The Reddit admins have banned all users of /r/the_donald from mentioning /r/politics in their submissions or comments; in what seems to be a blatant attempt to veil the underhanded moderation tactics of reddit's most notoriously manipulated subreddit.

1272  2016-10-14 by AssuredlyAThrowAway

Following a week of steady criticism directed at reddit, after news leaked that the site had became embroiled in a congressional subpoena regarding Paul Combetta, staffers at Assuredly A News Agency have been informed via sources that a high-level meeting was called today between the reddit admins, and the head-moderators of /r/the_donald, in order to demand that users of the subreddit be prohibited from mentioning corruption on /r/politics.

It is understood that the administrators of have told the largest Republican subreddit on their platform, in no uncertain terms, that even mentioning the name of "/r/politics" in a submission title or comment is a violation of the site wide terms of service; specifically as they apply to "brigading other communities".

Many users of /r/the_donald, and else where around reddit, were outraged at this action on behalf of the reddit administrators; as this policy prohibiting mention of //rpolitics directly undermines the ability of the reddit community at large to engage in effective oversight of corrupt moderation.

In a heart-stopping example, just today a thread pointing out the "blackout" occurring in /r/politics with regards to the recent Podetta Email leaks was ordered to be removed at the behest of reddit admins.

This newest revelation is perhaps no surprise, as, for many weeks now, subreddits like /r/undelete and /r/the_donald have spent countless hours crowd-sourcing oversight of the moderation on /r/politics, and what was uncovered sends chills down the spine of those who seek a news aggregate with integrity; a nearly endless pattern of pro-Hillary stories were being flooded to /r/politics, while any anti-Hillary or Pro-Donald Trump posts were being removed with prejudice.

In an even more dramatic turn of events, submissions which aimed to paint Donald Trump in a negative light were also being removed the second that their respective comment sections turned against the conclusions of the article.

Many users on the popular networking site are in open revolt as a result of today's demand on the part of the reddit admins, and this may perhaps be a result of damning new information just coming to light which seems to show that all donations from reddit employees during this year's campaign cycle have gone to Democrats.

In an ill-fated attempt to quell user outrage, reddit admin "redtaboo" was quoted this week as saying, with regards to accusations of corruption on the part of the moderators in /r/politics;

In the case of /r/politics there has never been any proof of wrongdoing.

However, some are wondering just how impartial the reddit admins may be during this contentious election; as it seems to be very clear that /r/politics is being shielded from any potential criticism by the owners of reddit itself.

This type of behavior on the part of the reddit admins demonstrates, quite openly, that they are unable to effectively provide oversight in order to thwart third-party conflicts of interest on their platform; a conclusion which suggests congress's interest in the platform may only just have begun.


Calling for a sticky, mods..

edit: /u/flytape, /u/Ambiguously_Ironic, /u/mr_dong, /u/SovereignMan, /u/jamescolespardon, /u/sabremesh. This deserves it. I'm conjuring you all... I don't do that lightly...

I second this please.

I third this.

I fourth this.

I fifth this

I'm not sure whether I sixth or thirteenth this...

I never post in here. But the manipulation going on in the politics subreddit is unbelivable

This. I called this in a different sub when ICANN was taking over a while back. The future is very bleak if the grassroots movement of suppression of free speech will be ridiculously stronger in the future. I fear to imagine what the average person will be highly restricted to talk about much less post online.

Is it brigading when pol calls out the donald sub in a post?

I think I'll throw a fourth in there again myself


I this this.


I twelfth this

When asking on the bug sub about /u/ call outs not working i was informed that tagging more than 3 users in a post/comment means none get an alert. Canned pork-meat product or something. ymmv

It is way past time to bury r/politics and just avoid the place. I know that I have been guilty of going there to collect downvotes but no more. Let the shills shill to themselves.

I am not even a Trump supporter but I sure despise Hillary.

Someone is shadowbanned.

I still check it out everyday. It used to be the first 3 or 4 top posts were informative. Now it reads like a script.

CTR is running a spampaign and winning with the help of reddit.

They're only 'winning' in that one shithole.

They're paid shills, they don't venture outside their new trump-hate-hug-box, /r/politics.

Watch what happens when one of them ventures outside. They get downvoted and ignored so goddamn fast because their views are so outside the realm of common fucking sense that nobody can stand them.

