Think logically, the words "wet works" are not something used in everyday language. If that's true, what does that mean?

360  2016-10-13 by Tha_Dude_Abidez


The only time I've heard the phrase wet work it meant contract killing. This message may be code.

I had never heard of this before but apparently it's in urban dictionary, Wikipedia and it's autosuggested by Google as a definition

Is there any more context to this message? Is the email that it's a reply to available?

It is absolutely amazing to me how quickly things get downvoted


Yep, proven time and time again.

Removed & warning. Rule 10.

Demons run amok on the internet and vote/ reply far faster than any human could. Also:

Wetwork is a euphemism for murder or assassination, alluding to spilling blood. The expression "wet work", as well as the similar "wet job", "wet affair", or "wet operation", are all calques of the euphemism used by the KGB for such activities, mokroye delo (wet dealings). These operations are reputed to have been handled at the KGB by Spetsbureau 13, colorfully known as the "Department of wet affairs" (Otdel mokrykh del) - wiki

Jesus man. I can't tell you how much I'm hoping you're half crazy. Regardless, you spent alot of time on this. Great dedication!

It's all true, my good man. At least, to the best of my knowledge.

The good news? It's all a fear-deception and nothing to worry about. Only what you fear can hurt you.

Dude, you're a bit nuts, you know that? Also, I'm a human.

Are you completely human?

I'm completely human.

And yet you have the same 'advice' as the demons. Funny how that works.

Your test is lunacy, man. Don't you have the self awareness to see that you're being paranoid? You have delusions of grandeur and delusions of persecution. No one is after you. I mean, who do you think you are? Do you think you're fucking Neo, or Jesus Christ? Newsflash: There are lunatic asylums full of people like you. Some of them think aliens are after them, and they truly believe it, to the same degree that you do. Some of them think the government is spying on them. Your thing is that you think demons are after you.

It's sad to see someone descend into madness. I got love for my fellow man. It's pathetic that I have to pepper in all the right answers to your insane witch hunt test designed to prove that everyone who disagrees with you is a demon.

Which is more likely? That you're the center of some vast conspiracy ran by demons? Or, that you're experiencing a psychotic break from reality?

When one of your criteria for someone being a demon is them telling you to get some help, you're just going to create an echo chamber of lunatics. You keep going down this road, you're gonna wind up in the looney bin.

Don't you have the self awareness to see that you're being paranoid?

What paranoid things have you seen me saying? I don't think anyone/ anything is after me, I'm just aware of how infested we are with a spiritual parasite.

Do you think you're fucking Neo, or Jesus Christ?

No and no. If I had to pick a fictional role model, it'd be the Muad'dib.

Which is more likely? That you're the center of some vast conspiracy ran by demons? Or, that you're experiencing a psychotic break from reality?

Neither of these things is likely at all. Neither is true. I'm playing god's game; we're all in the 'demon conspiracy'.

You believe in God?

Which one? The Christian one?

If so, why is there so much suffering in the world? Why did God create those wasps that lay eggs in caterpillars that eat them alive?

If God is all knowing, and all powerful, why do you think demons exist? Wouldn't an all loving, all knowing, all powerful creator know better than to create some sort of fucked up malevolent being?

I always thought the Gnostics were on to something. The god of the material world, which they called the Demiurge, lacked the perfection of the creator of the spiritual universe.

Also, do you believe in Jesus?

You believe in God?
Which one? The Christian one?

Nope. I believe in god, the force that made us something instead of nothing. The 'God' featured in le holy bible is a fictional character.

If so, why is there so much suffering in the world?

Because we slowly but surely allowed ourselves to be deceived by Evil. This existence is our test.

If God is all knowing, and all powerful, why do you think demons exist? Wouldn't an all loving, all knowing, all powerful creator know better than to create some sort of fucked up malevolent being?

Without Evil, man could not be. Our universe is one of balance. We (us actual-humans) are the balance between the Infinite Love of our creator and the Evil that exists in this reality.

I always thought the Gnostics were on to something.

Hey hey, I'm a gnostic! Thanks!

Also, do you believe in Jesus?

I believe Jesus was an entity that came back to this reality (according to the Law of One to help us with our spiritual development.

I also believe every religion that prays in his name has missed his most important of lessons: Don't make an idol of me.

Well then to be completely honest, I'm golden man. I'm not one that fears much.

March on, quirky soldier.

You too my friend!

Edit: added this:

"The people you meet who're friendly and welcoming? Human."

