Wikileaks: You can NOT make this stuff up! Secretary Paulson pushed the bailout Bill through Congress, created a list of candidates, Obama picked one, and that person managed the entire TARP program!

202  2016-10-13 by austenten

The Quadrangle Group (multi-billion dollar investment firm) seems to have drafted this plan and pitched it to Obama via Podesta.

Secretary Paulson has indicated he would like to have you (Obama) choose among a list of candidates he will develop for the new position of an Assistant Secretary for Financial Stability, who will manage the TARP and related programs.

SOURCE - see attached

TIME lists Secretary Paulson in their: "25 people to blame for the financial crisis" because he pushed the bailout bill through congress!

"Me? Oh So you waited while the economy crashed, you then created a mandatory unprecedented bank-welfare LAW, then you basically chose who would likely manage over $1 trillion in corporate donations? Well sir, I think it's a winning strategy!"


Didn't the Treasury department administer TARP? So wouldn't it make sense that Paulson pushed the bill and picked the leadership?

Maybe I'm missing something here, but it seems like the bigger issue is that Hank was CEO and Chairman of Goldman prior to his role as secretary.

Treasury is the umbrella department. You think there's no director? This short post says Elizabeth Warren was TARPs lead administrator.

The question now, was she on the list that Paulson crafted? Isn't EW adored by many? This might shine a light on a ever so slightly darker side, but it's not like she's done something bad. She was merely chosen I guess.

Warren was head of the congressional oversight panel which served as watchdog to monitor TARP spending indiscretions.

Neel Kashkari was Paulson's assigned administrator who oversaw the distribution of funds.

Nice thanks for the clarification.

Doesn't change the fact that a crook watched it all come down, and that same crook chooses who gives away tax payer money.

oh beyond that- the crook in question played a significant role in BRINGING it all down and then distributing government funds to his crook friends.

aside from paying very little in tax under the bush statutes when cashing out his $600 million in Goldman Equity prior to the 2008 crash, he was quite literally "possibly" engaged in feeding information for insider trading to his buddies at the big banks while sitting as secretary of treasury.

The secretary, then 62, went on to describe a possible scenario for placing Fannie and Freddie into “conservatorship” — a government seizure designed to allow the firms to continue operations despite heavy losses in the mortgage markets…

Paulson explained that under this scenario, the common stock of the two government-sponsored enterprises, or GSEs, would be effectively wiped out…

The fund manager who described the meeting left after coffee and called his lawyer. The attorney’s quick conclusion: Paulson’s talk was material nonpublic information, and his client should immediately stop trading the shares of Washington- based Fannie and McLean, Virginia-based Freddie.

Hank Paulson basically walked out of Goldman Sachs (conveniently cashing out equity that wouldn't normally vest), was appointed Secretary of the Treasury, created the largest financial bailout in American history, then dipped back out of public view.

There aren't too many more 'in your face' conspiracies than that.

Yup, by Jan 2016, three head Fed gig vacancies were all filled by Goldman Sachs veterans.

An analysis we performed earlier this year found that, of the 108 Federal Reserve Bank directors, all but 15 have a background in the corporate or financial sectors.

Why Do Former Goldman Sachs Bankers Keep Landing Top Slots at the Federal Reserve?

Wasnt tarp passed by Bush? Paulson served under Bush, what's Obama got to do with it?

As the attachment reads, dated Oct 26, 2008...

TO:  Senator Obama

Don't forget TARP started with Bush if I remember correctly. They all work for the same corporations.

Agreed, the attachment was addressed directly TO: Senator Obama.

They're all in a cramped room full of crooks, testing, bribing, one upping, blackmailing, and doing favors for each other.