I saw like eight posts at the top of /r/politics yesterday WHINING that Trump was going to jail the lawyers who protected Clinton, and how he was a fascist dictator ALREADY for even mentioning doing such an awful thing.

"And her law firm, which is a very big and powerful law firm, which is the one that said, 'Oh, they'll determine what they're giving,' those representatives within that law firm that did that, have to go to jail," Trump said.

Nobody with more than a handful of brain cells left could possibly believe that he was threatening the entire law firm with jail if he gets elected. But that's the ONLY thing that /r/politics would say.

But try and say that he was trying to jail the entire firm outside of that fucking shithole hugbox, and see how long your comment is visible for.

The rest of reddit is relatively shill-free, so far, so that kind of wanton fucking stupidity is not accepted.

That first parts wrong. They go into other subs all the time. They're in all the state subs (like local politics subs) and show up any time something about the presidential race comes up.

Theyre also in almost all the default subs.

They're also in other leftist subreddits in force, such as /r/socialism, /r/lostgeneration, etc.

I'm not a Trump supporter and think he's a piece of shit. Think Shillary is a piece of shit too.

I'm just about to stop coming to reddit for good.

Same situation. Im a socialist and I get called a Trump supporter all the time.

Yeah, I'm kind of tired being told I have to prevent fascism by voting for Clinton.

The bitch is a fascist. The podesta emails and then the likelihood that Clinton has had Assange silenced (or assassinated) is all the evidence you need.

It's incredible. Some of that stuff reads like campaign statements with really forced Reddit humor. I read one the other day and was going to post it here, but there's nothing we can do but stay woke, homie.

I have been on the internet since 96 and have never seen anything like this. What a disgrace.

When George Orwell wrote 1984, he was clearly talking about Hillary Clinton.

Holy shit nice meme.

Look at

These are the posts that CTR stops from seeing the light of day.

Haha two of my posts are there!

Holy shit it's all pro-Trump what's being downvoted down the drain.

Never knew this site is this corrupt. Gross.

Woooooow. Most are from /r/politics.

It's pretty obvious that sub is bought and paid for. I just posted there for the first time just to tell the mods to suck my dick.

its way past time to just bury reddit. this isn't just a problem limited to a few subreddits.

Reddit could be another digg or fark.

reddit was another digg about 2 or 3 years ago, reddit is bigger and a real replacement hasn't popped up. isn't too bad but it doesn't have enough content to be self sustaining yet.

It will sooner or later.

Honestly, a website with token voting like /. would be a lot better. Over there, they only allow a handful of people to vote on comments at a given time. So long as you are contributing to dicussions somewhat regularly, you'll get a number of voting tokens where you can vote comments up or down.

An example could be:

  • Day 1: contribute to several discussions
  • Day 2: contribute to more discussions
  • Day 3: receive 5 automatic voting voting tokens to use however you want

Also, another nice aspect is that if you have vote tokens, you can't both vote on a comment and respond in text. Due to this, they are called "mod points" where everyone is occasionally a moderator.

Since I unsubscribed from that sub I started to realize that it's not common to have everything you say down voted into oblivion. Reddit will eventually go the way of digg

I only started goimg there after it became a shill party lol, love the drama. And love watching every post that's not pro hillary (even neutral posts) to 13% within a few seconds

yeah the thing is /r/politics has always been bad. it's like a bunch of kids playing Magic the Gathering, and discussing their MtG card fights and collections, as if it's a real thing, not a game, and as if their favorite card matters and is somehow 'in a fight with other cards'. It improved during the primaries when people were posting about real issues, then it was completely taken over by HRC PR people, who are all on new accounts.

it's always been a bunch of people living in make-believe land and posting about shit that doesn't matter at all. now it's just suddenly a PR outlet for the DNC.

I'm fine with r/politics. It just needs to be renamed to r/the_hillary

Haven't been there since last election except when following a link from here.

The rampant corruption all around is sickening. Can we really hope for no better?

There is always hope.

Sometimes you just have to manufacture your own since they'll election fraud out the one guy who actually seemed genuine and not corrupt.

Or, accept that the world is not perfect and do what you can to help those around you.

No there isn't. Doom. Gloom. Gopher vs toad amidst whiney bitches.


