The current situation we find ourselves

46  2016-10-13 by [deleted]



Things are heating up. Having watched this slow motion train wreck develop over the last couple years as an objective observer, It was Russia's exposing the US/Israel control and support of ISIS on Syria that wigged out the neocon cabal in Washington and the Zionist in Tel-Aviv.

This is a time that is ripe for a major false flag event to take place. Not the "terrorist" shooter in Paris type, but more so the a spectacular and shocking psychological event like 9/11. I hope to Christ not, but that window in time is right about now given all the propaganda and fear conditioning coming out of the MSM.

The MSM is constantly giving out clues to what lies ahead in our future. They are in the business of manufacturing a reality to benefit the elite after all.

Well said.

Hrm. lets all speculate. Any old aircraft carriers floating around waiting to sink?

My bet is a dirty bomb because that's what's been tested in the media. Also very easy to do and the fallout will distract the news cycle for months. Plus the fear will be off the charts in all major cities.

Don't underestimate the power a new and unknown threat would have over people.

Tinfoil hat warning, but the media has been training us on what a dirty bomb is(and that we are really afraid of them) for so long that I feel like we're almost overdue at this point.

yep that's my reasoning too. it's such a horrible thing that the US (edit: globalist elite) would never use one. Unthinkable.




GOD damn it man, I dont want to be nuked because of some psychopaths!

Said every human ever.....I'd rather be vaporized than struggle with radiation sickness, not much of a choice as you correctly pointed out.

Stfu dirty goyim and respect your zionist overlords!


I hope you have a gun at least to end it quickly.

'Fraid not, I just hope it won't be like Hiroshima. Newer nuclear weapons arent as dirty as the old ones are they? I fucking hope not anyway...

I have an Idea, but I'll need someone else to help me. I'll call the White house saying I'm Putin, while the other someone calls The Kremlin up pretending to be Obama. We tell the real Presidents that we are sorry for being dicks to them and we don't really want to have a War with each other because, honestly, we think they are alright. Pacify the whole situation and people will be none the wiser. Crisis averted. It's at least worth a shot, right?

To save the world. One must troll the world. Someone call skankhunt42


what's wrong with piss porn?


if it were diarrhea porn, then it might be somewhat questionable.

We all have our limits.

I'm practicing my Vlad accent now... Let me know the when we're on!

Pity the president is just a figurehead and a puppet for the petrocrats and has absolutely no control over anything