters can be found calling out the shills.

I would imagine that a lot of us hate Trump just as much. But we know he's just a small time crook, and the juiciest bits from him aren't exciting conspiracy scavenger hunts.

One corrupt candidate has been a powerful politician for thirty years.

The other corrupt candidate is an asshole media reality star.

Why do you think we take one more seriously than the other?


Removed, please read rule 10, 1st warning.

Very valid point

Not really. All he is saying is "why don't we hate trump" . He's ignoring that you can get your anti trump news everywhere else, but not Hillary (not without being removed). He also generalizes everyone into Trump lovers, only for hating Clinton. It's backwards logic.

You assumed that he generalized you guys into trump lovers. All he did was point out (accurately) the lack of anti-trump news. I personally dont care for either one but he has a valid point...still.

I never said this sub is a group of Trump lovers. And maybe it is the groups I associate with, but Clinton has been getting much more heat in this election cycle than Trump. Maybe I see this because I do not watch the news anymore and gather my own information. But from what I have seen on Reddit, the dirt that comes up from trump gets completely disregarded while everything Clinton does/ has done is looked at under a microscope.

Try this: search for trump under r/conspiracy and see how it compares to the posts about Clinton. Spoiler alert: it's not even close. I support neither candidate, however, this sub is doing everything it can to bash Clinton and nothing at all to show the dirt that Trump is/has been involved in.

the trump stuff is everywhere though... that's the front page of r/politics... and it's not usually conspiracies it's just him being awful

Go to /r/politics if you want bad trump news. This sub is focused on talking about news that either is buried or not discussed atm. All of Trump's issues are right out in the open. You have to dig to find the latest news on yas queen.

Dig? More like turn on an AM radio.

Well, MSM seems to do a fine job covering Trump's shortcomings.

Put yourself in their shoes. If Clinton doesn't win presidency, them and their friends are probably going to prison.

Wouldn't you throw 110% at shilling social media if you were going to be thrown under the bus if she lost?

Poor shills. They must be stressing the fuck out right now.

So you're whinging because r/politics won't let you troll them?

If you weren't so blinded with racist hate you'd actually realize that you were in the wrong.

Go buy another roll of tin foil.

Forgot the /s

Do your shilling elsewhere shill

Fuck tin foil, I want to amplify the mind control rays. I use a gold leaf and iridium impregnated copper hat, it's curly. Gimmie that sweet sweet lobotomizing mind control.

I'm pretty sure someone shared a Podesta email which discussed this change in tactics. The move from trying to highlight how Hillary is the rational politician compared to Trump and Sanders to how Trump and Sanders (or their supporters) are stupid/uneducated/unexperienced/crazy.