You're naive if you think the admins aren't in on these shenanigans.

There was a post in /r/the_donald directly from the mods telling the community that reddit admins told TDmods to filter/automoderate all posts and comments that referred to the politics subreddit. Really sickening

They forced r/the_donald to setup an automod preventing direct links to r/politics accusing us of brigading.. Which is nonsense. ETS, SRS and Politics are actually organizing brigading against the_donald and others like it via their CTR paid shills. Its really fucking sickening. Politics was always skewed to the left, but a conservative could at least make a point now and then and be heard. Articles i'd post would get 30-40 Karma and get burried. They don't even try to hide their bias now. They find an excuse to delete dissenting opinion immediately. Comments that go against the narrative are instantly -15, -20 and buried. They organize the CTR to squash any unapproved line of thinking. Its zero fun for a conservative/libertarian to be there, but i bet its even lost its appeal to thinking liberals who want to get the news. When 100% of the posts are anti-trump or pro-hillary, there's no other topics covered anymore.


pulls shirt off

Whaddya wann do huh? Whaddya wanna do?

You are in the right place. Welcome to the "New" America.

wanna fight about it?

Rule 6.

Seriously, how shocked are we? I'm not one bit surprised by this. I'm not subbed to /r/politics, but damn do I hear about it every-fucking-where I go on reddit.

I wonder if this will wakeup people in /r/conspiracy.

Look who the ENTIRE MACHINE is trying to silence. Look who they're attacking at absolutely every level of society.

The elite is scared.

Thanks, 'scribed!

On Reddit lol. If they can't stay away I don't know why they think the majority of users (who I doubt care about politics on Reddit) will.

To me this sounds like the Admins have been compromised! you think this all still ties to the "Antique Jetpack". This has been in play for a long time.

I do indeed.

Need a PodCast. Talk with GizaDog. :p

Oh goodness, I did an interview here a while back-


I've been using this site for six years now. At this point, the idea that Reddit is literally a wretched hive of Marxist scum and villainy, is something I take completely for granted. If I want to visit the other side of the aisle, that is what /pol/ is for, but if I want actually intelligent conversation in either case, then I'm plain out of luck.

Reddit is run by Leftists, for Leftists. This site is something which Joseph McCarthy would have been very glad that he didn't live to see. That has several implications; all of them negative.

a} Leftists don't debate. Ever. If you make a statement that they disagree with, they call it a hate crime, scream that you've hurt their feelings, and do everything in their power to both ensure that said statement never sees the light of day, and also destroy you both socially and personally. Leftists are not capable of rhetoric, and they therefore detest the concept of freedom of expression, because they know that they do not have the ability to win a legitimate argument. That is the entire purpose of the voting system on this site; to ensure that Leftists are never required to logically support their opinions.

b} Yes, this site is going to be a completely uncritical bastion of support for Hillary. I don't like that myself, or excuse it, but you're just going to have to suck it up and deal. Remember, Leftists don't do logic. They do not rationally assess the merit of ideas; they emotionally assess whether or not a person is worthy of inclusion within the Hive, on the basis of whether or not said person expresses gateway-approved opinions, and perceived loyalty, which is primarily defined by said agreement. If Hillary does that in public, then it doesn't matter how much of a corrupt, raving psychopath the rest of us might know her to be. As long as Hillary expresses certainty in evolutionary theory, and support for Black Lives Matter, then they will unquestioningly support her to the hilt.

c} Leftists believe that the ends justify the means. If Hillary is their candidate, then literally anything that gets her the Presidency is considered justifiable. Vote rigging, the stunt that was pulled with the Star Trek production community, bribery, corruption of the media, you name it. It's all on the table. Leftists do not believe in consistent ethics, because rules are tools of the oppressors, and the oppressors are merely to be destroyed. Privelege is only called such, when it applies to a group that Leftists disapprove of. If their in-group does the same thing, then they will claim that their past oppression justifies it.

I don't condone any of this, and I don't want you to make the mistake of thinking that I do. In six years, however, I have been through every negative emotion regarding this site that you can think of. I've experienced disgust, contempt, rage, despair, depression, misanthropy; you name it. At this point I'm starting to become numb. The main reason why I'm becoming desensitised to it, is because if there is one thing I've realised, it is that Leftists will insist on their shit. They crave it. You can point out logical inconsistencies and complete ethical abandonment to them as much as you like; they don't care. They demand their degeneracy, and they are going to have it no matter what. They do not recognise that they have a problem, and they do not want help to overcome it.