That would be me dude :)

Nice try but too obvious. There's a certain edge to these sorts of crazies that you just didn't match. You tried to make it too logical, but you needed to add stuff like "and for the reason that 39 is a variant of the Sigma Codex as described by Elroy Grunderson, you can be certain to encounter demons at the mall especially". Man you guys suck, at just everything you do.

What are you rambling about?

Didn't you know? Shills try to discredit our community by posting bullshit theories like we all believe them, in this case that anyone who disagrees is a demon, but whoever wrote this one failed to capture the essence of a real crazy person.

You wanna get downvotes fast? Go to /r/writing and say negative things about TS Eliot. Woo boy, they don't take kindly to that...

It is absolutely amazing to me how quickly things get downvoted

That's a pretty misguided comment, seeing as your post has a 96% upvote rate.

Yeah, it's risen now but when I first posted this it was downvoted tremendously twice.

When there is genuine brigading we want to know about it, but all this crying wolf because of a couple of downvotes is reaching epidemic proportions and it's not helpful.

Watch Kay Griggs videos. It's covert military term for killing, but without the 's'.

the s is likely somebody not 100% up on covert lingo.

or PLURAL as in a series of planned 'accidental' and 'natural' deaths...

Rich, Lucas, Scalia and the others.

the Godmother wished it and Podesta Elmendorf and Brock obliged.


The interview is about 8 hours long, but she talks about it at least a couple of times.

Thank you

No problem.

I think there definitely might be something to it, and it needs to be looked into further. This thread is looking for info on the Judge who declared Scalia dead without seeing the body - over the phone: She's a ghost, could be a spook.

It's right there on Wikipedia.

Anyone else remember about Nixon's "Plumbers" who "fixed leaks"

Re: Watergate, Kennedy's Assassination , Jack Ruby.

I'd never heard of "Nixon's Plumbers", but it does roll off the tongue nicely...


They have also been referred to as "The Whitehouse Plumbers. "

It's used every few days if you're a corrupt government official!

The guy Podesta is talking to, Elmendorf, big time lobbyist and Monsanto guy. Ranked as one of the most powerful on capitol hill. Someone in the know, and someone every day Americans should be aware of.

Wait - wasn't Monsanto mentioned in that one anon FBI response on /pol/ in relation to Scalia's death? Anyone have a link to it? It's not really something I saved.

Thank you.

It means exactly what it's supposed to mean...Remember they never did an autopsy....

And here comes the second wave of downvoting

Reminds me of the scene in Horrible Bosses

Perhaps they allude to [NSFW] /r/gonewild ?

Or ...

Wetwork is a euphemism for murder or assassination, alluding to spilling blood. The expression "wet work", as well as the similar "wet job", "wet affair", or "wet operation", are all calques of the euphemism used by the KGB for such activities, mokroye delo (wet dealings).[1] These operations are reputed to have been handled at the KGB by Spetsbureau 13, colorfully known as the "Department of wet affairs" (Otdel mokrykh del).[2][3]

The Russian expression "wet job" (мокрое дело) can be traced to at least the 19th century[4][5] from Russian criminal slang (fenya, muzyka) and originally meant robbery that involved murder, i.e., spilling blood.

Kind of like Larry Silverstein's "Pull it". It's really only used in specific "industries". They think people are stupid.

Slippery slope

What do you mean man?

A slippery slope. A government official says or does something illegal or immoral. Then, more officials do it. Repeadtly. Kinda like one kid being allowed to eat cake so the other thinks that means them too. Something like Watergate is the aftermath of a slippery slope

I thought wet-works was cia soeak for assassinations

This podcast from 1998 cites the only usage of "wet works" in its usual context. It refers to a clandestine political assassination:

Assassination. I'm not a storm trooper, the Jedi mind trick doesn't work on me. I'm not "confused" on what the term "wet work" means.

We sometimes use the phrase at work, in my steel making plant. But i doubt hes doing any sort in quench tanks.

"wet" means blood AFAIK. the term was originally used by thugs and assassins to describe a type of job involving murdering people?

Are you asking what it means, OP?

Because the only time I've heard the term used was to refer to a military operation involving target assassination, or a mission that is likely to accumulate a large body count.

Didn't think wet works meant pool parties at the Vineyard.

This sentence appears alone, without context. Elmendorf's email contains nothing else. It's sensible to assume that this is a reply.