All they want is for you to either agree with them, or shut up.

yeah that's alright except that it's not "leftists" that it all applies to and you're stupid if you think any of that is specific to "leftists", that's how most people are, and "leftists vs. rightists" is a completely irrelevant way to describe people and a completely fake way to think about politics. it means nothing and has no bearing on reality. The people on "the right" are more guilty than anyone else of all of that, but seeing as both left and right are the same, it doesn't really matter.

there are people who are falling for and participating in obvious scams for personal profit, and people who aren't. both Clinton II vs. her own donor and long-time family friend, WWE Raw actor Donald Trump are scams. Just like it was a scam when Bush II "ran against" his own frat brother and fellow Bonesman, Al Gore. It's a scam. When an impeached president's wife is set up to run against her husband's billionaire donor and golfing buddy, there's a big problem, and it has nothing to do with "left or right", it has to do with the masses being stupid and complacent and falling for obvious scams while thinking they're being intelligent by debating "left vs. right".

It's like in Russia if Putin's wife was set up to "run against" Putin's billionaire campaign donor and golf buddy. That's not "left vs. right", it's a scam of rich vs. poor with a mafia of oligarchs legitimizing their rule by installing "candidates" via "democratic elections" who will play ball. That's it. There is no left or right. There are people who are fooled by scams and people who aren't.

Talking about "leftists" or left vs. right is completely meaningless in the world you live in today. It's a scam to keep you divided from everyone else and keep you distracted from obvious political realities that have nothing to do with "left vs. right".


facepalm, good luck with your pretend divisions and fake competitions that serve to do nothing but divide and conquer you and all the other people who aren't in the control mafia, and PS, clinton II vs. her donor and family friend trump is a perfect example of how absolutely fake "left vs. right" is, just like Bush II vs. his own frat brother Gore. It's a fake competition, like football, to distract you from the actual political realities facing your country and people, who you don't want to be united with, because [fake reason here].

left vs. right is a completely fake argument that you've fallen for and now focus your attention on, because you want to feel like you're somehow in the 'better team', but really you're all on the same team, the team being fucked over by the mafia that has seized power (who, by the way, are most certainly NOT "leftists", and only idiots would think they are). left vs. right is a fake conflict used to make poor people fight among themselves.

Point A here is one of the truest things I've ever read. As someone who has been on the receiving end of this time and again, it is EXHAUSTING to deal with.

You also got downvoted to -1 for expressing this opinion, as well; yet they still insist to me that I'm wrong.

The entire website pushes an agenda.

I feel bad for people who still read default subs.

Reddit is basically just an extension of news media. Completely useless

Politics is not a default

It was for a long time, and when it was removed from default, lots of people were still subscribed because of it.

upliftingnews pushing propaganda.

oldschoolcool pushing pro-war "look how great my father/grandfather was in vietnam/ww2/etc" propaganda.

It's unbelievable how much reddit has changed.

It's cause the dumb SJWs of the media elite now control reddit. It is an agenda driven worthless website now that pretty much serves propaganda and ads.

Interesting. A well written and documented post with 14 comments, yet not a single upvote. How the postit is a victim of the same thing it attemptsto expose.

SubredditDrama is trying to say us and T_D are idiots for believing anything is wrong with r politics

Fuck all mods.

Kinda feels like the Donald has infected this sub.

This, uncensorednews, undelete, basically anywhere they can clutch on to anti Hillary or anti r-politics sentiment

facts infected it

If you can't see that the entire political machine and elite establishment is levied against one side and one side only you're blind.

This is the largest confirmed actively ongoing conspiracy. It absolutely has a place here.

"We'll plant the story with some friendlies at the AP"

-Absolutely disgusting

Im aware of that, i still refuse to support a buisnessmen, if those were who brought us into this situation in the first place, one with questionable morals no less.

America is doomed if people seriously consider obeying either of them.

i still refuse to support a buisnessmen,

So you're retarded.

You can not support him while still calling out this bullshit.


This is why I keep asking y'all conspirators to jump onboard the steemship at

We're free, because the blockchain cannot lie.