Here, Elmendorf is stating that he is aware of the nature of the "wet works" which are to occur, and verifying that he and Podesta both know it. "Wet works" had already been entered into the context of the discussion, probably by Podesta, who may have then asked for confirmation from Elmendorf that he understood the meaning.

Elmendorf is making clear that he understands that the "wet works" to come are not "pool parties at the Vineyard". Whether or not Podesta and Elmendorf have engaged in pool parties at a vineyard together is not important. Maybe they move in circles where pool parties at a vineyard are common. The meaning in Elmendorf's message is that he is aware that what is coming on the "bad night" in question is not "fun and games", but rather serious business.

Podesta replies to Elmendorf's acknowledgement with:

I am all in

Sounds like it will be a bad nite , we all need to buckle up and double down

Podesta here acknowledges that he is aware of the serious nature of the upcoming event.

Three days later, Scalia was dead.

spot on. It's a reply to a previous conversation where the term was used. He was stating "yes I know what it means and it doesn't mean "pool parties at the Vineyard"

the word "meant" is past tense in that sentence showing it's a reply to a previous convo.

mokroye delo (Russian for 'wet jobs', meaning KGB-murder) was used in many cold war stories, books, movies and newspapers as far back as the 1980's.

It became quite popular for a while after the 'umbrella with poisoned tip'-murder of Georgi Markov in 1978

Is he saying that he's confirming that wet works are not something to do with getting wet/being in a pool but is instead the covert term that we are all thinking it means, i.e. to murder someone/take someone out.

They are talking about the primary where Bernie murdered Hillary.

Hence the previous email where he mentions bedwetters, or the people who were afraid Hillary was losing.

It really sucks that this isn't getting any second glances from the mainstream media. Maybe we need to create T-shirts and go to some rallies. No shit guys. If anything, surely the anons in the cities these fucks visit can put on something that points people to this Wikileak.

So if we think logically, then Podesta is discussing operational planning of the assassination of a Supreme Court justice over his email? Why, that's completely illogical!

hey guys, i got my tinfoil hat on here
so i was interested in the
"pool parties"
so i went into wikileaks and nothing, so "vineyard" was a hit, nothing special, just mentioned marthas vineyard.... okay so go with me here, get your hats too!

so, i googled marthas vineyard pool party (do it too! its fun!) and got a hit on Malia (obamas kid) getting into trouble at a party there....

i was like okay, thats cool but it was in august, lets see if i can glean anything from the article anyways..

turns out obama has a summer retreat in marthas vineyard
pool parties?!?!

actually though, this guy could be saying to the other, "who woulda thought we would be pool partying with the president cause of this?"
marthas vineyard mansion

Wet works may be referring to the computer chip in Clinton's brain or the chips preventing her from stroking out

If you read the preceding email, it makes sense that podesta is making a pun, a joke, in reference to the term bed-wetter. This is a distraction, probably planted by CTR to make us look stupid. exactly what someone who works for CTR would say!

Link to the preceding email?

Sometimes wet works means assassination and sometimes pool party at the vineyard means hanging out with a bunch of rich ducks shooting quail. But interesting enough- Scalia supposedly died in his bed. A bed-wetter?

Wet works at the pool party. All puns, coded speak for their blood sacrifices.

You have to read the email that precedes it. Do some digging.

theres no email preceding that, itd be relatively easy for you to win the argument with a link

Link to the email you're referencing?

I don't know how to search it. It's out there. The guy talks about bed-wetters, meaning weak supporters.


I got wet at work today.


Yes, but you are an assassin.

I'm completely human.

Your test is lunacy, man. Don't you have the self awareness to see that you're being paranoid? You have delusions of grandeur and delusions of persecution. No one is after you. I mean, who do you think you are? Do you think you're fucking Neo, or Jesus Christ? Newsflash: There are lunatic asylums full of people like you. Some of them think aliens are after them, and they truly believe it, to the same degree that you do. Some of them think the government is spying on them. Your thing is that you think demons are after you.

It's sad to see someone descend into madness. I got love for my fellow man. It's pathetic that I have to pepper in all the right answers to your insane witch hunt test designed to prove that everyone who disagrees with you is a demon.

Which is more likely? That you're the center of some vast conspiracy ran by demons? Or, that you're experiencing a psychotic break from reality?

When one of your criteria for someone being a demon is them telling you to get some help, you're just going to create an echo chamber of lunatics. You keep going down this road, you're gonna wind up in the looney bin.