This is a war.

No matter who you support this should be stopped now! This is the path to fascism!! and it should scare you...

Protect the bastion of unmoderated, uncensored, and unmanipulated free speech that is /r/The_Donald!

The Donald is not a Republican subreddit. It is a joke subreddit. Anyone who takes it seriously is an idiot.

Posts there can go "certified dank" it is a joke.

What are you, retarded? Brigading has always been against the rules. Linking to another sub and telling people to mass down vote is brigading. Don't act like you're being victimized just because you forgot that rules exist.

Don't act like you're being victimized just because you forgot that rules exist.

Are referring to a specific example of brigading? Or are you referring to OP?

I'm referring to OP acting like his political views are being marginalized, when in reality, r/The_Donald is notorious for brigading.

I'm not saying they never brigaded, not a trump fan myself, but this new rule is incredibly ambiguous. By simply mentioning a particular sub, you are considered to be "brigading?"

If you enforce that rule to both subs with the same exact interpretation it would get so much hate for being an abusive rule from both sides. That's the beauty of enforcing rules equally in not only the judicial system, but sports, school, events in general.

Non biased rules mean they apply to everyone equally. This rule is basically saying "all of this particular group of people are guilty of xyz." "All cops are murderers", etc. When in reality we know not all cops are bad. There needs to be the same interpretation of that rule enforced across the entire site. Once everyone realizes how easily it can be abused, then it will have to be narrowed to something a little more specific like: actually calling for a brigade straight up. Simply mentioning the sub in passing should not be cause for a ban.

Honestly that's a pretty fair point. Thank you for your view.

boo! Censorship!!! defcon 3 people, we gotta mobilize before the elite wipe us out!! we're already late! now is the time!!!!

R-POLITICS is the biggest brigade around! the Corrupt the Record brigade!

This sort of post could easily be on The_Donald (well, used to), here, or KotakuInAction.

They are trying way too hard - should be obvious to anyone now that there is something goofy going on with that sub. the way they are protected by admin makes it even goofier

Only a complete idiot looking for validation of their ideas would visit /r/politics at this point. There's not a single free thinking admin at Reddit as a whole, so none of this surprises me at all. The best course of action is to simply unsubscribe. Eventually the users that aren't completely brainwashed will notice the trend of tyranny on the subreddit and leave as well.

Any discussion that gets too real on Reddit these days is removed, those in power know we're already way too informed as it is. The truth is that Reddit stopped being a place to freely share ideas long ago. It's too popular with target demographics now to let non-globalist ideas propagate.

Oh the comment s in this thread reminded me why I unsubscribed this sub in the first place.

Don't get me wrong OP, your post is informative, but the sheer amount of circlejerk and ignorance on the comments... Feels almost as bad as in r/politics

"In the case of /r/politics there has never been any proof of wrongdoing."

Is he actually trying to sound like a guilty weasel?


Sorry, this will be considered a call for brigading by the admins and I have to remove your comment. My apologies.


/r/politics has been in total propaganda mode since Bernie was cheated in the DNC race and dropped out. Its so blatant its insane. They havnt discussed A SINGLE wikileaks emails despite the fact that before Bernie dropped out the sub wanted them badly. Look at the top 20 posts, every single one is anti trump its disgusting

Their next targets: /r/conspiracy, /r/dncleaks

Like I posted yesterday guys, its over. Its been nice, but this place is fucking done being a place to share information.

Has anyone interviewed the CEO of reddit Steve Huffman about this? I would be interested to see what he has to say. Or maybe some hacked emails of his would do.


Oh come off it, The_Donald ban any user who submits links that don't support Trump. What a bunch of hypocrites you are!

Why go there and support it. Let them have a big Clinton love fest. It's a free country for them to do as they please. Just go about doing your thing elsewhere.

It sure costs hella money to be "free"

reddit's most notoriously manipulated subreddit

Are you talking about politics or the_donald?



Note you're not comparing /r/hillaryclinton

Both TD and HC are pro-their-candidate. Politics is supposed to be neutral.

Why would I bring up that subreddit when it wasn't part of the original quote? It looks like there really is nothing in the entire world that Trump supporters like to do more than wave away problems with the Trump campaign by asking "what about Hillary Clinton?"

Beyond that, we're not talking about bias. We're talking about manipulation and I don't recall r/HillaryClinton having anywhere near the same level of mod drama as r/The_Donald. If there was anything even remotely approaching the level of the ciswhitemaelstrom shitstorm over there, please let me know.

Because this is how the conversation goes:

-/r/politics censors!

-Well /r/the_donald does too!!!

-No shit, one is a sub FOR a candidate, one is supposed to be neutral not /r/secretlyForHillary

This happens again, and AGAIN, and again again again.

It's god damn sickening how you can't talk about /r/poltics issues without some mong trying to compare /r/the_donald

It's obvious why the two aren't comparable, that is... unless you're paid to think otherwise.

Who said anything about censorship? Manipulation can involve other things, like literally selling and buying subreddits.

It's also pretty telling how you can't go two posts without throwing out shill accusations.

It's also pretty telling

You're an idiot.

There, saved us all some time.

Well I was trying to be polite, but yes, you are.

Not to attack /r/the_donald but I say the Admins need to ban it to unleash digital hell on this website. Just imagine that shit storm from not only Trump supporters, but by other reddit users,and by people not from the website.

Heaven forbid 229,000 trump supporter going to 8ch,the server wouldn't be able to support that amount of traffic.

Actually thinking about it that kind of proves that the admins are anything but biased... Given their previous criteria for banning certain subreddits like fatpeoplehate, The_Donald has already given them enough to ban it if they wanted to. The fact that they haven't kinda proves that the admins are willing to accept their political views even if there is a lot of other things going on in that crapshoot of a sub.

They're willing to accept the ad revenue that all of their traffic brings

I'm banned from the Donald, they're just as corrupt as politics sub, no surprise. true conservatives as mods would have resigned rather than follow reddit's orders on this.

Same. I got banned because I posted a link to the guardian article about the sexual assault allegations. I thought they were quite pertinent to the sub but apparently only good publicity is allowed over there.

instead of censorship they should discuss it, what if guardian's site lies, let's discuss that. censorship makes it look like it must be true.

That's my view. Plus it's clear they didn't read anything beyond the headlines because the article actually supports Trumps case & does point out that it's telling the accusations cropped up at this particular time. It's not "pro Trump" but it is objective (for a guardian left wing article at least). The reaction made me think he was more likely guilty than not.

guilty or not censoring won't get us to the bottom of it

it's like when John Edwards was cheating on his wife, only National Enquirer reported on it making most assume they lied. Wrong assumption.

Yeah but the guardian are not exactly national enquirer level. They at least try to have sources that are more accurate than Trumps campaign promises... "Build a wall & make mexico pay for it" - erm mexico just said "no" just FYI Mr Trump.

true so even worse. not that I trust either 100%. But censoring stuff makes me wonder why. If it's false ok but explain to me why and how don't just immediately censor.

Yeah a lack of coherent response doesn't help Trumps case.

that "the Donald" sub is run by CTR shill mods. Who knows as to why. Donald himself has no connection to it.

I think it's just bots from what I've seen of it. I've never figured any of the reddit subs to be affiliated with their politicians of choice, it's very very far from the right forum for the subject. Reddit should stick to the circlejirk, it's what we're best at.

from subreddit cancer I saw where some of the Donald mods got caught trying to use to with that Milo guy to spam it with some money making scheme. I think they're at least a few actual human non bots they're just greedy aholes not people that care about Donald or his politics.

Reddit could be another digg or fark.

Honestly, a website with token voting like /. would be a lot better. Over there, they only allow a handful of people to vote on comments at a given time. So long as you are contributing to dicussions somewhat regularly, you'll get a number of voting tokens where you can vote comments up or down.

An example could be:

  • Day 1: contribute to several discussions
  • Day 2: contribute to more discussions
  • Day 3: receive 5 automatic voting voting tokens to use however you want

Also, another nice aspect is that if you have vote tokens, you can't both vote on a comment and respond in text. Due to this, they are called "mod points" where everyone is occasionally a moderator.

I'm referring to OP acting like his political views are being marginalized, when in reality, r/The_Donald is notorious for brigading.

I think it's just bots from what I've seen of it. I've never figured any of the reddit subs to be affiliated with their politicians of choice, it's very very far from the right forum for the subject. Reddit should stick to the circlejirk, it's what we're best at.